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Unsettled (Updated and Expanded Edition): What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters

by Steven E. Koonin

In this updated and expanded edition of climate scientist Steven Koonin&’s groundbreaking book, go behind the headlines to discover the latest eye-opening data about climate change—with unbiased facts and realistic steps for the future."Greenland&’s ice loss is accelerating.""Extreme temperatures are causing more fatalities.""Rapid 'climate action' is essential to avoid a future climate disaster."You've heard all this presented as fact. But according to science, all of these statements are profoundly misleading.With the new edition of Unsettled, Steven Koonin draws on decades of experience—including as a top science advisor to the Obama administration—to clear away the fog and explain what science really says (and doesn't say). With a new introduction, this edition now features reflections on an additional three years of eye-opening data, alternatives to unrealistic &“net zero&” solutions, global energy inequalities, and the energy crisis arising from the war in Ukraine. When it comes to climate change, the media, politicians, and other prominent voices have declared that &“the science is settled.&” In reality, the climate is changing, but the why and how aren&’t as clear as you&’ve probably been led to believe. Koonin takes readers behind the headlines, dispels popular myths, and unveils little-known truths: Despite rising greenhouse gas emissions, global temperatures decreased from 1940 to 1970Models currently used to predict the future do not accurately describe the climate of the past, and modelers themselves strongly doubt their regional predictionsThere is no compelling evidence that hurricanes are becoming more frequent—or that predictions of rapid sea level rise have any validity Unsettled is a reality check buoyed by hope, offering the truth about climate science—what we know, what we don&’t, and what it all means for our future.

Unsichtbare Menschen: Eine Fallstudie zur räumlichen Wahrnehmung von Geflüchteten im Tübinger Süden (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Tobias Scheu

Diese Arbeit untersucht aus Sicht von Bewohner*innen in Tübingen, wie Geflüchtete wahrgenommen und in räumlichen Kontexten verortet werden. Zunächst erfolgt eine Verortung des Themas Fluchtmigration im Kontext der Globalisierung und sich daraus ergebenden Auswirkungen auf lokale Raumvorstellungen. Im Anschluss erfolgt eine Darstellung und Bestimmung zentraler Begrifflichkeiten und von Diskursen des deutschen Migrations- und Integrationsdispositivs. Dabei wird auf die Bedeutung von Quartieren als Orte der Aushandlung von Integration eingegangen. Ergänzend werden verschiedene wissenschaftliche Theorien zur Rahmung von räumlichen Wahrnehmungsprozessen dargestellt, welche die spätere Empirie rahmen. Zur Erhebung von räumlichen Wahrnehmungsprozessen wurde eine eigene empirische Erhebung mittels Walking & Talking-Interviews im Tübinger Süden durchgeführt, anhand derer eine gegenstandsbasierte Theorie über Wahrnehmungsmechanismen von Geflüchteten entwickelt wird. Die Auswertung der Empirie erfolgt inhaltsanalytisch und orientiert sich an der Grounded Theory.

Unspeakable Shaking Pleasures: An Erotica Collection

by Lucy Debussy

'You will lose yourself in Lucy Debussy's worlds.' Meghan Flaherty, author of Tango Lessons'Rich and creamy writing fired with a crackling of humour... Tales that charm as quickly as they disarm.' Lynsey May, author of Weak Teeth'Beautiful, shocking and beautifully shocking; treat yourself to this rich and sensuous read.' Catherine Simpson, author of One Body"Now as they take their pleasure, I shall take mine..."A Spanish Inquisitor's daughter breaks out of piety to tap into her talents as a dominatrix. A woman inhabiting a male identity as a sailor explores a heady sexuality that dances across gender lines.An exacting auctioneer loves putting the bidding paddles to good use, and a journalist follows a travelling circus to discovers a carnal awakening with the man who keeps the aerialists flying...The erotic stories in this collection each feature women stepping into their sexual power in the most unexpected and delicious ways.Compellingly immersive, sensual and stunningly written, these tales will speak life to your desires. Delve into their sumptuous beauty and delight your senses.

