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Showing 9,426 through 9,450 of 13,486 results

Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphene and Its Derivatives: Commercial Applications (Engineering Materials)

by Neeraj Kumar Raju Khan Arpana Parihar Mohd. Abubakar Sadique

The book describes the technique of electrochemical exfoliation, which possesses remarkable ability to bring about transformation. Among various known synthesis methods, the electrochemical exfoliation approach eliminates the use of harsh chemicals and energy-intensive methods commonly linked to the synthesis of graphene. Electrochemical exfoliation utilizes electrical energy to gently remove layers of graphene from its original source, providing a more environmentally friendly method. This precise and careful synchronization heralds a new era in the field of materials science, where the principles of sustainability converge with unmatched performance. Moreover, the benefits extend beyond environmental excellence. This book also examines the complexities of electrochemical exfoliation, highlighting its clear advantage over traditional techniques. The approach demonstrates process in manipulating the structure and properties of graphene, allowing for the customization of specific capabilities to suit a wide range of applications.

Electromagnetic Processes of Nuclear Excitation: From Direct Photoabsorption to Free Electron and Muon Capture (Springer Theses)

by Simone Gargiulo

For decades, scientists have envisioned the possibility of storing energy in the form of nuclear excitations, resulting in specific nuclear configurations known as isomers. These unique metastable states have the ability to maintain their excited state for periods that range from several years to time spans exceeding the age of the Universe. However, despite numerous research efforts, achieving effective and practical control over isomer activation or depletion continues to be an unresolved challenge. This book delves into the world of isomers, beginning with an accessible overview of their essential properties and significance as long-duration energy storage solutions. Across the chapters, the book delves into diverse electromagnetic mechanisms responsible for nuclear excitation. It presents the ongoing debate surrounding the Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture (NEEC) process, offering a comprehensivehistorical background that ranges from its early proposal to the latest tools employed for its investigation. The subsequent chapter explores the possibilities of using muons, introducing a novel process called Nuclear Excitation by Free Muon Capture (NEμC). The primary aim of these sections is to identify methods that could either increase the likelihood of these nuclear processes or provide real-time external manipulation over them. In the last chapter, the book revisits the process of nuclear photoabsorption in optical laser-generated plasma through experimental efforts, offering a fresh interpretation of existing literature results. Overall, the book delivers a clear and comprehensive overview, aiming to assist newcomers and established scientists in quickly grasping the core aspects of the subjects, possibly guiding their research endeavors. Hopefully, this resource will act as a catalyst for sparking new ideas while providing insights into the intricacies and opportunitiespresented by nuclear excitations within the realm of nuclear physics.

Electron Localization-Delocalization Matrices (Lecture Notes in Chemistry #112)

by Chérif F. Matta Ronald Cook Paul W. Ayers

This book builds bridges between two yet separated branches of theoretical and mathematical chemistry: Chemical Graph Theory and Electronic Structure Calculations. Although either of the fields have developed their own techniques, problems, methods, and favorite benchmark cases independent from each other, the authors have managed to bring them together by using the localization-delocalization matrix (LDM). The LDM is a novel molecular descriptor that fingerprints a molecule by condensing the complicated electronic information in one, mathematically manageable, object. In this book, the authors introduce the readers to modeling techniques based on LDMs. Their technique offers a high accuracy as well as robust predictive power, often dramatically surpassing the potential of either of the constituting methods on their own. In addition to the comprehensive and accessible introduction to this new field of theoretical chemistry, the authors offer their self-developed software free to download, so that readers can try running their own simulations. The described methods are very general and can easily be implemented for calculating various properties and parameters such as mosquito repelling activity, ionic liquid properties, local aromaticity of ring molecules, log P's, pKa's, LD50, corrosion inhibition activities, and Lewis acidities and basicities – to only name a few. The free downloadable software helps readers automate the analysis of the matrices described in this book and hence facilitates application of the described methodology.

Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Interfaces (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Winfried Mönch

This concise volume examines the characteristic electronic parameters of semiconductor interfaces, namely the barrier heights of metal–semiconductor or Schottky contacts and the valence-band discontinuities of semiconductor–semiconductor interfaces or heterostructures. Both are determined by the same concept, namely the wave-function tails of electron states overlapping a semiconductor band gap directly at the interface. These interface-induced gap states (IFIGS) result from the complex band structure of the corresponding semiconductor. The IFIGS are characterized by two parameters, namely by their branch point, at which their charge character changes from predominantly valence-band- to conduction-band-like, and secondly by the proportionality factor or slope parameter of the corresponding electric-dipole term, which varies in proportion to the difference in the electronegativities of the two solids forming the interface. This IFIGS-and-electronegativity concept consistently and quantitatively explains the experimentally observed barrier heights of Schottky contacts as well as the valence-band offsets of heterostructures. Insulators are treated as wide band-gap semiconductors.

Elektronik im Physikstudium: Eine Einführung geeignet zur Vorlesung, im Praktikum und im Labor

by Tobias Bisanz Ingrid-Maria Gregor Fabian Hügging Jens Weingarten

Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studierende naturwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge und eignet sich als perfekter Begleiter für Vorlesungen und Praktika zu den Grundlagen der analogen und digitalen Elektronik. Der Inhalt entspricht einer typischen ein- bis zweisemestrigen Vorlesung in den physikalischen Studiengängen (z.B. Physik und Medizinphysik). Dabei werden keine Kenntnisse der höheren Mathematik oder komplexer Physik vorausgesetzt, so dass das Buch auch für Studierende anderer naturwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge zugänglich ist. Das didaktische Konzept und die klare Sprache helfen beim Verständnis und der Vertiefung des Stoffes. Der Aufbau folgt einer typischen Elektronik-Vorlesung von den Grundlagen wie Strom und Spannung über die wichtigsten Halbleiterbauelemente bis hin zu Grundlagen und Anwendungen der digitalen Elektronik. Abschließend wird als Beispiel für die Anwendung des erarbeiteten Verständnisses die elektronische Erfassung von Messwerten besprochen, wie sie sehr oft in der Laborpraxis naturwissenschaftlicher Berufe benutzt wird.

Elektronische Gerätetechnik: Grundlagen für das Entwickeln elektronischer Baugruppen und Geräte

by Jens Lienig Hans Brümmer

Das Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen des konstruktiven Entwicklungsprozesses sowie des funktionellen und geometrisch-stofflichen Aufbaus elektronischer Baugruppen und Geräte.Aktuelle Anforderungen wie Geräteschutz, Zuverlässigkeit, thermische Dimensionierung und Schirmung (EMV) stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Richtlinien zum Recycling runden den Inhalt ab. Damit soll der Leser zum ingenieurmäßigen Vorgehen bei der Entwicklung und Konstruktion moderner elektronischer Produkte unter Einbeziehung aller relevanten Aspekte befähigt werden.

Elektrotechnik und Elektronik in Maschinenbau und Mechatronik: Für Studierende und für die Praxis

by Julian Endres

Anlagen und Maschinen werden immer komplexer, auch weil in ihnen immer mehr Elektronik verbaut ist. Die Grundlagen und die Anwendungen der Elektrotechnik, der Elektronik und der Kommunikationstechnik spielen daher für den Maschinenbau eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Dieser Entwicklung trägt das Buch Rechnung. Es stellt die Grundlagen dieser Fachgebiete sowie der Halbleiter- und Leistungselektronik ausführlich dar. Zudem behandelt es elektrische Maschinen und Anlagen, Energieversorgung und die Datenkommunikation mit Feldbussen. Jeder Abschnitt ist in gleicher Weise gegliedert: Eine strukturierte Übersicht zeigt die Zusammenhänge auf, Beispiele verdeutlichen die Rechnungen und die Gedankengänge, Diagramme und Fotos veranschaulichen die Anwendungen. Zusammen mit den Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen ergibt sich ein didaktischer Aufbau, der es Lesern erleichtert, sich in die Elektrotechnik und die Elektronik einzuarbeiten.Für die 4. Auflage wurden die Inhalte aktualisiert und ergänzt. Unter anderem wurde eine Einführung in elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe eingefügt und das Kapitel zur Energieversorgung um Abschnitte zur Energieübertragung in Stromnetzen erweitert. Das Werk eignet sich als Lehrbuch für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere des Maschinenbaus, richtet sich aber auch an angehende Wirtschaftsingenieure und Mechatroniker. Für Ingenieure im Beruf ist der Band ein umfassendes und fundiertes Nachschlagewerk – auch wenn es um neue Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Industrie 4.0 und elektrische Antriebstechnogien geht.

