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Oregon Math 2024 Grade 1

by Ron Larson & Laurie Boswell

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 1

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 2

by Ron Larson & Laurie Boswell

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 2

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 3

by Ron Larson & Laurie Boswell

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 3

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 4

by Ron Larson & Laurie Boswell

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 4

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 5

by Ron Larson & Laurie Boswell

Oregon Math 2024 Grade 5

Oregon Math 2024 Grade K

by Ron Larson & Laurie Boswell

Oregon Math 2024 Grade K

Organisationen sind keine Maschinen: Organisationen sind Lebewesen - Antworten für eine turbulente Welt

by Klaus Henning Renate Henning

Wachsende Komplexität und Dynamik prägt diese Welt und auch die meisten Organisationen. Die damit verbundene zunehmende Turbulenz besser zu verstehen und zu meistern ist Anliegen dieses Buches. Es zeigt, dass Organisationen keine Maschinen sind, sondern als Lebewesen verstanden und gesteuert werden sollten. Die Autoren beschreiben, wie diese systemische Denkweise seit Mitte der 1940er Jahre in vielen Disziplinen zu finden ist und als kybernetischer Ansatz vernetzt ist mit den biologischen, soziologischen, psychologischen, technischen und chaostheoretischen Ansätzen. Schon das erste Mal, als wir Mitte der 80iger Jahre mit dem OSTO-Ansatz in Berührung kamen, hat es uns gepackt. Von nun an begannen wir Organisationen als Lebewesen, als soziologische Einheit, zu sehen und nicht als statisches, militaristisches Gebilde. Damals war das für uns etwas völlig Neues. Die Organisation als ein Lebewesen, dass sich verändern kann und nicht stehen bleiben muss in vorgegebenen Mustern zu betrachten, das ist eine Chance für Menschen in Organisationen, die in der immer turbulenter werdenden Welt zurecht zu kommen wollen und müssen.Die Auseinandersetzung mit den komplexen Zusammenhängen der jeweiligen Zeit waren für uns immer schon von großem Interesse. Während Klaus Henning Elektrotechnik studierte und Renate Henning Pädagogik besuchten wir in unserer Münchener Studienzeit beide die Hochschule für Politische Wissenschaften in München. Diese Kombination prägt unser Denken und Handeln bis heute.


People (employees and investors) are the strength of the organizations and the leader who integrates this understanding creates an environment where people can use their full potential, feel appreciated and grow in the process. Organizations need to promote leadership that is able to nurture the spirit of each employee in order to create happy and harmonious workplaces. Such a nurturing and liberating environment will trigger social energy, which is not only a sufficient condition for innovation but the precondition for creating collective pride.

Organizational Strategies for Work-Life Balance: For Whom, Why, and Under What Conditions (Human Well-Being Research and Policy Making)

by M. Joseph Sirgy Dong-Jin Lee

This book provides a systematic review of the research literature related to the effectiveness of organizational policies and programs on work-life balance (WLB). It discusses policies and practices related to workload management, flextime, flexplace, alternative job arrangements, and family care. Based on the evidence, the authors make specific recommendations to organizational executives and HR directors to design and implement work-life balance policies and programs to maximize their effectiveness and help employees achieve their optimal level of work-life balance. Specifically, the authors discuss how to: (1) identify employees with greater need for WLB programs, (2) evaluate environmental circumstances for WLB programs (3) design effective WLB policies and programs, (3) facilitate effective implementation of WLB policies and programs, (4) provide management support for WLB policies and programs, and (5) evaluate performance of WLB policies and programs. Written lucidly by experts in the field and with many case studies and examples, this book appeals to a wide range of academic and professional readers.