The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future

by Karen Golden-Biddle

Despite being a game-changer in powering human growth, discovery remains a mystery. How can it produce ahas and insights to meet the challenge of new realities and reimagine organizational management?This book lays out a process of inquiry that drives belief change and leads to discoveries, empowering leaders, groups, and the organization with a powerful tool for navigating an uncertain future. Discovery lights the intellectual spark for every breakthrough in science, technology, pharmaceuticals, and more—but fear and inertia can harden beliefs and practices that no longer fit the new realities. To counter this, discovery can be cultivated rather than suppressed, using a new, three-phase process, a management practice that consistently generates the ahas and insights that underpin all transformation. Based on years of research and real-world observation, this book inspires and equips leaders at all levels to champion this discovery process and fuel genuine, sustained change in their communities and organizations.Accompanied by a website that includes proprietary tools, audio and video clips, and a downloadable workbook, this book is an enriching resource for current and aspiring leaders and managers across industries, as well as management consultants, HR professionals, corporate educators, and business students..

Unternehmenskultur als Strategie: Eine Orientierung für Führungskräfte

by Josef Herget Herbert Strobl

Dieses Buch widmet sich dem hochaktuellen Thema der Unternehmenskultur aus der Perspektive von Führungskräften. Es legt den Fokus auf die Management- und Leadership-Perspektive, denn Führungskräfte sind dafür verantwortlich, entsprechende Konzepte zu initiieren und umzusetzen. Die herausragende Bedeutung der Unternehmenskultur für den Unternehmenserfolg ist mittlerweile unstrittig. Doch oft fehlen erprobte Methoden und Vorgehensweisen, um einen nachhaltigen Kulturwandel zu ermöglichen. Genau hier setzt das Buch an. Das Buch präsentiert neue Konzepte und Methoden, die sich in der Praxis bewährt haben und den Culture Change unmittelbar bewirken können. Es bietet Führungskräften das notwendige Wissen, um gezielt Projekte zur Gestaltung der Unternehmenskultur anzugehen. Es ist ein wertvoller Leitfaden für Führungskräfte, die eine erfolgreiche Veränderung der Unternehmenskultur anstreben und so den langfristigen Erfolg ihres Unternehmens sicherstellen wollen.

Untold: A story of love, motherhood, heartbreak and change

by Snezana Wood

Snezana Wood might look like she has it all - a loving husband and four children, a degree in molecular genetics and one of the biggest influencer profiles in Australia, but she's had her share of tough times. In this frank, inspiring memoir, Snezana reveals the good and the bad in her life and how she has learnt to embrace it all.Before she went on The Bachelor and met her now husband, Sam Wood, Snezana was a kid who helped her parents every day after school in their second jobs as cleaners. She was a young woman who was told she couldn't pursue the career she wanted - to join the police force - because that wasn't a job for 'someone like her'. Then she was a single mother living with her parents so they could help her look after her daughter, Eve, while she worked full time and studied at university.And while Snezana has become one of Australia's most popular influencers, her life isn't all glamour and Instagram photoshoots. After having two daughters, Willow and Charlie, with Sam, she was pregnant with her third when everything went terribly wrong. As soon as daughter Harper was born Snezana was urgently transferred to another hospital, seriously ill, her life in the balance. But she fought to get back to her family and made it through.What makes Snezana beloved by so many Australians is that she is approachable and warm, but she doesn't sugar-coat the tough stuff. She makes the best of every day and in Embrace, she inspires us all to do the same.

Untold Stories: Legacies of Authoritarianism among Spanish Labour Migrants in Later Life (Anthropological Horizons)

