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Rebellion (Eagles of the Empire #108)

by Simon Scarrow

An epic military adventure novel pits Roman army heroes Macro and Cato against Boudica: the terrifying Queen of the Britons. From bestselling Simon Scarrow, author of Death to the Emperor and The Honour of Rome1st-century Britannia is the setting for an epic and action-packed novel of tribal uprisings, battles to the death and unmatched courage in the Roman army ranks. The 22nd Eagles of the Empire novel. Two heroes of the Roman army - Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro, now battle-scarred veterans, tough and resilient - lead their best men into the midst of an enemy both fearless and resourceful. Far from Rome in cold, rainy, unwelcoming Britannia, the soldiers need all their training to stand strong and undaunted as constant attacks challenge morale. And a leader like no other sends fear through the ranks: Boudica.A stunning and unforgettable story of warfare, courage and sacrifice as brave men face an enemy who will fight to the death to free her people from the rule of the Empire!(P) 2023 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

Rebellion (Eagles of the Empire #108)

by Simon Scarrow

An epic military adventure novel pits Roman army heroes Macro and Cato against Boudica: the terrifying Queen of the Britons. From bestselling Simon Scarrow, author of Death to the Emperor and The Honour of Rome1st-century Britannia is the setting for an epic and action-packed novel of tribal uprisings, battles to the death and unmatched courage in the Roman army ranks. The 22nd Eagles of the Empire novel. Two heroes of the Roman army - Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro, now battle-scarred veterans, tough and resilient - lead their best men into the midst of an enemy both fearless and resourceful. Far from Rome in cold, rainy, unwelcoming Britannia, the soldiers need all their training to stand strong and undaunted as constant attacks challenge morale. And a leader like no other sends fear through the ranks: Boudica.A stunning and unforgettable story of warfare, courage and sacrifice as brave men face an enemy who will fight to the death to free her people from the rule of the Empire!(P) 2023 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

Dreaming by the Book

by Elaine Scarry

A pathbreaking work about the way literature teaches us to use our imagination.We often attribute to our imaginative life powers that go beyond ordinary perception or sensation. In Dreaming by the Book, the noted scholar Elaine Scarry explores the apparently miraculous but in fact understandable processes by which poets and writers confer those powers on us: how they teach us the work of imaginative creation.Writers from Homer to Heaney, Scarry argues, instruct us in the art of mental composition even as their poems progress: just as painters understand paint, composers musical sounds, and sculptors stone or metal, verbal artists understand and deploy the only material in which their creations will get made - the backlit tissue of the human imagination. In her brilliant synthesis of cognitive psychology, literary criticism, and philosophy, she explores the five principal formal practices by which writers bring things to life for their readers; she calls them radiant ignition, rarity, dyadic addition and subtraction, stretching, and floral supposition. The transforming power of these mental practices can be seen in their appearance in great literature, of course, but also in applying them to - and watching how they revise - our own daydreams.Dreaming by the Book is not only an utterly original work of literary analysis but a sequence of on-the-spot mental experiments.

The Afro-Descendant Woman in Latin American Diasporic Visual Art (Routledge Research in Art and Race)

by Rosita Scerbo

By studying multiple cultural expressions of Blackness throughout different regions of the Americas, the chapters of this book consider the relationship that social and historical processes such as sovereignty and colonialism have on cultural productions made by and about Black Latin American women.Rosita Scerbo analyzes a range of power dynamics as represented in different artistic media of the Afro-Latin/x American community, including photography, muralism, performance, paintings, and digital art. The book acknowledges that racial and gender equity cannot exist without Intersectionality and that is why the entirety of the chapters focus on cultural and visual productions exclusively created by Afro-descendant women. The Black Latin American women featured in the various chapters, spanning multiple artistic mediums and originating from various Latin American and Caribbean nations, including Mexico, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Cuba, collectively pursue the central aim of foregrounding the Afro-descendant woman’s experience. Simultaneously, they strive to enhance the visibility and acknowledgment of gendered Afro-diasporic culture within the Latin American context.The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, gender studies, women’s studies, Latin American studies, African diaspora studies, and race and ethnic studies.

