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by Harikrishna Premi

Aahuti is a historical play. Cultural and national unity comes naturally to this play and it is very simple to be staged. The king of Ranthamborgarh, Hammirsingh Chauhan, gives shelter to one enemy of Allauddin Khilji and loses everything by this.

Badi Didi

by Sri Sarachchandra Chatodpadhya

Badi Didi is a story of one person who had everything from vigor to intellect to trust but he wasn’t able to do any work individually. He needed one person each and every time to give him inspiration, so he depended on his stepmother but later on he was impressed upon by the elder sister.

Natyakala Mimansha

by Govind Das

This book is useful for the writers of Hindi plays. Govind Das tells the readers to be aware of the issues which have to be kept in mind while writing a play.

Aai Mere Man

by Chandra Datt

The collection of poems written by Narendra Bhanawat have been composed when he was little. Whenever he got up in the night and found time, he would write whatever came into his mind. The poems have been dedicated to his family members and are related to his illness.


by Premchand

Gaban is a novel about the love of ornaments and its bad consequences. In Gaban, Premchand captures the spirit of the times without going into the details of political struggle. The depiction of Jalpas reincarnation as a new and changed character makes this novel one of the best in Indian Literature.


by Premchand

Godan is regarded as one of the greatest Hindi novel of modern Indian literature. Themed around the socioeconomic deprivation as well as the exploitation of the poor village, the novel was the last complete novel of Premchand. The protagonist, Hori, a poor peasant, desperately longs for a cow, a symbol of wealth and prestige in rural India. In a Faustian twist of fate, Hori gets his cow, but ends by paying for it with his life. After his death, the village priests demand a cow from his widow to bring his soul absolution, and peace (Godaan). The narrative can be said to represent the existence of the average Indian farmer under colonial rule, with the protagonist facing cultural and feudal exploitation.

Godan: गोदान

by Premchand

मुंशी प्रेमचंद ने जो कुछ भी लिखा है, वह आम आदमी की व्यथा कथा है, चाहे वह ग्रामीण हो या शहरी। गांवों की अव्यवस्था, किसान की तड़प, ग्रामीण समाज की विसंगतियां, अंधविश्वास, उत्पीड़न और पीड़ा की सच्ची तस्वीर प्रस्तुत करता है - गोदान। मुंशी प्रेमचंद की चिर-परिचित शैली का जीता-जागता उदाहरण है गोदान, जो जमीन से जुड़ी हकीकतों को बेनकाब करता है। विश्व की सर्वाधिक भाषाओं में अनुवाद होकर बिकने का गौरव केवल गोदान को ही प्राप्त है। ‘गोदान’ का सर्वाधिक प्रमाणिक संस्करण एक संपूर्ण उपन्यास।


by Premchand

An uncompleted work of Premchand, Mangalsutra. A progressive story indicating a clear picture of development in his age. Mangalsutra, a necklace for the bride, is worn in India and the story till the uncompleted end revolves around the lady protagonist.


by Jayshankar Prasad

Kamayani looks at the Chayawaadi school of Hindi poetry. It plays continuously with the human emotions and takes metaphors from mythologies. The chapters even are named after the emotions. The plot is based on the Vedic story where Manu, the man surviving after the deluge (Pralaya), is emotionless (Bhavanasunya). Anyone having interest in Hindi poetry must read it.

The Mysterious Affair at Styels

by Agatha Christie

This is the Agatha Christie book that started it with the sublime introduction of her master sleuth, Hercule Poirot and his now legendary powers of detection.n Who poisoned the wealthy Emily Inglethorp and how did the murderer penetrate and escape from her locked bedroom? Suspects abound in the quaint village of Styles St. Mary from the heiress's fawning new husband to her two stepsons, her volatile housekeeper and a pretty nurse who works in a hospital dispensary. Making his unforgettable debut, the brilliant Belgian detective is on the case.

Sparkling Saynaid

by Agatha Christie

A beautiful heiress is fatally poisoned in a West End restaurant Six people sit down to dinner at a table laid for seven. In front of the empty place is a sprig of rosemary in solemn memory of Rosemary Barton who died at the same table exactly one year previously. No one present on that fateful night would ever forget the woman's face, contorted beyond recognition or what they remembered about her astonishing life.

