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Das Buch Henoch

by A. G. Hoffman

An ancient Jewish religious work, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, although modern scholars estimate the older sections (mainly in the Book of the Watchers) to date from about 300 BC, and the latest part (Book of Parables) probably to the first century BC.

Das Leben der Hochgräfin Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns (Classics To Go)

by Gisela Von Arnim

Hochgräfin Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns ist die Pippi Langstrumpf unter den Heldinnen der Romantik: ein kleines Mädchen, das respektlos und mit heiterem Eigensinn alle Grenzen ignoriert, die Erwachsene ihr und ihren Geschlechtsgenossinnen setzen wollen. "Das eigene Licht niemals unter den Scheffel stellen!" lautet das selbstbewusste Motto ihrer außergewöhnlichen Robinsonade, die sie durch die halbe Welt und am Ende auf den Thron führt.

Das Märchen von dem Myrtenfräulein

by Clemens Brentano

Synopsis not available

Die drei Nuesse

by Clemens Brentano


Die Fälschung des Realismus

by Norbert Hermann Hinterberger

Die Geschwister: Ein Schauspiel in einem Akt

by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Wilhelm loved the Charlotte widow. Shortly before her death, Charlotte confided her beloved daughter Marianne. William falls in love with the young girl, the image of the deceased, but speaks to anyone about his feelings. Marianne holds Wilhelm for her brother and a future can not imagine without him. Fabrice, a good business friend William, also believes in the myth of the two brothers and makes Marianne court.

Die Leiden des jungen Werther -- Band 1

by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Most of The Sorrows of Young Werther is presented as a collection of letters written by Werther, a young artist of a sensitive and passionate temperament, to his friend Wilhelm. These give an intimate account of his stay in the fictional village of Wahlheim (based on Garbenheim, near Wetzlar),[citation needed] whose peasants have enchanted him with their simple ways. There he meets Charlotte, a beautiful young girl who takes care of her siblings after the death of their mother. Werther falls in love with Charlotte despite knowing beforehand that she is engaged to a man named Albert eleven years her senior.[3]

Die Leiden des jungen Werther -- Band 2

by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Most of The Sorrows of Young Werther is presented as a collection of letters written by Werther, a young artist of a sensitive and passionate temperament, to his friend Wilhelm. These give an intimate account of his stay in the fictional village of Wahlheim (based on Garbenheim, near Wetzlar),[citation needed] whose peasants have enchanted him with their simple ways. There he meets Charlotte, a beautiful young girl who takes care of her siblings after the death of their mother. Werther falls in love with Charlotte despite knowing beforehand that she is engaged to a man named Albert eleven years her senior.[3]

Die mehreren Wehmüller und ungarischen Nationalgesichter

by Clemens Brentano

The traveling painter Wehmüller invented the art of Schnellporträtierens. He paints the people before he sees them. Clemens Brentano has a firework in his first published in 1817 narrative - sparked joke - knowledge-creating. Motifs and storylines are funny and profoundly interwoven. illustrate the drawings by Karl-Georg Hirsch and densify the bizarre and grotesque scenes of the narrative; Hans Magnus Enzensberger described the contemporary historical and philosophical background of this satirical piece Cabinet.

Die Versuchung des Pescara

by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer

"Die Versuchung des Pescara" ist eine Novelle von C.F. Meyer. Sie wurde 1887 veröffentlicht und gilt als eines seiner bedeutendsten Werke. Die Erzählung spielt im Italien des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts. In dieser Zeit ist Italien politisch in Stadtstaaten und diverse Fürstentümer im Norden, den Kirchenstaat im Zentrum und das spanisch beherrschte Neapel im Süden zersplittert. Aufgrund des relativen Reichtums der italienischen Stadtstaaten kam es immer wieder zu Krieg über den Besitz Nord- und Süditaliens, mit häufig wechselnden Allianzen, die Verrat zu einem Merkmal der Epoche machen...(Auszug aus Wikipedia)

Die Wahlverwandtschaften

by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Elective Affinities is a novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe from the year 1809 . It describes the history of living in a secluded togetherness couple Charlotte and Eduard whose marriage is falling apart due to the addition of two other figures. How to speak in a chemical reaction out both spouses a strong, each also said, new attraction: the rational emphasized Charlotte to the sensible-energetic Captain Otto; the impulsive and passionate Eduard to the adolescent, charming quiet manner Ottilie. The conflict between passion and reason leads to chaos and ultimately to a tragic end.


by Hugo Ball


Gleichungen, Umformungen, Terme

by Thomas Rießinger

Hans Huckebein

by Wilhelm Busch


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