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The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us

by A. J. Gordon

"A. J. Gordon's The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us" is an illuminating and deeply spiritual examination of the dual aspects of Christ's redemptive work in the life of a believer. A. J. Gordon, a highly respected 19th-century pastor and theologian, masterfully articulates the profound theological truths of Christ's external and internal work in this enduring classic.In "The Twofold Life," Gordon explores the complementary and inseparable aspects of Christ's work. He begins by delving into "Christ's Work For Us," emphasizing the foundational truths of the gospel: Christ's atoning sacrifice, justification, and the believer's position in Christ. Gordon provides a rich and detailed exposition of the significance of Christ's death and resurrection, underscoring the believer's assurance of salvation and the transformative power of Christ's finished work on the cross.Transitioning to "Christ's Work in Us," Gordon addresses the internal, sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. He explains how Christ's life, character, and power are manifested within the believer, leading to spiritual growth and maturity. Gordon discusses the process of sanctification, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and the believer's ongoing transformation into Christlikeness.Throughout the book, Gordon employs a pastoral and accessible writing style, making profound theological concepts understandable and applicable to everyday Christian living.This book is an invaluable resource for theologians, pastors, and laypeople seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. "The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us" remains a timeless and inspirational work that continues to encourage and edify believers, guiding them towards a richer and more vibrant relationship with their Savior.

Tyler Goes to School

by Andrea Beam

Tyler faces the first-day jitters with more on his mind than most. His wheelchair sets him apart in a world of footsteps.But as the school doors loom ahead, will Tyler let his nerves steer his day, or can his boundless imagination propel him toward an unexpected journey? Join Tyler as he navigates the hallways and hearts of his new school, discovering that the wheels of courage and creativity can roll over any obstacle.

Type-3 Fuzzy Logic in Time Series Prediction (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Oscar Castillo Patricia Melin

This book focuses on the field of type-3 fuzzy logic for applications in time series prediction. The main idea is that a higher type and order of fuzzy logic can help in solving various prediction problems and find better results. In addition, neural networks and fractal theory are employed in enhancing prediction results. In this regard, several hybrid intelligent methods are offered. In this book we test the proposed methods using several prediction problems, like predicting COVID-19 and the stock market. We can notice that when Type-3 fuzzy systems are implemented to model the behavior of systems, the results in prediction are enhanced, because the management of uncertainty is better. For this reason, we consider in this book the proposed methods using type-3 fuzzy systems, neural networks and fractal theory to improve the prediction behavior of the complex nonlinear systems. This book is intended to be a reference for scientists and engineers interested in applying type-3 fuzzy logic techniques for solving complex prediction problems. This book can also be used as a reference for graduate courses like the following: soft computing, fuzzy logic, neural networks, bio-inspired algorithms, intelligent prediction, and similar ones. We consider that this book can also be used to get novel ideas for new lines of research, or to continue the lines of research proposed by the authors of the book.

Übersetzen im Wandel: Wie Technologisierung, Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz das Übersetzen verändern

by Christoph Rösener Carmen Canfora Torsten Dörflinger Felix Hoberg Simon Varga

Der Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft (FTSK) Germersheim der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz feierte im Jahr 2022 sein 75-jähriges Bestehen. Dieses Jubiläum nahm der Germersheimer Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Translationstechnologie (ASTT) zum Anlass, im Rahmen einer Tagung 2022 einen Blick nicht auf die Vergangenheit, sondern die Zukunft des Übersetzerberufs zu werfen. Im Zentrum des Interesses standen dabei die Auswirkungen, die der Übersetzerberuf und die Übersetzerausbildung im Zuge des digitalen Wandels erfahren, der insbesondere in Gestalt der Maschinellen Übersetzung und der fortschreitenden Automatisierung von Übersetzungsprozessen die Branche zunehmend prägt.Welche Kompetenzen müssen Studierenden heute vermittelt werden, damit sie in der Berufswelt von morgen ihren Platz finden? Wie kann man sie mit einer positiven Haltung dem digitalen Wandel gegenüber ausstatten und ihnen somit eine aktive Rolle in diesemSystem ermöglichen?​

