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Samajik Evam Rajnitik Vyavstha Bhag-3 class 8 - JCERT: सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक व्यवस्था भाग-३ ८वीं कक्षा - जेसीईआरटी

by Jharkhand Shaikshik Anusandhan Evam Prashikshan Parishad Ranchi

कक्षा 8 की सामाजिक विज्ञान पुस्तक “सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक व्यवस्था - III” छात्रों को भारतीय संविधान, संसदीय शासन, न्यायपालिका, सामाजिक न्याय और आर्थिक व्यवस्था से परिचित कराती है। इसमें 7 अध्याय शामिल हैं, जो संविधान के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर प्रकाश डालते हैं। पहले अध्याय में भारतीय संविधान के निर्माण और उसके आयामों की चर्चा है, जैसे संघवाद, संसदीय पद्धति, और मौलिक अधिकार। यह बताता है कि संविधान ने कैसे भारतीय समाज में न्याय, स्वतंत्रता, समानता और बंधुता की नींव रखी। दूसरे अध्याय में भारतीय संविधान के आधारभूत मूल्यों पर चर्चा की गई है, जिसमें समाजवाद, धर्मनिरपेक्षता, और गणराज्य की अवधारणाओं को समझाया गया है। तीसरा अध्याय संसदीय शासन प्रणाली को स्पष्ट करता है, जहां विधायिका और कार्यपालिका के बीच का संबंध समझाया गया है। इसमें लोकसभा और राज्यसभा के गठन और कार्यप्रणाली पर विशेष ध्यान दिया गया है। न्यायपालिका पर आधारित चौथा अध्याय भारतीय न्यायिक प्रणाली की संरचना और उसकी स्वतंत्रता पर जोर देता है। पाँचवा अध्याय सामाजिक न्याय की अवधारणा को समझाता है, जबकि छठे अध्याय में आर्थिक क्षेत्र में सरकार की भूमिका पर चर्चा की गई है। अंतिम अध्याय सामाजिक समस्याओं, जैसे बाल विवाह, बाल श्रम, और नशाखोरी जैसी चुनौतियों पर केंद्रित है। यह पुस्तक छात्रों में तार्किक समझ और नागरिक जिम्मेदारियों के प्रति जागरूकता विकसित करने का प्रयास करती है।

Hamari Virasat class 7 - JCERT: हमारी विरासत ७वीं कक्षा - जेसीईआरटी

by Jharkhand Shaikshik Anusandhan Evam Prashikshan Parishad Ranchi

“हमारी विरासत” कक्षा 7 के सामाजिक विज्ञान के इतिहास की पुस्तक है, जिसे झारखंड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद् राँची द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया है। यह पुस्तक भारतीय इतिहास के मध्यकालीन समय का अध्ययन करती है, जिसमें छात्रों को लगभग एक हजार वर्षों के दौरान हुए राजनीतिक, सामाजिक, और आर्थिक परिवर्तनों से परिचित कराया जाता है। इसमें दिल्ली सल्तनत, मुगल साम्राज्य, शासक और उनके द्वारा निर्मित इमारतें, व्यापार और शिल्प, साथ ही झारखंड की संस्कृति को भी गहराई से समझाने का प्रयास किया गया है। इस पुस्तक के 10 अध्यायों में विभिन्न ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं, इमारतों, और शासन प्रणालियों का वर्णन किया गया है। छात्र इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से न केवल झारखंड बल्कि भारत के मध्यकालीन इतिहास से भी गहराई से जुड़ सकते हैं। अध्यायों में शासकों की प्रशासनिक, सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक उपलब्धियों को भी विस्तार से समझाया गया है, जिससे छात्रों की तार्किक और विश्लेषणात्मक क्षमता का विकास हो सके। इस प्रकार, "हमारी विरासत" इतिहास की गहराई और उसकी समृद्ध धरोहर को समझने के लिए एक सशक्त और व्यापक पुस्तक है।

