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Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life: How to Respond with Love to Life's Difficulties

by Selina Maitreya

• Shows you how to recognize and transform daily difficulties into opportunities, empowering you to use every challenge as a tool to find deeper peace• Offers a variety of practices, including exercises and action steps, to enable you to more fully integrate your spiritual beliefs into daily life• Emphasizes working with energy frequencies, rather than thoughts, as a means to reach inner healing, transformation, and self-empowermentIn this powerful guide, spiritual teacher Selina Maitreya shares a radical process of self-transformation that allows you to discover your highest potential. Drawing on her 25 years of experience as a spiritual teacher, Maitreya explores how to recognize and transform the challenges you experience into tools to raise your consciousness, thus empowering you to use each difficult life experience as a tool to create peace and build the foundation for a truly abundant life.Maitreya shares her own journey, when all her plans for her future ended in the blink of an eye, leading to the creation of this book. Pulled from her car with the Jaws of Life following a collision, she was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury that left her unable to live anything close to a normal life. Her physical and intellectual disabilities were huge and went on for the next four years. Yet she experienced a connection to Oneness during this time that she had never experienced before. In Oneness was the respite she had always sought, and all she had to do was close her eyes and breathe.Through simple, practical exercises, as well as inspiring transformational goals and action steps, the author emphasizes the importance of accessing and raising your inner vibration. She introduces you to your energetic systems and teaches how to respond to any life difficulty—from a small irritation to a major life tragedy—using the energy of love rather than the energy of fear. By focusing on energy frequencies, rather than thoughts or emotions, she demonstrates how working with the heart frequency can provide ways to understand, work through, and transform challenges that arise—better connecting you to the higher frequency state of your intuition. As your personal vibration rises, you attract the people, situations, and events that align with your unique path toward creating and living an extraordinary life.

From Ruby to Elixir

by Stephen Bussey

Elixir will change the way you think about programming. Use your Ruby experience to quickly get up to speed so you can see what all of the buzz is about. Go from zero to production applications that are reliable, fast, and scalable. Learn Elixir syntax and pattern matching to conquer the basics. Then move onto Elixir's unique process model that offers a world-class way to go parallel without fear. Finally, use the most common libraries like Ecto, Phoenix, and Oban to build a real-world SMS application. Now's the time. Dive in and learn Elixir. Whether you're a seasoned Ruby developer looking to expand your skill set or a programming beginner looking for a solid foundation in Elixir, this book has what you need to get up to speed quickly. Elixir is a functional language with a fairly small footprint. This makes it easier to learn and put into production than other languages. Plus, it's built on forty-year-old foundations that give your applications rock-solid stability. The first part of this book is all about developing expertise in the language. Learn about the core data types, build application data structures, enumerate over data, and use pattern matching to control the flow of an application. Elixir has an amazing process model that allows for (actually) easy parallel processing. Learn how to tap into this process model so you can leverage that power yourself. The second part of this book builds a real-world application using the most important libraries in a web developer's toolbox. Each library is compared to its similar Ruby library so you'll quickly see similarities and differences. We'll use Ecto, Phoenix, and Oban to build a SMS application powered by Twilio. What are you waiting for? Tap into your Ruby knowledge and start building scalable Elixir applications today. What You Need: You'll need Elixir 1.14+ and Erlang/OTP 24+ installed on a Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows machine.