The Elementary School Journal, volume 124 number 4 (June 2024)

by The Elementary School Journal

This is volume 124 issue 4 of The Elementary School Journal. The Elementary School Journal (ESJ) has served researchers, teacher educators, and practitioners in the elementary and middle school education for more than one hundred years. ESJ publishes peer-reviewed articles that pertain to both education theory and research and their implications for teaching practice. In addition, ESJ presents articles that relate the latest research in child development, cognitive psychology, and sociology to school learning and teaching.

Elements of Dynamic Symmetry (Dover Art Instruction Ser.)

by Jay Hambidge

Unlock the secrets of nature's inherent harmony with Jay Hambidge's seminal work, Elements of Dynamic Symmetry. This groundbreaking book introduces readers to the principles of dynamic symmetry, a system of proportion and design that underlies the natural world and has been used by artists, architects, and designers throughout history to create aesthetically pleasing and harmonious compositions.Jay Hambidge, a pioneer in the study of geometric proportion, presents a comprehensive exploration of dynamic symmetry, tracing its origins and applications across various fields. Through clear explanations, detailed diagrams, and insightful analysis, Hambidge demonstrates how these principles can be applied to achieve balance and beauty in art and design.Elements of Dynamic Symmetry delves into the mathematical foundations of this system, exploring the ratios and relationships that govern dynamic symmetry. Hambidge illustrates how these principles can be found in natural forms, from the spirals of shells to the branching of trees, and how they have been employed in the masterpieces of classical and modern art, from ancient Greek temples to Renaissance paintings.Elements of Dynamic Symmetry is an essential read for artists, architects, designers, and anyone interested in the intersection of art, mathematics, and nature. Hambidge's pioneering work continues to inspire and inform, offering timeless insights into the universal principles of beauty and harmony.Join Jay Hambidge on a journey through the elements of dynamic symmetry and discover how these principles can transform your understanding of design and aesthetics. This classic text remains a cornerstone in the study of proportion and a testament to the enduring power of geometric harmony in the creation of art.

Elephant Hubble Goes to School

by Marion Gamble

Elephant Hubble Goes to School, dive into the whimsical tale of Hubble, a spirited young African elephant with a zest for learning. As Hubble navigates the challenges of school, he mirrors the hurdles many children face, especially when mastering the art of reading. Enriched with captivating insights about Africa and intriguing facts about elephants, this story seamlessly blends entertainment with education. A delightful read tailored for children aged 7-11, journey with Hubble and discover that every learner, whether child or elephant, has their unique path to discovery.

Elevate and Dominate: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field

by Deion Sanders

Instant New York Times Bestseller Deion &“Coach Prime&” Sanders is one of the greatest motivators and inspirational leaders of all time—on the field, in business, with family, and in his community. Now, he delivers the ultimate playbook of inspiring personal stories, winning strategies, and the motivation required to help us &“elevate and dominate&” in all aspects of our lives. A natural-born leader, Deion Sanders demands and expects the best from himself and from those around him, never settling for anything less. Whether it&’s dealing with intense pressure, using the competition to his advantage, or navigating personal challenges—both physical and emotional—Sanders has conquered it all by applying the hard-earned principles he&’s learned throughout his life and career. The twenty-one inspirational ways to win here are based on the motivational stories and experiences of Sanders&’s incredible life, including being raised by a single mother who sacrificed and worked nonstop to support her family, being enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, earning his place as a head coach with a Division I football team, and being a dedicated father of five accomplished children. His inspirational messages reach far beyond the world of sports because they are based on deep faith, respect for himself and others, and an unflagging commitment to that which he believes in. They are designed to help anyone who is looking to improve the quality of their life, whether it be in business and leadership, relationships and partnership, or parenting and family. Through his unique and powerful lens, Coach Prime provides the direction, motivation, and action required for anyone to dominate and win at life.

