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Showing 11,001 through 11,025 of 11,241 results

A Matter of Magic: Mairelon and The Magician's Ward

by Patricia C. Wrede

Magic and intrigue go hand in hand in Mairelon the Magician and The Magician's Ward, two fast-paced novels filled with mystery and romance, set against the intricate backdrop of Regency England. When a stranger offers her a small fortune to break into a traveling magician's wagon, Kim doesn't hesitate. Having grown up a waif in the dirty streets of London, Kim isn't above a bit of breaking-and-entering. A hard life and lean times have schooled her in one lesson: steal from them before they steal from you. But when the magician catches her in the act, Kim thinks she's done for. Until he suggests she become his apprentice; then the real trouble begins.Kim soon finds herself entangled with murderers, thieves, and cloak-and-dagger politics, all while trying to learn how to become both a proper lady and a magician in her own right.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Hearing the Message of Habakkuk: Living by Faith in a Violent World

by Christopher J. Wright

What does it mean to be faithful disciples in a violent and unjust world?Habakkuk described an era of rampant moral and social evil among his own people, and a vision of the rapid rise of the Babylonian empire under Nebuchadnezzar. The world he described is familiar in so many eras of human history, including our own. The frightening international tensions, confusion about political alignments and alliances, fractured moral and religious traditions, and social dissolution and degradation cause the same fear and anxiety today as they did back then.Confusing is a mild world for it--international, political, religious, moral confusion. It was (and still is) a world of national wickedness and international turmoil and violence, a world in which God appears to be asleep on his watch and yet claims to be "working a work" in Habakkuk's day and ours.Hearing the Message of Habakkuk walks through the questions the prophet asked God about injustice and the jaw-dropping answers he received. This popular-level exposition addresses:God's silence.God's sovereignty.Living by faith.God's judgement.Trusting God's Word.What we learn from Habakkuk's dialogue with God can help us today as we struggle to work out what it means to believe in God's sovereignty, justice, and love, and to live as faithful disciples in an unjust world.

The Battle for Iwo Jima 1945

by Derrick Wright

Iwo Jima was the United States Marine Corps' toughest ever battle and a turning point in the Pacific War. In February 1945, three Marine Divisions stormed the island's shores in what was supposed to be a ten-day battle, but they had reckoned without General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, the enemy commander.

Death on the Rocks: A Mystery (The Lucy Trimble Mysteries #2)

by Eric Wright

In Eric Wright's Death on the Rocks, when private detective Lucy Trimble is retained by Greta Golden to find the identity of the ominous lurking stranger who Greta is certain is following her, it doesn't appear to be too challenging a mystery. Lucy has no trouble learning who her client's pursuer is: a British investigator has been engaged to probe into Greta's life. But the question of what he is trying to discover about Greta, and why, begins to truly complicate the case. This revelation soon opens up further questions about Greta's own identity and, more specifically, the identities of her mother and father. Lucy's investigation leads her to Cornwall, England, where there still live witnesses to Greta's birth and her father's death. Lucy slowly begins to put the fragments of the puzzle together, but it is only when Greta joins Lucy in England that she is able to find the missing piece, and begins to confront her own rapidly evolving and more complicated personal life.

Enduring Vietnam: An American Generation and Its War

by James Wright

A history of the American War in Vietnam that provides a rich overview of that war and an evocative reminder of the human faces of the generation who served.The Vietnam War is largely recalled as a mistake, either in the decision to engage there or in the nature of the engagement. Or both. Veterans of the war remain largely anonymous figures, accomplices in the mistake. Critically recounting the steps that led to the war, this book does not excuse the mistakes, but it brings those who served out of the shadows.Enduring Vietnam recounts the experiences of the young Americans who fought in Vietnam and of families who grieved those who did not return. By 1969 nearly half of the junior enlisted men who died in Vietnam were draftees. And their median age was 21—among the non-draftees it was only 20. The book describes the “baby boomers” growing up in the 1950s, why they went into the military, what they thought of the war, and what it was like to serve in “Nam.” And to come home. With a rich narrative of the Battle for “Hamburger Hill,” and through substantial interviews with those who served, the book depicts the cruelty of this war, and its quiet acts of courage.James Wright's Enduring Vietnam provides an important dimension to the profile of an American generation—and a rich account of an American War.

