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We Are the Medicine (Surviving the City)

by Tasha Spillett

Miikwan and Dez are in their final year of high school. Poised at the edge of the rest of their lives, they have a lot to decide on. Miikwan and her boyfriend, Riel, are preparing for university, but Dez isn&’t sure if that&’s what they want for their future. Grief and anger take precedence over their plans after the remains of 215 children are found at a former residential school in British Columbia. The teens struggle with feelings of helplessness in the face of injustice. Can they find the strength to channel their frustration into action towards a more hopeful future? We Are the Medicine is the moving final volume of the best-selling Surviving the City series.

How to Explain Robotics to a Grown-Up

by Ruth Spiro

The best-selling author of the Baby Loves Science series levels up with this playful STEM picture book introducing kids–and grown-ups–to the robotics world.Do you want to know a secret? Sometimes grown-ups need YOU to explain things to THEM. Like robotics!In this tongue-in-cheek guide, an in-the-know narrator instructs kid readers in the fine art of explaining robotics to a grown-up. Both children and their adults learn:what makes a robot a robot, who designs and builds robots, and how robots work on their own to get a job done. Fun and fact-filled, the How to Explain Science series will empower kid experts to explore complex scientific concepts with any grown-up who will listen.

One Small Spark: A Tikkun Olam Story

by Ruth Spiro

A young girl is inspired to make a difference in this thoughtful and lyrical exploration of the Jewish philosophy tikkun olam or repair the world.Imagine the world you want to live in. If it&’s not the world you see, will you create it?So begins a young girl&’s journey to solve a problem she notices one rainy day while walking to school. In that moment, the small spark inside her grows and then connects her to others who are inspired to make a change and help the world become a better place.This lyrical and very personal text from beloved author Ruth Spiro, with breathtaking and imaginative illustrations from Victoria Tentler-Krylov, explores the Jewish concept of tikkun olam, or taking part to repair the world. It&’s sure to inspire young readers to nurture their own small spark, taking action today that will change the world tomorrow.

Disrupt With Impact: Achieve Business Success in an Unpredictable World

by Roger Spitz

Disruption's far-reaching effects are inevitable, bringing both unprecedented challenges and opportunities to creatively shape our futures.Disrupt With Impact is the ultimate guide to thriving in today's complex business landscapes. It offers strategies that will allow you to navigate uncertainty and change through strategic decision-making.Covering major challenges such as sustainability, AI, geopolitics and cybersecurity, this book is your compass for exploring the uncharted waters of the future. These paradigm shifts will redistribute trillions of dollars, presenting opportunities for immense value creation, while those clinging to business as usual face growing risks of value destruction. Through fascinating research and original frameworks, Disrupt With Impact offers the knowledge and confidence you need to lead your business through disruption.

Didaktiken der beruflichen und akademischen Aus- und Weiterbildung: Rückblick, Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven

by Georg Spöttl Michael Tärre

Aufgrund der Vielfalt der Adressatengruppen, der Zugänge, der Lernorte sowie der curricularen Orientierungspunkte stellen Didaktiken der beruflichen und akademischen Aus- und Weiterbildung einen ausgesprochen heterogenen Gegenstandsbereich dar. Insofern ist festzustellen, dass es eine Didaktik der Aus- und Weiterbildung nicht gibt bzw. nicht geben kann. Dennoch stehen Bildungseinrichtungen sowie Lernende und Lehrende vor immensen und ähnlichen Herausforderungen. Dieses Werk präsentiert aktuelle Ansätze von beruflichen Didaktiken mit dem Ziel, den kritisch-konstruktiven Diskurs anzuregen.