Organizational Theory in Higher Education (Core Concepts in Higher Education)

by Kathleen Manning

The third edition of Organizational Theory in Higher Education is a comprehensive and accessible treatment of organizational theory and higher education administration. Through her presentation of both traditional and contemporary organizational theories, noted scholar Kathleen Manning offers a multi-faceted take on the models and lenses through which higher education can be viewed.Chapters discuss the disciplinary foundation, uses, constructs, and assumptions of each organizational theory, including theories often excluded from the literature like organized anarchy, feminist, loosely coupled systems, and queer theory. Each chapter concludes with a case study and discussion questions that encourage the reader to make connections to their practice. Combining theory and practice, Manning’s rich, interdisciplinary treatment enables leaders to gain a fuller understanding of the perspectives that operate on college campuses and ways to enact inclusive, ethical change in the context of new and continuing challenges.New to this Edition: A new chapter on Queer Theory that presents more socially just approaches to institutional organization A new chapter on Loosely Coupled Systems presenting the application of this theory to higher education settings Revised chapters, updated theory, and new coverage that reflect current issues, such as pandemic, crisis responses, and social media Several new and revised case studies to address contemporary issues and align with current realities of higher education Updated and enhanced discussion questions to continue the conversation

Origin and Evolution of Caribbean Mangroves: A Time-Continuum Ecological Approach (Ecological Studies #252)

by Valentí Rull

This book provides a comprehensive, detailed, and coherent spatio-temporal account of Caribbean mangrove evolution from its evolutionary origins to the present that is not available for any mangrove region in the world. Mangroves are intertidal wetland forests that play a crucial role in the maintenance of terrestrial and marine biodiversity, and in the functioning of global biogeochemical cycles (especially the carbon cycle). These ecosystems dominate the tropical/subtropical coasts of all continents and are among the most threatened ecosystems in the world. This book combines all temporal scales, from the geological to the ecological, to provide an integrated picture of mangrove history and the natural and anthropogenic drivers of ecological and evolutionary change. This may be useful not only for understanding the current ecological status of these emblematic ecosystems, but also for informing their conservation in the face of ongoing global change.

The Origin of the Aryans. An Account of the Prehistoric Ethnology and Civilisation of Europe

by Isaac Taylor

Embark on an enlightening exploration of ancient Europe with Isaac Taylor's The Origin of the Aryans: An Account of the Prehistoric Ethnology and Civilization of Europe. This seminal work offers a comprehensive and scholarly examination of the origins, migrations, and cultural development of the Aryan peoples, whose influence has profoundly shaped the history and civilization of Europe.Taylor, a distinguished philologist and ethnologist, meticulously pieces together the puzzle of Aryan prehistory through a synthesis of linguistic, archaeological, and anthropological evidence. His rigorous analysis traces the roots of the Aryan peoples, delving into their early habitats, societal structures, and the extensive migrations that spread their language and cultural practices across the European continent.The Origin of the Aryans provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the various theories and debates surrounding Aryan origins. Taylor critically examines the evidence for the Proto-Indo-European homeland, offering insights into the linguistic connections and cultural exchanges that link the diverse Aryan-descended populations.In addition to tracing the migratory paths and settlements of the Aryans, Taylor explores their contributions to the prehistoric civilization of Europe. He sheds light on the advancements in agriculture, metallurgy, social organization, and religious practices that the Aryans introduced, which laid the foundations for later European societies.The Origin of the Aryans invites readers to delve into the distant past and discover the intricate web of influences that shaped the prehistoric ethnology and civilization of Europe. Isaac Taylor's work remains a cornerstone in the study of ancient European history and the enduring legacy of the Aryan peoples.

Origin Story: The Trials of Charles Darwin

by Howard Markel

A lively account of how Darwin’s work on natural selection transformed science and society, and an investigation into the mysterious illness that plagued its author. By early morning of June 30, 1860, a large crowd began to congregate in front of Oxford University’s brand-new Museum of Natural History. The occasion was the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and the subject of discussion was Charles Darwin’s new treatise: fact or fiction? Darwin, a simultaneously reclusive and intellectually audacious squire from Kent, claimed to have solved “that mystery of mysteries,” introducing a logical explanation of the origin of species—how they adapted, even transmogrified, through natural selection. At stake, on that summer’s day of spirited debate, was the very foundation of modern biology, not to mention the future of the church. Without fear of exaggeration, Darwin’s thesis would forever change our understanding of the life sciences and the natural world. And yet the author himself was nowhere to be found in the debate hall—instead, he was miles away, seeking respite from a spate of illnesses that had plagued him for much of his adult life. In Origin Story, medical historian Howard Markel recounts the two-year period (1858 to 1860) of Darwin’s writing of On the Origin of Species through its spectacular success and controversy. Simultaneously, Markel delves into the mysterious health symptoms Darwin developed, combing the literature to emerge with a cogent diagnosis of a case that has long fascinated medical historians. The result is a colorful portrait of the man, his friends and enemies, and his seminal work, which resonates to this day.

