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Η Νεκρή Συγγραφέας

by Núria Añó

Η Άννα είναι μια συγγραφέας μέσης ηλικίας που μεγάλωσε την κόρη της μόνη της. Στο σήμερα, η Μπέρτα έχει μεγαλώσει και η επιθυμία που είχε να γνωρίσει τον πατέρα της, τον οποίο έχει δει μόνο σε φωτογραφία, φουντώνει όταν η σχέση με το αγόρι της περνάει κρίση. Ο Χανς δουλεύει σε ένα εργοστάσιο και έχει μια αδερφή, την Κλάρα, μια έφηβη την οποία δεν καταλαβαίνει κανείς και η οποία έχει εμμονή με έναν τύπο που οδηγεί μια κίτρινη μηχανή. Αλλά είναι, κυρίως, η ιστορία της Άννα Φλίντερ, που όταν επιλέγει να γράψει ένα βιβλίο με αυτοβιογραφικό χαρακτήρα, η έμπνευση την επισκέπτεται παίρνοντας τη μορφή του άντρα που πριν χρόνια εγκατέλειψε. «Στην ιστορία παρατηρείται η διαδικασία δημιουργίας της διανοούμενης. Είναι ένα έργο που απευθύνεται σε όσους αρέσει να διαβάζουν και αφήνονται να απορροφηθούν α&pi

1, 2, 3 John and Jude: Established in Truth ... Marked by Love (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

In the face of false teachings about Jesus, the apostle John took a direct approach. "I heard Jesus speak," he wrote. "I saw him . . . I even touched him." Just as we would write about someone we knew and loved, John told the early believers the truth about the Savior. But he didn't let them off the hook without an examination of their lives. Pastor John MacArthur will take you through these short but impactful letters, passage by passage, so that you can better understand their message of forgiveness, how to uphold a biblical faith, and the real dangers of spiritual warfare.John was not alone in his concern about the influence of false teachers in the early church. Jude, a half-brother of Christ, also wrote to the believers. In his letter, he firmly urged all believers to fight for truth, and encouraged all followers of Jesus to stand firm in the faith.—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

1 and 2 Peter: Courage in Times of Trouble (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

Believers in the early church scattered across the Roman Empire were facing the threat of increased persecution. Peter, the most outspoken of the disciples and leader among the apostles, wrote two practical and encouraging letters to strengthen the hearts of these followers of Christ. Pastor John MacArthur will take you through these two letters, passage by passage, so that you can better understand Peter's words of hope and wisdom and how to live victoriously in the midst of life-threatening trials.In the first letter, Peter reminds believers of the many blessings available to them because of their persecution. In the second letter, he warns them to discern and defeat the false teachers who were invading their churches and teaching them dangerous and deceptive doctrines. Peter's letters of encouragement and warning are just as important for believers today as they were during the first century.—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus: Living Faithfully in View of Christ's Coming (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

Pastor John MacArthur will take you through the Thessalonians and the short letter to Titus, passage by passage, so that you can better understand Paul's audience, his message, and his reminder to live a life of faithfulness.Like a tender shepherd, Paul wrote the letters of 1 & 2 Thessalonians to the church he founded in the large city of Thessalonica. These were friends he knew, loved, and missed. His purpose in writing was to thank them for their work of faith, their labor of love, and their continued hope in the Lord Jesus Christ . . . and His coming again.Similarly, Paul's letter to Titus—a young pastor in Crete—is filled with personal affirmation, counsel, and guidance on how to prepare church leaders for effective evangelism. These letters of instruction are as inspirational for us today as they were for these first-century Christ followers.—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

1 and 2 Timothy: Encouragement for Church Leaders (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

Pastor John MacArthur will take you through the two short letters to Timothy, passage by passage, so that you can better understand Paul's instructions to church leaders and the cultural context that makes these letters so relevant today. Timothy was a close associate of Paul who was facing problems within the church that he was leading in Ephesus. In these personal letters, Paul gives practical pastoral instruction to his protégé, highlighting godliness and holy living to help Timothy fulfill his calling and effectively carry out his important tasks in the church.Paul's gentle encouragement in these letters challenges Timothy to persevere in his faith—a faith that might have been weakening under the pressure of the church and the persecution of the world. Paul's godly counsel was helpful not only to Timothy, a first-century Christian leader, but is also helpful to each of us as believers today.—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

