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Contes féeriques de Frotwoot (Tome 1: La Cour Unseelie)

by Charlie Ward

Les tribunaux Seelie et Unseelie sont en guerre. D'un côté: Nobles chevaliers, luttant pour la liberté. De l'autre: des terroristes pas si nobles, luttant pour le droit de gouverner. Pris au milieu: un adolescent très confus et très perdu de l'Indiana. Son nom est Frotwoot Crossley. Et il est sur le point de découvrir que, d'une manière ou d'une autre, ce n'est même pas la chose la plus étrange à son sujet ...

Divorce différé – La Saga

by Daniel Canals Flores

Vous avez entre les mains l’édition complète de la célèbre saga d’horreur Divorce différé. Dans ses pages, vous trouverez les quatre livres qui composent l'histoire complète, parmi lesquels Divorce différé, Divorce différé II Le Rêve de Berenice, Divorce différé III Le coven et Divorce différé IV La bataille des âmes. Il m'a fallu quatre ans pour écrire cette intrigante saga qui reflète la lutte éternelle entre les forces du Bien et du Mal. D'un Moyen Âge interprété et sanglant aux sociétés ésotériques du début du siècle, deux lignées vont en subir les conséquences de la découverte d'un objet maléfique dont l'influence les entraînera à leur destruction. Trahisons et intrigues, sorcellerie, satanisme, planche Ouija, médiums et un bataillon d'esprits maintiendront le lecteur dans une inquiétude continue et terrifiante. Êtes-vous allé dans un coven ? Croyez-vous au spiritualisme ? Vous y serez et vous y croirez... Dans la première partie, Beatriz, orpheline issue d'une famille aisée, rend visite à un avocat avec une demande de divorce surprenante et sombre. À partir de ce moment, une curieuse intrigue va se déchaîner avec une fin inattendue. Dans le second, nous voyagerons dans un passé proche à la rencontre de Berenice et Sofía, transformée plus tard en Madame Clerk, et de leur relation inquiétante avec les Malton. La troisième partie raconte l'origine de tout mal, à travers les aventures d'un inquisiteur sévère impliqué dans un univers cruel et turbulent. Le quatrième développe une histoire d'amour singulière et tragique entre Madame Clerk, une médium éminente et... Je peux lire jusqu'ici.

Incidente Ferroviario: La vendetta dell’Ingegnere

by Blair London

Un grave crimine che sconvolge la società americana diventa un caso misterioso, combinando due incidenti ferroviari, il secondo dei quali ha un movente. La storia si apre con un disastro avvenuto nel 2011 nei pressi di Reno, in cui un semirimorchio si scontra con un vagone del treno passeggeri California Zephyr Amtrak diretto a ovest. Ben, un ingegnere, è seduto al Nostro Bar quando sente la terribile notizia di un incidente ferroviario. Corre fuori dal bar, seguito dal suo migliore amico Mark, e apprende che la sua fidanzata, Christy, è rimasta permanentemente accecata dall’esplosione dovuta allo schianto. Ben giura di prendersi cura di lei, ma Christy non lo accetta, va in depressione e finisce per togliersi la vita. Quello stesso giorno, poco prima, Ben aveva saputo di un nuovo intervento chirurgico per il recupero della vista, così si era precipitato a casa per informare Christy ma l’aveva trovata morta per un’overdose di sonniferi. Ben diventa ossessionato dalla sua passione per i treni, sfrutta un altro ingegnere e le sue conoscenze sul loro funzionamento interno e poi organizza un secondo incidente ferroviario, in cui muoiono tutti tranne lui. Nel corso delle indagini, un detective comincia a realizzare la scioccante verità: il colpevole è proprio il suo migliore amico Ben, e toccherà a lui tirare la leva della sedia elettrica su cui Ben verrà condannato a morte.