Eliminando la Ansiedad: Técnicas sencillas para superar la ansiedad y el estrés del mundo moderno

by Pílula Digital

La ANSIEDAD puede ser, al mismo tiempo, un sentimiento NATURALMENTE humano, un síntoma de una enfermedad o un TRASTORNO mental en sí mismo. La diferencia radica en el PAPEL que desempeña la ansiedad en la vida de esa persona. En otras palabras, todos SENTIMOS ansiedad de vez en cuando, ya sea porque vas a hacer algo que nunca has hecho antes, PRESENTAR un trabajo, una reunión importante, etc. Sin embargo, cuando la ANSIEDAD llega a ser tan fuerte que PERJUDICA el día a día de una persona, imposibilitándole REALIZAR las actividades cotidianas y provocándole malestar emocional, hay algo más serio a lo que PRESTAR ATENCIÓN. Para que la ansiedad no EVOLUCIONE hasta convertirse en un trastorno mental, es IMPORTANTE ser consciente de sus síntomas y cambiar la forma de afrontarla, y esto ocurre en el día a día, A TRAVÉS de diversas acciones.

Elite Rivalry, Mass Killing and Genocide in Authoritarian Regimes: Why Autocrats Kill (Routledge Studies in Civil Wars and Intra-State Conflict)

by Eelco van der Maat

This book explains how mass killing is driven by elite politics within authoritarian regimes.Mass killing and genocide defy reason and explanation. How can genocidal elites present defenceless victims as an existential threat? Why use indiscriminate killing that drives victims to coordinated resistance? Mass killing seems counterproductive, irrational, and therefore inherently ideological. By building on new insights on authoritarian politics, this book argues that mass killing is not ideological, but instead is a rational response to elite rivalry within authoritarian regimes. Mass killing is therefore not driven by rivalries between groups, but by elite rivalry within groups. In Rwanda, for example, the genocide was not driven by conflicts between Hutu and Tutsi, but by conflicts within the Hutu regime. The work demonstrates how mass killing helps elites build coalitions with groups that benefit from violence and how it divides support coalitions of rival elites. Mass killing can therefore help elites win dangerous internal rivalries. By qualitatively and quantitatively exploring elite rivalry and mass killing, this book provides a new explanation for a host of mass killings and genocides. It demonstrates that well-known genocides, such as the Rwandan and Cambodian genocides, which are seemingly ideological are instead better explained by elite rivalry. Mass killing is therefore not driven by the random madness of leaders, nor by the desire to kill an outgroup, but by the internal threats that authoritarian elites face.This book will be of much interest to scholars and students of civil wars, genocide, political violence, and International Relations in general.

Eliza Pinckney: Women Of Colonial And Revolutionary Times

by Harriott Horry Ravenel

Discover the remarkable life and legacy of one of Colonial America's most influential women in Harriott Horry Ravenel's captivating biography, "Eliza Pinckney." This meticulously researched book delves into the extraordinary story of Eliza Lucas Pinckney, whose innovations in agriculture and contributions to society left an indelible mark on the American South.Born in Antigua and raised in South Carolina, Eliza Pinckney's life was marked by resilience, intelligence, and a pioneering spirit. At a young age, she assumed the management of her family's plantations and began experimenting with indigo cultivation, a crop that would become a cornerstone of South Carolina's economy. Ravenel’s biography vividly portrays Eliza's innovative agricultural techniques and her success in establishing indigo as a profitable export, which had a lasting impact on the region’s prosperity.Through engaging narrative and rich historical detail, Ravenel captures Eliza’s multifaceted life, including her role as a devoted mother, wife, and community leader. The book highlights her correspondence with key figures of the time, providing insights into her thoughts and the challenges she faced as a woman in a predominantly male-dominated society."Eliza Pinckney" also explores her broader contributions to American history, from her influence on education and social welfare to her role in shaping the political landscape through her sons, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Thomas Pinckney, who became prominent statesmen.Ravenel's biography is not just a tribute to Eliza Pinckney's accomplishments but also a window into the complexities of colonial life and the pivotal role women played in shaping early American society.

