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Calore Oscuro: Vampiri 2 (Vampira 2 #2)

by Jan Springer

La regina guerriera Megan Bloodrayne è stata tradita dai suoi due compagni. In fuga da loro si nasconde presso Vampira, una congrega segreta di vampire che vivono sotto copertura tra gli umani. Una volta ripresa, Megan viene a sapere di essere stata accusata di crimini che non ha commesso. Ma i suoi compagni, Christian e Zane, convinti che sia una traditrice, fanno di tutto per sapere da lei la verità. Megan ha un segreto e farà qualsiasi cosa per proteggerlo, anche sopportare torride torture sensuali. Altri ebook di Vampira: Vampira 1~ Calore dolce Vampira 2 ~ Calore Oscuro Vampira 3 ~ Calore Liquido Vampira 4 - Calore Scarlatto

Calore Scarlatto: Vampira 4 (Vampira 4 #4)

by Jan Springer

La vampira Lisbeth Crowe ha fatto del suo meglio per lasciarsi alle spalle il passato come Satin, la schiava del sangue preferita dalla regina Crimson, anche se ciò ha significato rinunciare a tre deliziosi e devoti amanti. Fuggire dalla Russia e dal Clan Crimson per diventare un’imprenditrice americana le è stato utile, così come aderire a Vampira, la potente congrega tutta al femminile che proibisce alle sue adepte di avere relazioni con maschi umani. Ma quando Lisbeth partecipa come modella a una sfilata di beneficenza per fare un favore a un’amica, uno dei malvagi tirapiedi della regina la vede e inizia a tramare per restituirla alla crudele monarca. Jaymes, Tristan e Luca desiderano ardentemente la loro amata Satin ormai da decenni e, dopo aver saputo dove si trova, si sbrigano a raggiungerla prima che possano farlo gli scagnozzi della regina. In una corsa contro il tempo, la seguono in un nascondiglio isolato dal mondo, riprendendo la loro storia d’amore a lungo negata, determinati a combattere fino alla morte per proteggere la loro femmina. Altri ebook di Vampira:(Serie) Vampira 1~ Calore dolce m/f/m Vampira 2 ~ Calore Oscuro m/f/m Vampira 3 ~ Calore Liquido m/f/m Vampira 4 - Calore Scarlatto m/f/m/m

Da Zero a Sexy

by Jan Springer

Dal momento che Santana si nasconde da qualcosa di brutto appartenente al suo passato, vive giorno per giorno e non osa sognare un futuro. La sua vita si svolge solo all’interno del sensuale mondo di Kidnap Fantasies, una società di escort top-secret in cui esplora la propria sessualità e gode del piacere sia con uomini che con donne. Ma è amore a prima vista nel momento in cui vede Amy al matrimonio di un suo caro amico. La ragazza sa di futuro ma lui è consapevole che quello è un desiderio che deve negarsi; quindi, perché le sussurra sei mia? Nell’istante in cui Amy Sparks vede il bell’afroamericano al matrimonio di sua sorella, sa in cuor suo che lui è tutto ciò che ha sempre sognato in un amante, ma prima che possano conoscersi meglio, lui scompare misteriosamente. Dopo aver scoperto che lavora per la Kidnap Fantasies, Amy saprà come lui riuscirà ad avverare tutte le sue intime fantasie... E quando Santana scoprirà che la sua prossima cliente della Kidnap Fantasies è Amy, saprà anche di doverla proteggere dal suo passato consapevole che quell’esperienza intima tra loro non potrà ripetersi...

Le motard et la mariée

by Jan Springer

Enveloppée dans une soif de vengeance, Avery complote pour assassiner l'homme responsable de la mort de son fils. Ses plans sont anéantis lorsque son ex-mari s'incruste à son mariage et l'emmène sur sa moto jusqu'à la cabane rustique du Canada où ils ont passé leur lune de miel. Mason, inspecteur de police, se bat pour l'amour d'Avery avec tout ce qu'il a. Armé de crème fouettée, de menottes et de son indéfectible dévouement, Mason jure qu'il fera aimer Avery à nouveau. Mais ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que l'homme qu'elle avait prévu de tuer ne les traque...

