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Angsterleben im Horrorfilm: Wege zur softwarebasierten Analyse und Interpretation von Spannungsinhalten

by Julian Sittel

Die multimodale Studie zum Spannungs- respektive Angsterleben im Horrorfilm ist Teil eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Kooperationsprojektes zwischen Filmwissenschaft (Universität Mainz) und Informatik (Universität Hannover), das dem Ausbau der digitalen Infrastruktur dient. Dies erfolgt über die Entwicklung einer Softwareplattform, die es Forscherinnen und Forschern ermöglicht, automatisiert und manuell Daten aus audiovisuellem Material zu gewinnen. In diesem ersten exemplarischen Forschungsprojekt wurden zur Untersuchung eines 20 Filme umfassenden Slasher-Film-Korpus, einem Sub Genre des Horrorfilms, einerseits das System zur manuellen Annotation sowie andererseits die grundlegenden algorithmischen Verfahren zur Erhebung von Einstellungslängen, Kameragrößen, den Helligkeits- und Laustärkewerten und zur Erkennung von Gesichtern in das System implementiert. Kann das Auslösen einer Angstreaktion als funktionaler Kern beim Spannungserleben eines Horrorfilms betrachtet werden, ermittelt die Arbeit, unter der Verwendung explorativ-statistischer Verfahren, Regelmäßigkeiten im Aufbau von diesbezüglich relevanten Inhalten. Die Untersuchung zeigt letztlich, dass Slasher-Filme durch ihre Inszenierung Eigenschaften von Gefahrensituationen simulieren, auf die das Publikum von Natur aus sensibilisiert ist.

Archie Comics: Judgement Day #2 (Archie Horror Presents #2)

by Aubrey Sitterson

The epic Archie Horror event continues, as does Archie’s quest. Jughead’s trying his best to act as Archie’s conscience and voice of reason, but with so many people once familiar and even beloved to Archie turning into demonic monstrosities, can Archie maintain his grip? Maybe if Jughead gets more people on his side, they can talk some sense into him—are Betty and Veronica up to the task of bringing back the Archie they know and love from Alistair’s grasp?

The Sterling Inheritance (Midnight Investigations #1)

by Michael Siverling

Winner of the Private Eye Writers of America Best First Private Eye Novel Contest.Private investigator Jason Wilder has the toughest boss in River City: It's his mother. She and her husband were legendary police detectives when Jason was growing up. Wild Bill Wilder has since died, and Mom is running the detective agency they had founded with a loving but definitely iron hand. Working under Mom (also known by her staff as "Queen Victoria" and "Her Highness") is adventurous, no denying that. Jason's present assignment, to locate a missing businessman, leads to some unexpected surprises. He locates the man in a dreary motel, with orders to return him to his worried wife. Instead, the man shoots at him. Before he can recover from the attempt, he is surrounded by police, who punch him, handcuff him, and inform him that his subject is wanted for homicide. From there the case expands, plunging Jason into some twisted bypaths. Why are the members of the suspect's family (including his enchanting sister) fighting tooth and nail over a dilapidated movie house the sister is restoring? Why was the dead man's body found just outside it? Is there something hidden there---and what? With Jason doing the footwork and Mom supplying the know-how, they get dangerously close, and Mom is going to have to take a hand herself.

Governing Partially Independent Nation-Territories: Evidence from Northern Europe (Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance)

by Stefan Sjöblom Jan Sundberg

This book assesses the quality of self-government in four northern European regions with strong autonomy rights. Examining the experiences of Scotland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Åland Islands, it considers how these regions have developed their own political and administrative systems within the larger states they form part of. The book looks to understand the key democratic and administrative qualities of a functioning self-government, and how geographic size and economic and human resources can impact the ways in which partially independent territories govern. It also assesses the emotional dimensions of regional nationalism, and how this impacts the concept and public perception of partially independent nation-territories. By focusing on the quality of self-government within these nation-territories, the book considers whether strong autonomy contributes to peaceful co-existence within established national borders, or provides new munition for secessionist movements. It will appeal to students and scholars of sub-national governance, European politics, territorial politics and conflict management.