Aansu: आँसू

by Jaishankar Prasad

आँसू जयशंकर प्रसाद की एक विशिष्ट रचना है। इसका प्रथम संस्करण में साहित्य-सदन, चिरगाँव, झाँसी से प्रकाशित हुआ था। द्वितीय संस्करण 1933 ई. में भारती भण्डार, प्रयाग से प्रकाशित हुआ। रचनाकाल 'आँसू' का रचनाकाल लगभग 1923 - 24 ई. है। कहा जाता है पहले कवि का विचार इसे 'कामायनी' के अंतर्गत ही प्रस्तुत करने का था, किंतु अधिक गीतिमयता के कारण तथा प्रबन्ध काव्य के अधिक अनुरूप न होने के कारण उसने यह विचार त्याग दिया। संस्करणों में अंतर 'आँसू' के दोनों संस्करणों में पर्याप्त अंतर है। प्रथम संस्करण में केवल 126 छन्द थे। उसका स्वर अतिशय निराशापूर्ण था। उसे एक दु:खान्त रचना कहा जायगा। नवीन संस्करण में कवि ने कई संशोधन किये। छन्दों की संख्या 190 हो गयी और उसमें एक आशा-विश्वास का स्वर प्रतिपादित किया गया। कतिपय छन्दों की रूप रेखा में भी कवि ने परिवर्तन किया और छन्दों को इस क्रम से रखा गया कि उससे एक कथा का आभास मिल सके। कथा तत्व 'आँसू' एक श्रेष्ठ गीतसृष्टि है, जिसमें प्रसाद की व्यक्तिगत जीवनानुभूति का प्रकाशन हुआ है। अनेक प्रयत्नों के बावजूद इस काव्य की प्रेरणा के विषय में निश्चित रूप से कहना कठिन है, किंतु इतना निर्विवाद है कि इसके मूल में कोई प्रेम-कथा अवश्य है। 'आँसू' में प्रत्यक्ष रीति से कवि ने अपने प्रिय के समक्ष निवेदन किया है। कवि के व्यक्तित्व का जितना मार्मिक प्रकाशन इस काव्य में हुआ है उतना अन्यन्न नहीं दिखाई देता। अनेक स्थलों पर वेदना में डूबा हुआ कवि अपनी अनुभूति को उसके चरम ताप में अंकित करता है। काव्य के अंत में वेदना को एक चिंतन की भूमिका प्रदान की गयी है। इसे वियोग और पीड़ा का प्रसार कह सकते हैं। कवि के व्यक्तित्व की असाधारण विजय और क्षमता इसी अवसर पर प्रकट होती है।


by Premchand

Recognized as the foremost writer in both Hindi and Urdu during the early twentieth century Premchand in this novel depicts the truthfulness of Gandhian way of fighting the odds in life. Indeed a novel down to earth with many lessons to learn.


by Munshi Premchand

Nirmala a novel by Premchand is based on the background of pre-independence. It narrates the tragic story of a young and vulnerable girl, named Nirmala. Severly torn by poverty, parents of Nirmala could not afford to pay the amount of dowry and she was married to an elderly widower, who had sons of Nirmala`s age. The nature as well as the circumstances bring the step son of widower closer. But the old man gets to know of the affair before anything could happen. The young man dies and brings a lot of inconveniences to Nirmala. The novel deals about the life and activities of Nirmala. Nirmala as a protagonist and as a victim conveys a sensitive issue, which communicates a sense of tragedy rather than moral disapproval. In a sense we can say that with Nirmala we can see a feminist inclination of Indian writing


by Pandit Janardan Jha

Mukut is the Hindi translation of the Bangla version. It shows the result of enmity between brothers. This book can be read by people of all ages.


by Sharatchandra Chattopadhyay

A fascinating novel written by Sharatchandra which has enthralled millions of readers. The Novel tells the Love story of Devdas and Paro. The novell powerfully depicts the prevailing societal customs in Bengal in the early 1900s, which are largely responsible for preventing the happy ending of a genuine love story. This novel brings the classic tale of star-crossed lovers alive for a new generation of readers

Laxmi Bahu

by Srimati Gopaldevi

Laxmi Bahu is the Hindi translation work of the Bengali novel Lakhi Bau. It has been written for the womenfolk to follow the steps of Laxmi in the novel. There has been a little bit of change from the Bengali version to make its appeal universal in nature.


by Premchand

Premchand is standing up once again for the realistic pivot of the family. The inhumanity of caste hierarchies and the plight of women stirred his indignation and remained constant themes through his work. Another of his classics

Aankh ki kirkiri

by Rabindranath Tagore

Also known as Chokher Bali or Binodini this is a timeless tale of complex emotional relationships from an acknowledged master. It presents an extraordinary case of extramarital affair. What unfolds and spreads is beautiful. Definitely worth a read.


by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

A novel set in the period of the sanyasi revolt in the late 1700s, banned in the British government period. One of the very important novels in the history of Indian literature, from pre-Independence era. This is the book from where national song of India, Vande Mataram, came from.

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