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Consumer Culture and Society

by Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy

The author is a proud sponsor of the 2020 SAGE Keith Roberts Teaching Innovations Award—enabling graduate students and early career faculty to attend the annual ASA pre-conference teaching and learning workshop. Consumer Culture and Society offers an introduction to the study of consumerism and mass consumption from a sociological perspective. It examines what we buy, how and where we consume, the meanings attached to the things we purchase, and the social forces that enable and constrain consumer behavior. Opening chapters provide a theoretical overview and history of consumer society and featured case studies look at mass consumption in familiar contexts, such as tourism, food, and higher education. The book explores ethical and political concerns, including consumer activism, indebtedness, alternative forms of consumption, and dilemmas surrounding the globalization of consumer culture.

Consumer Culture and Society

by Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy

The author is a proud sponsor of the 2020 SAGE Keith Roberts Teaching Innovations Award—enabling graduate students and early career faculty to attend the annual ASA pre-conference teaching and learning workshop. Consumer Culture and Society offers an introduction to the study of consumerism and mass consumption from a sociological perspective. It examines what we buy, how and where we consume, the meanings attached to the things we purchase, and the social forces that enable and constrain consumer behavior. Opening chapters provide a theoretical overview and history of consumer society and featured case studies look at mass consumption in familiar contexts, such as tourism, food, and higher education. The book explores ethical and political concerns, including consumer activism, indebtedness, alternative forms of consumption, and dilemmas surrounding the globalization of consumer culture.

Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice: Essays Dedicated to Herman Geuvers on The Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14560)

by Freek Wiedijk Venanzio Capretta Robbert Krebbers

This Festschrift, dedicated to Herman Geuvers on the occasion of his 60th birthday, contains papers written by many of his closest collaborators. Herman Geuvers is a full professor at Radboud University Nijmegen and holds a part-time professorship at Eindhoven University of Technology. He received his PhD from Radboud University in 1993 and he was promoted to full professor in Computer Assisted Reasoning in 2006. Prof. Geuvers is an internationally renowned researcher in the field of proof assistants, logic in computer science, lambda calculus, and type theory. He has been a steering committee chair of the TYPES and FSCD conferences, chair of related EU Cost Action projects, and program chair or editor of related conferences and special issues in the area of computer science logic. He is a successful, generous and inspiring advisor and educator. He has been director of education and director of research of the Computer Science Institute at Radboud University Nijmegen, and he is currently chair of the examination board of computer science and chair of the board of the Institute for Programming Research and Algorithmics, a Dutch national inter-university research school. The contributions in this volume reflect Prof. Geuvers’ main research interests.

3 Degrees More: The Impending Hot Season and How Nature Can Help Us Prevent It

by Klaus Wiegandt

This open access book describes in detail what life on this planet would be like if its average surface temperature were to rise 3 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial level. On this basis, the book argues that it is imperative to keep this temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius. It then lays out a detailed plan of what politically feasible, cost-effective measures should now be taken to achieve this goal. In this context, the book provides detailed discussions of climate finance, climate education and nature-based solutions. The book has been translated into English from the original German version published in 2022, and contains an original foreword and preface.

Gas Measurement Technology in Theory and Practice: Measuring Instruments, Sensors, Applications

by Gerhard Wiegleb

The book describes the physical properties of gases and describes the different measuring methods and sensor principles for the analysis of gas mixtures. The use of gas sensors in different applications is shown by means of practical examples. These applications of the metrological detection of gases originate from many fields of engineering, in particular energy technology, food technology, process engineering, biotechnology, safety engineering, medical technology and environmental technology.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Gasmesstechnik in Theorie und Praxis by Gerhard Wiegleb, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2017. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Nachhaltige Gestaltung von lokalen Ernährungssystemen durch Kommunalpolitik und -verwaltung (Stadtforschung aktuell)

by Arnim Wiek David Sipple Heiner Schanz

Dieses Open Access Buch erarbeitet konkrete Ansatzpunkte, wie die kommunale Praxis in Politik und Verwaltung Beiträge zur Ernährungswende Richtung Nachhaltigkeit leisten kann. Dabei wird u.a. aufgezeigt, dass die Aufgaben von Städten und Gemeinden, beispielsweise bei der öffentlichen Beschaffung, in Planungsfragen oder bei der Wirtschaftsförderung, bereits weit in ernährungsrelevante Bereiche hineinreichen und somit wichtige Hebelpunkte für nachhaltige Praktiken bestehen.

Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitssystem, Gesundheitswesen: Kompendium zum QB 3 des Studiums Humanmedizin

by Julius Wiemschulte

Im Humanmedizinstudium ist der Querschnittsbereich 3 "Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitssystem und Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen" ein verpflichtender Kurs im klinischen Studienabschnitt, der an allen medizinischen Fakultäten in Deutschland angeboten wird. In diesem Kurs erlernen die Studentinnen und Studenten die Systematik des Gesundheitswesens. Dieses Buch bietet in prägnanter Form die wichtigsten Informationen zum erfolgreichen Absolvieren des QB 3 und deckt die Themenfelder Gesundheitssystem, Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement ab. Die klar strukturierten Inhalte werden durch praktische Bezüge zum ärztlichen Arbeitsalltag greifbar, so dass die große Relevanz des Stoffes als Rückgrat der ärztlichen Tätigkeit ersichtlich wird. Verständnisfragen zur Wissensreflektion und Fallbeispiele runden das Kompendium ab. Das Buch richtet sich an Studentinnen und Studenten der Humanmedizin und ist auch empfehlenswert für fachnahe Berufsgruppen (Sozialversicherungsfachangestellte, Gesundheits- und Pflegefachberufe).

The Hairstons: An American Family in Black and White

by Henry Wiencek

As the country enters a new era of conversations around race and the enduring impact of slavery, The Hairstons traces the rise and fall of the largest slaveholding family in the Old South as its descendants—both black and white—grapple with the twisted legacy of their past.Spanning two centuries of one family’s history, The Hairstons tells the extraordinary story of the Hairston clan, once the wealthiest family in the Old South and the largest slaveholder in America. With several thousand black and white members, the Hairstons of today share a complex and compelling history: divided in the time of slavery, they have come to embrace their past as one family.For seven years, journalist Henry Wiencek combed the far-reaching branches of the Hairston family tree to piece together a family history that involves the experiences of both plantation owners and their slaves. Crisscrossing the old plantation country of Virginia, North Carolina, and Mississippi, The Hairstons reconstructs the triumphant rise of the remarkable children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of the enslaved as they fought to take their rightful place in mainstream America. It also follows the white descendants through the decline and fall of the Old South, and uncovers the hidden history of slavery's curse—and how that curse followed slaveholders for generations.Expertly weaving stories of horror, tragedy, and heroism, The Hairstons addresses our nation’s attempt to untangle the twisted legacy of the past, and provides a transcendent account of the human power to overcome.

An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America

by Henry Wiencek

An Imperfect God is a major new biography of Washington, and the first to explore his engagement with American slaveryWhen George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his "only unavoidable subject of regret." In this groundbreaking work, Henry Wiencek explores the founding father's engagement with slavery at every stage of his life--as a Virginia planter, soldier, politician, president and statesman. Washington was born and raised among blacks and mixed-race people; he and his wife had blood ties to the slave community. Yet as a young man he bought and sold slaves without scruple, even raffled off children to collect debts (an incident ignored by earlier biographers). Then, on the Revolutionary battlefields where he commanded both black and white troops, Washington's attitudes began to change. He and the other framers enshrined slavery in the Constitution, but, Wiencek shows, even before he became president Washington had begun to see the system's evil. Wiencek's revelatory narrative, based on a meticulous examination of private papers, court records, and the voluminous Washington archives, documents for the first time the moral transformation culminating in Washington's determination to emancipate his slaves. He acted too late to keep the new republic from perpetuating slavery, but his repentance was genuine. And it was perhaps related to the possibility--as the oral history of Mount Vernon's slave descendants has long asserted--that a slave named West Ford was the son of George and a woman named Venus; Wiencek has new evidence that this could indeed have been true.George Washington's heroic stature as Father of Our Country is not diminished in this superb, nuanced portrait: now we see Washington in full as a man of his time and ahead of his time.

