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Verhüllung und Entblößung: Vom erzählenden Text:il zur filmischen Haut als Erfahrungsraum affektiver Identitätsentfaltung

by Anke Steinborn

Dieses Buch enthält eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung zum identitätsbildenden Wechselspiel von Text, Textilem und der Haut im und über den Film. Kernthese ist die Überlegung, dass sich im Film über den Wechsel zwischen Textilem und nackter Haut ikonische Verdichtungen zugunsten eines assoziativen Erfahrungsraums entfalten. Dabei weicht der Stoff – der erzählerische gleichermaßen wie der textile – dem Sinnlichen, der Affizierung über die Haut. Die Untersuchung beleuchtet den Zusammenhang zwischen filmischer Rezeption und Selbstreflexion der Zuschauenden, aber auch einer Gesellschaft sowie des Films selbst im jeweils zeitlichen Kontext. Die Filmsehenden erfahren nicht nur das Geschehen und die Protagonist*innen, sondern vor allem auch sich selbst im Spiegel des Anderen – der anderen Figur, der anderen Geschichte, der anderen, filmischen Welt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, unter symbolische Hüllen zu schauen und das Wesentliche darunter zu entdecken. Durch die Interdisziplinarität der Arbeit werden nicht nur Interessierte der Film-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft, sondern auch der Soziologie, der Psychologie, des (Mode-)Designs, der Kunstgeschichte und der Architektur angesprochen. Das Buch regt zu Perspektivwechseln und interdisziplinärem Austausch auf der Basis der für uns alle existenziellen Haut an. Mit diesem Alleinstellungsmerkmal werden Grenzen überwunden und Kollaborationen angeregt.

Verkannt, verfemt, vergessen: Geschichten aus der europäischen Mathematik der Neuzeit

by Heinz Klaus Strick

Sobald Sie sich eingehender mit der Geschichte der Mathematik beschäftigen, werden Sie auch auf Personen stoßen, deren Namen Ihnen bislang unbekannt waren oder von deren Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Mathematik Sie bisher nichts wussten. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen Einblick in das Leben und Wirken von 67 besonderen Persönlichkeiten aus dem europäischen Raum – und geht bei der Betrachtung der Einzelschicksale jeweils auch der Frage nach, warum diese Personen vergleichsweise unbekannt sind, warum sie regelrecht „vergessen“ wurden. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig und meist in den jeweiligen politischen, gesellschaftlichen oder individuellen Lebensumständen zu finden – viele wurden diskriminiert und konnten ihre Fähigkeiten gar nicht erst entfalten, andere waren Ihrer Zeit voraus und blieben lange Zeit unverstanden. Über die historische Einordnung hinaus werden einige der mathematischen Beiträge dieser Personen dargestellt – so ausgewählt, dass sie mit denin der gymnasialen Oberstufe üblicherweise vermittelten Kenntnissen nachvollzogen werden können. Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Darstellungen beginnen mit Persönlichkeiten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert und schließen somit chronologisch an das Buch Geschichten aus der Mathematik desselben Autors an, sind aber unabhängig davon lesbar. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften interessieren und dabei insbesondere ein tieferes Verständnis für die menschlichen Aspekte der Mathematik entwickeln möchten.


by Sky Corgan

Sich in einer neuen Stadt einzuleben, war schwer für Tara Edwards. Zum Glück traf sie Darren Jones, dessen Familie die halbe Stadt gehörte. Er bot ihr Schutz und Freundschaft. Was er im Gegenzug verlangte, war jedoch mehr, als Tara geben wollte. Schlussendlich verlässt Tara ihre Heimatstadt, um ein neues Leben anzufangen. Die Dinge entwickeln sich jedoch anders als üblich und sie stellt schon bald fest, dass man nicht immer das möchte, was man eigentlich braucht. Als tragische Umstände dafür sorgen, dass sie in ihre verhasste Stadt zurückkehren muss, ist es, als würde jeder, den sie je verletzt hat, sie heimsuchen. Gerade, als die Geister der Vergangenheit sie in die Verdammnis zerren wollen, erscheint ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels, in Form ihres alten Freundes. Irgendwie werden sie aber mehr als nur Freunde, was dafür sorgt, dass Tara zwischen zwei Männern steht und zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft festhängt. „Verletzt“ basiert vage auf den im „Wrong or Write“ erwähnten Roman „Behind Her Green Eyes“.

Verpflegung | Wohnen | Digitale Teilhabe: Inter- und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven der Alltagsversorgung zur Lebensqualität im Alter

by Jana Rückert-John Christine Küster Stephanie Hagspihl

In diesem Buch zum Thema Lebensqualität im Alter wird ein inter- und trans-disziplinärer Ansatz gewählt, um neue Einsichten zu vermitteln. Der spezielle Fokus in den Beiträgen liegt dabei auf den Themen Verpflegung, Wohnen und digitale Teilhabe, wobei die einzelnen Beiträge jeweils inter- und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven aufzeigen. Der steigende Anteil bzw. die steigende Zahl älterer Menschen und deren lebensnotwendige Alltagsversorgung und Alltagsgestaltung für mehr Lebensqualität betrifft die gesamte Gesellschaft. Die anstehenden Herausforderungen wachsender Disparitäten und wegbrechender Strukturen der Versorgung Älterer für ein „gutes Leben aller“ werden nur inter- und transdisziplinär zu lösen sein.