Professionelle Krisenkommunikation: Basiswissen, Impulse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Praxis

by Annika Schach Jana Meißner

Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie Unternehmen Krisen kommunikativ erfolgreich managen und bewältigen können. Krisenkommunikation muss im Ernstfall schnell und hochprofessionell erfolgen. Dies gelingt nur, wenn Unternehmensführung, Krisen- und Risikomanagement, Fachabteilungen und die Unternehmenskommunikation vor, während und nach einer Krise zielorientiert zusammenarbeiten. Funktioniert das, können das (Krisen)Management und die (Krisen)Kommunikation das Vertrauen in eine Organisation sogar stärken. Expertinnen und Experten aus Praxis, Wissenschaft und Lehre vermitteln in diesem Buch, was erfolgreiche Krisenkommunikation auszeichnet und geben anhand von Beispielen konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören neben dem Fokus auf die Krisenkommunikation unter anderen: Notfall- und Krisenmanagement, Risikomanagement, Business Continuity Management und weitere Managementsysteme Organisationaler Resilienz. Aktueller denn je ermöglicht dasBuch einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die Krisenkommunikation und hilft Praktikern, ihre Kompetenzen zu erweitern und zu vertiefen.Die zweite Auflage wurde überarbeitet und um Beiträge zu den Themen Cyberangriffe, ChatGPT, Medienmonitoring und KI sowie zu Krisenkommunikation in Demokratien und im Insolvenzfall ergänzt.

Praxisorientiertes Managementwissen: Die Existenz von Unternehmen in schwierigen Zeiten sichern

by Valentin Schackmann Werner Ziegler

Unternehmen sind zunehmend sukzessiven und disruptiven Entwicklungen ausgesetzt und müssen sich entsprechend anpassen, um die eigene Existenz zu sichern. Es geht darum, schnell zu lernen, anpassungsfähig und innovativ zu sein. Möchten Verantwortliche auf den Wandel nicht nur reagieren, sondern ihn aktiv gestalten, benötigen sie grundlegendes und fundiertes Wissen über die aktuellen Veränderungsprozesse. Dieses Fachbuch richtet sich an Führungskräfte, Geschäftsführer, Gesellschafter und Mitarbeiter und hilft dabei, eine übergeordnete, integrierende Perspektive einzunehmen, um verantwortungsvoll sowie zukunftsorientiert entscheiden und handeln zu können. Die Beitragsautoren geben zu nachfolgenden Kernthemen einen verständlichen, wissenschaftlich fundierten und praxisorientierten Überblick: Management ist Entscheidung und Verantwortung Menschliche Entscheidungen verstehen und systematische Entscheidungsfallen vermeiden Unternehmertum – ein vielschichtiges, zeitloses und nachhaltiges Konzept VUCA, Stress und Ressourcen: Analysen und Gestaltungsempfehlungen für Führungskräfte aus wirtschaftspsychologischer Sicht Corporate Governance: Implikationen verantwortungsvoller Unternehmensführung Management by Future – Zukunftstrends als Wegweiser in der Transformation Internationalisierung und Globalisierung Innovationsmanagement: Die acht Felder der Innovation Das Management von Transformation Digitalisierung von Unternehmen Betriebswirtschaftliche Konzepte mit Schwerpunkt Finanzwesen

How Free People Move Mountains: A Male Christian Conservative and a Female Jewish Liberal on a Quest for Common Purpose and Meaning

by Frank Schaeffer Kathy Roth-Douquet

"How Do We Ever Speak with One Voice Again in Our Divided and Angry Country?"It is amazing how one America is isolated from the "other" America. The red/blue state divisions run so deep that it is possible to live without any interaction—ideological or otherwise—with those who hold different opinions than oneself. We are a people alienated, from ourselves and from our government. The authors, an odd mix across the Blue/Red divide—one a founder of the modern evangelical movement, the other a liberal Jewish former Clinton aide—hold an extended conversation across many months, several states, and two countries—sometimes contentious, sometimes funny, exploring the idea of how unlikely pairings—and thus, the entire country—can come together. They argue that we're entering a new era in history, and now is the time to rise up to it; to make ourselves able to tackle the enormous problems in our laps; to, in effect, move mountains.

