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Grumbletroll . . . Isn't Grumbling Today! (The Grumbletroll by aprilkind)

by aprilkind Barbara Van Speulhof Stephan Pricken

The Grumbletroll . . . Isn't Grumbling Today!, the second book in The Grumbletroll series by aprilkind, finds Grumbletroll looking for ways to control his anger to win a bet with his friendsHelps children ages three and up learn coping methods for their own anger and understand how to deal with the tantrums of othersA playful way of dealing with emotions that offers a lot of space for conversation, role playing, and the reader's own thoughts

The Operation Reinhard Death Camps: Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka

by Yitzhak Arad

Under the code name Operation Reinhard, more than one and a half million Jews were murdered between 1942 and 1943 in the concentration camps of Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka, located in Nazi-occupied Poland. Unlike more well-known camps, which were used both for slave labor and extermination, these camps existed purely to murder Jews. Few victims survived to tell their stories, and the camps were largely forgotten after they were dismantled in 1943. The Operation Reinhard Death Camps bears eloquent witness to this horrific tragedy.This newly revised and expanded edition includes new material on the history of the Jews under German occupation in Poland; the execution and timing of Operation Reinhard; information about the ghettos in Lublin, Warsaw, Krakow, Radom, and Galicia; and updated numbers of the victims who were murdered during deportations. In addition to documenting the horror of the camps, Yitzhak Arad recounts the stories of those courageous enough to struggle against the Nazis and their "final solution." Arad's work retrieves the experiences of Operation Reinhard's victims and survivors from obscurity and exposes a terrible chapter in humanity's history.

Erno Rubik and His Magic Cube

by Kerry Aradhya

This first picture book biography of Rubik&’s Cube creator Erno Rubik reveals the obsession, imagination, and engineering process behind creating an iconic puzzle.Celebrating 50 years of the most popular puzzle in history!In the hills of Budapest, near the banks of the Danube River, lived a quiet boy named Ernő Rubik. He loved books, art, nature, and—most of all—puzzles. And he grew up to create the most popular puzzle in history. This picture book biography explores the experience and interests that inspired the inventor of the Rubik&’s Cube.From the time he was a child, Ernő was curious about the objects around him. What did they look like on the inside? What about geometric shapes? How many ways could he fit them together? Could he combine them so they somehow became something that was greater than its components?Ernő grew up and became a professor of architecture and design. Still fascinated with how shapes worked together, he fashioned an object, a cube made up of smaller cubes that twisted and turned without breaking. This object eventually became known as the most popular puzzle in history, the Rubik&’s Cube.Kerry Aradhya&’s accessible text takes us behind the scenes of the creative process and into the mind and imagination of a remarkable inventor. Kara Kramer&’s cheerful, multi-media illustrations encourage readers to think about inspiration, reflection, and the joy of puzzles—and solutions.

Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2024 Computing Conference, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1017)

by Kohei Arai

Explore the forefront of computing with the proceedings of the Computing Conference 2024. Featuring 165 carefully selected papers from a pool of 457 submissions, this collection encapsulates the cutting-edge research and innovation presented during the conference. Delve into a diverse range of topics, insights, and methodologies that shape the future of computing. Whether you're an academic, researcher, or enthusiast, this concise volume offers a snapshot of the dynamic and collaborative spirit defining the Computing Conference 2024.

Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #815)

by Kohei Arai

This book is a collection of thoroughly well-researched studies presented at the Eighth Future Technologies Conference. This annual conference aims to seek submissions from the wide arena of studies like Computing, Communication, Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Ambient Intelligence, Security, and e-Learning. With an impressive 490 paper submissions, FTC emerged as a hybrid event of unparalleled success, where visionary minds explored groundbreaking solutions to the most pressing challenges across diverse fields. These groundbreaking findings open a window for vital conversation on information technologies in our community especially to foster future collaboration with one another. We hope that the readers find this book interesting and inspiring and render their enthusiastic support toward it.

