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Showing 276 through 300 of 10,233 results

Information: A Short History

by Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silvia Goeing, and Anthony Grafton

An essential guide to the ways information has shaped and been shaped by societiesThanks to recent advances, we now enjoy seemingly unlimited access to information. How did information become so central to our everyday lives? This book traces the global emergence of information practices and technologies across pivotal epochs and regions, providing invaluable historical perspectives on the ways information has shaped and been shaped by societies. Featuring the core articles from the ultimate reference book Information: A Historical Companion, this short history will appeal to anyone seeking to understand our modern mania for an informed existence. The book:Tells the story of information&’s rise from the premodern era to today, exploring how diverse cultures have created, managed, and shared facts and knowledgeTakes readers from the medieval Islamic world to late imperial East Asia, and from early modern and modern Europe to contemporary North AmericaCovers a broad range of topics, such as networks, bureaucracy, publicity, propaganda, censorship, privacy, intellectual property, digitization, telecommunications, storage and search, and much moreIncludes a new introduction, suggested further readings, and a glossary of key termsBrings together an international team of experts, including Jeremy Adelman, Devin Fitzgerald, John-Paul Ghobrial, Lisa Gitelman, Randolph C. Head, Richard R. John, Elias Muhanna, Thomas S. Mullaney, Carla Nappi, Craig Robertson, Daniel Rosenberg, Will Slauter, and Heidi Tworek

Swedish Folk Tales (Folk Tales)

by Anna Maria

Humorous tales, cautionary tales, tall tales, fairy tales, heroic tales – the depths of Swedish folklore hold all of the above and more besides. From cunning folk and helpful Tomtar, to sinister Näcken and the Stallos of Sami legend (and with plenty of romance and derring-do in-between) this book covers centuries-worth of Sweden’s folk tales, telling stories that have never been translated into English as well several oral tales published in writing for the first time.

Reconceptualizing Teacher Education: A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge (Education)

by Anne M. Phelan, William F. Pinar, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook & Ruth Kane

In this collection, Canadian scholars articulate a response to their collective concerns about the impact of global policy on teacher education, provoking a far-reaching dialogue about teacher education in and for our times. The first two decades of the new millennium have witnessed unprecedented appraisal, analysis, and educational policy formulations related to teaching (K–12) across the Western world. In turn, teacher education has been greatly impacted, as governments around the world see the reform and management of teacher education as a key component in restructuring education toward greater economic competitiveness. The result has been an unwarranted and undesirable level of standardization. It is vital to the future of teacher education, and concomitantly public education, that we imagine alternatives to the homogenization of the educational experience that globalizing policies install. What is needed are vocabularies that enable educators and teacher educators to discern and articulate educational purposes beyond capital and which focus on the kinds of educational experiences that can help prepare the young to lead good and worthwhile lives. Using lessons learned from the Canadian context, the authors identify and investigate the importance of initial and continuing professional education that fosters teachers’ intellectual freedom and study; advances an informed and critical appreciation of civic particularity and historical circumstance; and cultivates ethical (i.e., pedagogical) engagement with ideas and histories—teachers’ own and their students—as crucial themes of teacher education globally. This book is published in English - Les chercheurs canadiens qui ont participé à cet ouvrage collectif proposent une réponse à leurs préoccupations collectives qui portent essentiellement sur l’impact de la politique globale sur la formation des enseignants, et ce, afin d’établir un dialogue franc et approfondi sur la formation des enseignants telle que pratiquée à notre époque. Durant les deux premières décennies du nouveau millénaire, le monde occidental a connu une augmentation sans précédent des analyses, des évaluations et des propositions les plus diverses portant sur la politique éducative (du jardin d'enfant à la fin du secondaire). En conséquence, la formation des enseignants a été très fortement impactée dans un contexte global où les gouvernements considèrent la réforme et la gestion de la formation des enseignants comme une composante clef de la restructuration de l’enseignement, et ce, afin que l’enseignement dispensé soit plus compétitif sur le plan économique. Force est de constater que cette approche s’est traduite par un niveau de standardisation indésirable et totalement injustifié. Pour garantir l’avenir de la formation des enseignants et donc de l’éducation publique, il est aujourd’hui fondamental d’imaginer des alternatives à l’homogénéisation de l’expérience éducative, qui résulte des politiques adoptées dans le cadre de la mondialisation. Dans cette perspective, il est nécessaire de fournir aux enseignants et aux éducateurs un vocabulaire et une terminologie spécifiques qui leur permettent de définir et d’articuler leurs objectifs éducatifs, au-delà de la notion réductrice de capital, tout en privilégiant les différents types d’expérience éducative qui préparent les jeunes à mener des vies satisfaisantes et utiles. En s’inspirant des enseignements tirés du contexte canadien, les auteurs de cet ouvrage ont identifié et évalué l’importance d’une éducation professionnelle initiale et qui continue de favorisé l’apprentissage et la liberté intellectuelle des enseignants ; promeut une appréciation critique et informée des spécificités civiques et des circonstances historiques ; et favorise un engagement éthique (et donc pédagogique) qui prend en compte les idées et les antécédents des enseignants et de leurs élèves et les co

