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Sustainable Development with Renewable Energy: The 10th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research—ICEER 2023 (Environmental Science and Engineering)

by Nídia S. Caetano

This proceedings book contains the full papers of the 10th edition of the International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, ICEER 2023, that took place in Madrid, Spain during October 7–9, 2023. ICEER 2023 is a joint organization of the School of Engineering (ISEP) of the Polytechnic of Porto (P.Porto) and the SCIEI, with collaboration of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria of the Università degli studi "Roma Tre", CIETI and LEPABE research groups. This book includes all the well prepared full papers presented at ICEER 2023.

Lebendiges Mantra: Mantra, Gottheit und visionäre Erfahrung heute

by Mani Rao

Living Mantra ist eine Anthropologie der Mantra-Erfahrung unter hinduistisch-tantrischen Praktizierenden. In alten indischen Lehren und Legenden rufen Mantras, die von Rishis (Sehern) wahrgenommen werden, Gottheiten an und haben transformative Kräfte. Mit einer Methodik, die Wissenschaft und Praxis verbindet, entdeckt Mani Rao eine fortdauernde Tradition von Visionären (Rishis/Sehern) und Offenbarungen im südindischen Bundesstaat Andhra-Telangana. Das tiefgründig recherchierte und mit faszinierenden Erzählungen gespickte Buch formuliert die Poetik der Mantra-Praxis neu, während es gleichzeitig praktische Fragen erforscht. Kann man wissen, ob eine Vision real oder eingebildet ist? Ist eine Vision visuell? Werden Gottheitsvisionen durch die Kultur vermittelt? Wenn Mantras wirksam sind, welche Rolle spielt dann die Hingabe? Sind Mantras Sprache? Living Mantra stellt nicht nur theoretische Fragen, sondern auch solche, die sich ein Praktizierender stellen würde: Wie wählt man zumBeispiel eine Gottheit aus oder was bindet einen an einen Guru? Rao betritt Neuland, indem er die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Momente lenkt, die der Systematisierung und Kanonbildung vorausgehen, und zeigt, wie autoritative Quellen entstehen.

Orthopedic Board and FRCS Examination: The Top 100 Viva Topics

by Aiman Mudawi Mazhar Fuad Shamsi Abdul Hameed Mohd Al-Ateeq Al-Dosari

This book focuses on the precise needs of candidates preparing for the viva part of the FRCS, Int-FRCS, and Orthopaedic Board Examinations. With more than 600 candidates annually sitting for these examinations this volume is meticulously crafted to empower aspiring orthopaedists to excel in it.Structured for effortless comprehension, the book is presented in a reader-friendly format that facilitates effective revision. Entirely written by experts who have successfully navigated these examinations its authorship contributes to make it an invaluable resource for aspirant orthopaedists.This practical yet comprehensive book covers high-yield topics essential for passing the exams while also equipping readers with strategies to confidently address even the most unconventional scenarios they may encounter during vivas. This practical resource provides a structured and unparalleled approach to empower aspiring orthopaedists to excel in the FRCS, Int-FRCS, and Orthopaedic Board Examinations.

A History of Pew Renting in the Church of England

by J.C. Bennett

This book is a comprehensive study of the history of pew-renting in the church of England, from the first known rented sittings in the fifteenth century to the system’s collapse in the twentieth. The book’s significance is partly its originality; no book and very few articles or portions of books have appeared solely on pew-renting since the nineteenth century, and even those of that time were not histories – they were polemical works that generally attacked pew-renting on religious grounds. This work encompasses the distinction between formal letting of seats – which involved the methodical letting of sittings by church authorities with set rents – and informal pew-letting, in which congregants tipped pew-openers and sidesmen for favourable seats for one service. It also details the concomitant difficulties and hindrances encountered by churches and renters, the means of setting the rents and collecting the proceeds, the types of congregants who rented pews, thecontroversy the practice provoked, and the deception and bending – and sometimes outright breaking – of the applicable law.