Amor dos en uno

by Lu Aranha

Morgana ama a dos. Mientras uno es el Dios ébano del sexo, el otro es el poeta con el abrazo perfecto. Pero cuando ambos la escuchan y se convierten en los hombres de sus sueños, Morgana solo encuentra un camino: el poliamor. La pregunta es: ¿lo aceptarán Cris y Nando? Una novela sobre los caminos de la no monogamia, con un giro sexy y toda la veracidad que los practicantes encuentran al formar sus familias.

Deseo de Sangre (Salvajes de la Mafia #2)

by Lu Aranha

Todo en mi vida estaba planeado. Excepto la guerra a la que nos enfrentamos. Pasé años soñando con mi marido, nuestra familia y la vida perfecta como esposa del Don, sin imaginar cuánta gente perdería por el camino. Desde los más leales hasta nuestros enemigos, todos están cayendo. Pero, como he dicho, todo en mi vida ha sido planeado, y haré lo que sea necesario para conseguir lo que quiero. Guerra o no, mi marido será Don. La Familia Rossi está perdiendo su fuerza, pero yo soy Mia Wilder y no renunciaré a mis objetivos.

Mi Ruina (Salvajes de la Mafia #1)

by Lu Aranha

Nada en mi vida es sencillo. Nunca lo ha sido. Solo que ahora el destino parece jugarme una mala pasada. Pasé años aislado, sin saber quién era, para ver cómo asesinaban a mi madre en la puerta de mi casa y descubrir de la forma más inesperadamente posible que mi padre es un mafioso italiano. No solo eso: quiere que mis dos hermanos y yo nos unamos a la "familia". Pero, como ya he dicho, nada en mi vida es sencillo, y una de sus exigencias es que me case con una mujer que más bien parece una monja. La familia Rossi está llena de secretos y tradiciones, pero yo soy Sage Wilder y nunca he sabido seguir las reglas...

Hands-On MySQL Administration

by Arunjith Aravindan Jeyaram Ayyalusamy

Geared to intermediate- to advanced-level DBAs and IT professionals looking to enhance their MySQL skills, this guide provides a comprehensive overview on how to manage and optimize MySQL databases. You'll learn how to create databases and implement backup and recovery, security configurations, high availability, scaling techniques, and performance tuning. Using practical techniques, tips, and real-world examples, authors Arunjith Aravindan and Jeyaram Ayyalusamy show you how to deploy and manage MySQL, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, and Azure MySQL. By the end of the book, you'll have the knowledge and skills necessary to administer, manage, and optimize MySQL databases effectively. Design and implement a scalable and reliable database infrastructure using MySQL 8 on premises and cloudInstall and configure software, manage user accounts, and optimize database performanceUse backup and recovery strategies, security measures, and high availability solutionsApply best practices for database schema design, indexing strategies, and replication techniquesImplement advanced database features and techniques such as replication, clustering, load balancing, and high availabilityTroubleshoot common issues and errors, using diagnostic tools and techniques to identify and resolve problems quickly and efficientlyFacilitate major MySQL upgrades including MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8

Crookhaven: Book 3 (Crookhaven #3)

by J.J. Arcanjo

The third book in the irresistible series about chosen family, high stakes thievery, and what it really means to do good. Perfect for fans of M.G. Leonard and Anthony Horowitz.It's Gabriel's third year at Crookhaven School for Thieves. Along with the usual Break-In challenge - this year to Reclamation island - and difficult new classes like Signs & Signals, Gabriel and his friends have another goal: taking down the Nameless.The Nameless are the very worst type of criminals - they steal, trick and kidnap for their own benefit, rather than to do good in the world. Each member of Gabriel's crew has a very personal reason for wanting to take the Nameless down - but what can a group of underage school children do compared to the most powerful crew of the underworld?Luckily, there might be something hidden at Crookhaven that could help them. But first they have to find it...The third book in the 'criminally good' Crookhaven series, the secret school where students are taught to do wrong, so that one day, they can put the world to rights.