Funky Flywheels: Go-to-Market-Strategien für Start-ups mit sich selbst beschleunigendem Wachstum

by Björn W. Schäfer

Wie erreichen Start-ups ein schnelles und gleichzeitig effizientes Wachstum und dessen Beschleunigung? Nach Björn W. Schäfer schaffen sie dies nicht mit Marketing oder Vertrieb allein, sondern nur durch eine ganzheitliche Go-to-Market-Strategie und im Zusammenspiel der kaufmännischen Abteilungen Marketing, Vertrieb und Customer Success mit dem Produkt. Schäfers Buch setzt deshalb einen markanten Gegentrend zum "Zu viel - zu schnell" unserer Zeit - sowohl inhaltlich als auch in der Sprache. Das Flywheel ist nicht nur eine Metapher, sondern eine Haltung. Ein Mantra. Unternehmen, die dieses Konzept verstanden haben, gewinnen nicht nur an Schwung, sondern erreichen ein sich selbst beschleunigendes Momentum, das nahezu unaufhaltsam ist. Die Basis ist Fokus. Und Einzigartigkeit. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um ein theoretisches Handbuch, sondern um ein erfrischendes Toolset für die sofortige Umsetzung. Die LeserInnen erhalten einen Rahmen für den Aufbau eines Wachstumsmotors, beginnend mit einer präzisen Kundensegmentierung, die über bloße demografische Daten hinausgeht. Sie lernen die Geheimnisse der Umwandlung von Leads in greifbare Umsätze und die Aufrechterhaltung und Beschleunigung von Wachstum mit herausragenden Unit Economics. Die einprägsame Flywheel-Mentalität gewährleistet einen langfristigen, sich selbst tragenden und skalierbaren Erfolg.

Shakespeare and: The Merry Wives of Windsor (ISSN)

by Elizabeth Schafer

Seismic shifts in the theatrical meanings of The Merry Wives of Windsor have taken place across the centuries as Shakespeare’s frequently performed play has relocated to Windsor across the world, journeying along the production/adaptation/appropriation continuum.This (eco-)performance history of Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor not only offers the first in-depth analysis of the play in production, with a particular focus on the representation of merry women, but also utilises the comedy’s forest-aware dramaturgy to explore Mistress Page’s concept of being ‘frugal in my mirth’ in relation to sustainable theatre practices. Herne’s Oak – the fictitious tree in Windsor Forest where everyone meets in the final scene of the play – is utilised to enable a maverick but ecologically based reframing of the productions of Merry Wives analysed here.This study engages with gender, physical comedy, and cultural relocations of Windsor across the world to offer new insight into Merry Wives and its theatricality.

The Dead Rabbit Drinks Manual: Secret Recipes and Barroom Tales from Two Belfast Boys Who Conquered the Cocktail World

by Ben Schaffer Sean Muldoon Jack McGarry

Winner of the Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Award for Best New Cocktail & Bartending Book Dead Rabbit Grocery & Grog in Lower Manhattan has dominated the bar industry, receiving award after award including World's Best Bar, World&’s Best Cocktail Menu, World&’s Best Drink Selection, and Best American Cocktail Bar. Now, the critically acclaimed bar has its first cocktail book, The Dead Rabbit Drinks Manual, which, along with its inventive recipes, also details founder Sean Muldoon and bar manager Jack McGarry&’s inspiring rags-to-riches story that began in Ireland and has brought them to the top of the cocktail world. Like the bar&’s décor, Dead Rabbit&’s award-winning drinks are a nod to the &“Gangs of New York&” era. They range from fizzes to cobblers to toddies, each with its own historical inspiration. There are also recipes for communal punches as well as an entire chapter on absinthe. Along with the recipes and their photos, this stylish and handsome book includes photographs from the bar itself so readers are able to take a peek into the classic world of Dead Rabbit.

