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Showing 10,901 through 10,925 of 12,729 results

Crystals: Understand and Connect to the Medicine and Healing of Crystals

by Rachelle Charman

In the ancient world, priestesses were wise women who delivered messages from the gods. They also served the people, offering healing, virtue, leadership, and insight. In our modern times, women's responsibilities can be overwhelming. When you're juggling a high-powered job, caring for your young family and even your elderly parents, when can you find time for yourself, let alone service to the wider world? This practical guide offers lessons both ancient and modern to help us to rise into our own inner power. It invites us to look to the timeless mythos of the cultures of the world for direction to build resilience, strength, and confidence as well as our capacity for profound joy, creativity, and focused action. Priestess Path will inspire you to be more ethically powerful, make a positive difference to your community and to the planet – and, in turn, inspire others.

Self Love: Finding peace and happiness

by Akal Pritam

An easy to follow guide to developing psychic skills, with practical exercises to expand one's psychic skill set For readers who are interested in becoming more intuitive or opening up their psychic abilities, this guide to using one's sixth sense can help them navigate their way through life with a bit of help and guidance. It offers information about the spiritual world, how to become more attuned to it, and how it affects the physical world. It helps readers to meet their spirit guides, to open themselves up psychically, to see and feel auras, and to be able to sense things intuitively. Easy to follow activities, exercises, and information will help readers to unlock the secrets to their psychic world.

The Wellness Puzzle: Creating optimal well-being one piece at a time

by Andrew Jobling

Imagine if you found a dead angel by the side of the road. What would you do? Perfect for fans of The Alchemist, this charming novel is set against the warmth, challenges, and love of everyday family life. It illustrates how angels can be messengers for peace and love. The story gently unfolds after Raphael begins his quest to bring an angel he finds by the side of the road back to life. Readers will become immersed in the characters' lives as they move along an incredible journey of love, loss, and hope. This transformational novel works like a self-help text, affecting readers long after they've finished it.

Mindful Living: Everday practices for a sacred and happy life

by Katie Manitsas

Traversing the teen years is tricky and challenging for most parents. Pornography, sex, cyber bullying, body piercing, drug experimentation, and tattoos are all part of adolescent life. How do you remain an effective, strong, and compassionate parent, able to talk to your children as they become adults? This hands-on manual contains tools on how to keep up communication with your teen. In Teenagers bestselling author Dr. Linda Friedland has distilled the wisdom of prominent parenting educators and her own knowledge as a medical doctor and also a mother of five children, the two youngest still being in their teenage years. Read it from start to finish so you feel empowered and informed as a parent. Or use it as a problem-solver dipping into its wisdom when you find yourself scratching your head, wondering what to do next with your young person. Over 100 issues are discussed and are followed up with practical "what to do" ideas. • Brain and body changes • Parent teen conflict • Implementing rules and family values • Saying no • Narcissism and entitlement • Helicopter and Tiger parenting • Will appeal to parents, teachers, psychologists, and community workers who have teenage or elementary school aged children in their lives • Forward by Michael Grose, global parenting expert.

Wheels of Steele: The makings of a world champion

by Steele Bishop

The Dark Goddess beckons you now to take your first sacred steps into the darkness . . . If you've been experiencing sombre times and wish to return to the light you can harness the wisdom of the Dark Goddess with this practical self-help survival manual, which will reshape your dark night of the soul. The Dark Goddess spins the web of fate and instigates big changes that lead to transformation. Each of her incarnations within this book, from Baba Yaga, Hel and Cerridwen to Sheela-na-gig and the Morrighan, will shed light on illusions and how to uncover and embrace your shadow influencer and transcend through empowering rituals, goddess magick, faery tale symbolism, invocations, healing spells and sacred journalling so you can return from your dark night whole and evolved and with fully reclaimed power.

