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Timothie Bright and the Origins of Early Modern Shorthand: Melancholy, Medicines, and the Information of the Soul (Routledge Research in Early Modern History)

by James Dougal Fleming

In Timothie Bright and the Origins of Early Modern Shorthand, J.D. Fleming brings together two areas of sixteenth-century intellectual history. One is the period emergence of artificial systems for verbatim shorthand notation—a crucial episode in the history of information. The other is the ancient medical discourse of melancholy humour, or black bile. Timothie Bright (1550–1615), physician and priest, prompts the juxtaposition. For he was the author, not only of the period’s original shorthand manual—Characterie (1588)—but also of the first book in English on the dark humour: The Treatise of Melancholy (1586).Bright’s account of melancholy involves a cybernetic phenomenology of the human. Essentially, we are psyches (souls or minds). We are sealed off from our bodies, operating them as automata across an interface. Psychological presence, for Bright, is illusion and pathology. Engrossing performances or representations therefore bring great danger, and so does the doctrine of predestination—less for its content than its typical delivery. Painful preaching was indispensable in sixteenth-century English Protestantism. But it falls foul of Bright’s proscriptions. These are followed by his publication of the first known system for verbatim shorthand notation since antiquity, its technique heavily inflected toward a vocabulary of the pulpit. The passionate, oral performance of the inspired preacher receives an unprecedented textual preservative—and prophylactic. Bright’s technology of information serves his phenomenology of alienation.This book will be of interest to students and scholars of the early modern period, the tradition of melancholy, and the history of information—as theory, and technology.

Tip Streaming of Simple and Complex Fluids (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications #137)

by José María Montanero

This book comprehensively describes the tip streaming in simple fluids and those containing surfactants and polymeric molecules. It summarizes the theoretical models and approximations commonly adopted to analyze this phenomenon. It provides relevant experimental results and presents the scaling laws for rationalizing those results. The stability of the flows leading to tip streaming is analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Attention is paid to the effects of surfactant monolayers and viscoelasticity, including solutocapillarity, interfacial elasticity, surface viscosity, and extensional thickening caused by the polymer coil-stretch transition.It also offers an overall perspective of the numerous technological applications of the tip-streaming phenomenon. Remarkable examples are the production of microemulsions and microencapsulation of active agents for the food and pharmacy industries, the atomization of charged liquids for analytical chemistry, and the ejection of ultra-fast and ultra-thin jets for crystallography. Physical mechanisms responsible for the onset of tip streaming driven by hydrodynamic and electrohydrodynamic forces are described. Relevant theoretical and experimental results of the periodic microdripping and continuous microjetting modes of tip streaming produced with microfluidic configurations such as electrospray, flow focusing, coflowing, and selective withdrawal are discussed. The physical mechanisms responsible for the instability of the microjetting mode are studied in detail.The book collects the scaling laws used to predict the outcome of the microfluidic configurations mentioned above. The author combines state-of-the-art experimental results and linear stability analysis to identify the instability mechanisms limiting the applicability of the above-mentioned microfluidic configurations. In this way, the book connects experimental observations with fundamental aspects of tip streaming,bridging the microfluidic and fluid dynamicist communities. The connection between results obtained from the theoretical and experimental approaches will help experimentalists to understand the fundamental aspects of their practical problems. A useful guide for researchers working on hydrodynamic focusing and electrospray.

Tipler Physik: für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften und Technik