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1

by Jay Wengrow

p>If you thought data structures and algorithms were all just theory, you're missing out on what they can do for your Python code. Learn to use Big O notation to make your code run faster by orders of magnitude. Choose from data structures such as hash tables, trees, and graphs to increase your code's efficiency exponentially. With simple language and clear diagrams, this book makes this complex topic accessible, no matter your background. Every chapter features practice exercises to give you the hands-on information you need to master data structures and algorithms for your day-to-day work.Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today's web and mobile apps. Take a practical approach to data structures and algorithms, with techniques and real-world scenarios that you can use in your daily production code. The Python edition uses Python exclusively for all code examples, exercise, and solutions.Use Big O notation to measure and articulate the efficiency of your code, and modify your algorithm to make it faster. Find out how your choice of arrays, linked lists, and hash tables can dramatically affect the code you write. Use recursion to solve tricky problems and create algorithms that run exponentially faster than the alternatives. Dig into advanced data structures such as binary trees and graphs to help scale specialized applications such as social networks and mapping software. You'll even encounter a single keyword that can give your code a turbo boost. Practice your new skills with exercises in every chapter, along with detailed solutions.Use these techniques today to make your Python code faster and more scalable.

Text Processing with JavaScript

by Faraz K. Kelhini

You might think of regular expressions as the holy grail of text processing, but are you sure you aren't just shoehorning them in where standard built-in solutions already exist and would work better? JavaScript itself provides programmers with excellent methods for text manipulation, and knowing how and when to use them will help you write more efficient and performant code. From extracting data from APIs to calculating word counts and everything in between, discover how to pick the right tool for the job and make the absolute most of it every single time. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced programmer, this up-to-date guide will save you a ton of time when dealing with text. With Text Processing with JavaScript, you'll find a collection of tiny programs, each demonstrating a string manipulation approach in JavaScript. You'll also focus squarely on the practical aspects of text processing with JavaScript - that is, what each technique is designed to accomplish and how to use it in your program. Discover how to extract data from APIs and web pages, apply spelling corrections, convert and format currencies, and remove HTML tags from text. Learn to intersect tables, copy text to the clipboard, extract lists from text, and highlight sentences that contain a specific word. Find duplicate words and fix them automatically, modify a copy of an existing regex literal, match the beginning or end of a string, and remove all comments from JavaScript and HTML files with ease. Match non-ASCII words, calculate the word count of an article in any language, and more. Become a JavaScript expert and master chef of text processing with this collection of hands-on and production-ready recipes.

Your Code as a Crime Scene, Second Edition

by Adam Tornhill

Jack the Ripper and legacy codebases have more in common than you'd think. Inspired by forensic psychology methods, you can apply strategies to identify problems in your existing code, assess refactoring direction, and understand how your team influences the software architecture. With its unique blend of criminal psychology and code analysis, Your Code as a Crime Scene arms you with the techniques you need to take on any codebase, no matter what programming language you use. Software development might well be the most challenging task humanity ever attempted. As systems scale up, they also become increasingly complex, expensive to maintain, and difficult to reason about. We can always write more tests, try to refactor, and even fire up a debugger to understand complex coding constructs. That's a great starting point, but you can do so much better. Take inspiration from forensic psychology techniques to understand and improve existing code. Visualize codebases via a geographic profile from commit data to find development hotspots, prioritize technical debt, and uncover hidden dependencies. Get data and develop strategies to make the business case for larger refactorings. Detect and fix organizational problems from the vantage point of the software architecture to remove bottlenecks for the teams. The original Your Code as a Crime Scene from 2014 pioneered techniques for understanding the intersection of people and code. This new edition reflects a decade of additional experience from hundreds of projects. Updated techniques, novel case studies, and extensive new material adds to the strengths of this cult classic. Change how you view software development and join the hunt for better code! What You Need: You need to be comfortable reading code. You also need to use Git (or Subversion, Mercurial or similar version-control tool).