The Origins Of Human Social Nature: Westermarckian Sociology and Social Anthropology

by Otto Pipatti

This book is the first comprehensive study of Westermarckian sociology and social anthropology, which flourished in Finland for half a century, until the Second World War. Edward Westermarck (1862–1939) was not only the founder of Finnish sociology but also Britain’s first professor of sociology, influencing and contributing to teaching and research at LSE for nearly three decades. In Finland, a group of disciples shared his Darwinian interest in the human mind and the comparative study of the origins of social phenomena. Like Westermarck, they also conducted extensive ethnographic fieldwork beyond Europe. Many of them became internationally renowned scholars who published their works through leading British publishers. The book traces his influence on British sociology and social anthropology more broadly also by considering his work and students at LSE, who emphasised their debt to Westermarck. Drawing on both published writings and unpublished archival material, the book offersa reinterpretation of ‘origin’ as the Westermarckian school’s core concept.

The Origins of the Idea of Scientific Progress: Bernard de Fontenelle and His Contemporaries (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées #250)

by Daniel Špelda

This volume offers a new interpretation of the genesis of the idea of scientific progress in early modern science and philosophy. The interpretation argues that the idea of scientific progress was not a historical category, but an epistemological one. The main thesis of the book posits that the idea of scientific progress was a methodological means of dealing with the contingency of nature. To illustrate the novelty of the idea, the individual chapters compare several features of Renaissance natural philosophy with a new regime of knowledge that included time as an inevitable factor of empirical research. The temporal regime of knowledge is illustrated by the work of Bernard de Fontenelle and his colleagues at the Académie des sciences in Paris at the end of the 17th century. The new interpretation remedies a gap in recent scholarship where the idea of scientific progress has been overlooked even though the early modern natural philosophers themselves used it to describe the nature of their research. The book places both well-known texts and less-studied documents in a new light, thus contributing to the lively and rich debate on the origins and nature of early modern science and philosophy. It is of interest to scholars studying the history of early modern philosophy and science.

Orlando: A Biography (Dover Thrift Editions: Classic Novels)

by Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf’s satirical, prescient novel Orlando, published in 1928, is a groundbreaking work that explores themes of gender, identity, and time. The narrative features a nobleman named Orlando who lives over three centuries, beginning in the Elizabethan era and ending in the twentieth century, and, remarkably, changes from man to woman at the midpoint. With its fusion of masculinity and femininity, this transformation allows Woolf to critique societal norms and expectations tied to gender and class in different periods. Through Orlando’s unique life span and gender fluidity, Woolf suggests that gender is not fixed or binary, challenging the traditional concepts of gender roles and stereotypes. A complex and multilayered novel that defies easy categorization, Orlando is lauded for its rich prose and its pioneering representation of gender and queer identity. It is a work of literature that continues to resonate with readers today.

Orthodontic Management of Class II Malocclusion: An Evidence-Based Guide

by Martyn T. Cobourne

This multi-author clinical guide provides an evidence-based account of the orthodontic management of class II malocclusion. It begins with an overview of class II malocclusion including clinical examples and epidemiological data. This is followed by a chapter discussing timing of treatment, both early and late, and pre- and post-pubertal interventions. Information is given on the evidence base underlying outcomes of treatment, and on clinical management of class II malocclusion, beginning with techniques aimed at growth modification including removable functional appliances, fixed functional appliances and molar distalisation. The book includes a stand-alone chapter on class II division 2 malocclusion and explains conventional camouflage-based orthodontic treatment, treatment of class II malocclusion with lingual appliances and orthodontic-surgical management of class II cases. The last chapters are dedicated to management of class II cases with aligners and retention. In this book, there is an emphasis on evidence-based management of these developing problems and each chapter is richly illustrated with clinical examples. The chapters have been written by an international field of expert clinicians and academics, and will appeal to a wide range of clinicians, including undergraduate dental students, orthodontic specialist trainees and established specialist orthodontists.

