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Showing 10,826 through 10,850 of 11,241 results

Vitamin D im Fokus: Irrtümer richtig gestellt

by Jörg Reichrath

Welchen Einfluss hat Vitamin D auf die Entstehung von Krebs­erkrankungen, Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Stoffwechsel- und Autoimmunerkrankungen? Wie gelingt die Balance zwischen notwendiger Sonneneinstrahlung und Vermeidung des Haut­krebsrisikos? Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen zu diesem wichtigen Vitamin sowie der Vitamin D Mangelerkrankung Rachitis liefert das vorliegende Werk. Es räumt dabei mit häu­figen Irrtümern über Aufbau, Funktion und Wirkung von Vitamin D auf und liefert darüber hinaus zahlreiche, praxisrele­vante Fakten für eine optimale Versorgung. Der Autor ist ausge­wiesener Experte auf dem Gebiet und seit über drei Jahrzehnten in der Forschung zu Vitamin D tätig. Das Buch wendet sich an Ärztinnen und Ärzte, die ihre Patientinnen und Patienten auf Basis neuester wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse rund um das Thema Vitamin D bestmöglich versor­gen und informieren möchten.

¡Viva Mexico!

by DK Eyewitness

There's so much to love about Mexico. Indigenous traditions stretching back millennia; colourful cuisine that's loved the world over; and vibrant festivals bursting with joyful energy. Mexico is a country worth celebrating - and that's exactly what ¡Viva Mexico! is all about.Within its pages, you'll discover the rich diversity of this vast country. Uncover its varied natural landscapes, which stretch from white-sand beaches to jungle-cloaked mountains; explore its vibrant cuisine and how it differs greatly from region to region; and learn about its ever-changing cycle of colourful feasts and fiestas. The book also covers Day of the Dead traditions, how staples of Mexican food have changed as they've travelled the globe, and how pioneering filmmakers continue to influence the world of cinema.Throughout, you'll unearth the unshakable ties that link this diverse country together, whether it's the importance of family, a love of chilis or simply the desire to keep chatting around the table long after dinner has finished. So, get ready to learn what makes Mexico so special - ¡viva Mexico! Long live Mexico!

Voices from Babylon: Or The Records Of Daniel The Prophet - A Biblical Commentary Of Visions And Prophecy

by Joseph Augustus Seiss

Embark on an enlightening journey through the prophetic visions and profound messages of the Book of Daniel with Joseph Augustus Seiss' "Voices from Babylon: Or the Records of Daniel the Prophet - A Biblical Commentary of Visions and Prophecy." This comprehensive commentary offers a detailed and insightful exploration of one of the most intriguing books of the Bible, shedding light on its complex prophecies and their significance for both ancient and modern times.Joseph Augustus Seiss, a distinguished 19th-century theologian and biblical scholar, meticulously examines the Book of Daniel, providing readers with a clear and thorough understanding of its prophetic visions."Voices from Babylon" delves into the historical context of Daniel’s life in Babylon, exploring the cultural and political backdrop that shaped his experiences and revelations. Seiss highlights the enduring relevance of Daniel's prophecies, drawing connections between the ancient world and contemporary events, and offering insights into God's overarching plan for humanity.Seiss' commentary covers key themes such as the rise and fall of empires, the sovereignty of God, and the ultimate triumph of His kingdom. He provides a detailed examination of the prophetic symbols, including the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the four beasts, and the seventy weeks, offering interpretations grounded in thorough biblical scholarship.Rich with theological insight and historical detail, "Voices from Babylon" is an essential read for students of prophecy, theologians, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Book of Daniel. Seiss’ engaging writing style and rigorous analysis make complex prophetic themes accessible to a broad audience, encouraging readers to appreciate the depth and majesty of biblical prophecy.