by Paul A. Tipler Gene Mosca

Tipler Physik dient bereits Generationen von Studierenden der Natur- und Ingenieurwissen­schaften als Lern-, Lehr- und Nachschlagewerk. Angehende oder sich bereits im Studium befind­liche Bachelorstudierende mit Physik, Ingenieurwissenschaften oder verwandter Gebiete, egal ob im Haupt- oder Nebenfach profitieren von ausführlichen und leicht nachvollziehbaren Erklä­rungen. Schritt für Schritt werden Beispiele vorgerechnet, zusätzlich oft auch mithilfe der Soft­ware MATLAB®. Zudem werden die physikalischen Inhalte mit wertvollen Tipps und Tricks ver­vollständigt. Alle Gebiete der Physik werden behandelt und zwar genau richtig – nicht zu viel um einen guten Einstieg zu ermöglichen und nicht zu wenig, um einen soliden Überblick zu erhalten. Damit ist Tipler Physik ein treuer Begleiter durch das Studium und auch danach. Gleichzeitig trägt das Buch neuen Entwicklungen Rechnung. Digitale Karteikarten, die in dieser Auflage neu hin­zugekommen sind, ermöglichen das flexible Lernen und Vertiefen überall. Am Ende jedes Kapi­tels findet ein Ein- und Ausblick in die aktuelle Forschung statt.Wer im Studium, Schule oder Beruf sich mit physikalischen Fragestellungen befasst, dem sollte Tipler Physik in Bücherregal nicht fehlen: · didaktisch wertvoll aufbereitet und dargestellt· zahlreiche Beispiel- und Übungsaufgaben mit Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungen bzw. Lösungen· digitale Karteikarten in Form der SN Flashcards· Einführung in MATLAB® anhand konkreter Aufgabenstellungen· bewährte Tipps und Tricks, um nicht in die Fehlerfalle zu geraten· wichtigste Gesetze und Formeln kurz zusammengefasst· übersichtliche und anschauliche Abbildungen· aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge, die in den Kontext zu ihrem Fachgebiet gestellt werden.

Tischtennis – Das Praxisbuch für Studium, Training und Freizeitsport (Sportpraxis)

by Timo Klein-Soetebier Axel Binnenbruck

Dieses Lehrbuch verknüpft erstmals wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu der Sportart Tischtennis mit praktischen Handlungsempfehlungen für Training und Wettkampf. Es wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB) konzipiert und richtet sich insbesondere an Sport-Studierende mit Praxismodulen sowie an trainingswissenschaftlich- und pädagogisch-interessierte Trainer*innen und Übungsleiter*innen im Breiten- und Freizeitsport.Mithilfe der Buchinhalte können Sie die technischen und taktischen Elemente der Sportart Tischtennis erlernen und Ihre Spielfähigkeit unter verschiedenen Wettkampfbedingungen – z. B. Doppel und Einzel – weiterentwickeln. Darüber hinaus lernen Sie als Trainer*in praxisnahe didaktisch-methodische Ansätze kennen, um unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte zu setzen und ein angepasstes Tischtennistraining für nahezu jede Zielgruppe planen und durchführen zu können.Abrufbare Videos, beispielsweise zum Aufschlagtraining oder zur Beinarbeitstechnik, veranschaulichen Trainingsinhalte und ermöglichen einen einfachen Praxistransfer. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie einen vertiefenden Einblick in die Besonderheiten, Alleinstellungsmerkmale und aktuellen Entwicklungen im Tischtennis. Insgesamt bietet dieses Lehrbuch die optimale Basis sowohl für Ihre eigene persönliche Entwicklung im Tischtennis als auch für die Wissensvermittlung an zukünftige Instrukteure dieser Sportart.

To Be an Actress: Labor and Performance in Anna May Wong's Cross-Media World (Feminist Media Histories #7)

by Yiman Wang

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. Between 1919 and 1961, pioneering Chinese American actress Anna May Wong established an enduring legacy that encompassed cinema, theater, radio, and American television. Born in Los Angeles, yet with her US citizenship scrutinized due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, Wong—a defiant misfit—innovated nuanced performances to subvert the racism and sexism that beset her life and career. In this critical study of Wong's cross-media and transnational career, Yiman Wang marshals extraordinary archival research and a multifocal approach to illuminate a lifelong labor of performance. Viewing Wong as a performer and worker, not just a star, To Be an Actress adopts a feminist decolonial perspective to speculatively meet her as an interlocutor while inviting a reconsideration of racialized, gendered, and migratory labor as the bedrock of the entertainment industries.

To Make a Killing: Arthur Cutten, the Man Who Ruled the Markets

by Robert Stephens

One of the wildest, most spectacular decades in American history, the 1920s were a period of unprecedented growth and mass consumerism. In the New Era, people drank in speakeasies, danced to jazz, idolized gangsters, and bet their life savings on stocks.Born and raised in a small Canadian town, Arthur Cutten went to Chicago in 1890 with ninety dollars to his name. Through utter ruthlessness, he amassed a fortune trading in grain futures and stocks. Cutten was heralded as the modern Midas, and his every move was followed by the masses, who believed they could get rich quick. But everything changed after the crash of 1929. The heroes of prosperity became the villains of the Great Depression. Determined to crack down on the “banksters,” the Roosevelt administration launched an all-out attack on those it blamed for the collapse – and Cutten was at the top of the list. A US Senate committee probed how he manipulated stock prices. The Grain Futures Administration moved to bar him from trading. And the Bureau of Internal Revenue indicted him for income tax evasion. But the wily operator won on every count: he emerged from the Senate investigation unscathed, maintained his grain trading privileges after a victory in the Supreme Court, and left almost nothing for the tax collectors upon his death.To Make a Killing tells the tale of Cutten’s journey to fabulous wealth, the forces that propelled him, and the fascinating characters in his life.