Presa da Lui

by Jan Springer

La tatuatrice Catalina Brown perde la testa per lo sconosciuto che le chiede un tatuaggio sulla sua… parte anatomica più sensibile. Di solito, mescolare il lavoro con il piacere non è da lei, ma lui è una calamita sensuale da cui lei è subito attratta, specialmente dopo avere sperimentato un’eccitante e perversa trance artistica tatuando ogni succulento suo centimetro. Il mutaforma tentacolato Calder Croft percepisce l’odore di femmina quando lei attraversa la marina californiana di lui, e lui non può ignorare il modo in cui questo gli infiamma il sangue. Dopo averla incontrata, è sorpreso nello scoprire che Cat non sa di essere una mutaforma che sta per entrare nel Cambiamento. Gli serve tutto il suo autocontrollo per trattenersi dal prendere quella donna sexy lì e subito. Calder deve dire a Cat la verità sul suo retaggio. Lei accetterà il suo diritto di nascita quale mutaforma oppure cederà alla pazzia, perdendo per sempre la loro possibilità di amarsi?

Is There a Dead Man in the House? (Peaches Dann #4)

by Elizabeth Daniels Squire

Peaches's father and his new wife, Azalea Marlowe, were in Tennessee to oversee the renovation of her old family home. And when Peaches arrived, she found the excavation process fascinating—it was almost like watching the house's memory come to life. But some of the house's memories are less than pleasant—as proven by the discovery of buried bones over a century old. The ownership of the Marlowe house may rest on the solution to the mystery. But even more disturbing, Azalea's fall from a broken ladder may indicate that violence is about to visit again...

Ohio Government and Politics

by Paul A. Sracic William C. Binning

Ohio Government and Politics provides a thorough, highly readable overview of the history, processes, and institutions of the state’s government and politics. In a country increasingly divided into blue and red states, Ohio is "purple" – one of the few states that is not dominated by a single political party. Covering the crucial strategies of both the republicans and democrats as they vie for power in Ohio, this new title demonstrates the "nationalizing" of Ohio politics. However, contemporary issues specific to Ohio politics are not neglected; coverage of important issues such charter reform in Cuyahoga County and the controversies over the regulation of "fracking" is included.

Ohio Government and Politics

by Paul A. Sracic William C. Binning

Ohio Government and Politics provides a thorough, highly readable overview of the history, processes, and institutions of the state’s government and politics. In a country increasingly divided into blue and red states, Ohio is "purple" – one of the few states that is not dominated by a single political party. Covering the crucial strategies of both the republicans and democrats as they vie for power in Ohio, this new title demonstrates the "nationalizing" of Ohio politics. However, contemporary issues specific to Ohio politics are not neglected; coverage of important issues such charter reform in Cuyahoga County and the controversies over the regulation of "fracking" is included.

Microbial Photosynthesis: From Basic Biology to Artificial Cell Factories and Industrial Applications

by Rachapudi V. Sreeharsha S. Venkata Mohan

This book uncovers the basic principles of microbial photosynthesis and the latest technological interventions of this crucial phenomenon. In the recent past, the basic principles of microbial photosynthesis were technologically articulated to engineer several cell factories that can utilize waste resources and generate different groups of industrially valuable products. Also, the list of model organisms for specific usage have been increasing enormously. This volume covers the material in four sections; each of the part dealing with the basic principles of microbial photosynthesis in an applied orientation focusing on waste valorization and circular bioeconomy. Furthermore, the following chapters deal with the very recent advancements in metabolic engineering and artificial photosynthesis with respect to value addition. Not only will this book be available for graduate and postgraduate students in microbiology, biotechnology, plant sciences, environmental sciences, energy engineering, and renewable energy, it is also an excellent material for researchers needing a multidisciplinary approach.

Creating and Measuring Purpose at Viega

by Suraj Srinivasan James Barnett Ethan Rouen


Chemistry class 11 - ISCE

by Dr H. C. Srivastava

The thoroughly revised and restructured ISC Chemistry for Class XI aligns with the latest syllabus issued by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi. It now closely mirrors the NCERT syllabus, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Each unit concludes with NCERT Textbook Exercises, supplemented by necessary hints and solutions, facilitating better understanding and practice for students. This structured approach aims to provide a clear and concise learning experience, adhering to the updated curriculum requirements.

