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Showing 10,751 through 10,775 of 11,028 results

Social Science and Social Pathology (Routledge Revivals)

by Barbara Wootton

Originally published in 1959, this book critically examines, in the light of numerous research, both the relation between unacceptable behaviour and economic and social status and the validity of several popular hypotheses of the 20th Century: that anti-social attitudes are due to lack of maternal affection in infancy, or that problem families produce problem families generation after generation. The author discusses the factors affecting the growth of modern psychiatry and how this shaped attitudes towards anti-social behaviour and conceptions of social work. The final section of the book considers the wider methodological implications.

Law, Animals and Toxicity Testing: The Case of the Laboratory Mouse (ISSN)

by Anne M. Wordsworth

Drawing on our growing knowledge of animal cognition, this book provides a critical analysis of the use of animals in the legal regime and the practice of toxicity testing.Although animal abuse has become a major issue, animal testing remains largely in the shadows, even though it involves substantial cruelty. Toxicity testing, in particular, imposes considerable pain, suffering and ultimately death on those laboratory animals – often mice – chosen to demonstrate the characteristics of chemicals and their commercial potential. This book documents and critically analyzes the animal protection laws of the European Union, the United States and Canada. It not only examines the tests themselves and the suffering they inflict on animals but also exposes the failure of both the testing and the toxicity laws to effectively protect human health and the environment. Finally, the book takes up the potential of alternative non-animal testing methods to replace the current regimen and to reduce current damage to health and the environment.This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers in the fields of animal studies, environmental law and sociolegal studies, as well as activists and others with an interest in ethics and animal rights.

Adventures in Philosophy (Routledge Revivals)

by J. C. Wordsworth

First published in 1925, Adventures in Philosophy presents a series of essays dealing with some of the chief problems of metaphysics and beginning with a defence of that somewhat unpopular pursuit. The first part of the book is mainly constructive in character, and not only attempts to put as clearly as possible the metaphysical views of the author but indicates their consequences from an ethical standpoint. The later chapters discuss two of the most important developments in philosophy associated with the names of Einstein and Bergson. Finally, the author considers how far religion, especially the Christian religion, is affected by the conclusions reached earlier in the book. This is an important historical reference for students and scholars of philosophy.

Asesinato sin gluten (La Panadería de Tía Clem #1)

by P.  d. Workman

¡De la autora superventas de USA Today, P. D. Workman! ¡Asesinato por Muffin! Erin Price se traslada a Bald Eagle Falls, un lugar donde todo el mundo conoce a todo el mundo, así como los asuntos de todo el mundo, y se hace cargo de la tienda que le dejó su tía para montar una pastelería sin gluten. La gran inauguración se ve empañada por una sola cosa, la muerte de su rival en el negocio, Angela Plaint. Al parecer, Angela ha sido envenenada por una de las magdalenas de Erin, lo que la convierte en la principal sospechosa. Equipada con magdalenas, su deseo de saber la verdad y la ayuda de Vicky, su nueva ayudante en la pastelería, Erin se enfrenta al detective Terry Piper para resolver el asesinato. Los rumores de la caza de un tesoro, el tráfico de drogas, y un niño desaparecido se arremolinan alrededor de Bald Eagle Falls cuando Erin trata de separar las pistas verdaderas de las falsas y encontrar al asesino antes de que este se encargue de ella. ¿Te gustan los misterios al horno? ¿Gatos, perros y otras mascotas? P. D. Workman, autora galardonada y superventas del USA Today, lleva a los lectores a la pequeña ciudad de Bald Eagle Falls para que Erin Price y sus amigos resuelvan un misterio culinario.

