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Vold's Theoretical Criminology

by Thomas J. Bernard Rick Trinkner Jeffrey B. Snipes

The standard text in the field, Vold's Theoretical Criminology is universally known by scholars in the discipline. Taking a largely historical approach, it discusses both classic and contemporary theories, presenting historical context and empirical research for each one. Vold's is a classic, trusted for decades as the definitive, comprehensive source of criminological theories. One of the marks of its success is that its usage spans introductory and upper-level courses, and even is used in graduate level courses. The writing style is crisp, clear, easy to understand but not watered down.

Volksjustiz - Der lange Weg zur Gerechtigkeit: Zweites Buch einer Trilogie

by Dieter Rudolph

Dieses Buch ist ein fiktionales Werk. Namen, Charaktere, Örtlichkeiten, Ereignisse und dergleichen sind der Phantasie des Autors entsprungen oder werden fiktiv verwendet. Ähnlichkeiten mit Orten, Ereignissen sowie lebenden oder verstorbenen Personen sind rein zufällig. Genannte Straßennamen, Städte oder Orte sollen den Lesern ein realistischeres Gefühl vermitteln; sie spielen weder in diesem noch in den folgenden Büchern auf Ereignisse an, die sich zu dieser Zeit zugetragen haben, noch auf Orte, die die Leser möglicherweise kennen. Die Orte werden nach dem Zufallsprinzip und aus dem Wissensschatz des Autors oder anderer Medien ausgewählt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, einschließlich des Rechts auf Vervielfältigung des Buches im Ganzen oder in Teilen in jeglicher Form.

Volkswille – Ideal oder Illusion?: Weshalb Volksentscheide undemokratisch werden können

by Rudolf G. Adam

Was versteht man unter dem Begriff Volksabstimmung und welche Mechanismen verbergen sich dahinter? In einer Zeit, in der das Vertrauen in die repräsentative Demokratie hinterfragt wird, analysiert dieses Buch verschiedene Formen von Volksabstimmungen sowie die potenziellen Gefahren, die davon ausgehen können. Es wendet sich an politisch interessierte Bürger, die glauben, der Volkswille könne in verknöcherten Strukturen von Parteiendemokratie und Parlamenten nicht mehr adäquat Ausdruck finden. Es ist ein Beitrag, der sich den Forderungen nach mehr Bürgerbeteiligung sachlich entgegenstellt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf den Fragen: Wer ist das Volk? Kann es definitionsgemäß überhaupt einen einheitlichen Willen bilden? Ab wann gelten Mehrheiten als verbindlich? In welchem Umfang sollten Minderheitsinteressen berücksichtigt werden? Durch eine empirische Übersicht über gelungene und problematische Volksabstimmungen weist der Autor auf die Erfordernisse hin, die notwendig sind, damit ein Volksentscheid einen sachlich fundierten und dauerhaften Mehrheitswillen ausdrücken kann.

Vom Urknall bis zum E-Auto: Ein Museumsführer durch (fast) 14 Milliarden Jahre Geschichte

by Gideon Böss

Nur im Museum ist es möglich, in wenigen Schritten Milliarden Jahre Evolution, Menschheits- oder Technikgeschichte hinter sich zu bringen. Auf dem Weg durch fast 14 Milliarden Jahre stellt dieses Buch auf kurzweilige Art Museen und das in ihnen präsentierte Wissen vor. In zwanzig Stationen geht es vom Urknall über die Entstehung der Erde und des Lebens, zur Gründung erster Königreiche, zu Kleopatra, Luther und den Menschenrechten, zu Napoleon, Computern und dem Klimawandel. Man erfährt, warum Kuh und Wal so nahe Verwandte sind, warum die Preußen schon lange vor dem Berliner Hauptstadt-Flughafen ruinöse Bauprojekte realisierten und ob wir Menschen die Chance haben, jemals eine Supernova mit bloßen Augen zu sehen. Auf dieser unterhaltsamen Reise durch Raum und Zeit geht es aber auch um die Museen selbst, ihre Entstehungsgeschichten und ihre oft exzentrischen Gründer – unter denen einer die Wildtiere kurzerhand selbst erschoss, die er ausstellen wollte, während ein andererkistenweise Landkarten und Bücher aus Japan stahl, bevor Stürme ihn zurück an die Küste warfen, oder jener dritte, der sich inmitten seiner Ausstellungsfläche begraben ließ und dort noch immer liegt. In diesem Buch vergehen (fast) 14 Milliarden Jahre wie im Flug.

