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Design and Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems

by Luiz Velho Jonas de Gomes Mario Costa Sousa

This book covers the computational aspects of geometric modeling and rendering 3D scenes. Special emphasis is given to the architectural aspects of interactive graphics, geometric modeling, rendering techniques, the graphics pipeline, and the architecture of 3D graphics systems. The text describes basic 3D computer graphics algorithms and their implementation in the C language. The material is complemented by library routines for constructing graphics systems, which are available for download from the book's website.

Kapitalstärke: Die Illusionen der Finanzbranche durchschauen und entspannter investieren

by Robert Velten

Lassen sich gute Aktien finden oder sind ETFs das Mittel der Wahl? Nützen nachhaltige Fonds? Warum liefert die Finanzindustrie so viele teure Eskapaden und so wenig gute Ergebnisse? Können technischer Fortschritt und die Dominanz der USA die Börsengewinne noch einmal steigern? Wie kann man Vermögen dauerhaft sichern: Mit KI oder gesundem Menschenverstand? Bei all diesen Fragen zeigt die Praxis: Auch Finanzprofis machen Fehler, die sich psychologisch beschreiben lassen und nachhaltigen Erfolg verhindern. Wissenslücken und falsche Anreize erledigen den Rest. Die Folgen: Unnötige Kosten, Verluste und Risiken. Wir können Banken und Vermögensverwalter, die für uns arbeiten, überwachen und auch unsere eigenen Finanzentscheidungen besser verstehen. Um Vermögen effektiv anzulegen brauchen wir tiefere Einblicke in die Funktionsweise der Kapitalmärkte, die Praxis der professionellen Geldanlage und in uns selbst! Wir müssen uns gerade vor denjenigen Kapitalfehlern schützen, die sogar Profis befallen. Das ist leichter als man denkt, denn dieses Buch räumt Schritt für Schritt mit den aktuellen Illusionen auf und offenbart den festen Grund, auf dem eine nachhaltige Vermögensanlage stehen kann. Dr. Robert Velten, mehrfach ausgezeichneter Fondsmanager und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler verbindet neueste Erkenntnisse aus der Verhaltenspsychologie mit praktischen Beobachtungen und schildert auf unterhaltsame Weise, welche Strategien Börsenstürmen trotzen und wie kapitalstarkes Investieren mit mehr Gelassenheit gelingen kann.

Last Looks, Last Books: Stevens, Plath, Lowell, Bishop, Merrill (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts #56)

by Helen Vendler

Modern American poets writing in the face of deathIn Last Looks, Last Books, the eminent critic Helen Vendler examines the ways in which five great modern American poets, writing their final books, try to find a style that does justice to life and death alike. With traditional religious consolations no longer available to them, these poets must invent new ways to express the crisis of death, as well as the paradoxical coexistence of a declining body and an undiminished consciousness. In The Rock, Wallace Stevens writes simultaneous narratives of winter and spring; in Ariel, Sylvia Plath sustains melodrama in cool formality; and in Day by Day, Robert Lowell subtracts from plenitude. In Geography III, Elizabeth Bishop is both caught and freed, while James Merrill, in A Scattering of Salts, creates a series of self-portraits as he dies, representing himself by such things as a Christmas tree, human tissue on a laboratory slide, and the evening/morning star. The solution for one poet will not serve for another; each must invent a bridge from an old style to a new one. Casting a last look at life as they contemplate death, these modern writers enrich the resources of lyric poetry.

Butterfly Burning: A Novel

by Yvonne Vera

Butterfly Burning brings the brilliantly poetic voice of Zimbabwean writer Yvonne Vera to American readers for the first time. Set in Makokoba, a black township, in the late l940s, the novel is an intensely bittersweet love story. When Fumbatha, a construction worker, meets the much younger Phephelaphi, he"wants her like the land beneath his feet from which birth had severed him." He in turn fills her "with hope larger than memory." But Phephelaphi is not satisfied with their "one-room" love alone. The qualities that drew Fumbatha to her, her sense of independence and freedom, end up separating them. And the closely woven fabric of township life, where everyone knows everyone else, has a mesh too tight and too intricate to allow her to escape her circumstances on her own.Vera exploits language to peel away the skin of public and private lives. In Butterfly Burning she captures the ebullience and the bitterness of township life, as well as the strength and courage of her unforgettable heroine.