Voices of Victorian London: In Sickness and in Health

by Henry Mayhew

History is written by historians, and the voices of ordinary people rarely feature. But this unique collection of interviews from the middle of thenineteenth century allows their voices to be heard.The journalist Henry Mayhew tramped the streets of London interviewing working people; this Hesperus selection from his work London Labour and the London Poor shows how they coped with the ups and downs of health and illness while continuing with the daily trial of scratching a living and feeding theirfamilies. The people Mayhew met showed remarkable resilience and a surprising sense of humour about their lot in life. Jonathan Miller, theatre director, writer and doctor, writes an introduction giving the social background to what Mayhew called the ‘ undiscovered country of the poor' .

Volksjustiz - Der lange Weg zur Gerechtigkeit (Book one of a Trilogy #1)

by Dieter Rudolph

Die fortlaufende Geschichte eines Mörders, der weiterhin die Welt von Menschen befreien will, die als unerwünscht gelten, weil sie Sünden begangen haben, die nicht vergeben werden sollten; sein Ziel sind verurteilte Pädophile! Nach Ansicht unseres Mörders sind einige Jahre im Gefängnis, oft im offenen Vollzug - was manche als luxuriöses Leben bezeichnen - keine ausreichende Strafe. Er plant die Morde genau so, dass die Justiz keinen Anhaltspunkt und kaum Ideen hat, wie die Mordserie beendet werden kann. Und diesem Ziel räumt sie absolute Priorität ein. Der Fall ist für die Polizei in doppelter Hinsicht frustrierend, da der Mörder von der Bevölkerung als Richter der Menschheit gefeiert wird. Die Liste der Kandidaten, denen "Volksjustiz" widerfahren soll, scheint endlos zu sein.

Von der kreativen Idee zur Innovation: Die Bewertung des kreativen Outputs von Innovationsteams in der Medienbranche (BestMasters)

by Alica Wanner

Durch den tiefgreifenden und dynamischen Medienwandel sind Innovationen in Medienunternehmen unverzichtbar, um deren Existenz als Unternehmen, aber auch als gesellschaftliche Ideen- und Impulsgeber zu sichern. Die hohe Spezialisierung in Verlagen macht gemischte Innovationsteams zwingend erforderlich, um einen umfangreichen Output und eine hohe Kreativität zu erreichen. Um die Produktivität dieser Teams zu untersuchen, muss zunächst eine holistische Metrik entwickelt werden, um die gesamte Innovationsleistung erfassen zu können. Allzu oft werden lediglich Umsatz und Ertrag als Kennzahlen verwendet, die aber Ideen nicht erfassen, welche z. B. zu internen Verbesserungen oder zu neuen Kooperationen führen. Eine solche Metrik, die qualitative Effekte ebenso erfassen sollte wie quantitative, ist auch wegen der Allokation von Ressourcen in einem Unternehmen wichtig. Dazu leistet die vorliegende Arbeit von Alica Wanner einen wichtigen Beitrag. Mit Hilfe einer solchen Metrik kann im Anschluss auch untersucht werden, wie Innovationsteams optimal besetzt werden können, um den kreativen Output zu optimieren.

Von einem, der auszog, das Staunen zu lernen: Große Figuren und großartige Meilensteine in der Geschichte der Wissenschaften

by Ernst Peter Fischer

„Wer sich nicht mehr wundern und nicht mehr staunen kann, der ist sozusagen tot und sein Auge erloschen“, hat Albert Einstein einmal geschrieben, und diese Worte haben einen Knaben ermutigt, sich in die Welt der Wissenschaft zu begeben, um hier das Staunen zu lernen. Er wollte und will mit den Wundern der Wissenschaft leben, die den Menschen das Dasein erleichtert und ihr Weltbild ausschmückt. Aus seinem Leben wird hier erzählt und wie er sich in diese faszinierende Sphäre des Geistes hineinträumt. Dabei entsteht ein Roman der Naturwissenschaften, der von den Überraschungen im Innersten der Dinge handelt, die dort zu erleben sind und sich auf die Bedingungen der menschlichen Existenz auswirken. Der Roman stellt in persönlichen Begegnungen und Gesprächen Akteure auf dem Feld der Forschung vor, die nicht nur den Atomen, sondern zum Beispiel auch dem Geheimnis des Lebens und dem Erwachen der Intelligenz auf die Spur gekommen sind und heute versuchen, Maschinen damit auszustatten. Man versteht die Gegenwart besser, wenn man die historischen Erfolge der Wissenschaften kennt, die den modernen Alltag mit digitalen Medien dominieren und auf Fragen zum Klimawandel und zur Energieversorgung antworten können. In diesem Buch kann man beginnen, das zum Verstehen führende Staunen zu lernen, mit dem die Menschheit ihren eingangs von Einstein befürchteten Tod vermeiden und die Welt erleben kann.Ernst Peter Fischer beleuchtet spannend und unterhaltsam die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und ihrer Akteure.