Rise of the Spider (The Web of the Spider #1)

by Michael P. Spradlin

Witness the chilling rise of Hitler&’s Germany through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy in this first book in the action-packed middle grade series Web of the Spider for fans of I Survived and A Night Divided.1929, Heroldsberg, Germany. Rolf might only be twelve years old, but he&’s old enough to know that things have not been good in his country since the end of the Great War. Half of Germany is out of work, and a new political movement is taking hold that scares him. Every night, Rolf&’s father and older brother, Romer, have increasingly heated arguments about politics at the dinner table. And when two members of the new Nazi Party, Hans and Nils, move to town as part of the Hitler Youth, Rolf is uneasy to see how enamored Romer is by their promises of bringing Germany to glory. Rolf doesn&’t trust Hans and Nils for a moment. For all their talk of greatness, they act more like bullies, antagonizing shop owners who are Rolf&’s friends and neighbors. Yet Romer becomes increasingly obsessed with their message of division, and Rolf watches in horror as his family fractures even further. When there is an act of vandalism against a Jewish-owned business in town, Rolf fears Romer might have had something to do with it. Can Rolf find a way to intervene before things get any worse?

I Cowboy del suo Cuore (Cowboys Online 4 #4)

by Jan Springer

Dopo aver trascorso dieci anni in un carcere di massima sicurezza, JJ ottiene un inaspettato permesso per buona condotta e un posto di lavoro in un ranch canadese. I suoi datori di lavoro sono tre dei cowboy più sexy che lei abbia mai incontrato e per loro prepara deliziosi manicaretti e dopocena piccantissimi. Jennifer Jane "JJ" Watson non potrebbe essere più felice. Sta per avere un bambino! Per fortuna il loro ranch lontano da tutto, con il grande lavoro che c’è sempre da fare, è una bella distrazione per i suoi tre cowboy sexy quando lei è via con il suo aereo. Ma quando JJ è a casa, i suoi tre maschi dominanti soddisfano le sue piccanti voglie di donna incinta coinvolgendola in molti frizzanti ménages. A Rafe, Brady e Dan non piace che la loro donna se ne vada in giro per i cieli del Canada in balia dell’imprevedibile tempo dell’Ontario del Nord. Preferirebbero che riscaldasse i loro letti ventiquattro ore al giorno, ma lei sa come ottenere ciò che vuole e adesso ha bisogno della sua ritrovata libertà. Gli incubi peggiori dei tre uomini, però, prendono vita proprio quando l’aereo, con a bordo JJ e la sua amica, all’improvviso non fa rientro a casa. Un racconto della serie Cowboys Online ~ 1. Tre Cowboy per Natale (Moose Ranch #1), 2. Tre Cowboy Tutti Per Lei (Moose Ranch #2), 3. Innamorata Dei Suoi Cowboy (Moose Ranch #3) 4. I Cowboy del suo Cuore (Moose Ranch #4) 5.Per sempre i suoi cowboy (Moose Ranch #5) 6. Tre cowboy suoi per sempre (Snowy Creek Ranch #1)

Per sempre i suoi cowboy: Cowboys Online 5 (Cowboys Online 5 #5)

by Jan Springer

Jennifer Jane (JJ) Watson ha trascorso gli ultimi dieci anni in una prigione di massima sicurezza. L’ultima cosa che si aspetta è di ottenere la libertà sulla parola e un lavoro come collaboratrice domestica di tre dei cowboy più sexy che abbia mai incontrato! Rafe, Brady e Dan pensavano che l’agenzia mandasse qualche ex detenuto a dar loro una mano con il ranch, e rimangono decisamente sorpresi nel veder arrivare una donna, per giunta molto attraente. Nelle terre selvagge e innevate del Nord Ontario, la compagnia femminile è cosa rara, ed è una vera fortuna che ai tre padroni di casa piaccia condividere la stessa donna... Il Natale sta arrivando ancora una volta al Moose Ranch e con l'avvicinarsi del parto, JJ si sta distraendo dagli attacchi di ansia di cui soffre tenendosi impegnata a prepararsi per l'arrivo del suo bambino e a organizzare la prima festa di Natale lì al ranch! Con un piccolo in arrivo, c'è molto stress per Brady, Rafe e Dan. Soprattutto a causa della decisione di JJ di assumere un’ostetrica che l’aiuti a partorire in casa e di avere tutti e tre i suoi uomini presenti al parto! Ma la preoccupazione e lo stress non impediscono loro di mostrare a JJ quanto la amano ... dentro e fuori dal letto! Nel vortice di continue bufere di neve, un aeroplano inutilizzato a terra, un party natalizio e un bambino in arrivo, i proprietari del Moose Ranch sanno che questo sarà un Natale che non dimenticheranno tanto presto... Un racconto della serie Cowboys Online ~ 1. Tre Cowboy per Natale (Moose Ranch #1), 2. Tre Cowboy Tutti Per Lei (Moose Ranch #2), 3. Innamorata Dei Suoi Cowboy (Moose Ranch #3) 4. I Cowboy del suo Cuore (Moose Ranch #4) 5.Per sempre i suoi cowboy (Moose Ranch #5) 6. Tre cowboy suoi per sempre (Snowy Creek Ranch #1)