Dyson–Schwinger Equations, Renormalization Conditions, and the Hopf Algebra of Perturbative Quantum Field Theory (Springer Theses)

by Paul-Hermann Balduf

This book offers a systematic introduction to the Hopf algebra of renormalization in quantum field theory, with a special focus on physical motivation, the role of Dyson–Schwinger equations, and the renormalization group. All necessary physical and mathematical constructions are reviewed and motivated in a self-contained introduction. The main part of the book concerns the interplay between Dyson–Schwinger equations (DSEs) and renormalization conditions. The book is explicit and consistent about whether a statement is true in general or only in particular renormalization schemes or approximations and about the dependence of quantities on regularization parameters or coupling constants. With over 600 references, the original literature is cited whenever possible and the book contains numerous references to other works discussing further details, generalizations, or alternative approaches. There are explicit examples and remarks to make the connection from the scalar fields at hand toQED and QCD. The book is primarily targeted at the mathematically oriented physicist who seeks a systematic conceptual overview of renormalization, Hopf algebra, and DSEs. These may be graduate students entering the field as well as practitioners seeking a self-contained account of the Hopf algebra construction. Conversely, the book also benefits the mathematician who is interested in the physical background of the exciting interplay between Hopf algebra, combinatorics and physics that is renormalization theory today.

Botulinum Toxin Treatment: What Everyone Should Know

by Bahman Jabbari

This book explains and discusses in simple language the structure and function of botulinum toxin and other neurotoxins as well as the rational for its utility in different disease conditions. Safety, factors affecting efficacy and duration of action, as well as cost and insurance issues are also addressed. Updates to the new edition include information on new indications, new approvals by FDA, new positive information on childhood indications, as well as data on long-term use of botulinum toxins therapy in several medical ailments (particularly migraine) that demonstrate its safety when applied properly and according to the published guidelines, are all included. In addition, two new chapters cover botulinum toxin therapy in dentistry and in veterinary medicine.

The Illiberal Public Sphere: Media in Polarized Societies

by Sabina Mihelj Václav Štětka

This open access book provides the first systematic analysis of the role of the media in the rise of illiberalism, based on an original theoretical framework and extensive empirical research in Eastern Europe – a region that serves as a key battleground in the global advance of illiberalism. Liberal democracies across the world are facing a range of challenges, from the growing influence of illiberal leaders and parties to deepening polarization and declining trust in political elites and mainstream media. Although these developments attracted significant scholarly attention, the factors that contribute to the spreading of illiberalism remain poorly understood, and the communication perspective on illiberalism is particularly underdeveloped.Štětka and Mihelj address this gap by introducing the concept of the illiberal public sphere, identifying the key stages in its development, and explaining what makes illiberalism distinct from related phenomena such as populism. Their analysis reveals how and why the changing communication environment facilitates selective exposure to ideologically and politically homogeneous sources, fosters changes in normative assumptions that guide media trust, increases vulnerability to disinformation, and goes hand in hand with growing hostility to immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. The findings challenge widespread assumptions about digital platforms as key channels of illiberalism and suggest that their role shifts as the illiberal sphere progresses.The arguments presented in this book have important implications for future research on challenges to liberal democracy, as well as for journalists, media regulators and other professionals committed to rebuilding media trust and containing the forces of polarization.

Management of Atopic Dermatitis: Methods and Challenges (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1447)

by Steven R. Feldman Lindsay C. Strowd Katie K. Lovell

This new edition builds upon the foundational knowledge covered in the first edition, covering the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical presentation of atopic dermatitis in both pediatric and adult patients. It provides an overview of the mechanism and presentation of atopic dermatitis and focuses on the management methods experienced dermatologists have used to successfully manage atopic dermatitis. The book includes new chapters describing the special considerations for atopic dermatitis in skin of color patients, dedicated chapters on topical and oral prescription management reflected the latest FDA-approved treatments, and also a chapter covering the updated guidelines from the American Academy of Dermatology. A final chapter includes updates on the future of atopic dermatitis treatment. This book provides physicians with insights into the management of atopic dermatitis, such as alternative treatments for pruritus, psychosocial impact on patients and families,assessing patient compliance, and patient resources.