Psychology, AMSCO®, Advanced Placement® Edition

by Charles D. Schallhorn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Cell and Molecular Biology of Ovarian Cancer: Updates, Insights and New Frontiers (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1452)

by Heide Schatten

The first of two companion books addressed the biology and clinical aspects of ovarian cancer. The companion title, Ovarian Cancer: Molecular & Diagnostic Imaging and Treatment Strategies, discussed both classic and the most recent imaging approaches for detection, early diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. This volume, Cell & Molecular Biology of Ovarian Cancer, covers classic and modern cell and molecular biology as well as genetics, epigenetics, mitochondrial dysfunctions and apoptosis, cancer stem cells, angiogenesis, progression to metastasis, and treatment strategies including clinical trials related to ovarian cancer. Taken together, these two volumes form one comprehensive and invaluable contribution to the literature.The first of two companion books addressed the biology and clinical aspects of ovarian cancer. The companion title, Ovarian Cancer: Molecular & Diagnostic Imaging and Treatment Strategies, discussed both classic and the most recent imaging approaches for detection, early diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. This volume, Cell & Molecular Biology of Ovarian Cancer, covers classic and modern cell and molecular biology as well as genetics, epigenetics, mitochondrial dysfunctions and apoptosis, cancer stem cells, angiogenesis, progression to metastasis, and treatment strategies including clinical trials related to ovarian cancer. Taken together, these two volumes form one comprehensive and invaluable contribution to the literature.

Fiend: The Shocking True Story Of Americas Youngest Seria

by Harold Schechter

The unputdownable true crime story about a killer who preyed on children but was not much older than his victims.When fourteen-year-old Jesse Pomeroy was arrested in 1874, Boston&’s nightmarish reign of terror came to an end. Called the &“Boston Boy Fiend,&” he was finally safely behind bars. But questions remained about how and why a teenager could commit such heinous crimes. Acclaimed true crime writer Harold Schechter brings his brilliant insight and fascinating historical documentation to this unforgettable exploration of one of America&’s youngest serial killers.

Impact Investing: Instrumente, Mechanismen und Akteure

by Barbara Scheck Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl

Impact Investing ist ein dynamischer Bereich, der in letzter Zeit als zusätzliche Finanzierungsquelle für die Lösung gesellschaftlicher Probleme diskutiert wird. Das Thema ist auf großes Interesse gestoßen und wird in den kommenden Jahren vermutlich erhebliche Wachstumsraten erzielen. Dieses Buch bietet einen aufgefrischten und dennoch umfassenden Überblick über den Markt, die Finanzinstrumente und die damit verbundene Folgenabschätzung. Es behandelt insbesondere das Konzept des Impact Investing innerhalb des breiteren Feldes der sozialen Finanzen sowie die relevanten (und neuen) Akteure, stellt die aktuellen Finanzierungsinstrumente und die verschiedenen Instrumente zur Bewertung der Auswirkungen der Anlagestrategie vor und führt in Bewertungs- und Fondsmodellierungstechniken ein, die sich auf die Investitionsentscheidungen der Fondsmanager auswirken. Dieses nützliche Nachschlagewerk wird sowohl für Wissenschaftler und Forscher im Bereich Impact Investing als auch für Studenten und Praktiker in diesem Bereich von Interesse sein.

Many Things Under a Rock: The Mysteries Of Octopuses

by David Scheel

“Mind-blowing and soul-expanding.” —Sy Montgomery, author of The Soul of an Octopus A behavioral ecologist’s riveting account of his decades-long obsession with octopuses: his discoveries, adventures, and new scientific understanding of their behaviors. Of all the creatures of the deep blue, none is as captivating as the octopus. In Many Things Under a Rock, marine biologist David Scheel investigates four major mysteries about these elusive beings. How can we study an animal with perfect camouflage and secretive habitats? How does a soft and boneless creature defeat sharks and eels, while thriving as a predator of the most heavily armored animals in the sea? How do octopus bodies work? And how does a solitary animal form friendships, entice mates, and outwit rivals? Over the course of his twenty-five years studying octopuses, Scheel has witnessed a sea change in what we know and are able to discover about octopus physiology and behavior—even an octopus’s inner life. Here he explores amazing new scientific developments, weaving accounts of his own research, and surprising encounters, with stories and legends of Indigenous peoples that illuminate our relationship with these creatures across centuries. In doing so, he reveals a deep affinity between humans and even the most unusual and unique undersea dwellers. Octopuses are complex, emotional, and cognitive beings; even as Scheel unearths explanations for the key mysteries that have driven his work, he turns up many more things of wonder that lurk underneath. This is the story of what we have learned and what we are still learning about the natural history and wondrous lives of these animals with whom we share our blue planet.