Diagnostik von Manipulationen

by Heribert Wienkamp

Manipulationen begegnen uns auf „Schritt und Tritt“ und in unzähligen alltäglichen Situationen. Wenn dem so ist, hat das (frühzeitige) Erkennen von Manipulationen absoluten Vorrang.Dies gilt erst recht bei Fachexperten bezüglich ihrer Diagnostik und Analyse. Bei allem, was an verbalen Äußerungen aufgetischt und angeboten wird, steht die versuchsweise Differenzierung zwischen Dichtung und Wahrheit im Focus des Geschehens. Denn nur eine einigermaßen vollständige und wahrheitsgetreue Problemskizze birgt das Potenzial zur Erkenntnisgewinnung bzw. zur Entlarvung von Lügen oder Halbwahrheiten. Lügen, Täuschungen, Ausreden usw. sind manipulative Aktivitäten oder Reaktionen, die einen anderen, nämlich bewusst falschen Eindruck erzeugen sollen. Aber nicht nur in interpersonellen Situationen, sondern auch in größeren sozialen Zusammenhängen oder Systemen sind manipulative Manöver festzustellen und genauer zu erforschen, um z.B. Spiele wie das Schachspiel erfolgreich zu absolvieren oder Probleme durch von allen akzeptierte Regelungen zu lösen.Von dieser Publikation könnten als Zielgruppen besonders profitieren: Führungskräfte, Personalexperten in Wissenschaft und Praxis und Spezialisten, die entweder die Glaubwürdigkeit von Aussagen auf „Dichtung und Wahrheit“ zu beurteilen haben oder sonstigen Betreuungsmandaten nachgehen.


by Heribert Wienkamp

Zunächst ein zusammenfassender Überblick über die bisherigen Versuche, Kreativität im Rahmen der Intelligenzforschung, der Schulpädagogik, der betrieblichen Eignungsdiagnostik mittels formaler Verfahren wie Tests festzustellen und zu messen, was zum größten Teil misslang. Nach der Klärung des Konstruktes „Kreativität“ und insbesondere Abgrenzung zur Intelligenz und Problemlösefähigkeit, ausloten der Ansätze und Möglichkeiten, Kreativität für Untersuchungen zu operationalisieren und einzuschätzen. Diese Ansätze betreffen sowohl die „Welt der Objekte“ als auch die sozialen Beziehungen, die sich per se meist neuartigen Herausforderungen zu stellen haben. Schließlich erscheint es geboten, Kreativität im Rahmen der Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik insgesamt zu betrachten und zu diskutieren.

Properties of Fresh Concrete: Proceedings of the International RILEM Colloquium

by H. J. Wierig

This book presents new information on concrete properties and production in the light of the widespread use of ready mixed concrete and new concreting materials. This book forms the Proceedings of the RILEM Colloquium held in Hanover, West Germany in October 1990. Papers from 18 countries in Europe, North America and the Far East are included.

Be Skillful: God's Guidebook to Wise Living (The BE Series Commentary)

by Warren W. Wiersbe

Our world yearns for how-to guides and the secret to a fulfilled life. However, no truth is man-made. The wisdom that God granted to King Solomon is the same wisdom that would benefit us today—if only we would seek it.The book of Proverbs offers principles to develop godly character daily. From the dangers of speaking without listening to the satisfaction inherent in fearing the Lord, author Warren Wiersbe will unpack the Scriptures in ways that will help you apply these spiritual truths.Having pastored three churches, Wiersbe is a man who has dedicated his life to a deep understanding of the Word. Allow the insight he's gained over the years to penetrate your heart. Soon, wisdom will be your companion, and folly your sworn enemy.