Ubiquitous and Transparent Security: Challenges and Applications

by Yassine Maleh Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj A. Suresh Kumar Daniel Arockiam

In an increasingly interconnected digital realm, Ubiquitous and Transparent Security: Challenges and Applications emerges as a guiding beacon through the intricate web of modern cybersecurity. This comprehensive tome meticulously dissects the multifaceted challenges faced in safeguarding our digital infrastructure. From the omnipresence of threats to the evolving landscape of vulnerabilities, this book navigates the complexities with a keen eye, offering a panoramic view of the security terrain.Drawing on a rich tapestry of insights from leading experts, this book transcends the traditional boundaries of security discourse. It unveils innovative strategies and technologies, illuminating the path toward a future where security seamlessly integrates with the fabric of our digital existence. With a keen focus on transparency, it delves deep into the mechanisms that enable a clear, holistic view of security, empowering stakeholders to navigate this dynamic landscape with confidence.From cutting-edge applications to the ethical considerations of ubiquitous security, each chapter acts as a guiding compass, providing actionable insights and fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate balance between accessibility and protection. Ubiquitous and Transparent Security is not merely a book; it’s a roadmap for practitioners, policymakers, and enthusiasts alike, navigating the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.Each chapter within this compendium illuminates the diverse challenges that confront security practitioners, policymakers, and technologists today. It goes beyond the conventional paradigms, exploring the nuanced intersections between accessibility, transparency, and robust protection. Through a rich amalgamation of research-backed insights, real-world case studies, and visionary forecasts, this book offers a holistic understanding of the evolving threat landscape, empowering stakeholders to fortify their defenses proactively.

Ubiquitous Networking: 9th International Symposium, UNet 2023, Clermont-Ferrand, France, November 1–3, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14757)

by Essaid Sabir Oussama Habachi Halima Elbiaze Gerard Chalhoub

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, UNet 2023, held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, during November 01–03, 2023. The 14 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 28 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: artificial intelligence-driven communications; data engineering, cyber security and pervasive services; tactile internet and internet of things; ubiquitous communication technologies and networking.

The Ultimate Meal Planning for One Cookbook: 100+ Easy, Affordable, and Low-Waste (High-Taste!) Recipes Made Just for You (Ultimate for One Cookbooks Series)

by Kelly Jaggers

Plan your weekly meals while saving time and money with these 100+ recipes perfect for every solo chef trying to build a delicious, cost-effective, low-waste meal plan.Meal planning for one can feel daunting…especially if you want to avoid tons of leftovers and food waste while still making delicious single-serving meals. The good news is that The Ultimate Meal Planning for One Cookbook is here to help with easy-to-use meal plans and over 100 recipes that are designed for meal planning for one. This book allows you to make over 100 delicious, one-to-two-serving recipes for every meal from breakfast to dinner and everything in between. And, not only will you find tasty recipes designed for one, you&’ll also learn to use them to design your own weekly meal plans. Learn how to avoid eating the same old leftovers over and over throughout the week, how to utilize your ingredients as much as possible so nothing goes to waste, and to enjoy delicious versions of your favorite dishes, no matter the occasion. Whether you live alone or are just searching for the perfect meal for yourself, cooking solo need never be boring (or repetitive and wasteful!) again.