From the Mouth of the Whale: A Novel

by Sjón

From the Mouth of the Whale is an Icelandic saga for the modern age. The year is 1635. Iceland is a world darkened by superstition, poverty, and cruelty. Men of science marvel over a unicorn's horn, poor folk worship the Virgin in secret, and both books and men are burned.Sjón introduces us to Jónas Pálmason, a poet and self-taught healer, banished to a barren island for heretical conduct, as he recalls his gift for curing "female maladies," his exorcism of a walking corpse on the remote Snjáfjöll coast, the frenzied massacre of innocent Basque whalers at the hands of local villagers, and the deaths of three of his children. Pálmason's story echoes across centuries and cultures, an epic tale that makes us see the world anew.

How to Be a Citizen: Learning to Be Civil Without the State

by C. L. Skach

An expert on the writing of constitutions argues that the path to a thriving society begins with forgetting about them: "Not James Madison but Bob Dylan or Annie Lennox should be our guide" (Mark Tushnet). In 2009, constitutional scholar C. L. Skach went to Iraq to help revise the constitution. She survived a missile barrage in the Green Zone—an event that proved a breaking point in her thinking about constitutions. In short: they don&’t really work. In How to Be a Citizen, Skach calls to move beyond constitutions. She argues that just as complex natural systems spontaneously generate order, we can, too. Looking to pandemic gardens, Reggio-Emilia schools, and community-driven safety patrols, she envisions not government by force, but society that is local, cultivated, and true. Grounded in six principles as simple as a call to spend time on a park bench, this book shows how community spaces, education, and markets can be reshaped to nurture cooperation and encourage flourishing.   Equal parts personal, philosophical, and practical, How to Be a Citizen invites us to see society not as something imposed by law, but rather something we create together.

Even Better Than Sprinkles: A Story About Best Friends

by Linda Skeers

When you find someone who agrees to be the back end of a unicorn costume, who names their goldfish after you, and is always willing to be the dragon when you play knights and dragons, you&’ve found a best friend. Having a best friend is the greatest feeling ever. But it&’s terrible when something happens to break up that friendship. Now it feels like you are being hugged by a porcupine. Now it&’s time to figure out how to repair a broken friendship. A good place to start is a homemade card with glitter everywhere and a special cupcake with lots of sprinkles. When you add an apology, it&’s the best way back to being best friends. This funny and sweet story is a guide to celebrating and caring for your besties even when you don't seem to agree.

What a Hippopota-Mess! (Orca Echoes)

by Pat Lamondin Skene

The poems in this book tell stories of animals and nature. From two sweaty hippos, a smiling lizard and some creepy crawlers to a few tricky dandelions. At the end of each poem, find out more in an interview with a key character or a list of fascinating facts. The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.

Ultimate Profit Management: Maximizing Profitability as You Grow Your Business

by Manny Skevofilax

Throughout the author’s career as a banker and business consultant, he has seen many examples of businesses that were doing just “fine.” They were profitable and growing slowly but surely, but then, the business owner decided that it wasn’t enough anymore to simply grow slowly. What was suddenly needed was growth of 20%, 50%, or even 100% per year, just like the notable companies they see and hear about every day in the media. They began to try to grow the business and in a short period, a profitable and thriving business became unprofitable. Since the business was no longer profitable, it needed to take on debt to pay its expenses. After taking on more and more debt, the business reached a point where it could not find any more debt to take on. This circumstance caused the business to fail to pay its bills anymore which led to a financial day of reckoning.It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a more effective way to grow your business without causing it to become unprofitable. And that’s why the author wrote this book.Growing a business without making profits usually leads to a short lifespan for that business and there are exceptions such as Uber and DoorDash – but there is a big difference between a business that has outside investors (angel investors, private equity, and venture capital and the typical small business entrepreneur trying to bootstrap a business. The difference is that if a business has a huge target market and it is growing its sales rapidly, outside investors may be willing to fund losses for a period. The same does not apply to an entrepreneur trying to grow a business without outside investors. Losses show that a business is on borrowed time. Once your capital is exhausted, there is no going back. A business needs profits to remain viable and to be able to provide for its owners, its employees, and its community. Running a business that loses money will put you out of business.There is no reason not to be profitable as you grow your business! The author shares the lessons that were taught to him by leaders, mentors in business, and by his clients. What took him by surprise was that these lessons were not complicated. They’re simple. They use simple, uncomplicated methods to grow their businesses profitably. You will learn about the readily available tools you can use to ensure that your business does not turn unprofitable as you grow it. You’ll be convinced that it makes sense to resist the lure of the high-growth, no-profit strategy and instead embrace the approach of steady growth with profits.Use this book as a guide. In it, the author covers the most important aspects of reasonable, prudent growth that will avoid debt and allow you, your partners, and business associates a productive and non-stressful existence with a business that grows and profits correctly.

