Browse Results

Showing 326 through 350 of 1,468 results

Dadalela Khajina

by Nirmala Sarada

There was a man who supplied water and earned his living. One day he got one gold coin and he hid it in the southern wall of the palace. One day during the day time the sun was very strong and the king saw this man singing and running. The king ordered the man to be brought in. The king questions the man’s intention for singing and running during the day when the sun is so hot. His answer got him half the kingdom as gift as well as the gold coin.

Daiva Deta Karma Neta

by Mohan Raval

Vasanti and Sharda were very good friends. Sharda had many conditions about the boy whom she was going to marry and she rejected many boys. One day a good friend’s family had proposed to her for their son. Sharda thought that these people are poor and presented Vasanti as bride. Later on Sharda regrets for doing it because she comes to know that the boys was rich and good in all matters. Vetal asks Vikram a question and Vikram opens his mouth and Vetal flies away.

Dakshin Afriket Sinhachi Shikar

by Vishal Tayde

This is a story of a hunter in Nairobi Africa. He had killed a lioness and had rescued two cubs male and female. The male dies of some sickness and the female he named Jill. One day he kills Jill also by mistake.

Dalit Sahitya Ek Aakalan TYBA Third Semester - RTMNU: दलित साहित्य: एक आकलन बी.ए. तृतीय वर्ष - राष्ट्रसंत तुकडोजी महाराज नागपूर विद्यापीठ

by Balkrushna Kavathekar

प्रस्तुत दलित साहित्य एक आकलन पुस्तक म्हणजे दलित साहित्याचा इतिहास नव्हे. विशिष्ट कालखंडात निर्माण झालेल्या सर्वच्या सर्व दलित साहित्यकृतींचा आढावा घेणे, हेही या पुस्तकाचे उद्दिष्ट नाही. दलित साहित्यिकांनी आणि साहित्यविशमर्शकांनी दलित साहित्यविषयी मांडलेल्या विविध भूमिकांचा परामर्श घेऊन त्याविषयी आपली भूमिका मांडणे आणि तिच्या अनुषंगाने प्रमुख दलित साहित्यिकांनी केलेल्या साहित्यनिर्मितीचा विचार करणे हे पुस्तकाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे. फार पूर्वीपासून दलित लेखक साहित्यनिर्मिती करीत आलेले असले तरी दलित साहित्य या संज्ञेचा वापर आणि दलित साहित्याची चळवळ यांची सुरुवात मात्र १९६० नंतरच झाली असे दिसते. डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या प्रेरणेने जागृत झालेल्या दलित आत्मभानाने केलेल्या लेखनातूनच दलित साहित्याच्या चळवळीचा प्रारंभ झाला. ज्यांच्या साहित्यनिर्मितीमुळे ही चळवळ सुरू झाली, प्रतिष्ठा पावली आणि या चळवळीमुळेच जे लेखनाला प्रवृत्त झाले. अशा काही लक्षणीय दलित साहित्यिकांच्या साहित्यनिर्मितीचाच विचार या पुस्तकात केला आहे.

Danshur Karna

by P. G. Sahasrabuddhe

Here the gods test Dharamraj and karna to find out who is more generous. Later it is found that Karna is more generous.

The Darker Side: द डार्कर साईड

by Cody McFadyen

अमेरिकेच्या भावी राष्ट्राध्यक्षांच्या मुलीचा (...की मुलाचा?) विमानात, तीस हजार फूट उंचीवर झालेला खून म्हणजे; हिंस्र मधमाशांच्या पोळ्यावर मारलेला दगडच ठरतो. एकामागोमाग एक खून उघडकीस येतात. खुनी माणूस जाहीररीत्या पूर्वसूचना देऊन खून करू लागतो. या खुन्याची शिकार करायला निघाली आहे; एफ. बी. आय. ची स्पेशल एजंट स्मोकी बॅरेट. भूतकाळाचं प्रचंड ओझं मनावर असलेली, एका हल्ल्यात पती व मुलीला गमावून बसलेली, बलात्कार झालेली आणि तरीही त्वेषाने खुन्याला पकडण्यासाठी सज्ज झालेली! कोण बाजी मारणार या अघोरी सामन्यात? क्षणाक्षणाला उत्कंठा वाढवणाऱ्या या कथासूत्रात गुरफटून जाण्यासाठी तयार व्हा! लीसा रीडच्या खुन्याचा तपास एजंट बॅरेटच्या हाताखाली चालू असतो, तोच रोझमेरीच्या खुनाची बातमी येते आणि समोर येते, एक काळीकुट्ट खुनांची मालिका…

