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by Madhuri Shanbhag

This is a story of a small girl Anni. Early morning she sees a rays of sunlight entering her house. She speaks to it and ask her few questions.

Kavala Ani Sap

by Damodar Viththal Phaphe

this is the story of crow and snake. crow lives on a tree, snake eats crow eggs. crow made plan save his eggs from the snake and at end, snake died. how the crow saves eggs from the snake. read story.

Kavala Ni Bagala

by Bha. M. Vaidya

This a story of a crow and a stork. stork was the big liar. one day crow asked him how I would become white? stork was suggested him rub the soap over on body. At last, nothing happens crow got a pained.


by Liladhar Hegade

This is a story of a village where people from backward class had no fields and houses to stay. They were wandering from village to village and rob other people’s crops and make their leaving. One of the boys from this tribe educated himself and passed the tenth standard. He did not like the way they lived and so he told his parents about it but they were not happy. The government allotted this people land and houses so that they had everything of their own. The other villagers came and seeing the new settlement were very happy.

Kavale Kiti

by Shrimati Tara Chaudhari

The story of Birbal where his rivals were trying to trap him by asking a difficult question. Here he was asked," how many crows are there in this village?".

Kavaledadachi Shala

by L. G. Paranjape

Kavaledadachi Shala is the story of the school. School principal visiting every classroom. He sees teachers are doing their job very well.

Kavalyachi lek

by Anagha Hire

This a story of crow and his family. Crowe and his wife given a party on the occasion of kids birth. crows got a misunderstood with the cuckoo. crows became angry. read story what happens next.

Kavalyachi lek

by Anagha Hire

This a story of crow and his family. Crowe and his wife given a party on the occasion of kids birth. crows got a misunderstood with the cuckoo. crows became angry. read story what happens next.

Kavlyachi motar

by Purushottam Dhakras

A crow was eating the parasites on the back of a buffalo thinking himself siting on a motor. While eating, it had damages the skin and the buffalo had to suffer. The buffalo complained and asked the crow not to sit on its back. The crow was adamant and troubled the buffalo. The buffalo asked the other birds to sit on its back to get rid of the parasites but the crow would not allow. One day a kingfisher tells the buffalo to dip itself in the water so that the fishes will eat all the parasites. The crow now has no chance to sit on the back so it flies away.

Kawalyane Natlangana Bolawale

by Venkatramana Gowda

कावळ्याला ना कोकिळेचा आवाज, ना मोरासारखा सुंदर तुरा. पण त्याचा एक गुण, गोड आवाज आणि सौंदर्य यांपेक्षा सरस आहे. कोणता आहे तो गुण?

Kay Baran Ghalu Aaj?

by Natasha Sharma

कधी कधी काय घालावं ते अजिबात सुचत नाही. या गोष्टीतली छोटी मुलगी भरपूर कपडे घालून बघते. आणि शेवटी तिला तिच्या मनातला ड्रेस मिळतोच!

Keleech Kelee

by Rohini Nilekani

शृंगेरी श्रीनिवासच्या बागेतील गोड केळी कोणीही विकत घेत नव्हते. अशा वेळी त्याने त्या केळ्यांचे काय केलेे हे जाणून घेण्यासाठी ही छान गोष्ट वाचा.

Kevadhaa Haa Gongaat

by Rohini Nilekani

लांब केसांचा गमतीशीर शेतकरी श्रृंगेरी श्रीनिवास याला आपल्या गायी घेऊन महामार्गावरून जायचं असतं. रस्त्यावर खूपच गोंगाट असतो. यावर श्रृंगेरी श्रीनिवास नेहमीप्रमाणेच झकास उपाय शोधून काढतो.

Khadad Badashah

by Shrimati Tara Chaudhari

In this story, the king tries to make fun of Queen in front of Birbal, but Birbal understands the truth and justifies the queen.

Khadad Landaga

by Rajesh Lavalekar

One day while eating, a bone gets stuck in the mouth of a fox. A bird with a long beak called crane helps to remove the bone from his throat. The crane thinks of the reward for work. The fox replays in return, your beak came out safely from my mouth that itself is your real reward.