8ed Der Beobachter der Genesis: Die Wissenschaft hinter der Schöpfungsgeschichte

by Alberto Canen

Die Genesis ist seit Tausenden von Jahren ein Rätsel. Niemand war in der Lage zu verstehen, wovon der Text sprach, ob er nur ein einleitendes Gedicht zur Heiligen Schrift war oder ob er tatsächlich Informationen über die Schöpfung enthielt. Der Text der Genesis spaltet bis heute die Gemüter von Kreationisten und Wissenschaftlern. Mit diesem Buch hoffe ich, diese Trennung zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Kreationisten aufzuweichen, denn ich habe den Schlüssel entdeckt, der beide Welten vereint. Ich denke, der Schlüssel zum Geheimnis der Genesis liegt darin, zu verstehen, dass sie von jemandem erzählt wird. Einem Erzähler der Genesis. Jemand, der die Vision, die Gott ihm gibt, beobachtet und von dort aus erzählt, was er beobachtet, und er beobachtet es von seinem menschlichen und irdischen Standort aus. Dieser irdische und genaue Standort ist der Schlüssel zum Verständnis der Genesis.

Wrath - Die Nachkommenschaft des Teufels: Die Nachkommenschaft des Teufels (Die Nachkommenschaft des Teufels #1)

by Amylynn Bright

Luke Mephisto trägt die Last des Zorns, seit er zehn Jahre alt war, als sein Vater zum Teufel seiner Generation gewählt wurde. Luke ist sich sicher, dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis diese schwere Krone auf sein eigenes Haupt fällt. Er ist bereits ein gefeierter Architekt und entwirft derzeit das Gebäude seiner Träume, das ihm noch lange nach seinem Tod einen Namen machen wird. Aber es gibt eine neue Kontaktperson in der Firma des Auftraggebers, die alles durcheinanderbringt - sie kommt in ihren süßen Outfits zu den Besprechungen und stellt verrückte Forderungen. Und plötzlich fühlt sich Luke nicht mehr so zornig. Mia vermeidet Konflikte in ihrem Leben. Davon hat sie von ihren Eltern genug bekommen. Aber als ihr die Leitung der neuen Firmenzentrale ihrer Familie übertragen wird, bezieht sie Stellung. Sie weiß, was sie will, und der mürrische Architekt wird sich damit abfinden müssen. Hinter seinem mürrischen Äußeren verbirgt sich ein Mann, der ihr das Gefühl gibt, etwas Besonderes zu sein, als ob ihre Intelligenz und ihre Talente wertvoll wären. Nur dass ihre Albträume in letzter Zeit besonders höllisch sind und der Teufel in ihren Träumen ihrem neuen Freund verdammt ähnlich sieht.

Délicieuses recettes pour petits budgets: 100 recettes rapides, délicieuses et économiques à moins de 2 euros par personne

by Eva Goldsby

Une superbe collection de recettes simples et savoureuses. « Délicieuses recettes pour petits budgets» permet à chacun de cuisiner et de se régaler en toute simplicité. Tout cela sans faire exploser le budget ! Toutes les recettes sont faciles à préparer. Vous n'avez besoin que de quelques ingrédients Toutes les recettes sont abordables La plupart des ingrédients sont disponibles à la maison. Si vous souhaitez économiser du temps et de l'argent en cuisine, mais que vous avez tout de même envie de cuisiner quelque chose de délicieux rapidement, le livre de cuisine « Délicieuses recettes pour petits budgets » est exactement ce qu'il vous faut ! En effet, ce livre de cuisine a été conçu dans le but d'aider les gens à cuisiner pour pas cher, vite et bien.

El propietario: ¡La hora de la Gran Pandemia! ¡La era de las «renovaciones forzosas»!

by Yves Patrick Beaulieu

Están ahí, mirándote, luego te agarran y te meten en la máquina de deportación tan pronto como pueden. Tienen signos por ojos y son voraces y despiadados con sus víctimas. Algunos dicen que es urgente renovar, otros que debemos adaptarnos al mercado o corremos el riesgo de perdernos, otros insisten en acosar, simplemente por el placer de ver gemir a su presa. Alfreda Leduc, una anciana, tiene que mudarse porque su casero quiere conservar la casa en la que vive. Una pandemia azota el país y las cosas van de mal en peor. Ella se niega a ceder ante esta amenaza y decide esperar hasta que la Autoridad de Vivienda celebre una audiencia. Pero al propietario no le faltan ideas para perjudicar a su inquilina: ¡quiere sacarla de su edificio! ¿Cómo terminará este asunto? ¿En su apartamento o debajo de un puente?