Ultimate Profit Management: Maximizing Profitability as You Grow Your Business

by Manny Skevofilax

Throughout the author’s career as a banker and business consultant, he has seen many examples of businesses that were doing just “fine.” They were profitable and growing slowly but surely, but then, the business owner decided that it wasn’t enough anymore to simply grow slowly. What was suddenly needed was growth of 20%, 50%, or even 100% per year, just like the notable companies they see and hear about every day in the media. They began to try to grow the business and in a short period, a profitable and thriving business became unprofitable. Since the business was no longer profitable, it needed to take on debt to pay its expenses. After taking on more and more debt, the business reached a point where it could not find any more debt to take on. This circumstance caused the business to fail to pay its bills anymore which led to a financial day of reckoning.It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a more effective way to grow your business without causing it to become unprofitable. And that’s why the author wrote this book.Growing a business without making profits usually leads to a short lifespan for that business and there are exceptions such as Uber and DoorDash – but there is a big difference between a business that has outside investors (angel investors, private equity, and venture capital and the typical small business entrepreneur trying to bootstrap a business. The difference is that if a business has a huge target market and it is growing its sales rapidly, outside investors may be willing to fund losses for a period. The same does not apply to an entrepreneur trying to grow a business without outside investors. Losses show that a business is on borrowed time. Once your capital is exhausted, there is no going back. A business needs profits to remain viable and to be able to provide for its owners, its employees, and its community. Running a business that loses money will put you out of business.There is no reason not to be profitable as you grow your business! The author shares the lessons that were taught to him by leaders, mentors in business, and by his clients. What took him by surprise was that these lessons were not complicated. They’re simple. They use simple, uncomplicated methods to grow their businesses profitably. You will learn about the readily available tools you can use to ensure that your business does not turn unprofitable as you grow it. You’ll be convinced that it makes sense to resist the lure of the high-growth, no-profit strategy and instead embrace the approach of steady growth with profits.Use this book as a guide. In it, the author covers the most important aspects of reasonable, prudent growth that will avoid debt and allow you, your partners, and business associates a productive and non-stressful existence with a business that grows and profits correctly.

Ultrasound of Congenital Fetal Anomalies: Differential Diagnosis and Prognostic Indicators

by Dario Paladini Paolo Volpe

An acclaimed overview of ultrasound for the prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies returns in a new enlarged edition. In particular, the coverage of both Central Nervous System congenital and acquired anomalies as well as Congenital Heart Disease has been expanded enormously, to make this an impressive comprehensive resource for Fetal Neurology and Fetal Cardiology. Together with additional new chapters on guidelines and protocols, equipment, and disorders of sexual differentiation, and new insight into fetal surgery procedures, this third edition almost becomes three books in one.

Un Avenir Acceptable: Une Histoire Sombre

by L. P. Masters

Alice Goetz est une simple responsable des acquisitions pour un éditeur, avec un implant de contrôle temporel pas si simple que ça dans le cerveau. Le premier livre de Paul Osmund est plus important pour l’avenir que quiconque dans sa ligne temporelle peut l’imaginer. Alice a pour mission de s’assurer que tout se passe comme prévu. Alice croit avoir enfin réussi à trouver la ligne qui mènera à un avenir acceptable, mais quelque chose d’inattendu commence à se produire. Paul tombe amoureux d’elle. Dans chaque ligne temporelle qu’elle traverse. L’avenir dépend d’Alice, qui doit trouver la bonne ligne temporelle pour Paul, mais quiconque travaille pour un avenir meilleur n’est pas autorisé à tomber amoureux de son sujet. Alice sait qu’elle doit suivre la voie qui mènera à un avenir acceptable, mais elle perdra Paul pour toujours.

Un-Natural Museum Mayhem (The\adventures Of Batgirl And Supergirl Ser.)

by Laurie S. Sutton

The Cheetah is on the hunt in the Gotham City Natural History Museum. She pounces on her prize, an ancient necklace fabled to grant its wearer incredible power. Later that night, when Batgirl and Supergirl respond to the burglary, they discover that the legend is true. The necklace gave the Super-Villain power… and mutated her into a mindless monster! Can the Super Heroes unearth the secret to undoing the midnight mutant madness? Find out in this action-packed, illustrated chapter book that’s perfect for young DC Super Hero fans!