Cultural Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship (New Perspectives in Cultural Management)

by Annick Schramme, Ulrike Müller, Nathalie Verboven and Laura D’hoore

The continuing pressure on the funding of arts and culture across Europe is forcing cultural organisations to rethink their traditional ways of working. This book examines how an entrepreneurial cultural organisation can generate a form of cultural philanthropy as a viable source of alternative funding.The authors in the book address issues that include how to build trust and the language of the cultural entrepreneur; how to create and develop sustainable partnerships; and overcoming the dominant logic of cultural organisations as an obstacle in an engaged collaboration with private partners.Through expert insights and a comprehensive analysis of real-life case interviews, this book offers fresh perspectives on the challenges and opportunities inherent in cultural philanthropy. It provides invaluable insights for scholars and practitioners alike offering a multidisciplinary exploration from historical, legal, and management viewpoints within the arts sector.

Η Νεκρή Συγγραφέας

by Núria Añó

Η Άννα είναι μια συγγραφέας μέσης ηλικίας που μεγάλωσε την κόρη της μόνη της. Στο σήμερα, η Μπέρτα έχει μεγαλώσει και η επιθυμία που είχε να γνωρίσει τον πατέρα της, τον οποίο έχει δει μόνο σε φωτογραφία, φουντώνει όταν η σχέση με το αγόρι της περνάει κρίση. Ο Χανς δουλεύει σε ένα εργοστάσιο και έχει μια αδερφή, την Κλάρα, μια έφηβη την οποία δεν καταλαβαίνει κανείς και η οποία έχει εμμονή με έναν τύπο που οδηγεί μια κίτρινη μηχανή. Αλλά είναι, κυρίως, η ιστορία της Άννα Φλίντερ, που όταν επιλέγει να γράψει ένα βιβλίο με αυτοβιογραφικό χαρακτήρα, η έμπνευση την επισκέπτεται παίρνοντας τη μορφή του άντρα που πριν χρόνια εγκατέλειψε. «Στην ιστορία παρατηρείται η διαδικασία δημιουργίας της διανοούμενης. Είναι ένα έργο που απευθύνεται σε όσους αρέσει να διαβάζουν και αφήνονται να απορροφηθούν α&pi

Die tote Schriftstellerin

by Núria Añó

Anna ist eine Schriftstellerin in mittleren Jahren, die ihre Tochter Berta allein großgezogen hat. Berta ist mittlerweile erwachsen und zerbricht sich den Kopf darüber, ob sie ihren Vater, den sie bisher nur auf einem Foto gesehen hat, kennenlernen möchte. Diese Frage wird umso essentieller für sie, je mehr es in der Beziehung zu ihrem Freund Hans kriselt. Hans arbeitet in einer Fabrik und hat eine jüngere Schwester, Clara, ein Mädchen, das sich von niemandem verstanden fühlt und hoffnungslos in einen Jungen mit einem gelben Motorrad verliebt ist. Aber vor allem wird die Geschichte von Anna Flieder erzählt, die, als sie sich an ihren ersten autobiographischen Roman wagt, Besuch von der Inspiration höchstpersönlich erhält und zwar in der Form jenes Mannes, den sie vor etlichen Jahren verlassen hat. “Der Roman beobachtet eine Autorin während des Schreibprozesses. […] Ein Buch für die, die das Lesen lieben und das viel Raum für eigene Interpretationen lässt.” –La Mañana „Der Roman Die tote Schriftstellerin richtet sich an Leser, die es zu schätzen wissen, wenn sich die Literatur selbst in einem literarischen Werk reflektiert. Darüber hinaus lässt der Roman den Leser in die Charaktere, ihre Gefühle und Lebenssituationen eintauchen, wodurch sich unweigerlich ein Gefühl der Identifikation entwickelt. […] Es handelt sich um einen literarischen Text, der für höchstes Lesevergnügen sorgt, der sich durch eine metaphorische Sprache auszeichnet und mit Bildern spielt, die Szenen des Alltags beleuchten, die das Leben mit all seinen unzähligen Möglichkeiten uns oft nicht wahrnehmen lässt.” –Dr. Alexandra Santos Pinheiro, Resonancias literarias, Nr. 153 „Dieser Roman erzählt die Geschichte der Schriftstellerin Anna und beschreibt zugleich die Welt und das Leben der ihr nahestehenden Personen. Für Anna stellt ihr literarisches Dasein d