Meurtre sans Gluten (La Boulangerie de Tante Clem #1)

by P. D. Workman

Erin Price arrive à Bald Eagle Falls, une petite ville où les secrets n’existent pas et où les affaires de chacun sont de notoriété publique. Après avoir hérité du salon de thé de sa tante, elle décide d’y ouvrir une boulangerie sans gluten. Cependant, l’inauguration tourne au drame lorsque sa rivale, Angela Plaint, est retrouvée morte dans le sous-sol de la boulangerie. Erin se retrouve immédiatement suspectée du meurtre. Pour prouver son innocence, Erin se lance dans une enquête périlleuse, armée de ses pâtisseries et de son esprit déterminé. Avec l’aide de Vic, sa fidèle assistante, elle collabore avec l’inspecteur Terry Piper pour élucider ce mystère troublant. Mais à Bald Eagle Falls, les choses ne sont jamais simples : des rumeurs de chasse au trésor, de trafic de drogue, et la mystérieuse disparition d’un garçon viennent compliquer l’affaire. Erin devra naviguer entre indices et fausses pistes pour découvrir la vérité, tout en tentant d’échapper à un dangereux criminel qui pourrait bien faire d’elle sa prochaine victime.

Olhando Por Cima do Ombro

by P. D. Workman

Só porque você é paranoico, não significa que eles não estejam atrás de você As coisas estavam indo muito bem para Abe. Apesar de suas lutas passadas com doença mental, ele estava em um casamento feliz, tinha três filhos maravilhosos, uma bela casa e uma fantástica empresa de consultoria que satisfazia sua criatividade e trazia uma boa renda para a família. Mas nunca se pode ficar muito confortável. Quando Abe se torna o principal suspeito de um roubo de jóias - um dos maiores e mais bem-sucedidos roubos de jóias da história - sua esquizofrenia se torna incontrolável e tudo começa a sair dos trilhos. A investigação particular de Abe fez os ladrões começarem a segui-lo de perto... mas será que eles realmente estão atrás dele ou será que Abe está perdendo a batalha contra as vozes de sua cabeça?

Omicidio senza glutine (La Pasticceria Di Zia Clem #1)

by P. D. Workman

Erin Price si trasferisce a Bald Eagle Falls, un posto dove tutti conoscono tutti e gli affari di tutti, e decide di riaprire il negozio che le ha lasciato sua zia per avviare un forno senza glutine. La magnifica inaugurazione è rovinata da una sola cosa: la morte di Angela Plaint, la sua rivale in affari. Sembra che Angela sia stava avvelenata da uno dei muffin di Erin e questo la rende la sospettata principale. Armata di muffin, sete di verità e aiuto della nuova aiutante del forno, Vicky, Erin si lancia in un testa a testa contro l'agente Terry Piper per risolvere l'omicidio. Voci di cacce al tesoro, spaccio di droga e un ragazzo scomparso vorticano a Bald Eagle Falls mentre Erin cerca di evitare le false piste e trovare l'assassino prima che l'assassino metta le mani su di lei. ***** Un giallo cozy fantastico, ottimi la caratterizzazione e gli intrighi. Il finale è da restare con il fiato sospeso! ***** Questo è il primo libro di P.D. Workman che leggo e di certo non sarà l'ultimo. L'autrice ha la capacità di attirare nella storia e trattenere fino alla fine. I suoi personaggi sono interessanti e profondi. Non ha paura di esplorare aree della nostra società che molti preferirebbero spazzare sotto il tappeto. Invece, lei le inserisce nella storia per creare tensione e personaggi credibili. La tensione costruita dall'autrice nel finale mi tolto il respiro. Ti piacciono i misteri in cucina? I gatti, i cani e gli animali? P.D. Workman, autrice premiata e bestseller di USA Today, accompagna i lettori nel paesino di Bald Eagle Falls per un giallo cozy gastronomico da risolvere insieme alla pasticciera senza glutine Erin Price e ai suoi amici.