Agile Retrospectives, Second Edition

by David Horowitz Esther Derby Diana Larsen

In an uncertain and complex world, learning is more important than ever before. In fact, it can be a competitive advantage. Teams and organizations that learn rapidly deliver greater customer value faster and more reliably. Furthermore, those teams are more engaged, more productive, and more satisfied. The most effective way to enable teams to learn is by holding regular retrospectives. Unfortunately, many teams only get shallow results from their retrospectives. This book is filled with practical advice, techniques, and real-life examples that will take retrospectives to the next level--whether your team is co-located, hybrid, or remote. This book will help team leads, scrum masters, and coaches engage their teams to learn, improve, and deliver greater results. For nearly two decades, scrum masters, team leads, and coaches have relied on the first edition of Agile Retrospectivesas an essential resource to facilitate better retrospectives. This edition builds on recent research, reflects the authors' experiences over two decades, and shares wisdom gleaned from the global retrospective community. Find practical advice to level up retrospective skills. Address the challenges of remote and hybrid retrospectives head on. Take advantage of expanded guidance on designing and facilitating retrospectives--based on the questions and concerns of practitioners worldwide. Gain insight into choosing a broad or narrow focus for retrospectives. Explore how to use both objective and subjective data to enable more effective conversations. Learn how to make decisions that stick. Understand the importance of psychological safety and how to foster it in retrospectives. Elevate issues and engage managers in systemic change. Learn from many real-life stories that demonstrate how our advice has impacted retrospectives at organizations around the globe. Finally, find a set of recommended flows that reveal the authors' thought process in designing retrospectives for scenarios teams faced in real life.

JavaScript Brain Teasers

by Faraz K. Kelhini

If you've ever felt the exhilaration of cracking a thorny problem or the joy of witnessing elegant code that challenges your mind, then this book is tailor-made for you. Prepare yourself to dive into a diverse array of mind-bending JavaScript brain teasers. Each puzzle is more than just a code exercise; it's a gateway to unlocking new insights and honing your abilities. As you work through the challenges, you'll learn to think pragmatically, optimize your code for efficiency, and avoid hidden pitfalls that can catch you off guard. What's more - the puzzle format will help you remember what you've learned! Over the years, JavaScript has gained a bit of a reputation for its quirky and unique characteristics. It's important for developers to be aware of these quirks to write more robust and predictable JavaScript code. In this book, we invite you on a journey designed to unveil the intricate nuances and peculiarities that define the language's essence. Learn how to simulate function overloading, embed hidden information within objects, develop self-contained functions capable of maintaining their own local state, generate number sequences using functional programming, handle exotic forms of IIFEs, and prevent loss of precision when dealing with large numbers. Grasp concepts like closures, hoisting, symbols, execution context, event queue, text normalization, and more, one puzzle at a time. Discover how to create your own custom objects that function as shortcuts, accurately calculate the length of emojis and Unicode characters, master the usage of the "this" keyword, leverage bitwise operators, and convert color names to hex notation for universal use across various platforms. Plus, steer clear of those usual traps and blunders that trip up JavaScript developers. Forget passive learning. With JavaScript Brain Teasers, you'll actively engage with code puzzles that require creative thinking and problem-solving, which help you memorize difficult concepts.What You Need:Certain code examples take advantage of recently introduced JavaScript features. Therefore, it's important to use a JavaScript environment that supports ECMAScript 2020 or a newer version. The simplest way to experiment with the examples is use your browser's console. Just make sure your browser is up-to-date.

C Brain Teasers

by Dan Gookin

You thought you knew C, but can you solve 25 puzzles in this popular programming language? Noted C programmer and author Dan Gookin provides a series of pointed questions, puzzles, and problems to keep your C programming skills sharp. Each one will provide insight into various aspects of handling strings, numeric operations, and other activities, giving you techniques to take the best advantage of all C has to offer. Challenge yourself, and get to know some powerful tricks and details for writing better, faster, more accurate C code. Most C programming books present the information sequentially, teaching you the right way to code and only rarely describing what could go wrong. In this book, the goal is to find out what did go wrong - or what potentially goes right. Explore interesting and unusual programming concepts and approaches with small, to-the-point, programs and exercises. Hone your C programming skills and expand your knowledge. By working through the brain teasers in this book, you'll fill in gaps in your knowledge and work with advanced concepts such as pointers and recursion. All of the teaser topics were selected to give you food for thought, explaining the technical details behind each puzzle. Look at a code sample and try to guess what output it will give. Code it yourself and see the result. Is it what you expected? Then read the author's lighthearted explanation of exactly why the language does what it does, and how you can take advantage of it. You'll come away with a much better understanding of how the language works, and how to use it for efficient and effective programming. What You Need: You need to know the basics of coding in C, and have an environment for compiling and executing your C code. Any Windows, MacOS, or Linux system with a C compiler does the job. Use the terminal window for traditional C programming. Or obtain an Integrated Development Enviornment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Code, which contains all the software tools you need: Editor, Compiler, and Output.