1 Corinthians: Godly Solutions for Church Problems (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

As the gospel spreads to the far corners of the earth, the apostle Paul is under mounting pressure to provide direction to maturing churches before they go astray. It's with this urgency that Paul covers many topics that are especially relevant in today's society. Pastor John MacArthur will take you through the first letter to the church in Corinth to show how this church in particular allowed their worldliness to affect the church's priority of spreading the gospel—and how Paul's response gives Christians black-and-white boundaries in a gray world.As Paul explains doctrinal truths directly relating to sin and righteousness, he outlines a foundation for godly behavior. Paul's letter is a valuable tool of correction and encouragement for believers—then and now—to be alert, firm, mature, strong, and loving.—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

1 Kings 1 to 11, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: The Rise and Fall of Solomon (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

Solomon is known as the wisest man who ever lived. His writings in the Old Testament range from practical, pithy proverbs to beautiful romantic poetry—and all are filled with his knowledge and insights. Yet behind those writings stood a flawed man who was conflicted between deep wisdom and tragic folly. Sadly, the king who warned against so many sins did not follow his own advice, and he wound up leading Israel into idolatry. Nevertheless, his life and writings provide valuable lessons for us today in the twenty-first century.In this study, pastor John MacArthur will guide you through an in-depth look at the historical period beginning with Solomon's ascent to the throne and continuing through his tragic end. Studies include close-up examinations of the vital importance of wisdom—with portraits of the wise woman, the foolish sluggard, and others in the book of Proverbs—and careful considerations of doctrinal themes such as "True Wisdom from God" and "A Time for Everything."—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

1 Kings 12 to 22: The Kingdom Divides (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

Under King Solomon the Israelites had been a united people, but that all changed when his foolish son Rehoboam came to power. In the days that followed, the nation divided into two separate kingdoms. The reigns of these kings were turbulent, marked by a succession of ungodly monarchs in conflict with the Lord's prophets. Among these rulers, perhaps none stood out more than Ahab and Jezebel, who not only led the northern nation of Israel into idolatry but actually conspired to murder a man simply because they wanted his garden!In this study, pastor John MacArthur will guide you through an in-depth look at this historical period, beginning with the split between Judah and Israel, continuing into the remarkable events that occurred during the prophet Elijah's ministry, and concluding with the death of the ungodly King Ahab. Studies include close-up examinations of Elijah, Ahab, Jezebel, Asa, and others, as well as careful considerations of doctrinal themes such as "the Sin of Syncretism" and "Being Faithful to God's Word."—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

1 Samuel: The Lives of Samuel and Saul (MacArthur Bible Studies)

by John F. MacArthur

The time of the judges were turbulent days in Israel's history, marked by a continuing cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, and deliverance. In time, the people decided they would do better under the leadership of a king, and they demanded that God provide them with one. Samuel, God's anointed prophet, warned they would be getting more than they bargained for, but they continued to insist. The Lord finally provided a king in the person of Saul, and Samuel's warnings came to pass.In this study, pastor John MacArthur will guide you through an in-depth look at this historical period beginning with the miraculous birth of Samuel, continuing through Saul's crowning as Israel's first king, and concluding with his tragic death.Studies include close-up examinations of Hannah, Eli, Saul, David, and Jonathan, as well as careful considerations of doctrinal themes such as "Slaying a Giant" and "Respecting God's Anointed."—ABOUT THE SERIES—The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

The 10: Fast, healthy and budget-friendly recipes for the whole family

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

More than 180 quick and simple super-healthy recipes for you and your family to make your 10:10 journey even easier! From Australia&’s favourite clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo. The 10:10 Simple Recipe Book makes it as easy as possible for the whole family to eat healthy and delicious food. Clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo offers a wholistic approach to bringing food back to basics, with easy, budget-friendly, and delicious recipes that will make cooking for the family a breeze! These simple recipes have fewer ingredients and steps, and feature Sarah&’s tips on making everything from scratch, sticking to a budget, cooking with pantry staples and using leftovers. With everything from salads and snacks to smoothies and desserts, The 10:10 Simple Recipe Book will help you prepare delicious, nutritious meals in minutes – and keep your family&’s health on track.