Devil Is Fine: A Novel

by John Vercher

“FULL OF MYSTERY, MAGIC, DARK COMEDY, AND HEART.” ―Deesha Philyaw“AN INTIMATE NOVEL, BY TURNS BRACING AND HILARIOUS.” ―Maurice Carlos Ruffin“PROFOUNDLY MOVING.” ―Ben Fountain“THE NOVEL’S FINAL PAGES WILL LEAVE YOU BREATHLESS.” ―Jonathan EscofferyStill reeling from a sudden tragedy, our biracial narrator receives a letter from an attorney: he has just inherited a plot of land from his estranged white grandfather. He travels to a beach town several hours south of his home with the intention of selling the land immediately and moving on. But upon inspection, what lies beneath the dirt is far more complicated than he ever imagined. In a shocking irony, he is now the Black owner of a former plantation passed down by the men on his white mother’s side of the family.Vercher deftly blurs the lines between real and imagined, past and present, tragedy and humor, and fathers and sons in this story of discovering and reclaiming a painful past. With the wit and rawness of Paul Beatty’s The Sellout, Devil Is Fine is a gripping, surreal, and brilliantly crafted dissection of the legacies we leave behind and those we inherit.

Architectures of Inequality: Gender Pay Inequity and Britain’s Finance Sector (Feminist Perspectives on Work and Organization)

by Rachel Verdin

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.The gender pay gap is economically irrational and yet stubbornly persistent. Focusing on the UK finance industry which is known for its gender pay disparity, this book explores the initiatives to fix gendered inequities in the workplace. Rachel Verdin crafts a unique framework, weaving extensive organizational data with women's lived experiences. Interviews uncover gaps in pay transparency, obstacles hindering workplace policies and the factors that are stalling progress for the future. This is an invaluable resource that offers key insights into gender equality and EDI measures shaped by legal regulations as well as corporate-driven initiatives.

Throne of Waves

by Alexander Verlangen

Sequel to Throne of ShadowsBasil seeks vengeance. Zeus has killed and hurt everyone who matters to him. When the gods host an academy to find the next generation of gods, Basil secures an invitation with one goal in mind. Destroy Zeus at any cost.Unfortunately, Poseidon is far too attractive to be ignored. The god of the sea is dedicated to wooing Basil. Basil swears he can keep secrets from the alluring god, destroy Zeus, and find his happily ever after. Can Basil have it all when the gods are both plotting for and against him?

Advancement of Intelligent Computational Methods and Technologies

by O. P. Verma Thinagaran Perumal Seema Verma

The compiled volume originates from the notable contributions presented at the 1st International Conference on Advancementof Intelligent Computational Methods and Technologies (AICMT2023), which took place in a hybrid format on June 27, 2023,at Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. This comprehensive collection serves as an exploration intothe dynamic domain of intelligent computational methods and technologies, offering insights into the latest and upcoming trends in computation methods.AICMT2023’s scope encompasses the evolutionary trajectory of computational methods, addressing pertinent issues in real time implementation, delving into the emergence of new intelligent technologies, exploring next-generation problem-solving methodologies, and other interconnected areas. The conference is strategically designed to spotlight current research trendswithin the field, fostering a vibrant research culture and contributing to the collective knowledge base.

The Refugee in the Post-War World (Routledge Revivals)

by Jacques Vernant

First published in 1953, The Refugee in the Post-War World presents a comprehensive survey on the global refugee situation after the Second World War. Chapter I and II of Part I attempt a definition of what is meant by a refugee and states the problems to which the refugees give rise for the receiving countries and the international community; chapter III contains a brief account of the work of the international bodies concerned with refugees from the First World War onwards; and chapter IV tells the story of the various ethnic and national groups of refugees after the Second World War.The other parts give an analysis of the refugees’ situation in the different countries. The latter are classified in two ways: according to their place on the map and to their capacity to absorb refugees. Each chapter describing the refugee position in a particular country is divided further into three sections: an introduction intended to afford a bird's eye view of the general refugee problem in that country; a second section setting forth the main legislative provisions applicable to aliens and, more specially to refugees; and the third which gives an account of the refugees’ economic and social conditions. This is an important historical reference work for scholars and researchers of refugee studies, international relations, political studies, and immigration studies.