Die Wissenschaft vom Leben nach dem Tod

by Alexander Moreira-Almeida Marianna de Costa Humberto Schubert Coelho

Dieses Buch untersucht die besten verfügbaren empirischen Beweise für eine der schwierigsten und allgegenwärtigsten Fragen in allen Zeitaltern, Kulturen und Religionen: das Überleben des menschlichen Bewusstseins nach dem Tod. Es beginnt mit einem kontextuellen Überblick über den Glauben an ein persönliches Überleben und widerlegt fehlgeleitete historische und erkenntnistheoretische Argumente gegen die Vorstellung eines Überlebens nach dem Tod (z. B. irrational, rein religiös, wissenschaftlich unmöglich, von der Neurowissenschaft als falsch erwiesen). Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die wissenschaftlichen Beweise für das Fortleben des menschlichen Bewusstseins nach dem Tod und konzentriert sich dabei auf Studien über Medialität, Nahtoderfahrungen, außerkörperliche Erfahrungen und Reinkarnation.Zu den behandelten Themen gehören:Der Glaube an ein Leben nach dem Tod in der heutigen Welt sowie in der Geschichte der Religionen und der Philosophie.Die wichtigsten fehlgeleiteten Argumente und Vorurteile gegen die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Überlebens nach dem Tod.Was sind empirische Beweise für ein Überleben nach dem Tod?Die wichtigsten alternativen Erklärungshypothesen für das Überleben nach dem Tod.Die wichtigsten kulturellen Hindernisse für eine faire Untersuchung der verfügbaren Beweise für das Weiterleben des Bewusstseins nach dem Tod.Science of Life After Death ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Forscher, Professoren und Doktoranden sowie für Kliniker, Therapeuten und andere Fachleute in den Bereichen Entwicklungs- und klinische Psychologie, Spiritualität, Religions- und Bewusstseinsforschung, Psychiatrie, Neurowissenschaft/Neurologie, Phänomenologie/Philosophie, Komplementär- und Alternativmedizin und allen damit verbundenen Disziplinen.

Driving Digital Transformation in Developing Nations: Case Studies

by Nagy K. Hanna

This book provides detailed insight into what governments and institutions can do to drive digital transformation in a nation pursuing economic development. Drawing on real-world case studies and practical advice, the book breaks down digital transformation of public services, healthcare, and the move toward smart cities. Synthesizing publicly available information, the book captures how the World Bank transformed its response to the digital revolution in several nations. Nagy K. Hanna takes readers through the pioneering export strategy of software services in India’s and Sri Lanka’s first integrated digital transformation program. The resulting book is a guide for policymakers, development economists, and change-makers seeking new ways to harness the power of digital technologies to promote inclusive and sustainable development.

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Earth and Environmental Processes (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences)

by Vladimir Karev

This book presents short papers of participants of the 9th International Scientific Conference-School for Young Scientists «Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Earth and Environment Processes. A special focus is given to the extraction of hydrocarbon resources, including from unconventional sources. An alternative to the use of hydrocarbons as a main source of energy on the Planet in the coming decades is unlikely to be found. At the same time, the resource base of hydrocarbons is quickly depleted, in particularly, large and accessible oil and gas fields. The shale oil and gas, Arctic hydrocarbon stocks, gas hydrates, coal bed methane, oil and gas from deep horizons can become new sources. "Deep oil" may be the most promising source of expanding the resource base of hydrocarbons according to many experts. New technologies are required to their development. Efficient low-cost technologies can be created on the basis of geomechanical approach, i.e., through the use of a huge elastic energy stored in the rock massif due to rock pressure. The creation of new breakthrough approaches to the development of hydrocarbon fields is very important in today's geopolitical conditions and requires the involvement of young minds and strength. International activities, including the youth scientific schools, can become an effective tool for exchange of information and the organizing of interdisciplinary research of processes in geo-environment. The book presents the new results of the experimental and theoretical modeling of deformation, fracture, and filtration processes in the rocks in connection to issues of creating scientific fundamentals for new hydrocarbon production technologies. The investigations of the dependence of well stability and permeability of rocks on the stress-strain state in conditions of deep horizons and high rock pressure are also represented.

Professional's Guide to Trauma-informed Decision Making

by Cortny Stark Jose Luis Tapia Jr. Kylie Rogalla Kate Bunch

Professional’s Guide to Trauma-informed Ethical Decision Making offers helping professionals a framework comprising the 10 Principles of Trauma-informed Ethical Practice (Stark, Tapia-Fuselier, & Bunch, 2022) enhanced with prominent ethical decision making models. These principles build upon the SAMHSA (2014) conceptualization of trauma-informed care, address key concepts such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their long-term impact, marginalization stress, the influence of military and law enforcement experience, and others. Despite distinctions between the diversity of helping professions (in credentials, scope of practice, and theoretical approach), the same decision making models for trauma-informed care is a requirement for best practice. Thus, this volume is designed to address the needs of professionals serving diverse clientele, particularly those who’ve experienced trauma and adversity. Practitioners may utilize this text to as a guide to assistwith ethical decision making when working with client survivors of trauma, and educators may select this text as required reading to support the development of trauma-informed clinicians-in-training.