The Psychology of Music Listening for Health and Wellbeing Professionals

by Katrina Skewes McFerran Carol Barbara Lotter

This book comprehensively reviews wide-ranging research describing the uses of music listening for health and wellbeing outcomes. Drawing on the work of diverse professionals from around the globe, the authors provide engaging illustrations of using music with people in practice, combined with recommendations from their many years of applied practice in hospitals, schools, community organisations, and universities as music therapists, researchers and educators.Knowledge has been gathered into accessible chapters so that professionals can identify their own area of interest and go directly to it. This includes music listening for flourishing during difficult times, during life transitions, for stress in everyday life, problematic music listening, music listening for mental ill health and trauma, in acute hospital settings, for neurocognitive impairment, in rehabilitation and special education, for optimising performance, and in groups. A book for professionals who want to be informed by the latest research and expertise when using music listening in their work.

Finding Communities in Social Networks Using Graph Embeddings (Lecture Notes in Social Networks)

by David B. Skillicorn Mosab Alfaqeeh

Community detection in social networks is an important but challenging problem. This book develops a new technique for finding communities that uses both structural similarity and attribute similarity simultaneously, weighting them in a principled way. The results outperform existing techniques across a wide range of measures, and so advance the state of the art in community detection. Many existing community detection techniques base similarity on either the structural connections among social-network users, or on the overlap among the attributes of each user. Either way loses useful information. There have been some attempts to use both structure and attribute similarity but success has been limited. We first build a large real-world dataset by crawling Instagram, producing a large set of user profiles. We then compute the similarity between pairs of users based on four qualitatively different profile properties: similarity of language used in posts, similarity of hashtags used (which requires extraction of content from them), similarity of images displayed (which requires extraction of what each image is 'about'), and the explicit connections when one user follows another. These single modality similarities are converted into graphs. These graphs have a common node set (the users) but different sets a weighted edges. These graphs are then connected into a single larger graph by connecting the multiple nodes representing the same user by a clique, with edge weights derived from a lazy random walk view of the single graphs. This larger graph can then be embedded in a geometry using spectral techniques. In the embedding, distance corresponds to dissimilarity so geometric clustering techniques can be used to find communities. The resulting communities are evaluated using the entire range of current techniques, outperforming all of them. Topic modelling is also applied to clusters to show that they genuinely represent users with similar interests. This can form the basis for applications such as online marketing, or key influence selection.

Beethoven in Russia: Music and Politics

by Frederick W. Skinner

How did Ludwig van Beethoven help overthrow a tsarist regime? With the establishment of the Russian Musical Society and its affiliated branches throughout the empire, Beethoven's music reached substantially larger audiences at a time of increasing political instability. In addition, leading music critics of the regime began hearing Beethoven's dramatic works as nothing less than a call to revolution. Beethoven in Russia deftly explores the interface between music and politics in Russia by examining the reception of Beethoven's works from the late 18th century to the present. In part 1, Frederick W. Skinner's clear and sweeping review examines the role of Beethoven's more dramatic works in the revolutionary struggle that culminated in the Revolution of 1917. In part 2, Skinner reveals how this same power was again harnessed to promote Stalin's campaign of rapid industrialization. The appropriation of Beethoven and his music to serve the interests of the state remained the hallmark of Soviet Beethoven reception until the end of communist rule. With interdisciplinary appeal in the areas of history, music, literature, and political thought, Beethoven in Russia shows how Beethoven's music served as a call to action for citizens and weaponized state propaganda in the great political struggles that shaped modern Russian history.