by David Divita

Forgetting about Spain’s civil war (1936–9) and subsequent dictatorship was long seen as a necessary safeguard for the democracy that emerged after General Francisco Franco’s death in 1975. Since the early 2000s, however, public discussion of historical memory has awakened efforts to remember this past through the personal testimonies of Spaniards who experienced it firsthand. Untold Stories expands accounts of twentieth-century Spain by presenting an ethnography of an ignored population: the impoverished men and women who fled Franco’s dictatorship in the 1960s, participating in a wave of labour migration to northern Europe. Now in their eighties, they were born around the time of the civil war and came of age during its repressive aftermath before leaving Spain as young adults. The book features a community of such Spaniards, who gather regularly at a senior centre on the outskirts of Paris. Drawing on concepts from linguistic anthropology, David Divita analyses conversational encounters recorded among the seniors to demonstrate how a turbulent past shapes mundane moments of social interaction in the present. Documenting what is said as well as what is not, Divita reveals through detailed textual analysis how silence can pervade the creation of social meanings – such as belonging, authority, and legitimacy. Untold Stories illuminates the impact of a harrowing historical period on some of Spain’s most marginal citizens in the early years of the dictatorship.

The Unusual Histories of a Curious Dog

by Scott McLean

Biscuit is a precocious pup with an insatiable curiosity that often leads her to poke her nose where it doesn’t belong. When exploring the gardens of her new home, she stumbles upon what appears to be a rabbit hole and finds herself transported to the past. Thus begins a thrilling journey across the ages. With each trip down the rabbit hole into history, Biscuit must rely on her resourcefulness and befriend unlikely allies to overcome daunting obstacles and return to her family. But she soon discovers her time-traveling escapades have dredged up dark secrets that hang over her home, and her adventures have only just begun.

Unveiling the Informal Economy: An Augmented Factor Model Approach

by Yao

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

The Unwedding: The addictive new destination thriller: fast paced, unputdownable and unsettling

by Ally Condie

THE JUNE 2024 REESE WITHERSPOON BOOK CLUB PICK!Ellery Wainwright is alone at the edge of the world.She and her husband, Luke, were supposed to spend their twentieth wedding anniversary together at the luxurious Resort at Broken Point in Big Sur, California. Where better to celebrate a marriage, a family, and a life together than at one of the most stunning places on earth?But now she's traveling solo.To add insult to injury, there's a wedding at Broken Point scheduled during her stay. Ellery remembers how it felt to be on the cusp of everything new and wonderful, with a loved and certain future glimmering just ahead. Now, she isn't certain of anything except for her love for her kids and her growing realization that this place, though beautiful, is unsettling.When Ellery discovers the body of the groom floating in the pool in the rain, she realizes that she is not the only one whose future is no longer guaranteed. Before the police can reach Broken Point, a mudslide takes out the road to the resort, leaving the guests trapped. When another guest dies, it's clear something horrible is brewing.Everyone at Broken Point has a secret. And everyone has a shadow. Including Ellery.

The Unwedding: Reese's Book Club Pick (A Novel)

by Ally Condie

REESE&’S BOOK CLUB PICK &“Our June Reese&’s Book Club pick is the perfect summer read!!! The Unwedding by Ally Condie opens with a wedding at a gorgeous resort in Big Sur... but everything begins to fall apart when the main character Ellery discovers a dead body the morning of the ceremony.&”– Reese Witherspoon The White Lotus meets Agatha Christie in this bold novel from a #1 New York Times bestselling author, &“a knife&’s-edge whodunit that&’s as much a thriller as it is an exquisite meditation on grief and loss.&” (Nicola Yoon) Ellery Wainwright is alone at the edge of the world. She and her husband, Luke, were supposed to spend their twentieth wedding anniversary together at the luxurious Resort at Broken Point in Big Sur, California. Where better to celebrate a marriage, a family, and a life together than at one of the most stunning places on earth? But now she&’s traveling solo. To add insult to injury, there&’s a wedding at Broken Point scheduled during her stay. Ellery remembers how it felt to be on the cusp of everything new and wonderful, with a loved and certain future glimmering just ahead. Now, she isn&’t certain of anything except for her love for her kids and her growing realization that this place, though beautiful, is unsettling. When Ellery discovers the body of the groom floating in the pool in the rain, she realizes that she is not the only one whose future is no longer guaranteed. Before the police can reach Broken Point, a mudslide takes out the road to the resort, leaving the guests trapped. When another guest dies, it&’s clear something horrible is brewing. Everyone at Broken Point has a secret. And everyone has a shadow. Including Ellery.

Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates

by Thomas L. Rempfer

Unyielding tackles a recurring topic of national importance as a history lesson for future generations. Controversial illegal medical mandates impacted military populations for many decades, but it was not until the COVID-era that the American people witnessed similar overreach. Colonel Tom &“Buzz&” Rempfer&’s memoir retraces the anthrax vaccine history since it marked the first time the military was served with court rulings condemning premeditated illegal experimentation on our nation&’s troops. The advent of COVID mandates, imposed on the population in 2021, gave the American people a taste of the mistreatment previously reserved for our nation&’s warriors. Legal protections enacted by the Congress to guard against medical experimentation, meant to ensure safe, effective, and FDA-approved products, were instead adulterated to foist mandates on American society. According to the FBI, the motive for the anthrax letter lab leaks in 2001 was to &“rejuvenate&” the &“failing&” anthrax vaccine. Similarly, the suspected Wuhan lab leak two decades later resulted in a push for COVID injections. The pattern of fear-based bioincidents resulting from reckless biodefense enterprises, and lessons not learned with illegal mandates, paralyzed government and military leaders while wreaking havoc on the trust and health of our troops and the American people. Buzz&’s decades-long analysis of the breakdowns stands as a unique treatise on the failures of leaders to learn lessons from these enduring clashes and to correct the damage. Future generations will sort out the aftermath, but in the meantime, Colonel Rempfer&’s Unyielding effort attempts to ensure that the lessons are not lost.

Upgrading Political Systems with Purposive Technology: A Performing Democracy

by Soobhiraj Bungsraz

This book presents a framework for designing and implementing technologies to reduce risks in parliamentary decision-making, leading to the emergence of e-politics. It emphasizes adaptable virtual systems and problem-solving over predefined solutions, fostering multi-helix engagement among cross-functional teams. These teams collaborate to develop strategic, tactical, and operational solutions for citizens, elected parliamentarians, and organizations such as the UN. The book underscores the importance of risk identification, mitigation, and communication for e-political system safety. The framework leverages technology to create an e-democracy, enhancing the productivity of parliamentarians and promoting democratic sustainability. It builds on the theoretical framework of system engineering, aiming to avoid the pitfalls of previous generations' promises and instead focusing on continuous improvement through a people-centric system. The book introduces the PI App as a purposive technology that aids in implementing these ideas. By promoting an ever-improving parliament and parliamentarians, the framework aims to achieve higher productivity in decision-making roles and evolve practical e-democracy. It highlights the need for a Virtuous Cycle for continuous improvement in strategic decisions for national investment, ultimately leading to a people-centric system. The book envisions a future where technology plays a crucial role in ensuring democratic sustainability and enhancing the effectiveness of parliamentary decision-making.

Upskilling und Reskilling für die Personalentwicklung: Kompetenzen der Zukunft erkennen und Personal erfolgreich qualifizieren

by Maren Müller Hazel Gruenewald

Dieses Buch widmet sich den Schlüsselstrategien des Upskilling und des Reskilling. Die technologischen Entwicklungen, vor allem aufgrund von KI, erfordern neue Skills von der Organisation und von ihren Mitarbeitenden. Beim Upskilling geht es darum, bestehende Kompetenzen zu erweitern. Reskilling bereitet auf einen Rollenwechsel mit neuem Kompetenzerwerb vor. Die Autorinnen legen den Fokus auf managementorientierte und betriebswirtschaftliche Ansätze, aktuelle Forschung und erfolgreiche Unternehmenspraktiken. Eine wertvolle Lektüre für Entscheider im Personalmanagement wie auch für Lehrkräfte und Studierende.