My (Part-Time) Paris Life: How Running Away Brought Me Home

by Lisa Anselmo

Poignant, touching, and lively, this memoir of a woman who loses her mother and creates a new life for herself in Paris will speak to anyone who has lost a parent or reinvented themselves. Lisa Anselmo wrapped her entire life around her mother, a strong woman who was a defining force in her daughter’s life—maybe too defining. When her mother dies from breast cancer, Lisa realizes she hadn’t built a life of her own, and struggles to find her purpose. Who is she without her mother—and her mother’s expectations? Desperate for answers, she reaches for a lifeline in the form of an apartment in Paris, refusing to play it safe for the first time. What starts out as a lurching act of survival sets Lisa on a course that reshapes her life in ways she never could have imagined. But how can you imagine a life bigger than anything you’ve ever known? In the vein of Eat, Pray, Love and Wild, My (Part-time) Paris Life a story is for anyone who’s ever felt lost or hopeless, but still holds out hope of something more. This candid memoir explores one woman’s search for peace and meaning, and how the ups and downs of expat life in Paris taught her to let go of fear, find self-worth, and create real, lasting happiness.

The Mysterious Bookshop Presents the Best Mystery Stories of the Year: 2024 (Best Mystery Stories #4)

by Anthony Horowitz & Otto Penzler

Anthony Horowitz selects and introduces the best mystery stories from the past year, under the auspices of the world’s oldest mystery fiction specialty bookshop. From a pool of over 3,000 considered stories published last year—anything that touched on crime, mystery, and suspense, from venues as disparate as The Strand Magazine, Dark Yonder, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, The Bellevue Literary Review, and more—these are the very best, selected by series editor Otto Penzler and guest editor Anthony Horowitz. The tales included cover a range of styles, highlighting the diversity of subjects and forms comprising the genre we call mystery fiction. Featuring a mixture of household names, masters of the short form, and newcomers to the field, the collection offers a variety that promises something for every reader. And it’s all capped off by a vintage story from the first half of the previous century, sourced directly from the rare book room at the Mysterious Bookshop, the oldest mystery fiction specialty store in the world. Authors include: Ace Atkins Michael Bracken Fleur Bradley Shelley Costa Doug Crandell Jeffery Deaver John Floyd Nils Gilbertson Peter Hayes Shells Legoullon Victor Methos Leonardo Padura Dan Pope Annie Reed Cameron Sanders Anna Scotti Archer Sullivan Andrew Welsh-Huggins Stacy Woodson

The Afterlife Frequency: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life

by Mark Anthony

OMMIE Award for Best Metaphysical Book Best Holistic Life Award for Inspirational Book of the Year 2023 Named a Gold Winner in the Reincarnation, Death & Grieving Books category of the 2022 COVR Visionary AwardsIn this fascinating book, the Psychic Lawyer takes you on a quest for answers — and finds them! World-renowned psychic medium and Oxford-educated attorney Mark Anthony bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating afterlife exploration, taking you around the globe, from the cosmic to the subatomic, and into the human soul itself. Combining physics, neuroscience, and riveting true stories, this book:reveals how our “electromagnetic soul” is pure eternal energy that never dies.takes spirit communication, near-death experiences, and deathbed visions out of the shadows of superstition and into the light of twenty-first-century science.presents Anthony’s RAFT technique to recognize contact with spirits, accept it as real, feel it without fear, and trust in the experience.provides hope for recovery from grief, PTSD, survivor’s guilt, or a loved one’s suicide or homicide.illuminates how contact with spirits is a powerful instrument of healing and love.