Relationship with the Self: Actionable Inputs for Personal Growth and Change

by Pallavi Srivastava

This book delves into the various aspects of a person’s relationship with their inner selves and the impact this crucial relationship can have on their well-being. It offers insights, tools, and practices to understand and nurture this relationship focusing not only on the ‘what’ but also on the ‘how’ of it. Designed to be a self-help guide, this book takes readers on an exciting journey into their inner worlds and dives into the various voices within a person. Drawing from the fields of psychology, coaching, and mindfulness, the book breaks down complex ideas like acceptance, authenticity, and selfcompassion into actionable steps.The book will be indispensable for readers interested in improving well-being and enhancing personal development skills. It will also be useful for students and researchers of positive psychology and behavioral psychology and mental health and wellness rofessionals including therapists, counsellors, and executive coaches.

Global Health Challenges: Nutrition and Management

by Sarita Srivastava Anju Bisht Avula Laxmaiah Anitha Seetha

This book is an up-to-date reference on some of the major global health issues and the role of nutrition in their prevention and management. The book covers undernutrition, degenerative diseases, mental health disorders and COVID-19 and reviews feeding and eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, and delineates the risk factors and management. The book addresses the gaps in tackling these health problems and proposes comprehensive models and frameworks to manage them.Key Features: Explores practical solutions and management of looming health issues in terms of diet and nutrition Reviews health threats like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and COVID-19 Includes a section on feeding and eating disorders and sustainable models to manage them Covers mental-health issues like depression and dementia Discusses conditions like undernutrition, hidden hunger, and cardiovascular diseases The book is meant for health professionals, nutritionists, and policymakers. It is also useful for post-graduates in public health and nutrition.

The Summer of Perfect Mistakes: A Romantic Comedy

by Cynthia St. Aubin

An achingly authentic, emotional summer romance about learning to color outside the lines.You can&’t have the breakthrough without the breakdown…No one in Spring Valley recognizes Lark Hockney anymore. They only remember who she used to be. Homecoming queen. Valedictorian. And one half of Spring Valley High&’s golden couple. But Lark knows that her once-perfect life wasn&’t really perfect. Hell, it wasn&’t even her. And in one evening, she lost it…and that perfect girl is gone forever.Now Lark&’s trying to put the fragile pieces back together, with no idea of where to start. She&’s only a faint sketch of the person she was, with blurry, tentative lines—and under the constant scrutiny of her overbearing parents. The only bright spot in her life is a community art class taught by Nick Hoffman, the esoteric and unreasonably hot guy from high school. And he&’s not interested in a &“perfect&” Lark at all…Suddenly Lark&’s world is taking shape and the colors are growing more vibrant, from afternoon margaritas with Southern-fried divorcées to late-night apple pie with chocolate ice cream and an increasingly spicy situationship with Nick.But what she&’s found comes with a &“best before summer&’s end&” expiration date. And Lark doesn&’t know if she can ever truly let go of aiming for perfect…

Lost for Words: A Novel

by Edward St. Aubyn

Edward St. Aubyn is "great at dissecting an entire social world" (Michael Chabon, Los Angeles Times)Edward St. Aubyn's Patrick Melrose novels were some of the most celebrated works of fiction of the past decade. Ecstatic praise came from a wide range of admirers, from literary superstars such as Zadie Smith, Francine Prose, Jeffrey Eugenides, and Michael Chabon to pop-culture icons such as Anthony Bourdain and January Jones. Now St. Aubyn returns with a hilariously smart send-up of a certain major British literary award.The judges on the panel of the Elysian Prize for Literature must get through hundreds of submissions to find the best book of the year. Meanwhile, a host of writers are desperate for Elysian attention: the brilliant writer and serial heartbreaker Katherine Burns; the lovelorn debut novelist Sam Black; and Bunjee, convinced that his magnum opus, The Mulberry Elephant, will take the literary world by storm. Things go terribly wrong when Katherine's publisher accidentally submits a cookery book in place of her novel; one of the judges finds himself in the middle of a scandal; and Bunjee, aghast to learn his book isn't on the short list, seeks revenge.Lost for Words is a witty, fabulously entertaining satire that cuts to the quick of some of the deepest questions about the place of art in our celebrity-obsessed culture, and asks how we can ever hope to recognize real talent when everyone has an agenda.