Polish Families in Ireland: A Life Course Perspective

by Alicja Bobek Michelle Share

This volume explores the family formation and life course of Polish people in Ireland, who make up the largest immigrant group in Ireland. Chapters address key dimensions of the life course in three parts focusing on childhood and youth, adulthood and parenting, and mid-life and futures. Contributions investigate the experiences of children and youth attending school and understanding their identities, the changing nature of families and family support, how families might engage with welfare institutions, and more. Through the life course approach, the book moves beyond the paradigm of studying the Polish population as economic migrants and instead analyzes and illustrates the lives of Polish families living in Ireland since EU enlargement.

Deep-Time Images in the Age of Globalization: Rock Art in the 21st Century (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology)

by Oscar Moro Abadía Margaret W. Conkey Josephine McDonald

This open access volume explores the impact of globalization on the contemporary study of deep-time art. The volume explores how early rock art research’s Eurocentric biases have shifted with broadened global horizons to facilitate new conversations and discourses in new post-colonial realities. The book uses seven main themes to explore theoretical, methodological, ethical, and practical developments that are orienting the study of Pleistocene and Holocene arts in the age of globalization. Compiling studies as diverse as genetics, visualization, with the proliferation of increasingly sophisticated archaeological techniques, means that vast quantities of materials and techniques are now incorporated into the analysis of the world’s visual cultures. Deep-Time Images in the Age of Globalization aims to promote critical reflection on the multitude of positive – and negative – impacts that globalization has wrought in rock art research. The volume brings new theoretical frameworks as well as engagement with indigenous knowledge and perspectives from art history. It highlights technical, methodological and interpretive developments, and showcases rock art characteristics from previously unknown (in the global north) geographic areas. This book provides comparative approaches on rock art globally and scrutinises the impacts of globalization on research, preservation, and management of deep-time art. This book will appeal to archaeologists, social scientists and art historians working in the field as well as lovers of rock art.

Python for Accounting and Finance: An Integrative Approach to Using Python for Research

by Sunil Kumar

This book is a comprehensive guide to the application of Python in accounting, finance, and other business disciplines. This book is more than a Python tutorial; it is an integrative approach to using Python for practical research in these fields. The book begins with an introduction to Python and its key libraries. It then covers real-world applications of Python, covering data acquisition, cleaning, exploratory data analysis, visualization, and advanced topics like natural language processing, machine learning, predictive analytics, and deep learning. What sets this book apart is its unique blend of theoretical knowledge and real-world examples, supplemented with ready-to-use code. It doesn't stop at the syntax; it shows how to apply Python to tackle actual analytical problems. The book uses case studies to illustrate how Python can enhance traditional research methods in accounting and finance, not only allowing the reader to gain a firm understanding of Pythonprogramming but also equipping them with the skills to apply Python to accounting, finance, and broader business research. Whether you are a PhD student, a professor, an industry professional, or a financial researcher, this book provides the key to unlocking the full potential of Python in research.

Transformation Towards Sustainability: A Novel Interdisciplinary Framework from RWTH Aachen University

by Gabriele Gramelsberger Peter Letmathe Frank T. Piller Roger Häußling Wolfgang Breuer Michael Leuchner Stefan Böschen Agnes Förster Elke Seefried Christine Roll Almut Balleer Kathrin Greiff Max Lemme Maren Paegert Thorsten Wahlbrink

The global environmental crisis, technological developments, the COVID-19 pandemic, and ongoing economic and political globalization are just a few of the developments that are massively increasing the pressure for transformation on regions, companies and society as a whole. In addition, the digital age is accelerating transformation processes that are already underway. This contributed book addresses these developments and presents a new framework for transformation research and practice that has been developed and already validated by researchers of the RWTH Aachen University. The RWTH way includes inter- and transdisciplinary approaches from many disciplines, looking at technological and societal change from different perspectives. A distinction is made between analysis, i.e., research on transformation processes, impact, i.e., transformational research, and change in research itself, i.e. research transformation. The book not only creates a new understanding of transformation research, but also provides actionable impulses for scholars and practitioners in many fields. This is an open access book.