Matthew: The Gospel of Promised Blessings

by Matthew L. Skinner

Explore the tenderness and the tensions in the teachings of Jesus. The Gospel of Matthew portrays Jesus and his message as full of tender compassion and urgent warning. This six-part exploration of an enigmatic Gospel takes readers into the themes, topics, and tensions at the heart of Matthew's story about the life and work of Jesus. Chapters focus on blessing and comfort, judgment and retribution, the meaning of discipleship, Jesus’ vision for the Church and world, conflicts and complaints, and how the Gospel of Matthew speaks to believers today. The book can be read alone or used by small groups anytime throughout the year. Components include video teaching sessions featuring Matthew Skinner and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

Matthew Leader Guide: The Gospel of Promised Blessings

by Matthew L. Skinner

Explore the tenderness and the tensions in the teachings of Jesus. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study, including session plans, activities, discussion questions, and multiple format options. Components include the book, Matthew: The Gospel of Promised Blessings, and video teaching sessions featuring Matthew Skinner. The Gospel of Matthew portrays Jesus and his message as full of tender compassion and urgent warning. This six-part exploration of an enigmatic Gospel takes readers into the themes, topics, and tensions at the heart of Matthew's story about the life and work of Jesus. Chapters focus on blessing and comfort, judgment and retribution, the meaning of discipleship, Jesus’ vision for the Church and world, conflicts and complaints, and how the Gospel of Matthew speaks to believers today.

Brief Counseling That Works: A Solution-Focused Therapy Approach for School Counselors and Other Mental Health Professionals

by Gerald B. Sklare

Everything you need for maximum counseling results in less time! Expert Gerald Sklare is back with a breakthrough approach to effective counseling. Get fresh insights and new applications for solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC). Revised and expanded chapters help you: • Conduct brief, short-term sessions that lead to rapid, observable change • Create well-defined client goals • Enable clients to envision and take steps toward a more hopeful future • Maximize your time for rapid, observable student progress • Use the solution-focused principles with reluctant clients • Conduct positive, goal-oriented parent conferences • Work with individuals in school and community settings You’ll find a brand new chapter on abbreviated SFBC sessions, updated case studies and research, helpful flow charts and note sheets, and invaluable practice exercises. This "how-to" book gives you everything you need to implement this powerful, innovative counseling approach. "Simple yet spectacular, my students and I LOVE Brief Counseling that Works! It presents a user-friendly, time-efficient, and very effective approach to counseling school-aged youth (and adults)!" —Bradley T. Erford, Professor Past President of the American Counseling Association Loyola University of Maryland

Brief Counseling That Works: A Solution-Focused Therapy Approach for School Counselors and Other Mental Health Professionals

by Gerald B. Sklare

Everything you need for maximum counseling results in less time! Expert Gerald Sklare is back with a breakthrough approach to effective counseling. Get fresh insights and new applications for solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC). Revised and expanded chapters help you: • Conduct brief, short-term sessions that lead to rapid, observable change • Create well-defined client goals • Enable clients to envision and take steps toward a more hopeful future • Maximize your time for rapid, observable student progress • Use the solution-focused principles with reluctant clients • Conduct positive, goal-oriented parent conferences • Work with individuals in school and community settings You’ll find a brand new chapter on abbreviated SFBC sessions, updated case studies and research, helpful flow charts and note sheets, and invaluable practice exercises. This "how-to" book gives you everything you need to implement this powerful, innovative counseling approach. "Simple yet spectacular, my students and I LOVE Brief Counseling that Works! It presents a user-friendly, time-efficient, and very effective approach to counseling school-aged youth (and adults)!" —Bradley T. Erford, Professor Past President of the American Counseling Association Loyola University of Maryland

The Shark Handbook: The Essential Guide for Understanding the Sharks of the World (Shark Week Author, Ocean Biology Books, Great White Shark, Aquatic History, Science and Nature Books, Gifts for Shark Fans)

by Greg Skomal

Dive deep into the world of sharks, the most fascinating and misunderstood marine animals on the planet, in this stunning new edition of The Shark Handbook, written by Shark Week expert, Dr. Greg Skomal.Did you know that a whale shark&’s spots are as unique as a fingerprint? Or that sharks can go into a trance when flipped upside down? Or that the Megallodon&’s mouth was 6 feet across? With The Shark Handbook, jump into brand new facts about these fierce sea creatures! Explore all of the orders of sharks, such as:Ground sharksGreat white sharksMackerel sharksCarpet sharksand more!Learn about over 400 profiles of every shark in existence, from the first sharks living about 445 million years ago to the ones lurking in the ocean deep today. Starring spectacular, full-color photography that makes these jaw-dropping sharks come to life, this is the perfect gift for the shark enthusiast in your life.Dr. Greg Skomal, PhD is an experienced aquarist and Marine Fisheries Biologist at Martha's Vineyard Fisheries, Division of Marine Fisheries, Massachusetts. He's been keeping saltwater aquariums since childhood and has shared his extensive knowledge with viewers of National Geographic, the Discovery Channel, NBC's Today, and other media.