The Real James Bond: A True Story of Identity Theft, Avian Intrigue, & Ian Fleming

by Jim Wright

First book to research the intriguing backstory of the real James Bond, a Philadelphia ornithologist An adventure story for armchair travelers, fans of 007, and birdwatchersDiscover how naturalists named new species after Bond, leveraging his fame to build awareness

Count to a Trillion (The Eschaton Sequence #1)

by John C. Wright

Hundreds of years in the future, after the collapse of the Western world, young Menelaus Illation Montrose grows up in what was once Texas as a gunslinging duelist for hire. But Montrose is also a mathematical genius—and a romantic who dreams of a future in which humanity rises from the ashes to take its place among the stars. The chance to help usher in that future comes when Montrose is recruited for a manned interstellar mission to investigate an artifact of alien origin. Known as the Monument, the artifact is inscribed with data so complex, only a posthuman mind can decipher it. So Montrose does the unthinkable: he injects himself with a dangerous biochemical drug designed to boost his already formidable intellect to superhuman intelligence. It drives him mad.Nearly two centuries later, his sanity restored, Montrose is awakened from cryo-suspension with no memory of his posthuman actions, to find Earth transformed in strange and disturbing ways, and learns that the Monument still carries a secret he must decode—one that will define humanity's true future in the universe.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Orphans of Chaos: A Fantasy Novel (The Chronicles of Chaos #1)

by John C. Wright

John C. Wright burst onto the SF scene with the Golden Age trilogy. His next project was the ambitious fantasy sequence, The Last Guardians of Everness.Wright's new fantasy is a tale about five orphans raised in a strict British boarding school who begin to discover that they may not be human beings. The students at the school do not age, while the world around them does. The children begin to make sinister discoveries about themselves. Amelia is apparently a fourth-dimensional being; Victor is a synthetic man who can control the molecular arrangement of matter around him; Vanity can find secret passageways through solid walls where none had previously been; Colin is a psychic; Quentin is a warlock. Each power comes from a different paradigm or view of the inexplicable universe: and they should not be able to co-exist under the same laws of nature. Why is it that they can?The orphans have been kidnapped from their true parents, robbed of their powers, and raised in ignorance by super-beings no more human than they are: pagan gods or fairy-queens, Cyclopes, sea-monsters, witches, or things even stranger than this. The children must experiment with, and learn to control, their strange abilities in order to escape their captors.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.


by Patricia Moyle Wright

The first comprehensive clinical guide for practicing palliative care and hospice clinicians, this evidence-based reference is designed to promote best practices in the delivery of safe, compassionate patient care. With a dual focus on evaluation and intervention, the book covers all aspects of providing palliative and hospice care for vulnerable and diverse populations. It provides an overview of common disease manifestations, typical trajectories of illness, symptom management, and recommendations for nursing care. Written in easy-to-access outline format, the resource is organized by body system and includes common diagnoses encountered in palliative and hospice care. Individual diagnoses include a definition, incidence, etiology, pathophysiology, predisposing factors, subjective and objective data, diagnostic tests, differential diagnoses, complications, disease-modifying treatments, palliative interventions/symptom management, prognosis, and nursing interventions. The text provides referral guidelines for serious illness as well as general and disease-specific hospice care admission guidelines. Also included are comprehensive tables of diagnostic testing, disease-specific palliative and symptom management interventions, prognostic and screening tools, patient teaching and clinician resources, and guides to pain management and wound care. Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers.