Voyager 2

by Gwyn Evans

Join Tod the squirrel and his woodland friends on an exciting adventure as they build their very own spaceship-shaped treehouse! With the help of their new neighbours, the weasel brothers Sammy and Jimmy, they paint their creation in vibrant red, blue, and silver. But the fun doesn't stop there – a wise old raven named Zander takes the friends on thrilling flights through the sky. Filled with laughter, friendship, and colourful illustrations, Voyager 2 is a delightful tale that will spark the imagination of young readers as they follow these lovable characters on their quest to build the treehouse of their dreams.

Vulnerability, Territory, Population: From Critique to Public Policy

by Samuel Rufat Pascale Metzger

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the term "vulnerable" was applied to "individuals" and to "populations", "groups" and "countries" in discussions, laws and regulations; now it applies to all objects in relation to all kinds of threats. However, rather than a label for governing people and places, the notion of "vulnerability" was expected to become an instrument to tackle the root causes of disasters, poverty and maldevelopment, as well as the inequalities and injustices they bring, whether social, political, economic or environmental. Despite this radical dimension, vulnerability has gradually been incorporated into public policies and international recommendations for global risk and disaster management. This book is intended for researchers, students, managers and decision makers concerned with the management of not only risks and crises but also climate and environmental change. The first part examines the multiple theoretical and conceptual approaches; the second explores vulnerability assessments, using examples from the Global North and Global South; and the third discusses tools, public policies and actions taken to reduce vulnerability.

Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021

by Harald Schoen Bernhard Weßels

Der Band bündelt Analysen führender Wahlforscherinnen und Wahlforscher sowie Politikwissenschaftlerinnen und Politikwissenschaftler aus Deutschland zur Bundestagswahl 2021. Der Band ist die Fortsetzung der sogenannten „Blauen Bände“, die seit ihrem Beginn 1980 umfassend und systematisch Analysen zu allen Bundestagswahlen und zu international relevanten Ergebnissen der Wahlforschung zusammenfasst.

Waikiki Dreams: How California Appropriated Hawaiian Beach Culture (Sport and Society)

by Patrick Moser

Despite a genuine admiration for Native Hawaiian culture, white Californians of the 1930s ignored authentic relationships with Native Hawaiians. Surfing became a central part of what emerged instead: a beach culture of dressing, dancing, and acting like an Indigenous people whites idealized. Patrick Moser uses surfing to open a door on the cultural appropriation practiced by Depression-era Californians against a backdrop of settler colonialism and white nationalism. Recreating the imagined leisure and romance of life in Waikīkī attracted people buffeted by economic crisis and dislocation. California-manufactured objects like surfboards became a physical manifestation of a dream that, for all its charms, emerged from a white impulse to both remove and replace Indigenous peoples. Moser traces the rise of beach culture through the lives of trendsetters Tom Blake, John “Doc” Ball, Preston “Pete” Peterson, Mary Ann Hawkins, and Lorrin “Whitey” Harrison while also delving into California’s control over images of Native Hawaiians via movies, tourism, and the surfboard industry. Compelling and innovative, Waikīkī Dreams opens up the origins of a defining California subculture.