Nil Drago and the Last Dreki (Nil Drago #1)

by Marc Roig Antich

After a terrible misfortune that will shake them immensely, Nil and his sister Ona Drago have no choice but to change schools, city and their lives. On his first day of class at the new school, Nil discovers two things: the first is that the English teacher is weird. The second is that in one of the school corridors Nil hears a strange noise that no one else seems to hear. His obsession with that curious noise will lead him to unleash surprising and dangerous events that will put more than one life at risk. Nil discovers he has magical powers and, accompanied by his new friend Hugo, he intends to thwart the evil plan of a secret magical society before it is too late. Go with Nil, Hugo, Ona, and the cat Nabiu into a world full of magic and adventure as they tour an incredible world in which nothing is as it appears to be. Nil Drago and the last Dreki is the first part of a series of Nil, Hugo and Ona's great adventures in a hidden world full of fantastic characters and creatures, mysteries and secrets. Accompany them on this adventure and help them discover and stop the terrible threat that could end the cosmos.

Exploring Party Switching in East-Central European Legislatures: Party Drifters, Mavericks, and Chameleons (Routledge Studies on Political Parties and Party Systems)

by Andrzej Antoszewski Przemysław Żukiewicz

This book challenges the approach of relying on election outcomes to analyse party systems, contending that changes can be also identified and documented beyond the scope of parliamentary elections through legislative party switching.It argues that significant party system changes occur often within parliamentary terms, and legislative party switching is not a pathological feature of democracy but rather an integral component of democratic party systems. Offering a comprehensive and specific theoretical framework for party switching and based on a novel and exhaustive database from Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Poland, this book examines the determinants for, and implications of, legislative party switching in Central and Eastern Europe.This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of legislative studies, party politics, Central and East European politics, and more broadly comparative politics and government.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution‑Non Commercial‑No Derivatives (CC‑BY‑NC‑ND) 4.0 license.Any third party material in this book is not included in the OA Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Please direct any permissions enquiries to the original rightsholder.

Wieder zu leben

by Ray Anyasi

Damilola Koka (Dami K) ist ein fröhliches, freigeistiges Mädchen, das in Ibadan aufgewachsen ist. Als sie im Jahr 2011 ihren NYSC-Dienst in dem verkrusteten Dorf Gumao im Bundesstaat Bauchi antritt, erwartet sie, dass sie dort jede Menge Spaß haben wird. Die Dinge laufen gut, bis die Krise nach den Wahlen im Norden ausbricht. Sie und ihre Freunde finden sich in der weiten Sahara verloren. Von Tag zu Tag verliert sie ihre Freunde an tödliche Bestien und monströse Menschen. Wenn sie unversehrt zu ihrer verwitweten Mutter zurückkehren will, muss sie den kürzesten Weg zur nächsten Zivilisation finden, bevor das, was hinter ihr her ist, sie findet.

Rachel Weiss's Group Chat

by Lauren Appelbaum

Opposites attract in this romantic comedy, "as hilarious as it is heartwarming," about feeling stuck, the importance of friendship, and learning to open your heart. (Falon Ballard, author of Right on Cue)The year is already off to a bad start. It&’s not enough that Rachel Weiss is stuck in a job she despises and has an unfortunate attraction to men who disappoint her. It&’s the Year of Turning Thirty . . . and now her mother won&’t stop trying to set up Rachel with the millionaire buying the house next door. Luckily Rachel has amazing friends and their juicy group chat to keep her going. But amid work-mandated therapy, her thirteen gray hairs, and biking in the buff, she can&’t help wondering why she isn&’t moving forward like everyone else. As Rachel&’s life—and circle of friends—begins to fall apart, she confides in the last person she expects. The uptight, irritating—yet surprisingly funny and thoughtful—tech bro next door may be the one person who sees Rachel for the woman she wants to be. After random DMs turn into confessing letters, she begins to realize perhaps it was she who had him wrong all along.

