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¡A soñar con la ciencia!

by Michelle Schaub

Desde la astronomía hasta la física, la química y la geología, este libro ilustrado de STEM ayudará a los niños a decir buenas noches con ciencias. ¡Ahora en español!From astronomy to physics to chemistry to geology, this STEM picture book will help kids say goodnight with science. Now in Spanish!Doce niños y niñas. Una docena de horas de dormir. ¡Infinitas maneras de ayudar a los niños pequeños a emocionarse por explorar y tener dulces sueños sobre once ramas de la ciencia en este libro donde las buenas noches conocen información científica!Incluye texto final para más información acerca de cada área de estudio.Twelve kids. A dozen bedtimes. Endless ways to help young kids get excited to explore and have sweet dreams about eleven branches of science in this goodnight meets science information book!Includes back matter for further information about each area of study.

À toute épreuve (Tout vient à point... #3)

by Mary Calmes

Suite de Question de temps, tomes 1 et 2Jory Harcourt n’a pas besoin de chercher des ennuis. Où qu’il aille, ceux-ci semblent le trouver, en particulier quand son partenaire, Sam Kage, travaille sous couverture pour une équipe d’intervention fédérale.Après avoir été forcé à mettre la clef sous la porte par la récession, Jory est embauché comme entremetteur et organisateur d’événements. Ce n’est plus qu’une question de temps avant que sa grande bouche et son attitude trop franche le jettent entre les pattes d’un riche héritier et d’un magnat de la drogue, qui veulent tous les deux le conquérir. Puis, comme si cette situation n’était pas déjà assez délicate, Jory retrouve la trace de son amant sous couverture, aux ordres du trafiquant.Entre les hommes qui ont envie de lui et ce qui veulent simplement sa mort, Chicago devient un peu trop dangereux pour Jory, et sur le conseil de son frère, de son petit ami et du FBI, il se rend à Hawaï… où un grave accident menace le restant de ses jours. Est-ce que Sam et Jory garderont la foi et prouveront que leur relation est vraiment à toute épreuve ?

The A-Z of Primary Teaching: 200+ terms every new primary teacher needs to know (Ready to Teach)

by Rebecca Austin Justine Earl

Trainee teachers encounter a whole new language when they start their training. There are a huge number of specialized terms and ideas that they need to understand and use. This handy reference book provides quick access to succinct definitions for more than 200 terms that relate to primary teaching in England. Recommended for beginner teachers, governors, parents and carers and anyone who might find the language of primary teaching somewhat perplexing, this book is a starting point for developing understanding of a wide variety of the key vocabulary - and the countless associated acronyms - which are in daily use in primary schools and classrooms and beyond.

The A-Z of Primary Teaching: 200+ terms every new primary teacher needs to know (Ready to Teach)

by Rebecca Austin Justine Earl

Trainee teachers encounter a whole new language when they start their training. There are a huge number of specialized terms and ideas that they need to understand and use. This handy reference book provides quick access to succinct definitions for more than 200 terms that relate to primary teaching in England. Recommended for beginner teachers, governors, parents and carers and anyone who might find the language of primary teaching somewhat perplexing, this book is a starting point for developing understanding of a wide variety of the key vocabulary - and the countless associated acronyms - which are in daily use in primary schools and classrooms and beyond.

The A-Z of Trust Leadership (John Catt A-Z series)

by Neil Blundell

The A-Z of Trust Leadership is a compelling handbook for those leading multi-academy trusts and school partnerships, organised around the 26 letters of the English alphabet."Trusts have been around for a while, and now approximately half of England's schools have joined the movement. While we make sense of this systemic change and partially restructure what we have created, there is a need to learn from our mistakes, capture what has been achieved, and tell the story for those who are not aware of the fundamental change that has taken place across our schools."- Neil Blundell