Von der Immunologie der humanen Ontogenese zur Immunologie der Onkogenese: Vom Embryo gelernt – wie Karzinome das Immunsystem manipulieren (essentials)

by Wolfgang Würfel

Der implantierende Embryo und die Zellen eines Malignoms stehen vor denselben Herausforderungen: zu einen müssen sie einen Angriff des Immunsystems effektiv abwehren und zum anderen benötigen sie möglichst viele externe Wachstumsimpulse. Diese erhalten sie u.a. von Immunzellen, die sie dafür aber erst instrumentalisieren, also „umdrehen“ müssen. Die embryonale Implantation ist elementar, ebenso die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen der immunologischen Kommunikation und Interaktion. Während das alles bei der embryonalen Implantation - üblicherweise - geordnet abläuft, sind die Zellen eines Malignoms in chaotischer Weise entdifferenziert und „bedienen“ sich dieser Mechanismen demzufolge wenig vorhersehbar. Insofern lassen sich aus dem Grundverständnis der embryonalen Implantation umfassende und „personalisierte“ Diagnose- und Therapiekonzepte ableiten, v.a. für die Onkologie.

Von Eratosthenes bis Einstein: Eine mathematische Zeitreise durch die Geschichte des physikalischen Weltbilds

by Michael Bürker

Der Buchtitel Von Eratosthenes bis Einstein deutet einen großen Bogen an, der in einer mathematischen Zeitreise durchlaufen wird. Das Buch wendet sich an Studierende und an Personen, welche mehr über die Geschichte unseres Weltbilds von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart im Zusammenhang mit den Biografien der Protagonisten erfahren wollen. In der Antike sind dies Denker, welche nach rationalen Ursachen der Naturerscheinungen fragen und rationale Antworten versuchen, und Denker, welche Philosophie, Mathematik und Astronomie zu einer ersten Blüte bringen. In der Renaissance und Neuzeit weisen Kopernikus mit dem heliozentrischen Weltbild sowie Galilei und Kepler mit einer neuen Verknüpfung von Empirie und mathematisch geprägter Theorie den Weg zu naturwissenschaftlichem Denken, vollendet Isaac Newton mit einer tieferen Begründung und Mathematisierung der Physik die kopernikanische Wende und eröffnet gleichzeitig eine Forschungs- und Wissensvielfalt ohnegleichen. Schließlich legen Planck mit der Quantentheorie und Einstein mit den beiden Relativitätstheorien die Grundlagen unseres heutigen Weltbilds, in dem die Urknalltheorie den Beginn unserer Raumzeit vor etwa 14 Milliarden Jahren anzeigt, aber auch die Frage aufkommt, ob hinter der Entwicklung des Universums, wie wir es heute verstehen, eine zielgerichtete Strategie hin zur Existenz des Menschen steckt oder ob diese Entwicklung ein bloßer Zufall äußerst geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit ist.