Orthopaedics and Trauma: Current Concepts and Best Practices

by Pablo Slullitel Luciano Rossi Gastón Camino-Willhuber

This book provides an easy-going, high-quality and updated work focused on the most common diagnoses of Traumatology and Orthopaedics. It's structured with several sub-headings, including bullet-point tips for basic concepts.Each chapter is focused on a specific pathology and includes the following sub-headings: short introduction, applied anatomy and physiology, prevalence, classification, diagnosis (including anamnesis, physical examination and complementary imaging, from plain x-ray to cross-sectional imaging), treatment (conservative-surgical options), controversies, complications, future directions and author’s preference for treatment apart from references. Orthopaedics and Trauma - Current Concepts will be an inspiration to the young orthopaedic resident, fellow or even general orthopaedic surgeon and senior medical student. It will definitely help with their careers and also be a useful tool to prepare for the board certified orthopaedic examination.

Orwell's Ghosts: Wisdom and Warnings for the Twenty-First Century

by Laura Beers

For the 75th anniversary of 1984, Laura Beers explores George Orwell’s still-radical ideas and why they are critical today. George Orwell dedicated his career to exposing social injustice and political duplicity, urging his readers to face hard truths about Western society and politics. Now, the uncanny parallels between the interwar era and our own—rising inequality, censorship, and challenges to traditional social hierarchies—make his writing even more of the moment. Invocations of Orwell and his classic dystopian novel 1984 have reached new heights, with both sides of the political spectrum embracing the rhetoric of Orwellianism. In Orwell’s Ghosts, historian Laura Beers considers Orwell’s full body of work—his six novels, three nonfiction works, and brilliant essays on politics, language, and the class system—to examine what “Orwellian” truly means and reveal the misconstrued thinker in all his complexity. She explores how Orwell’s writing on free speech addresses the proliferation of “fake news” and the emergence of cancel culture, highlights his vivid critiques of capitalism and the oppressive nature of the British Empire, and, in contrast, analyzes his failure to understand feminism. Timely, wide-ranging, and thought-provoking, Orwell’s Ghosts investigates how the writings of a lionized champion of truth and freedom can help us face the crises of modernity.

El oso soldado del Bosque de los Cien Acres

by Bradley Hall

Un libro basado en Winnie Pooh, de A. A. Milne y en la historia de Wojtek, el oso soldado polaco. Sumérgete en el increíble viaje de Winnie Pooh mientras cuenta su vida como Wojtek, el oso soldado. Esta historia conmovedora entrelaza la memorable vida de Wojtek, un soldado en el ejército polaco durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y su transformación en el entrañable Winnie Pooh que conocemos y amamos. A través de una narración cautivadora e imágenes vívidas, los lectores serán transportados al Bosque de los Cien Acres y a los campos de batalla, en donde descubrirán el poder de la amistad, de la resiliencia y de la esperanza. Una lectura imprescindible tanto para los fans de Winnie Pooh como para los entusiastas de la historia. Este encantador relato te dejará inspirado y te cambiará para siempre.

The Other Olympians: Fascism, Queerness, and the Making of Modern Sports

by Michael Waters

Named a Most Anticipated Book by Esquire, Town & Country, and Electric Literature"Michael Waters performs an Olympian act of storytelling, using the stories of these extraordinary athletes to explore in brilliant detail the struggle for understanding and equality." —Jonathan Eig, author of King: A Life, winner of the Pulitzer PrizeThe story of the early trans athletes and Olympic bureaucrats who lit the flame for today’s culture wars. In December 1935, Zdeněk Koubek, one of the most famous sprinters in European women’s sports, declared he was now living as a man. Around the same time, the celebrated British field athlete Mark Weston, also assigned female at birth, announced that he, too, was a man. Periodicals and radio programs across the world carried the news; both became global celebrities. A few decades later, they were all but forgotten. And in the wake of their transitions, what could have been a push toward equality became instead, through a confluence of bureaucracy, war, and sheer happenstance, the exact opposite: the now all-too-familiar panic around trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming athletes. In The Other Olympians, Michael Waters uncovers, for the first time, the gripping true stories of Koubek, Weston, and other pioneering trans and intersex athletes from their era. With dogged research and cinematic flair, Waters also tracks how International Olympic Committee members ignored Nazi Germany’s atrocities in order to pull off the Berlin Games, a partnership that ultimately influenced the IOC’s nearly century-long obsession with surveilling and cataloging gender.Immersive and revelatory, The Other Olympians is a groundbreaking, hidden-in-the-archives marvel, an inspiring call for equality, and an essential contribution toward understanding the contemporary culture wars over gender in sports.