Ellipses: A Novel

by Vanessa Lawrence

Set in the glossy world of New York City media, this sharp and witty debut novel follows a young woman caught in a toxic mentorship with an older, powerful executive as she grapples with career, belonging, and the complexity of modern relationships in the digital age.Named a Best Book of 2024 So Far by Vogue, Elle, and Electric LitOne of Autostraddle's Most Anticipated Queer Books for Spring 2024 One of Chill Subs's 38 Books We Can't Wait to Read When cosmetics mogul Billie rolls down her town car window and offers Lily a ride home from a glitzy Manhattan gala, Lily figures this could be a useful professional connection. She&’s heard of Billie&’s storied rise as a business titan, the product of white New England privilege and one of the few queer women in a corner suite. Billie could be just the jolt Lily needs to manifest her next step. A magazine writer, Lily interviews influencers, actresses, and fashion designers for her publication&’s stylish pages, all while navigating office microaggressions. Stalled at work, she worries that her dream print career will soon succumb to the rise of social media. She is at a standstill, too, in her relationship with her girlfriend Alison. And Lily feels unable to voice her authenticity when others&’ sliding perceptions of her mixed race and bisexual identity repeatedly drown her out. Charming and hyperconfident, Billie seems invested in mentoring Lily out of her slump, from the screen of her phone. But their text exchanges and Billie&’s relentless worldview begin to consume Lily&’s life. Eager to impress her powerful guide, Lily is perpetually suspended in an ellipsis, waiting for those three gray dots to bloom into a new message from Billie. Ellipses explores one woman&’s struggle for wholeness, in a world shaped by digital half-lives and aspirational fantasies. In the end, this stunning debut novel reveals the rewards and challenges of forging an uncharted path on one&’s own terms.

Ellipses Inscribed in, and Circumscribed about, Quadrilaterals

by Alan Horwitz

The main focus of this book is disseminating research results regarding the pencil of ellipses inscribing arbitrary convex quadrilaterals. In particular, the author proves that there is a unique ellipse of maximal area, EA, and a unique ellipse of minimal eccentricity, EI, inscribed in Q. Similar results are also proven for ellipses passing through the vertices of a convex quadrilateral along with some comparisons with inscribed ellipses. Special results are also given for parallelograms.Researchers in geometry and applied mathematics will find this unique book of interest. Software developers, image processors along with geometers, mathematicians, and statisticians will be very interested in this treatment of the subject of inscribing and circumscribing ellipses with the comprehensive treatment here.Most of the results in this book were proven by the author in several papers listed in the references at the end. This book gathers results in a unified treatment of the topics while also shortening and simplifying many of the proofs.This book also contains a separate section on algorithms for finding ellipses of maximal area or of minimal eccentricity inscribed in, or circumscribed about, a given quadrilateral and for certain other topics treated in this book.Anyone who has taken calculus and linear algebra and who has a basic understanding of ellipses will find it accessible.

Elodie’s Magical Adventures

by Kate DiNardo

In Elodie&’s Magical Adventures, readers are introduced to a young girl with big dreams and an imagination that knows no bounds. Even with Kindergarten just around the corner, Elodie is already dreaming of magical adventures that may one day come true. With the love and support of those around her, Elodie believes that anything is possible.Follow along as Elodie embarks on a journey of the mind, exploring enchanted forests, meeting mystical creatures, and discovering hidden treasures. With each turn of the page, readers will be captivated by Elodie&’s boundless imagination and the possibilities that await her.

Elsewhere: A brand new tense and haunting psychological suspense

by Sarah Tierney

A psychologically gripping novel of estranged sisters, deep secrets, and tense twists from &“an elegant and thrilling new voice&” (Emma Jane Unsworth, author of Animals). At the height of summer, two sisters reunite at a remote cottage. They&’ve long been distant from each other, literally as well as emotionally: Anna is a free-spirited wanderer and Catherine is career-focused and settled in one place. So, some tension is not surprising, but it rapidly escalates when odd things start happening during the all-night twilight on the wild peninsula. Who&’s the watchful girl with a baby and what does she want from the sisters? Who bangs on their windows in the early hours then disappears into the woods? What does the sad-eyed Scottish man Anna is falling for know about it all? And how does it link back to an event twenty years ago that the sisters never talk about—the incident that created all this confusion, dislocation, and longing in the first place? This suspenseful, knowing novel explores how psychosis creeps in on the back of isolation and suspicion; the shadow that motherhood casts over women&’s lives, even when there is no child; and how buried trauma always winds its way up to the surface—sometimes in the strangest and most frightening ways.Praise for Sarah Tierney&’s Making Space &“A strong debut.&” —The Manchester Review &“Simply riveting . . . unfailingly entertaining.&” —Midwest Book Review