Vote With Your Phone: Why Mobile Voting Is Our Final Shot at Saving Democracy

by Bradley Tusk

Democracy is broken because the way we vote is broken. But there is a solution: Mobile Voting.Gun Control. Abortion. From the halls of Congress, it may seem that Americans are bitterly polarized on the biggest policy issues of the day. But Americans are not as divides as we think, and polls show that most of us largely agree on even the most divisive issues. The problem lies in how we vote. Politics is more extreme because only the most extreme voters turn out in primaries. And with politicians prioritizing reelection above all else, they shun compromise, feed this extremism, and get rewarded for it. If a lot more people vote, the views of the electorate become more mainstream, and our politicians and policies will shift to the center. Mobile voting is the solution. We do just about everything on our phones, and yet we still can't use them to vote. But the technology exists, provides enhanced security over traditional paper ballots, and it could exponentially increase voter turnout by: Allowing Americans to vote from anywhere, on their own scheduleMaking voting more accessible for people who are not well served by mail-in ballots, such as voters with visual impairments and military servicemembers – and their families - overseasProviding more security than traditional paper ballotsIncentivizing younger voters to participate by using technology they're familiar withFrom Bradley Tusk, philanthropist and founder of the Mobile Voting Project, comes a deeply informative and timely analysis of our broken voting system, introducing us to the history, opposition, and potential of voting from our devices. Including essays by Martin Luther King Jr. III and other prominent political figures, Vote with Your Phone shows us that a solution to restoring faith in our representative democracy is right in the palm of our hands.

Vue.js 3 for Beginners: Learn the essentials of Vue.js 3 and its ecosystem to build modern web applications

by Simone Cuomo

Gain proficiency in Vue.js 3 and its core libraries, including Pinia, Vue Router, and Vitest, by developing a social media web application with detailed, hands-on instructionsKey FeaturesDiscover best practices for building scalable and performant Vue.js applicationsLearn the basics of component-based architectureFamiliarize yourself with Vue.js core libraries and ecosystemPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionDiscover why Vue.js is a must-learn JavaScript framework for aspiring developers. If you’re a beginner fascinated by Vue.js and its potential, then this book will show you how the progressive and versatile framework can help you build performant applications. Written by an accomplished software architect with over 12 years of experience, Vue.js for Beginners provides a solid foundation in Vue.js and guides you at every step to create a robust social media application, component by component. Starting with a clean canvas using plain HTML and CSS, you’ll learn new topics to build your application incrementally. Beyond the core features, you’ll explore crucial parts of the Vue.js ecosystem, such as state management with Pinia, routing with Vue Router, and testing with Vitest, and Cypress. The structured GitHub repository ensures a smooth transition from one chapter to the next, offering valuable insights into advanced topics, techniques, and recourses. This book is designed to serve as a practical reference guide, allowing you to quickly revisit specific topics when needed. By the end of the book, you’ll have built a strong understanding of Vue.js and be ready to build simple applications effortlessly.What you will learnGain practical knowledge of the Vue.js frameworkDeepen your understanding of Pinia, Vue Router, validation libraries, and their integration with Vue.js applicationsExplore the core concepts of Vue.js, including components, directives, and data bindingCreate scalable, maintainable applications from scratchBuild applications using the script setup and the Composition APIDebug your applications with the Vue debugger toolWho this book is forVue.js for Beginners is for aspiring web developers, students, hobbyists, or anyone who wants to learn Vue.js from scratch and is eager to foray into front-end development using this modern and popular framework. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required to fully grasp the content of this Vue.js book.

Vuelve a Mí (La Serie de Amanda Libro Uno #1)