The Blood Lie: A Novel

by Shirley Reva Vernick

Years before WWII begins, latent hostility against the Jews erupts in a blood lie when Daisy, a young Gentile girl from Massena, New York, disappears in the woods.It's September 22, 1928, Jack Pool's sixteenth birthday. Jack's been restless lately, especially during this season of more-times-at-the-synagogue than you can shake a stick at. If it wasn't Rosh Hashanah, then it was Yom Kippur, and if it wasn't Yom Kippur, it was the Sabbath. At least going to temple is good for some things. It gives him lots of time to daydream about a beautiful but inaccessible Gentile girl named Emaline. When Emaline isn't on his mind, he's thinking about his music and imagining himself playing the cello with the New York Philharmonic. Yup, music is definitely his ticket out of Massena, New York. It's nothing but a remote whistle-stop town, and he doesn't want to be stuck there one more minute. But Jack doesn't realize exactly how stuck he is until Emaline's little sister Daisy goes missing, and he and his family are accused of killing her for a blood sacrifice. The Blood Lie is inspired by a real blood libel that took place when a small girl disappeared from Massena, New York, in 1928, and an innocent Jewish boy was called a murderer.

Islamic Republic of Mauritania: Climate Mitigation Policy Diagnostic

by Vernon

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

New hope for the poor: A perspective on the church in informal settlements in Africa

by Pieter Verster

Empowering the poor remains an essential part of the Christian Gospel. The way in which the absolute poor in informal settlements in Africa can be empowered by the message of the Bible, needs to be researched. During research completed in informal settlements near Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa, it has been established that the churches present in the situation are best equipped to relate to the poor and interpret the message of the Bible to them.

Coop For Keeps: Another Story About Coop the Great (Coop The Great)

by Larry Verstraete

For Coop, adjusting to a new home after being adopted by Zach, Emma and their mother, Jess, is not easy. It's hard enough being a lowly dachshund, but it's even harder when your home is a financially unstable guesthouse with smelly strangers drifting in and out. Worse still, the unhappy teenager in charge of Coop is steaming mad much of the time. On top of that, Lucinda, the annoying cat, likes to tease and torment. It's no wonder Coop wishes he could have his old life back. Enter a murder of crows, a stranger with a mysterious past, two bullies bent on making Zach's life miserable, and a vicious dog with a grudge against Coop. As the risks and challenges mount, Coop's wish only grows stronger. Will he ever find the forever home he so desperately wants? A follow-up to Coop The Great! - MYRCA Sundog Nominee - Best Books for Kids and Teens - Highly Recommended, CM Magazine

Ask Me No Questions: A Novel of Georgian England (The Tales of the Jewelled Men #3)

by Patricia Veryan

"A worthy successor to Georgette Heyer at her very best," says the Chattanooga Times of Patricia Veryan, whose latest gem in The Tales of the Jeweled Men introduces perhaps her most vibrant and resourceful heroine to date. Young Ruth Allington is a woman in exceptionally dire straits. Her father, brother, and husband have died, leaving her with a disgraced family name, an estate in debt, and two small nephews to support. Her few assets include a quick mind, a superb artistic ability, and her new friendship with the generous–and crafty–Gwendolyn Rossiter...Ask Me No Questions follows Time's Fool and Had We Never Loved in The Tales of the Jeweled Men.

Had We Never Loved: A Novel of Georgian England (The Tales of the Jewelled Men #2)

by Patricia Veryan

"Dashing Georgian romance," said Booklist of Time's Fool, the first stunning adventure in Patricia Veryan's Tales of the Jewelled Men. This second gem in the sparkling new series finds the sinister League of the Jewelled Men hatching another deadly conspiracy: their chosen victim one Lord Horatio Glendenning, and the prize his father's estate...

Practice to Deceive (The Golden Chronicles)

by Patricia Veryan

It is 1746. Bonnie Prince Charlie's rebellion has been crushed, and his loyal followers, bound to recover a vast missing treasure, flee murderous soldiers and bounty hunters across strife-torn England. And in the center of this violent storm, the lovely Penelope Montgomery lives a virtual prisoner of her scheming uncle and his cruel wife. She knows nothing of their cold plot to make her innocence a gift to Captain Rolan Otton, whose startling handsomeness barely conceals a ruthless villainy. She dreams only of Quentin Chandler–-the man who won her love in childhood, who now claims the awakening passions of her womanhood.And soon destiny will surprise them both as they are reunited in a desperate flight to restore the missing treasure, bring honor back to England, and savor at last the sweet rewards of their longing, loving hearts.