Emanuel, or Children of the Soil

by Henrik Pontoppidan

Immerse yourself in the profound and evocative world of rural Denmark with Henrik Pontoppidan's Emanuel, or Children of the Soil. This literary masterpiece, written by one of Denmark’s most celebrated authors and a Nobel Prize laureate, offers a compelling exploration of the human condition, societal struggles, and the timeless connection between people and the land they inhabit.Set against the backdrop of the Danish countryside, Emanuel, or Children of the Soil follows the life of Emanuel Hansted, a young idealist with a deep love for nature and a passion for social justice. Emanuel's journey is one of personal growth and disillusionment as he confronts the harsh realities of rural life and the complexities of human nature.Pontoppidan’s rich and nuanced narrative delves into the lives of the rural community, portraying their joys, sorrows, and enduring spirit with great empathy and detail. Through Emanuel's interactions with the villagers, Pontoppidan examines themes of tradition, progress, and the inevitable conflicts that arise when old ways meet new ideas.The novel is a vivid portrayal of the socio-economic changes occurring in late 19th-century Denmark, capturing the tensions between the agrarian past and the industrial future. Pontoppidan's exquisite prose brings the Danish landscape to life, painting a vivid picture of the fields, forests, and farms that shape the characters' lives and destinies.Emanuel, or Children of the Soil is more than just a story of one man's journey; it is a reflection on the broader human experience, exploring universal themes of hope, struggle, and the quest for meaning. Pontoppidan’s deep philosophical insights and his ability to convey the inner lives of his characters make this novel a timeless and thought-provoking read.

Embedding Artificial Intelligence into ERP Software: A Conceptual View on Business AI with Examples from SAP S/4HANA

by Siar Sarferaz

This book explains how to embed artificial intelligence in digitized business processes of ERP software by solving the two related substantial challenges: how can artificial intelligence be systematically integrated into ERP business processes for ease of consumption, and how can artificial intelligence be made enterprise-ready by covering ERP qualities like compliance, lifecycle management, extensibility, or scalability? As a general introduction, the first part of this book takes the reader through a historical journey towards intelligent ERP systems. In addition, reference processes and a reference architecture for ERP systems are proposed which build the foundation for the suggested subsequent solution concept, including a method for operationalizing intelligence for ERP business processes. Subsequently, in the second part detailed concepts of embedding artificial intelligence into ERP software are proposed. In this context the suggested solution architecture is depicted, and specific topics are resolved like data integration, model validation, explainability, data protection and privacy, model degradation and performance. In the last part an implementation framework is suggested which enables the previously introduced concepts and harmonizes the development and operations of artificial intelligent ERP applications. This part concludes with case studies considering artificial intelligence scenarios of SAP S/4HANA in the areas of logistics, finance and sales which apply the defined solution approach and shows its real-world feasibility. This book is written for professionals who want to implement (as developers) or exploit (as business analysts or consultants) or consider/plan the implementation/exploitation (as managers) of artificial intelligence in business information systems.

Embodied Learning and Teaching using the 4E Cognition Approach: Exploring Perspectives in Teaching Practices (Routledge Research in Educational Psychology)

by Theresa Schilhab Camilla Groth

This book operationalises the new field—EmLearning—that integrates embodiment and grounded cognition perspectives with education using the 4E approach as a guiding principle, which suggests that cognition is embodied, embedded, enacted, or extended.Chapters highlight empirical data, providing readers with research-based insight into the theoretical foundations of embodied cognition in learning, illustrated by practical examples. Ultimately, the volume contributes a radical understanding of embodied cognition, demonstrating the importance of the field to the educational system more broadly and suggesting a fundamental change to the way learning, education, and curriculum design are viewed and considered. Based on contemporary scientific findings, the book addresses the educational area with a focus on opening the embodied approach to a wider audience that will circulate the new knowledge and support their educational practices.Written with the purpose of contributing to a broad spectrum of academic educational fields, this book will be of use to postgraduates, researchers, and academics in the fields of higher education, educational psychology, teacher education, and teaching methodology and practice. Teachers and school politicians should also benefit from this volume more broadly.