The 10: Your ideal weight the healthy way

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

A 10-week meal and exercise plan aimed at helping you lose weight and keep it off in the healthiest way possible, from Australia&’s favourite clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo. Want to lose weight and keep it off forever? Clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo shows you how in this easy-to-follow program and clearly explains the science and logic used to create it. Drawing from her own experiences, Sarah explains the factors that contribute to weight gain – stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy food options, mental and societal roadblocks – and provides tips on how to eliminate or respond more effectively to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of weight loss. Rejecting the notion of fad diets, Sarah has crafted a manageable, achievable program aimed at people with busy lifestyles. Now with a bonus chapter on how to fit the 10:10 plan into your everyday life along with brand new recipes created by the 10:10 community, The 10:10 Plan will have you feeling healthier than ever. &‘I want you to know that with Sarah&’s help, you WILL reach your goal weight. But more than that – you WILL keep it off. Plus, your mind WILL be clear, and you WILL have energy in abundance. Put simply, you WILL feel amazing.&’ Monique Wright, journalist and TV presenter 'Over the years I&’ve bought every health-kick book there is … Now, thanks to Sarah, I&’ve finally found what works for me! Her detox approach is a celebration of food and feeling your best. No punishment, restriction or radical plans. Instead, a clear roadmap to restoring your best health, based on actual science … The most surprising result – I&’m still following its principles long after my 10 weeks are done. The other books are binned; Sarah&’s plan has become a way of life.' Sally Bowrey, journalist and TV presenter &‘Sarah showed me how to do something I hadn&’t been able to do in years … lose those last, stubborn few kilos that annoyed and frustrated me. She gave me a healthy plan to stick to, with no tiresome calories counting, just good food.&’ Natalie Barr, journalist and TV presenter.

The 10: Easy detox plans and healthy smoothies

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

Feeling sluggish, unmotivated and tired? Sarah Di Lorenzo&’s The 10:10 Kickstart will help you drop the kilos and revitalise your health with easy detox plans and healthy smoothies to nourish you. Whether you&’re just starting out on your weight-loss journey or are already a 10:10 Plan convert, this book is full of deliciously nutritious recipes, healing smoothies and detox menu plans to help you kickstart your way to better health. It shows you how you can shed kilos, remove toxins from your body, sleep better, feel more energetic, have clearer skin, lower your risk of disease, and improve your mood and relationships. The 10:10 Kickstart features a range of recipes targeting many health and lifestyle concerns, including: bone health, breastfeeding, cold and flu symptoms, anxiety, cholesterol, hangovers, anti-aging, skin and hair health, and more. &‘Sarah&’s detox works because, ultimately, it isn&’t a diet, it&’s a way of life.&’ Sally Bowrey, journalist and TV presenter

10 Crochet Flowers: Crochet Patterns for Stylish Flowers

by Claire Crompton

Create beautiful flowers with these 10 crochet patterns. Add them to garments and interior items, or use them to make jewellery. Featuring a rose and rose bud, sunflower, daisy, pansy, hellebore and other pretty flower designs, you're sure to find a pattern you love!

10 to 25: The Science of Motivating Young People: A Groundbreaking Approach to Leading the Next Generation—And Making Your Own Life Easier

by David Yeager

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Acclaimed developmental psychologist David Yeager reveals the new science of motivating young people ages ten through twenty-five in this groundbreaking book that is a must-read for managers, parents, educators, coaches, and mentors everywhere. &“Required reading for anyone who aspires to be a wise influence on the young people they care about.&” —Angela Duckworth &“One of the most fascinating and important books of the past decade...It will change millions of lives.&” —Carol Dweck &“This engaging, data-driven book is filled with practical insights.&” —Adam GrantImagine a world in which Gen Xers, millennials, and boomers interact with young people in ways that leave them feeling inspired, enthusiastic, and ready to contribute—rather than disengaged, outraged, or overwhelmed. That world may be closer than you think. In this book based on cutting edge research, psychologist David Yeager explains how to stop fearing young people&’s brains and hormones and start harnessing them. Neuroscientists have discovered that around age ten, puberty spurs the brain to crave socially rewarding experiences, such as pride, admiration, and respect, and to become highly averse to social pain, such as humiliation or shame. As a result, young people are subtly reading between the lines of everything we say, trying to interpret the hidden implications of our words to find out if we are disrespecting or honoring them. Surprisingly, this sensitivity to status and respect continues into the mid-twenties. 10 to 25 helps adults develop an ear for the difference between the right and wrong way to respect young people and avoid frustrating patterns of miscommunication and conflict. Yeager explains how to adopt what he terms the mentor mindset, which is a leadership style that&’s attuned to young people&’s need for status and respect. Anyone can adopt the mentor mindset by following a few highly effective and easy-to-learn practices such as validating young people&’s perspectives (rather than dismissing them), asking them questions (rather than telling them what to do), being transparent about your beliefs and goals (rather than assuming that they will accurately guess your thoughts), and holding them to high standards (rather than coddling them). Yeager&’s scientific experiments have shown these practices reduce a wide variety of behavior problems, including school dropout, unhealthy eating, stress, purposelessness, mental health problems, and more. One of the biggest misconceptions about mentoring is that it takes up too much time. On the contrary, those who use the mentor mindset end up with more time. Through back-and-forth conversations, young people feel empowered, and managers can transfer responsibility to them. Young people in this age group are poised to learn, grow, and accomplish incredible things—if only we can tap into the basic neurobiological systems that drive their motivation and behavior. An essential read for anyone who interacts with young people, 10 to 25 is a groundbreaking book that offers long-term strategies to help nurture well-adjusted, independent, accomplished young people who contribute to society in positive ways—all while making our own lives easier.