Crookhaven: Book 3 (Crookhaven #3)

by J.J. Arcanjo

The third book in the irresistible series about chosen family, high stakes thievery, and what it really means to do good. Perfect for fans of M.G. Leonard and Anthony Horowitz.It's Gabriel's third year at Crookhaven School for Thieves. Along with the usual Break-In challenge - this year to Reclamation island - and difficult new classes like Signs & Signals, Gabriel and his friends have another goal: taking down the Nameless.The Nameless are the very worst type of criminals - they steal, trick and kidnap for their own benefit, rather than to do good in the world. Each member of Gabriel's crew has a very personal reason for wanting to take the Nameless down - but what can a group of underage school children do compared to the most powerful crew of the underworld?Luckily, there might be something hidden at Crookhaven that could help them. But first they have to find it...The third book in the 'criminally good' Crookhaven series, the secret school where students are taught to do wrong, so that one day, they can put the world to rights.

Biologia Celular e Molecular: Um guia introdutório para aprendizagem de Biologia Celular e Molecular

by Bolakale Aremu

Este livro foi elaborado para estudantes que desejam aprender e apreciar tópicos biológicos básicos enquanto estudam as menores unidades da biologia: moléculas e células. A biologia molecular e celular é uma disciplina dinâmica. Existem milhares de oportunidades nas áreas médica, farmacêutica, agrícola e industrial. Além de prepará-lo para uma diversidade de planos de carreira, a compreensão da biologia molecular e celular o ajudará a tomar decisões acertadas que podem beneficiar sua dieta e saúde. Nossos escritores, colaboradores e editores são altamente qualificados em ciências e humanidades, com ampla experiência em ensino e pesquisa em sala de aula. Eles são especialistas na preparação de alunos para testes padronizados, bem como em treinamento de admissão em graduação e pós-graduação. Dê uma olhada no índice: Capítulo 1. Por que estudar biologia celular e molecular? Capítulo 2: O Estudo da Evolução Capítulo 3: O que é Biologia Celular? Capítulo 4: Genética e nossos projetos genéticos Capítulo 5: Conhecendo os Átomos Capítulo 6. Como as ligações químicas combinam átomos Capítulo 7: Água, Soluções e Misturas Capítulo 8 : Quais elementos estão nas células? Capítulo 9: Macromoléculas são as “grandes” moléculas dos seres vivos Capítulo 10: Termodinâmica em Coisas Vivas Capítulo 11: ATP como “Combustível” Capítulo 12: Metabolismo e Enzimas na Célula Capítulo 13: A diferença entre células procarióticas e eucarióticas Capítulo 14: A Estrutura de uma Célula Eucariótica Capítulo 15: A Membrana Plasmática: O Guardião da Célula Capítulo 16: Difusão e Osmose Capítulo 17: Transporte Passivo e Ativo Capítulo 18: Transporte em massa de moléculas através de uma membrana Capítulo 19: Sinalização Celular Capítulo 20: Oxi

Como generar dinero creando videos de YouTube sin mostrar tu cara: 4 poderosos secretos para generar riqueza desde canales de YouTube sin mostrar ni la cara ni la voz

by Bolakale Aremu

En este libro de mostraré como generar dinero al crear videos en YouTube sin grabar tu cara o voz. Este será un entrenamiento directo que te mostrará exactamente qué hacer. No tendrá nada que lo empañe. No va a ser como otros entrenamientos que solo hablan acerca de teoría. Saldrás de este libro con información práctica que puedes poner en práctica ahora mismo. Específicamente recorreré cuatro diferentes poderosos secretos para lograrlo