The A-Z of Trust Leadership (John Catt A-Z series)

by Neil Blundell

The A-Z of Trust Leadership is a compelling handbook for those leading multi-academy trusts and school partnerships, organised around the 26 letters of the English alphabet."Trusts have been around for a while, and now approximately half of England's schools have joined the movement. While we make sense of this systemic change and partially restructure what we have created, there is a need to learn from our mistakes, capture what has been achieved, and tell the story for those who are not aware of the fundamental change that has taken place across our schools."- Neil Blundell

AAC and Aided Language in the Classroom: Breaking Down Barriers for Learners with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (nasen spotlight)

by Katy Leckenby Meaghan Ebbage-Taylor

Have you got learners in your class who have Speech, Language, and Communication Needs (SLCNs) who would benefit from resources to support their communication skills, such as using Aided Language/ Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?This empowering book is designed with these questions at its heart. Written in an accessible style, by teachers for teachers, it offers guidance and support to help you to overcome barriers and successfully implement AAC. The book: Addresses myths and misconceptions, with discussion points to encourage the reader to reflect on their own practice. Shares the current evidence base around successful support strategies. Includes easy to implement, practical strategies that can be adopted in any classroom to have maximum impact and enhance learners’ communication skills. Contains a wealth of relatable, real-life examples and case studies included throughout, to bring theory to life and help you deliver effective classroom practice and support your learners with SLCN. Clearly outlines the variety of different assistive technologies available for facilitating communication. Providing readers with a range of useful tools and resources to implement Aided Language/AAC, AAC and Aided Language in the Classroom builds practitioners’ confidence and enables educators to provide a universal level of support for learners with SLCN. It is valuable reading for school leaders, SENCOs, teachers, and learning support assistants, as well as speech and language therapists supporting educators with the implementation of Aided Language/ AAC.

Aani and the Tree Huggers

by Jeannine Atkins

A village girl in India inspires the women around her to save their beloved forest.One day Aani is resting against her favorite tree when she hears the unfamiliar roar of trucks. She alerts the village women, the eldest of whom says the sounds are made by men from the city who have come to cut down the trees. The women explain to the cutters that their trees provide the villagers with food and fuel; are home to animals; and prevent erosion. But the men are heedless. As the cutters move closer, Aani acts with quiet, instinctive heroism to save not only her special tree, but also the village's beloved forest. Based on a true event in northern India, Aani and the Tree Huggers presents an enduring message of environmental action. In their picture book debuts, author Jeannine Atkins and artist Venantius J. Pinto introduce a memorable heroine whose love of the earth is sure to be an inspiration to children everywhere.

Aatank: आतंक

by Jack Straw

“आतंक” जैक स्ट्रॉ द्वारा लिखी गई एक रहस्य और रोमांच से भरपूर कहानी है, जो पाठकों को सस्पेंस और जटिल पात्रों के जाल में बांधे रखती है। कहानी की शुरुआत जेम्स मेरेडिथ नामक व्यक्ति के साथ होती है, जिसे फर्डिनेंड बुलफोर्ड की हत्या का दोषी ठहराया जाता है। मेरेडिथ को एक ईर्ष्यालु प्रेमी के रूप में पेश किया जाता है, जिसने अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी को मौत के घाट उतार दिया। हालांकि, अदालती साक्ष्य और गवाहों के बावजूद, यह पूरी तरह स्पष्ट नहीं होता कि असली अपराधी कौन है। कहानी में जेम्स की मंगेतर जीन ब्रिगेरलैंड की भूमिका भी महत्वपूर्ण है, जो कहानी में रहस्य और जटिलता जोड़ती है। जीन एक ऐसी महिला के रूप में चित्रित की गई है जो मेरेडिथ के लिए अपने प्रेम का दावा करती है, लेकिन उसके इरादे संदिग्ध हैं। जीन के प्रति जैक ग्लोवर, जो कि मेरेडिथ का वकील है, बेहद सतर्क रहता है। ग्लोवर को संदेह है कि जीन इस साजिश का असली मास्टरमाइंड हो सकती है, और वह मेरेडिथ को बचाने के लिए किसी भी हद तक जाने को तैयार है। कहानी के केंद्र में यह प्रश्न है कि क्या वास्तव में मेरेडिथ अपराधी है, या फिर वह एक गहरी साजिश का शिकार हुआ है? जैक स्ट्रॉ ने इस उपन्यास के माध्यम से धोखा, प्रेम, ईर्ष्या, और विश्वासघात के जटिल पहलुओं को बखूबी उकेरा है। कहानी का हर मोड़ पाठक को चौंकाता है और अंत तक सस्पेंस बनाए रखता है। यह उपन्यास उन परिस्थितियों की पड़ताल करता है जहां सच्चाई और झूठ के बीच की रेखा धुंधली हो जाती है। "आतंक" एक ऐसी कहानी है जो न्याय और अन्याय के बीच की जटिलताओं को समझने का प्रयास करती है, और पाठकों को अंत तक सस्पेंस में डूबा रखती है।