Dasharupak Vidhan: दशरूपक-विधान

by Prof. R.P. Kangle

भरतमुनींच्या “नाट्यशास्त्र” या अभिजात संस्कृत ग्रंथातील नाटक व नाट्यशास्त्रविषयक अध्याय १८ व १९ चे प्रस्तुत भाषांतर अभिनवगुप्ताच्या “अभिनवभारती” टीकेसह प्रा. र. पं. कंगले, मुंबई यांनी मंडळास करून दिले आहे. नाट्याचे प्रकार, व्याख्या व रचना यासंबंधीचे विवेचन भरतमुनींनी केले आहे. “दशरूपनिरूपणम्‌” नामक अध्याय १८ मध्ये नाटक, प्रकरण वगैरे रूपकाच्या दहा प्रकारांचे वर्णन केले आहे. “इतिवृत्त नामक अध्याय १९ मध्ये कथानकाचा विचार केला आहे. कथानकाच्या अवस्था, अर्थप्रकृती, सन्धी, संघ्यंगे, संध्यंतरे, पताकास्थान इत्यादींचे विवेचन केले असून शेवटी नाटकात सर्वप्रकारच्या लोकस्वभावाचे दर्शन घडवावे असे सांगून नाटकाच्या रचनेविषयी काही सूचना केल्या आहेत. भरताच्या नाट्यशास्त्रात ज्या अनेक विषयांचे विवेचन आहे त्यांपैकी नाटक, प्रकरण आदी रूपकांचे प्राधान्य निर्विवाद आहे. कारण नटांच्या द्वारा रंगभूमीवर प्रस्तुत केले जाणारे जे नाट्य ते मुख्यत्वेकरून ह्या रूपकांच्या प्रयोगाशीच संबद्ध आहे. इतर बहुतेक विषय ह्या नाट्यप्रयोगाच्या संदर्भात अनुषंगाने आले आहेत. तेव्हा रूपकांच्या विवेचनाला ह्या ग्रंथात महत्त्वाचे स्थान असावे यात आश्चर्य नाही.

Dattak Putra

by Nirmala Sarada

King Vijayendra did not have a son. He was worried about what will happen to the kingdom after his death. He was advised to adopt a son. Many days passed but he could not find a suitable person. One day the king finds a poor man and he adopts him. The king was happy with him and after some days he hands over the kingdom and goes on a pilgrimage.


by M. Bha. Bhosale

Dulat is a story of a person who lived in a village and his name dulat.Dulat stayed at the old house of tatya because of river's flooded water get in the house.Tatya Deshmukh was a rich man in a village. tatya favor on him by providing shelter. he requests him to drop his children till station, but dulat refused to do since that day was the festival of bull that is pola. Tatya gets angry and leaves from there. suddenly he heard a news that Bali Chauhan, a person from village get hurt. He took him till station so he gets medication soon. But outside of the station, he saw tatya and his children coming toward the station and he realized that he can drop them too.


by M. Bha. Bhosale

Dulat is a story of a person who lived in a village and his name dulat.Dulat stayed at the old house of tatya because of river's flooded water get in the house.Tatya Deshmukh was a rich man in a village. tatya favor on him by providing shelter. he requests him to drop his children till station, but dulat refused to do since that day was the festival of bull that is pola. Tatya gets angry and leaves from there. suddenly he heard a news that Bali Chauhan, a person from village get hurt. He took him till station so he gets medication soon. But outside of the station, he saw tatya and his children coming toward the station and he realized that he can drop them too.

Dayalu Mulla

by Kalpana Kulkarni

Mulla had won a lot of money and was passing through a town. He finds many families who had taken a loan from Jaffer. They were all homeless and were about to be sold as slaves in the market. Mulla offers them help by paying off their debts. The people there praise him and were thankful for his gift and generosity.