Criptomonedas Desde Principiante A Profesional Remunerado: La ruta del experto a la independencia Financiera

by Bolakale Aremu

Este libro nos dice porqué y cómo comercializar criptomonedas puede ser saludable Este es un libro que nunca hubiera pensado escribir. Es un libro que no solo tú, tu esposa o tus hijos deberían leer. Compártelo con todos tus seres queridos, ya que podría cambiar sus vidas para siempre. Si mi libro pudiera salvar a una persona financieramente, vale la pena cada palabra. Este es el trato. Te regalo Bitcoins por valor de 500 dólares si lees este libro hasta el final. Si quieres lograr que 2024 sea tu año más redituable que nunca, debes leer este libro. Podrías pensar que estoy loco, pero este libro puede ser tu llave a un paraíso financiero potencial. En 1801 Thomas Jefferson dijo: “La oportunidad rara vez llama a la puerta más de una vez”. Y en 2010 Mark Zuckenberg dijo: “El mayor riesgo es no asumir ningún riesgo. En un mundo que cambia a gran velocidad, la única estrategia que garantiza el fracaso es no asumir riesgos”.

Criptovaluta Da Principiante A Professionista Retribuito: La tabella di marcia degli esperti della Libertà finanziaria

by Bolakale Aremu

Il libro illustra come e perché il trading di criptovalute può creare ricchezza Criptovaluta da Principiante a Professionista Retribuito Questo è un libro che pensavo non avrei mai scritto. È un libro che non dovreste leggere solo voi, il vostro coniuge o i vostri figli. Condividetelo con tutte le persone a cui tenete, perché potrebbe potenzialmente cambiare la loro vita per sempre. Se il mio libro può salvare una persona dal punto di vista economico, allora ogni parola merita di essere spesa. Ecco la proposta. Se leggerete questo libro fino alla fine, vi regalerò 500 dollari in Bitcoin. Se volete che il 2024 sia il vostro anno più redditizio di sempre, dovete leggere questo libro. Potreste pensare che io sia completamente fuori di testa, ma questo libro potrebbe essere la soluzione per accedere a un potenziale paradiso finanziario. Nel 1801 Thomas Jefferson ha detto: "Raramente l'opportunità bussa più di una volta". E nel 2010 Mark Zuckerberg ha detto: "Il rischio più grande è non correre alcun rischio. In un mondo che cambia molto rapidamente, l'unica strategia che garantisce il fallimento è quella di non correre rischi".

Novel Techniques in Sensory Characterization and Consumer Profiling

by Gastón Ares Paula Varela

Sensory characterization is one of the most powerful, sophisticated, and extensively applied tools in sensory science. This book focuses on sensory characterization of food and non-food products, providing an overview of classical and novel alternative methodologies. A complete description of the methodologies is provided, accompanied by detailed information for implementation, discussion of examples of applications, and case studies. The implementation of the majority of the methodologies is performed in the statistical free software R, making the book accessible for people unfamiliar with complex statistical software.

Corporate Responsibility

by Paul A. Argenti

"This is the cutting-edge textbook on a managerial approach to corporate responsibility. Students and executives will benefit a great deal by studying the cases and best practices that are here. It’s a terrific book." —Ed Freeman, Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia Corporate Responsibility offers a concise and comprehensive introduction to the functional area of corporate responsibility. Readers will learn how corporate responsibility is good for business and how leaders balance their organization’s needs with responsibilities to key constituencies in society. Author Paul A. Argenti engages students with new and compelling cases by focusing on the social, reputational, or environmental consequences of corporate activities. Students will learn how to make difficult choices, promote responsible behavior within their organizations, and understand the role personal values play in developing effective leadership skills.

Corporate Responsibility

by Paul A. Argenti

"This is the cutting-edge textbook on a managerial approach to corporate responsibility. Students and executives will benefit a great deal by studying the cases and best practices that are here. It’s a terrific book." —Ed Freeman, Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia Corporate Responsibility offers a concise and comprehensive introduction to the functional area of corporate responsibility. Readers will learn how corporate responsibility is good for business and how leaders balance their organization’s needs with responsibilities to key constituencies in society. Author Paul A. Argenti engages students with new and compelling cases by focusing on the social, reputational, or environmental consequences of corporate activities. Students will learn how to make difficult choices, promote responsible behavior within their organizations, and understand the role personal values play in developing effective leadership skills.