To Run the World: The Kremlin's Cold War Bid for Global Power

by null Sergey Radchenko

What would it feel like To Run the World? The Soviet rulers spent the Cold War trying desperately to find out. In this panoramic new history of the conflict that defined the postwar era, Sergey Radchenko provides an unprecedented deep dive into the psychology of the Kremlin's decision-making. He reveals how the Soviet struggle with the United States and China reflected its irreconcilable ambitions as a self-proclaimed superpower and the leader of global revolution. This tension drove Soviet policies from Stalin's postwar scramble for territory to Khrushchev's reckless overseas adventurism and nuclear brinksmanship, Brezhnev's jockeying for influence in the third world, and Gorbachev's failed attempts to reinvent Moscow's claims to greatness. Perennial insecurities, delusions of grandeur, and desire for recognition propelled Moscow on a headlong quest for global power, with dire consequences and painful legacies that continue to shape our world.

To Slip the Bonds of Earth: A Riveting Mystery Based on a True History (A Katharine Wright Mystery #1)

by Amanda Flower

While not as famous as her older siblings Wilbur and Orville, the celebrated inventors of flight, Katharine Wright is equally inventive – especially when it comes to solving crimes – in USA Today bestselling author Amanda Flower&’s radiant new historical mystery series inspired by the real sister of the Wright Brothers.December 1903: While Wilbur and Orville Wright&’s flying machine is quite literally taking off in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina with its historic fifty-seven second flight, their sister Katharine is back home in Dayton, Ohio, running the bicycle shop, teaching Latin, and looking after the family. A Latin teacher and suffragette, Katharine is fiercely independent, intellectual, and the only Wright sibling to finish college. But at twenty-nine, she&’s frustrated by the gender inequality in academia and is looking for a new challenge. She never suspects it will be sleuthing… Returning home to Dayton, Wilbur and Orville accept an invitation to a friend&’s party. Nervous about leaving their as-yet-unpatented flyer plans unattended, Wilbur decides to bring them to the festivities . . . where they are stolen right out from under his nose. As always, it&’s Katharine&’s job to problem solve—and in this case, crime-solve. As she sets out to uncover the thief among their circle of friends, Katharine soon gets more than she bargained for: She finds her number one suspect dead with a letter opener lodged in his chest. It seems the patent is the least of her brothers&’ worries. They have a far more earthbound concern—prison. Now Katharine will have to keep her feet on the ground and put all her skills to work to make sure Wilbur and Orville are free to fly another day.

To Woo and to Wed: A Novel (The Regency Vows #5)

by Martha Waters

The final installment in the &“hilarious and steamy&” (PopSugar) Regency Vows series follows the heir to a dukedom and a young widow, once very much in love, as they reunite years later to fake an engagement for the benefit of her sister.West, the Marquess of Weston, and Sophie, Lady Fitzwilliam Bridewell, have lately been spending a considerable amount of time together. But West and Sophie are not new acquaintances. In fact, years ago, they had once been nearly engaged until West&’s almost fatal curricle accident and his meddling father threw them off course. Now recently widowed, Sophie has put aside all thoughts of romance. But when her widowed sister, Alexandra, mentions a fondness for an earl, Sophie realizes that she may be holding her sister back. Alexandra won&’t move forward with an engagement until Sophie, too, settles down again, and so Sophie approaches West with a plan. They will announce their engagement and break things off once Alexandra is happily married. It&’ll be simple. After all, it&’s not like she is going to fall for West a second time, not when Sophie has sworn not to risk her heart again.

Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health, Volume I: Clearing the Air on E-Cigarettes and Harm Reduction

by Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk James E. Prieger Sudhanshu Patwardhan

The first volume of this three-volume resource presents a historical analysis of the practice of smoking, the rise and fall of the cigarette market, and the successes and failures of tobacco control. While taxes, regulations, and various behavioral and pharmacological interventions have helped many people to quit smoking, they have not helped everyone. The authors explain why these strategies alone are likely insufficient to elicit smoking cessation among the remaining group, and why “ramping up” these strategies may also backfire. Drawing on examples from the U.S., Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, this volume introduces the technology of e-cigarettes, explaining the origins of the innovation, patterns of use among consumers, and the perception of e-cigarettes among key stakeholder groups.

Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health, Volume II: Clearing the Air on E-Cigarettes and Harm Reduction

by Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk James E. Prieger Sudhanshu Patwardhan

For millions, e-cigarettes provide a means to relieve nicotine cravings while avoiding harmful cigarette smoke. In the second volume in this three-volume resource, the authors provide a critical review of evidence concerning the health effects of vaping and whether using e-cigarettes helps or hinders cessation from smoking. The empirical evidence, however, does not help decision-makers resolve the normative questions relating to e-cigarettes. Different priorities, values, and interpretations of available data have led to seemingly intractable disagreements between stakeholders about the promise of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation and the risks they pose to public health. The misinformation and motivated bias surrounding issues regarding vaping both follow from but also enhance polarization, perpetuating confusion about e-cigarettes and leading to poor decision-making by government agencies and people who smoke. The authors argue that, ultimately, the safety and efficacy of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation are not immutable properties of the product class–itself diverse and dynamic–but are also contingent upon the conditions of the regulatory environment, and the manner in which e-cigarettes are discussed by regulators and the media. This volume provides important context to help decision makers at all levels better understand the risk and benefits of e-cigarettes and the tradeoffs between them.

Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health, Volume III: Clearing the Air on E-Cigarettes and Harm Reduction

by Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk James E. Prieger Sudhanshu Patwardhan

What role should the tobacco industry have in the e-cigarette market? Should manufacturers contribute to the production of evidence on their products’ safety and efficacy? What are the environmental impacts of e-cigarette use and how should these feature in the discussion? How do e-cigarettes influence smoking-related health disparities? Should physicians recommend switching to e-cigarettes for those who smoke? How broadly applicable is the utility of e-cigarettes? And how should the discourse respond to emerging data? This volume examines the opportunities and challenges of optimizing e-cigarette regulation. The authors describe emerging evidence suggesting that restrictions on e-cigarettes can backfire by nudging consumers toward riskier alternatives. Adopting a social welfare-based approach drawing on economics, policy analysis and regulatory science, the authors then explore how optimal e-cigarette policy might balance risks and benefits, suggesting that it is possibleto leverage the promise of e-cigarettes—a product that is more popular than traditional cessation aids—to protect current and future generations from the smoking-related harms, while still taking important steps to discourage use by young people and those who do not smoke.

Tokenization in Real Estate: Opportunities and Challenges (SpringerBriefs in Finance)

by Matthias Daniel Aepli Michael Truebestein Elena Schmid

Traditionally, real estate has been burdened by challenges such as illiquidity, limited accessibility, opacity, complex transactions, high costs, and substantial capital requirements. However, tokenization emerges as a potential solution to many of these issues. In this book, the authors thoroughly investigate the innovative concept of tokenization in the real estate domain. Tokenization involves digitizing real estate assets and ownership, complemented by fractionalization, facilitated through blockchain technology. The book elucidates the fundamental principles, technologies, opportunities, and impediments associated with real estate tokenization. To fully capitalize on the theoretical advantages, the book furnishes specific recommendations for the overall market landscape and active participants, providing crucial guidance to encourage wider adoption and successful realization of the benefits offered by tokenized real estate.

Tools, Techniques and Strategies for Reflective Second & Foreign Language Teacher Education: Insights from Contexts Around the World

by Paul Voerkel Mergenfel A. Vaz Ferreira Nancy Drescher

Essential questions about the skills teachers need for effective classroom practice have raised by researchers such as Shulman, Schön, Altrichter & Posch and Hattie, and discussions still continue. In this context, the anthology combines theoretical studies and practical insights about Reflection from foreign and second language teacher education and professional development. It includes examples of reflective tools, techniques and strategies that can help teachers to (re)think their practices and ensure the quality of their everyday work.

Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2024: Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference 2024, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 6–9, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14643)

by Elisabeth Oswald

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference 2024, CT-RSA 2024, held in San Francisco, CA, USA, during May 6–9, 2024. The 18 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 46 submissions. The conference presents papers on subjects such as public key cryptography; symmetric cryptography; signatures; homomorphic encryption; identity-based encryption; constructions; and threshold signatures and fault attacks.