The First Wall Street: Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and the Birth of American Finance

by Robert E. Wright

When Americans think of investment and finance, they think of Wall Street—though this was not always the case. During the dawn of the Republic, Philadelphia was the center of American finance. The first stock exchange in the nation was founded there in 1790, and around it the bustling thoroughfare known as Chestnut Street was home to the nation's most powerful financial institutions. The First Wall Street recounts the fascinating history of Chestnut Street and its forgotten role in the birth of American finance. According to Robert E. Wright, Philadelphia, known for its cultivation of liberty and freedom, blossomed into a financial epicenter during the nation's colonial period. The continent's most prodigious minds and talented financiers flocked to Philly in droves, and by the eve of the Revolution, the Quaker City was the most financially sophisticated region in North America. The First Wall Street reveals how the city played a leading role in the financing of the American Revolution and emerged from that titanic struggle with not just the wealth it forged in the crucible of war, but an invaluable amount of human capital as well. This capital helped make Philadelphia home to the Bank of the United States, the U.S. Mint, an active securities exchange, and several banks and insurance companies—all clustered in or around Chestnut Street. But as the decades passed, financial institutions were lured to New York, and by the late 1820s only the powerful Second Bank of the United States upheld Philadelphia's financial stature. But when Andrew Jackson vetoed its charter, he sealed the fate of Chestnut Street forever—and of Wall Street too. Finely nuanced and elegantly written, The First Wall Street will appeal to anyone interested in the history of the United States and the origins of its unrivaled economy.

This Child's Gonna Live (Contemporary Classics by Women)

by Sarah E. Wright

&“[An] exploration of the black experience from a woman&’s perspective, anticipating fiction by writers like Toni Morrison and Alice Walker.&”—The New York Times Originally published in 1969 to broad critical acclaim, This Child&’s Gonna Live is an unsurpassed testament to human endurance in the face of poverty, racism, and despair. Set in a fishing village on Maryland&’s Eastern Shore in the 1930s, this story has as its main character the unforgettable Mariah Upshur, a hard-working, sensual, resilient woman, full of hope, and determination despite living in a society that conspires to keep her down. In her mind, she carries on a conversation with Jesus, who, like Mariah herself, is passionate and compassionate, at times funny and resolutely resilient to fatalism. Often compared to Zora Neale Hurston for her lyrical and sure-handed use of local dialect, Wright, like Hurston, powerfully depicts the predicament of poor African American women, who confront the multiple oppressions of class, race, and gender.&“In every respect, an impressive achievement. The canon of American folk-epic is enriched by this small masterpiece.&”—The New York Times Book Review &“It has always been my contention that the Black woman in America will write the greatest of the American novels. For it is the Black woman, forced to survive at the bottom rung of American society . . . who is compelled to survey, by the very extremity of her existence, the depths of the American soul. In reading Sarah Wright&’s searing novel, I am convinced that my assessment was correct.&”—Rosa Guy, author of The Friends

Marketing und Vertrieb für Startups: Praxiserprobte Strategien zur Kundengewinnung

by Martin Wrobel

Dieses Buch bietet eine praxisorientierte Anleitung für maßgeschneiderte Marketing- und Vertriebsstrategien, insbesondere für innovative Startups. Eine Gemeinsamkeit vieler erfolgloser Startups ist, dass sie trotz vielversprechender Produkt- oder Dienstleistungsideen nicht genügend zahlende Kunden gewinnen konnten. Wer als Gründer:in diese Aufgabe nicht lösen kann, wird scheitern.Spannende Einblicke: Das gesammelte Praxiswissen hat der Autor aus eigener jahrelanger Erfahrung und in mehr als 100 Podcast-Interviews mit Gründer:innen innovativer, wachstums- und technologieorientierter Startups gewonnen. Mit über 40 Fallbeispielen zeigt das Buch, wie erfolgreiche Startups – darunter Blinkist, FlixBus und Urban Sports Club – Marketing, Vertrieb und Kundengewinnung in den frühen Anfangsphasen bewältigt haben.Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis: Laut dem Deutschen Startup Monitor sind Vertrieb und Kundengewinnung die größte Herausforderung, Standard-Weisheiten sind wenig hilfreich. Es kommt vielmehr darauf an, die Besonderheiten jedes Startups zu berücksichtigen, es braucht maßgeschneiderte Lösungen. Angefangen von Direktvertrieb und Social-Media-Marketing über PR & Storytelling bis hin zu Suchmaschinen-, Content-Marketing und Crowdfunding: Es werden zwölf Kanäle näher beleuchtet, die für die meisten Startups am besten funktioniert haben.Für wen? Das Werk richtet sich an Gründer:innen und Startup-Interessierte, die sich den komplexen Fragen im Bereich Marketing und Vertrieb für innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen stellen möchten. Auch Professor:innen, Studierende und Berater:innen können profitieren.Los geht's! Neben der Vermittlung essenzieller Grundlagen bietet das Buch konkrete Hilfestellungen bei der Entwicklung eigener Strategien und unterstützt beim Mix der erfolgversprechendsten Marketing- und Vertriebskanäle. Weiterhin sollen wertvolle Handlungsempfehlungen, Arbeitsblätter und Checklisten Gründer:innen dabei helfen, selbst loszulegen und erste eigene Verkäufe zu generieren.