Kritika Bhag-1 class 9 - JCERT: कृतिका भाग-१ ९वीं कक्षा - जेसीईआरटी

by Jharkhand Shaikshik Anusandhan Evam Prashikshan Parishad Ranchi

कृतिका भाग-1 की हिंदी पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक, कक्षा 9 की एक महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तक है, जिसमें तीन विविध गद्य रचनाएँ शामिल हैं। इनमें से प्रत्येक रचना में साहित्यिक विधाओं का उत्तम उदाहरण मिलता है। पाठ्यपुस्तक का उद्देश्य छात्रों में न केवल पाठ्यक्रम की समझ विकसित करना है, बल्कि उनके साहित्यिक और भाषाई कौशल को भी समृद्ध करना है। पहली रचना "इस जल प्रलय में" फणीश्वरनाथ रेणु की है, जो 1975 की पटना की प्रलयंकारी बाढ़ का वर्णन करती है। इसमें बाढ़ की विभीषिका, मानवीय संकट, और सामूहिक विवशताओं को बड़े मार्मिक तरीके से प्रस्तुत किया गया है। दूसरी रचना "मेरे संग की औरतें" मृदुला गर्ग द्वारा लिखित है, जिसमें परंपरागत स्त्रियों के अद्वितीय अनुभवों को साझा किया गया है। इसमें नारी जीवन की जटिलताओं और उनके साहसिक पक्ष को उकेरा गया है। तीसरी रचना "रीढ़ की हड्डी" जगदीश चंद्र माथुर की एकांकी है, जो स्त्रियों के प्रति समाज की रूढ़िवादी मानसिकता और उनके आत्मसम्मान की लड़ाई को दर्शाती है। यह पाठ स्त्री सशक्तिकरण और शिक्षा की महत्ता पर प्रकाश डालता है। इस पुस्तक का मुख्य उद्देश्य छात्रों को विभिन्न साहित्यिक विधाओं से परिचित कराना और उन्हें स्वअध्ययन के लिए प्रेरित करना है। इसके अंत में दिए गए प्रश्न-अभ्यास छात्रों की समझ को परखते हैं और उन्हें गहरे विश्लेषण के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते हैं।

Moments Supplementary Reader class 9 - JCERT

by Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training Ranchi

"Moments: Supplementary Reader in English for Class IX" is a collection of various short stories aimed at enhancing the reading experience of adolescents by exposing them to themes like mystery, adventure, humor, courage, and more. It contains selected works by renowned authors like Mulk Raj Anand, Ruskin Bond, and Oscar Wilde, among others. Each story is accompanied by discussion prompts and activities designed to develop critical thinking, foster discussions, and stimulate imaginative engagement. The book is part of an educational initiative by the Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training (JCERT), aligned with the National Curriculum Framework.

Flamingo Supplementary Reader (English Second Language) class 11 - GSTB

by Gujarat State School Textbook Board

The "Flamingo Supplementary Reader" for 11th grade English (Second Language), published by the Gujarat State School Textbook Board, provides students with a variety of engaging and diverse reading materials aimed at enhancing their English proficiency. It features a collection of stories, folk tales, poems, and moral lessons designed to promote both language development and critical thinking. The supplementary reader complements the main textbook by encouraging self-learning, creative thinking, and reading for pleasure. Through relatable content and exercises, it helps students develop comprehension, expand their vocabulary, and improve their language skills. The reader also focuses on real-life applications of English and aims to support students in excelling at national and international levels, particularly in competitive exams.

The Midnight Club And Hide And Seek

by James Patterson

The Midnight Club: A stunningly brilliant psychopathic killer who has skillfully eluded the police from London to Paris to New York. A beautiful woman journalist suddenly in grave danger. An unorthodox New York detective whose motive for stopping the killer couldn't be more personal or emotional. All bound by the chains of secrecy, wealth, and crime formed by the cabal called The Midnight Club. Hide And Seek: It was the trial that electrified the world. Not just because of the defendant, Maggie Bradford, the woman whose songs captivated the world's heart. Not just because of the victim, Will Shepard, the world's most glamorous athlete. But also because everyone said Maggie had murdered not just one husband, but two. And because in Maggie's world -- the world she feared and despised but could not escape, the world of the powerful, the rich, and the ruthless -- both death and life could never be what they seemed.