Wake Me Most Wickedly (Once Upon the East End)

by Felicia Grossman

A New York Times Best Romance (So Far!) of 2024 &“No one writes love stories with more heart, more swoons, and more sizzle&” (Joanna Shupe, USA Today bestselling author) in this clever reimaging of Snow White, where a handsome businessman will do anything to win the heart of the only woman he cannot have. Solomon Weiss has little interest in power, but to repay the half-brother who raised him, he pursues money, influence, and now—a respectable wife. That is, until outcast Hannah Moses saves his life, and Sol finds himself helplessly drawn to the beautiful pawnshop owner. Forever tainted by her parents' crimes, Hannah sees only a villain when she looks in the mirror—no one a prince would choose. To survive, she must care for herself, even if that means illegally hunting down whatever her clients wish. So, no matter how fair or charming she finds Sol, he belongs to a world far too distant from her own. Only neither can resist their desires, and each meeting weakens Hannah&’s resolve to stay away. But when Hannah discovers a shocking betrayal in Sol&’s inner circle, can she convince him to trust her? Or will fear and doubt poison their love for good?

Walking the Streets/Walking the Projects: Adventures in Social Democracy in NYC and DC

by Owen Hatherley

A walk through the remnants of a social democratic America, and an argument about its future.In the 1960s, a novel ideology about cities, and what was best for them, emerged in New York. Pushing against the state planning of the time, it held that cities were at their best when they were driven from the bottom-up and when organic, unplanned processes were allowed to run their course, in a spontaneous "ballet of the street". Cities were at their worst, however, when the state stepped in, demolishing lively old neighbourhoods and erecting giant, sterile, empty "projects". This book uses the method of this ideology — walking — to test how true it actually is about the "capital of the twentieth century", New York City, with a brief interlude in the capital, Washington DC.The "projects" that are walked in this book range from cultural complexes in Manhattan to New Deal-era public housing developments in Brooklyn, Harlem and Queens, from the social experiment of Roosevelt Island to Communist housing co-operatives in the Bronx, from the union-driven rebuilding of the Lower East Side to DC's magnificent Metro. For all their many flaws, they prove that Americans could, in fact, plan and build fragments of a better society, which survive and sometimes thrive today in one of the unequal places on earth. Walking the Streets/Walking the Projects takes a hard look at these enclaves, and asks what a new generation of American socialists might be able to learn from them.

Wander Lost

by Laura Martin

From the critically acclaimed author of Float and Glitch comes a new stand-alone adventure full of humor and heart, perfect for fans of Gordon Korman and Dan Gutman!Rhett and his brother, Nash, have never been allowed to play board games. It's their mom's most important rule; the twins don't know why, but they know not to push her on it.When their mom suddenly disappears, they're reunited with Ace, their long-lost grandfather, who reveals that their family is descended from a board game character who escaped his game and lived in the real world. Their family now has the ability to enter the world of any game they want—but this gift also comes with a price. A game character who’s wanted revenge against their mom for decades has finally caught her and is holding her hostage in the world of a game. Which game? That’s up to Rhett and Nash to figure out, even if it means breaking Mom’s most important rule.But as they learn to use their newly discovered ability, exploring new worlds and facing new challenges and risks, the brothers quickly realize that saving Mom won't be all fun and games. It’s game on… or game over.

War and Aesthetics: Art, Technology, and the Futures of Warfare (Prisms: Humanities and War #1)

by Jens Bjering, Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Solveig Gade, and Christine Strandmose Toft

A provocative edited collection that takes an original approach toward the black box of military technology, surveillance, and AI—and reveals the aesthetic dimension of warfare.War and Aesthetics gathers leading artists, political scientists, and scholars to outline the aesthetic dimension of warfare and offer a novel perspective on its contemporary character and the construction of its potential futures. Edited by a team of four scholars, Jens Bjering, Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Solveig Gade, and Christine Strandmose Toft, this timely volume examines warfare through the lens of aesthetics, arguing that the aesthetic configurations of perception, technology, and time are central to the artistic engagement with warfare, just as they are key to military AI, weaponry, and satellite surveillance.People mostly think of war as the violent manifestation of a political rationality. But when war is viewed through the lens of aesthesis—meaning perception and sensibility—military technology becomes an applied science of sensory cognition. An outgrowth of three war seminars that took place in Copenhagen between 2018 and 2021, War and Aesthetics engages in three main areas of inquiry—the rethinking of aesthetics in the field of art and in the military sphere; the exploration of techno-aesthetics and the wider political and theoretical implications of war technology; and finally, the analysis of future temporalities that these technologies produce. The editors gather various traditions and perspectives ranging from literature to media studies to international relations, creating a unique historical and scientific approach that broadly traces the entanglement of war and aesthetics across the arts, social sciences, and humanities from ancient times to the present. As international conflict looms between superpowers, War and Aesthetics presents new and illuminating ways to think about future conflict in a world where violence is only ever a few steps away.ContributorsLouise Amoore, Ryan Bishop, Jens Bjering, James Der Derian, Anthony Downey, Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Solveig Gade, Mark B. Hansen, Caroline Holmqvist, Vivienne Jabri, Caren Kaplan, Phil Klay, Kate McLoughlin, Elaine Scarry, Christine Strandmose Toft, Joseph Vogl, Arkadi Zaides