Abbreviations Dictionary (Routledge Revivals)

by Dean A. Stahl Karen Landen

Published in 2001: Abbreviations, nicknames, jargon, and other short forms save time, space, and effort - provided they are understood. Thousands of new and potentially confusing terms become part of the international vocabulary each year, while our communications are relayed to one another with increasing speed. PDAs link to PCs. The Net has grown into data central, shopping mall, and grocery store all rolled into one. E-mail is faster than snail mail, cell phones are faster yet - and it is all done 24/7. Longtime and widespread use of certain abbreviations, such as R.S.V.P., has made them better understood standing alone than spelled out. Certainly we are more comfortable saying DNA than deoxyribonucleic acid - but how many people today really remember what the initials stand for? The Abbreviations Dictionary, Tenth Edition gives you this and other information from Airlines of the World to the Zodiacal Signs.

Abby Carnelia's One & Only Magical Power

by David Pogue

SILLY MAGICAL POWERS, KIDS ON THE RUN. In a whimsical debut novel from the populartechnology writer.One day, Abby Carnelia, ordinary sixth grader, realizes she has a magical power. Okay, it's not a fancy one (she can make a hard-boiled egg spin by tugging on her ears). But it's the only one she has, and it's enough to launch her into an adventure where she meets a host of kids with similarly silly powers, becomes a potential guinea pig for a drug company, and hatches a daring plan for escape.Kids will be dying to unearth their own magical powers after reading this whimsical debut by tech personality David Pogue.

ABC Pharmaceuticals

by Regina E. Herzlinger Erik R. Sparks

This case asks students to price a new drug which is in Stage II of its clinical trials. It contains detailed estimates of the time required and costs for all the steps needed to commercialize a drug in the U.S.

ABCs of the Bible

by Pia Imperial

Complete with short Bible verses, this fun and informative alphabet board book makes for the perfect baby step in a little one&’s journey of faith!A is for Abraham…B is for Baptism…C is for Christ...Featuring key biblical figures, concepts, and locations as well as practices associated with Christianity, this board book offers a great A to Z introduction to the Bible!Charming, kid-friendly art pairs perfectly with simple, accessible text in this board book for the youngest readers.

Abia South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index

by Karel R.Van Kooij

This volume is the first tangible result of an international project initiated by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) with the aim of compiling a bibliographic database documenting publications on South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology. The bibliographic information, over 1,300 records extracted from the database, forms the principal part of this publication. It is preceded by a list of periodicals consulted and followed by three types of indexes which help users to find their way in the ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index (ABIA Index). The detailed bibliographic descriptions, controlled keywords and many elucidating annotations make this reference work into an indispensable guide to recent scholarly work on the prehistory and arts of South/Southeast Asia.