Khadaghast Ki Sanyast Khand 1: खड्‌गहस्त की सन्यस्त खंड १

by Shri. G.V. Vaidya

स्ताँदाल लिखित “Scarlet and Black” या पुस्तकाचा मराठी अनुवाद श्री. गो. वि. वैद्य यांनी केला आहे, तसेच साहित्य संस्कृती मंडळातर्फे तो प्रकाशित केला गेला आहे. “खड्‌गहस्त की सन्यस्त खंड 1” ह्या कादंबरी मध्ये स्ताँदालच्या विशिष्ट एकतानतेचे व नितांत शांतीचे क्षण आढळतात, तरी प्रारंभापासून अखेरीपर्यंत ती कादंबरी म्हणजे एक संघर्षकथाच आहे. गतिमान ताण-तणाव व नाट्यात्मकता हे तिचे स्थायीभाव आहेत. लेखकाने त्याच्या नायकाला कल्पनेने ज्या प्रसंग परिस्थितीत टाकले आहे ती खुद्द त्याच्यावर आली असता त्याने त्या नायकाच्याच जाणीवा संवेदना व्यक्त केल्या असत्या. कादंबरीतील अनेक प्रसंगांचे साम्य प्रत्यक्षात घडलेल्या प्रसंगांशी असले तरी कादंबरी म्हणजे काही स्ताँदालच्या अनुभूतीची निव्वळ लेखी नक्कल नव्हे; उलट त्याच्यातील कलाकाराने त्याच्या अनुभूतीचे चिकित्सक व काही वेळी आदर्शभूत स्वरूप दाखविले आहे.

Khadisakharecha Hira

by Tara Chaudhari

Once there was a skilled old man came to Birbal for help, this man shaped a perfect diamond out of a rock sugar. Birbal was liked it very much. According to his plan, He took him to the King and fetched Rs. 7000 as a cost of that diamond shaped out of rock crystal.

Khadivarcha hodiwala

by Meenakshi Sardesai

This is a story of Rehman. He was just twelve years old and helped his father to row the passenger boat. One day, while he was alone carrying some passengers there, was a leak in his boat and water started gushing inside the boat and the boat was sinking. But because of the presence of mind, he saved these people and himself. His teacher and the other people of the village felicitated him and they all decided to help him in his studies.

Khandula Jevha Samaj Yete

by Prashant Gautam

Bandu and Khandu were two friends but were opposite to each other by nature. Khandu had not many friends but Bandu was a very good boy and people fovoured him. One day their horses fought and Khandu tried to win the favour of the judges but Bandu won the case because of his good nature.

Khar Ani Khotyatil Antar

by Ravindra Kolhe

As usual, the king asked Birbal, what is the distance between right and wrong? Birbal answers only four fingers. He proves to the King that it is correct.

Khara Dagina

by Shivkumar Baijal

A king named Chakraven worked hard and make his living. Whatever tax came to his house he returned it for the welfare of the people. One day his wife demands jewelry. The king brings her jewelry from the tax of Ravana and gives her. But the queen realizes that her husband is the real jewelry and she returns the jewelry back to Ravana.

Khara Vijay

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of Sher Singh and Dayaram. Sher Singh was prideful and caused Dayaram a lot of loss. Dayaram kept on doing good to Sher Singh and changed the heart of Sher Singh. Sher Singh apologizes to Dayaram and they become friends.

Khare Bolanara Manus

by Shekhar Shiledar

Hatimtai managed to solve the mystery of three questions and now he goes in search of the fourth and the fifth question. While on the way he marries a beautiful angel by defeating her father who was a magician. Later he is asked to look for a pearl which is a shape and size of a ducks egg as a sixth question.

Khari Vidya

by Nanabhai Bhatt

Khari Vidya is the story about a student who was faithful and trustworthy teacher loved him more than the other student.


by P. G. Sahasrabuddhe

Here in this story, a baby squirrel is shown making fun of other animals. One day her mother tells her not to have pride in her heart. She must behave others with respect, but she does not pay heed to it. One day she tries to compete with the wind. She goes on top of the tree and raising her hands proclaims herself to be the best, suddenly the breeze flows and she falls down in a small pond of water. The other animals around there make a bridge for her to be saved. Her mother pleads with the wind not to break the bridge. Soon afterward the baby squirrel learns the lesson and changes her character.

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