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Hombrecito: A Novel

by Santiago Jose Sanchez

A novel by a brilliant new voice, Hombrecito is a queer coming-of-age story about a young immigrant&’s complex relationships with his mother and his motherlandIn this groundbreaking novel, Santiago Jose Sanchez plunges us into the heart of one boy&’s life. His mother takes him and his brother from Colombia to America, leaving their absent father behind but essentially disappearing herself once they get to Miami.In America, his mother works as a waitress when she was once a doctor. The boy embraces his queer identity as wholeheartedly as he embraces his new home, but not without a sense of loss. As he grows, his relationship with his mother becomes fraught, tangled, a love so intense that it borders on vivid pain but is also the axis around which his every decision revolves. She may have once forgotten him, disappeared, but she is always on his mind.He moves to New York, ducking in and out of bed with different men as he seeks out something, someone, to make him whole again. When his mother invites him to visit family in Colombia with her, he returns to the country as a young man, trying to find peace with his father, with his homeland, with who he&’s become since he left, and with who his mother is: finally we come to know her and her secrets, her complex ambivalence and fierce love.Hombrecito—&“little man&”—is a moving portrait of a young person between cultures, between different ideas of himself. From an extraordinary new talent, this is a story told with startling beauty and intensity, a story for anyone searching for home, searching for a way to love.

Rock Fragmentation by Blasting: Proceedings of the 9th Int. Symp. on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting - Fragblast 9, Sept. 2009, Granada Spain

by José A. Sanchidrián

This volume contains the papers presented at the 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, held in Granada, Spain, 13-17 August 2009. A state-of-the-art collection of articles on developments in rock blasting and explosives engineering, with contributions on rock characterization, explosives and initiation systems, blast design and monitoring, fragmentation assessment, numerical modeling, vibrations from blasting, environmental and economical aspects of rock blasting, and more. Containing unique knowledge, case studies, ideas and insights, this volume is must-have literature for researchers and practitioners in the field of explosives and blasting.

Land Law and Policy in Israel: A Prism of Identity (Perspectives on Israel Studies)

by Haim Sandberg

As one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world, the State of Israel faces serious land policy challenges and has a national identity laced with enormous internal contradictions. In Land Law and Policy in Israel,Haim Sandberg contends that if you really want to know the identity of a state, learn its land law and land policies.Sandberg argues that Israel's identity can best be understood by deciphering the code that lies in the Hebrew secret of Israeli dry land law. According to Sandberg, by examining the complex facets of property law and land policy, one finds a unique prism for comprehending Israel's most pronounced identity problems.Land Law and Policy in Israel explores how Israel's modern land system tries to bridge the gaps between past heritage and present needs, nationalization and privatization, bureaucracy and innovation, Jewish majority and non-Jewish minority, legislative creativity and judicial activism. The regulation of property and the determination of land usage have been the consequences of explicit choices made in the context of competing and evolving concepts of national identity. Land Law and Policy in Israel will prove to be a must-read not only for anyone interested in Israel but also for anyone who wants to understand the importance of land law in a nation's life.

Integrated Product and Process Design and Development: The Product Realization Process, Second Edition

by Peter Sandborn Edward B. Magrab Satyandra K. Gupta F. Patrick McCluskey

The second edition of a bestseller, this book discusses an integrated product and process design that has been successfully used to conceptualize, design, and rapidly product competitively-priced quality products. It examines the overlapping, interacting, and iterative nature of the engineering aspects that impact the product realization process. A detailed introduction to the creation of high quality products, the new edition explores the role of innovation, requirements engineering, smart materials, different rapid prototyping methods, and life-cycle cost determination, to name just a few. The book delineates proven methods that have been used successfully to create products.

A Dama e o Conde Rabugento (As Damas da Aristocracia #1)

by Linda Rae Sande

Ele é um rabugento. E ela é o motivo. Depois de se despedir do filho quando ele partiu para sua grande turnê pela Europa, Patience Grayson, a recém-viúva Marquesa de Billingsley, parte para o campo. Ela pretende passar pelo menos um ano morando sozinha na propriedade da família Grayson em Shropshire. Se ao menos sua carruagem conseguir chegar até a propriedade. Mas uma roda quebra, e em um local muito inconveniente. Acossado por um condado que quase faliu devido ao jogo e à bebida de seu falecido pai, Max Higgins, Conde de Greenley, não tem tido um bom dia há mais de vinte anos -- não desde que a mulher com quem ele deveria se casar o trocou por outro. Desde então, sua amargura o tornou conhecido em toda Staffordshire como o Conde Rabugento. Embora ele tenha encontrado outra mulher para ser sua condessa, a pobre mulher morreu ao dar à luz, segundo alguns, para escapar de seu mau humor. A solidão de Max em sua mansão rural em Staffordshire está prestes a ser abalada quando a causa de seu mau humor invade sua casa -- e seu quarto de dormir -- em uma noite de inverno. Será que a vida voltará a ser a mesma?