by Ikechukwu Joseph

“¿Cómo leíste mi pensamiento? ¿Dónde estabas cuando todos estos males me sobrevinieron? De todos modos, afirmaste que fuiste asignado para protegerme...” La ira de Amanda aumentó, así como el tono de su voz. El Sr. Familiar se levantó en defensa. “Nunca te abandoné ni por un minuto...” “¡Mentiroso! Sal de mi vista...!” pero ella bajo sus humos después de descargar sus frustraciones en el Sr. Familiar. Él era el único más cercano a ella ahora en sus momentos de profunda soledad. “¿Por qué me abandonaste como los demás?” Sus lágrimas fluían como un río. Ella estaba profundamente herida. “Nunca te abandoné ni lo haré. Eres una hija del destino. Estas destinada a descubrirte a ti misma y a tu destino por ti sola. Soy solo un guía y guarda. Soy muchas cosas para ti. Yo fui el Sr. Johnson, el pescador, cuando te perdiste en el mar. Estuve allí para detener al Sr. Ahab cuando intento viola...” Amanda se estremeció y volvió a su propio yo y sentidos. “¿Cómo supiste todos mis secretos... nadie más que...” “Yo fui el marinero desconocido que te rescató del accidente del mar. Instigué a Anita, la reclusa de la prisión a tomar la comida envenenada destinada para ti. Yo...” “Para, para, para.” La cabeza de Amanda se hizo gigante. Lloró aún más. Después de un largo silencio, levantó la cabeza y preguntó, “¿por qué no salvaste a Lucy, mi esposo y a otros en el accidente?” Hubo otro largo silencio. “Solo fui enviado para ti...” "Vuelve a Mí" (La Serie de Amanda Libro Uno) es la historia de una joven que encontró el amor en un aparente anciano. “Estaba dividida entre el hombre que amo y el futuro por delante mío -el hombre que no solo se robó mi corazón, sino también quitó mi soledad, depresión y aburrimiento de la vida. El oro que no podía encontrar en los jóvenes y exuberantes, en los fuertes y poderosos, en los ric

wagamama Soul Kitchen: The Art of Cooking and Eating, the brand new book for 2024

by Wagamama Limited

Some say that the kitchen is the heart of the home. For wagamama, it's the soul.Journeying from the restaurants' own open kitchens, wagamama travels across the Asian continent in search of the heroes serving up soul to their communities. Visiting eating houses, street food stalls, canteens and fine- dining spots, we discover the art of eating through a focus on freshness, experimentation and a sacred moment of pause.In chapters that span a full day, you'll find banh mi, fresh glass noodle salads, warming curries and hot honey-fried chicken. As well as breakfast, lunch, dinner and late-night eating, you'll discover recipes for how to repurpose your lefovers and learn the importance of curating a great condiment selection.Within these 70 recipes you'll find fresh, flavoursome, nourishing and easy-to-make meals intended to feed your soul both when cooking and eating them.

wagamama Soul Kitchen: The Art of Cooking and Eating, the brand new book for 2024

by Wagamama Limited

Some say that the kitchen is the heart of the home. For wagamama, it's the soul.Journeying from the restaurants' own open kitchens, wagamama travels across the Asian continent in search of the heroes serving up soul to their communities. Visiting eating houses, street food stalls, canteens and fine- dining spots, we discover the art of eating through a focus on freshness, experimentation and a sacred moment of pause.In chapters that span a full day, you'll find banh mi, fresh glass noodle salads, warming curries and hot honey-fried chicken. As well as breakfast, lunch, dinner and late-night eating, you'll discover recipes for how to repurpose your lefovers and learn the importance of curating a great condiment selection.Within these 70 recipes you'll find fresh, flavoursome, nourishing and easy-to-make meals intended to feed your soul both when cooking and eating them.

A Wager to Win the Debutante (Rakes, Rebels and Rogues #1)

by Eva Shepherd

All bets are off in this lively Victorian romance full of spice and wit! May the best gentleman win… A debutante? Wealthy rail baron Thomas Hayward needs a duke&’s land to expand his empire, but the oaf insists on a ridiculous wager: they&’ll both woo debutante Miss Grace Lowerby, and if she chooses the duke—which she surely will—Thomas gets the land at a cheaper price. He can&’t lose… To save her family, Grace must marry the duke. And yet in dashing Thomas she&’s found a man she can finally be herself with. But focusing on her goal is paramount…until she discovers the wager and—annoyingly!—that it&’s Thomas she&’s falling for!From Harlequin Historical: Your romantic escape to the past.Rakes, Rebels and RoguesBook 1: A Wager to Win the DebutanteBook 2: A Widow to Defy the Duke