Seine Hände waren ruhig (Zachary Goldman Mysterien #2)

by P. D. Workman

Von der USA Today-Bestsellerautorin P.D. Workman! Tot ist er sowieso besser dran. Der Privatdetektiv Zachary Goldman, der den Tod eines autistischen Jungen in einer Therapieeinrichtung untersuchen soll, ist besorgt über die Therapien, die er dort sieht. Während ihm versichert wird, dass die Kinder dort nicht wirklich verletzt werden, führen seine Ermittlungen zur Entdeckung von noch tieferen institutionellen Missständen. Im Kampf gegen die Geister seiner eigenen Vergangenheit kämpft Zachary darum, die dunklen Geheimnisse der Einrichtung aufzudecken und so viele Kinder wie möglich in Sicherheit zu bringen. [⭐️] [⭐️] [⭐️] [⭐️] [⭐️] Die Art und Weise, wie PD Workman die autistische Perspektive im Gegensatz zu den gängigen Ansichten über uns dargestellt hat, war wunderbar. Ich schätzte das mehr, als ich in Worten ausdrücken kann. Sie hat gründliche Nachforschungen über mehrere Seiten des Themas angestellt, und das zeigt sich. Sie gibt mehrere autistische Perspektiven wieder, nicht nur eine, und die Art und Weise, wie sie dargestellt wurden, hat mich mehrmals zu Tränen gerührt ... Die Geschichte selbst war ein solider Krimi mit vielen aufregenden Wendungen auf dem Weg. Selbst wenn ich mich nicht persönlich für das Thema interessiert hätte (ich bin selbst Autist und habe autistische Kinder), hätte ich den Krimi trotzdem genossen. Jetzt, wo ich dieses Buch gelesen habe, werde ich mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit weitere Bücher von ihr in die Hand nehmen! Zachary Goldman, Privatdetektiv, ist mit einem großen F behaftet. Von den Tragödien seines eigenen Lebens erschüttert, schafft er es dennoch, sich aufzurappeln und ein bisschen tiefer zu graben als alle anderen, um die entscheidenden Hinweise zu finden. Vielleicht fällt es anderen, die eine Tragödie erlebt haben, leichter, ihm zu vertrauen, weil er gebrochen ist. Begleiten Sie Zachary bei der Lösung von Fällen, die seine Fähigkeite

Michelle: Entre Las Grietas #3 (Entre Las Grietas #3)

by Pd Workman

“Papá… ¿no podemos ir contigo cuando te vayas esta vez?” Cuando Michelle pidió que la alejaran de su madre abusiva, nunca esperó perder a todos sus seres queridos en el proceso. Dijeron que la mantendrían a ella y a Kenny juntos. Su papá dijo que volvería. Y ni siquiera llegó a despedirse de Marcie. Demasiado pronto, intentaban reunirla con su madre, y Michelle se ve obligada a salir a la calle en busca de seguridad en la vida de pandillas. Michelle ocupa el tercer lugar en la serie Ruby, Between the Cracks, ganadora del Top Ten Best Books for Teens 2015. Revisiones de Michelle - Algo sobre [P.D. La escritura de Workman simplemente me deja boquiabierto... Odio cuando me canso demasiado para seguir leyendo y tengo que esperar hasta el día siguiente. — Es una historia desgarradora.

Creative Photography Ideas: 75 Workshops to Enhance Your Photographs

by Tony Worobiec

Creative Use of Filters and Further Image Manipulation is an excerpt from Creative Photography Ideas Using Photoshop which presents 75 comprehensive workshops that have been specifically designed for photographers; each offers a clever and creative technique that can be immediately applied.Creative Use of Filters and Further Image Manipulation workshops focus specifically on using a variety of filters to improve or enhance your photographs in Photoshop. From Blur filters to Find Edges filters, and workshops on creating a ghostly effect, retro comic-book effect or pop art look, this eBook will get your creative juices flowing. The section on further image manipulation will guide you through cropping, different ways to remove intrusive elements, and how to construct panoramas.Each workshop offers ingenious creative techniques to immediately enhance images in Adobe Photoshop. From basic techniques to more advanced, all guidance is ‘best practice’ and shown via clear explanatory texts, photographs, ‘before, during and after’ manipulations and screen grabs.