The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2024: Planning Sermons for Every Sunday of the Year

by Charley Reeb

The local pastor’s go-to resource for weekly sermon planning.The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2024 is lectionary-based and follows the calendar year (January - December). It includes special days like Maundy Thursday and Ash Wednesday, and indexes for scriptures and themes, to assist preachers with non-lectionary sermons.Each entry begins with a preacher-to-preacher prayer for preparation, then moves to the key feature: a commentary on one or more texts for the week, exploring themes and storylines, theological reflections, and thoughts about how the text and topic relate to our lives today. Also included are ideas for bringing the text to life--stories, illustrations, ideas for further reading, questions the preacher might pose to the congregation, and suggestions for a ‘call to action’ in response to the message.Finally, for the preacher’s ongoing enrichment, the Annual includes excerpts from new books on preaching and homiletics. This helpful resource is written by every-week preachers who aim to come alongside you, offering a reliable starting point for your sermonic planning, writing, and delivery.

The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2025: Planning Sermons for Every Sunday of the Year

by Charley Reeb

The local pastor’s go-to resource for weekly sermon planning.The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2025 is Lectionary-based and follows the calendar year (January - December). It includes special days like Maundy Thursday and Ash Wednesday, and indexes for Scriptures and themes, to assist preachers with non-Lectionary sermons.Each entry begins with a preacher-to-preacher prayer for preparation, then moves to the key feature: a commentary on one or more texts for the week, exploring themes and storylines, theological reflections, and thoughts about how the text and topic relate to our lives today. Also included are ideas for bringing the text to life--stories, illustrations, ideas for further reading, questions the preacher might pose to the congregation, and suggestions for a ‘call to action’ in response to the message.Finally, for the preacher’s ongoing enrichment, the Annual includes excerpts from new books on preaching and homiletics. This helpful resource is written by every-week preachers who aim to come alongside you, offering a reliable starting point for your sermonic planning, writing, and delivery.

The Abingdon Worship Annual 2024

by Mary Scifres B.J. Beu

The go-to worship planning resource for all who plan weekly worship.The Abingdon Worship Annual 2024 is a practical, lectionary-based resource for leaders who are responsible for planning worship. This thoughtful sourcebook offers a weekly theme with meaningful prayers and fresh litanies following a traditional order of Christian worship:Invitation and Gathering Proclamation and Response Thanksgiving and Communion Sending ForthLiturgies and prayers are also included for special days, including New Year’s Day, Ascension Day, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Eve.The Annual includes helpful reminders for Christian-year planning--including liturgical colors--and a scripture index. The authors also provide in-depth guidance and practical ideas for this new age of worship, helping readers understand and weigh their options for worshiping in digital spaces and unconventional places.The Abingdon Worship Annual 2024 is a must-have sourcebook offering countless opportunities for planning meaningful and insightful worship.

The Abingdon Worship Annual 2025: Worship Resources for Every Sunday of the Year

by Mary Scifres B.J. Beu

The go-to worship planning resource for all who plan weekly worship.The Abingdon Worship Annual 2025 is a practical, lectionary-based resource for leaders responsible for planning worship. This thoughtful sourcebook offers a weekly theme with meaningful prayers and fresh litanies following a traditional order of Christian worship: Invitation and Gathering Proclamation and Response Thanksgiving and Communion Sending ForthLiturgies and prayers are also included for special days, including New Year’s Day, Ascension Day, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Eve.The Annual includes helpful reminders for Christian-year planning—including liturgical colors—and a scripture index. The authors also provide in-depth guidance and practical ideas for this new age of worship, helping readers understand and weigh their options for worshiping in digital spaces and unconventional places.The Abingdon Worship Annual 2025 is a must-have sourcebook offering countless opportunities for planning meaningful and insightful worship.