The Oslo Conspiracy: A Thriller

by Asle Skredderberget

A new twist in thrillers, The Oslo Conspiracy is certain to captivate readers who like their heroes rich, handsome, caring, and very, very sexy.In The Oslo Conspiracy, a Norwegian scientist is found dead in a hotel room in Rome. Before she is strangled, she manages to scribble a few words on a piece of paper.Half-Norwegian, half-Italian Milo Cavalli is sent to help out with the investigation in Italy, since he is familiar with Italian red tape. Milo finds the note from the scientist, and he also learns that earlier her kid brother had been killed in a schoolyard.Milo becomes obsessed with finding out if there is a link between the two murders—the sister strangled in Italy and the brother shot in Norway. And he is willing to use his vast fortune and special connections—especially when those connections involve beautiful women—to find the answers.

The KetoDiet Cookbook: More Than 150 Delicious Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes for Maximum Weight Loss and Improved Health (Keto For Your Life Ser. #1)

by Martina Slajerova

“A wonderful resource for those following a healthy paleo/primal, low carb diet . . . a wealth of information for successfully implementing a ketogenic diet.” —Lisa MarcAurele, founder of LowCarbYum.comMore than just a standard cookbook, The KetoDiet Cookbook gives you the science behind why keto makes you lose weight and build muscle, in addition to 150 recipes.You love your Paleo or low-carb diet, but is it enough to give your metabolism the jolt it needs to really burn off that extra weight and live a healthier life? By eating foods higher in good fats, moderate protein, and little-to-no carbohydrates, you’ll feel less hungry. Not only that, but your body begins to burn fats stores instead of the carbohydrates and glucose that usually bog down your system.The KetoDiet Cookbook contains 150 recipes and practical information for living and adhering to a ketogenic lifestyle. Martina Slajerova, founder of the KetoDiet blog, provides a complete guide to the ketogenic diet based on the most recent research. Discover the science behind the ketogenic diet and the abundant practical solutions that benefit both beginners and advanced keto-dieters.Indulge in 150 recipes created to be perfectly compatible with ketogenic, low-carb, high-fat, gluten-free, grain free, Paleo, primal, and ancestral diets.Recipes featured in The KetoDiet Cookbook are totally free of:GrainSugarPotatoesLegumesAdditives/artificial sweetenersUnhealthy oils/fatsDairy-free options are also includedWith soups, breakfasts, appetizers, sides, and sauces, you’ll be enjoying delicious meals while giving your body the boost it deserves!

Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed

by Dashka Slater

YALSA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN NONFICTION WINNER ● From the New York Times-bestselling author of The 57 Bus comes Accountable, a propulsive and thought-provoking true story about the revelation of a racist social media account that changes everything for a group of high school students and begs the question: What does it mean to be held accountable for harm that takes place behind a screen?“Powerful, timely, and delicately written.” —Ibram X. Kendi, #1 New York Times–bestselling and National Book Award-winning authorWhen a high school student started a private Instagram account that used racist and sexist memes to make his friends laugh, he thought of it as “edgy” humor. Over time, the edge got sharper. Then a few other kids found out about the account. Pretty soon, everyone knew.Ultimately no one in the small town of Albany, California, was safe from the repercussions of the account’s discovery. Not the girls targeted by the posts. Not the boy who created the account. Not the group of kids who followed it. Not the adults—educators and parents—whose attempts to fix things too often made them worse.In the end, no one was laughing. And everyone was left asking: Where does accountability end for online speech that harms? And what does accountability even mean?Award-winning and New York Times–bestselling author Dashka Slater has written a must-read book for our era that explores the real-world consequences of online choices.

Horizons of the Future: Science Fiction, Utopian Imagination, and the Politics of Education (Critical Interventions)

by Graham B. Slater

Horizons of the Future: Science Fiction, Utopian Imagination, and the Politics of Education examines the relationship between science fiction, education, and social change in the 21st century.Global capitalism is ecologically unsustainable and ethically indefensible; time is running out to alter the course of history if humanity is to have hope of a livable future beyond the next century. However, alternatives are possible, offering much more equality, care, justice, joy, and hope than the established order. Popular culture and schools are key sites of struggles to imagine such alternatives. Drawing on critical theory, cultural studies, and sociology, Slater articulates the promising connection between science fiction and the future of education. He offers cutting-edge engagement with themes, perspectives, and modes of imagination in science fiction that can be mobilized politically and pedagogically to envision and enact critical forms of education that cultivate new utopian ways of relating to self, society, and the future.This thought-provoking book will be of interest to scholars and students in the social sciences and education.