Holy Terrors (Bed-and-Breakfast Mysteries #3)

by Mary Daheim

As Easter festivities approach, Hillside Manor’s party planner and resident sleuth finds a killer hot on her cottontail!Catering the annual pre-Easter brunch and egg hunt is a hare-raising hassle for Judith McManigle, hard-working hostess of Seattle’s cozy Bed & Breakfast, Hillside Manor. And this year’s egg scramble gets particularly messy when the reclusive wife of a local scion is fatally perforated by a fiend dressed in a bunny suit. Never one to pass up a good murder, Judith solicits the help of her sometime-beau policeman Joe and her irrepressible Cousin Renie to get hopping down the floppy-eared assassin’s trail. But soon the list of suspects is multiplying faster than a hutch-full of rabbits. And Judith might very well end up a basket case—or worse—before this whole thing is through . . .

Tidal Rip (The Jeffrey Fuller Novels #4)

by Joe Buff

The author of the submarine adventure Crush Depth “brings both a descriptive flair and an undeniable knowledge of undersea warfare to his series” (Publishers Weekly).Jeffrey Fuller is going back to war.Commander Fuller has distinguished himself in battle, becoming one of America’s most inspirational heroes in its war with the Berlin-Boer Axis. Time and time again, Fuller has taken his crew of elite submariners into the most dangerous waters in the world, matching wits and weapons with the best of Germany’s and South Africa’s fighting force, and every time he has emerged the victor.But this time, Fuller is given an impossible mission. As the captain of America’s most technologically advanced tactical nuclear submarine, Fuller is told that the Allies will lose the war unless two conditions are met. The only problem: if Fuller devotes his time to achieving one of his goals, he will sacrifice the other. With the war hanging in the balance, Fuller must accomplish the impossible, or he will lose not only his life, but the war itself.Praise for the Jeffrey Fuller series“The crème de la crème of submarine thrillers.” —Stephen Coonts, New York Times–bestselling author “If you want a hair-raising trip to the bottom of the ocean, Joe Buff’s the guy to take you there.” —Patrick Robinson, New York Times–bestselling author “[Joe Buff] out-Clancys Tom Clancy.” —Kirkus Reviews

Her Master and Commander

by Karen Hawkins

A widow is recruited to turn a former pirate into a gentleman worthy of the title he will inherit in this Regency from a New York Times bestselling author.Dying without legitimate issue, the late Earl of Rochester sent his butler extraordinaire, Reeves, to find his wild, illegitimate children and “civilize” them. Reeves must seek out the first of the earl’s arrogant sons, Captain Tristan Llevanth, a one-time pirate, and teach him to be a gentleman.Wounded, Tristan Llevanth will never again sail the seas he loves. Life has no more challenges. Or so he thinks, until Reeves brings a certain outspoken lady into the captain’s uncultured household . . .Reeves believes Tristan needs a spark to relight the fires of his soul. And who better than lovely Prudence Thistlewaite, the bane of the captain’s existence? Prudence wants nothing to do with her wickedly handsome, ill-tempered neighbor. Still, she cannot refuse the outlandish sum Reeves offers to smooth Tristan’s rough edges. Can Prudence tame the rakish captain?

The Dispossessed: A Novel (Hainish Cycle)

by Ursula K. Le Guin

One of The Atlantic’s Great American Novels“One of the greats. . . . Not just a science fiction writer; a literary icon.” —Stephen King“Engrossing . . . Ursula Le Guin is more than just a writer of adult fantasy and science fiction . . . she is a philosopher; an explorer in the landscapes of the mind.” — Cincinnati EnquirerUrsula K. Le Guin’s Hugo, Locus, and Nebula Award–winning classic, a profound and thoughtful tale of anarchism and capitalism, individualism and collectivism, and one ambitious man’s quest to bridge the ideological chasm separating two worlds. The Dispossessed is the spellbinding story of anarchist Shevek, the “galactically famous scientist,” who single-handedly attempts to reunite two planets cut off from each other by centuries of distrust.Anarres, Shevek’s homeland, is a bleak moon settled by an anarchic utopian civilization, where there is no government, and everyone, at least nominally, is a revolutionary. It has long been isolated from other worlds, including its mother planet, Urras—defined by warring nations, great poverty, and immense wealth. Now Shevek, a brilliant physicist, is determined to unify the two civilizations. In the face of great hostility, outright threats, and the pain of separation from his family, he makes an unprecedented trip to Urras. Greater than any concern for his own wellbeing is the belief that the walls of hatred, distrust, and philosophic division between his planet and the rest of the civilized universe must be torn down. He will seek answers, question the unquestionable, and explore differences in customs and cultures, determined to tear down the walls of hatred that have kept them apart.To visit Urras—to learn, to teach, to share—will require great sacrifice and risks, which Shevek willingly accepts. Almost immediately upon his arrival, he finds not the egotistical philistines he expected, but an intelligent, complex people who warmly welcome him. But soon the ambitious scientist and his gift is seen as a threat, and in the profound conflict that ensues, he must reexamine his beliefs even as he ignites the fires of change.