Un Poliziotto da conquistare

by Aubree Valentine

Sinossi Innamorarsi di lei non ha mai fatto parte del piano, ma tutto ciò sta per cambiare. Smitty Non sboccerà nessun amore. Sono un uomo determinato, so cosa voglio e come ottenerlo, e di certo non desidero che una donna mi entri sotto pelle. C’è una buona ragione se ho eretto dei paletti e un dannato muro intorno al mio cuore. Zoey Innamorarmi non è mai stato nei miei piani. Quell’uomo mi fa impazzire nel migliore dei modi. Sono stata attirata dalle sue promesse seducenti, ed è stata la voglia di averne ancora a farmi tornare. Avevamo un accordo. Passione, divertimento… e la parte migliore? Niente impegni. Ma ben presto arrivano i problemi e il nostro passato torna a perseguitarci. La mia sicurezza è la sua priorità e conquistare il suo cuore è la mia. Se solo si rendesse conto che le cose tra noi sono molto più di un semplice gioco.

Una notte indimenticabile per Mr. Winston (I Fratelli Winston Vol.2 #2)

by Stacey Lewis

Sinossi Ci sono due cose che dovresti sapere di me: La prima è che non sbaglio mai. La seconda è che non mi sistemerò mai con una donna. Ero il fratello divertente, burlone, quello mai serio, finché non ho perso la persona più importante della mia vita. Sono così fuori controllo che ho passato la notte dopo il funerale di mio padre ad affogare i miei dispiaceri prima nel fondo di una bottiglia... e poi nel corpo di una bionda esplosiva che mi guardava come se potessi realizzare tutte le sue fantasie sessuali. Avviso spoiler: l’ho fatto. Non ricordo il suo nome né il suo aspetto, ma occupa ogni mio pensiero. Non aiuta il fatto che mio fratello abbia assunto come mia assistente per le prossime sei settimane, una nuova stagista con un corpo strepitoso e i capelli biondi arruffati che mi fanno pensare a lei. Trascorro le mie giornate cercando di non prenderla sulla mia scrivania, e le mie notti a sognare la ragazza che è scappata via. Tutto cambia quando viene svelato il segreto che custodisce la mia stagista sexy… Ho commesso un grosso sbaglio.

Uncanny Fairy Tales: Hybrid Wonders in the Mirror (Among the Victorians and Modernists)

by Francesca Arnavas

There are fairy tales that surprise, destabilise, or even shock us: these are uncanny fairy tales that manipulate familiar stories in creative and bewildering ways in order to express new meanings. This work analyses these tales, basing its approach on a reformulation of Freud’s concept of the uncanny. Through a cognitive outlook the employed theoretical framework provides new perspectives on the study of experimental literary fairy tales. Considering English-language literature, complex and unsettling reinterpretations of the fairy-tale discourse began to appear during the Victorian Age, later resurfacing as a postmodern trend. This research individuates uncanny-related narrative techniques and cognitive responses as means to decodify and explore these tales, and as ways to discover unseen connections between Victorian and postmodern texts. The new theorisation of the uncanny is linked with three subconcepts: mirror, hybridity, and wonder, which function as tools to describe and investigate the cognitive and emotional entanglements characterising enigmatic and disorienting fairy tales.

The Uncertain Future of Afghanistan: Terrorism, Reconstruction, and Great-Power Rivalry (Indo-Pacific Focus)