Tops und Flops, Mythen und Hypes im automobilen Marketing

by Armin Schirmer

Das Buch analysiert und pointiert Tops und Flops im Marketing der Automobilindustrie sowie aktuelle Mythen und Hypes von der Klimawende über die Verkehrswende bis zu Carsharing und dem ‚Purpose‘ von Automobilunternehmen. Dies erfolgt zum einen auf wissenschaftlicher Basis mit aktuellen Daten und Fakten, zum anderen ist das Buch meinungsstark und nennt bekannte Beispiele beim Namen. Zahlreiche Fotos, Abbildungen und Tabellen machen das Ganze anschaulich.

Total Ankle Replacement: A Practical Guide to Surgical Management

by Beat Hintermann Roxa Ruiz

This book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of ankle osteoarthritis pathologies and solutions for successful ankle replacement surgery. The opening chapters examine the anatomical basics and biomechanical features essential for understanding each pathological condition and achieving a well-balanced and stable replaced ankle. The authors further illustrate the diagnostic work-up, pre-operative planning, indications, and contraindications. Providing step-by-step guidance through the most updated surgical techniques, many of which they have pioneered themselves, they complement the path toward successful replacement surgery. Besides primary arthroplasty, the volume focuses particularly on revising failed total ankle arthroplasty and provides new insights into the possibilities and limitations of salvaging a painful ankle arthrodesis with an ankle prosthesis. A wealth of intraoperative photographs of unique quality, combined with a consistent structureand a problem-oriented approach, make this book a must-read for all foot and ankle surgeons. Moreover, it is a valuable source of information for residents wishing to gain insights into end-stage osteoarthritic ankles and for researchers and physiotherapists seeking to understand the clinician’s view on their work.

Total Quality Management: Applications and Concepts for Construction Projects (Quality Management and Risk Series)

by Abdul Razzak Rumane

This book has been developed to provide significant information about the usage and application of the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept in a construction project environment. The content spans from the inception through to the closing of the project focusing on the TQM approach in each phase of the project.Total Quality Management: Applications and Concepts for Construction Projects, focuses on the application of the Total Quality Management concept in construction projects and contains many quick-reference figures and tables for easy comprehension. It offers a concise and complete implementation process for the application of TQM and helps achieve competitive advantages in the global marketplace resulting in the construction project being qualitatively competitive and economical. The book highlights the standards for TQM and gives a brief introduction to the quality management system along with providing an overview of the project, the quality, the types of project delivery systems, and the principles involved. Discussions of quality and the different steps it moves through within the project setting including inspection, statistical quality control, and quality assurance round out the book’s offerings.Construction and quality professionals, industrial engineers, project managers, students, academics, and trainers will find that this book satisfies their needs and meets their requirements for a book that specifically uses TQM in construction projects.

Tourism and ICTs: Proceedings of the TURITEC 2023 Conference, October 19–20, 2023, Málaga, Spain (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Antonio J. Guevara Plaza Alfonso Cerezo Medina Enrique Navarro Jurado

This open-access book presents the best research papers from the XIV International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communications Technologies (TURITEC2023), held in Málaga, Spain from 19 to 20 October 2023. The book explores the profound impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry and the increasing importance of digitalization and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key drivers for the industry's recovery, alongside sustainability. This curated collection of research papers offers conceptualizations, methodologies, analyses, and empirical case studies that illuminate the path to a resilient and sustainable future for tourism.

Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

by Jason R. Swanson David L. Edgell, Sr.

Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow offers an introduction to the tourism policy process and how policies link to the strategic tourism planning function as well as influence planning at the local, national, and international levels. This fourth edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the many important developments in the travel and tourism industry and subsequent new policies and present planning process issues in relation to crises – in particular, COVID-19. The fourth edition features: New content on the impact of COVID-19 on tourism policy and planning. New content on the effects of the pandemic on the tourism industry more generally, including topics such as degrowth, common good economy, post-growth economy, tourism lobbies and lobbying, tourism policy/planning and SGDs citizens’ engagement in tourism policy and planning, strategic directions, monitoring, and evaluation of tourism policy. New case studies throughout to illustrate real-life applications of planning and policy at the international, regional, national, and local levels. New case studies across a variety of issues related to flora and fauna, landscapes and geographies, and global destinations such as Ecuador, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and Belize. New enhanced companion website with chapter assignments and quizzes. Accessible and up to date, Tourism Policy and Planning provides students with an essential introduction to and examination of important policy and planning issues in tourism globally.