Le Miroir Brisé: Recueil de Poèmes

by A L Butcher

Poésie traitant de guerre, de politique et des caprices de la vie. Commémoration des soldats tombés, vers aux accents fantasy sur la folie des politiques humaines, l'ennui, et poèmes plus légers sur la nature et l'environnement.

Une journée équitable à la foire pour Tommy

by Linda Henderson

La foire promet des expériences intéressantes pour les jeunes et les moins jeunes. Tommy aime particulièrement les manèges et les animaux de la foire. Il aimait aussi faire des additions dans sa tête. C'est ainsi qu'il a découvert qu'il y avait beaucoup de choses à additionner à la foire. Alors qu'il écoutait son oncle Albert calculer le prix des tickets d'entrée, celui-ci lui a donné une leçon de vie sur l'importance de traiter les gens de manière juste et équitable. Nous pouvons tous tirer des leçons de ce que l'oncle Albert a dit à Tommy. Dans ce livre facile à lire pour les 6-8 ans, les enfants peuvent s'amuser avec Tommy et sa famille pendant qu'ils parcourent le champ de foire. Ils peuvent exercer leur esprit en pratiquant les mathématiques. Et à la fin du livre, les enfants découvrent celui qui nous considère tous comme des êtres égaux !


by Debarati Dutta


Comment avoir moins de souci et prier plus: Quoi faire quand on se fait trop de souci

by Sesan Oguntade

Les troubles d’anxiété sont monnaie courante aux États-Unis, affectant plus de 40 millions d’adultes*. Tout en effectuant des recherches pour ce travail, j’ai également eu une autre analyse intéressante sur la façon dont ces deux problèmes affectent les gens dans mon pays. Le Nigeria est témoin de plus d’un million et demi de cas par année. La gravité de ces cas parmi les diverses tranches d’âge est listée ci-dessous : Enfants (entre 6 et 13 ans) : commune Adolescents (entre 14 et 18 ans) : très commune Jeunes adultes (entre 19 et 40 ans) : très commune Adultes (entre 41 et 60 ans) : très commune Personnes âgées (60 ans et plus) : commune Une simple analyse et compréhension de ces résultats de recherche montre que ces cas sont très communs auprès des personnes âgées de 14 à 60 ans au Nigeria. À présent, ajoutez à cela le fait que plus de 40 millions d’adultes aux États-Unis en sont aussi affectés et nous avons un problème sur les bras. Il s’agit d’un problème qui affecte la population active de ces deux pays. Ces résultats sont importants pour nous dans notre organisation, considérant le fait que notre organisation aide les gens à être productifs et pleins de ressources en utilisant les principes de la Parole de Dieu. Si plus de 40 millions de personnes aux États-Unis souffrent de cela et que la population active au Nigeria en est aussi affectée, alors on devrait y prêter attention. Je crois que vous devriez également vous y intéresser. Vous ne souhaitez pas que cette « maladie » affecte votre productivité, en particulier dans la tranche d’âge où l’on s’attend à ce que vous soyez productifs et donniez le meilleur de vous-même au monde.

Die Lady des Griesgrams (Die Damen der Aristokratie #1)

by Linda Rae Sande

Er ist ein Miesepeter. Sie ist der Grund dafür. Nachdem Patience Grayson, die frisch verwitwete Marchioness of Billingsley, sich von ihrem Sohn verabschiedet hat, als dieser zu seiner Grand Tour durch Europa aufbrach, macht sie sich auf den Weg aufs Land. Sie will mindestens ein Jahr lang allein auf dem Familiensitz der Graysons in Shropshire leben. Wenn nur ihre Reisekutsche es so weit schaffen würde. Als ein Rad bricht, geschieht dies an einer äußerst ungünstigen Stelle. Max Higgins, Earl of Greenley, hat seit über zwanzig Jahren keinen guten Tag mehr gehabt, seit die Frau, die er eigentlich heiraten sollte, ihn für einen anderen verlassen hat, und das mit einer Grafschaft, die durch die Spielsucht und den Alkoholkonsum seines verstorbenen Vaters fast bankrott gegangen ist. Seitdem ist er wegen seiner Verbitterung in ganz Staffordshire als "Earl of Grump" bekannt. Obwohl er eine andere Gräfin gefunden hat, starb die arme Frau bei der Geburt seines Erben, manche sagen, um seiner mürrischen Laune zu entgehen. Max' Einsamkeit in seinem Landsitz in Staffordshire wird jäh gestört, als der Grund für seine Mürrischkeit in einer späten Winternacht in sein Haus - und sein Schlafgemach - eindringt. Wird das Leben jemals wieder wie früher sein?