by Khalid Rahman Nian Peng

This edited book aims to analyze the domestic politics and foreign relations of the country after the Taliban regained power in August 2021. It touched upon the key issues affecting the Taliban regime, such as peace talks, terrorism threats, BRI cooperation, and the policies of the great powers and neighboring countries toward the new regime in Afghanistan. It makes a significant contribution by incorporating various viewpoints from government officials, university scholars, and think tank experts from China, Japan, and South Asian states. The broad approach and extensive coverage of all relevant countries make this book a valuable resource for more than just a specific academic community. It appeals to a diverse readership, including academics, policymakers, journalists, and general readers. The main content of the book is divided into ten chapters, in which the first chapter briefly introduces the aims and scope of this book. The following 3 chapters look into the domestic politics in Afghanistan. These mainly include the Afghan peace negotiations, the challenge of the Taliban regime, and the security threats and regional response under the Taliban rule in Afghanistan. The next 6 chapters examine US's Afghan policy, China-Afghanistan relations, and Russia, India, Pakistan, Japan’s engagement with Afghanistan.

Uncertainty Quantification with R: Bayesian Methods (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #352)

by Eduardo Souza de Cursi

This book is a rigorous but practical presentation of the Bayesian techniques of uncertainty quantification, with applications in R. This volume includes mathematical arguments at the level necessary to make the presentation rigorous and the assumptions clearly established, while maintaining a focus on practical applications of Bayesian uncertainty quantification methods. Practical aspects of applied probability are also discussed, making the content accessible to students. The introduction of R allows the reader to solve more complex problems involving a more significant number of variables. Users will be able to use examples laid out in the text to solve medium-sized problems.The list of topics covered in this volume includes basic Bayesian probabilities, entropy, Bayesian estimation and decision, sequential Bayesian estimation, and numerical methods. Blending theoretical rigor and practical applications, this volume will be of interest to professionals, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students interested in the use of Bayesian uncertainty quantification techniques within the framework of operations research and mathematical programming, for applications in management and planning.

The Unconscious as Space: From Freud to Lacan, and Beyond

by Anca Carrington

The Unconscious as Space explores the experience of being and the practice of psychoanalysis by thinking of the unconscious in mathematical terms.Anca Carrington introduces mathematical models of space, from dimension theory to algebraic topology and knot theory, and considers their immediate psychoanalytic relevance. The hypothesis that the unconscious is structured like a space marked by impossibility is then examined. Carrington considers the clinical implications, with particular focus on the interplay between language and the unconscious as related topological spaces in which movement takes place along knot-like pathways.The Unconscious as Space will be of appeal to psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and mental health professionals in practice and in training.

Under The North Pole: The Wilkins-Ellsworth Submarine Expedition

by Hubert Wilkins

In "Under the North Pole: The Wilkins-Ellsworth Submarine Expedition," Sir Hubert Wilkins narrates the thrilling account of an unprecedented journey beneath the icy Arctic waters. Published in 1931, this book chronicles the daring and ambitious submarine expedition led by Wilkins and sponsored by millionaire Lincoln Ellsworth, aimed at exploring the uncharted territories beneath the North Pole.Sir Hubert Wilkins, an esteemed Australian explorer and aviator, brings to life the challenges and triumphs of this extraordinary expedition. The book begins with the planning and preparation stages, detailing the modifications made to the decommissioned U.S. Navy submarine Nautilus to make it capable of withstanding the harsh Arctic conditions. Wilkins provides an insider’s look at the technical innovations and logistical hurdles that had to be overcome.As the Nautilus embarks on its perilous journey, readers are taken on a gripping adventure filled with suspense and discovery. Wilkins describes the crew's experiences as they navigate through treacherous ice floes, battle mechanical failures, and confront the isolation of the deep sea. Wilkins' account not only highlights the physical and mental endurance required but also underscores the importance of teamwork and ingenuity in overcoming adversity."Under the North Pole" is more than just a tale of adventure; it is a testament to human curiosity and the quest for understanding the unknown. Sir Hubert Wilkins' meticulous documentation and engaging storytelling make this book a captivating read for anyone interested in the history of exploration and the pioneering spirit of the early 20th century. Through his eyes, readers gain a deeper appreciation for the bravery and determination that drove explorers to venture into the most inhospitable regions of the Earth.