The Waiting Water: Order, Sacrifice, and Submergence in German Realism (Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought)

by Alexander Sorenson

The Waiting Water addresses one of the most recurrent and troubling motifs in German Realist literature—death by drowning. Characters find themselves before bodies of water, presented with the familiar realm above the surface and the unobservable, uncanny domain beneath it. With somber regularity, they then disappear into the depths. Alexander Sorenson explores the role that these hidden deaths in water play within a literary movement that set out precisely to reveal universal truths about human life. The poetics of submergence, he argues, revolve around two concepts fundamental to Poetic Realism—order and sacrifice.Focusing on texts by Adalbert Stifter, Gottfried Keller, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, and Theodor Storm, along with material from earlier and later epochs, The Waiting Water shows that the pervasive symbolism of drowning scenes in German Realism, which typically occur in zones of narrative invisibility on the social periphery, reveals the extent to which realist narrative uses the natural environment to work through deeply embedded and hidden tensions that troubled the social and moral life of the age.

Walking Robots into Real World: Proceedings of the CLAWAR 2024 Conference, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1114)

by Manuel F. Silva Karsten Berns Mohammad Osman Tokhi Rüdiger Dillmann Arne Roennau

The book is also a good source for courses in robotics and automation, control engineering, mechanical engineering, and mechatronics. CLAWAR 2024 is the 27th International Conference Series on Climbing and Walking Robots and Mobile Machine Support Technologies. The conference is organized by CLAWAR Association in collaboration with the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau and FZI Center for Information Technology, Germany, during September 4–6, 2024. CLAWAR 2024 provides the latest research and development findings and state-of-the-art insights into the mobile robotics and associated technologies in a diverse range of application scenarios, within the framework of “walking robots into real world.” The topics covered include AI-based systems and solutions, biologically inspired systems and solutions, human-like robots, innovative grippers, innovative robot design, planetary exploration, planning and control, prosthetics and rehabilitation, quadruped robots, and robotic applications. The intended readership includes participants of CLAWAR 2024 conference, worldwide researchers, scientists, and educators in the areas of robotics and related topics.

Walking Well: A New Approach for Comfort, Vitality, and Inspiration in Every Step

by Michael J. Gelb Bruce Fertman

Walking is good for you. It can regulate weight, improve sleep, elevate mood, transform stress, and boost creativity. Most people want to walk more. But what if the key isn’t just to walk more, but to walk better? Walking Well presents a three-part journey that will guide you to discover more comfort, vitality, and inspiration in every step. Filled with simple, practical guidance from authors with over a hundred years of collective experience in teaching people how to move well, this book not only improves how we walk but reveals how much is possible for us once we know how to walk well.

The Wall (The Symbolism of Power #1)

by Cezara Zamfir

Tim, an eighteen year old teenager, lives a relatively normal life with his parents in an area called the Society, which is governed by a set of rules called the System. This world set at the beginning of the fourth millennium is one of the few habitable territories on Earth due to the devastation of World War III. Tim discovers that an impressively high wall stretches across the area, which he manages to pass through, and together with Hera and Castor - his new friends - he sets out on a quest for truth, making both friends and enemies, plotting and experiencing the political, spiritual and historical dimension of the Crowd, the world beyond the Wall. Faced with the confrontation of the two worlds, one question arises: will the truth emerge before the Crowd is destroyed?

