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Chinu kashi badalli

by Meenakshi Sardesai

This is a story of Chinu. She was a very small girl and was stubborn. One day she went to her grandfather’s house there she meets many cousins and friends. She was reluctant to get along with other children. Her grandmother scolded her. She was confused with her behaviour towards her. She always kept herself alone and did not mix with other children. Her grandmother talks to Chinu about her mistake. She changes her attitude towards everybody. She accepts everybody and enjoys her holidays.

Chiranjiv Manus: चिरंजीव माणूस

by Narayan Desai

सर्व मराठी माणसांनी, नव्हे, सर्व भारतीयांनी वाचावे आणि त्यावर मनन करावे अशी जी काही महत्त्वाची पुस्तके जगात निर्माण झाली त्यात “Eternal Man” या पुस्तकाची गणना करावी लागेल. शेवटी माणसामधल्या माणूसकीची जपणूक केली पाहिजे हे सांगणारे जे तत्त्वज्ञान त्याचाच एका वेगळ्या पद्धतीने या पुस्तकात विचार झालेला आहे. एवगेनी बोगात यांच्या Eternal Man या पुस्तकाचा संक्षिप्त भावानुवाद श्री. नारायण देसाई यांनी केला आहे. माणसातील माणूस हा नेहमीच चिरंजीव असतो. तो अमर असतो, तो कधीच नाश पावत नाही हे या तत्त्वचिंतनाच्या मागील मुख्य सूत्र आहे. आणि या सूत्राचे माणासाला-मराठी माणसाला-आकलन झाले तर त्याच्यामधील निराशावाद नाहीसा झाल्यावाचून राहणार नाही.

Chitanisachi Karyapaddhati class 11 - Maharashtra Board: चिटणिसाची कार्यपद्धती इयत्ता अकरावी - महाराष्ट्र बोर्ड

by Maharashtra Rajya Pathyapustak Nirmiti Va Abhysakram Sanshodhan Mandal Pune

शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०१९-२०२० पासून इयत्ता ११ वी च्या पुनर्रचित अभ्यासक्रमानुसार तयार केलेले चिटणीसाची कार्यपद्धती हे पाठ्यपुस्तक आहे. वाणिज्य शाखेचा विद्यार्थी व्यवसाय, व्यवसाय संस्था, व्यवसायाचे व्यवस्थापन, अर्थशास्त्र, वित्तीय लेखाशास्त्र इत्यादी घटकांचा अभ्यास विविध विषयांमधून करत असतो. चिटणिसाची कार्यपद्धती हा यापैकीच एक विषय जो व्यवसाय संघटनांच्या सर्वांत प्रसिद्ध आणि मोठ्या घटकाशी निगडित आहे, तो संघटना प्रकार म्हणजे संयुक्त भांडवली संस्था. या विषयामध्ये विद्यार्थी फक्त संयुक्त भांडवली संस्था, तिचे कार्य, व्यवस्थापन इत्यादी बाबी शिकणार नसून त्याचबरोबर तो कंपनी चिटणिसाची भूमिका आणि महत्त्व, कायदेशीर बाबींचे अनुपालन करणारा अधिकारी आणि कंपनी चिटणिसाचे संप्रेषण कौशल्य इत्यादी गोष्टी शिकणार आहे.

Chitanisachi Karyapaddhati class 12 - Maharashtra Board: चिटणिसाची कार्यपद्धती इयत्ता बारावी - महाराष्ट्र बोर्ड

by Maharashtra Rajya Pathyapustak Nirmiti Va Abhysakram Sanshodhan Mandal Pune

शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२०-२१ पासून इयत्ता १२वी च्या पुनर्रचित अभ्यासक्रमानुसार तयार केलेले चिटणीसाची कार्यपद्धती हे पाठ्यपुस्तक आहे. इयत्ता १२ वीच्या अभ्यासक्रमात भाग, कर्ज रोखे, सार्वजनिक ठेवी इ. द्वारे कंपनी वित्तीय बाजारात करत असलेल्या भांडवल उभारणीच्या पद्धतींवर भर देण्यात आला आहे. भांडवलाच्या महत्त्वाच्या स्रोतांपैकी भाग, कर्जरोखे, सार्वजनिक ठेवी यासंबंधी प्रकरणांमध्ये भांडवल उभारणी संबंधी तरतुदी व कार्यपद्धतींचा समावेश आहे. या प्रकरणांनंतर सदर भांडवल पुरवणाऱ्या गुंतवणूकदारांशी पत्रव्यवहारसंबंधी प्रकरणांची रचना केली आहे. या विषयाचे घटक हे कंपनी कायदा २०१३ मधून मिळतात. कायद्यातील कायदेशीर व तांत्रिक बाबी विद्यार्थ्यांना सहज समजाव्यात यासाठी साध्या भाषेत मांडणी करून आवश्यक ती काळजी घेतली आहे. आवश्यक तेथे तक्ते व आकृत्यांचा उपयोग केला आहे. नवीन संज्ञेचा किंवा शब्दाचा अर्थ लगेचच चौकटीत स्पष्ट केला आहे. अध्ययनास उत्तेजन देण्यासाठी अधिकची माहिती आणि आवड निर्माण करण्याऱ्या कृती प्रकरणांमध्ये दिल्या आहेत. प्रत्येक प्रकरणाच्या शेवटी परिपूर्ण स्वाध्याय दिले आहेत.