The Uptown Local: Joy, Death, and Joan Didion

by Cory Leadbeater

As an aspiring novelist in his early twenties, Cory Leadbeater was presented with an opportunity to work for a well-known writer whose identity was kept confidential. Since the tumultuous days of childhood, Cory had sought refuge from the rougher parts of life in the pages of books. Suddenly, he found himself the personal assistant to a titan of literature: Joan Didion.In the nine years that followed, Cory shared Joan's rarefied world, transformed not only by her blazing intellect but by her generous friendship and mentorship. Together they recited poetry in the mornings, dined with Supreme Court justices, attended art openings, smoked a single cigarette before bed.But secretly, Cory was spiraling. He reeled from the death of a close friend. He spent his weekends at a federal prison, visiting his father as he served time for fraud. He struggled day after day to write the novel that would validate him as a real writer. And meanwhile, the forces of addiction and depression loomed large.In hypnotic prose that pulses with life and longing, The Uptown Local explores the fault lines of class, family, loss, and creativity. It is a love letter to a cultural icon-and a moving testament to the relationships that sustain us in the eternal pursuit of a life worth living.

The Uptown Local: Joy, Death, and Joan Didion: A Memoir

by Cory Leadbeater

A brilliant debut memoir about a young writer—struggling with depression, family issues, and addiction—and his life-changing decade working for Joan DidionAs an aspiring novelist in his early twenties, Cory Leadbeater was presented with an opportunity to work for a well-known writer whose identity was kept confidential. Since the tumultuous days of childhood, Cory had sought refuge from the rougher parts of life in the pages of books. Suddenly, he found himself the personal assistant to a titan of literature: Joan Didion.In the nine years that followed, Cory shared Joan’s rarefied world, transformed not only by her blazing intellect but by her generous friendship and mentorship. Together they recited poetry in the mornings, dined with Supreme Court justices, attended art openings, smoked a single cigarette before bed.But secretly, Cory was spiraling. He reeled from the death of a close friend. He spent his weekends at a federal prison, visiting his father as he served time for fraud. He struggled day after day to write the novel that would validate him as a real writer. And meanwhile, the forces of addiction and depression loomed large.In hypnotic prose that pulses with life and longing, The Uptown Local explores the fault lines of class, family, loss, and creativity. It is a love letter to a cultural icon—and a moving testament to the relationships that sustain us in the eternal pursuit of a life worth living.

The Uptown Local: Joy, Death, and Joan Didion

by Cory Leadbeater

As an aspiring novelist in his early twenties, Cory Leadbeater was presented with an opportunity to work for a well-known writer whose identity was kept confidential. Since the tumultuous days of childhood, Cory had sought refuge from the rougher parts of life in the pages of books. Suddenly, he found himself the personal assistant to a titan of literature: Joan Didion.In the nine years that followed, Cory shared Joan's rarefied world, transformed not only by her blazing intellect but by her generous friendship and mentorship. Together they recited poetry in the mornings, dined with Supreme Court justices, attended art openings, smoked a single cigarette before bed.But secretly, Cory was spiraling. He reeled from the death of a close friend. He spent his weekends at a federal prison, visiting his father as he served time for fraud. He struggled day after day to write the novel that would validate him as a real writer. And meanwhile, the forces of addiction and depression loomed large.In hypnotic prose that pulses with life and longing, The Uptown Local explores the fault lines of class, family, loss, and creativity. It is a love letter to a cultural icon-and a moving testament to the relationships that sustain us in the eternal pursuit of a life worth living.

Urban Inequalities from Space: Earth Observation Applications in the Majority World (Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing #26)

by Monika Kuffer Stefanos Georganos

Rapid transformation processes occur in the Majority World, where most of the global population is living (estimated around ¾ of the global population), often deprived of access to infrastructure, services, exposed to hazards and degrading environmental conditions. The continuous urbanization in many African, Asian and Latin American cities is coupled with rapid socio-economic and demographic changes in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. These changes often increase socio-economic fragmentation and existing disparities. According to the United Nations, of the 36 fastest growing cities (with an average annual growth rate of more than 6%), seven are located in Africa, while 28 are found in Asia. On top of the socio-economic transformations, the increasing impact of climate change is expected to increase local vulnerabilities. However, data to understand these transformation processes and relationships are either unavailable, scarce or come with high degrees of uncertainty. Earth Observation information and methods have a great potential to fill data gaps, but they are not exploited to their full potential. Most urban remote sensing studies in the Majority World focus on the primary cities, while not much is known about secondary cities, urbanizing zones or peri-urban areas. Attempting to measure and map environmental and socio-economic phenomena through remote sensing is fundamentally different from extracting bio-physical parameters. In general, studies done by researchers of the Minority World do not sufficiently understand the information needs and capacity demands of the Majority World, especially related to user requirements and ethical perspectives. In this book, we aim to provide an outlook on how Remote Sensing can provide tailored solutions to information needs in urban and urbanizing areas of the Majority World, e.g., in terms socio-economic, environmental and demographic transformation processes. We will provide methodological and application pathways insupport of local and national information needs as well as in support of sustainable development, and specifically, supporting the monitoring of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The book combines an overview of innovations in applications, methodologies and data use, showing the capacity of Earth Observation to fill global knowledge gaps.