United States History: Growth and Development through 1877

by Joyce Appleby Alan Brinkley Albert S. Broussard

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Mouse and His Dog: A Dogtown Book (Dogtown #2)

by Katherine Applegate Gennifer Choldenko

From beloved authors Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko, Mouse and His Dog is an uplifting story and a page-turning adventure.Dogtown is a shelter for stray dogs, misbehaving dogs, and discarded robot dogs, whose owners have outgrown them.Buster is a big-hearted dog who couldn't attract more trouble if he tried.Stewie is a huge, loveable dog whose ex-owner said he was mean. And Mouse is a mouse, who has the run of Dogtown and happens to be Buster's best friend in the world.Determined to help Buster find his forever home, Mouse, Stewie, Buster and a robot-dog called Smokie embark on a bold quest in search of the perfect family. With peril, adventure and lots of laughter along the way.

Mouse and His Dog: A Dogtown Book (A Dogtown Book #2)

by Katherine Applegate Gennifer Choldenko

An Instant NEW YORK TIMES and Indie Bestseller! Mouse lives in Dogtown, a shelter for real dogs and robot dogs, where the kibble is plentiful, and the rafters hide a secret community of mice. His unlikely best friend is Buster, a big-hearted real dog who attracts trouble like a burr to fur.Determined to help Buster find his forever home, even if means losing his best pal, Mouse embarks on a bold quest with three of Dogtown’s “unadoptables”: Buster, Stewie--a huge, lovable dog whose ex-owner said he was mean, and Smokey--a robot dog hardwired with a smoke alarm he can’t control.But Mouse is just a mouse, and the world is big and complicated. How’s a little guy supposed to find homes for the dogs he loves?

A Companion to the Anthropology of Reproductive Medicine and Technology (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology)

by Nayantara Sheoran Appleton Cecilia Coale Van Hollen

Provides fresh perspectives on the past, present and future-facing contributions of the anthropology of reproduction. A Companion to the Anthropology of Reproductive Medicine and Technology provides a timely and comprehensive overview of the anthropological study of reproductive practices, technologies, and interventions in a global context. Exploring the medical and technological management of human reproduction through a sociocultural lens, this groundbreaking volume reviews past and current research, discusses contemporary debates and recent theoretical developments, introduces key themes and trends, examines ongoing issues of equity, inclusivity, and reproductive justice around the world, and more. The Companion brings together essays by multidisciplinary scholars in fields including sociocultural anthropology, medical anthropology, reproductive health, global public health, Science and Technology Studies (STS), gender and sexuality studies, critical race studies, and environmental studies, to list but a few. Five thematically organized sections address reproductive practitioners and paradigms, global reproductive health and interventions, reproductive justice, the life-course approach to the study of reproductive health, and the future of reproductive technology and medicine. Using clear, jargon-free language, the authors investigate pregnancy and childbirth; fertility treatments; birth control, contraception and abortion; COVID-19 and reproduction; reproductive cancers; epigenetics; social discrimination; gender and sexualities and reproduction for LGBTQIA+ communities; race and reproduction; migration and reproduction; reproduction and war; reproductive health financing; reproduction and disabilities, reproduction and the environment; and other important contemporary topics. A cutting-edge guide to the modern study of reproduction, this groundbreaking volume: Provides an overview of the links between anthropological study and progressive work in medicine, healthcare, and technology Addresses both the challenges and opportunities facing researchers in the field Identifies gaps in current scholarship and offers recommendations for future research topics and methodologies Highlights the importance of ethnographic research combined with critical engagements with other disciplines for the anthropology of reproduction Explores the impact of socioeconomic conditions, environmental challenges, public policy, and legislation on reproductive health outcomes Traces the history of the field and demonstrates how anthropologists have engaged with issues of reproductive justicePart of the acclaimed Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology series, A Companion to the Anthropology of Reproductive Medicine and Technology is an essential resource for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and scholars in medical anthropology, science technology and society, cultural anthropology, ethnology, and gender studies, as well as medical practitioners, policymakers, and activists involved in global and public health and reproductive justice.