Effective Go Recipes

by Miki Tebeka

Programmers love Go because it is lightweight, easy to work with, and easy to read. Go gives you the benefits of dynamically typed languages (speed of development) while keeping the upsides of strongly typed languages (security and performance). Go is a simple language, but programming in Go is about more than just mastering syntax. There's an art to using Go effectively. Squeeze out the full use of advanced networking and multi-core power for which Go was designed. Save precious coding hours with recipes that help you manage objects, collect garbage, and safely use memory. Tackle Unicode, concurrency, and serialization with ease. All the clean, reusable solutions you need for a wide variety of problems common to Go development. Outfitted with these recipes, your next apps will be more polished and more maintainable than ever. Start out by tackling time and see how the Go time packager provides types that will do most of the heavy lifting for you. Next, work on recipes tailored to the nuances of processing text, like normalizing strings to avoid bugs. From there, whip up some functions on-the-fly and store functions in variables and data structures. Ever wondered why Go seems to be peppered with error handling? Working through the next recipes, you'll discover the benefits, which include more robust code. In the section on HTTP, you'll learn tricks like running multiple HTTP servers on the same port and setting timeouts. With concurrency recipes, you'll limit the number of goroutines to improve performance, give your code awareness of timeouts, and decide when to keep your code sequential instead of making it concurrent. Throughout the book, you'll make Go sizzle following simple recipes and tweaking them to fit your own apps. Using tools like strong typing and concurrency primitives, build a Go codebase that stays maintainable at scale.What You Need:You should know the Go language syntax and have some experience in programming.You will need a Go SDK, a Git client, and for some of the chapters, a C compiler.

Maddie Makes Ripples

by Marena Woodsit

Little Maddie was having a bad day. She fought with her brother Charlie, her mother got upset, even her dog Jasper was sad because no one would play with him after all the ruckus. Sulking by the riverside Maddie was feeling sorry for herself.Then along came this strange and wonderful being named Sam, who picked up some pebbles and gave them to Maddie, and some very interesting things began to happen…

The Illustrated Book of Medicine: Joey and the Cough

by Joseph Talbet

Embark with Joey on a captivating voyage through the human body! One night, after Joey had settled into bed, a persistent cough piqued his curiosity. Driven by an insatiable need to understand, Joey delves into one of Papa&’s medical books. Soon enough, he embarks on a thrilling adventure, journeying through the intricate mazes of the body. Together with Papa, uncover the wonders of our internal universe, from organ to organ, revealing their unique roles and mysteries. Dive in from the tip of the nose and spiral down to the depths of the lungs!

A Day in a Life of a Dog Named Emma

by Denise Muscolino

Emma, a proud and joyful chocolate Labrador, fiercely protects her house throughout the day. She acts as a vigilant guard dog, using her booming barks to scare off any animal or person that seems a threat. If that doesn&’t work, she&’ll chase the intruder from her domain at any cost! Emma keeps the house safe, but who will dare challenge her next?Her loving parents reward Emma&’s loyalty every day before leaving for work, trusting her to guard the home while they&’re gone.Inspired by a real-life companion, this heartwarming tale follows Emma as she patrols her actual home and grounds. Witness her playful antics and captivating curiosity amidst the familiar backgrounds of her real life. Experience the fun spirit and everyday unpredictability of a devoted dog who gives her all, rain or shine, to defend the home she loves.Guaranteed to make readers smile, this uplifting story brims with joyful mischief. Yet it also touches on the serious dedication of a canine guardian. Curl up with Emma to delight in a day in the life of a hardworking but fun-loving protector of the pack!