Under A Rock

by Chris Stein

This audiobook includes the song 'Heartbreak Kid', an exclusive early track from Blondie's forthcoming album'Sometimes fate deals up a wild card. There's a lot to be said for one of these wild cards and from what I've learned over the fifty or so years of our friendship, Chris is a card from the unexpected deck' - from the foreword by Debbie HarryMusician, photographer, storyteller, and longtime partner to Debbie Harry, Chris Stein defined the sound of an era, catapulting the icon band Blondie to #1 and selling over 20 million copies of Parallel Lines.In this no-holds-barred autobiography, Stein reveals himself-this time not in songwriting or photography, which he's previously been known for, but in words. From a Brooklyn boyhood, a move across the river to the gritty and fecund East Village in the late 1970s allowed Stein to tap the explosive creativity that defined the era in the city. It was a time when David Bowie and the Ramones were also making music, when Andy Warhol was still alive and promoting Jean-Michel Basquiat's work, when cool was defined not by where you came from but by what you could contribute to culture.UNDER A ROCK is a plunge into that vanished time period, and into the moments that turned the fresh sound and new look of punk and new wave into a giant artistic and commercial sensation. Stein takes us there in this revelatory, propulsive, distinctive memoir.

Under A Rock

by Chris Stein

'Sometimes fate deals up a wild card. There's a lot to be said for one of these wild cards and from what I've learned over the fifty or so years of our friendship, Chris is a card from the unexpected deck' - from the foreword by Debbie HarryMusician, photographer, storyteller, and longtime partner to Debbie Harry, Chris Stein defined the sound of an era, catapulting the icon band Blondie to #1 and selling over 20 million copies of Parallel Lines.In this no-holds-barred autobiography, Stein reveals himself-this time not in songwriting or photography, which he's previously been known for, but in words. From a Brooklyn boyhood, a move across the river to the gritty and fecund East Village in the late 1970s allowed Stein to tap the explosive creativity that defined the era in the city. It was a time when David Bowie and the Ramones were also making music, when Andy Warhol was still alive and promoting Jean-Michel Basquiat's work, when cool was defined not by where you came from but by what you could contribute to culture.UNDER A ROCK is a plunge into that vanished time period, and into the moments that turned the fresh sound and new look of punk and new wave into a giant artistic and commercial sensation. Stein takes us there in this revelatory, propulsive, distinctive memoir.

Under Your Spell: 'For any fans of Emily Henry, this is a romantic read supreme' - STYLIST

by Laura Wood

&‘I absolutely adored Under Your Spell the sweetest, sexiest, funniest romance. It was such a treat!&’ Marian Keyes 'So witty and smart. I am thoroughly under Laura Wood&’s spell' Hannah Grace 'For any fans of Emily Henry, this is a romantic read supreme' - Stylist 'A fizzy, magical romcom featuring a heroine to root for and a hero to swoon over. Fans of Emily Henry will adore this sexy, tender and funny story' Sarra Manning, Red MagazineShe only wants three things. He isn't one of them... Dumped by her cheating ex, fired from her dream job, about to lose her flat: Clementine Monroe is not having a good day. So when her sisters get her drunk and suggest reviving a childhood ritual called the breakup spell, she doesn&’t see the harm in it. But now Clemmie has accidentally ruined a funeral, had her first one-night stand, and she&’s stuck with a new job she definitely doesn&’t want - spending six weeks alone with the gorgeous and very-off-limits rock star, Theo Eliott. He&’s the most famous man on the planet. Her life&’s a disaster. When it comes to love, Clemmie is learning you should be careful what you wish for...Early Readers LOVE Under Your Spell &‘I have read a ton of contemporary romantic fiction and this one stands out from the crowd.&’ &‘Fresh and original in the way that Emily Henry and Beth O' Leary books are… but it has something else that makes it different.&’ &‘Wonderful and gorgeous, I cannot recommend it enough.&’ &‘This might just be my perfect book&’ &‘I binged it all in 24 hours&’ &‘It has EVERYTHING I could ask for in a romantic comedy&’ &‘Funny, heartwarming and downright sexy&’ &‘A truly dreamy read that I would recommend to anyone who loves Beth O'Leary, Sarra Manning, Mhairi McFarlane or Emily Henry&’ &‘Pure joy from beginning to end.&’