My Revision Notes: Edexcel GCSE (Hodder GCSE History for Edexcel)

by Sam Slater

Exam Board: Pearson EdexcelLevel: GCSESubject: HistoryFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018Endorsed for EdexcelTarget success in Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History with this proven formula for effective, structured revision.Key content coverage is combined with exam-style questions, revision tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes every student can:> Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner> Enjoy an interactive approach to revision, with clear topic summaries that consolidate knowledge and related activities that put the content into context> Build, practise and enhance exam skills by progressing through activities set at different levels> Improve exam technique through exam-style questions and model answers with commentary from expert authors and teachers> Get exam ready with extra quick quizzes and answers to the activities available online

Her Freedom Journey: A Guide Out of Porn and Shame to Authentic Intimacy

by Juli Slattery Joy Skarka

Women struggle too.We are all sexually broken. And we are all invited to participate in the love, forgiveness, and healing of Jesus. Have you ever experienced the fear and shame that follows the vortex of graphic movies, erotica, promiscuity, or porn sites? You may think you&’re alone and feel like hiding. But you&’re not alone—and there is hope and healing.The great joy and passion of Dr. Juli Slattery and Dr. Joy Skarka is calling women to God&’s gracious power of redemption. A beautiful blend of research, biblical truth, and personal stories, Her Freedom Journey invites us to go deeper with the Lord.Juli and Joy—believing that sexual freedom begins with discipleship—lead you through teaching that is coupled with personal reflection. In this 8-week combination book and workbook, women will discover freedom from pornography by experiencing the love of God as they address underlying wounds and connect through authentic community.&“Our prayer is that through this book you would better understand God&’s love and through that love, you will begin your journey of healing and freedom!&”

The Good Daughter: A Novel

by Karin Slaughter

Don’t miss the next Will Trent thriller, This Is Why We Lied, coming this August! SOON TO BE A PEACOCK LIMITED SERIES STARRING JESSICA BIEL“The Good Daughter is like Law and Order meets The Good Wife.” —theSkimmThe stunning new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Pieces of Her— a searing, spellbinding blend of cold-case thriller and psychological suspense.Two girls are forced into the woods at gunpoint. One runs for her life. One is left behind…Twenty-eight years ago, Charlotte and Samantha Quinn's happy small-town family life was torn apart by a terrifying attack on their family home. It left their mother dead. It left their father — Pikeville's notorious defense attorney — devastated. And it left the family fractured beyond repair, consumed by secrets from that terrible night.Twenty-eight years later, and Charlie has followed in her father's footsteps to become a lawyer herself — the ideal good daughter. But when violence comes to Pikeville again — and a shocking tragedy leaves the whole town traumatized — Charlie is plunged into a nightmare. Not only is she the first witness on the scene, but it's a case that unleashes the terrible memories she's spent so long trying to suppress. Because the shocking truth about the crime that destroyed her family nearly thirty years ago won't stay buried forever…Packed with twists and turns, brimming with emotion and heart, The Good Daughter is fiction at its most thrilling.

New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences: NTADES 2023, Saints Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria, July 17–20 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #449)

by Angela Slavova

This book convenes peer-reviewed, selected papers presented at the Tenth International Conference New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences (NTADES) held in Saints Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria, July 17–20, 2023. Contributions are devoted to many applications of differential equations in different fields of science. A number of phenomena in nature (physics, chemistry, biology) and in society (economics) result in problems leading to the study of linear and nonlinear differential equations, stochastic equations, statistics, analysis, numerical analysis, optimization, and more. The main topics are presented in the five parts of the book - applications in mathematical physics, mathematical biology, financial mathematics, neuroscience, and fractional analysis.In this volume, the reader will find a wide range of problems concerning recent achievements in both theoretical and applied mathematics. The main goal is to promote the exchange of new ideas and research between scientists, who develop and study differential equations, and researchers, who apply them to solve real-life problems. The book promotes basic research in mathematics leading to new methods and techniques useful for applications of differential equations.

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