The War in Ukraine and International Law

by Dai Tamada Masahiko Asada

The war in Ukraine is fast approaching its second anniversary since its commencement on 24 February 2022 as a blatant aggression by Russia. As we discuss in detail in this book, there are multiple international legal issues that arise and require addressing. What is more, the very international legal order is under threat, insofar as the fundamental international law obligations are not being complied with and the basic international rules are utterly ignored. This book discusses a number of international law issues arising from the war in Ukraine. It covers not only the traditional subjects of war, such as jus ad bellum, international criminal law, and the law of neutrality, but also the relatively new issues arising from the economic sanctions against Russia, including aspects of the WTO law and international investment law. This book provides the readers with opportunities to reconsider the various legal aspects of the war in Ukraine.

War of the Khons

by Caleb Favour Idialu

In a distant future, the world is under the tyrannical rule of the evil overlord Enzo and his army, along with the mad scientist Mezro. Three brave heroes – Mary, Paul, and Joe – rise up to challenge their oppressors. Armed with makeshift weapons, they embark on a perilous mission to infiltrate Enzo’s stronghold and take down his empire. However, a tragic turn of events leaves Paul badly injured, and he is left for dead as Mary and Joe make their escape. This captivating story is brought to life through a combination of vivid text and stunning, stylishly colored illustrations that immerse the reader in the action. Years later, Paul resurfaces as a powerful cyborg, hell-bent on exacting revenge on Mary. As new villains emerge and old enemies return, the stage is set for an epic final battle that will determine the fate of the world. Alliances are formed, and rivalries are born as the heroes and villains clash in a desperate struggle for power. With pulse-pounding action, plot twists, and a richly imagined future world, War of the Khons is a thrilling science fiction adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page. The book’s vibrant artwork perfectly complements the gripping narrative, making it a truly immersive experience for readers of all ages.

Warrior King (The Courtney Series: The Birds of Prey Trilogy)

by Wilbur Smith

Multimillion copy bestselling author Wilbur Smith returns with a brand-new historical epic set in Africa.South Africa, 1820. When Ann Waite discovers a battered longboat washed ashore in Algoa Bay, she is stunned to find two survivors: a badly scarred sailor and a little boy. As the man walks away into the morning mist alone, refusing to take the child - Harry - with him, Ann is left with no choice but to raise the boy as her own. After two years of disaster and hardship in the African interior, desperation drives Ann and Harry back into the path of the mysterious shipwrecked man. Ralph Courtney has recently escaped from Robben Island and is determined to seek his fortune in Nativity Bay, the hidden harbour that his father told him about when he was a boy. But it isn't long before Ralph, Ann and their fellow settlers learn that Nativity Bay now lies on the borders of a mighty kingdom, where the warrior king Shaka rules. With no means of making their way back to Algoa Bay, Ralph is forced into a bargain with the Zulu king which will lead him to confront the past that he has been running from for his entire life.