Familiaris: ‘Wroblewski has set a story-telling bonfire as enthralling in its pages as it is illuminating of our fragile and complicated humanity’ Tom Hanks

by David Wroblewski

'A story-telling bonfire as enthralling in its pages as it is illuminating of our fragile and complicated humanity. Familiaris is as expansive and enlightening a saga as has ever been written' Tom Hanks'Impossibly wise, impossibly ambitious, impossibly beautiful' Richard Russo'An American tour de force' Colum McCannSpring 1919, and John Sawtelle's imagination has got him into trouble...again. Now John and his newlywed wife, Mary, along with their two best friends and their three dogs, are setting off for Wisconsin's north woods, where they hope to make a fresh start - and to live a life of meaning, purpose, and adventure. But the place they are headed for is far stranger and more perilous than they realize, and it will take all their ingenuity, along with a few new friends - human, animal, and otherworldly - to realise their dreams.By turns hilarious and heartbreaking, mysterious and enchanting, Familiaris takes readers on an unforgettable journey from the halls of a small-town automobile factory, through an epic midwestern firestorm and an ambitious WWII dog training program, examining the dynamics of love and friendship, the vexing nature of families, the universal desire to create something lasting and beautiful, and of course, the species-long partnership between Homo sapiens and Canis familiaris.


by David Wroblewski

A stirring, unputdownable masterpiece—and the follow-up to the beloved #1 New York Times bestselling modern classic The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.It is spring 1919, and John Sawtelle's imagination has gotten him into trouble . . . again. Now John and his newlywed wife, Mary, along with their two best friends and their three dogs, are setting off for Wisconsin's north woods, where they hope to make a fresh start—and, with a little luck, discover what it takes to live a life of meaning, purpose and adventure. But the place they are headed for is far stranger and more perilous than they realize, and it will take all their ingenuity, along with a few new friends—human, animal and otherworldly—to realize their dreams.By turns hilarious and heartbreaking, mysterious and enchanting, Familiaris takes readers on an unforgettable journey from the halls of a small-town automobile factory, through an epic Midwestern firestorm and an ambitious WWII dog training program, and far back into mankind's ancient past, examining the dynamics of love and friendship, the vexing nature of families, the universal desire to create something lasting and beautiful, and of course, the species-long partnership between homo sapiens and canis familiaris.

Advances in Visual Data Compression and Communication: Meeting the Requirements of New Applications (Multimedia Computing, Communication and Intelligence #5)

by Feng Wu

This book provides a theoretical and technical basis for advanced research on visual data compression and communication. It presents the results of the author's research on visual data compression and transmission. Studying scalable video coding (SVC), it considers the fundamental problem to be solved in SVC-motion compensation. It explores directional transforms, extends the current coding framework by visual synthesis and reconstruction, and explains how to apply compressive sensing to solve the compression problems in transmission. It also develops the pseudo-analog transmission for image and video.