Introducing Peace Museums (Routledge Research in Museum Studies)

by Joyce Apsel

Nominated for the 2017 Dayton Literary Peace Prize in non-fiction This volume examines peace museums, a small and important (but often overlooked) series of museums whose numbers have multiplied world-wide in recent decades. They relate stories and display artifacts—banners, diaries, and posters for example about such themes as: art and peace, antiwar histories, protest, peacekeeping and social justice and promote cultures of peace. This book introduces their different approaches from Japan, which has the largest number of sites, to Bradford, UK and Guernica, Spain. Some peace museums and centers emphasize popular peace symbols and figures, others provide alternative narratives about conscientious objection or civil disobedience, and still others are sites of persuasion, challenging the status quo about issues of war, peace, disarmament, and related issues.Introducing Peace Museums distinguishes between different types of museums that are linked to peace in name, theme or purpose and discusses the debates which surround peace museums versus museums for peace. This book is the first of its kind to critically evaluate the exhibits and activities of this group of museums, and to consider the need for a "critical peace museum studies" which analyses their varied emphasis and content. The work of an experienced specialist, this welcome introduction to peace museums considers the challenges and opportunities faced by these institutions now and in the future.

On Law, Morality, and Politics (Hackett Classics)

by Thomas Aquinas

The second edition of Aquinas, On Law, Morality, and Politicsretains the selection of texts presented in the first edition but offers them in new translations by Richard J. Regan--including that of his Aquinas, Treatise on Law (Hackett, 2000). A revised Introduction and glossary, an updated select bibliography, and the inclusion of summarizing headnotes for each of the units--Conscience, Law, Justice, Property, War and Killing, Obedience and Rebellion, and Practical Wisdom and Statecraft—further enhance its usefulness.

Love Has a Story: 100 Meditations on the Enduring Love of God

by Quina Aragon

Love has a story. It&’s bigger than you. It&’s bigger than me. It comes from old, an overflow of the beautiful love shared between the Father whose heart bursts for the Son, the Son who adores His Father, all wrapped in the glorious, life-giving love of the Spirit. And this great Love knows and cherishes every secret and intimate detail of your story. In fact, this story is for you. So where and how do we fit in this grand story of love? In Love Has a Story, author and poet Quina Aragon shares how, before the foundations of the earth, the great storyteller was penning a story that included you. Love was thinking about you, imagining ways to showcase His love for you, and planning to rescue you. This was not one of those sentimental loves, but a love that would traverse the wilderness in search of and for His beloved . . . and give everything—His life, blood, wounds, hope, and an invitation to be family.Join Quina in entering the greatest love story ever told. Through the prose and poetry of these meditations, you will come to know the great love of God for the world and for you. When you reach the end of this book, you will want to begin all over again. And you will want to share this great love story with your friends and family.Before you danced in your mother&’s womb, before Adam and Eve, your greatest-grandparents ever walked the earth, before stars lit up the night sky, there was God—handpicking you to inherit a bottomless ocean: His love. —Quina Aragon

LatinoLand: A Portrait of America's Largest and Least Understood Minority

by Marie Arana

&“A perfect representation of Latino diversity&” (The Washington Post), LatinoLand draws from hundreds of interviews and prodigious research to give us both a vibrant portrait and the little-known history of our largest and fastest-growing minority, in &“a work of prophecy, sympathy, and courage&” (Junot Díaz, Pulitzer Prize–winning author).LatinoLand is an exceptional, all-encompassing overview of Hispanic America based on personal interviews, deep research, and Marie Arana&’s life experience as a Latina. At present, Latinos comprise twenty percent of the US population, a number that is growing. By 2050, census reports project that one in every three Americans will claim Latino heritage. But Latinos are not a monolith. They do not represent a single group. The largest groups are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Salvadorans, and Cubans. Each has a different cultural and political background. Puerto Ricans, for example, are US citizens, whereas some Mexican Americans never immigrated because the US-Mexico border shifted after the US invasion of 1848, incorporating what is now the entire southwest of the United States. Cubans came in two great waves: those escaping communism in the early years of Castro, many of whom were professionals and wealthy, and those permitted to leave in the Mariel boat lift twenty years later, representing some of the poorest Cubans, including prisoners. As LatinoLand shows, Latinos were some of the earliest immigrants to what is now the US—some of them arriving in the 1500s. They are racially diverse—a random infusion of white, Black, indigenous, and Asian. Once overwhelmingly Catholic, they are becoming increasingly Protestant and Evangelical. They range from domestic workers and day laborers to successful artists, corporate CEOs, and US senators. Formerly solidly Democratic, they now vote Republican in growing numbers. They are as culturally varied as any immigrants from Europe or Asia. Marie Arana draws on her own experience as the daughter of an American mother and Peruvian father who came to the US at age nine, straddling two worlds, as many Latinos do. &“Thorough, accessible, and necessary&” (Ms. magazine), LatinoLand unabashedly celebrates Latino resilience and character and shows us why we must understand the fastest-growing minority in America.