10 Ways to Invest: Contrasting Investment Ideologies in Practice

by Tariq Dennison

This book compares and contrasts 10 distinct investment philosophies and how each leads to different approaches to investment selection, portfolio construction, and risk management in practice. Each chapter aims to outline the principles and practical decisions of each different way of investing with the goal of helping readers better understand the logical implications of their own way of investment thinking, as well as a framework for evaluating how higher level investment decisions are made by their pension funds and other institutions.

100 Activities for Teaching Research Ethics and Integrity

by Catherine Dawson

This practical, user-friendly guide consists of 100 original activities that have been designed to inspire and support educators of research ethics and integrity at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Focussing on eight key areas, activities include: • Respecting human dignity, privacy and rights • Obtaining informed consent in the digital world • Capturing data on sexual orientation and gender identity • Recognizing and addressing bias when collecting data • Creating social change through research practice • Assessing the ethical implications of data sharing. Complete with detailed teaching notes and downloadable student handouts, as well as guidance on the type and level of each activity, 100 Activities for Teaching Research Ethics and Integrity is an essential resource for both online and face-to-face teaching.

100 Activities for Teaching Research Ethics and Integrity

by Catherine Dawson

This practical, user-friendly guide consists of 100 original activities that have been designed to inspire and support educators of research ethics and integrity at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Focussing on eight key areas, activities include: • Respecting human dignity, privacy and rights • Obtaining informed consent in the digital world • Capturing data on sexual orientation and gender identity • Recognizing and addressing bias when collecting data • Creating social change through research practice • Assessing the ethical implications of data sharing. Complete with detailed teaching notes and downloadable student handouts, as well as guidance on the type and level of each activity, 100 Activities for Teaching Research Ethics and Integrity is an essential resource for both online and face-to-face teaching.

100 Careers in the Music Business

by Tanja Crouch

The music industry has changed recently, but career opportunities still exist for motivated beginners. Despite the record industry's recent setbacks, most other aspects of the music business continue to flourish - and this book tells beginners how and where to find rewarding jobs. Opportunities described include artists' agents and managers, talent agents, sound technicians, film and TV technicians, film and TV production managers, advertising illustrators and copywriters, publicists, and many others. The author tells beginners how to match their qualifications with potential job openings, seek and find job interviews, and get hired. This edition includes information on how today's technologies have influenced careers and created opportunities.

100 Consejos para Motivarlo a Entrenar Más

by Pílula Digital

La palabra MOTIVACIÓN proviene del latín 'motivus', que significa ‘causa del movimiento’. La gran IMPORTANCIA de la motivación es que ella es el COMBUSTIBLE que nos impulsa a REALIZAR las actividades DIARIAS. Asimismo, INFLUYE en el comportamiento humano para ALCANZAR objetivos, satisfacer necesidades y obtener sensaciones placenteras. Una persona puede tener múltiples MOTIVOS para ejercitarse, tales como PERDER PESO, mantener un buen estado de SALUD, sentirse mejor consigo MISMA, entre otros. Todas esas razones son MOTIVOS que nos IMPULSAN a realizar la actividad física. Además de ello, cuando la persona comienza a SENTIR y a ver los RESULTADOS, eso la ESTIMULA a mantener la CONVICCIÓN para continuar EJERCITÁNDOSE.