The Wallflower That Bloomed: Finding Your Place at the Lunch Table of Life

by Cally Logan

Introducing The Wallflower that Bloomed by Cally Logan, an empowering and thought-provoking exploration of the hidden potential within each of us. <P><P> In this profound and introspective book, author Cally Logan, renowned for her impactful works Hang In There, Girl! and Dear Future Husband, unveils the untapped brilliance often overlooked in those who adorn the walls of life like forgotten decorations. As children, many of us are burdened with labels such as "shy," "quiet," "awkward," or simply "different." These descriptors, casually assigned by others or even self-imposed, confine us to the sidelines, rendering our voices faint and our presence unnoticed. But within the depths of our being lies a multitude of stories to be shared, perspectives to be offered, and reflections to be pondered. <P><P> The Wallflower that Bloomed challenges societal norms that pigeonhole individuals into these predetermined roles of invisibility. With heartfelt sincerity, Cally Logan urges us to strip away the stigma associated with being an outsider, to cease judging those who prefer solitude, and, most importantly, to learn to truly see others for who they authentically are. Moreover, this captivating exploration compels us to reflect upon our own journey towards self-acceptance and self-love. <P><P> Instead of resigning ourselves to a life of isolation and judgment, we are invited to embrace the notion that we can stand proudly in our uniqueness, fully blooming into the remarkable beings we were always meant to be. <P><P> What if we shattered the preconceived notions and misconceptions that surround individuals labeled as "wallflowers"? <P><P> What if we focused on truly knowing, accepting, and appreciating one another for the awe-inspiring qualities that set us apart? <P><P> And what if, in the process, we also learned to extend this grace and understanding to ourselves?

Want: Sexual Fantasies by Anonymous

by Gillian Anderson

A collection of women's sexual fantasies from women around the world, Want is a revelatory, sensational and game-changing exploration of women's sexuality that asks, and answers: How do women feel about sex when they have the freedom to be totally anonymous?What do you want when no one is watching? Who do you fantasize about when the lights are off?When you think about sex, what do you really want?When we talk about sex, we talk about womanhood and motherhood, infidelity and exploitation, consent and respect, fairness and egalitarianism, love and hate, pleasure and pain. And yet so many of us don't talk about it at all.In this groundbreaking book, Gillian Anderson collects and introduces the anonymous sexual fantasies of hundreds of women from around the world (along with her own anonymous fantasy). The fantasies are extraordinary: they are full of desire, fear, intimacy, shame, satisfaction and, ultimately, liberation. From fantasising about someone off-limits to conjuring a scene with multiple partners, from sex that is gentle and tender to passionate and playful, from women who have never had sex to women who have had more sex than they can remember, these letters provide a window into the most secret part of our minds.Want reveals how women feel about sex when they have the freedom to be totally themselves.

Warlords of Wyrdwood: The Forsaken Trilogy, Book 2 (The Forsaken Trilogy #2)

by RJ Barker

'You fear the forest.. It is not foolish.' His words rang like bells in the clearing, each face reacting to their din. 'But the forest does not hate you, it does not hunt you. It simply does not care about you.'The Forester known as Cahan led the village of Harn in rebellion against the all-powerful, oppressive forces of the Rai. A great victory was won, but to avoid retaliation, he must now lead the people of Harn into the forest.Cahan never wanted this responsibility, but fate and his gods have conspired against him. Without him, the people will be helpless against the great beasts and poisonous traps of the forest - not to mention worse things that dwell there. A corruption grows in the fungi and decay of the Wyrdwood, a magic unlike any Cahan has ever seen - can he resist its deadly pull, while avoiding his pursuers, and trying to turn his charges into true people of the Wyrdwood?Warlords of Wyrdwood is book two in a new fantasy trilogy set within the bounds of a forest straight out of darkest folklore - with outlaws fighting an evil empire and warring deities. RJ Barker is the British Fantasy Society Award-winning author of The Bone Ships and Age of Assassins.'An experienced novelist at the top of his game - this is Avatar meets Dune, on shrooms' Five stars from SFX on Gods of the Wyrdwood'A sweeping story of destiny and redemption. Weighty, deliberate, tender and brutal, this is a big, wonderful book and an utterly involving read' Daily Mail on Gods of the Wyrdwood