Die Lady des Griesgrams (Die Damen der Aristokratie #1)

by Linda Rae Sande

Er ist ein Miesepeter. Sie ist der Grund dafür. Nachdem Patience Grayson, die frisch verwitwete Marchioness of Billingsley, sich von ihrem Sohn verabschiedet hat, als dieser zu seiner Grand Tour durch Europa aufbrach, macht sie sich auf den Weg aufs Land. Sie will mindestens ein Jahr lang allein auf dem Familiensitz der Graysons in Shropshire leben. Wenn nur ihre Reisekutsche es so weit schaffen würde. Als ein Rad bricht, geschieht dies an einer äußerst ungünstigen Stelle. Max Higgins, Earl of Greenley, hat seit über zwanzig Jahren keinen guten Tag mehr gehabt, seit die Frau, die er eigentlich heiraten sollte, ihn für einen anderen verlassen hat, und das mit einer Grafschaft, die durch die Spielsucht und den Alkoholkonsum seines verstorbenen Vaters fast bankrott gegangen ist. Seitdem ist er wegen seiner Verbitterung in ganz Staffordshire als "Earl of Grump" bekannt. Obwohl er eine andere Gräfin gefunden hat, starb die arme Frau bei der Geburt seines Erben, manche sagen, um seiner mürrischen Laune zu entgehen. Max' Einsamkeit in seinem Landsitz in Staffordshire wird jäh gestört, als der Grund für seine Mürrischkeit in einer späten Winternacht in sein Haus - und sein Schlafgemach - eindringt. Wird das Leben jemals wieder wie früher sein?

A Procura de uma Duquesa (As Damas da Aristocracia #3)

by Linda Rae Sande

Um jovem pretendente de olho em um amor proibido... E uma antiga rixa que ameaça separá-los. Envolvido em um romance secreto com a deslumbrante Lady Amelia, Philip, Conde de Crawford, está determinado a conquistá-la e pedi-la em casamento... Mas se o pomposo irmão dela, Alfred, ficar sabendo, ele teme que a antiga rixa universitária destrua a chance desse amor. Michael não é um estranho com relação a um coração partido -- e ele está decidido a não deixar seu filho Philip passar pela mesma dor. Mas a missão do viúvo recluso de salvar o namoro deles o coloca frente a frente com um amor há muito perdido -- a Duquesa Helena, mãe de Lady Amelia. Será que eles conseguirão reacender sua chama depois de três décadas separados? E será que Helena vai aprovar o pretendente secreto de sua filha? Enquanto isso, a irmã de Philip, Violet, elabora um plano para unir as duas famílias. Ela chama a atenção do filho de Helena, Alfred -- mas o que começa como um namoro falso rapidamente se torna real demais. Será que ela está disposta a sacrificar o futuro por seu irmão e melhor amigo? Ou será que essas duas famílias estão fadadas a permanecerem separadas? Belamente escrito como um romance vitoriano brilhante que encanta seu coração com temas como um romance proibido e uma segunda chance no amor, A Procura de uma Duquesa transporta você para o mundo encantador da sociedade aristocrática do século XIX, com detalhes históricos autênticos e personagens inesquecíveis...

Stella de Akrotiri: Diana

by Linda Rae Sande

Criada como se fosse uma das lendárias princesas amazonas, Diana passa as manhãs treinando com seu pai, Darius, no agōgē, e suas habilidades como guerreira são igualadas apenas por alguns recrutas do exército Deminon. Passa as tardes com Stella enquanto ela aprende a arte da diplomacia e a importância de servir aos outros. Diana nunca se pergunta por que seus pais são tão dedicados um ao outro, ou por que parecem falar do passado como se vivessem nele. Ela se pergunta sobre as estranhas sensações que sente quando está perto deles. Agora ela percebe isso quando está na presença de seu irmão adotivo— aquele que parece envelhecer—e ela começa a questionar suas origens.