Past Lives Unveiled: Discover how consciousness moves between lives

by Barry Eaton

Struggling to stay alive with a gaping wound across my back, I desperately wondered how I got to this point. My knife-wielding opponent was not the attacker... He'd been defending himself against an ego-driven, menacing thug who was intent on hurting him. That thug was me. In a hole of anxiety and depression, Luke Kennedy resorted to drugs, alcohol, graffiti and fighting in a desperate bid to silence his frantic mind. Soon he was leading a street-fighting and graffiti crew, and constantly coming close to killing others or being killed. Tortured by the voices in his head, Luke began looking for an out. Eventually he found it - and lost 47 kilos in the process. Redemption Road is the gripping and powerful story of Luke's journey from ego-driven, obese thug to fit, sober and successful business owner whose focus is on helping others turn their lives around.

Journey Through The Chakras: How chakras rule different phases of our lives

by Dr Ravi Ratan

Finally a book of spells to empower you! Spellbound is about connecting you to the magick inside you and activating this transformative power. Come on a mystical journey with Australia's most loved and respected witch, Lucy Cavendish, as she takes you into the secret world of spellcasting. Watch your life become the magickal experience it was always meant to be. Learn how and why spells work; history of spells; magickal symbols to use in your spells; dressing magickally; and rules of spellcasting.

The Art of Witch

by Fiona Horne

The Spiritual Guidebook is a comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering healing and psychic techniques. Tap into your intuition, your heart and soul and be amazed at how your skills unfold and develop in surprising ways. The Spiritual Guidebook includes information about opening the 3rd eye, chakras, tarot, mediumship, crystals, reiki, healing, meditation, self-hypnosis, channelling, automatic writing, auras, scrying, psychometry, energy, essential oils, yoga, Guides, shamanism, numerology, health, quantum physics, sacred geometry, self-hypnosis, mind power, spirit releasement and setting goals! This is the book to expand your psychic knowledge and intuitive healing abilities in ways you never imagined...

The Book of Faerie Spells: Southern Hemisphere

by Cheralyn Darcey

The Spiritual Guidebook is a comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering healing and psychic techniques. Tap into your intuition, your heart and soul and be amazed at how your skills unfold and develop in surprising ways. The Spiritual Guidebook includes information about opening the 3rd eye, chakras, tarot, mediumship, crystals, reiki, healing, meditation, self-hypnosis, channelling, automatic writing, auras, scrying, psychometry, energy, essential oils, yoga, Guides, shamanism, numerology, health, quantum physics, sacred geometry, self-hypnosis, mind power, spirit releasement and setting goals! This is the book to expand your psychic knowledge and intuitive healing abilities in ways you never imagined...

The Book of Tree Spells

by Cheralyn Darcey

The story of cricket is littered with big stories, like Bodyline, underarm balls and tycoons changing the game. But, like Tony Greig checking out the pitch with his keys, sometimes things fall through the cracks. Sticky Wickets takes a look at stories both big, small and perhaps forgotten. From bees and their dislike of cricket to a storm caused when a cameraman criticised a Test player's fielding. It's perfect to pick up when rain delays play.

You Are Clairvoyant: Developing the Secret Skill We All Have

by BelindaGrace

What if you could feel more in control of your stress levels? Stress, anxiety and depression have become a sign of our times. We continue to face global crises like climate change and war or threats of war in parts of the world that affect us all through our shared humanity and the global economy. Then there is the continuation of a modern, fast-paced, highly competitive lifestyle to contend with, that can affect young and old alike. How have your stress levels been lately? Maybe stress has left you feeling depleted and tired, or moody and irritable. International bestselling and award-winning author, Noa Belling has put together a tried and tested, scientifically backed and power packed toolkit to help you. It targets different ways that stress can show up in our lives, that might leave some of us depleted and depressed and others wired and anxious.


by Liz Doran

This comprehensive, ground-breaking astrology book is for everyone who wants to make the most of their true potential and be in the flow with solar and lunar phases. It includes analyses of each sun sign from Aries to Pisces and pinpoints how you can dynamically make the most of your life in real time alongside celestial events. Work with the gifts and strengths of your sun sign in relation to every lunar phase, zodiacal month, new moon, full moon and eclipse. Look up your sun sign to read all about your talents and potential pitfalls, and discover how to express your inner star power during the various phases of the sun and moon throughout the days, months and years to come.