Modern River Science for Watershed Management: GIS and Hydrogeological Application (Water Science and Technology Library #128)

by S. Satheeshkumar V. Thirukumaran D. Karunanidhi

This book covers the various ways in which rivers discharge water and sediment load, which is characteristic of the current situation caused by both human activity and the natural riverine environment. The knowledge of river inclinations and flow patterns points to more river ecosystem management and current multifaceted conditions. Technology advancements in river watershed studies have demonstrated the difference between natural river systems and human-influenced hydrological environments and surface processes. Lastly, the relationship between river systems and modern activity is impacted by climate change which is also discussed in this volume. This edited book is organized into four parts, each discussing a different aspect of modern river science for watershed management, including GIS and hydrogeological applications, rainfall-runoff modeling that is up to date, hydrological processes, artificial intelligence, and GIS. Moreover, it provides a wealth of information about watershed management, particularly for researchers and experts in the hydrogeological field. It covers advanced applications of river morphometric dynamics conditions, flood risk assessment, sediment load discharge, and their flux measurements, as well as field-oriented aspects of the river environment and GIS. The book can be used to update current river science studies and to expand scientific understanding for projects related to studies. The edited book is primarily intended for postgraduate students, researchers, and experts and practitioners in the fields of hydrology, field hydrogeology (water resource exploration), dam studies, and groundwater potential investigation. It is also intended for young researchers, scholars, and practitioners working in the field of water resource exploration.

Library and Information Sciences in Arctic and Northern Studies (Springer Polar Sciences)

by Spencer Acadia

The role of library and information sciences (LIS) in, for, and about Arctic and Northern studies is underexplored. This book examines the intersection of LIS and Arctic/Northern scholarship, research, and study by considering the Arctic and North as a global information-knowledge society; demonstrates practical and applied ways that librarians, archivists, curators, and other information scholars and professionals can participate and have participated in real activities within Arctic and Northern environments; explains how LIS – as a discipline focused on data, information, and knowledge – has a significant role to play in Arctic and Northern endeavours; and emphasises the inter-/multi- disciplinary nature of what are Arctic studies and Northern studies and the placement of LIS into that structure. Even though LIS has historically been overlooked in Northern and Arctic matters, this book suggests that LIS is in a remarkable position to add value to future Arctic/Northern studies. Thisbook is of interest to scientists, researchers, scholars, educators, professionals, and students globally working in Northern and Arctic contexts and/or with Northern and Arctic pursuits in mind.

Humans, Angels, And Cyborgs Aboard Theseus' Ship: Metaphysics, Mythology, and Mysticism in Trans-/Posthumanist Philosophies

by Mattia Geretto

This book addresses the most suggestive themes of transhumanism and critical posthumanism by placing them in dialogue with classic problems of metaphysics, and with some great thinkers of the past (Bruno, Spinoza, and above all Leibniz). The main purpose of this comparison is to invite transhumanists and critical posthumanists to consider a highly complex problematic tradition rooted in the history of philosophy. This study also makes use of examples drawn from the history of mythology, angelology, and mysticism. At the same time, the book promotes dialogue between scholars of classical metaphysics and philosophy of religion, and the potential metaphysical/spiritual theories developed independently by transhumanist and posthumanist thinkers within an anti-dualist and naturalistic philosophical framework. The goal is to ‘enhance’ contemporary transhumanism and posthumanism by promoting the need to safeguard intelligence as a principle, without falling into the trap of a violent and egotistic metaphysics.

Leadership and Collaboration in Workplace Discourse: From Field to Application (Communicating in Professions and Organizations)

by Małgorzata Chałupnik

This book presents a comprehensive examination of how leadership and collaboration are discursively performed in professional communication, using real-world data from a UK public sector IT team. Taking an auto-ethnographic approach to workplace talk, the author examines the language involved in the performance of different team-based professional roles, examining how professional identity and relationships are indexed through casual face-to-face talk in an office environment. This investigation of how a group of people come together in an effort to achieve shared workplace goals relates to key debates in the area of professional communication, putting forward new theoretical and methodological frameworks for understanding and analysing how person-orientated aspects of professional communication shape discourses of work. This book appeals to a wide and interdisciplinary audience, including advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, academics and researchers specialising in applied linguistics broadly, and professional communication in particular, as well as consultants and practitioners working across a wide range of professional sectors.