Towards a Cognitivist Understanding of Communication Design (Routledge Research in Design Studies)

by Phil Jones

This book demonstrates the relevance and importance of cognitive linguistics when applied to the analysis and practice of graphic design/communication design. Phil Jones brings together a diverse range of theory and organizes it in accordance with different stages in the design process. Using examples from contemporary communication design, as well as more familiar selections from the graphic design canon as case studies, this book provides an account of how meanings are made by users, and suggests new strategies for design practice. It seeks convergences between the ways that graphic/communication designers think and talk about their practice and the theories emerging from cognitive science. This book will be of interest to scholars working in design, graphic design, the philosophy of art and aesthetics, communication studies, and media and film studies.

Towards a Socially Just Mathematics Curriculum: A Theoretical and Practical Approach

by Pete Wright Tony Cotton Manjinder Kaur Jagdev Balbir Kaur

Drawing from many years of shared experiences in mathematics teaching and teacher education, the authors of Towards a Socially Just Mathematics Curriculum offer a pedagogical model that incorporates and introduces learners to new cultures, challenges stereotypes, uses mathematics to discuss and act for social justice, and develops a well-rounded and socially just pedagogy. Readers will be encouraged to reflect on their own teaching practice and to identify areas for development, creating a more inclusive and equal mathematics experience for all learners.Split into three distinct parts and filled with practical applications for the classroom, this essential book explores: Translating theory into practice by engaging in education for social justice; Applying this theory to teaching and learning across the Early Years, primary education and secondary education; and Reflecting on professional practice and identifying ways forward to continue providing an inclusive and equitable mathematics learning experience for all students. This is an essential read for those interested in providing an inclusive, socially just mathematics education for their learners, including teachers, teaching assistants, senior leaders and trainees within primary and secondary schools.

Towards an Inclusive, Equitable and Sustainable National Pension System in Iraq (Analytical Notes Ser.)

by International Labour Office

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Towards Digital and Sustainable Organisations: People, Platforms, and Ecosystems (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #65)

by Stefano Za Alessandra Lazazzara Rocco Reina

This book presents a collection of research papers that explore how ICT experts, managers, and policymakers can address sustainability issues in digital transformation (DT) by considering people practices, organizational processes, and platform design issues. Each chapter offers insights into how to create sustainable digital solutions that benefit both society and the environment. The diversity of views presented makes this book particularly relevant for scholars, companies, and public sector organizations. The content is based on revised versions of selected papers (original double-blind peer-reviewed contributions) presented at the annual conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, which took place in Catanzaro, Italy, in October 2022.

Towards Embodied Performance: Directing and the Art of Composition

by Rachel Dickstein

Towards Embodied Performance invites directors and other generative performance makers to experiment with making their own original, visually stunning, sonically immersive, and physically rigorous embodied performance.Through historical context, the author’s 30-plus years of experience, and original interviews with leading theatre artists, this book sets the stage for a new generation of artists building boundary-breaking work. Directors are often categorized into one of only two frameworks: the Stanislavskian director, whose method is based on text analysis and character wants and needs, and the “auteur” director, whose work might focus on visual spectacle at the expense of text or character objectives. This book argues that the director of embodied performance fuses these two approaches, acting as the author of the event. In Part I, readers will explore the core elements of embodied performance – space, time, body, language, and action – through a lens that bridges traditional directing methodology with experimental, devised, collaborative theatre-making. Part II provides examples of this embodied practice by multi-disciplinary artists in visual and sound installation, video and film, dance-theatre, and new music/opera, including such artists as Shirin Neshat, James Turrell, Bill T. Jones, Janet Cardiff, Okwui Okpokwasili, William Kentridge, and Heather Christian. Part III suggests creative prompts and exercises for performance makers to engage the visual, physical, textual, and sonic in compositional storytelling on stage.Towards Embodied Performance is an invaluable resource for theatre directors, devisers, and generative artists at all levels from students to teachers, from early-career to mid-career artists. Directors, actors, choreographers, designers, composers, writers, scholars, and engaged audience members can all use this text to explore collaboratively created performance that invites its audience into the ripest version of the present moment.

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