Teaching International Law: Reflections on Pedagogical Practice in Context (ISSN)

by Barrie Sander Jean-Pierre Gauci

The practice of teaching international law is conducted in a wide range of contexts across the world by a host of different actors – including scholars, practitioners, civil society groups, governments, and international organisations.This collection brings together a diversity of scholars and practitioners to share their experiences and critically reflect on current practices of teaching international law across different contexts, traditions, and perspectives to develop existing conversations and spark fresh ones concerning teaching practices within the field of international law. Reflecting on the responsibilities of teachers of international law to engage with and confront histories, contemporary crises, and everyday events in their teaching, the collection explores efforts to decenter the teacher and the law in the classroom, opportunities for dialogical and critical approaches to teaching, and the possibilities of co-producing non-conventional pedagogies that question the mainstream underpinnings of international law teaching. Focusing on the tools and techniques used to teach international law to date, the collection examines the teaching of international law in different contexts. Traversing a range of domestic and regional contexts around the world, the book offers insights into both the culture of teaching in particular domestic settings, aswell as the structural challenges and obstacles that arise in terms of who, what, and how international law is taught in practice.Offering a unique window into the personal experiences of a diversity of scholars and practitioners from around the world, this collection aims to nurture conversations about the responsibilities, approaches, opportunities, and challenges of teaching international law.

Internationale Pflegefachkräfte für kommunale Krankenhäuser gewinnen: Maßnahmen und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen (essentials)

by Gerald G. Sander Denise M. Hradecky

Dieses essential bietet eine Analyse staatlicher Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung des Pflegekräftemangels, darunter das Pflegepersonal-Stärkungsgesetz, das Pflegeberufegesetz und das Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz. Es beleuchtet auch das Pflegestellen-Förderprogramm und Initiativen wie „Faire Anwerbung Pflege Deutschland“ des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums. Zudem werden die Rekrutierungsbemühungen kommunaler Krankenhäuser im Hinblick auf ausländische Pflegefachkräfte sowie die rechtlichen Anforderungen thematisiert. Darüber hinaus werden Fragen zur Anerkennung ausländischer Pflegeberufsqualifikationen und Berufsabschlüsse behandelt. Die strukturierte Darstellung erläutert die besonderen Herausforderungen des Pflegekräftemangels und präsentiert staatliche, institutionelle und rechtliche Lösungsansätze.

Amtrak in the Heartland (Railroads Past and Present)

by Craig Sanders

"Craig Sanders has done an excellent job of research . . . his treatment is as comprehensive as anyone could reasonably wish for, and solidly based. In addition, he succeeds in making it all clear as well as any human can. He also manages to inject enough humor and human interest to keep the reader moving." —Herbert H. Harwood, author of The Lake Shore Electric Railway Story and Invisible Giants: The Empires of Cleveland's Van Sweringen BrothersA complete history of Amtrak operations in the heartland, this volume describes conditions that led to the passage of the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970, the formation and implementation of Amtrak in 1970–71, and the major factors that have influenced Amtrak operations since its inception. More than 140 photographs and 3 maps bring to life the story as told by Sanders. This book will become indispensable to train enthusiasts through its examination of Americans' long-standing fascination with passenger trains. When it began in 1971, many expected Amtrak to last about three years before going out of existence for lack of business, but the public's continuing support of funding for Amtrak has enabled it and the passenger train to survive despite seemingly insurmountable odds.

Earth Works: Selected Essays

by Scott Russell Sanders

In the hands of award-winning writer Scott Russell Sanders, the essay becomes an inquisitive and revelatory form of art. In 30 of his finest essays—nine never before collected—Sanders examines his Midwestern background, his father's drinking, his opposition to war, his literary inheritance, and his feeling for wildness. He also tackles such vital issues as the disruption of Earth's climate, the impact of technology, the mystique of money, the ideology of consumerism, and the meaning of sustainability. Throughout, he asks perennial questions: What is a good life? How do family and culture shape a person's character? How should we treat one another and the Earth? What is our role in the cosmos? Readers and writers alike will find wisdom and inspiration in Sanders's luminous and thought-provoking prose.