Warlords of Wyrdwood: The Forsaken Trilogy, Book 2 (The Forsaken Trilogy #2)

by RJ Barker

'You fear the forest.. It is not foolish.' His words rang like bells in the clearing, each face reacting to their din. 'But the forest does not hate you, it does not hunt you. It simply does not care about you.'The Forester known as Cahan led the village of Harn in rebellion against the all-powerful, oppressive forces of the Rai. A great victory was won, but to avoid retaliation, he must now lead the people of Harn into the forest.Cahan never wanted this responsibility, but fate and his gods have conspired against him. Without him, the people will be helpless against the great beasts and poisonous traps of the forest - not to mention worse things that dwell there. A corruption grows in the fungi and decay of the Wyrdwood, a magic unlike any Cahan has ever seen - can he resist its deadly pull, while avoiding his pursuers, and trying to turn his charges into true people of the Wyrdwood?Warlords of Wyrdwood is book two in a new fantasy trilogy set within the bounds of a forest straight out of darkest folklore - with outlaws fighting an evil empire and warring deities. RJ Barker is the British Fantasy Society Award-winning author of The Bone Ships and Age of Assassins.'An experienced novelist at the top of his game - this is Avatar meets Dune, on shrooms' Five stars from SFX on Gods of the Wyrdwood'A sweeping story of destiny and redemption. Weighty, deliberate, tender and brutal, this is a big, wonderful book and an utterly involving read' Daily Mail on Gods of the Wyrdwood

Warlords of Wyrdwood (The Forsaken Trilogy #2)

by RJ Barker

"You fear the forest.. It is not foolish." His words rang like bells in the clearing, each face reacting to their din. "But the forest does not hate you, it does not hunt you. It simply does not care about you." From British Fantasy Award-winning author RJ Barker comes the second installment in a new epic fantasy trilogy set in a forest straight out of darkest folklore with outlaws fighting an evil empire and warring deities. The Forester known as Cahan led the village of Harn in rebellion against the all-powerful, oppressive forces of the Rai. A great victory was won, but to avoid retaliation he must lead the people of Harn into the Wyrdwood. Cahan never wanted this responsibility, but fate has its eye on him, and without him the people will be helpless against the terrors of the forest. But in the ground of Crua, a dark god is growing in power using the strength of decay. It is something new, something worse than the magics of the Rai, and it has its claws in Cahan. The people of Harn need him, and they will need new allies if they are to have any hope of surviving in the depths of the Wyrdwood. Especially if the man they consider a hero, the Forester, Cahan Du-Nahere, is as lost to them as he believes.Praise for Gods of the Wyrdwood "An experienced novelist at the top of his game—this is Avatar meets Dune, on shrooms." —SFX "A sweeping story of destiny and redemption. Weighty, deliberate, tender and brutal, this is a big, wonderful book and an utterly involving read." —Daily Mail For more from RJ Barker, check out:The Wounded KingdomAge of Assassins Blood of Assassins King of AssassinsThe Tide Child TrilogyThe Bone Ships Call of the Bone Ships The Bone Ship's Wake

Warra Warra Wai: How Indigenous Australians discovered Captain Cook, and what they tell about the coming of the Ghost People

by Craig Cormick Darren Rix

For the first time, the First Nations story of Cook&’s arrival, and what blackfellas want everyone to know about the coming of Europeans Both 250 years late and extremely timely, this is an account of what First Nations people saw and felt when James Cook navigated their shores in 1770. We know the European story from diaries, journals and letters. For the first time, this is the other side. Who were the people watching the Endeavour sail by? How did they understand their world and what sense did they make of this strange vision? And what was the impact of these first encounters with Europeans? The answers lie in tales passed down from 1770 and in truth-telling of the often more brutal engagements that followed. Darren Rix (a Gunditjmara-GunaiKurnai man, radio reporter and Archie Roach&’s nephew) and his co-author Craig Cormick travelled to all the places on the east coast that were renamed by Cook, and listened to people&’s stories. With their permission, these stories have been woven together with the European accounts and placed in their deeper context: the places Cook named already had names; the places he &‘discovered&’ already had peoples and stories stretching back before time; and although Cook sailed on, the empire he represented impacted the people&’s lives and lands immeasurably in the years after. &‘Warra Warra Wai&’ was the expression called to Cook and his crew when they tried to make landfall in Botany Bay. It has long been interpreted as &‘Go away&’, but is perhaps more accurately translated as &‘You are all dead spirits&’. In adding the First Nations version of these first encounters to the story of Australian history, this is a book that will sit on Australian shelves alongside Cook&’s Journals, Dark Emu and The Fatal Shore as one of our foundational texts.