Presa da Lui (Un racconto erotico della serie mutaforma tentacolati 1 #1)

by Jan Springer

La tatuatrice Catalina Brown perde la testa per lo sconosciuto che le chiede un tatuaggio sulla sua… parte anatomica più sensibile. Di solito, mescolare il lavoro con il piacere non è da lei, ma lui è una calamita sensuale da cui lei è subito attratta, specialmente dopo avere sperimentato un’eccitante e perversa trance artistica tatuando ogni succulento suo centimetro. Il mutaforma tentacolato Calder Croft percepisce l’odore di femmina quando lei attraversa la marina californiana di lui, e lui non può ignorare il modo in cui questo gli infiamma il sangue. Dopo averla incontrata, è sorpreso nello scoprire che Cat non sa di essere una mutaforma che sta per entrare nel Cambiamento. Gli serve tutto il suo autocontrollo per trattenersi dal prendere quella donna sexy lì e subito. Calder deve dire a Cat la verità sul suo retaggio. Lei accetterà il suo diritto di nascita quale mutaforma oppure cederà alla pazzia, perdendo per sempre la loro possibilità di amarsi? Libro due ~ Nuda per lui (Jan Springer) ~ Un racconto erotico della serie mutaforma tentacolati Prenotane uno ~ Presa da lui (Jan Springer) ~ Un racconto erotico della serie mutaforma tentacolati

Tre cowboy suoi per sempre: Snowy Creek Ranch (Cowboys Online 6 #6)

by Jan Springer

Dopo aver trascorso diversi anni in prigione, Milena Allen viene inaspettatamente rilasciata in libertà condizionata, e le viene offerto un lavoro in un isolato ranch del selvaggio Nord canadese, dove è immediatamente attratta dai suoi tre sexy capi cowboy! Cowboys Online ha mandato una bella ex detenuta per aiutarli nel loro nuovo ranch nella natura selvaggia, ma per Mitch, Daegen e Paul la vita è terribilmente solitaria senza la compagnia femminile. Nonostante siano rimasti senza donne per così tanto tempo, si ripromettono di considerare Milena off-limits, e che la tratteranno come uno dei ragazzi. Quando la violenza minaccia i suoi cowboy, le competenze infermieristiche di Milena vengono messe alla prova e lei si rende conto che si sta innamorando dei suoi capi sexy. Presto scopre che anche tutti e tre gli uomini sono interessati a lei! Ma perché continuano a trattarla come uno dei ragazzi? Ha sempre sognato qualcuno che la amasse e un posto da poter chiamare casa. Riuscirà a realizzare i suoi sogni con Mitch, Daegen e Paul? Oppure un terribile errore rovinerà tutto? Non è necessario aver letto anche gli altri libri della serie. Questo romanzo è indipendente. Un racconto della serie Cowboys Online ~ 1. Tre Cowboy per Natale (Moose Ranch #1), 2. Tre Cowboy Tutti Per Lei (Moose Ranch #2), 3. Innamorata Dei Suoi Cowboy (Moose Ranch #3) 4. I Cowboy del suo Cuore (Moose Ranch #4) 5.Per sempre i suoi cowboy (Moose Ranch #5) 6. Tre cowboy suoi per sempre (Snowy Creek Ranch #1)

Her Christmas Wish (Tiny Blessings #5)

by Kathryn Springer

To: Uncle EliFrom: OliviaDear Uncle Eli, I don't think Daddy is getting me what I really want for Christmas-a mommy. He's been sad since Mommy died, and I want him to be happy again. And ever since Leah, my new nanny, came to stay, he's been smiling more. She's really nice. She makes cookies with me and takes me to church. I think Leah is perfect for us. I told him he should marry her, but he's busy with his carpentering stuff. Maybe he'll listen to you? Tell him my Christmas wish is to have Leah with us, ALWAYS.

Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose (Enola Holmes #9)

by Nancy Springer

Nancy Springer's nationally bestselling series and breakout Netflix sensation beguiles readers young and old with Enola Holmes's latest adventure. In May of 1890, Enola Holmes is finally fully on her own and, no longer hiding from her older brothers Sherlock and Mycroft, attending classes and occasionally pursuing her chosen profession as a scientific perditorian, a finder of lost things and people.Wolcott Balestier, the representative of an American book publisher, arrived in London on a singular mission—to contract with English authors for their latest works. When Balestier disappears on the streets of London one day, his great friend—Rudyard Kipling—bursts into Enola's office looking for help in finding him. Brash and unwilling to hire a young woman, instead he turns to Sherlock Holmes. Convinced that evil has befallen Balestier, at the hands of rival American publishers who pirate the works of English authors, he sets the elder Holmes on the trail. But Enola is not one to accept defeat, especially not to her brother, and sets off on her own—determined to learn the truth behind the disappearance of the young American. Can book publishing truly be so ruthless and deadly or can the missing man be rescued from his apparent fate and returned to his friends and loved ones?The redoubtable Enola is determined to do just that, even if it means working with her brother Sherlock!

JavaScript für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Sebastian Springer

Schritt für Schritt zu JavaScript Wenn Sie mit JavaScript programmieren lernen möchten, dann greifen Sie zu! Sebastian Springer vermittelt Ihnen in diesem Einstieg das Grundwissen zur Programmierung mit dieser mächtigen Programmiersprache. Sie lernen neben Grundlagen wie Schleifen, Verzweigungen und Co. alle wichtigen Tools, Arbeitsweisen und Besonderheiten der Browser kennen. Doch damit nicht genug: Fortgeschrittene Technologien, wie die asynchrone Programmierung, werden erklärt; außerdem, wie Sie zwischen Frontend und Backend kommunizieren oder mit Nutzern interagieren. Alles garniert mit übungen und Beispiel-Programmen. Sie erfahren Was es mit Node.js auf sich hat Wie das Zusammenspiel von JavaScript und HTML und CSS funktioniert Was Sie über Datentypen, Variable und Konstante wissen sollten Wie Sie Fehler aufspüren und beheben

Restorative Justice and Lived Religion: Transforming Mass Incarceration in Chicago (Religion and Social Transformation)

by Jason A. Springs

Frames restorative justice as a form of moral and spiritual practice with the capacity to transform injusticeIn the United States “restorative justice” typically refers to small-scale measures that divert alleged wrongdoers from a standard path through the criminal justice system by funneling them into alternative justice programs. These aim not to punish the offender, but to constructively address the harm that wrongdoing may have caused to individuals or to the community, engaging with the wrongdoer to come to a response that might heal and repair the harm.Yet restorative justice initiatives generally fail to challenge and transform the racist system of mass incarceration. This book argues that these initiatives have the potential to do so, but that we need to better understand what restorative justice is, and how it should be implemented. It claims that restorative justice can achieve its desired effect only insofar as it provides a mode of association between people that is, at its core, moral and spiritual. The book explores the ways in which restorative justice ethics and practices exhibit moral and spiritual dynamics, and what difference such “lived religious” dynamics can make for purposes of transforming structural violence.Looking to Chicago’s restorative justice network as a model for developing these transformational and sustainable social changes, the volume showcases real-life examples of the kinds of practices and initiatives needed to shift the entrenched dynamics that fuel the prison-industrial complex across the United States.