Was bleibt - die DDR aus der Perspektive von Kindern: Eine qualitative Studie zum historisch-politischen Lernen im Sachunterricht (Sachlernen & kindliche Bildung – Bedingungen, Strukturen, Kontexte)

by Julia Peuke

Der Zeitgeschichte wird aufgrund ihrer Nähe zur Gegenwart und der Zugänglichkeit zu Quellen besonderes Potenzial für das historisch-politische Lernen im Sachunterricht zugeschrieben. Ausgehend von diesem Grundgedanken befasst sich das vorliegende Buch mit der Frage, welche Theorien Kinder zur DDR und damit auch zur deutschen Teilungsgeschichte haben und wie sich diese in den Diskurs zum zeithistorischen Lernen in der Grundschule einordnen lassen. Dabei wird zudem das Machtkonzept der Kinder vertieft in den Blick genommen. Anhand der Befunde der qualitativen Studie wird die Verschränkung von Zeitgeschichte mit politischen Konzepten und somit auch dem historischen und politischen Lernen deutlich.

Was machen Menschen und Medien?: Grundzüge einer praxistheoretischen Perspektive für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung

by Wolfgang Reißmann Christian Pentzold Peter Gentzel

Die Rede von Praktiken ist in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft weit verbreitet. Eine systematische Diskussion des Potenzials praxistheoretischer Denk- und Forschungsansätze steht dagegen noch aus. Dieses Buch ist eine Einladung zur tieferen Beschäftigung mit Medienpraktiken und wirbt für eine entsprechende Neuorientierung von Kommunikationsforschung und Medienanalyse. Dazu wird der Status quo praxistheoretischer Ansätze in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft kompakt vorgestellt. Interessierte bekommen einen Einstieg und Expert:innen werden Anschlussmöglichkeiten angeboten. Es geht sowohl um Grundprinzipien praxistheoretischen Denkens als auch um die sich daraus ergebenden Haltungen sowie um Zugänge für praktische Untersuchungen. Im Zentrum stehen aktuelle Herausforderungen und die Möglichkeiten, Praktiken in Digitalmedien und vernetzten Medienumgebungen zu analysieren.

Was wir von der Welt wissen sollten

by Jens Bott

Das Buch zum Mitreden in aktuellen Debatten in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft Der Wunsch, die Welt verstehen zu wollen, ist so alt wie die Menschheit; wir suchen nach Erklärungen, benötigen Halt und Orientierung. Aus Annahmen und Überzeugungen, die uns plausibel erscheinen, formen wir unsere Weltbilder, Vorstellungen über die Beschaffenheit des Universums. Die jeweils herrschenden Vorstellungen haben sich mit der Zeit allerdings verändert. Bis zum Ende des Mittelalters lagen die Dinge noch einfach: Für die Menschen in Europa etwa war die Bibel die Quelle aller Wahrheit, ein universelles Sachbuch, das die Entstehung des Universums, die Artenvielfalt und den Ursprung des Sprachengewirrs erklärte, aber auch moralische Richtlinien vorgab. Mit der Zeit hat sich eine Reihe zentraler Theorien und Ideen herausgeschält, die den heutigen Wissenschafts-und Politikbetrieb prägen. Gleich, ob wir sie nun persönlich für richtig halten oder nicht, haben diese herrschenden Meinungen Einfluss auf unser tägliches Leben – und das mehr, als uns oftmals bewusst ist. Im ersten Teil des Buches (Die Natur) werden nach Darstellung der Grundlagendisziplin Mathematik zunächst die physikalischen Naturgesetze dargelegt, um dann zu zeigen, wie sich aus ihnen die Chemie und aus der Chemie die Biologie ergibt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Newtons Mechanik, die Relativitätstheorie, die Quantenphysik und Darwins Evolutionstheorie. Das abschließende Kapitel erzählt die Naturgeschichte vom Urknall bis zum Erscheinen des Homo sapiens und fasst dabei die wesentlichen Aussagen noch einmal zusammen. Das erste Kapitel des zweiten Teils (Der Mensch) beschäftigt sich mit dem menschlichen Bewusstsein und leitet aus einer naturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive zu den geisteswissenschaftlichen Kapiteln Sprache (Ausdrucksform des Bewusstseins), Philosophie (Geschichte des Denkens), Gesellschaft (Theorie des Zusammenlebens) und Ökonomie (Umgang mit knappen Ressourcen) über. Das abschließende Kapitel erzählt die Menschheitsgeschichte bis heute, wobei wiederum die zentralen Aussagen noch einmal zusammengefasst werden.