Dancing on My Own: Essays on Art, Collectivity, and Joy

by Simon Wu

A The Millions and Hyperallergic Most Anticipated Book of 2024 | A Publishers Weekly Summer Reads Pick“Simon Wu manages to be both a shrewd critic and enthused aspirant of what passes for today’s cultural capital. . . . with a disarming lack of cynicism that is both keen and refreshing.” –Cathy Park Hong"A genius melding of art criticism, autobiography, personal essay, and travel writing. . . . Wu—an artist, curator, and writer—layers experiences like translucent curtains through which we see the landscape of a past in the present making its future." –Claudia RankineAn expansive and deeply personal essay collection which explores the aesthetics of class aspiration, the complications of creating art and fashion, and the limits of identity politics.In Robyn’s 2010 track Dancing on My Own, the Swedish pop-singer chronicles a night on the dance floor in the shadow of a former lover. She is bitter, angry, and at times desperate, and yet by the time the chorus arrives her frustration has melted away. She decides to dance on her own, and in this way, she transforms her solitude into a more complex joy. Taking inspiration from Robyn’s seminal track, emerging art critic and curator Simon Wu dances through the institutions of art, capitalism, and identity in these expertly researched, beautifully rendered essays. In “A Model Childhood” he catalogs the decades’ worth of clutter in his mother’s suburban garage and its meaning for himself and his family. In “For Everyone,” Wu explores the complicated sensation of the Telfar bag (often referred to as “the Brooklyn Birkin”) and asks whether fashion can truly be revolutionary in a capitalist system—if something can truly be “for everyone” without undercutting someone else. Throughout, Wu centers the sticky vulnerability of living in a body in a world where history is mapped into every choice we make, every party drug we take, and every person we kiss.Wu’s message is that to dance on your own is to move from critique into joy. To approach identity with the utmost sympathy for the kinds of belonging it might promise, and to look beyond it. For readers of Cathy Park Hong and Alexander Chee, Dancing on My Own is a deeply felt and ultimately triumphant anthem about the never-ending journey of discovering oneself, and introduces a brilliant new writer on the rise.

Play to Submission: Gaming Capitalism in a Tech Firm

by Tongu Wu

Games are often a fun perk of a tech company job, and employees can “play to win” in the competition to succeed. But in studying “Behemoth” (a pseudonym for a top American tech company), Tongyu Wu discovered that gaming work culture was far more insidious. Play to Submission shows how Behemoth’s games undermined and manipulated workers. They lost their work-life balance and the constant competition made labor organizing difficult. Nonetheless, many workers embraced management’s games as a chance to show off their “gamer” identities and create a workplace culture with privileged insiders and exiled outsiders, with female and migrant workers usually in the latter group. Moreover, Wu indicates this may be the future of work for high- and low-skilled and, creative workers in an environment where capitalists have heightened demands for technology and creativity. Drawing from 13 months of ethnographic work, Wu presents a persistent reality in which the company reaps the reward of surplus productivity, leaving employees themselves in a highly competitive and sometimes precarious work position.

AP Biology Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 6 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron's AP Prep)

by Mary Wuerth

Be prepared for exam day with Barron&’s. Trusted content from AP experts!Barron&’s AP Biology Premium, 2025 includes in‑depth content review and practice. It&’s the only book you&’ll need to be prepared for exam day. Written by Experienced EducatorsLearn from Barron&’s‑‑all content is written and reviewed by AP expertsBuild your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent examGet a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day‑‑it&’s like having a trusted tutor by your sideBe Confident on Exam DaySharpen your test‑taking skills with 6 full‑length practice tests‑‑2 in the book and 4 more online–plus detailed answer explanations for all questionsStrengthen your knowledge with in‑depth review covering all units on the AP Biology examReinforce your learning with multiple‑choice and short and long free‑response practice questions in each chapter that reflect actual exam questions in content and formatExpand your understanding with a review of the major statistical tests and lab experiments that will help enhance your scientific thinking skillsRobust Online PracticeContinue your practice with 4 full‑length practice tests on Barron&’s Online Learning HubSimulate the exam experience with a timed test optionDeepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert adviceGain confidence with scoring to check your learning progressPower up your study sessions with Barron's AP Biology on Kahoot!‑‑additional, free practice to help you ace your exam!