A Fireproof Home for the Bride: A Novel

by Amy Scheibe

Emmaline Nelson and her sister Birdie grow up in the hard, cold rural Lutheran world of strict parents, strict milking times, and strict morals. Marriage is preordained, the groom practically predestined. Though it's 1958, southern Minnesota did not see changing roles for women on the horizon. Caught in a time bubble between a world war and the ferment of the 1960's, Emmy doesn't see that she has any say in her life, any choices at all. Only when Emmy's fiancé shows his true colors and forces himself on her does she find the courage to act—falling instead for a forbidden Catholic boy, a boy whose family seems warm and encouraging after the sere Nelson farm life. Not only moving to town and breaking free from her engagement but getting a job on the local newspaper begins to open Emmy's eyes. She discovers that the KKK is not only active in the Midwest but that her family is involved, and her sense of the firm rules she grew up under—and their effect—changes completely. Amy Scheibe's A FIREPROOF HOME FOR THE BRIDE has the charm of detail that will drop readers into its time and place: the home economics class lecture on cuts of meat, the group date to the diner, the small-town movie theater popcorn for a penny. It also has a love story—the wrong love giving way to the right—and most of all the pull of a great main character whose self-discovery sweeps the plot forward.

Fantasmic Objects: Art and Sociality from Lebanon, 1920–1950 (Public Cultures Of The Middle East And North Africa Ser.)

by Kirsten L. Scheid

In Lebanon, the study of modern art—rather than power or hierarchy—has compelled citizens to confront how they define themselves as a postcolonial nation.In Fantasmic Objects, Kirsten L. Scheid offers a striking study of both modern art in Lebanon and modern Lebanon through art. By focusing on the careers of Moustapha Farrouk and Omar Onsi, forefathers of an iconic national repertoire, and their rebellious student Saloua Raouda Choucair, founder of an antirepresentational, participatory art, Scheid traces an emerging sense of what it means to be Lebanese through the evolution of new exhibition, pedagogical, and art-writing practices. She reveals that art and artists helped found the nation during French occupation, as the formal qualities and international exhibitions of nudes and landscapes in the 1930s crystallized notions of modern masculinity, patriotic femininity, non-sectarian religiosity, and citizenship. Examining the efforts of painters, sculptors, and activists in Lebanon who fiercely upheld aesthetic development and battled for new forms of political being, Fantasmic Objects offers an insightful approach to the history and formation of modern Lebanon.

Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts

by Raymond P. Scheindlin Eva Frojmovic Diane Wolfthal Jenna Siman Jacobs Hartley Lachter Shalom Sabar Ágnes Vető Susan Vick Barbara Wolff

A superbly illustrated history of five centuries of Jewish manuscriptsThe love of books in the Jewish tradition extends back over many centuries, and the ways of interpreting those books are as myriad as the traditions themselves. Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink offers the first full survey of Jewish illuminated manuscripts, ranging from their origins in the Middle Ages to the present day. Featuring some of the most beautiful examples of Jewish art of all time—including hand-illustrated versions of the Bible, the Haggadah, the prayer book, marriage documents, and other beloved Jewish texts—the book introduces readers to the history of these manuscripts and their interpretation.Edited by Marc Michael Epstein with contributions from leading experts, this sumptuous volume features a lively and informative text, showing how Jewish aesthetic tastes and iconography overlapped with and diverged from those of Christianity, Islam, and other traditions. Featured manuscripts were commissioned by Jews and produced by Jews and non-Jews over many centuries, and represent Eastern and Western perspectives and the views of both pietistic and liberal communities across the Diaspora, including Europe, Israel, the Middle East, and Africa.Magnificently illustrated with pages from hundreds of manuscripts, many previously unpublished or rarely seen, Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink offers surprising new perspectives on Jewish life, presenting the books of the People of the Book as never before.