Urban Informality: An Introduction

by Philipp Horn Melanie Lombard

This book is the first to provide an introductory overview to the concept of ‘urban informality’, taking an international perspective across the global North and South. It explores theoretical understandings of the term, and looks at how it affects ways of living, such as land use, housing and basic services, working lives and politics. Using a broad range of material to bring the topic to life, including non-conventional sources – such as fiction, poetry, photography, interviews and other media – the book helps students, practitioners and scholars develop learning and research on this topic. The book also includes interjections from diverse voices of practitioners, community activists and regional experts.

The Urban Soil Guide: A Field and Lab Manual

by Anna Paltseva

Delve into the fascinating world of soil science with "The Urban Soil Guide," a comprehensive manual designed for everyone from science beginners to seasoned horticulturists. Whether you're an introductory science student, a passionate gardener, a landscape designer, or a professional horticulturist, this guide is tailored for you. Packed with a variety of hands-on activities, this guide makes learning soil science both accessible and enjoyable. From simple experiments that can be performed in your kitchen to more advanced techniques, it offers a practical approach to understanding soil. Written by a soil scientist, this guide bridges the gap between professional knowledge and amateur enthusiasm. The Urban Soil Guide is versatile enough to serve as a textbook in botanical gardens and university classes, while also being an invaluable resource for amateurs. Choose activities that match your interest and level of expertise. Embark on your journey to becoming a soil expert with The Urban Soil Guide – your hands-on companion in the world of soil science.

Urban Vice Regulation Compared: How the Progressive Era’s Undercover Tactics Underwrote American Challenges to French Regulation (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Jacqueline E. Ross

This book uses the early twentieth century surveillance reports of urban vice reformers in New York, Chicago, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, as well as the US vice report for the League of Nations’ Special Body on Trafficking in Women and Children (from 1927) and French police memoirs, treatises, and histories of vice enforcement in late nineteenth century and early twentieth century Paris to highlight the way in which American reliance on undercover tactics drove American vice enforcement policy, leading to a clash with French vice enforcement policy before the League of Nations. Both the failure of that early effort to exert international influence on vice enforcement and the American embrace of undercover tactics would set the stage for the later American efforts to promote a global war on drugs. Before the League of Nations, in particular, the American delegation’s notable lack of success in mobilizing European crackdowns on prostitution created a blueprint for how not to project American influence overseas, once American advocates of narcotics interdiction sought to promote a global war on drugs. Yet private reformers’ reliance on undercover tactics to investigate prostitution modeled the investigative tactics on which American law enforcement would come to depend, and which it would later seek to export, as a primary weapon in the war on drugs.

Urban Village Redevelopment in Beijing, China: New Housing Opportunities for Migrant Workers

by Ran Liu

The book provides a multi-stage assessment of the changing housing opportunities of migrant workers in the three stages of Beijing’s urban village development (emergence, erasure and preservation). The volume re-theorizes Henry Lefebvre’s notion of the “right to the city” as a largely property-based concept that falls within the city’s hybrid tenure matrix of varying degrees of tenure security and formality that is undergoing entrepreneurialization or gentrification. This is another highly valuable contribution to China studies from the geographical perspective of the “territorial politics” at play in the process of urban village redevelopment, which has fostered a new propertied landowning class as winners, while moving low-wage migrants. The book takes the reader on a fascinating journey from peri-urban villages to IT worker villages to artists’ villages, revealing a restless landscape of urbanism and state-centered governance, as well as bottom-up counterplots. The fieldwork explores the contradictions of urban village redevelopment in Beijing. On the one hand, it is state-dominated and yet creates new housing opportunities for migrants; on the other, it disrupts old orders but also encourages new forms of grassroots alliances. The empirical studies of Beijing’s urban villages enrich Henry Lefebvre’s discourse on “planetary urbanisation,” Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s notion of the “rhizome,” and Elinor Ostrom’s ideas on the wise management of the “commons.”