Det vegetariska livet: Ett sätt för dig att hjälpa till att rädda mänskligheten... (Hur man... #125)

by Owen Jones

Vegetarianism har varit en kulinarisk filosofi i tusentals år, men inte så mycket i västvärlden förrän i början av 1900-talet då den återupplivades. Den anammades av hippierörelsen på sextio- och sjuttiotalet eftersom de hämtade inspiration från öst och i synnerhet buddhismen. Hippiernas barn fortsatte sedan den livsstilen som deras föräldrar hade gett dem och har nu fört den vidare till sina egna barn. I dag finns det få städer, hur små de än är, som inte har en vegetarisk restaurang.  Detta är inte en receptbok, även om den tar upp vegetarisk mat och ger några exempel på recept. Den är egentligen till för dem som vill veta mer om vegetarianism, kanske för att bättre förstå rörelsen eller sina vegetariska vänner och familjemedlemmar.  Jag hoppas att du kommer att finna informationen hjälpsam, användbar och lönsam. 

Genommen von drei Cowboys (Genommen #4)

by Jasmine Black

Wegen eines Vertrags, den sie unterzeichnet hat, hat Sierra Allen fast ein Jahr damit zugebracht, sich dem düsteren Verlangen von zwei Cowboys auf der Dreifach Z Ranch hinzugeben. Als ein dritter Cowboy auf der Ranch auftaucht und seinen Teil von Sierra einfordert, wird sie bald von drei Cowboys genommen ... aber Sierra hat einen Plan, aus ihrer Knechtschaft zu entkommen und zurück zu ihrer geliebten Rocking Horse Ranch zu gelangen. Wird Sierras tollkühner Plan aufgehen? Oder wird sie für immer der Gnade dreier fordernder Cowboys ausgeliefert sein?

Immortal Longings (Flesh & False Gods #1)

by Chloe Gong

A NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER Chloe Gong&’s adult epic fantasy debut, inspired by Shakespeare&’s Antony and Cleopatra, is a &“smart, imaginative, and brutal&” (Wesley Chu, New York Times bestselling author of The War Arts Saga) collision of power plays, spilled blood, and romance amidst a set of deadly games.Every year, thousands in the kingdom of Talin flock to its capital twin cities, San-Er, where the palace hosts a set of games. For those confident enough in their ability to jump between bodies, competitors across San-Er fight to the death to win unimaginable riches. Princess Calla Tuoleimi lurks in hiding. Five years ago, a massacre killed her parents and left the palace of Er empty…and she was the one who did it. Before King Kasa&’s forces in San can catch her, she plans to finish the job and bring down the monarchy. Her reclusive uncle always greets the victor of the games, so if she wins, she finally gets her opportunity to kill him. Enter Anton Makusa, an exiled aristocrat. His childhood love has lain in a coma since they were both ousted from the palace, and he&’s deep in debt trying to keep her alive. Thankfully, he&’s one of the best jumpers in the kingdom, flitting from body to body at will. His last chance at saving her is entering the games and winning. Calla finds both an unexpected alliance with Anton and help from King Kasa&’s adopted son, August, who wants to mend Talin&’s ills. But the three of them have very different goals, even as Calla and Anton&’s partnership spirals into something all-consuming. Before the games close, Calla must decide what she&’s playing for—her lover or her kingdom.