Gutshot Straight: A Novel

by Lou Berney

“Lou Berney’s novel is so energetic, so droll, and so wheezingly funny that it accomplished what no book ever has before: it made me forget to eat lunch.”—Stephen Harrigan, New York Times bestselling author of Challenger ParkA fast and funny caper in the tradition of Elmore Leonard, Carl Hiaasen, and the Coen Brothers, Gutshot Straight brings a fresh new talent into the crime fiction fold: Louis Berney. He’s already won raves for his short fiction collection The Road to Bobby Joe and Other Stories (“Rivals the work of contemporary hotshots T.C. Boyle and Ralph Lombreglia” —Chicago Tribune). With Gutshot Straight, Berney is “all in”—sure to win a fervent following with the story of “Shake” Bouchon, fresh out of prison and on the straight and narrow path…after maybe just one last job.

The Bucolic Plague: How Two Manhattanites Became Gentlemen Farmers

by Josh Kilmer-Purcell

“I adore the Beekman boys’ story. Their unlikely story of love, the land, and a herd of goats is hilariously honest. If these two can go from Manhattan to a goat farm in upstate New York, then I can’t help feeling there is hope for us all.” –Alice Waters “Kilmer-Purcell’s genius lies in his ability to blindside the reader with heart-wrenching truths in the midst of the most outlandish scenarios. He makes you laugh until you care.” — Armistead Maupin Michael Perry (Coop, Truck: A Love Story) meets David Sedaris (Me Talk Pretty One Day, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim) in this follow-up to Josh Kilmer-Purcell’s beloved New York Times bestselling debut memoir, I Am Not Myself These Days—another riotous, moving, and entirely unique story of his attempt to tackle the next phase of life with his partner… on a goat farm in upstate New York.

Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security

by Michael Savage

Michael Savage—conservative talk radio host and #1 New York Times bestselling author—takes on President Obama’s socialist agenda, his Chicago-style strong-arm tactics, and his Lenin-like complex in Trickle Up Poverty. Savage’s quest is to help American’s save America from economic Armageddon, and Trickle Up Poverty addresses everything from the global warming myth to the health care debacle to the Tea Party revolution, in an essential conservative manifesto that anyone who loves Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glen Beck, and Dick Morris must read.


by Anna L Waldo

Clad in a doeskin, alone and unafraid, she stood straight and proud before the onrushing forces of America's destiny: Sacajawea, child of a Shoshoni chief, lone woman on Lewis and Clark's historic trek -- beautiful spear of a dying nation.She knew many men, walked many miles. From the whispering prairies, across the Great Divide to the crystal capped Rockies and on to the emerald promise of the Pacific Northwest, her story over flows with emotion and action ripped from the bursting fabric of a raw new land.Ten years in the writing, SACAJAWEA unfolds an immense canvas of people and events, and captures the eternal longings of a woman who always yearned for one great passion -- and always it lay beyond the next mountain.

Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV

by Ben Shapiro

“Vitally important, devastatingly thorough, and shockingly revealing…. After reading Primetime Propaganda, you’ll never watch TV the same way again.”—Mark LevinMovie critic Michael Medved calls Ben Shapiro, “One of our most refreshing and insightful voices on the popular culture, as well as a conscience for his much-maligned generation.” With Primetime Propaganda, the syndicated columnist and bestselling author of Brainwashed, Porn Generation, and Project President tells the shocking true story of how the most powerful medium of mass communication in human history became a vehicle for spreading the radical agenda of the left side of the political spectrum. Similar to what Bernard Goldberg’s Bias and A Slobbering Love Affair did for the liberal news machine, Shapiro’s Primetime Propaganda is an essential exposé of corrupting media bias, pulling back the curtain on widespread and unrepentant abuses of the Hollywood entertainment industry.

Straits of Power (The Jeffrey Fuller Novels #5)

by Joe Buff

In his latest mission, Commander Jeffrey Fuller will go head–to–head against his most dangerous adversary yet – his own allies.Jeffrey Fuller has a new mission – use his cutting–edge submarine Challenger to recover a German spy claiming to have key information about the Berlin–Boer Axis, information that could be crucial to winning the war. Fuller will have to navigate his super–silent sub through some of the most densely patrolled waters in Europe if he hopes to accomplish his mission.But Fuller knows he can't trust the spy, code–named Zeno, an expert in electronic and information warfare. The man could be a double agent sent by the enemy to compromise Challenger. And when they finally recover the mysterious spy, he reveals that only by helping him infiltrate Israel can he hope to prevent an imminent Axis attack. Fuller is caught in a terrible dilemma – if the man is a double agent, he could be dooming Israel, but if he does nothing, the country could fall to the German assault. To go ahead with the plan would pitch Fuller against the best defences of his own allies, placing his crew in danger and possibly shattering bonds between nations. It is a battle that, if fought, Fuller will have to fight entirely on his own.

Whiplash River: A Novel

by Lou Berney

“Like Carl Hiaasen, Berney delights in the cartoonish. Like Elmore Leonard, he can drive a plot. What sets him apart is how well he evokes love, making the romance…as compelling as the mystery.”—Boston GlobeLou Berney immediately earned a seat of honor at the mystery masters’ table with his crackling caper novel, Gutshot Straight—a lightning-fast, fiendishly clever suspenser that screamed for a sequel. And here it is. Former professional wheel man Charles “Shake” Bouchon is back, living in the Caribbean paradise of Belize with his lawless past far behind him—until a gunshot tears through his beachside restaurant and he’s on the run again. A twisting tale filled with lawmen, con men, and hit men; a beautiful but deadly FBI agent; and a murderous thug named Baby Jesus, Whiplash River recalls the best of the off-the-wall crime fiction impresarios—Elmore Leonard, Carl Hiaasen, James W. Hall, Robert Ferrigno, Tim Dorsey—while establishing its own unique orbit in the noir universe.

Ninja: 1,000 Years of the Shadow Warrior: A New History

by John Man

The definitive history of the ninja, based on a wealth of historical texts, local Japanese sources, and John Man's own treks across Asia“An immensely entertaining history, packed with splendidly blood-thirsty tales of derring-do, feats of endurance and self-sacrifice.” —The GuardianOut of the violent chaos of medieval Japan, a remarkable band of peasants rose to become the world's most feared warriors—trained to perfect the art of ninjutsu, the deadly union of martial arts and deception. Today, however, these real life ninjas are overshadowed by legend and pop culture caricatures. Could they fly? Climb walls? Make themselves invisible?Drawing on a wealth of historical texts, local Japanese sources, and his own comprehensive treks across Asia, acclaimed author John Man takes us back to the ninjas' origins in China, through to their heyday in the bloody civil wars that ended with the unification of Japan in 1600. Man also illuminates the twentieth-century reemergence of the Japanese tradition of shadow warfare through the Nakano Spy School—the elite military-intelligence academy that operated as an extensive spy network during World War II—and reveals one former Nakano soldier, Onoda Hiroo, who may be the last surviving ninja.Compelling and absorbing, Ninja reveals at last the fascinating true history behind one of the world's most enduring legends.

Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette

by Anna Post Lizzie Post

Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette is the classic indispensable, comprehensive guide to creating the wedding of your dream, now in its sixth edition.Today's weddings are more complicated than ever, with new traditions replacing old, and new relationships to consider as family life grows more complex. Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette has everything a bride will ever need to know to have the perfect wedding.Anna Post guides brides and their friends and family through weddings to maximize fun and reduce stress, including: How to handle awkward family situations How to address envelopes and word invitations How to choose an officiant How to blend family traditions The timeline of events throughout the engagement and during the wedding Who to include on your guest list How to use technology to your advantage

The Danger in Tempting an Earl: At the Kingsborough Ball (At The Kingsborough Ball Ser. #3)

by Sophie Barnes

A beautiful young widow finds a second chance at love in the arms of a dear friend in the USA Today bestselling author’s sizzling Regency romance.Lucien Marvaine never thought he was good enough for Katherine. As the younger son of an earl, he didn't have a title or prospects. Then fate steps in and gives him a second chance, and this new Earl of Roxbury is determined to make the beautiful Kate his own . . . one touch . . . one kiss at a time.Katherine never thought of herself as a temptress, certainly not with Lucien. Why, she's known him almost all her life! Yet as she waltzes in Lucien's arms at the Kingsborough Ball, she can't help but be drawn to him. Has he always been this hard and masculine? And where did those dimples come from? Kate is not looking for a husband . . . but how can she not surrender to Lucien's charms when love is at stake?

The Long and Faraway Gone: A Novel

by Lou Berney

WINNER OF THE EDGAR AWARD, THE MACAVITY AWARD, THE ANTHONY AWARD, AND THE BARRY AWARD FOR BEST PAPERBACK ORIGINAL NOMINATED FOR THE 2015 LA TIMES BOOK PRIZEWith the compelling narrative tension and psychological complexity of the works of Laura Lippman, Dennis Lehane, Kate Atkinson, and Michael Connelly, Edgar Award-nominee Lou Berney’s The Long and Faraway Gone is a smart, fiercely compassionate crime story that explores the mysteries of memory and the impact of violence on survivors—and the lengths they will go to find the painful truth of the events that scarred their lives.In the summer of 1986, two tragedies rocked Oklahoma City. Six movie-theater employees were killed in an armed robbery, while one inexplicably survived. Then, a teenage girl vanished from the annual State Fair. Neither crime was ever solved.Twenty-five years later, the reverberations of those unsolved cases quietly echo through survivors’ lives. A private investigator in Vegas, Wyatt’s latest inquiry takes him back to a past he’s tried to escape—and drags him deeper into the harrowing mystery of the movie house robbery that left six of his friends dead.Like Wyatt, Julianna struggles with the past—with the day her beautiful older sister Genevieve disappeared. When Julianna discovers that one of the original suspects has resurfaced, she’ll stop at nothing to find answers.As Wyatt's case becomes more complicated and dangerous, and Julianna seeks answers from a ghost, their obsessive quests not only stir memories of youth and first love, but also begin to illuminate dark secrets of the past. But will their shared passion and obsession heal them, or push them closer to the edge? Even if they find the truth, will it help them understand what happened, that long and faraway gone summer? Will it set them free—or ultimately destroy them?

Substance: Inside New Order

by Peter Hook

Includes full set lists not included in the physical edition. In this final installment of his internationally bestselling three-part memoir—including The Hacienda and Unknown Pleasures—British rocker Peter Hook focuses on the 1980s New Wave and Dance Punk scene and the rise of one of the most influential bands of the Second British Invasion: New Order.1980. Resurrected from the ashes of Joy Division after the suicide of its lead singer, Ian Curtis, New Order would become one most critically acclaimed and important bands of the decade and beyond. With their hits "Bizarre Love Triangle", "Perfect Kiss", and "Blue Monday"—the biggest-selling 12-inch single of all time—Peter Hook and company quickly rose to the top of the alternative music scene. Widely regarded as the godfathers of electronic dance music, their sound would influence Moby, The Chemical Brothers, The Postal Service, The Killers, and other acts that followed in their wake.Hook tells the complete, unvarnished story of New Order’s founding and evolution; the band’s experiences in the New York City club scene and rapid rise to international fame, its impact on house music, techno, and rave; and its eventual rancorous dissolution. Full of Hook’s "gleefully profane" (Entertainment Weekly) humor and vivid, witty storytelling, Substance is the most important and certainly the most controversial part of his story, emanating with drugs, booze, and sex. Complete with timelines, discographies, gigographies and track-by-track analysis, and exclusive photographs and archival images from Hook’s personal collection, it is the definitive, comprehensive history of New Order and a compelling snapshot of the '80s cultural scene in all its neon-hued glory.