The Riddle of Alabaster Royal: A Regency Novel (The Riddle Saga #1)

by Patricia Veryan

Captain Jack Vespa, an aide-de-camp of Lord Wellington's in the battle against Napoleon, has returned home to convalesce from his rather serious battle wounds. But his parents' home in London is just too hectic, with his society-minded mother hovering and the demands of the social season looming. Expressly against the wishes of both his father and mother, Jack heads to the country to the estate of Alabaster Royal, his inheritance from his Grandmama. It promises to be deserted and a little run-down, but the prospect of some peace and quiet is more than Jack can refuse.But as Jack nears the village of Gallery-on-Tang, everyone he meets gawks in shock at the mention of Alabaster Royal, mutters a few words about the "accursed" place, and refuses to elaborate.When he finally arrives at his estate, the presence of a mysterious and beautiful young woman marks an end to Jack's plans for rest and relaxation. Miss Consuela Jones is the granddaughter of an Italian duchess and the daughter of an English artist who died on the grounds of Alabaster Royal. Consuela thinks that he was murdered and wants Jack to help her find out why...This delightful Regency novel, mixing equal parts suspense and romance, is the latest from Patricia Veryan, "the reigning queen of period romance" (Romantic Times) and it promises to enthrall her many, many fans.

The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy: A Novel of Georgian England

by Patricia Veryan

The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy: A Novel of Georgian England by Patricia VeryanElspeth Clayton's family has been living in considerably reduced circumstances, and to improve their finances, her brother Vance becomes a soldier of fortune. His assignments take him to France, where he is caught up in political intrigues. Injured in an attempt to escape a troop of dragoons, he is arrested and held in a French gaol for questioning and probable execution.In an effort to save her beloved brother, Elspeth turns first to his best friend and then to her most devoted suitor, but both are prevented from coming to her aid. Meanwhile, she has unintentionally antagonized Gervaise Valerian, a quick-tempered dandy, much admired in Town, but whom she finds far from enchanting. Valerian has devised a daring plan to smuggle his father, a fugitive from justice, out of England. When his accomplice in the scheme is rendered helpless, he blames Elspeth.Despite their mutual antipathy, they are each desperate to aid their loved ones, and with considerable reluctance they eventually decide to work together. Hunted by authorities on both sides of the Channel and pursued by unknown assassins, their efforts are fraught with danger but they persist with their struggle, in the course of which their feelings for each other undergo a marked change.

The Riddle Of The Reluctant Rake: A Regency Novel (The Riddle Saga #3)

by Patricia Veryan

Lieutenant-Colonel Hastings Adair, best friend of Captain Jack Vespa, the dashing hero of Veryan's last two novels, wakes up in the arms of an unwed lady of Quality, scandalizing all of London, and in attempting to right things, runs straight into a government conspiracy... in The Riddle of the Reluctant Rake.

A Shadow's Bliss: A Novel of Georgian England (The Tales of the Jewelled Men #4)

by Patricia Veryan

She had dreamed of that magical experience called falling in love. And, dreaming, she had conjured up a dashing and handsome gentleman...A far cry from Crazy Jack, a penniless and nameless vagrant, haunted by disgrace and the shadow of some terrible tragedy. Dreams are all that the graceful Jennifer Britewell has had of love and marriage since a childhood accident left her barren. Now, try as she might, the generous lady cannot bring herself to believe the town gossip about "Crazy Jack." It would be beneath her to consider him anything but a servant. But when he allows her to see traces of his honesty, intelligence, and gallantry, all warnings of her possible disgrace fade into the mists of Cornwall...

Time's Fool: A Novel of Georgian England (The Tales of the Jewelled Men #1)

by Patricia Veryan

The author of the highly acclaimed Golden Chronicles embarks upon an exhilarating new series filled with suspense, deception, and romantic adventure in Georgian England. In this first compelling tale from Patricia Veryan Time's Fool, Captain Gideon Rossiter returns to England after a six-year absence with one goal in mind: to marry and settle down with his betrothed, the enchanting Lady Naomi Lutonville, the thought of whom has sustained him through many a trial of war.It is not, however, a happy homecoming that waits the captain. Rossiter is shocked to find his fortune lost, his father accused of fraud, and his family name disgraced entirely. Worst of all misfortunes, Lady Naomi's family has dissolved the engagement, and the lady herself is of no mind to ask that it be reinstated...