The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance (Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law)

by Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera

This book weaves together a comprehensive legal analysis of sustainable finance regimes governing Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) derivatives, with insightful sociological perspectives on risks and uncertainties.Sustainable finance offers a unique chance to channel capital towards sustainability goals, with ESG derivatives emerging as potent catalysts for a transition to a more sustainable economy. Beyond amplifying capital flow, they strategically align with effective ESG risk and uncertainty management. The book explores how integrating ESG derivatives can strategically serve sustainable investment, offering insights into optimal risk management. The work not only outlines challenges but presents potential solutions, highlighting ESG derivatives’ role in addressing market failures affecting sustainable finance, which is an aspect often overlooked by regulators in the EU, the UK, and the US. Serving as a strategy guide for countries adopting a diverse sustainable finance portfolio, the book targets policy practitioners and advocacy specialists, catering to a broad multidisciplinary audience amid the increasing interest in ESG-related products.The book’s dual emphasis on financial derivatives for ESG risk management and sociological perspectives positions it as an ideal resource for scholars, experts, practitioners, researchers, and curious minds across law, business, management, and sociological studies.

Law Enforcement Strategies for Disrupting Cryptomarkets: A Practical Guide to Network Structure, Trust Dynamics, and Agent-Based Modelling Approaches

by Barak Ariel Vincent Harinam

This book investigates the recent history of the drug market on the dark web and suggests interventions that can be used to curb the trade of illegal products in the internet's underbelly. It outlines the current landscape of this market, highlighting: • What is known about drug markets on the dark web. • How transactions involving illicit goods occur in cryptomarkets. • How the illegal trade of drugs is conducted in the dark web. • The role of blockchain technology in these transactions. The chapters that follow identify effective methods suppliers and purchasers employ to trade under conditions of uncertainty. They explore the role that trust plays in network structures and vendor selections for drug markets. The volume includes a review of the targeting strategies available for law enforcement and offers new solutions to target the trade of illicit goods on the dark web. It is ideal for law enforcement officers and practitioners combatting cybercrime.

Chinese Islam: Models of Interaction with State and Society (Global Islamic Cultures)

by Nasr M. Arif Shaojin Chai

This book explores the fascinating and complex histories of Islam and China. Meticulously researched and captivating, it provides a comprehensive history of the encounters and relationship between these two great civilizations, as well as the unique development and indigenization of Islam within China.The work looks at the early interactions between Arab Muslim traders and the Tang dynasty in the seventh century, shedding light on the establishment of the first Muslim communities in China. The narrative then progresses through subsequent dynasties, examining the ebbs and flows of Muslim influence, integration, and indigenization. It looks at the emergence of the Hui and other Muslim ethnic groups, who play a central role in the story of Chinese Islam. By delving into their customs, beliefs, and distinctive practices, the authors unveil the intricate process of indigenization, where Islam becomes deeply rooted in Chinese culture and society. One of the unique features of this collection is the nuanced analysis of the impact of major political events, as well as gradual social changes, on the process of adoption and transmission of Islam in China. The authors also highlight the role of economic activities, Chinese Islamic scholars, and key architectural landmarks in this multifaceted history.Part of the Global Islamic Cultures series that looks at integrated and indigenized Islam, this book will be of interest to students and researchers of religion, Islamic studies, religious history, political Islam, cultural studies, Islamic law, and Asian studies. It will also be useful to readers who are interested in world religions, theology, and cultures.

Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy in Japan

by Toshi H. Arimura Akira Hibiki

This textbook demonstrates how economic theories can be used for environmental policy evaluations. A notable feature of this book is that, unlike most textbooks in environmental economics written in English, it draws on examples from Japan’s policy on energy, resource, pollution, and carbon emissions. Policy measures discussed in this book include controls on motor vehicle emissions, pricing of waste disposal, deposit-refund scheme for recycling, carbon taxes and emissions trading schemes. With topics involving transboundary environmental concerns such as climate change, air pollution, and waste management and recycling, the book also integrates international perspectives and provides comparisons of policies across regions and countries. A major objective of this book is to present a concise and accessible introduction to environmental economics as applied to policy evaluations in and beyond Japan. The knowledge available from this book must be very useful for students, policymakers and practitioners who seek environmental policy solutions from an economic point of view. This is an open access book.

A Death By Any Other Name: A Mystery (Lady Montfort Mystery Series #3)

by Tessa Arlen

A Death by Any Other Name is a delightful Edwardian mystery set in the English countryside. Building on the success of her last two mysteries in the same series, Tessa Arlen returns us to the same universe full of secrets, intrigue, and, this time, roses. The elegant Lady Montfort and her redoubtable housekeeper Mrs. Jackson's services are called upon after a cook is framed and dismissed for poisoning a guest of the Hyde Rose Society. Promising to help her regain her job and her dignity, the pair trek out to the countryside to investigate a murder of concealed passions and secret desires. There, they are to discover a villain of audacious cunning among a group of mild-mannered, amateur rose-breeders. While they investigate, the rumor mill fills with talk about a conflict over in Prussia where someone quite important was shot. There is talk of war and they must race the clock to solve the mystery as the idyllic English summer days count down to the start of WWI.Brimming with intrigue, Tessa Arlen's latest does not disappoint.

Death of a Dishonorable Gentleman: A Mystery (Lady Montfort Mystery Series #1)

by Tessa Arlen

Lady Montfort has been planning her annual summer costume ball for months, and with scrupulous care. Pulling together the food, flowers and a thousand other details for one of the most significant social occasions of the year is her happily accepted responsibility. But when her husband's degenerate nephew is found murdered, it's more than the ball that is ruined. In fact, Lady Montfort fears that the official police enquiry, driven by petty snobbery and class prejudice, is pointing towards her son as a potential suspect.Taking matters into her own hands, the rather over-imaginative countess enlists the help of her pragmatic housekeeper, Mrs. Jackson, to investigate the case, track down the women that vanished the night of the murder, and clear her son's name. As the two women search for a runaway housemaid and a headstrong young woman, they unearth the hidden lives of Lady Montfort's close friends, servants and family and discover the identity of a murderer hiding in plain sight.In this enchanting debut sure to appeal to fans of Downton Abbey, Tessa Arlen draws readers into a world exclusively enjoyed by the rich, privileged classes and suffered by the men and women who serve them. Death of a Dishonorable Gentleman is an elegant mystery filled with intriguing characters and fascinating descriptions of Edwardian life—a superb treat for those who love British novels.

Forget Me Not: The Brand New Helen Grace Thriller

by M. J. Arlidge

A city on the brink. A mother on the edge. A nightmare that only DI Helen Grace can end. Sometimes, the darkest secrets hide in plain sight...GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTENA gang war grips the city, and the police force is under fire from all sides. But Detective Inspector Helen Grace defies direct orders as she becomes drawn to the case of a missing teenager.LOST BUT NOT ALONENaomi's mother is desperate for help - and Helen is her only hope. Keeping the investigation secret, she finds a disturbing trail of questions - and more who have vanished off the streets...WILL THEY FIND HER IN TIME?Sometimes, the truth hides in plain sight. But proving it is another matter entirely. The clock is ticking - and the only person looking for Naomi is about to meet her match.*****PRAISE FOR THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER M.J. ARLIDGE 'Chilling' THE TIMES 'Addictive' EXPRESS 'Truly excellent' THE SUN 'Nobody does chilling suspense quite like M.J. Arlidge' B.P. WALTER

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