Wastewater Exploitation: From Microbiological Activity to Energy (Springer Water)

by Andreas Haarstrick Victor Alcaraz Gonzalez René Alejandro Flores Estrella Victor Gonzalez Alvarez

With all the current efforts to use non-fossil sources as a starting point for future energy solutions, consideration is also being given to using microbial activities as a direct or indirect source of energy production. This ranges from the use of algae as biomass or as H2 producers, anaerobic microorganisms to produce methane, hydrogen, and even electricity directly. This book deals with both theoretical and technical possibilities of using anaerobic microorganisms in combination with wastewater as a substrate source to produce biofuels and bioenergy in the form of biomass, CH4 and H2 as well as the corresponding power densities and electricity quantities in economically justifiable processes. Unique process facilities are widely addressed; however, special interest is also placed in biorefinery and circular economy related concepts. The theoretical background as well as application examples are presented.

Wastewater Surveillance for Covid-19 Management (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry #125)

by Manish Kumar Vinay Kumar Tyagi Santanu Mukherjee Meththika Vithanage Keisuke Kuroda Long D. Ngiehm

This book reviews the recent challenges and future perspectives involved in the wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) for COVID-19. The book aims to improve the monitoring of COVID-19 in wastewater by focusing on recent scientific studies in the surveillance and treatment of wastewater containing SARS-CoV-RNA, assessment of COVID-19 in the community and delivering a new scientific understanding of prevalence and re-emergence based on the WBE. It also provides a global perspective on effective detection methods for the analysis and interpretation of the RNA count of SARS-CoV-2 virus in wastewater and predicts the effects wastewater may have on the infection rate.Readers will find in this book case studies from France, India and Southeast Asian of non-invasive population-based monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 through sewage surveillance, and will learn more about the virus behaviour and transmission in different environmental settings. The significance of membrane technologies for virusremoval from water is also addressed in this book, as well as advanced techniques for identifying, quantifying, and characterizing SARS-CoV-2 in activated sludge and wastewater. The book provides a great interface to researchers such as microbiologists, environmental engineers, data scientists and civil engineers, emphasizing issues related to the current monitoring methodology. Furthermore, it also encourages researchers and policymakers by raising awareness of potential new methodologies for wastewater surveillance and accurate monitoring of COVID-19.

Wat Takes His Shot: The Life & Legacy of Basketball Hero Wataru Misaka

by Cheryl Kim

The stirring biography of Japanese American basketball star Wataru Misaka--the first person of color to play in the NBA!As a kid, Wataru Misaka channeled his endless energy into playing sports. Every Sunday, he raced to the park where his Japanese American community came together to play basketball. Wat wasn't the tallest on the team, but he was fast and loved the game! Encouraged by his father to always do his best, Wat applied this mentality to every aspect and challenge in his life. Wat was a college student when the US government forced more than 122,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast into incarceration camps during WWII. He overcame racism and segregation to join his college's basketball team but despite Wat's impressive skills, he was treated as an outsider because he was Japanese American. Wat kept his eye on the ball, and his team-player mentality made him shine on and off the court. He became an inspiration to his Japanese American community. After helping Utah University's basketball team win the national championship in 1947, Wat was drafted by the New York Knicks, making him the first person of color to play in the NBA. Wat's motivational story of rising to any challenge and bringing your best to everything you do is a reminder of the power we each have to inspire others--if we just take our shot!

Water Management in Developing Countries and Sustainable Development (Water Resources Development and Management)

by David Jenkins S. Suriyanarayanan H. P. Shivaraju

This book provides information on sustainable water resource management strategies that present innovative ways to conserve both quality and quantity of water in developing countries. The book comprises of 24 chapters contributed by authors from 14 countries, namely, Cameroon, China, Cyprus, India, Indonesia, Italy, Namibia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Zimbabwe. This book will be of great interest to researchers, practitioners, water resource managers, policy and decision makers, international institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations, educators, as well as students.

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