The Other Presidency: Thomas Jefferson and the American Philosophical Society

by Patrick Spero

In The Other Presidency, Patrick Spero resurrects an overlooked but essential part of Thomas Jefferson’s life. For nearly seventeen years, Jefferson served as President of the American Philosophical Society (APS), the nation’s first learned society and one dedicated to promoting new research in the young republic, especially in the sciences. He did so while also serving as Vice President and President of the United States. As Spero shows in this short but important work, Jefferson used his various positions to solidify the Society’s foundation and, in turn, shape the course of American science. Through a deep dive into APS Archives and Jefferson’s papers, Spero demonstrates how the Society became a thoroughly Jeffersonian institution—that is, the APS, the largest and most powerful scientific body in the nation, advanced an agenda that comported with Jefferson’s own priorities. While Jefferson juggled affairs of state, he also remained deeply involved in the Society. In fact, the two complemented each other. He helped draft the institution’s first collection development policy, making clear the items and material he thought most important for the nation’s posterity. He also used his international network to introduce European intellectuals to the Society, and he called on these same networks to help build the Society’s collection. Jefferson himself received direct support from the Society to conduct his own research, including funding for an expedition with James Madison, and as President of the United States, he would often call on the APS and its members for advice. In short, Spero shows that Jefferson was integral to the development of the APS—and, perhaps more unexpectedly, the APS and the scientific community it fostered were integral to Jefferson and his vision for the young United States.A resource for students, history buffs, and Jefferson aficionados, the book includes a chronology of Thomas Jefferson's contributions to the APS, with references to major events in Jefferson's life.

The Othering Museum: A Case for Non-Selective Curation

by Carrie Westwater

The term “othering” refers to a persistent Us and Them dynamic between museums and their participating public. To reframe this historically paternalistic subject-positioning, over the last decade or so many museums have made firm attempts to address this by attempting to move from being “providers” of engagements to facilitating access to cultural right by embedding co-curatorial techniques and participation. Through the analysis of three co-curated participatory case studies, this book examines how power performs in co-curatorial museum practice. It discusses how it is not just how the participatory process is enacted that is necessary to create this shift to a more socially just profile, but systemic pressures of vulnerability and responsibility found in the political economy of the museum and its participants. This book will chart how this dynamic performs in museums when working with different groups of people, such as volunteers, community participants, and professional artists, presented with differing levels of co-curatorial decision making. The book further investigates whether performances of power are relational to who the participants are, how the processes of participation are constructed, and where the participation takes place, what language is used when conducting these relationships and what the funded institutional responsibilities do to the co-curators (the community and museum staff) when traditional co-curation and co-curation in transition to non-selective curation is applied. Grounding this discussion is the development of this test method of non-selective curation which further illuminates some of these challenges and aims to successfully mitigate them through a radically open and inclusive approach to co-curation.

Others Like Me: The Lives of Women Without Children

by Nicole Louie

A deeply personal exploration of childless and childfree women in their own words.Others Like Me is the story of fourteen women around the world, from different walks of life, who don't have children. It's also the story of why Nicole Louie had to find them and what they taught her. Part memoir, part exploration of childlessness through candid conversations, this book showcases the many ways in which people find fulfilment outside of parenthood. And because the social expectation to procreate weighs the most on women, Louie focuses solely on them, their experiences and how they flourish outside of motherhood. In doing so, she upends the stereotypes that diminish women who are not mothers and offers reassurance and companionship on a path less known.

Others Like Me: The Lives of Women Without Children

by Nicole Louie

A deeply personal exploration of childless and childfree women in their own words.Others Like Me is the story of fourteen women around the world, from different walks of life, who don't have children. It's also the story of why Nicole Louie had to find them and what they taught her. Part memoir, part exploration of childlessness through candid conversations, this book showcases the many ways in which people find fulfilment outside of parenthood. And because the social expectation to procreate weighs the most on women, Louie focuses solely on them, their experiences and how they flourish outside of motherhood. In doing so, she upends the stereotypes that diminish women who are not mothers and offers reassurance and companionship on a path less known.

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