We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife

by Matt Fraser

From America&’s top psychic medium and the author of When Heaven Calls comes a new book that unveils the secrets of the afterlife, the truth about heaven, and inspires &“us with his comforting certainty that we never die&” (Gloria Estefan).Psychic medium Matt Fraser, author of When Heaven Calls, is back to unpack the number one question folks ask him: &“What happens after death?&” Although we might expect a complicated answer, it&’s actually pretty simple: We never die! Drawing from thousands of conversations with Spirit, Matt pulls back the curtain on life&’s hidden revelations: -What happens when we cross over -The beautiful realities of heaven and eternal life -The guardian angels who keep us safe on Earth (including our pets who have passed) -The role of dreams and how souls appear to the living -Love, romance, and soul mates beyond life -Ghosts, hauntings, negative souls, energy vampires, and psychic protection -Destiny, free will, and second chances -Regrets, amends, and forgiveness from heaven -Figuring out your gifts and purpose -Karma, kindness, and living in the divine flow -How to recognize the signs and messages our loved ones send us from heaven As Matt explains, &“We all have our own &‘phone line&’ to communicate with heaven. All we have to do is figure out how to use it.&” Revealed through never-before-told stories, the wisdom in We Never Die &“is healing the world by making sure we have a strong emotional and spiritual connection, which is the foundation for a healthy life&” (Karamo Brown, star of Queer Eye and author and author of Karamo).

The Hawk's Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty

by Sy Montgomery

A splendid and luminous celebration of one of nature&’s most perfect and mysterious creatures—the hawk—from the New York Times bestselling author of the &“astoundingly beautiful&” (NPR) The Soul of an Octopus. When Sy Montgomery went to spend a day at falconer Nancy Cowan&’s farm, home to a dozen magnificent birds of prey, it was the start of a deep love affair. Nancy allowed her to work with Jazz, a feisty, four-year-old, female Harris&’s hawk with a wingspan of more than four feet. Not a pet, Jazz was a fierce predator with talons that could pierce skin and bone and yet, she was willing to work with a human to hunt. From the first moment Jazz swept down from a tree and landed on Sy&’s leather gloved fist, Sy fell under the hawk&’s magnetic spell. Over the next few years, Sy spent more time with these magnificent creatures, getting to know their extraordinary abilities and instincts. They are deeply emotional animals, quick to show anger and frustration, and can hold a grudge for years. But they are also loyal and intensely aware of their surroundings. In this mesmerizing account, featuring sixteen pages of gorgeous color photographs, Sy passionately and vividly reveals the wonderous world of hawks and what they can teach us about nature, life, and love.

The Spanish Love Deception: A Novel

by Elena Armas

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A TikTok sensation, this rom-com about a young woman who agrees to fake date a colleague and bring him to her sister&’s wedding has &“everything you could want in a romance&” (Helen Hoang, New York Times bestselling author).Catalina Martín desperately needs a date to her sister&’s wedding. Especially since her little white lie about her American boyfriend has spiralled out of control. Now everyone she knows—including her ex and his fiancée—will be there and eager to meet him. She only has four weeks to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic and aid in her deception. New York to Spain is no short flight and her raucous family won&’t be easy to fool. Enter Aaron Blackford—her tall, handsome, condescending colleague—who surprisingly offers to step in. She&’d rather refuse; never has there been a more aggravating, blood-boiling, and insufferable man. But Catalina is desperate, and as the wedding draws nearer, Aaron looks like her best option. And she begins to realize he might not be as terrible in the real world as he is at the office.

The American Roommate Experiment: A Novel

by Elena Armas

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A Most Anticipated Book of 2022 by Cosmopolitan, Goodreads, PopSugar, and more! From the author of the Goodreads Choice Award winner The Spanish Love Deception, the eagerly anticipated follow-up featuring Rosie Graham and Lucas Martín, who are forced to share a New York apartment.Rosie Graham has a problem. A few, actually. She just quit her well paid job to focus on her secret career as a romance writer. She hasn&’t told her family and now has terrible writer&’s block. Then, the ceiling of her New York apartment literally crumbles on her. Luckily she has her best friend Lina&’s spare key while she&’s out of town. But Rosie doesn&’t know that Lina has already lent her apartment to her cousin Lucas, who Rosie has been stalking—for lack of a better word—on Instagram for the last few months. Lucas seems intent on coming to her rescue like a Spanish knight in shining armor. Only this one strolls around the place in a towel, has a distracting grin, and an irresistible accent. Oh, and he cooks. Lucas offers to let Rosie stay with him, at least until she can find some affordable temporary housing. And then he proposes an outrageous experiment to bring back her literary muse and meet her deadline: He&’ll take her on a series of experimental dates meant to jump-start her romantic inspiration. Rosie has nothing to lose. Her silly, online crush is totally under control—but Lucas&’s time in New York has an expiration date, and six weeks may not be enough, for either her or her deadline.