Where There's a Will (Peaches Dann #6)

by Elizabeth Daniels Squire

A slightly forgetful, totally unforgettable, and ntirely lovable amateur sleuth, Peaches Dann is back in a salty new mystery from acclaimed author Elizabeth Daniels Squire Peaches's friend Marietta and seven of her relatives have come into an inheritance that's made them all millionaires—several times over. But even money has its price, and their eccentric uncle Hiram's will includes very specific requirements for the inheritance of any heir who dies within the year. A strange provision for a young and healthy bunch—or is it? When two are dead within months, Marietta calls on Peaches's sleuthing skills. Soon Peaches is accompanying the clan on a luxury cruise aboard England's Ocean Queen. But will there be a burial at sea? As Peaches gets busy charting clues to mischief, some suspicious "accidents" befall the group—and Peaches herself. This is one trip she's bound to remember...

Algal Biotechnology: Current Trends, Challenges and Future Prospects for a Sustainable Environment

by S. Sridhar Nivedita Sahu

This book initiates with a general introduction to microalgae and algal biotechnology with subsequent discussions on all the significant aspects of applied biotechnology, bioremediation, nano applications, multidimensional usages of algae as a biofertilizer, and a source of bioactive compounds and phytochemicals. Major themes of the book include algae and the environment, bioremediation using algae, algal-omics and applications, and large-scale bioprocesses for algal cultivation, its constraints and challenges.Features: Focusses on the importance of algae for a sustainable environment Covers algal bioplastics and other commercial products Explores possible utilization of algae in phyco/bioremediation Reviews algae as a biostimulant and biofertilizer Demonstrates challenges during algal cultivation on a large scale This book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in biotechnology, bioenergy, renewable energy, energy, bioremediation, fuel and petrochemicals, wastewater, novel technologies, clean technologies, bioremediation environmental, functional foods and nutraceuticals, marine and aquatic science.

Algal Biotechnology: Applications for Industrial Development and Human Welfare

by S. Sridhar Nivedita Sahu

This book deals with an interdisciplinary approach towards present-day practical challenges and recent developments in algal biotechnology and covers a broad spectrum of issues ranging from diverse algae and its applications in agriculture, human food, animal feed, wastewater treatment, and industry to algal metabolites. Major themes covered in this volume include algae-based processes for the treatment of industrial effluents, algal biorefinery, industrial trends, and applications of algae in food, feed, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals.Features: Explores the possibility of utilization of algae in human food and pharmaceutical compounds. Presents recent state of the art of design and tools in algal biorefineries. Reviews concepts of membrane bioreactors and microbial fuel cells, including their process and performance. Algae-based technologies for safe and eco-friendly processes to promote a sustainable bio-economy. Discusses algae as a source for potential aquafeed. This book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in biotechnology, bioenergy , renewable energy, energy, fuel and petrochemicals, wastewater, novel technologies, clean technologies, bioremediation environmental biotechnology, functional foods and nutraceuticals, and marine and aquatic science.

Blockchain for IoT Systems: Concept, Framework and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Blockchain for Smart and Green Society)

by V. Sridhar Ahmed A. Elngar Pankaj Bhambri Sita Rani Piyush Kumar Pareek

Blockchain and distributed-ledger technologies enable new modes of communication, synchronization, and transfer of value with a broad impact on Internet of Things (IoT), Data Science, society, industry, commerce, and government. This book studies the potential impact of blockchain and distributed-ledger technologies on IoT. It highlights the application of possible solutions in the domain of blockchain and IoT system security, including cryptology, distributed systems, law, formal methods, code verification and validation, software, and systems metrics. As the field is growing fast, the book adapts to the changing research landscape, integrates and cross-links studies and citations in related subfields, and provides an overview of these fields and how they complement each other.• Highlights how the security aspect of the integration of blockchain with IoT will help to design secure data solutions for various domains• Offers fundamental knowledge of the blockchain concept and its usage in real-life applications• Presents current and future trends on the IoT and blockchain with an efficient, scalable, and sustainable approach• Reviews future developments in blockchain and IoT in future job opportunities• Discusses how blockchain for IoT systems can help a varied range of end-users to access computational and storage resourcesThis book is intended for postgraduate students and researchers in the departments of computer science, working in the areas of IoT, blockchain, deep learning, machine learning, image processing, and big data.