HOAI 2021-Textausgabe/HOAI 2021-Text Edition: Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure in der Fassung von 2021/Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers in the version of 2021

by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Seit der Öffnung des EU-Binnenmarktes sind ausländische Investoren und ausführende Firmen verstärkt auf dem deutschen Markt tätig. Umgekehrt möchten ausländische Auftraggeber wissen, nach welchen Bestimmungen ihr deutscher Architekt sein Honorar festlegt. Die 6. Auflage der zweisprachigen HOAI-Textausgabe wurde grundlegend überarbeitet. Im 1. Teil finden Sie den Wortlaut der HOAI 2021 in deutscher Fassung, im 2. Teil die englische Übersetzung.

Transformation der hydrostatischen Antriebstechnik zur E-Mobilität

by Wolfgang Wiest

Dieses Lehr- und Fachbuch dient als Leitfaden für die Transformation zur Projektierung von E-Mobilitätssystemen als Substitution von hydrostatischen Antriebssystemen im Kontext der E-Mobilität. Es zeigt auf, welche Rahmenbedingungen bei der Transformation vorhanden sein und beachtet werden müssen und welche zusätzlichen technischen Potentiale im Vergleich zu den bisherigen hydraulischen Antriebsstrukturen nutzbar sind. Da zukünftig beide Systeme erforderlich sind, kommt einer Plattformstruktur besondere Bedeutung zu. In diesem Buch werden entsprechende Optionen dargestellt und erläutert. Zielgruppe sind Studierende an den Technischen Hochschulen und Universitäten aber auch Mitarbeitende in Konstruktions- und Entwicklungsabteilungen der Fahrzeugindustrie.

The Twelve Dogs of Christmas: A Novel

by Susan Wiggs

"Don't miss this charming Christmas tale of thawing hearts, escaping dogs, and finding home. I couldn't help digging into this book with both paws." --Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Must Love FlowersThe ultimate holiday gift from New York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs: a delightful novel about a Christmas transport of rescue puppies that’s guaranteed to warm readers’ hearts.Brenda Malloy wants nothing to do with Christmas ever again. Last year, Brenda and her husband rushed their beloved dog Tim to the emergency vet on Christmas eve. The good news: Tim survived after the vet cleared the obstruction--a pair of women’s lace undies. The bad news: the undies were not Brenda’s.A year after the breakup, Brenda has put her life back together. She’s trained for a marathon, is writing a children’s novel, and she’s found purpose and healing as a volunteer with a dog rescue organization in Houston, Texas. The rescue partners with a program in Avalon, New York--a small, snowy town deep in the Catskills. Now Brenda is arranging the transport of rescued dogs from Houston to Avalon—just in time for a merry Christmas with their forever families. Brenda’s friends worry about her driving a van two thousand miles with twelve dogs in crates, but she shrugs off their concern. How hard can it be? She knows the way, and she’s just looking to escape the Christmas overload for a while. But a blinding snowstorm, an escaped mutt, and a life-saving encounter with Adam Bellamy—a single dad and paramedic—means Brenda has to stay in Avalon longer than she planned. As she drops off each precious pup at their new homes, some of the comfort and joy of the season begins to creep up on Brenda despite her determination to avoid the holidays. Perhaps you can bring Christmas into your heart after all...if you have the right furry friends to guide the way.

Welcome to Beach Town: A Novel

by Susan Wiggs

Beloved New York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs returns with a compulsively readable tale of an idyllic California beach town forced to reckon with scandal when a high school valedictorian’s speech reveals secrets that shake the town to its core."Readers will savor sunny skies and perfect surf in this stunning new novel, but one thing is for sure: In this Beach Town, there is always more happening than meets the eye. Don’t miss this expansive beauty of a summer book!" --Kristy Woodson Harvey, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Summer of SongbirdsEvery town has its secrets...In idyllic Alara Cove, a California beach town known for its sunny charm and chill surfer vibe, it’s graduation day at the elite Thornton Academy. At Thornton, the students are the worldly and overindulged children who live in gated enclaves with spectacular views. But the class valedictorian is Nikki Graziola, a surfer’s daughter who is there on scholarship. To the shock of everyone in the audience, Nikki veers off script while giving her commencement address and reveals a secret that breaks open the whole community. As her truth explodes into the light, Alara Cove will face a reckoning.Nikki Graziola’s accusation shakes the foundation of Alara Cove, pitting her against the wealthy family whose money runs the town. Her new notoriety sends Nikki into exile for years, where she finds fame—but not fortune—overseas as a competition surfer...until a personal tragedy compels her to return to Alara Cove. As Nikki struggles to rebuild her future, she finds that the people of the town have not forgotten her. But time has changed Alara Cove, and old friendships, rivalries, and an unexpected romance draw her back into the life of the beach town she’s never quite forgotten, and where joy and redemption may be possible after all.