High Flyers: 15 Inspiring Women Aviators and Astronauts (Women of Power #6)

by Ann McCallum Staats

These 15 women fly outside the lines. Soar beside Black Hawk helicopter pilot turned politician Tammy Duckworth, hot air balloonist Edgora McEwan, or medevac pilot Dede Murawsky. Higher up, meet commercial and military aviators such as the Coast Guard's Ronaqua Russell, the first African American female to receive the prestigious Air Medal for her rescue efforts during Hurricane Harvey. Next, ride along with Tammie Jo Shults, whose story includes a harrowing catastrophic engine failure while in command of 148 people aboard Southwest's Flight 1380. Others share their experiences in military high-performance jets, the Stratotanker, or while flying for the Blue Angels. Reaching past the bounds of Earth are astronauts who have launched in the cramped Russian rocket, the Soyuz, orbited Earth while conducting critical science experiments, or lived aboard the International Space Station. In all cases, the women in this book faced obstacles. Throughout their rise to incredible accomplishment, these courageous go-getters persevered and endured, insisting on success. Ultimately, each succeeded on her path to flight. These diverse high-flyers are dreamers and doers who believed, despite the odds, that soaring is possible.

Inherit the Earth (Emortality #1)

by Brian Stableford

In the twenty-second century, biomedical nanotechnology has given everyone in the world long life and robust health. It is the New Utopia, and all live in the expectation that true immortality will soon be realized.Damon Hart, son of the scientist responsible for much of the wonders of the new world, would rather forget his famous father and get on with his own life. But a shadowy terrorist group forces Damon to confront his heritage, launching a cat-and-mouse game that pits Damon against the terrorists, Interpol, and the powerful corporations that control the biotechnology of the future...a game Damon is ill-equipped to survive.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Charles Jessold, Considered as a Murderer: A Novel

by Wesley Stace

One of The Wall Street Journal's Best fiction books of 2011England, 1923. A gentleman critic named Leslie Shepherd tells the macabre story of a gifted young composer, Charles Jessold. On the eve of his revolutionary new opera's premiere, Jessold murders his wife and her lover, and then commits suicide in a scenario that strangely echoes the plot of his opera---which Shepherd has helped to write. The opera will never be performed.Shepherd first shares his police testimony, then recalls his relationship with Jessold in his role as critic, biographer, and friend. And with each retelling of the story, significant new details cast light on the identity of the real victim in Jessold's tragedy.This ambitiously intricate novel is set against a turbulent moment in music history, when atonal sounds first reverberated through the concert halls of Europe, just as the continent readied itself for war. What if Jessold's opera was not only a betrayal of Shepherd, but of England as well? Wesley Stace has crafted a dazzling story of counter-melodies and counter-narratives that will keep you guessing to the end.

The Best of Waffles & Pancakes

by Jane Stacey

The crisp, honeycomb texture of waffles and the golden delicacy of pancakes are the perfect base for a host of delectable tastes. In The Best of Waffles & Pancakes, Jane Stacey has gathered a delicious assortment of recipes for just about every occasion. Incorporating whole grains, nuts, fresh fruits, and vegetables, she serves up favorites such as German Apple Pancake, Buttermilk Waffles, and Sourdough Pancakes, as well as inspired new lunch and dinner creations -- Cheddar & Onion Waffles with Chutney, Sweet Corn Cakes. Desserts couldn't be more tempting, from Belgian Waffles with Strawberries & Cream to Caramel-Pecan Waffles to Chocolate Crepes. Regional and ethnic influences are represented as well in such flavorful and hearty recipes as Blue Corn Pancakes, Potato Pancakes with Roasted Garlic, and Wild Rice & Smoked Cheddar Pancakes.With more than 45 inspired recipes and full-color photographs, The Best of Waffles & Pancakes is proof that these two wonderful foods are much more than simple breakfast fare.

Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality

by Bill Stackpole Eric Oksendahl

Clarifying the purpose and place of strategy in an information security program, this book explains how to select, develop, and deploy the security strategy best suited to your organization. It focuses on security strategy planning and execution to provide a comprehensive look at the structures and tools needed to build a security program that enables and enhances business processes. Divided into two parts, the first part considers business strategy and the second part details specific tactics that support the implementation of strategic planning initiatives, goals, and objectives.