Cloud Security: Concepts, Applications and Practices

by K. G. Srinivasa G. M. Siddesh Jamuna S. Murthy

This comprehensive work surveys the challenges, the best practices in the industry, and the latest developments and technologies. It covers the fundamentals of cloud computing, including deployment models, service models, and the benefits of cloud computing, followed by critical aspects of cloud security, including risk management, threat analysis, data protection, identity and access management, and compliance. Cloud Security explores the latest security technologies, such as encryption, multi‑factor authentication, and intrusion detection and prevention systems, and their roles in securing the cloud environment.Features: Introduces a user-centric measure of cyber security and provides a comparative study on different methodologies used for cyber security Offers real-world case studies and hands-on exercises to give a practical understanding of cloud security Includes the legal and ethical issues, including the impact of international regulations on cloud security Covers fully automated run-time security and vulnerability management Discusses related concepts to provide context, such as Cyber Crime, Password Authentication, Smart Phone Security with examples This book is aimed at postgraduate students, professionals, and academic researchers working in the fields of computer science and cloud computing.

The Journey of Leadership: How CEOs Learn to Lead from the Inside Out

by Ramesh Srinivasan Dana Maor Hans-Werner Kaas Kurt Strovink

When the pressure is on, many of the world&’s top CEOs turn to McKinsey & Company to reinvent themselves and their organizations. The Journey of Leadership brings the experience of one of the world&’s most influential consulting firms right to your fingertips.This book is the first-ever explanation of McKinsey&’s step-by-step approach to transforming leaders both professionally and personally, including revealing lessons from its legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum, which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade. It is a journey that helps leaders hone the psychological, emotional, and, ultimately, human attributes that result in success in today&’s most demanding top job. Packed with insightful and never-before-heard reflections from leaders, including Ed Bastian (CEO of Delta Air Lines), Makoto Uchida (CEO of Nissan Motor Corporation), Mark Fields (former CEO of Ford Motor Company), Reeta Roy (CEO of Mastercard Foundation), and Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna), you will learn how to: Assess your personal leadership approach and style objectively. Discover your true mandate as a leader.Develop creative, actionable ways to reinvigorate both yourself and your organization.Create a personal commitment plan to inspire your team and cement your legacy.The Journey of Leadership is an invaluable resource for anyone running or hoping to run an organization in today&’s ever-more-complex world.

The Journey of Leadership: How CEOs Learn to Lead from the Inside Out

by Ramesh Srinivasan Dana Maor Hans-Werner Kaas Kurt Strovink

When the pressure is on, many of the world's top CEOs turn to McKinsey & Company to reinvent themselves and their organizations. The Journey of Leadership brings the experience of one of the world's most influential consulting firms right to your fingertips.This book is the first-ever explanation of McKinsey's step-by-step approach to transforming leaders both professionally and personally, including revealing lessons from its legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum, which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade. It is a journey that helps leaders hone the psychological, emotional, and, ultimately, human attributes that result in success in today's most demanding top job.Packed with insightful and never-before-heard reflections from leaders, including Ed Bastian (CEO of Delta Air Lines), Makoto Uchida (CEO of Nissan Motor Corporation), Mark Fields (former CEO of Ford Motor Company), Reeta Roy (CEO of Mastercard Foundation), and Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna), you will learn how to:* Assess your personal leadership approach and style objectively.* Discover your true mandate as a leader.* Develop creative, actionable ways to reinvigorate both yourself and your organization.* Create a personal commitment plan to inspire your team and cement your legacy.The Journey of Leadership is an invaluable resource for anyone running or hoping to run an organization in today's ever-more-complex world.