MAGICKAL MERMAIDS: Harness the power of the mermaids to create an enchanted life


This comprehensive, ground-breaking astrology book is for everyone who wants to make the most of their true potential and be in the flow with solar and lunar phases. It includes analyses of each sun sign from Aries to Pisces and pinpoints how you can dynamically make the most of your life in real time alongside celestial events. Work with the gifts and strengths of your sun sign in relation to every lunar phase, zodiacal month, new moon, full moon and eclipse. Look up your sun sign to read all about your talents and potential pitfalls, and discover how to express your inner star power during the various phases of the sun and moon throughout the days, months and years to come.

MAGICKAL UNICORNS: Harness the power of the unicorns to create an enchanted life


V8 Supercars is a great Australian sporting success story, still going strong for over a quarter of a century. It was the first local race series to gain a mainstream national following, catapulting the likes of Peter Brock and Dick Johnson to fame against the backdrop of Mount Panorama, Bathurst. These days the sport draws huge crowds, attracts big-dollar TV rights deals and a new generation of heroes have appeared battling over old territory, plus a host of new street circuits, turning this Australian motor sport into a globally recognised phenomenon.



This gutsy guide for the Teen Witch takes them on a journey of self-discovery - to dig deep and learn about all the magick that is inside of them, and then shine that magick into the world. At night, Teen Witches are out under the starry sky, turning on to Magick; they meet after school IRL … and Zoom in with other magick youth around the world, for full moon rituals. They cast spells and divine rituals, alone, to help them pass tests, attract boyfriends or girlfriends, get along with their parents, and find out what their life's true calling is. What does it take to be a real witch in this brave new world? With all the tools, spells, sacred days and tips for what to do in love and life, this book is a must-have for the young person who wants to evolve into the most empowered version of themselves in a brave, new Magickal life!


by Liam Hauser

This gutsy guide for the Teen Witch takes them on a journey of self-discovery - to dig deep and learn about all the magick that is inside of them, and then shine that magick into the world. At night, Teen Witches are out under the starry sky, turning on to Magick; they meet after school IRL … and Zoom in with other magick youth around the world, for full moon rituals. They cast spells and divine rituals, alone, to help them pass tests, attract boyfriends or girlfriends, get along with their parents, and find out what their life's true calling is. What does it take to be a real witch in this brave new world? With all the tools, spells, sacred days and tips for what to do in love and life, this book is a must-have for the young person who wants to evolve into the most empowered version of themselves in a brave, new Magickal life!


by Chris Beer

The book is a gentle self-help guide filled with practical self-care practices which engage the griever into embracing and expressing their grief. Through the gentle practices, the griever can try to find inner peace and begin to heal his/her grieving heart. After a loss, grievers often feel isolated and find it difficult to reach out for help, carrying their pain in silence and alone. Each practice described in the book has been carefully chosen to shine light on areas that are likely to arise as the grieving and healing journey unfolds, and have been organised to make it easy for the reader to choose a path they feel drawn to at any particular moment.

The Language of Houseplants

by Cheralyn Darcey

The book is a gentle self-help guide filled with practical self-care practices which engage the griever into embracing and expressing their grief. Through the gentle practices, the griever can try to find inner peace and begin to heal his/her grieving heart. After a loss, grievers often feel isolated and find it difficult to reach out for help, carrying their pain in silence and alone. Each practice described in the book has been carefully chosen to shine light on areas that are likely to arise as the grieving and healing journey unfolds, and have been organised to make it easy for the reader to choose a path they feel drawn to at any particular moment.


by Rose Inserra

What if you could practice, and access, happiness at any time? When were you last truly happy? How did 'happy' feel? Some people find that being happy is a natural state of being, but for others it's a constant struggle to find contentment with all of life's stresses and upheavals. Bestselling author and psychologist Noa Belling has designed a variety of 'happiness workouts' to help you do just that. Based on scientific studies of biochemistry and neuroscience, this book teaches you how to cultivate happiness by honing certain physical skills such as strength, flexibility, fluidity, grounding and warm-heartedness. Deeply rooted within your body, these skills foster resilience, confidence and creativity to help you meet life's challenges skillfully. A happiness workout is made up of everyday quick practices, complemented by physical exercise programs that are designed to be accessible no matter your age or level of fitness. Try it out and feel how it optimises your brain function and reliably turns things around!