by Ramesh Varkhede

This is a story of a family where mother and son had a liking for arts and the husband was interested in earning money. Govida his wife Satyavati and their son Chunnibabu. Chunnibabu always painted many things on the wall and erased it before his father returned home. One day his father sees what he is doing and decides to put him in a hostel. His mother instead takes him to Ranglal to look after him. Satyavati wanted her son to pursue his talent and not to run after money. The boy’s name was Daniel but he liked to be called as Sindbad. He always read about Sinbad. He dreams about it. He was staying away from his parents in a hostel. One day he runs away from his hostel and nobody knew where he is gone. He travels a far distance to arrive at a beach. He spends a long time on the beach with fishes and octopus. People had now given up the hope that he will return. They thought that he might have gone far away maybe America or somewhere else. He never returned. He did what he wanted to do.

Chiu Ni Kau

by Bha. M. Vaidya

This a story the crow and the bird. crow lost his home in heavy rainfall flood. bird has been welcome to crow at home. Bird had cooked food and the crow has been finished the food alone and the bird was angry on crow. bird taught him the lesson.

Chiv Chiv Tapp Tapp

by Lubiyana Bandukwala

This is a story of childrens excitement when raining outside.

Chor Sapadala

by Divakar Bapat

Sparrow, crow, and cat were friends. Sparrow decided to celebrate her birthday, but the cat eats the food quietly, to find out who ate the food they call the rabbit.

Chorache Hriday Parivartan

by Nirmala Sarada

In a city, there was a thief. One day he enters a house and finds a lamp burning, then he sees some gold pieces on the ground. After some time he sees more pieces. He keeps on collecting the gold. Before he could go out the sun rises. The thief sees a sage coming and he drops the bag of gold and hides behind a cupboard. The sage comes and picks the bag and sees all ash inside. The thief does not understand how it happened. He asks the sage about it. After listening to the truth, the thief repents and transforms into a good man.

Chorachi Saksha

by Mohan Raval

This is a story of a king where the daughter falls in love with a robber. The daughter defends the robber Nathulal and his daughter Srikala marries him. Instead of punishing them the king rewards them and gives them a good house to stay. The king sets an example in the kingdom by doing this. Vetal asks Vikram a question and Vikram answers it. Vetal again flies and hangs itself on the tree upside down.

Chorahati Jamdarkhana

by Purushottam Dhakras

This is a boy named Kirit and he was very famous for his bad deeds in his colony. He always made fun of other and had the habit of stealing things of others. His parents also supported him. One day he is attacked by the colony boys and he learns a lesson. He apologizes for his mistakes.

Chorala Kela Javai

by Mohan Raval

This is a story in which a princess falls in love with a robber. He was handsome and smart. The princess injures him on his hand but he escapes. Later she meets him one day and when he was about to be put in prison for his crime the princess support him in his cause. She tells the truth about the young man. The king gets them married. After this, the Vetal ends the story and asks Vikram one question. Vikram opens his mouth as usual and Vetal goes and hangs itself upside down.

Choriche Punya

by Mukesh Nadan

This is a story of Vir and his wife. Vir robbed one tenth of wealth from a robber’s hidden treasure and gave to his wife. His wife advised him to put this money into building good things for poor and building temples. When he dies he does not get salvation but wanders in the sky in the form of wind. since he had made all this good things on stolen wealth. His wife saves him from this curse by going into worship of God. Along with this all those people whose wealth was stolen also get salvation for providing money indirectly for the temples.

Chotyancha Parakram

by Prashant Gautam

Pintya, Bunty, Saily, and Jui were good friends. Their exams were about to get over and were told that this Diwali holidays they have to do some social work of a different nature and for good cause. And they will be given a prize for this. They decide not to burst crackers this Diwali so that there will be accidents and less pollution. Children enjoy reading books and socialize with each other giving compliments.

Chuk Kabul aahey

by Meenakshi Sardesai

This is a story of two brothers Chinu and Abhishek. They were fond of cars and always talked about it. They sat on the roadside to see them. One day they saw a dickey of a car open and sat into it. The driver unknowingly took them till a signal came and they alighted. All the people were worried about them that they would fall down. They get down and immediately get a rickshaw and return home. His mother and father are worried and go searching them. The policeman catches hold of the driver and punished. This boy’s mother scolds them for putting the innocent driver into a problem. So they go and apologize to the police through a letter.

Chuk Konachi

by Mohan Raval

Vetal tells another story to Vikram. In this story, a snake in charge of Amrut (immortality) is killed for the jewelry. The male cobra takes the revenge of the husband and kills him. Another magician was about to possess the Amrut. Lord Shiva comes and turns the man into ashes. Vetal ends the story and asks Vikram one question. Vikram opens his mouth as usual and Vetal goes and hangs itself upside down.