Going Rogue: Rise and Shine Twenty-Nine (Stephanie Plum #29)

by Janet Evanovich

Stephanie Plum breaks the rules, flirts with disaster, and shows who&’s boss in this whip-smart and fast-paced thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling &“crown princess of detective fiction&” (BookPage) Janet Evanovich.Monday mornings aren&’t supposed to be fun, but they should be predictable. However, on this particular Monday, Stephanie Plum knows that something is amiss when she turns up for work at Vinnie&’s Bail Bonds to find that longtime office manager Connie Rosolli, who is as reliable as the tides in Atlantic City, hasn&’t shown up. Stephanie&’s worst fears are confirmed when she gets a call from Connie&’s abductor. He says he will only release her in exchange for a mysterious coin that a recently murdered man left as collateral for his bail. Unfortunately, this coin, which should be in the office—just like Connie—is nowhere to be found. The quest to discover the coin, learn its value, and save Connie will require the help of Stephanie&’s Grandma Mazur, her best pal Lula, her boyfriend Morelli, and hunky security expert Ranger. As they get closer to unraveling the reasons behind Connie&’s kidnapping, Connie&’s captor grows more threatening and soon Stephanie has no choice but to throw caution to the wind, follow her instincts, and go rogue. Full of surprises, thrills, and humor, Going Rogue reveals a new side of Stephanie Plum, and shows Janet Evanovich at her scorching, riotous best.

Dirty Thirty (Stephanie Plum #30)

by Janet Evanovich

INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Janet Evanovich, the &“most popular mystery writer alive&” (The New York Times), is in top form as she sends Stephanie Plum on the trail of a stolen stash of dirty diamonds.Stephanie Plum, Trenton&’s hardest working, most underappreciated bounty hunter, is offered a freelance assignment that seems simple enough. Local jeweler Martin Rabner wants her to locate his former security guard, Andy Manley (a.k.a. Nutsy), who he is convinced stole a fortune in diamonds out of his safe. Stephanie is also looking for another troubled man, Duncan Dugan, a fugitive from justice arrested for robbing the same jewelry store on the same day. With her boyfriend Morelli away in Miami on police business, Stephanie is taking care of Bob, Morelli&’s giant orange dog who will devour anything, from Stephanie&’s stray donuts to the upholstery in her car. Morelli&’s absence also means the inscrutable, irresistible security expert Ranger is front and center in Stephanie&’s life when things inevitably go sideways. And he seems determined to stay there. To complicate matters, her best friend Lula is convinced she is being stalked by a mythological demon hell-bent on relieving her of her wardrobe. An overnight stakeout with Stephanie&’s mother and Grandma Mazur reveals three generations of women with nerves of steel and driving skills worthy of NASCAR champions. As the body count rises and witnesses start to disappear, it won&’t be easy for Stephanie to keep herself clean when everyone else is playing dirty. It&’s a good thing Stephanie isn&’t afraid of getting a little dirty, too.

The Countryside: Ten Rural Walks Through Britain and Its Hidden History of Empire

by Corinne Fowler

Ten walks through idyllic scenery reveal the countryside&’s forgotten links to transatlantic slavery and colonialism—a work of accessible history that will transform our understanding of British landscapes and heritage.The green fields, rugged highlands, and rolling hills of England, Scotland, and Wales are commonly associated with adventure, romance, and seclusion as well as literary figures like Jane Austen and William Wordsworth. But in reality, many of these rural places—with their country houses, lakes, and shorelines—were profoundly changed by British colonial activity. Even hamlets and villages were affected by distant colonial events. Taking ten country walks, author Corinne Fowler explores the unique colonial dimensions of British agriculture, copper-mining, landownership, wool-making, coastal trade, and factory work in cotton mills. One route shows the links between English country houses and Indian colonization. Another explores banking history in Southern England and its link to slavery on Louisianan plantations. Other walks uncover the historical impact of sugar profits on the Scottish isles and 18th-century tobacco imports on an English coastal port. The history of these countryside locations—and the people who lived and worked in them—is closely bound up with colonial rule in far-away continents. Accompanying the author on her walks are a fascinating group of people—artists, musicians, and writers—with strong attachments to the landscapes featured in this book and family links to former British colonies like Barbados and Senegal. These companions illuminate the meaning of colonial history in local settings. Crucially, this is not just a history book but a compassionate reflection on the way we respond to sensitive, shared histories which link people across cultures, generations, and political divides.