I am a Princess

by Chuck Novatka

Every child is perfect just the way they are, despite how different they may appear.Follow Harper Rose as she reminds us that all children have unique qualities that allow them to contribute and experience the world in extraordinary ways.A lesson reserved not only for children!

Tea for Tilly

by L. L. Wolfe

Put the kettle on, we&’re making Tea for Tilly, in this delightful and inspiring sequel to Mice Make the Best Friends.A new house, a new town, new neighbors, a new chapter!Our loveable dual protagonists, Violet and Tilly, are hosting a garden party.A perfect summer&’s day, freshly brewed tea, home baked sweets, and wait, what… is… that?!This is one tea party Tilly&’s neighbors won&’t soon forget!

Tanta: A Girl Who Did Not Have Friends

by Dr Maureen Kobusingye

In the enchanting Tunda Kingdom, a young girl named Tanta has it all: dazzling beauty, prodigious talents, and the potential to shine like a star. Yet behind her lovely facade, loneliness eats away at her heart. Misery casts its long shadow, obscuring her light. Tanta despairs as she watches others, though plainer than her, enjoy the laughter and love of true friends.But everything changes when a mysterious figure, Mr. Wisdom, takes Tanta under his wing. With his guidance, Tanta unlocks the secret to banishing her bitterness and finding authentic happiness. As she opens her heart and forms genuine connections with the people around her, Tanta undergoes a breathtaking transformation.Tanta discovers that in this magical kingdom, happiness is a two-way street: to receive it, one must first learn to give. Join Tanta on an unforgettable journey as she soars from gloom to glory, lighting up her world like never before.

Archie Milestones Digest #24: Jughead Summer Fun (Archie Milestones Digest #24)

by Archie Superstars

Join Jughead for a crave case of tasty tales filled with picnic parties, BBQ bashes, and tons more to satisfy your hunger for humor in this milestone collection!

Archie & Friends: Blockbuster Movies (Archie & Friends #1)

by Archie Superstars

BRAND NEW STORY: Archie’s summer movie fantasies get out of control! You’ve heard of Deadpool! Well, get ready for PoolNoodle! A character whose first appearance may be his last! Archie and the gang poke fun at every movie you can shake a stick at or sword. But no blood in this issue, unless it’s a paper cut.

World of Betty & Veronica Double Digest #33 (World of Betty & Veronica Digest #33)

by Archie Superstars

BRAND NEW STORY! Betty and Veronica will do anything to get the attention of heartthrob Dr. Masters while he is filming his new medical series on Riverdale Beach. It’s the battle at the beach with Betty vs Veronica.

The Wicked Trinity (Archie Comics Presents #1)

by Sam Maggs

Sabrina’s magical nemesis Amber Nightstone and her sidekicks, Jade Kazane and Sapphire Gill, are intent on becoming the most powerful witches in the world. Isolated from so many around them, the three have formed a coven based on their individual needs for vengeance and true freedom. But when there is some dissent among the ranks, their small coven is threatened to be obliterated from within.

Archie Double Digest #351 (Archie Double Digest #351)

by Archie Superstars

BRAND NEW STORY! Move over, Scooby Doo, the new mystery-solving team is here. Fran Frazer (and introducing her crime-fighting cat Stinger) is on the case with Archie and friends. Can they save the old beach theme park, or will they be scaredy cats?