by Bernardo A. Arango

Este livro é uma viagem fascinante à própria essência do ser e da existência humana. No teatro existencial da vida, somos os protagonistas do nosso filme, enfrentando emoções, desde a alegria, a decepção, o amor, o ódio, a morte, Deus, o ateísmo e a tristeza. A pandemia global revelou a nossa fragilidade e a importância das nossas ligações. Somos uma espécie poderosa, mas altamente destrutiva, cegada pela ignorância, destruindo a nós mesmos e a tudo o mais. No entanto, este livro não pretende mudar o mundo, mas sim mudar a nossa percepção dele e encontrar o equilíbrio na nossa existência. Através da neurologia, da psicologia, da ciência e da espiritualidade, somos convidados a uma jornada de autodescoberta e busca de bem-estar. A obra destaca a importância de nos conhecermos e curarmos feridas emocionais, nos libertarmos da ignorância e encontrarmos um propósito que ilumine a nossa existência. A introdução nos imerge na responsabilidade de cada ser humano em encontrar sua identidade e missão em meio à complexidade do mundo moderno. A pandemia, embora desafiadora, nos dá a oportunidade de descobrir o nosso verdadeiro propósito. O livro aborda temas cruciais como ignorância, egoísmo, ódio, objetivos e amor verdadeiro, incentivando-nos a romper com o conhecido para compreender o nosso propósito de vida. Cada um de nós tem um propósito único, e este livro propõe uma análise cronológica profunda para compreender que viver é um desafio, não uma tragédia. Nas suas palavras finais, convida-nos a sermos participantes ativos no livro, em vez de apenas leitores, explorando as nossas experiências e reflectindo sobre o nosso mundo. Este livro não é apenas um apelo cientificamente fundamentado ao autoconhecimento e à cura emocional e interior, mas também um guia para desenvolver um nível mais elevado de conhecimento, consciência e potencial espiritual. “Os Círculos da Vida”

Head in the Clouds


With her head in the clouds, Sofía has questions that even her teacher can&’t answer – a joyful and inquisitive book about the vibrant worlds inside our mindsSofía goes to school every day but she still has a lot of questions. Why are grown-ups always in a rush? What number comes after infinity? Sofía&’s teacher says she has her head in the clouds, she&’s seeing birds. In collages of graph paper, worksheets, and newsprint, punctuated by scratches of graphite and bold swaths of bright paint, Sofía&’s world springs to life. When she gives one of her birds to her teacher, her teacher&’s monochrome world of blank paper and gray lines bursts into color, affirming the joy and necessity of always being curious. Inquisitive children, with a supply of questions as limitless as their imagination, will recognize themselves in Sofía, delighting in pondering her questions – and in coming up with more of their own.Originally a painter, Rocío Araya turned to illustration where the field of possibilities, she feels, is infinite. With a style that is spontaneous and full of surprises, her boundless imagination is at work in these exhilarating pages. Look for a tiny, curled, brown cat and an expansive night sky, and spot a hula-girl dancing across a geography worksheet. This treasure hunt of a book is one for reading again and again.

Forgettable nights and other female horrors: We all have a night to forget (Dramatise it, but not so much #1)

by Lorena Tercon Arbiza

We all have nights to forget, and Paula, Gimena and Argentina are expert collectors of them. One afternoon, after several years of spying on each other through the networks, but not taking the time to visit each other, the three of them meet in a café in Montevideo to recall, and update, that immaculate compilation of experiences to be forgotten. Everything goes smoothly until an unthinkable confession is thrown into the air like a lethal dart: can the lives of these three former high school classmates ever be the same again after learning what one of them has to tell them? Don't be left in doubt! Find out the answer in this play that could well have been inspired by your own life. Warning: Forgettable Nights and Other Feminine Horrors contains racy language and risqué situations.

The Lid that Could not Cover

by Lorena Tercon Arbiza

Karulina is a sweet lid that loves to run through the valleys of her town, but she has a problem: she is the lid that does not cover, and she needs your help to discover why. In exchange for your company, she will give you two teachings so that you are happier every day.

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