Under Your Spell: A Novel

by Laura Wood

The daughter of an aging rock star finds herself working for the hottest musician on the planet and is shocked when sparks start to fly—especially since she swore she&’d never, ever date a celebrity—in this unputdownable romance that is perfect for fans of Christina Lauren and Emily Henry.She wants three things. He isn&’t one of them... Dumped by her cheating ex, fired from her dream job, and about to lose her flat: Clementine Monroe is not having a good day. So when her sisters get her drunk and suggest reviving a childhood ritual called the Breakup Spell, she doesn&’t see the harm in it. But now Clemmie has accidentally ruined a funeral, had her first one-night stand, and she&’s stuck with a new job she definitely doesn&’t want—spending six weeks alone with the gorgeous and very-off-limits rock star, Theo Eliott. He&’s the most famous man on the planet. Her life&’s a disaster. As their summer together turns into its own kind of magic, is Clemmie cursed to repeat the mistakes of her past—or will her future see all her wishes come true?

Undercover Heist

by Rachel Astor

One last heist… …brings them together again When art curator Ruby Alexander&’s former mentor disappears, she dives back into a criminal past she&’s tried to leave behind—and reconnects with Shane Meyers, one of her crew and someone she hasn&’t been able to forget. Sneaking into a secure facility, lifting a jewel-encrusted artifact and rescuing their former partner should be easy. But can Ruby do the job without risking her heart, or will working side by side with her old flame prove too dangerous?From Harlequin Romantic Suspense: Danger. Passion. Drama.

Understanding Adolescents’ Political Agency: Examining How Political Interest Shapes Political Development (Studies in Adolescent Development)

by Håkan Stattin

This ground-breaking volume shows that young people largely shape their own political development, and that to understand young people's political development, we must consider their political agency.Håkan Stattin explores the findings of an extensive longitudinal study of the political socialization of young people in Sweden from the ages of 13 to 28, which shows that, contrary to popular belief, it is not parents, peers, teachers or other key adults who are the primary agents in shaping young people's political development; it is their own self-directed political interest. Given that political interest is both an input and an output, the book examines how political interest affects young people's political interactions with their parents, and why young people and their parents perceive these interactions differently. It covers key issues such as the impact of political-interest-triggering events and civil unrest, the role of school and peers, parental involvement and the path from political interest to future political and civic engagement.Launching a new field of research internationally, this volume is essential reading for researchers, students, educators, and policy developers interested in young people's political and civic attitudes, engagement, communication, core values and the emergence of intrinsic political sophistication.

Understanding and Managing Socioeconomic Systems Behaviour: Applications of Qualitative and Quantitative System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modelling in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals, Finance, Arts and Culture, Sociology and Education Systems (Contributions to Management Science)

by Rossen Kazakov Penka Petrova Yavora Kazakova

This book illustrates effective decision-making in complex socio-economic systems utilising system dynamics and agent-based simulation modelling approaches. It provides practical guidance on the application of conceptual and numerical modelling and simulation for analysing economic, strategic, regulatory, sociological and ethical questions from a complex systems perspective. Its theoretical, methodological and practical illustrations will enhance readers’ understanding of the application of simulation modelling for effective systems management. By virtually experimenting with alternative management scenarios, it will help them improve decision-making and control mechanisms. The book explores practical examples from the fields of pharmaceuticals, healthcare, finance, sociology, education and culture from a strategic, regulatory and ethics perspective. As such, it offers a valuable resource for managers, both at for-profit corporations and non-profit organisations, public policymakers and regulators alike.

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