Archie Comics: Judgement Day #2 (Archie Horror Presents #2)

by Aubrey Sitterson

The epic Archie Horror event continues, as does Archie’s quest. Jughead’s trying his best to act as Archie’s conscience and voice of reason, but with so many people once familiar and even beloved to Archie turning into demonic monstrosities, can Archie maintain his grip? Maybe if Jughead gets more people on his side, they can talk some sense into him—are Betty and Veronica up to the task of bringing back the Archie they know and love from Alistair’s grasp?

Betty & Veronica Double Digest #325 (Betty & Veronica Double Digest #325)

by Archie Superstars

BRAND NEW STORY! Dr. Masters gives some befuddled citizens of Riverdale (Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Ethel) great dating advice that goes horribly and hilariously wrong in a series of short FlipFlop videos.

World of Archie Double Digest #141 (World of Archie Digest #141)

by Archie Superstars

BRAND NEW STORY! The gang is spending a fun day on the beach—until things start disappearing! There’s a rumor that mysterious ghost surfers are playing havoc, but that couldn’t be true… could it?

Taste of Home Pizza, Pasta, and More: 200+ Recipes Deliver the Comfort, Versatility and Rich Flavors of Italian-Style Delights (Taste of Home Quick & Easy)

by Taste Of Home

Pizza and pasta are all-time favorites…and for good reason! With simple ingredients readily available in most kitchens, crafting a crowd-pleasing Italian-style classic is a cinch!Pizza and pasta are all-time favorites…and for good reason! With simple ingredients readily available in most kitchens, crafting a crowd-pleasing Italian-style classic is a cinch! Whether you need an ultra-fast weeknight entree or a complete from-scratch menu, the possibilities are endless. With Taste of Home&’s all-new cookbook, Pizza, Pasta & More, you&’ll have everything you need to serve up a mouthwatering variety of recipes. You&’ll even learn how to make your own sauces and pizza dough so you can create your own specialties. Best of all, this must-have cookbook offers Italian appetizers, salads, soups, breads and tempting desserts, including popular antipasti and decadent tiramisu. SELLING POINTS: 200+ recipes including an incredible variety of pizzas and pasta dishes, plus recipes to complete the meal—appetizers and salads, soups, breads and Italian-style desserts. Handy Fast-Fix Icon helps you find dishes that are ready in under 30 minutes…perfect for those nights when time is at a premium. Color photos with every recipe, including step-by-step photos to guide you through the process of making pasta dough, different homemade pizza crusts (including gluten-free!) and more. Bonus added extras help you pair sauces with pastas, determine serving sizes, plan a perfect pizza party and more. Reader reviews and tips from the Taste of Home Test Kitchen staff Nutrition facts with every recipe and diabetic exchanges where applicable CHAPTERS Antipasto Salads Soups & Breads Pizza Pies & Flatbreads Pizza with a Twist Lotsa Pasta Baked Pasta Side Dishes Sauces & More Italian-Style Sweets Dessert Pizzas

Best of Reader's Digest, Volume 5: Heartwarming Stories, Dramatic Tales, Hilarious Cartoons, and Timeless Photographs (Best of Reader's Digest #5)

by Reader'S Digest

Grab a hot cup of coffee, settle in and enjoy dozens of hilarious, inspirational and intriguing stories from the pages of Reader&’s Digest.Featuring the magazine&’s best-of-the-best articles, interviews, cartoons, book excerpts and photography, this cherished collection is one that&’ll be passed down for generations. Open Best of Reader&’s Digest Vol. 5 and you&’ll discover a timeless celebration of American culture. From real-life tales of adventure and survival to delightful narratives of love and kindness, this all-new edition is sure to warm hearts, incite lively discussions and bring smiles. SELLING POINTS: • Most popular content: Editors combed through the archives to find the articles, photos, quotes, jokes and cartoons readers loved and remembered most. • Celebrity contributors: In this collection, you&’ll find pieces by notable writers and comedians; along with quotes from famous personalities and much more. • Timeless favorites: From everyday heroes to larger-than-life characters and from intimate moments to historic events, the stories in this book resonate with everyone

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