Embodiment, Political Economy and Human Flourishing: An Embodied Cognition Approach to Economic Life

by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath Frédéric Basso

This book presents embodied economics as a foundational alternative to behavioral economics and other projects integrating economics and psychology inspired by the computational paradigm. The 20th century witnessed the disembodiment of economic models through the intensification of mathematization and formal abstraction in economics. Even proponents of an embodied approach to cognition, such as Hayek, paradoxically championed the abstract market order as a disembodied superhuman intelligence. In the wake of groundbreaking perspectives in cognitive and social sciences, which have helped to rethink the fundamental building blocks of economics, agency and institutions, this title takes a radical turn towards embodiment. Reinstating economics as political economy, embodied economics motivates a critique of capitalism based on the analysis of disembodiment through abstraction and reactivates key critical insights into the anthropology put forward by the young Marx about contemporary economics and its conceptualizations of money, property, and labor. Based on this analysis, the authors envision a concrete utopia for an economic order centered on human dignity and care for life on Earth. This book contributes to recent discussions about behavioral, experimental and neuroeconomics and addresses a transdisciplinary audience in the social and behavioral sciences, philosophy, and the humanities.

Embracing Emancipation: A Transatlantic History of Irish Americans, Slavery, and the American Union, 1840-1865 (Reconstructing America)

by Ian Delahanty

Challenges conventional narratives of the Civil War era that emphasize Irish Americans’ unceasing opposition to Black freedomEmbracing Emancipation tackles a perennial question in scholarship on the Civil War era: Why did Irish Americans, who claimed to have been oppressed in Ireland, so vehemently opposed the antislavery movement in the United States? Challenging conventional answers to this question that focus on the cultural, political, and economic circumstances of the Irish in America, Embracing Emancipation locates the origins of Irish American opposition to antislavery in famine-era Ireland. There, a distinctively Irish critique of abolitionism emerged during the 1840s, one that was adopted and adapted by Irish Americans during the sectional crisis. The Irish critique of abolitionism meshed with Irish Americans’ belief that the American Union would uplift Irish people on both sides of the Atlantic—if only it could be saved from the forces of disunion.Whereas conventional accounts of the Civil War itself emphasize Irish immigrants’ involvement in the New York City draft riots as a brutal coda to their unflinching opposition to emancipation, Delahanty uncovers a history of Irish Americans who embraced emancipation. Irish American soldiers realized that aiding Black southerners’ attempts at self-liberation would help to subdue the Confederate rebellion. Wartime developments in the United States and Ireland affirmed Irish American Unionists’ belief that the perpetuity of their adopted country was vital to the economic and political prospects of current and future immigrants and to their hopes for Ireland’s inde­pendence. Even as some Irish immigrants evinced their disdain for emancipation by lashing out against Union authorities and African Americans in northern cities, many others argued that their transatlantic interests in restoring the Union now aligned with slavery’s demise. While myriad Irish Americans ultimately abandoned their hostility to antislavery, their backgrounds in and continuously renewed connections with Ireland remained consistent influences on how the Irish in America took part in debate over the future of American slavery.

Embracing Ethnography: Doing Contextualised Construction Research

by David Oswald Léon Olde Scholtenhuis

This book calls for those interested in robust construction research to embrace ethnography – in all its forms, including rapid ethnographies, ethnographic-action research, autoethnography, as well as longer-term ethnographies.The diversification of ethnographic approaches, as well as ethnographers, will lead to rich insights that can advance the industry theoretically and practically. We share experiences, key considerations and recommendations from leading construction ethnographic researchers from around the world to provide discussion, reflection and understanding into doing ethnography in the construction industry.This book is aimed at academics, students, consultants, editors, reviewers, policymakers, funders and others interested in robust research in the construction industry and built environment but will also be useful for those undertaking research within organisations in other industries.

Embryonic Stem Cells and the Law: Crafting A Humane System of Regulation

by Joshua Weiser

This book deals with the research and use of embryonic stem cells to combat a number of diseases and the legal limitations, arising mostly from bioethical concerns regarding human life. Using the New Haven problem and policy-oriented method of jurisprudence, the author thoroughly explains the scientific and technological parameters and promise of this medical innovation and its alternatives as well as the conflicting claims and past decisions regarding its legal and moral acceptability in international and comparative perspective. International law, EU and regional human rights law, as well as individual countries’ laws across the globe are covered, ending with American law on the federal and state levels. The book concludes with a recommendation of humane regulation, and a draft federal statute as a model form of regulation that would allow the beneficial research and use of this technology.

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