Creative Photography Ideas: Mono Effects and Retro Photography

by Tony Worobiec

Mono effects and retro photography is an excerpt from Creative Photography Ideas Using Photoshop which presents 75 comprehensive workshops that have been specifically designed for photographers; each offers a clever and creative technique that can be immediately applied.Mono effects and retro photography workshops focus specifically on mono effects such as sepia toning, lith effects, and selective colouring, as well as creating retro photography effects such as pinhole camera, adding borders, and disressing images.Each workshop offers ingenious creative techniques to immediately enhance images in Adobe Photoshop.From basic techniques to more advanced, all guidance is ‘best practice’ and shown via clear explanatory texts, photographs, ‘before, during and after’ manipulations and screen grabs.

Creative Photography Ideas: Making Simple Tonal and Colour Changes

by Tony Worobiec

In-computer editing is now as important as in-camera shooting; this book provides ingenious creative techniques to immediately enhance images through this medium.Presents 75 comprehensive workshops that have been specifically designed for photographers; each offers a clever and creative technique that can be immediately applied.Takes a specific, unique slant to provide a wide range of creative tips and tricks designed to appeal primarily to photographers, but also to other ‘creatives’ using the programme.From basic techniques to more advanced, all guidance is ‘best practice’ and shown via clear explanatory texts, photos, ‘before, during and after’ manipulations and screen grabs.

Creative Photography Ideas: Composites and Further Special Effects

by Tony Worobiec

Composites and further special effects is an excerpt from Creative Photography Ideas Using Photoshop which presents 75 comprehensive workshops that have been specifically designed for photographers; each offers a clever and creative technique that can be immediately applied.Composites and further special effects workshops focus specifically on creating composites; from dropping in a sky to producing sunbeams, using multiple files, blending mode, refine edge, the gradient tool, multiple layers. There are plenty of creative ideas that will take your photography that little bit further from creating a 'joiner' or 'still movie' to joining two landscapes and creating a mirror image.Each workshop offers ingenious creative techniques to immediately enhance images in Adobe Photoshop.From basic techniques to more advanced, all guidance is ‘best practice’ and shown via clear explanatory texts, photographs, ‘before, during and after’ manipulations and screen grabs.

Case Studies in Cognitive Behavioural Couple Therapy: Couple Narratives

by Michael Worrell

This book gives readers a rich and detailed understanding of what it is like to work with a diverse range of couple presentations from a CBT perspective.The book starts by outlining the principle conceptual insights and therapeutic strategies of two different two approaches to CBT Couple Therapy, Contextually Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Couple Therapy and Integrative Behavioural Couple Therapy. In part two, authors working in a wide range of clinical settings describe how they have drawn upon and applied CBT Couple therapy across a variety of issues including: couple distress, sexual issues, infidelity, inter-partner violence, transition to parenthood, separation issues, personality disorders, and more. Each chapter provides discussions of strategies for assessment and formulation and includes examples of dialogue from fictionalised case studies as well as therapist tips.Case Studies in Cognitive Behavioural Couple Therapy will be required reading for both beginning and experienced couple therapists who wish to draw upon the wide range of evidence-based strategies available in Cognitive Behavioural Couple therapy.

Jane Austen at Home: A Biography

by Lucy Worsley

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'This is my kind of history: carefully researched but so vivid that you are convinced Lucy Worsley was actually there at the party - or the parsonage.' Antonia Fraser'A refreshingly unique perspective on Austen and her work and a beautifully nuanced exploration of gender, creativity, and domesticity.' Amanda ForemanLucy Worsley 'is a great scene-setter for this tale of triumph and heartbreak.' Sunday TimesOn the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen's death, historian Lucy Worsley leads us into the rooms from which our best-loved novelist quietly changed the world.This new telling of the story of Jane's life shows us how and why she lived as she did, examining the places and spaces that mattered to her. It wasn't all country houses and ballrooms, but a life that was often a painful struggle. Jane famously lived a 'life without incident', but with new research and insights Lucy Worsley reveals a passionate woman who fought for her freedom. A woman who far from being a lonely spinster in fact had at least five marriage prospects, but who in the end refused to settle for anything less than Mr Darcy.