Peasant Fires: The Drummer of Niklashausen

by Richard Wunderli

" . . . lively and intellectually stimulating . . . " —Speculum"Wunderli . . . has lucidly reconstructed a controversial conflict in 15th-century south-central Germany. . . . this engaging narrative takes off from Hans Behem—the peasant who claimed to see the Virgin and gained followers until crushed by the established church—to explore larger forces at work in Germany on the eve of the Reformation. . . Wunderli also attempts to sort out the violent conflict that ensued and Hans's subsequent trial. His scrupulousness and sensitivity make for a small but valuable book." —Publishers Weekly"Fascinating and well written, this is highly recommended for academic and larger public libraries." —Library Journal"Richard Wunderli . . . deftly tells the story in Peasant Fires, finding in it a foreshadowing of peasant uprisings in the 16th century." —New York Times Book Review" . . . a stimulating read . . . an engaging synthesis." —Central European HistoryIn 1476, an illiterate German street musician had a vision of the Virgin Mary and began to preach a radical social message that attracted thousands of followers—and antagonized the church. The drummer was burned at the stake. This swiftly moving narrative of his rise and fall paints a vivid portrait of 15th-century German society as it raises important questions about the craft of history."A gem of a book. . . . It has a plot, good guys and bad buys, it opens up a 'strange' world, and it is exceptionally well written." —Thomas W. Robisheaux


by Christina Wyman

A USA Today bestseller perfect for fans of Raina Telgemeier's Smile, this refreshingly honest middle-grade debut novel is about toxic sibling rivalry, socioeconomic disparity, and dental drama.★ “Smile meets Wonder in Wyman’s affirming debut.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review★ “A hugely relatable must-read.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred reviewMax Plink’s life is complicated. Her parents aren’t getting along. The school bullies are relentless—and her own sister is the cruelest of them. Worst of all, her mouth is a mess. With a mismatched puzzle of a jaw, Max has a Class II malocclusion, otherwise known as a severe overbite. She already has braces, which means she lives on Advil and soft foods after each orthodontist appointment. But now Max has to wear painful (and totally awkward) orthodontic headgear nicknamed “the jawbreaker.” Could things get any worse?Yes. The journalism competition Max wants to enter has a video component. But being on camera means showing her face not just to her junior high classmates, but possibly the whole city. Going viral is the last thing Max needs, but winning this competition is what she wants most. Turns out, following her dreams is complicated, too.Inspired by Christina Wyman’s own experience with a Class II malocclusion, Jawbreaker is a humorous, heartfelt, and refreshingly relatable story.

Patrick and the Not So Perfect Party

by Anne Wynter

All Patrick wants for his birthday is a flawless FOOD party.So why does Karter arrive dressed as a FOOT!? From Ezra Jack Keats Award-Winner, Anne Wynter, this hilarious tale follows perfectionist Patrick as he learns a valuable lesson in being patient, embracing chaos, and finding the joy in going with the flow. "Children will laugh over the hilarious ending; indeed, they'll giggle their way through this uproarious book-and perhaps realize that learning to be a bit flexible can be a lot of fun. A perfectly entertaining read." Kirkus ReviewsPatrick likes everything to be just-so, which is why he likes to cook. The meals he makes are always "exquisite," "delicious," and "absolutely perfect." So when his birthday rolls around, Patrick knows exactly what he wants to do. However, Patrick's big brother, Russ, is not perfect. When Russ makes a mistake on Patrick's party invitation, Patrick thinks his birthday is ruined. But is it? Readers will delight in this warm celebration of self-expression, acceptance, and brotherly love written by Ezra Jack Keats Award-winning author, Anne Wynter.