100 Things Millionaires Do: Little lessons in creating wealth

by Nigel Cumberland

Following the success of the international bestseller, 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO, Nigel Cumberland turns his attention to wealth.100 THINGS MILLIONAIRES DO distills all the wisdom and knowledge of a lifetime of starting and selling businesses and coaching hundreds of wealthy leaders into 100 short chapters of advice on building and retaining sustainable wealth. This is not a get rich quick book. Instead, Nigel explores the habits, tools, techniques and mentality of self-made millionaires and shows you how to begin your own journey to a wealthy future. Mixing simple instructions with activities to get you started, you will find mindsets, habits, and techniques here that will help you get the results you want.100 THINGS MILLIONAIRES DO is packed with great ideas for creating long-term wealth and success for yourself and those you care about. You will discover the habits that are common to wealthy people and find out how to use them in your own life. Every chapter features a new idea that will help you get closer to your goals. Mixing simple descriptions with activities and exercises, you will learn the optimal mindset and habits you need to succeed.Praise for 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO'Inside these pages you'll find a powerful reminder of the many ways you can make your life - and other people's lives - more successful. It will help you identify what success means to you and give you the building blocks for making that success a reality. This is your chance to overcome whatever obstacles are stopping you. Read it, act on it and experience the difference' Marshall Goldsmith Ph.D., bestselling author of TRIGGERS

100 Tips to Motivate Your Workouts

by Pílula Digital

The word MOTIVATION comes from the Latin 'motivus', which means 'cause of movement'. The great IMPORTANCE of motivation is that it is the FUEL that drives us to DO DAILY activities. It also INFLUENCES human behavior to ACHIEVE goals, satisfy needs and obtain pleasurable sensations. A person can have multiple REASONS to exercise, such as LOSS WEIGHT, maintain a good state of HEALTH, feel better about THEMSELVES, among others. All of these reasons are REASONS that DRIVE us to do physical activity. Furthermore, when a person begins to FEEL and see the RESULTS, this ENCOURAGES them to maintain the CONVICTION to continue EXERCISING.

100 Ways To Create Fantasy Figures (Impact)

by Francis Tsai

Tips for drawing better fantasy figures from an industry pro, with topics like character research and development, establishing your process, and more.One hundred exciting and ingenious ways to design and draw better fantasy figures—from developing characters to adding costumes, props and backdrops. Hollywood concept designer and comic book artist Francis Tsai shares tips and tricks for creating imaginative figures, giving readers a unique opportunity to gain guidance from a real pro.

100 Ways to Make Good Photos Great: Tips & Techniques for Improving Your Digital Photography

by Peter Cope

A practical, accessible guide to turning your good photographs into great ones whether you are shooting on the latest digital SLR or a camera phone. Discover one hundred simple and fun ways to improve your photographs both in-camera and through post-processing image manipulation. Every key photographic genre is covered, from perfect portraits and the great outdoors, to travel photos and shooting at night. Filled with inspirational examples of great photographs compared against the more average images, with easy-to-follow techniques for how you can achieve the same results. Whether you are an aspirational amateur wanting to make your photographs even better, or an enthusiastic beginner who just wants to produce more satisfying results, 100 Ways to Make Good Photographs Great will provide you with useful professional tips and techniques to take your photography to the next level.

100 Ways to Take Better Nature & Wildlife Photographs

by Guy Edwardes

This guide is suitable for all levels of photographers. 100 Ways to Take Better Nature and Wildlife Photographs features 100 practical and inspiring tips on every aspect of the genre. Guy Edwardes' breath-taking pictures accompany his eas-to-follow advice on a wide range of subjects from capturing the actions of large mammals to snapping wild birds and flowers in the garden.With tips on everything from technique to composition, coping with extreme field conditions to Photoshop software manipulation, this is an invaluable guide for anyone with a passion for photography of the natural world.

101 Changemakers: Rebels And Radicals Who Changed U. S. History

by Michele Bollinger Dao X. Tran

In the great tradition of Howard Zinn, 101 Changemakers offers a "peoples’ history” version of the individuals who have shaped our country for middle school students. In the place of founding fathers, presidents, and titans of industry, are profiles of those who courageously fought for social justice in America: Tecumseh, Harriet Tubman, Mark Twain, César Chávez, Rachel Carson, Harvey Milk, Henry Wallace, and many more. 101 Changemakers aims to provide young students with new ways of understanding how history is written and made.

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