The Journey of Leadership: How CEOs Learn to Lead from the Inside Out

by Ramesh Srinivasan Dana Maor Hans-Werner Kaas Kurt Strovink

When the pressure is on, many of the world's top CEOs turn to McKinsey & Company to reinvent themselves and their organizations. The Journey of Leadership brings the experience of one of the world's most influential consulting firms right to your fingertips.This book is the first-ever explanation of McKinsey's step-by-step approach to transforming leaders both professionally and personally, including revealing lessons from its legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum, which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade. It is a journey that helps leaders hone the psychological, emotional, and, ultimately, human attributes that result in success in today's most demanding top job.Packed with insightful and never-before-heard reflections from leaders, including Ed Bastian (CEO of Delta Air Lines), Makoto Uchida (CEO of Nissan Motor Corporation), Mark Fields (former CEO of Ford Motor Company), Reeta Roy (CEO of Mastercard Foundation), and Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna), you will learn how to:* Assess your personal leadership approach and style objectively.* Discover your true mandate as a leader.* Develop creative, actionable ways to reinvigorate both yourself and your organization.* Create a personal commitment plan to inspire your team and cement your legacy.The Journey of Leadership is an invaluable resource for anyone running or hoping to run an organization in today's ever-more-complex world.

Digital Twin Technology and Applications

by Srinivasan Sriramulu A Daniel N Partheeban Santhosh Jayagopalan

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is being accelerated by the digital twin technological revolution, which converges intelligent technologies and defines the connectivity between physical and digital items. The Internet of Things (IoT) connects the real and digital worlds, allowing connected items to deliver a vast array of services to internet users. IoT devices create large amounts of data that may be fed into AI systems for decision- making. In a decentralized architecture, digital twin technology may be utilized to protect platforms and create smart contracts. Digital twins decentralized ledger, immutability, self- sovereign identification, and consensus procedures hold a lot of promise for improving AI algorithms. Furthermore, leveraging smart contracts in a digital twin system to facilitate user interaction via IoT might have a big influence, and this integrated platform is expected to revolutionize many fields.Digital Twin Technology and Applications examines the problems, issues, and solutions for using big data to enable streaming services using IoT and AI with digital twin technology. The IoT network concept is the key to success, and to establish a solid IoT platform on which large data transmission may take place, it must handle protocol, standards, and architecture. The book provides insight into the principles and techniques of IoT and AI. It explores the idea of using blockchain to provide security in a variety of sectors. The book also covers the application of integrated technologies to strengthen data models, improve insights and discoveries, innovate audit systems, as well as digital twin technology application to intelligent forecasting, smart finance, smart retail, global verification, and transparent governance.

Emerging Methods for Oil Extraction from Food Processing Waste

by Prem Prakash Srivastav Sangeetha Karunanithi

Emerging Methods for Oil Extraction from Food Processing Waste is a comprehensive and cutting-edge exploration of sustainable oil extraction practices, catering to professionals and researchers in food science. The book, spanning 13 insightful chapters, intricately reviews the extraction of oil from food processing by-products, including pomace and surplus raw materials. It specifically focuses on emerging non-thermal technologies, offering valuable insights into improving oil extraction rates. The discussions encompass factors influencing extraction rates and suggest processing conditions based on various extraction methods and raw materials. In addition to providing a nuanced understanding of conventional and novel extraction techniques, the text delves into the diverse applications of the extracted oil, ranging from food preservation to fortification and fat replacement. Notably, it covers advanced processing techniques for enhancing oil stability, bioavailability, and bioactivity through emulsion and encapsulation methods. Addressing crucial commercial aspects, the text explores economic feasibility, safety considerations, and consumer acceptability, providing a holistic perspective for successful industrial adaptation. Authored by global specialists, each chapter offers in-depth scientific reports and critical analyses, making this volume an indispensable resource for continuous research and advancement in the dynamic field of food processing.

First You Run (The Bullet Catchers #4)

by Roxanne St. Claire

AN UNSTOPPABLE BODYGUARD ON THE HUNT. A WOMAN HIDING A SECRET EVEN SHE DOESN'T KNOW. A PASSION THAT BEGINS WITH DANGER.... Bullet Catcher Adrien Fletcher is on a mission to track down a baby given up in a black market adoption thirty years ago. He has a list of possible names and one tantalizing clue: the infant girl had been marked with a tiny tattoo. And since tattoo-hunting will mean getting up close and personal with the women on his list, he's the perfect man for the job. But when Fletch meets Miranda Lang, he knows she can never be just a name on his list. If she's not his target, he should move on and find the right woman, despite their electrifying attraction. But Miranda is on her own mission, and every step takes her closer to a deadly trap. Fletch may be the only man who can protect her...forcing him to choose between duty and desire.

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