Jane Austen at Home: A Biography (250th Birthday Edition)

by Lucy Worsley

To celebrate the 250th anniversary of Jane Austen's birth, Lucy Worsley has written a new Introduction to her Sunday Times Bestselling biography - the book that leads us into the rooms from which our best-loved novelist quietly changed the world.This telling of the story of Jane's life shows us how and why she lived as she did, examining the places and spaces that mattered to her. It wasn't all country houses and ballrooms, but a life that was often a painful struggle. Jane famously lived a 'life without incident', but with new research and insights Lucy Worsley reveals a passionate woman who fought for her freedom. A woman who far from being a lonely spinster in fact had at least five marriage prospects, but who in the end refused to settle for anything less than Mr Darcy.

The Concept and Measurement of Involuntary Unemployment (Routledge Library Editions: Work & Society)

by Worswick, G. D. N.

Originally published in 1976, the 14 papers in this collection discuss the history and significance of the concept of 'involuntary unemployment’, particularly as seen from a Keynesian perspective. The micro-economic foundations of employment and job-search theory and the measurement and the significance of employment statistics are also examined. Later sections consider aspects of unemployment as economic indicators and the relationship between unemployment and vacancies, as well as the social aspects of unemployment. A final chapter considers employment policies during the 20th century in the light of managing the economy.

The Christmas Gathering

by Lenora Worth Shelley Shepard Gray Rachel J. Good

Christmas miracles abound in this trio of stories that celebrate holiday blessings with three Amish families who discover the season&’s sweetest gifts . . .A CHRISTMAS REUNION by Shelley Shepard Gray Tricia Troyer is thrilled when Brandt Holden, her cousin&’s English friend, joins the Troyers&’ holiday gathering for the second year in a row. The sparks between them are clear to everyone. When Brandt asks Tricia to be his girlfriend, they both know she&’ll have important choices to make about her future. But the two aren&’t as different as some believe—and with open hearts and understanding, their very own Christmas miracle just might be possible . . . WE GATHER TOGETHER by Lenora Worth When Lucas Myer meets Kayla Hollinger on the shores of Lake Erie, he&’s smitten. Their families are even staying at the same inn, for different gatherings. The two plan to meet again—but soon enough they discover a problem: their relatives are locked in a longtime feud and forbid them to socialize. Fortunately, Lucas and Kayla are old enough to make their own decisions—and they decide to create a Christmas miracle of forgiveness and love . . . HITTING ALL THE RIGHT NOTES by Rachel J. Good Years ago, Mark was banished by his Amish family when he chose a career in music. It still hurts, especially during the holidays. And now, just before Christmas, he and his band find themselves stranded after their manager absconds with their money. Desperate, Mark is offered a job teaching piano—but that&’s just the first miracle. His work will not only bless others in need, but a longtime fan might just capture his heart—and even lead him home . . .

Fundraising: Principles and Practice

by Michael J. Worth

The Second Edition of Fundraising: Principles and Practice by best-selling author Michael Worth offers an updated comprehensive introduction to fundraising that focuses on both theory and practice. The text is designed to engage students in thinking critically about issues in fundraising and philanthropy to prepare them for careers in the nonprofit sector. Worth explores key topics like donors, annual giving programs, major gift programs, and corporate and foundation giving and campaigns. A chapter on international and global fundraising and philanthropy covers key considerations, obstacles, and strategies for managing international NGOs and global organizations, and coverage of planned giving and digital fundraising reflect important current trends.

Fundraising: Principles and Practice

by Michael J. Worth

The Second Edition of Fundraising: Principles and Practice by best-selling author Michael Worth offers an updated comprehensive introduction to fundraising that focuses on both theory and practice. The text is designed to engage students in thinking critically about issues in fundraising and philanthropy to prepare them for careers in the nonprofit sector. Worth explores key topics like donors, annual giving programs, major gift programs, and corporate and foundation giving and campaigns. A chapter on international and global fundraising and philanthropy covers key considerations, obstacles, and strategies for managing international NGOs and global organizations, and coverage of planned giving and digital fundraising reflect important current trends.