The Balancing Act: An Evidence-Based Approach to Teaching Phonics, Reading and Writing

by Dominic Wyse Charlotte Hacking

Dominic Wyse and Charlotte Hacking present a ground-breaking account of teaching phonics, reading, and writing. Created from a landmark study, new research, new theory, and cutting-edge teacher professional development, this balanced approach to teaching seeks to improve all children’s learning, and therefore life chances.The book dismantles polarised debates about the teaching of phonics and analyses the latest scientific evidence of what really works. It shows, in vivid detail, how phonics, reading, and writing should be taught through the creativity of some of the best authors of books for children. By describing lessons inspired by ‘real books’, it showcases why the new approach is more effective than narrow phonics approaches.The authors call for a paradigm shift in literacy education. The chapters show how and why education policies should be improved on the basis of unique analyses of research evidence from experimental trials and the new theory and model the Double Helix of Reading and Writing. It is a book of hope for the future in the context of powerful elites influencing narrow curricula, narrow pedagogy, and high stakes assessments.The Balancing Act will be of interest to anyone who is invested in young children’s development. It is essential reading for teachers, trainee teachers, lecturers, researchers, and policy makers world-wide who want to improve the teaching of reading and writing in the English language.

Harold the Iceberg Is Not a Super Food (Harold the Iceberg #2)

by Lisa Wyzlic

"The perfect picture book for anxious kids." —Romper, on Harold the Iceberg Melts DownWhen Harold first meets Kayla, he’s in awe. She’s tall and strong, has glorious, full leaves and is always ready to help with a smile. But the more Harold thinks about how super Kayla is, the more he feels like he’s not good enough, no matter how much he wants to help others. Harold is not a super food.As his worries continue to grow, it’ll be up to his friends to show Harold that not only is he enough, but that he’s a super helper in his own special ways.Written by Lisa Wyzlic and whimsically illustrated by Rebecca Syracuse, Harold the Iceberg’s second adventure is about finding ways to lift up your community by first lifting up yourself and those closest to you.

Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2018) (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #24)

by Fatos Xhafa Fang-Yie Leu Massimo Ficco Chao-Tung Yang

This book presents the latest research findings, as well as innovative theoretical and practical research results, methods and development techniques related to P2P, grid, cloud and Internet computing. It also reveals the synergies among such large scale computing paradigms. P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet computing technologies have rapidly become established as breakthrough paradigms for solving complex problems by enabling aggregation and sharing of an increasing variety of distributed computational resources on a large scale. Grid computing originated as a paradigm for high-performance computing, offering an alternative to expensive supercomputers through different forms of large-scale distributed computing. P2P computing emerged as a new paradigm following on from client-server and web-based computing and has proved useful in the development of social networking, B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), B2G (Business to Government), and B2E (Business to Employee). Cloud computing has been described as a “computing paradigm where the boundaries of computing are determined by economic rationale rather than technical limits”. Cloud computing has fast become the computing paradigm with applicability and adoption in all domains and providing utility computing at large scale. Lastly, Internet computing is the basis of any large-scale distributed computing paradigm; it has very quickly developed into a vast and flourishing field with enormous impact on today’s information societies and serving as a universal platform comprising a large variety of computing forms such as grid, P2P, cloud and mobile computing.

Studies in Silk Road Archaeology

by Nai Xia

This book is a collection of Nai Xia’s quintessential works on Silk Road studies. A key resource in the field of Silk Road Archaeology, it features in-depth content, a broad range of material, careful textual research, and meticulous analysis. With thorough investigations of foreign coinage, silk textiles, and artifacts with foreign styles excavated in different parts of China, it explores the exchange between ancient China and Central Asia, Western Asia, and Europe. In particular, this book provides detailed descriptions of the economic and cultural ties between ancient China, Pre-Islamic Arabia, the Sasanian Empire, and the Byzantine Empire. The research propounds innovative theories on the history and evolution of East-West transportation routes, i.e., the overland Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road. Based on the study of ancient relics and excavated artifacts, it points out that cultural exchange along the Silk Road was never unilateral, but instead, mutual influence and cooperation were obvious. Since ancient times, countries along the Silk Road have had a tradition of amicable foreign relations and the promotion of common interests. The book is intended for academics, scholars and researchers.

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