The Warren Buffett Paradox and Its Solution: Systems Analysis vs. Economic Theory to End the Tax Avoidance of the Rich

by Symeon Romylos

Taxation isn&’t just a technical matter; it&’s primarily a political and philosophical question. Justice in taxation leads to social justice.The tax avoidance of the wealthy was notably highlighted by billionaire Warren Buffett in 2007, and his insights continue to influence discussions on solutions. However, previous proposals have faced legal conflicts.Now, a realistic proposal is available! The author convincingly demonstrates that all conditions are in place to address this tax inequity effectively. He outlines a detailed plan for implementation, with a clear and engaging writing style that will captivate readers of all levels. This work should be essential reading for the IRS!

Warriors Super Edition: Ivypool's Heart (Warriors Super Edition #17)

by Erin Hunter

Fan favorite Ivypool takes center stage in Ivypool's Heart—a thrilling, super-long standalone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!It’s been many moons since Ivypool lost her daughter, Bristlefrost, to the Dark Forest, yet Ivypool can’t bear to move on. Even being named Deputy of ThunderClan feels meaningless in her grief.When Whistlepaw has a disturbing vision—one that could spell disaster for all the Clans—a group of cats is selected to go on a quest to investigate. Ivypool is happy to join their mission. Perhaps being away from her daily responsibilities will help her escape the painful memory of Bristlefrost’s death.The cats set out on an arduous journey, facing everything from painful hunger to bloodthirsty dogs. But nothing can prepare them for what they find: a disgusting twoleg den that’s caging a series of strange animals, including two who may have surprising ties to the Clans.In order to complete their quest and right a terrible wrong that goes back generations, the five Clan cats must help these creatures find their true home. But first, Ivypool must let go of the past, and her grief, if she is to have any hope of ensuring a future for the Clans—and for herself.

Was Führung von der Liebe lernen kann: Inspirierende Lektionen für eine erfolgreiche und stabile Führungskultur

by Cassandra Schlangen

Führung und Liebe – wie passt das zusammen? In diesem Fachbuch werden die Geheimnisse glücklicher persönlicher Beziehungen in den beruflichen Kontext übertragen und als Anregungen für Menschen in Führungspositionen zugänglich gemacht. Der Alltag der Führungskräfte ist voll mit Aufgaben des Tagesgeschäfts und dabei findet oft die Beziehung zu ihren Mitarbeitenden – die Basis für eine erfolgreiche und produktive Zusammenarbeit – zu wenig Beachtung. Die Autorin arbeitet Parallelen zwischen Beziehungen im Privaten und im Arbeitsalltag zwischen Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden heraus und stellt fest: Wenn Führung erfolgreich sein will, kann sie viel von der Liebe lernen. Dazu werden im Buch fünf zentrale Prinzipien erfolgreicher Beziehungen detailliert betrachtet und die Impulse helfen Führungskräften dabei, sich selbst und andere zu stärken sowie ein verlässliches und stabiles Beziehungs-Fundament zu ihren Mitarbeitenden aufzubauen. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele, Reflexionsfragen, Tipps und Experimente für den Führungsalltag unterstützen bei der konkreten Umsetzung. Fünf Geheimnisse erfolgreicher Beziehungen Nähe Verbindung Interesse Entwicklung Selbstliebe

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