Essential Oils: Your aromatherapy guide to Ayurvedic healing


What if you could practice, and access, happiness at any time? When were you last truly happy? How did 'happy' feel? Some people find that being happy is a natural state of being, but for others it's a constant struggle to find contentment with all of life's stresses and upheavals. Bestselling author and psychologist Noa Belling has designed a variety of 'happiness workouts' to help you do just that. Based on scientific studies of biochemistry and neuroscience, this book teaches you how to cultivate happiness by honing certain physical skills such as strength, flexibility, fluidity, grounding and warm-heartedness. Deeply rooted within your body, these skills foster resilience, confidence and creativity to help you meet life's challenges skillfully. A happiness workout is made up of everyday quick practices, complemented by physical exercise programs that are designed to be accessible no matter your age or level of fitness. Try it out and feel how it optimises your brain function and reliably turns things around!

WORK WELLBEING: Leading thriving teams in rapidly changing times

by Mark McCrindle

This book takes the Immortals concept made famous in cricket andapplies it to motorsport, choosing the best of the best from Bathurstand the Australian Touring Car Championship (now the Supercars Championship) and other local series.It delves into the careers and characteristics of icons Peter Brock, Allan Moffatand Dick Johnson along with modern-era championssuch as Mark Skaife, Craig Lowndes and Jamie Whincup: heroes who are not just high achievers but influential identities who set anew benchmark and changed local racing forever through skill, determination and sheer will. It tells the remarkable stories behind each Immortal's rise, from the fabled tale of rock star Johnson to the little-known facts surrounding Lowndes' Bathurst arrival in 1994 that, a few hours earlier, teetered on the brink of disaster. The Immortals of Australian Motor Racing: the Local Heroes is the third instalment in Gelding Street Press's Immortals of Australian Sport series. In it, motorsport writer Luke West gives readers insights into his 10 chosen immortals and their influence on the national scene.

Pocketbook ea Polokeho ea Kaho bakeng sa Afrika Boroa

by Fidelis A. Emuze

"Construction is one of the oldest activities known to mankind, yet it is an industry where the health, safety and wellbeing of people are often at risk. While South African construction safety laws and regulations are up-to-date, the accidents, injuries and fatalities at construction sites remain a challenge. This pocketbook, which is based on the 2014 Construction Regulations, serves as a handy reference guide addressing the most common hazards facing construction workers. "

Ethical Issues in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

by Edward Etzel Jack C. Watson

This book focuses attention on the range of unique ethical, legal, and related professional challenges faced by those who work in the areas of sport, exercise, and performance psychology. Ethical Issues in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology is organized into four sections: ethical practices, specific populations, special settings, and academic issues. Professionals in higher education, university counseling centers, sports medicine clinics, and private practice, as well as students, will find this book an informative personal resource.

Power Play

by J. M. Snyder

Ryan Talonovich is the star of his college hockey team, until an accident during practice leaves him confined to a wheelchair. The doctors say he'll walk again but a new season is already underway and he's been replaced on the team, which leaves him feeling alone and betrayed. What's the use of fighting to get back on the ice now?Then he meets Dante Espinosa, a short track skater on the city's speed skating club. Though he has to work overtime to afford his sport, Dante is hell on ice, and dreams of making the cut on the U.S. Olympic Speedskating Team.Their love of the ice brings them together, but too many obstacles stand in their way: Ryan's struggle with therapy. The memory of Dante's first boyfriend. Lack of funding to the event, Dante's harassing boss, a skating friend in love with him, and Wil Dietrich, who will do anything to win.

Stepping Up to the Plate

by J. M. Snyder

At 16, Stacy Evans dropped out of high school in the hopes of moving on with his life. But four years later, he's stuck in an abusive relationship with Lamar, a "friend with benefits," and works long hours at a dead-end job just to get by.Then his mother enrolls him in a program to earn his GED. There he meets Darian, a woodshop teacher who is everything Stacy's friends are not -- smart, successful ... and who seems to take a personal interest in helping Stacy turn his life around. The two develop a rapport that keeps Stacy after school just to spend extra time with him. In intimate moments alone, they grow closer than just student and teacher.On the right track for once, Stacy has a chance to choose between his troublesome past and a promising future with Darian. But his jealous friends won't let him go so easily.

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