Dialogische Bürgerinnen- und Bürgerbeteiligung in Baden-Württemberg (Politik gestalten - Kommunikation, Deliberation und Partizipation bei politisch relevanten Projekten)

by Angelika Vetter Uwe Remer

Mit dem Antritt der grün-roten, gefolgt von den beiden grün-schwarzen Landesregierungen haben dialogische Bürgerbeteiligungsformate in Baden-Württemberg an Bedeutung gewonnen. Sie werden mittlerweile auf allen politischen Ebenen genutzt. In diesem Band untersuchen die Autor*innen verschiedene Aspekte dialogischer Bürgerbeteiligung an Beispielen aus dem Bundesland, um die Wirkungspotenziale, aber auch die mit diesen Beteiligungsformaten verbunden Herausforderungen besser verstehen zu können. Darüber hinaus geht es um die Frage, wie sich ihr Einsatz im Zusammenspiel mit Formen repräsentativen oder direkt-demokratischen Entscheidens darstellt bzw. entwickelt werden kann.

Sex, Gender, Ethics and the Darwinian Evolution of Mankind: 150 years of Darwin’s ‘Descent of Man’ (History and Philosophy of Biology)

by Michel Veuille

Sex, Gender, Ethics and the Darwinian Evolution of Mankind examines the impact of Darwin’s Descent of Man on contemporary biology and the humanities.Its publication in 1871 was a founding event in anthropology. Its content was primarily concerned with the development of sexual life, social life and intellectual life, not only as outcomes of evolution, but as components that have actively intermixed over time with the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection. The stamp of Darwinism on modern thought is still very important and brings novelties to academic studies. Several fields influenced by Darwinian anthropology developed in recent decades, including evolutionary ethics, the evolution of sociality and sexual communication in animal and plant species. Sociobiology and evolutionary psychology are topics that draw heavily on Darwin’s Descent of Man. The understanding of Darwin’s thought has also progressed greatly in recent decades, following the systematic study of Darwin’s correspondence and notebooks, leading to a reassessment of the development of his thought on humans, social groups and heredity, and how they come together in his theory of evolution.The book combines a historical perspective on Darwin’s achievement and his legacy. It will be of interest to students and scholars in a variety of fields, from experimental biology to the social and historical sciences.

The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management (Contemporary Diabetes)

by Aristidis Veves John M. Giurini Marc L. Schermerhorn

The fifth addition of this classic text that focuses on the diabetic foot continues the tradition of the previous four editions. More specifically, it includes contributions from a distinguished panel of clinicians and researchers, who have either participated in previous editions or are new, who provide up-to-date information on the pathophysiology and management of diabetic foot ulceration. As with the previous editions, it is divided into three sections: the first part focuses on clinical features and diagnosis; the second on pathophysiology; and the third on the management of diabetic foot problems. The main emphasis of the clinical part is on the multidisciplinary approach that has been mainly developed by the world-renowned Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center, which pioneered the management of diabetic lower extremity problems. Also like previous editions, the author panel includes diabetologists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialists,orthotists, plastic and orthopedic surgeons, the majority of whom work at the Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center. In addition, the fifth edition not only describes the state-of-the-art current methods in clinical practice but also includes a thorough update of all research progress during the last five years. This updated edition of this timely text will be of significant value to all physicians and researchers with interest in a comprehensive understanding of the diabetic foot.

GATHER: 100 Seasonal Recipes that Bring People Together

by Chris Viaud

From James Beard nominee and Top Chef contestant Chef Chris Viaud comes GATHER, featuring recipes that not only bring friends and family together but keep them at the table. Whether you&’re hosting a cookbook club night in, or offering a housewarming gift to new neighbors, this mouth-watering cookbook will satisfy all cravings.To Chef Chris Viaud, food is a shared language that allows us to communicate with complete strangers, create lasting memories with friends and family, and get in touch with ourselves. It is the best way to nourish and expand a community. GATHER is a celebration of food&’s magical capacity to connect and transform. Featuring 100 recipes that focus on the innovative, accessible, and seasonal cuisine that earned Viaud a James Beard nomination and wowed the judges on Top Chef, this cookbook is centered around the incredible potential in gatherings of all sizes.Inside you&’ll find:100 seasonal appetizersBold and wholesome family-style entreesUnique, eye-catching cocktails perfect for entertainingElegant desserts for all cravingsStunning original photographyTips and techniques that promise to revolutionize your approach in the kitchen GATHER is perfect gift for:Mother&’s day or Father&’s day for the chefs in your lifeHost or hostess who enjoy entertainingHousewarming or new homeownersChristmas, birthdays, or other holidaysEasy to assemble and satisfying to serve, this repertoire is made for the heart of your home. Foster a deeper appreciation for every aspect of a meal, from those who cultivated the ingredients to the ones who sit beside us at the table. Feel good about what you put on your plate with GATHER.

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