Boethius’ ‘Consolation of Philosophy’: A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides)

by Michael Wiitala

Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy was one of the most widely read and influential texts in medieval Europe, considering questions such as How can evil exist in a world governed by God? And how is happiness still attainable despite the vicissitudes of fortune? Written as a dialogue between Boethius and Lady Philosophy, and alternating between poetry and prose, the Consolation is of interest not only to philosophers but to students of classics and literature as well. In this Critical Guide, the first collection of philosophical essays devoted exclusively to the Consolation, thirteen new essays demonstrate its ongoing vitality and break open its riches for a new generation of readers. The essays reflect the diverse array of approaches in contemporary scholarship and attend to both the literary features and the philosophical content of the Consolation. The volume will be invaluable for scholars of medieval philosophy, medieval literature, and the history of ideas.

In Honor of Fadime: Murder and Shame

by Unni Wikan

In 2002 young Fadime Sahindal was brutally murdered by her own father. She belonged to a family of Kurdish immigrants who had lived in Sweden for almost two decades. But Fadime’s relationship with a man outside of their community had deeply dishonored her family, and only her death could remove the stain. This abhorrent crime shocked the world, and her name soon became a rallying cry in the struggle to combat so-called honor killings. Unni Wikan narrates Fadime’s heartbreaking story through her own eloquent words, along with the testimonies of her father, mother, and two sisters. What unfolds is a tale of courage and betrayal, loyalty and love, power and humiliation, and a nearly unfathomable clash of cultures. Despite enduring years of threats over her emancipated life, Fadime advocated compassion for her killer to the end, believing him to be trapped by an unyielding code of honor. Wikan puts this shocking event in context by analyzing similar honor killings throughout Europe, Canada, and the United States. She also examines the concept of honor in historical and cross-cultural depth, concluding that Islam itself is not to blame—indeed, honor killings occur across religious and ethnic traditions—but rather the way that many cultures have resolutely linked honor with violence. In Honor of Fadime holds profound and timely insights into conservative Kurdish culture, but ultimately the heart of this powerful book is Fadime’s courageous and tragic story—and Wikan’s telling of it is riveting.

Designing Usability into Medical Products

by Michael E. Wiklund Stephen B. Wilcox

Advocating a user-centered approach to medical technology design, Designing Usability into Medical Products covers the essential processes and specific techniques necessary to produce safe, effective, usable, and appealing medical systems and products. Written by experts on user-centered research, design, and evaluation, the book provides a range o

Finding Radical Wholeness: The Integral Path to Unity, Growth, and Delight

by Ken Wilber

From integral philosopher Ken Wilber, a practical guide to finding a radical and complete Wholeness through a path that blends integral theory, psychology, spiritual practice, and shadow work.According to Ken Wilber, the perpetual human search for growth and fulfillment is often incomplete. In this book, Wilber integrates the wisdom of spirituality, psychology, shadow work, science, and integral theory to offer us a path to a radical and complete Wholeness of Waking Up, Growing Up, Opening Up, Cleaning Up, and Showing Up. Wilber shows readers how to apply integral theory to their everyday lives for transformation. For example, he shows how the theory of the Four Quadrants—the four perspectives through which we view the world—relates to our lives and allows us to show up and be more present. He also discusses how to evolve our multiple intelligences, how to increase our spiritual awareness, how to process what&’s hidden in the depths of our consciousness, and how to enhance, deepen, and widen the feelings of bliss and love through the practice of integral tantric sex. Wilber introduces several practices—on topics such as the Witness, One Taste, and shadow work—to lead us to direct experiences that we can integrate into our lives. In this way, we truly understand Wholeness and can make room for everything life brings our way.No other path of growth includes these five categories—each of which is a unique path to wholeness. By combining them and integrating them, one comes to a realization of what Wilber calls Big Wholeness—a completeness in which everything in our experience comes together to pull us into this deep meaning, where we feel in touch not only with all of the important aspects of ourselves but also with everything in our world.