The Only Saloon in Town (A Cap Whitlatch Western #2)

by Reavis Z. Wortham

The start of a crackling new western series by Spur Award–winning author Reavis Z. Wortham perfect for fans of William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone. A couple stiff drinks after a long day&’s ride. That&’s all Cap Whitlatch and his one-armed buddy Gil are looking for when they drift into the dusty town of Angel Fire. Problem is, there&’s only one saloon—and they don&’t accept U.S. currency. Just gold and silver coins. Which means Cap and Gil have to go to the only bank in town to exchange their bills for coins. Unfortunately for them, the bank is about to get robbed—by the wildest sons-of-guns this side of the Rio Grande . . . It turns out Cap and Gil aren&’t the only ones who need the gold and silver to get a drink. There&’s a rowdy crew of rough riders from the north, ranch hands from Panther Creek, and vicious bunch of scalp hunters with a grisly cargo of Commanche and Apache scalps. Since the bank president is out of town, the teller can&’t exchange anyone&’s money. Which doesn&’t sit well with some of the boys, who decide to take the gold and silver themselves—with bullets and bloodshed as collaterol. Things turn ugly fast. The town marshal turns his head. Which leaves Cap and Gil to deal with these maurading devils—before they blow the whole town of Angel Fire to kingdom come . . . &“Reavis Z. Wortham is the real thing: a literary voice that&’s delivered with a warm and knowing Texas twang.&”—C.J. Box&“There&’s a term we use in the west, the genuine article, and those words fit Reavis Z. Wortham to a Texas T.&”—Craig Johnson

Assessment In Early Childhood Education

by Sue C. Wortham Belinda Hardin

Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of assessment of young children from birth through the third grade. Written from a developmental perspective, Assessment in Early Childhood Education provides current and future teachers alike with a comprehensive overview of all aspects of early childhood assessment, including the different possibilities available ― far more than standardized tests ― and how to use them most effectively for the benefit of the children in their classrooms. Both traditional and authentic assessments designed by teachers are explained for preschool children and for kindergarten and third-grade children who are transitioning into literacy. The 8th Edition has been updated with new learning features, a new chapter about technology, Common Core and State Standards information, important organizational changes, and more.

The Southern Handbook: The Southern Railway 1923-1947

by David Wragg

The Southern Railway may not have been the most glamorous of the ‘Big Four’ companies that emerged from the grouping of 1923, but it was the great innovator. In the 1930s the Southern pioneered the first main-line electrification and created the largest electrified suburban railway network in the world. It was also one of the few to offer regular departures and the first to run true international services, introducing the ‘Night Ferry’ through-trains from London to Paris using special ferries. Forming part of a series, along with The GWR Handbook, The LMS Handbook and The LNER Handbook, this new edition provides an authoritative and highly detailed reference of information about the Southern Railway.

Primary English: Knowledge and Understanding (Achieving QTS Series)

by David Wray Vivienne Griffiths Jane A Medwell George E Moore

All the subject knowledge you need to teach primary English. If you are training to be a primary school teacher, you need to understand what you need to know about primary English before you can teach it. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. To help you master this, this comprehensive text includes subject knowledge from each part of the primary English curriculum and comes with a wide range of resources so you can test your growing knowledge as you progress through the course. an online English subject knowledge audit with the ability to share results end of chapter self-assessment questions Interactive tasks an English subject knowledge checklist useful weblinks for primary English teaching Recommended further reading This new edition has been updated and includes a new chapter on children′s common misconceptions in English.

Primary English: Knowledge and Understanding (Achieving QTS Series)

by David Wray Vivienne Griffiths Jane A Medwell George E Moore

All the subject knowledge you need to teach primary English. If you are training to be a primary school teacher, you need to understand what you need to know about primary English before you can teach it. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. To help you master this, this comprehensive text includes subject knowledge from each part of the primary English curriculum and comes with a wide range of resources so you can test your growing knowledge as you progress through the course. an online English subject knowledge audit with the ability to share results end of chapter self-assessment questions Interactive tasks an English subject knowledge checklist useful weblinks for primary English teaching Recommended further reading This new edition has been updated and includes a new chapter on children′s common misconceptions in English.

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