Deception Point: डिसेप्शन पॉईंट

by Dan Brown

आर्क्टिकच्या बर्फमय भूमीत एक उल्का नॅसाला सापडली. विज्ञानातील त्या घटनेने नॅसाला संजीवनी मिळाली. अन् मग सुरू झाली एक घटनाशृंखला. अमेरिकेच्या राष्ट्राध्यक्षांनी गुप्त माहितीचे विश्लेषण करणाऱ्या रॅकेल सेक्स्टनला त्या स्थळी पाठवले आणि सुरू झाली एक स्फोटक मालिका. त्या उल्केबाबत अनेक वावड्या उठू लागल्या. एक वैज्ञानिक फसवणूक. जनतेची व राष्ट्राची. ३०० वर्षांपूर्वी पृथ्वीवर कोसळलेल्या उल्केच्या अधिकृतपणाचा मागोवा घेताना त्यात राजकारण आले, पाणबुडी आली, विमाने आली, हत्यासत्र सुरू झाले. तीन माणसे जीव वाचवण्यासाठी पळू लागली. सत्य उघडकीस आले तर? उघडकीस येऊ नये म्हणून आटोकाट प्रयत्न. दा विंची कोड व एंजल्स ॲण्ड डेमन्स यानंतर डॅन ब्राऊन लेखकाची या दोन्हीवर वरताण करणारी थरारक कादंबरी. अद्ययावत तंत्रज्ञान, राजकारण आणि वैज्ञानिक मागोवा यात ढवळून गेलेली अमेरिका. हा सारा चित्तवेधी प्रकार श्री. अशोक पाध्ये यांनी मराठीत आणला आहे.

Delhichya Shahajahancha Itihas: दिल्लीच्या शहाजहानचा इतिहास

by Shri. B.G. Kunte

श्री. ब. प्र. सक्सेना लिखित History of Shahajahan of Delhi चा मराठी अनुवाद आहे. हिंदुस्थानवर राज्य करणाऱ्या सर्व मोगल सम्राटात अतिशय रसिक, रंगेल आणि तितकाच कट्टर धर्माभिमानी म्हणून शहाजहानचा उल्लेख करावा लागेल. आपला बाप जहांगीर याच्या विरुद्ध त्याने अयशस्वी बंड केले. बंडखोरीचे वीष जणुकाही मुसलमान राज्यकर्त्यांच्या अंगी भिनले होते. हीच बंडखोरी औरंगजेबाने केली आणि आपल्या बापाला-शहाजहानला-जीवंतपणी नरकयातना भोगावयास लावल्या. शहाजहानचे चरित्र म्हणजे आनंद आणि शोक यांचा एक आविष्कार आहे. डॉ. सक्सेना यांनी आपल्या ग्रंथात हे चरित्र अष्टपैलूपणे सादर केले आहे.

Denaryache Hat Hajar

by Kanhaiyalal Mishra Prabhakar

Story of two different passengers having different nature, one was generous and other was strict but both were good.


by Ramesh Varkhede

Deniyal was staying in a hostel. He had read the stories of Sindbad. Since then he always dreams about the sea. One day Deniyal suddenly disappeared from the hostel. The hostel mates were alarmed and started searching for him. Deniyal traveled a long distance to a beach. During his journey, he had to go through a hard life but he was obsessed to sees the ocean. He reaches there and many days he takes the pleasure with fishes and octopus. The hostel mates were thinking that he might have traveled to a long distance maybe America. Deniyal never returned and where he went was a mystery.

Dev Chhe! Pargrahavaril Antaralveer!: देव? छे! परग्रहावरील अंतराळवीर!

by Bal Bhagavat

विसाव्या शतकाच्या सुरुवातीलाच मानवाचे हजारो वर्षे उराशी बाळगलेले स्वप्न साकार झाले आणि त्याने स्वच्छंदपणे आकाशात झेप घेतली. विमानोड्डाण ते अंतराळप्रवास या प्रगतीला साठ-पासष्ट वर्षेच पुरली. मधल्या काळात विनाशकारी अणूबॉम्ब आणि हायड्रोजन बॉम्ब यांचेही शोध लागले.आजच्या छोट्या मुलांनासुद्धा अंतराळवीरांचे चमकदार पोशाख, धूर आणि ज्वाळा सोडत उडणारे अग्निबाण आणि अंतराळयाने, प्रलयकारी अस्त्रांच्या वापराचे दुष्परिणाम या गोष्टी माहिती आहेत.पण ही सर्व प्रगती मानवाने जर प्रथमच केली असेल, तर जगातल्या सर्व प्राचीन धर्मग्रंथांमधले देव अशाच गोष्टी करत होते, असा उल्लेख कसा आला? खडकांत कोरलेली चित्रे, कालनिश्चिती करता येऊ न शकणाNया दंतकथा, लोककथा तशीच वर्णने कशी करतात.