Not He or She, I'm Me

by A. M. Wild

A Stonewall Book Award Honor Book"The warmth of everyday gender euphoria is burnished to brilliant radiance" (BCCB, starred review) in this joyous picture book about a day in the life of a non-binary child.A child gets ready for a wonderful day. They gleefully get dressed, hug their parents, go to school, and play with friends. All the while, unapologetically reminding themselves that they are and can only be themselves.The non-binary experience is brightly illustrated as we follow our main character through their typical day. The story's bouncy and fun refrain reminds all readers of gender neutral pronouns and affirms the identities of non-binary children—encouraging readers to practice empathy for themselves and others.

The Brightsiders

by Jen Wilde

A teen rockstar has to navigate family, love, coming out, and life in the spotlight after being labeled the latest celebrity trainwreck in Jen Wilde's quirky and utterly relatable novel. As a rock star drummer in the hit band The Brightsiders, Emmy King’s life should be perfect. But there’s nothing the paparazzi love more than watching a celebrity crash and burn. When a night of partying lands Emmy in hospital, she’s branded the latest tabloid train wreck. Luckily, Emmy has her friends and bandmates, including the super-swoonworthy Alfie, to help her pick up the pieces of her life. She knows hooking up with a band member is exactly the kind of trouble she should be avoiding, and yet Emmy and Alfie Just. Keep. Kissing.Will the inevitable fallout turn her into a clickbait scandal (again)? Or will she find the strength to stand on her own?Jen Wilde, author of Queens of Geek, which Seventeen called, “the geeky, queer book of our dreams” is back with a brand new cast of highly diverse and relatable characters for her fans to fall in love with.Praise for Queens of Geek:"The book deals head on with issues of mental health, body shaming, sexuality, and internet celebrity, handling them with a delicate and skillful touch." —Teen Vogue"This fun book about fierce friendships gives voice to a group of diverse female characters who are so defined by so much more than just their mental health and sexuality." —Bustle"This celebration of geek culture and fandom promotes diversity and being true to oneself." —School Library Journal

Going Off Script

by Jen Wilde

A TV writer's room intern must join forces with her crush to keep her boss from ruining a lesbian character in this diverse contemporary YA romance from the author of Queens of Geek.Seventeen-year-old Bex is thrilled when she gets an internship on her favorite tv show, Silver Falls. Unfortunately, the internship isn't quite what she expected... instead of sitting in a crowded writer's room volleying ideas back and forth, Production Interns are stuck picking up the coffee. Determined to prove her worth as a writer, Bex drafts her own script and shares it with the head writer—who promptly reworks it and passes it off as his own! Bex is understandably furious, yet...maybe this is just how the industry works? But when they rewrite her proudly lesbian character as straight, that's the last straw! It's time for Bex and her crush to fight back. Jen Wilde's newest novel is both a fun, diverse love story and a very relevant, modern take on the portrayal of LGBT characters in media.Praise for Jen Wilde: "The book deals head on with issues of mental health, body shaming, sexuality, and internet celebrity, handling them with a delicate and skillful touch." —Teen Vogue on Queens of Geek "This is the geeky, queer book of our dreams." —Seventeen on Queens of Geek

Sprachbewusstheit: Perspektiven aus Forschung und Didaktik

by Anja Wildemann Lena Bien-Miller

Das Buch verortet das Phänomen Sprachbewusstheit in seiner Vielschichtigkeit und Komplexität. Dabei werden das Themenfeld und der Terminus aus zwei zentralen Perspektiven analysiert und reflektiert: aus der Perspektive des Individuums und seiner sprachlichen und kognitiven Entwicklung und aus der Perspektive der Fachdidaktik und fachlichen Implikationen für den Unterricht. Aspekte von Deutsch als Zweitsprache und Mehrsprachigkeit werden durchgehend berücksichtigt.

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