Chuk samajli na baal

by Meenaksi Sardesai

Rahul and Chinar were good friends. Their vacation had started and they went wandering around. One day they both climbed a mango tree and brought some raw mangoes. Chinar’s mother came to know about it and scolded him. She asked him to return the mangoes. Chinar goes crying to the watchman of the farm and returns the mangoes. The watchman was a good man and did not punish Chinar because he accepted his mistake and returned what he has robbed.

Chukat Kon Nahi Adhunik Yugatil Aruni

by Kumudini Ballal

Story of a small child from class four, obeyed his teacher and did the job sleeping in the field whole night restricting water from flowing further in marathi.

Chukat kon Nahi Ashi Asate Maitri

by Kumudini Ballal

Story of two friends had same name Ram, they also had similar features in marathi.

Chukat Kon Nahi Grahapatatil Anand

by Kumudini Ballal

Childrens First day in the school and the homework how they do it in marathi.

Chukat Koun nahi

by Kumundini Ballal

Chukat Koun nahi a story of a boy who's name was ramnath. His Parents was illiterate, but he was intelligent and well mannered. His father admits him in the new school in a city. everyone in school and hostel was happy with his performance. he got new friends, but soon he loses his interest from a study he gets involved with some spoiled friends. after that what happened read a story.


by Sau. Leela Shinde

Cinderella was hated by her step mother and sisters. She had to do all the domestic work. Cinderella was a very sinister girl. She never complained about her step mother and sister to the father. She never thought that she would marry to a Prince and becomes queen.

The Company of Women: द कंपनी ऑफ विमेन

by Khushwant Singh

‘सर्वसामान्य माणूस आनंदाच्या अनुभवाचा भुकेला असतो. कामवासनापूर्तीच्या अत्युच्च क्षणी या आनंदाचा त्याला, ओझरता का होईना, पण स्पर्श होतो. सर्वसामान्य माणसाला कामवासनपूर्तीतून मिळणाऱ्या आनंदाइतक्या सर्वोच्च आनंदाचा अनुभव अन्य कोणत्याही मार्गाने मिळत नसल्याने माणूस वारंवार त्या आनंदासाठी धडपडत असतो. संभोगात समर्पण तादात्म्य आणि, काही काळ का होईना, पण एक चिंतामुक्त, विचारशून्य अवस्था अनुभवता येते. या अनुभवाचा माणूस भुकेला असतो. कामवासनेकडे म्हणून तो वारंवार आकर्षित होतो. हा अनुभव देणारे माध्यम असणारी व्यक्ती मग त्याची सर्वाधिक प्रिय व्यक्ती ठरते. त्याचे प्रेम त्या व्यक्तीच्या ठिकाणी केंद्रित होते, त्याच्या भावविश्वावर त्या व्यक्तीचा अंमल चालू शकतो...’ चैतन्य प्रेम विविध जातींच्या, धर्मांच्या, वयाच्या स्त्रियांशी मुक्त शरीरसंबंध ठेवून त्यांच्या सहवासात अहोरात्र बुडलेल्या एका कामपिसाट उद्योगपतीचं हे बिनधास्त आत्मवृत्त आहे. खुशवंत सिंग या आंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्यातीच्या लेखकानं हे सारे उष्ण अनुभव आपल्या लेखणीच्या साहाय्यानं जिवंत केले आहेत. खुशवंत सिंग यांची ‘द कंपनी ऑफ विमेन’ ही गेल्या दहा वर्षांतली पहिली कादंबरी. यात शेवटपर्यंत प्रेम, काम आणि वासना यांचा रिझवणारा आविष्कार आहे. तो आविष्कार कसल्याही रूढ संकेतांना न जुमानणारा आहे. वाचकाला तो चेतवतो आणि शेवटपर्यंत उत्तेजित करतो.

Daan: दान

by Dada Bhagwan

दान का अर्थ होता है किसीको कुछ देना| यह दान पैसों के रूप में हो सकता है, खाने के रूप में या सिर्फ किसी को खुश करने हेतु हो सकता है| दान देने से हमें खुशी मिलती है क्योंकि हमें लगता है कि हमने कुछ अच्छा काम किया है| दान करने से बहुत सारे फायदे होते है| जिसका विस्तारित वर्णन दादाश्री ने अपनी किताब ‘दान’ में किया है|इस किताब में दादाजी हमें यह भी बताते है कि किसे दान दे,क्या दान करना चाहिए, दान कितने प्रकार के होते है,दान करने के क्या फायदे है इत्यादि| दान करने से हम सिर्फ सामने वाले की मदद नहीं कर रहे पर खुद भी बहुत सारी खुशियाँ पाते है|दान का महत्व हमारे जीवन में क्या है, यह अधिक जानने के लिए, यह किताब ज़रूर पढ़े|

Dadajincha Lal Diva

by Ramesh Varkhede

This is a story of Meenu. He is telling his grandson Toi about his own self. Many years before he had purchased a lantern. And then he started to do a wholesale business of lantern. After few years his lanterns were outdated and replaced by electric bulbs on the streets. But he has kept one lantern for him as a remembrance.

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