Material Feminisms

by Stacy Alaimo & Susan Hekman

Harnessing the energy of provocative theories generated by recent understandings of the human body, the natural world, and the material world, Material Feminisms presents an entirely new way for feminists to conceive of the question of materiality. In lively and timely essays, an international group of feminist thinkers challenges the assumptions and norms that have previously defined studies about the body. These wide-ranging essays grapple with topics such as the material reality of race, the significance of sexual difference, the impact of disability experience, and the complex interaction between nature and culture in traumatic events such as Hurricane Katrina. By insisting on the importance of materiality, this volume breaks new ground in philosophy, feminist theory, cultural studies, science studies, and other fields where the body and nature collide.

Cartoons and Antisemitism: Visual Politics of Interwar Poland

by Ewa Stańczyk

Antisemitic caricatures had existed in Polish society since at least the mid-nineteenth century. But never had the devastating impacts of this imagery been fully realized or so blatantly apparent than on the eve of the Second World War. In Cartoons and Antisemitism: Visual Politics of Interwar Poland, scholar Ewa Stańczyk explores how illustrators conceived of Jewish people in satirical drawing and reflected on the burning political questions of the day. Incorporating hundreds of cartoons, satirical texts, and newspaper articles from the 1930s, Stańczyk investigates how a visual culture that was essentially hostile to Jews penetrated deep and wide into Polish print media. In her sensitive analysis of these sources, the first of this kind in English, the author examines how major satirical magazines intervened in the ongoing events and contributed to the racialized political climate of the time.Paying close attention to the antisemitic tropes that were both local and global, Stańczyk reflects on the role of pictorial humor in the transmission of visual antisemitism across historical and geographical borders. As she discusses the communities of artists, publishers, and political commentators who made up the visual culture of the day, Stańczyk tells a captivating story of people who served the antisemitic cause, and those who chose to oppose it.

Knowing The Face Of God: The Search For A Personal Relationship With God

by Tim Stafford

The author recounts his efforts to establish a personal relationship with God, describes spiritual paths recommended in the past, and discusses how God appears in one's daily life

Deep Future: The Next 100,000 Years of Life on Earth

by Curt Stager

A Kirkus Reviews Best Nonfiction of 2011 title A bold, far-reaching look at how our actions will decide the planet's future for millennia to come.Imagine a planet where North American and Eurasian navies are squaring off over shipping lanes through an acidified, ice-free Arctic. Centuries later, their northern descendants retreat southward as the recovering sea freezes over again. And later still, future nations plan how to avert an approaching Ice Age... by burning what remains of our fossil fuels.These are just a few of the events that are likely to befall Earth and human civilization in the next 100,000 years. And it will be the choices we make in this century that will affect that future more than those of any previous generation. We are living at the dawn of the Age of Humans; the only question is how long that age will last.Few of us have yet asked, "What happens after global warming?" Drawing upon the latest, groundbreaking works of a handful of climate visionaries, Curt Stager's Deep Future helps us look beyond 2100 a.d. to the next hundred millennia of life on Earth.

Born to Be Hurt: The Untold Story of Imitation of Life

by Sam Staggs

In a passionate and witty behind-the-scenes expose, the author of All About "All About Eve" takes on the classic 1959 Douglas Sirk film starring Lana TurnerFew films inspire the devotion of Imitation of Life, one of the most popular films of the '50s--a split personality drama that's both an irresistible women's picture and a dark commentary on ambition, motherhood, racial identity, and hope lost and found.Born to be Hurt is the first in-depth account of director Sirk's masterpiece. Lana Turner, on the brink of personal and professional ruin starred as Lora Meredith. African-American actress Juanita Moore played her servant and dearest friend, and Sandra Dee and Susan Kohner their respective daughters, caught up in the heartbreak of the black-passing-for-white daughter in the 1950s. Both Moore and Kohner were Oscar-nominated as Best Supporting Actress. Sam Staggs combines vast research, extensive interviews with surviving cast members, and superb storytelling into a masterpiece of film writing. Entertaining, saucy, and incisive, this is irresistible reading for every film fan.

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