Playing from the Rough: A Personal Journey through America's 100 Greatest Golf Courses

by Jimmie James

The story of one man&’s quest to become the first person to play each of America&’s 100 greatest golf courses in a single year, an odyssey that brings him face to face with the gulf between his impoverished childhood in the Jim Crow South and the successful executive he became.When he set out to play each of Golf Digest&’s America&’s 100 greatest golf courses in one year, Jimmie James knew he was attempting the impossible. But then again, he&’d spent his entire life defying the odds. James was born invisible. His birth certificate, long since filed away in some clerk&’s office in East Texas, recorded facts about him that were deemed most relevant in the late 1950s: &“colored&” and &“illegitimate.&” His great-great-grandmother was enslaved, and his early life was confined by the privation and segregation of the late Jim Crow-era South. Four decades later—having put himself through an HBCU and determinedly risen through the executive ranks at ExxonMobil—he embarked on his journey to play the 100 greatest golf courses in the United States. In a single year. From the first tee at Augusta National, the distance between the world he grew up in and the world of extreme privilege to which he&’d now managed to gain access was impossible to ignore. Playing from the Rough is a remarkable memoir of race, class, family, and the power of perseverance, as James braids his love of golf with reflections on the path that took him from childhood poverty to the most exclusive and opulent golf courses in America.

The Supermajority: How the Supreme Court Divided America

by Michael Waldman

A &“terrific, if chilling, account&” (The Guardian) of how the Supreme Court&’s new conservative supermajority is overturning decades of law and leading the country in a dangerous political direction.In The Supermajority, Michael Waldman explores the tumultuous 2021­­–2022 Supreme Court term. He draws deeply on history to examine other times the Court veered from the popular will, provoking controversy, and backlash. And he analyzes the most important new rulings and their implications for the law and for American society. Waldman asks: What can we do when the Supreme Court challenges the country? Over three days in June 2022, the conservative supermajority overturned the constitutional right to abortion, possibly opening the door to reconsider other major privacy rights, as Justice Clarence Thomas urged. The Court sharply limited the authority of the EPA, reducing the prospects for combatting climate change. It radically loosened curbs on guns amid an epidemic of mass shootings. It fully embraced legal theories such as &“originalism&” that will affect thousands of cases throughout the country. These major decisions—and the next wave to come—will have enormous ramifications for every American. It was the most turbulent term in memory—with the leak of the opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, the first Black woman justice sworn in, and the justices turning on each other in public, Waldman previews the 2022­–2023 term and how the brewing fights over the Supreme Court and its role that already have begun to reshape politics. The Supermajority is &“a call to action as much as it is a history of the Supreme Court &“ (Financial Times) at a time when the Court&’s dysfunction—and the demand for reform—are at the center of public debate.

Did I Ever Tell You?: A Memoir

by Genevieve Kingston

New York Times Editors&’ Choice THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY, LIFE-AFFIRMING MEMOIR YOU WILL EVER READ ABOUT THE POWER OF LOVE.Did I Ever Tell You? reads like a novel but is an unforgettable true story. Genevieve (Gwen) Kingston was just eleven years old when her mother passed away, leaving behind a chest filled with gifts and letters to celebrate the milestones of Gwen&’s life and each of her birthdays until age thirty. When Did I Ever Tell You? opens, just three packages remain: engagement, marriage, and first baby. Tracing Gwen&’s coming-of-age, the book reveals a treasure hunt, with each gift and letter unveiling more about her mother, her family, and—ultimately—herself. Like Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner and The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, Did I Ever Tell You? is a riveting book filled with unexpected twists and powerful life lessons. Through her mother&’s fierce and courageous love, Gwen was granted the tools not only to move through grief but to cherish life. For as her mother says in one of her letters: &“love is stronger than death.&”

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