Meeting Trees

by Scott Russell Sanders

Young Scott and his father have a personal way of learning the trees and remembering their names. It's a game they like to play, one you'll want to play too!Learn the name of the swallowtail butterfly who loves to sit on the dogwood branch, see the majestic beauty of the black-and-yellow Argiope spider, or see what makes the beech tree so special (its bark is smooth and gray just like the skin of a hippo).Featuring beautiful paintings by nature artist Robert Hynes and the exquisite language of renowned author Scott Russell Sanders, Meeting Trees captures the delicate details of bark, branches, and leaves while enchanting readers with the beauty of the natural world.

Small Marvels: Stories

by Scott Russell Sanders

In Limestone, Indiana, a city tucked away among forested hills, peculiar things happen, often in the vicinity of a jack-of-all-trades named Gordon Mills. Centaurs and nymphs shelter in a local cave, alligators lurk in the sewers, warm snow falls on the Fourth of July, cornstalks rise higher than chimneys, and the northern lights shine down on the municipal dump.Gordon takes such events in stride and deals with them as part of his work on the city maintenance crew. He earns just enough to support a boisterous family, which includes his formidable wife Mabel, their four children, Mabel's parents, and his widowed mother—nine souls packed into an old house that falls apart as fast as Gordon can fix it.Part folktale, part tall tale, part comic romance, Small Marvels revels in the wonders of everyday life. So, welcome to Limestone, Indiana. You won't find it on a map, but you may remember visiting the place in dreams, the rare, blissful ones in which puzzles are solved, kids flourish, hard work pays off, and love endures.

Comprehensive Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology covers all body systems using a student-friendly writing style that makes complex subjects easier to understand. Written specifically for the high school market, the chapters in this textbook are divided into lessons, providing content in a manageable format for the student. Each lesson is further divided into subtopics, with questions at the end of each subtopic to help students gauge their understanding of the material. Clinical case studies and real-world applications enhance student interest and involvement. An outstanding illustration program includes anatomically exact drawings with great use of color, simplified labeling, and teaching captions. Strong pedagogy includes study aids, such as learning objectives, lesson summaries, and extensive assessment opportunities increase students’ ability to succeed in this challenging course. This edition has been updated to include content on the impact of COVID-19, artificial tissues, muscle disorders, the sense of touch, and Rh factor to the universal donor and universal recipient definitions.

Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

Essentail Health Skills for High School is a complete educational package for teaching skills-based health education. Topics include COVID-19, vaping, opioid addiction, body positivity and compassion, mindfulness, and online communication and safety. Content and skills align to the National Health Education Standards.

Human Development and Relationships to accompany Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

This supplement to Essential Health Skills for High School covers human development, puberty, reproduction, healthy relationships, and violence. Content is objective, factual, and age appropriate—and aligns to the National Sexuality Education Standards for grades 9 through 12.

Human Development and Relationships to accompany Essential Health Skills for Middle School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

This supplement to Essential Health Skills for Middle School covers human development, puberty, reproduction, healthy relationships, and violence. Content is objective, factual, and age appropriate.

Human Development, Relationships, and Sexual Health to accompany Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

This supplement to Essential Health Skills for High School covers human development, puberty, reproduction, healthy relationships, and violence. In addition, information is presented about pregnancy prevention and sexuality, including gender identity and sexual orientation. Content is objective, factual, and age appropriate—and aligns to the National Sexuality Education Standards for grades 9 through 12.

Human Development, Relationships, and Sexual Health to accompany Essential Health Skills for Middle School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

This supplement to Essential Health Skills for Middle School covers human development, puberty, reproduction, healthy relationships, and violence. In addition, information is presented about pregnancy prevention and sexuality, including gender identity and sexual orientation. Content is objective, factual, and age appropriate.

Toxic Prey (A Prey Novel #34)

by John Sandford

Lucas Davenport and his daughter, Letty, team up to track down a dangerous scientist whose latest project could endanger the entire world, in this latest thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author John Sandford.Gaia is dying.That, at least, is what Dr. Lionel Scott believes. A renowned expert in tropical and infectious diseases, Scott has witnessed the devastating impact of illness and turmoil at critical scale. Society as it exists is untenable, and the direct link to Earth&’s death spiral; population levels are out of control and people have allowed disarray and disorder to run rampant. While most are concerned about deadly disease, Scott knows that it is truly humanity itself that will destroy Gaia. It&’s only by removing the threat that the planet can continue to prosper, and luckily, Scott is just the right man for the job… When Scott then disappears without a trace, Letty Davenport is tasked with tracking down any and all leads. Scott&’s connections to sensitive research into virus and pathogen spread has multiple national and international organizations on high alert, and his shockingly high clearance levels at various institutions, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory, make him the last person they&’d like to go missing. As the web around Scott becomes more tangled, Letty calls in her father, Lucas, help her lead a group of specialists to find Scott as soon as possible. But as Letty and Lucas begin to uncover startling and disturbing connections between Scott and Gaia conspiracists, their worst fears are confirmed, and it quickly becomes a race to find him before the virus he created becomes the perfect weapon.