Red Moon: The Soviet Conquest of Space (Springer Praxis Books)

by Massimo Capaccioli

The book is about the “space race”, starting from the earliest steps of astronautics to the Moon landings of Armstrong and Aldrin. The conquest of space began as a by-product of an exquisitely military project, the rapid, and efficient delivery of explosives, conventional and then nuclear, over great distances into enemy territory. It happened at the turn of World War II, first with the V2s, the Wunderwaffen that von Braun had created for his Führer, and, after the surrender of Germany and Japan, with the intercontinental ballistic missiles that the Russians and Americans built to serve as cabs for atomic bombs. Restrained by the fear of nuclear holocaust, the two great powers that had momentarily divided the government of the world turned the risky muscular confrontation into an unusual race to climb the sky: a stage race with a conventional finish line marked by the human landing on the Moon. Under the constant guidance of Sergei Korolev, the mysterious “chief designer”, the Soviets got off to a surprise start and stayed in the lead until almost the end, with the Sputniks, the orbital flights of Gagarin and Tereshkova, the first spacewalk, and the unmanned soft landings on the Moon and Venus, only to be caught up and overtaken by the Americans at the very edge. An adventure that lasted a total of twelve years, marked by brilliant and courageous men, by astute and far-sighted politicians, by patriotism and ambition, and, as always, regulated by luck, which profoundly affected our world and the design of its future.

Quantum Dots Based Nanocomposites: Design, Fabrication and Emerging Applications (Engineering Materials)

by Sabu Thomas Poushali Das Sayan Ganguly

This book covers the recent advancements in quantum research and nanotechnology. The chapters investigate the synthesis, design, and applications of quantum dots in nanocomposites, presenting a comprehensive exploration of their principles, manufacturing processes, and diverse applications in electronics, photonics, energy, medicine, and beyond. With a focus on both theoretical foundations and practical insights derived from recent research, the book delves into the distinctive quantum mechanical characteristics of quantum dots, diverse fabrication methods, and the various possibilities emerging from their combination with various matrices. This book offers a captivating blend of theoretical knowledge and practical observations.

Pedagogical Encounters in the Post-Anthropocene, Volume 2: Technology, Neurology, Quantum (Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures)

by jan jagodzinski

As a follow up to Pedagogical Encounters in the Post-Anthropocene, Volume I, this book addresses three major areas in response to the post-Anthropocene: Technology, Neurology, Quantum. Each of these areas is broadly addressed in relation to the concerns that have arisen both theoretically and educationally. As in Volume I, the author terms these to be encounters as each area presents a particular problematic when addressing the phase change that the planet is undergoing where the anthropogenic labour of global humanity is contributing to climate change, endangering our very existence. Technology in education has been a significant development. There is a concerted effort to review this development placing stress on the rise of learning machines and algorithms. In the second encounter the vast literature on neurology is addressed, especially neurodiversity and the various symptoms that have emerged in the post-Anthropocene era. The last section reviews issues related to quantum theory as this is fundamental to tensions between physics and metaphysics. The volume concludes with the author’s own pedagogical proposal for the future.

Storytelling to Accelerate Climate Solutions

by Hua Wang Emily Coren

The climate is changing faster than our cultural practices are adapting to it. This Open Access volume, co-edited by Emily Coren (a science communicator) and Hua Wang (a communication scientist), presents a survey of the latest in agency-focused climate storytelling. Together, practitioners and scholars across different fields shared their knowledge, experience, and insight about how stories can be designed and told to engage, enable, and empower individuals and communities in climate communication and action. You will learn a wide range of narrative strategies and exemplary applications of climate storytelling in terms of professional practices (e.g., education, literature, journalism, popular media), genres and formats (e.g., drama, comedy, fiction), media platforms (e.g., television, radio, mobile), and communication modalities (e.g., text, visual, audio, multisensory). Entertainment-education has been proven over decades to be an effective tool for social and behavior change in the public health sphere and has not yet been applied at scale to the massive ongoing climate–related disasters that we need to solve now, fast. There is an urgent need to rapidly apply and adapt public engagement tools for climate communication to speed up our response times for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This book takes a snapshot of where climate storytelling is currently at, describes where it fits within a climate communication landscape, and supports the next steps of its development. It facilitates the of creation climate storytelling efficiently by sharing and amplifying what is working well, and building collaborations between practitioners and researchers.This is an open access book.

Global Perspectives in the Metaverse: Law, Economics, and Finance

by Nafis Alam Hung-Yi Chen Pawee Jenweeranon

The metaverse is undergoing rapid and transformative changes, yet it has thus far lacked a comprehensive scholarly examination from a global and comparative standpoint. The publication addresses existing gaps by introducing fresh perspectives and frameworks across various domains within the metaverse, including law, economics, and finance. Drawing upon the expertise of an international cohort of scholars and practitioners, this volume illuminates emerging interdisciplinary insights with global relevance, facilitating a comparative analysis of diverse aspects of the metaverse. Timely and essential, this book contributes significantly to the metaverse literature, addressing urgent issues in this evolving landscape.

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