Dev Tethechi Janava

by D. V. Joshi

Clouds in the sky hinder the mountains and the rain falls. Knowing this, Kruplana started the new practice of Govardhan Puja, without worshiping Indra. In order to teach Gokul residents a good lesson, Indra started continuously raining. Krishna helps and rescues all. Indra returns angry and gulps all the water from the clouds and makes everything dry. Now the people again pray to Govardhan and the rain falls. Indra is surprised, how can this happen? He humbles himself.

Devacha Dharma

by Mukesh Nadan

King Anandmitra’s wife dies and he gets married to another woman. The king had two very young sons. She took care of them until she bore a son. One day she asks the step sons to leave the kingdom so that she can get her son to the throne. But the son of the queen goes away with the other step-brother and stay away from the kingdom. One day the king dies. They all return and look after the kingdom happily.

Devadnya: देवाज्ञा

by Narayan Dharap

देवाज्ञा या शब्दाला एक लौकिक सांकेतिक अर्थ आहे; पण श्री. धारप त्याचा शब्दश: अर्थ घेतात आणि एक कथा रचतात. वातावरणनिर्मिती, तर्कशुद्धता आणि कार्यकारणभावाची भक्कम शृंखला - श्री. धारपांचे हे लेखनविशेष याही कादंबरीत आहेतच. वाचकाला आपला अविश्वास क्षणभर खुंटीला टांगून ठेवायला लावायची किमया केवळ धारपांनीच करावी. मृत्यूच्या कल्पनेभोवती भीतीचं एक विलक्षण वलय आहे आणि गूढताही आहे. मृत्यूचा दाहक स्पर्श क्षणमात्र झाला तर? ही मध्यवर्ती कल्पना या कादंबरीत आहे. तसेच कादंबरीचा शेवट झाला अशा समजुतीत वाचक असताना श्री. धारप कथानकाला अशी काही विलक्षण कलाटणी देतात की वाचक अवाक व्हावा!


by Shankar Karhade

There was a man named Sonopant. He was poor but in his name, there was a mention of gold. He prayed that he should find gold and he gets one idol of gold. He thinks about making it half. Half gold he will exchange for money and do some business. He gets a lot of money and he enjoys and spends all the money. Again he does the same thing. One day he exchanges the idol for silver and then for earthen. Now he becomes very poor and tells the idol that when you were of gold you gave me gold and when you were of silver you gave me silver. Now what will you give me a stone?

Dha Dha Dhagulya

by Anagha Hire

Story of Small cloud breez and tree, who were friends in marathi.

Dhadasi Mukund

by Raja Mangalavedhekar

Mukund shows his bravery and saves the child from ox in marathi.

Dhan Nashibatale

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is the story of Bhola and Chatursena. Bhola was poor but a good man and helped everybody in the village but Chatursena was his opposite nobody in the village liked him. One day Bhola finds a pot of gold coins in the field and he gives it to Chatursena. Chatursena sees snakes inside the pot and becomes angry. He throws it into the house of Bhola thinking that the snakes will bite Bhola and he will die. Bhola gets all the gold coins from the pot. He becomes rich.

Dhanachi Ub

by P. G. Sahasrabuddhe

There was a sage. He begged food and ate and the remaining food he put in a bag and hung it on a hanger. A rat always tried to eat this food, so the sage hit the rat and broke its limb. The sage decides to look for the hole of this rat. He finds a lot of wealth in this hole.


by D. V. Joshi

A journey to heaven. In this story, Yudhistir is accompanied by Draupadi, Bhim, Arjun and others, along with the dog. All the others fall down to the ground except Yudhistir and the dog. The dog is denied entry into the heaven, but Yudhistir says he will not enter without his dog. He explains his faithfulness.

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