ABODE OF LIFE: STAR TREK #6 (Star Trek: The Original Series)

by Lee Corey

The sixth installment in the Star Trek original series, The Abode of Life.The citizens of the planet Mercan cannot conceive of worlds beyond their own. Their sun is prone to deadly radioactive flare-ups, and the Mercans have organized their life around the need to survive The Ordeal. All that might change, though, when a badly-damaged EnterpriseTM arrives near Mercan, desperately in need of repairs. It's not an easy task, though, begging help from people who can hardly believe in your existence, and Kirk finds himself torn between the safety and survival of his crew and the Prime Directive, which dictates that he must leave the Mercans to live their lives in peace, and, therefore, in ignorance.

The Abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate, 1924: Debates and Implications (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)

by Elisa Giunchi

This book explores the decision by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in 1924 to abolish the caliphate. The Ottoman sultans had long borne the title of caliphs of Islam, with all the prestigious authority throughout the Muslim world that went with it, and in the aftermath of the First World War the caliphate still retained great symbolic relevance.The book considers the questions that arose with its abolition, including whether or not the caliphate should be revived, reformed or replaced by other forms of political affiliation and organization. It also assesses more general issues concerning identity and legitimate authority, and how to reconcile time-honoured religious institutions and concepts with modernity, the nation-state and affiliations of an ethnic and religious nature. The book additionally addresses the debates within the pan-Islamic congresses concerning the fate of the caliphate, and the implications of its abolition for Kurdish–Turkish relations and for the British and French Empires with their large Muslim populations.

Above the Noise: My Story of Chasing Calm

by DeMar DeRozan

From one of the most outspoken and respected NBA athletes comes a groundbreaking and remarkable memoir chronicling a very public struggle with depression, in the hopes that other people will not suffer alone.&“DeMar DeRozan&’s story is one of adaptability, courage, and love. The persistent effort on his part to rise above is compelling and important.&”—Coach Gregg Popovich, from the foreword &“As men, and especially Black men, we don&’t talk about our mental health enough. We struggle to admit when things aren&’t okay, even when it&’s obvious to everybody around us. I&’ve seen how toxic that can become. I&’ve experienced it myself, keeping everything under wraps until your head and heart are full of fire and rage.&”DeMar DeRozan, six-time NBA All-Star, has been called a &“basketball savant&” (ESPN) and &“the best closer in the NBA&” (GQ)—but when he went public with his depression, it sparked a conversation that reached far beyond the court. By breaking the stigma of speaking out, he added a new, seldom-heard voice to the mental health dialogue: a successful Black male athlete, openly naming his pain and advocating for others to do the same.Now it&’s time to tell the full story. Born and raised in Compton, DeRozan was no stranger to hardship—living in poverty, losing friends to gang violence. In worn-out school gyms and community centers, fueled by hunger and a desire to prove himself, he started to rise, but doubts followed. In Above the Noise, DeRozan opens up about his proudest triumphs and the times he felt so weighed down he couldn't get out of bed. He reflects on what it took to make a name for himself in a new country after getting drafted by the Toronto Raptors, the pressure of playing with veteran athletes as a twenty-year-old rookie, and the pain of losing role models.From a scared, angry kid to a confident father of five, DeRozan traces his journey to basketball stardom and the forces that honed him into the player—and the slowly healing person—he is today. It will encourage anyone who has ever felt alone in their struggles and inspire people to rise above the noise and speak their truth.