Letting Go Of Your Past: Take Control of Your Future by Addressing the Habits, Hurts, and Attitudes that Remain from Previous Relationships

by Paula Sandford John Loren Sandford

The third book in The Transformation Series, this sequel to Transforming the Inner Man and God's Power to Change focuses on relationships and events that disable us from being able to relate and communicate with others effectively. By applying the scriptural principles for healing in this book, we can confidently:· Build and maintain healthy relationships with spiritual and biological parents · Create the right balance between "bearing one another's burdens" and allowing healthy separation as we empower others to grow and flourish · Find true oneness in marriage relationships · Become effective, contributing parts of societyThe Transformation Series is a four-book collection that walks readers through the process of being renewed in mind and heart by the transforming power of the cross. It will lead to wholeness and balance personally and within the body of Christ.

Awakening The Slumbering Spirit: Move from Lukewarm to Red-Hot by Recapturing the Life God Wants for You

by Paula Sandford John Loren Sandford Lee Bowman

Have you ever longed to do something great for God, but lacked the ability to put “feet” to your longings? Have you tried to overcome your lack of passion for God or the things of God, but felt harnessed by spiritual lethargy? Do you want to impact your world for God? This book unveils the possibility that your own inner spirit may be slumbering…unfocused…even apathetic because of unresolved spiritual issues. It shows how this can affect your conscience, or hinder you from building and sustaining personal relationships, intimate communication, and devotional life. As you read this uniquely written book, you will find life-transforming principles for allowing the Holy Spirit to awaken your personal spirit and help you learn to walk confidently in the nature and image of Christ.

Reversing Alzheimer's: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health

by Heather Sandison

A revolutionary and much-needed exploration of Alzheimer’s and how patients and their caregivers can take back control from this insidious disease.A significant portion of our population worries about the grip of dementia as we age. With over 6.5 million Americans living with Alzheimer's, the urgency for a solution has never been greater.Dr. Heather Sandison is at the forefront of dementia care and research. The founder of Solcere Health Clinic, San Diego’s premier brain optimization clinic, and Marama, the first residential memory care facility to have the goal of returning cognitively declined residents to independent living, Dr. Sandison knows better than most what Alzheimer’s does to people—to their brains, their bodies, their families, and their lives.If you're facing the challenge of Alzheimer's, either personally or as a caregiver, there is hope. A growing body of evidence shows that implementing a handful of strategies can improve cognition and quality of life in dementia patients. In Reversing Alzheimer's, Dr. Sandison lays out this customizable and doable approach so that you can start supporting you or your loved one's brain health right away.Within these pages, Dr. Sandison distills complex neurocognitive research into actionable steps, empowering you to:Fortify your brain health against cognitive declineImplement lifestyle changes that can reverse the effects of Alzheimer'sTransform your environment to support cognitive wellnessUnderstand options for brain health to fit any budgetDr. Sandison's expertise, derived from her clinical practice, residential care, and peer-reviewed research, charts the course for a future where Alzheimer's is not a terminal diagnosis, but a reversible condition. Reversing Alzheimer’s is an essential tool for anyone aspiring to rewrite their story and achieve a future free from the affliction of Alzheimer's.

Hostiles and Friendlies: Selected Short Writings of Mari Sandoz

by Mari Sandoz

Here in one volume are Mari Sandoz's reminiscences of life in the Sandhills country; a study of the two Sitting Bulls (the Hunkpapa and the Oglala) and other Indian pieces; a novelette, Bone Joe and the Smokin' Woman; and nine short stories, mostly with a rural setting, including The Vine," her first to be published. Introduced by an autogiographical sketch of the author's early years and linked by a commentary derived from her letters, articles, and interviews, the separate pieces coalesce into an illuminating picture both of the Niobrara River country and of Mari Sandoz's emergence as a major American writer.

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