Us, After: A Memoir of Love and Suicide

by Rachel Zimmerman

"This poignant, soul-baring memoir is truly one of the most moving accounts of grief, loss and resilience that I've read." — Tara Parker-Pope, The Washington Post "Masterfully written and compelling... Zimmerman's book is a marvelous feat; I stayed up all night reading it." — Deesha Philyaw, author, The Secret Lives of Church Ladies "Us, After is one of the best memoirs I have read in a very long time. It is poetic and lyrical, unflinching, and a testament to the strength of the human soul...We bleed for Zimmerman and her two daughters. We laugh and cry with them. And ultimately we marvel at their strength and resilience." — Buzz Bissinger, author, Friday Night Lights When a state trooper appeared at Rachel Zimmerman's door to report that her husband had jumped to his death off a nearby bridge, she fell to her knees, unable to fully absorb the news. How could the man she married, a devoted father and robotics professor at MIT, have committed such a violent act? How would she explain this to her young daughters? And could she have stopped him? A longtime journalist, she probed obsessively, believing answers would help her survive. She interviewed doctors, suicide researchers and a man who jumped off the same bridge and lived. Us, After examines domestic devastation and resurgence, digging into the struggle between public and private selves, life's shifting perspectives, the work of motherhood, and the secrets we keep. In this memoir, Zimmerman confronts the unimaginable and discovers the good in what remains.

The US Housing Crisis: Home and Trust in the Real Estate Economy (The Urban Book Series)

by Judith Keller

This book aims to draw careful distinctions between the various forms of housing insecurity and personal circumstances research participants experience. While the urgency of the housing crisis in the US has produced a lot of scholarly work on housing, it often fails to recount the real life struggles that the housing crisis is causing. This is where the book provides a distinct contribution to housing studies and urban geography. The author use of trust as an analytical lens, her qualitative approach, and her work with people on the ground aim to move away from a quantitative understanding of the crisis by giving it a human face. The author seeks to bring to light the human costs of the destruction of home as well as the political reactions and day-to-day strategies that residents apply to make ends meet in times of the US housing crisis.

Us in the Before and After

by Jenny Valentine

A tear-jerking, heart-breakingly beautiful novel from the award-winning Jenny Valentine, perfect for fans of Adam Silvera, Kathleen Glasgow and Laura Nowlin.There is one side of that moment, and the other Before After I have dreamed about it ever since At the start of a long, hot summer best friends Elk and Mab face the fallout of a sudden death, and the lifelong consequences of a single tragic act.An intensely emotional story that raises questions about love, ghosts, and the unshakeable bonds of friendship. Praise for Us in the Before and After: &‘A masterpiece. A beautiful and breathtaking story of friendship, love and loss, that will shatter your heart into a thousand tiny pieces and then slowly put it back together again.&’ – Danielle Jawando, author of When Our Worlds Collided &‘An ode to life and love and loss and friendship – and the devastating beauty of it all. This is the kind of book that grips you by the heart and doesn&’t let go.&’ – Katherine Webber, author of Twin Crowns &‘A gorgeous, heartbreaking and lyrical new YA novel from the wonderful Jenny Valentine about grief, friendship and love.&’ – Laura Bates, author of Sisters of Sword and Shadow &‘An absolute page-turner from one of our most vital YA voices. Nobody writes like Jenny Valentine – she is a true original.&’ – Phil Earle, author of When the Sky Falls &‘A gorgeous journey on friendship, love and death. Jenny Valentine has written a book that you will want to read over and over again.&’ – Abiola Bello, author of Only for the Holidays

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