Above the Noise: My Story of Chasing Calm

by DeMar DeRozan Dave Zarum

From one of the most outspoken and respected NBA athletes comes a groundbreaking and remarkable memoir chronicling a very public struggle with depression, in the hopes that other people will not suffer alone“As men, and especially Black men, we don’t talk about our mental health enough. We struggle to admit when things aren’t okay, even when it’s obvious to everybody around us. I’ve seen how toxic that can become. I’ve experienced it myself, keeping everything under wraps until your head and heart are full of fire and rage.” Six-time NBA All-Star DeMar DeRozan has been called a “basketball savant” (ESPN) and “the best closer in the NBA” (GQ). But when he went public with his depression, it sparked a conversation that reached far beyond the court. By speaking out and breaking the stigma of mental illness, he added a new, seldom-heard voice to the mental health dialogue: that of a successful Black male athlete, openly naming his pain and advocating for others to do the same.Now it’s time to tell the full story. Born and raised in Compton, DeRozan was no stranger to hardship—he grew up in poverty and lost friends to gang violence. Practising in worn-out school gyms and community centres, fuelled by hunger and a desire to prove himself, he began to rise. But doubts followed. In Above the Noise, DeRozan opens up about both his proudest triumphs and the times he felt so weighed down he couldn’t get out of bed. He reflects on what it took to make a name for himself in a new country after getting drafted by the Toronto Raptors. He recounts the pressure of playing with veteran athletes as a twenty-year-old rookie, and the pain of losing role models. And he reveals what it felt like to be traded away from the team that he wanted to play with for the rest of his career.From a scared, angry kid to a confident father of five, DeRozan traces his journey to basketball stardom and the forces that honed him into the player—and the slowly healing person—he is today. His memoir will encourage anyone who has ever felt alone in their struggles and inspire people to rise above the noise and speak their truth.

Above the Rim: Essential Knowledge and Obscure Facts Every Basketball Fan Needs to Know

by Brian Boone Brendan Boone

Elevate your basketball trivia game with fresh facts and superfan challenges! Test your sports savvy and emerge a champion with this interactive, brain-busting trivia book written by fans for fans. Above the Rim delivers all the stats, figures, funny stories, and highlights your inner sports nerd craves. Take a shot at Who Said It?, Guess the Player, and True or False quiz questions. Discover little-known facts about the most iconic players of all time, from Wilt Chamberlain and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Giannis Antetokounmpo. Boost your basketball wisdom and discover:- Who got thrown out of more games than any other player? - What's the punishment for dunking so hard you shatter the backboard (besides needing to pick the glass form your hair)?- Which team has the worst road record in NBA history? Hint: They went 1-40!Get ready to score fascinating new insights and push your existing knowledge to the ultimate limits with Above the Rim.

Abroad: A Novel

by Katie Crouch

Not since Donna Tartt's The Secret History has a novel this intoxicating captured the headiness and dark temptations of university life. The old Etruscan city of Grifonia swarms with year-abroad students—thousands of them from all over. Ostensibly, they've come to study. But really they are here to reinvent themselves, to shuck their identities and buck constraints far from the watchful eyes of parents and others who know them too well. There's a reason Henry James's young ladies went to Europe with chaperones. Today's young ladies don't. In Abroad, the bestselling novelist Katie Crouch—whose Girls in Trucks brilliantly portrayed the cruelties of postcollege New York life on a Southern girl trying to make her way—tears a story from international headlines and transforms it into a page-turning parable of modern girlhood, full of longing and reckless behavior. As the heroine (and the reader) of Abroad will soon discover, Grifonia is a city filled with dangerous secrets of many kinds: ancient, eternal, infernal. "Prepare to have your heart broken while laughing out loud at this breathtaking, scathingly sardonic novel," wrote People magazine's reviewer about Crouch's Men and Dogs. "From her opening line. . . Crouch grabs you and never lets go." In Abroad, Crouch's mesmerizing talents are again on full display.

Absolute Yoga: Top Yoga Postures

by Pílula Digital

With the rush and stress of everyday life, it has become increasingly common to seek out physical activities that PROVIDE A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE. The practice of YOGA is an example of this, as it HELPS us CONNECT with ourselves in a SIMPLE and FUNCTIONAL way. If you've tried other exercises or sports but haven't adapted, taking up YOGA could be a GOOD SOLUTION. After all, as well as being a low-impact effort, it can be done in the COMFORT of your own home. Check out this book for the MAIN YOGA POSTURES that will help you lose WEIGHT, reduce STRESS and increase your FLEXIBILITY; giving you more FLEXIBILITY and quality of life.

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