Moscow Nights: The Van Cliburn Story-How One Man and His Piano Transformed the Cold War

by Nigel Cliff

“A rousing, well-researched biography” of the Texan piano prodigy who crossed the Iron Curtain at the height of the Cold War (Kirkus, starred review). A National Book Critic’s Circle FinalistIn 1958, an unheralded young pianist named Van Cliburn traveled to Moscow to compete in the First International Tchaikovsky Competition. The Soviets had no intention of bestowing their coveted prize on an unknown American; a Russian pianist had already been chosen to win. Yet when the gangly Texan with the shy grin began to play, he instantly captivated an entire nation.The Soviet people were charmed by Van Cliburn’s extraordinary talent, but it was his palpable love for the music that earned their devotion; for many, he played more like a Russian than their own musicians. As enraptured crowds mobbed Cliburn’s performances, pressure mounted to award him the competition prize. “Is he the best?” Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev demanded of the judges. “In that case . . . give him the prize!”Adored by millions in the USSR, Cliburn returned to a hero’s welcome in the USA and became, for a time, an ambassador of hope. In this thrilling, impeccably researched account, Nigel Cliff recreates the drama and tension of the Cold War era, and brings into focus the gifted musician whose music would temporarily bridge the divide between two dangerously hostile powers.

Body and Bone: A Novel

by LS Hawker

He wants to destroy her reputation.He wants to destroy her life.He wants to destroy . . . her.Nessa Donati used to be a happily married mother with a successful music blog and satellite radio show. But that was before her husband John relapsed on drugs and went missing. That was before he was presumed dead. And before she was framed for his murder.When a commenter on Nessa’s blog starts harassing her online, Nessa shrugs it off. Trolls are a part of internet life. But eventually the troll begins threatening her safety and releasing personal details . . . details only her husband would know.As Nessa’s life is dismantled piece by piece, her only option is to find John and put a stop to the lies. But when their son becomes a pawn in his twisted game, she must face a disturbing truth: Maybe John isn’t tormenting her, after all. But if he’s not . . . who is? And how far will this monster go to exact revenge?Published by William Morrow

Lullabies for Little Criminals: A Novel

by Heather O'Neill

“A beautiful book. . . . There are phrases in here that will make you laugh out loud, and others that will stop your heart. A definite triumph.” — David Rakoff, author of Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, PerishFrom Heather O'Neill, the Giller-shortlisted author of Daydreams of Angels and The Girl Who Was Saturday Night, a heartbreaking and wholly original novel about a young girl fighting to preserve a bruised innocence on the feral streets of a big cityBaby, all of thirteen years old, is lost in the gangly, coltish moment between childhood and the strange pulls and temptations of the adult world. Her mother is dead; her father Jules is always on the lookout for his next score. Baby knows that “chocolate milk” is Jules’ slang for heroin and sees a lot more of that in her house than the real article. But she takes vivid delight in the scrappy bits of happiness and beauty that find their way to her, and moves through the threat of the streets as if she’s been choreographed in a dance.Soon, though, a hazard emerges that is bigger than even her hard-won survival skills can handle. Alphonse, the local pimp, has his eye on her for his new girl; he wants her body and soul—and what the johns don’t take he covets for himself. At the same time, a tender and naively passionate friendship unfolds with a boy from her class at school, who has no notion of the dark claims on her—which even her father, lost on the nod, cannot totally ignore. Jules consigns her to a stint in juvie hall, and for the moment this perceived betrayal preserves Baby from terrible harm—but after that, her salvation has to be her own invention.Channeling the artlessly affecting voice of her thirteen-year-old heroine with extraordinary accuracy and power, O’Neill’s dazzles with a novel of extraordinary prescience and power, a subtly understated yet searingly effective story of a young life on the streets—and the strength, wits, and luck necessary for survival.

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