The Last Drop of Hemlock: A Mystery (The Nightingale Mysteries #2)

by Katharine Schellman

In The Last Drop of Hemlock, the dazzling follow up to Last Call at the Nightingale, even a dance can come with a price...The rumor went through the Nightingale like a flood, quietly rising, whispers hovering on lips in pockets of silence.Life as a working-class girl in Prohibition-era New York isn’t safe or easy. But Vivian Kelly has a new job at the Nightingale, an underground speakeasy where the jazz is hot and the employees look out for each other in a world that doesn’t care about them. Things are finally looking up for her and her sister Florence... until the night Vivian learns that her friend Bea's uncle, a bouncer at the Nightingale, has died.His death is ruled a suicide, but Bea isn’t so convinced. She knew her uncle was keeping a secret: a payoff from a mob boss that was going to take him out of the tenements and into a better life. Now, the money is missing.Though her better judgment tells her to stay out of it, Vivian agrees to help Bea find the truth about her uncle's death. But they uncover more than they expected when rumors surface of a mysterious letter writer, blackmailing Vivian's poorest neighbors for their most valuable possessions, threatening poison if they don't comply.Death is always a heartbeat away in Jazz Age New York, where mob bosses rule the back alleys and cops take bootleggers’ hush money. But whoever is targeting Vivian’s poor and unprotected neighbors is playing a different game. With the Nightingale's dangerously lovely owner, Honor, worried for her employees' safety and Bea determined to discover who is responsible for her uncle's death, Vivian once again finds herself digging through a dead man's past in hopes of stopping a killer.

The Last Note of Warning: A Mystery (The Nightingale Mysteries #3)

by Katharine Schellman

The Last Note of Warning is the third in the luscious, mysterious, and queer Nightingale mystery series by Katharine Schellman, set in 1920s New York.Prohibition is a dangerous time to be a working-class woman in New York City, but Vivian Kelly has finally found some measure of stability and freedom. By day, she’s a respectable shop assistant, delivering luxurious dresses to the city’s wealthy and elite. At night, she joins the madcap revelry of New York’s underworld, serving illegal drinks and dancing into the morning at a secretive, back-alley speakeasy known as the Nightingale. She's found, if not love, then something like it with her bootlegger sweetheart, Leo, even if she can't quite forget the allure of the Nightingale's sultry owner, Honor Huxley.Then the husband of a wealthy client is discovered dead in his study, and Vivian was the last known person to see him alive. With the police and the press both eager to name a culprit in the high-profile case, she finds herself the primary murder suspect.She can’t flee town without endangering the people she loves, but Vivian isn’t the sort of girl to go down without a fight. She'll cash in every favor she has from the criminals she calls friends to prove she had no connection to the dead man. But she can't prove what isn't true.The more Vivian digs into the man’s life, and as the police close in on her, the harder it is to avoid the truth: someone she knows wanted him dead. And the best way to get away with murder is to set up a girl like Vivian to take the fall.

Pediatric Hand Deformities in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy: Manual Treatment and Splint Therapy

by Maren Schelly Anna-Lena Dunse

This practical guide provides essential foundations for the treatment of pediatric hand deformities in occupational therapy and physical therapy. How is the function of the deformed hand assessed? When does the intensive manual treatment and splint therapy begin for congenital flexion contractures? From when must manual therapy commence after pollicization? The experts provide you with the answers! From the Content:Anatomical and Motor Development of the HandHand Deformities, including radial longitudinal reduction defect, camptodactyly, and arthrogryposisScar TreatmentOrthotic Care Plus: Additional chapter on tips, tricks, and further informationEmpower your littlest patients for increased independence and quality of life!

Hit So Hard: A Memoir (Deep Cuts)

by Patty Schemel

FOREWORD BY AUDREY GOLDEN, AUTHOR OF I THOUGHT I HEARD YOU SPEAKHit So Hard is a memoir of renewal and hope; a window onto the 90s Seattle grunge scene, and a testament to the enduring power of the music Patty helped create as drummer in Hole with Courtney Love. With a brand new introduction by Audrey Golden to cast a new light on the book today, and published for the first time in the UK as part of White Rabbit's Deep Cuts series, Hit So Hard documents her life in the band, battle with addiction and descent into homelessness on the streets of LA; and her rewarding path to sobriety and happiness.'Though Hit So Hard is ultimately a deeply personal story, it's also the story of one of the most successful bands of the '90s: Hole...Schemel describes her years with the band with the same unflinching honesty and eye for telling detail that she brings to all parts of her life' LA Weekly'Not a book one should approach lightly or 'just' for the behind the scenes tales. If you want them, you'll certainly get them, but they're not why you should read...[Schemel's] voice is an engaging one throughout, honest but not tendentious, often vivid in her sense of exact detail'The Quietus

The Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith

by Joan Schenkar

Patricia Highsmith's The Price of Salt is now a major motion picture (Carol) starring Cate Blanchett and Mia Wasikowska, directed by Todd HayesA 2010 New York Times Notable BookA 2010 Lambda Literary Award WinnerA 2009 Edgar Award NomineeA 2009 Agatha Award NomineeA Publishers Weekly Pick of the WeekPatricia Highsmith, one of the great writers of twentieth-century American fiction, had a life as darkly compelling as that of her favorite "hero-criminal," the talented Tom Ripley. Joan Schenkar maps out this richly bizarre life from her birth in Texas to Hitchcock's filming of her first novel, Strangers on a Train, to her long, strange self-exile in Europe. We see her as a secret writer for the comics, a brilliant creator of disturbing fictions, and an erotic predator with dozens of women (and a few good men) on her love list. The Talented Miss Highsmith is the first literary biography with access to Highsmith's whole story: her closest friends, her oeuvre, her archives. It's a compulsive page-turner unlike any other, a book worthy of Highsmith herself.

Die Bereitschaft, öffentlich Meinung zu bekennen: Individuelle und situative Determinanten öffentlicher Bekenntnisbereitschaft

by Jule Scheper

Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht die Frage, wer seine Meinung zu gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen wann öffentlich bekennt und wer wann schweigt – die Frage nach der öffentlichen Bekenntnisbereitschaft. Ein Großteil der Forschung zur öffentlichen Bekenntnisbereitschaft bezieht sich auf die Theorie der Schweigespirale und liefert damit zwar einen stabilen, aber sehr begrenzten Beitrag zur Erklärung öffentlicher Bekenntnisbereitschaft. Jule Scheper nutzt einen breiteren theoretischen Zugang: Öffentliche Meinungsbekenntnisse werden als kommunikative Mehrebenenphänomene verstanden, die sowohl durch individuelle und situative Determinanten als auch ihre ebenenübergreifenden Interaktionen beeinflusst werden. Sie entwickelt ein theoretisches Mehrebenenmodell und überprüft es empirisch. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl individuelle als auch situative Determinanten bedeutsam sind. Auf individueller Ebene wird die Bekenntnisbereitschaft von der Meinungsführerschaft und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung sowie wahrgenommenen Verhaltensnormen gefördert. Auf situativer Ebene wirken sich die Anwesenheit von Peers und mit der Meinung übereinstimmende Meinungsklimahinweise positiv aus. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die variierende Bekenntnisbereitschaft zu Verzerrungen in der Sichtbarkeit von Meinungen führen kann, da bestimmte Personen und Situationen eine Über- oder Unterrepräsentation von Meinungen begünstigen.

Unsichtbare Menschen: Eine Fallstudie zur räumlichen Wahrnehmung von Geflüchteten im Tübinger Süden (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Tobias Scheu

Diese Arbeit untersucht aus Sicht von Bewohner*innen in Tübingen, wie Geflüchtete wahrgenommen und in räumlichen Kontexten verortet werden. Zunächst erfolgt eine Verortung des Themas Fluchtmigration im Kontext der Globalisierung und sich daraus ergebenden Auswirkungen auf lokale Raumvorstellungen. Im Anschluss erfolgt eine Darstellung und Bestimmung zentraler Begrifflichkeiten und von Diskursen des deutschen Migrations- und Integrationsdispositivs. Dabei wird auf die Bedeutung von Quartieren als Orte der Aushandlung von Integration eingegangen. Ergänzend werden verschiedene wissenschaftliche Theorien zur Rahmung von räumlichen Wahrnehmungsprozessen dargestellt, welche die spätere Empirie rahmen. Zur Erhebung von räumlichen Wahrnehmungsprozessen wurde eine eigene empirische Erhebung mittels Walking & Talking-Interviews im Tübinger Süden durchgeführt, anhand derer eine gegenstandsbasierte Theorie über Wahrnehmungsmechanismen von Geflüchteten entwickelt wird. Die Auswertung der Empirie erfolgt inhaltsanalytisch und orientiert sich an der Grounded Theory.

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