Versions of a Girl: 'A wild, heartbreaking, exhilarating ride' Daisy Buchanan

by Catherine Gray Welbeck Publishing Group

Do we become who we are because of our parents, or in spite of them?Fern's mother is a social climber and a former ballet dancer who lives a plush life in a London townhouse. Fern's father only climbs if there's a bottle at the top, has an IQ of 133 and lives hand-to-mouth in Californian motels.Aged fourteen, Fern has spent equal time with each of her parents. That is, until an unexpected visitor triggers a life-changing dilemma: whether she should get on a plane to London to be with her mother, or stay in California with her father. Here, Fern's narrative splices in two.Two possible lives, one person. Each Fern will grow in wildly different, but eerily similar directions. Both must determine who they want to be - and how they deal with a thorny problem which threatens to undo them all: a murder.Warm and brilliantly wise, this is the irresistible fiction debut from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober.

Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, The 6th Edition of Lumb and Jones

by Lydia Love Sheilah Robertson Carrie Schroeder Leigh Lamont Kurt Grimm

VETERINARY ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA A thoroughly updated new edition of the foundational reference on veterinary anesthesia and analgesia Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia: The Sixth Edition of Lumb and Jones is a fully updated revision to this comprehensive, authoritative reference to all aspects of veterinary anesthesia and pain management. Encompassing both scientific principles and clinical applications, the new edition adds new knowledge, techniques, and discussion of emerging issues throughout. Fourteen new chapters significantly expand the coverage of patient monitoring modalities and nociception and pain, while presenting new information on safety culture, infection prevention and control, biomedical engineering, and point-of-care ultrasound. Logically organized into sections, information on basic principles, pharmacology, specific body systems, and specific species is easy to access. Comparative anesthetic considerations for dogs and cats, horses, ruminants, swine, laboratory animals, free-ranging terrestrial mammals, marine mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds are discussed. Chapters are devoted to anesthesia and pain management of common domestic species and patient populations, including updated chapters on local and regional anesthetic and analgesic techniques. A companion website offers video clips of point-of-care ultrasound techniques and pain assessment and scoring. Readers of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia: The Sixth Edition of Lumb and Jones will also find: Significantly expanded coverage of patient monitoring, including new chapters devoted to anesthetic depth and electroencephalography, electrocardiography, blood pressure, ventilation, oxygenation, and anesthetic gas monitoring. More in-depth coverage of respiratory physiology and pathophysiology, with new sections covering oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, anesthetic management considerations for bronchoscopy, intrathoracic procedures, including one-lung ventilation, and patients with respiratory disease. Expanded coverage of pain physiology and pathophysiology, recognition and quantification of pain, and clinical pain management, including both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic modalities. A companion website incorporating video clips and example pain scoring sheets to complement the more than 500 images in the text itself. With its unparalleled multidisciplinary approach, Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia is a must-own volume for veterinary anesthesia specialists and researchers; specialists in other disciplines, including both small and large animal surgeons; practitioners; and students.

Veterinary Care of Farm Rabbits: A Complete Practice Guide to Rabbit Medicine and Production

by João Simões José M. Monteiro

This holistic guide brings rabbit production science and medicine together. It considers the full spectrum of commercial rabbit husbandry, including intensive, semi-intensive, and organic systems for meat, fur and leather. Drawn from an international authorship, the book addresses practical and fundamental topics. In comprehensive sections, readers will find easy-to-read chapters on:• rabbit breeds, anatomy essentials and lagomorph physiology• rabbit production with details on animal facilities and farm design, international trading, rabbit meat processing and biosafety, including a vivid appendix on meat inspection• rabbit herd and health management, considering latest findings in welfare and behavior, preventive medicine, antimicrobial resistance and demedication to necropsy and specimen collection• significant rabbit diseases, covering encephalitozoonosis cuniculi, rabbit enteropathies, and many more• complete veterinary treatment, supplemented by reference ranges and interpretation of hematological and biochemical valuesBesides an increasing keeping of pet rabbits, the animals are gaining interest for sustainable food production, leading to a rise in farming in various parts of the world. In this context, the present guide provides valuable contributions for consulting veterinarians and students, industry professionals, breeders and technicians, as well as for experts from the small and companion animal sector.The relevance of rabbit farming from the viewpoints of greenhouse gas reduction and sustainable use of ecological resources (use of local feed) also creates useful links for readers interested in the sustainable development goals SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

The Vet's Caribbean Fling

by Ann McIntosh

In Ann McIntosh&’s latest Harlequin Medical Romance novel, join two vets on an idyllic Caribbean island as the chemistry between them skyrockets! SPARKS ARE FLYING IN PARADISE… Vet Mellie loves being in the Caribbean, where she can forget her ex&’s betrayal and focus on work. But when her boss falls ill, she has to contend with the return of his estranged son, vet Delano. Though they initially clash, Mellie can&’t ignore their chemistry. And since Delano doesn&’t plan to stay long-term—this island holds too many bad memories—a fling might be just the answer! If they can keep their connection strictly surface level…From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.

Vibrations of Elastic Systems: With Multiphysics Applications (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #184)

by Edward B. Magrab

This book presents new topics such as Inerters in spring-mass models and attached to beams; fluid loading on beams, plates, and shells; bio-inspired vibration isolation and absorption; coupled bending and torsion of beams; beams with functionally graded materials; as well as a new chapter on the Mindlin/Timoshenko plate theory: rectangular and circular. New applications and enhancements to the previous edition include moving mass on beams; thin beams with attached pendulum; transient response of beams with in-span attachments; and shells to model blood flow in arteries.

Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's

by Tom McGrath

Uncover the riveting tale of one of the most notorious criminal gangs of the late 19th century with Tom McGrath's Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's. This gripping account delves into the dark underworld of Vicente Silva and his gang, offering a vivid portrayal of their criminal exploits and the turbulent times in which they operated.Tom McGrath, an accomplished historian and storyteller, brings to life the shadowy figure of Vicente Silva, a cunning and ruthless leader whose gang, known as the Forty Thieves, terrorized the American Southwest during the 1880s and 1890s. Through meticulous research and compelling narrative, McGrath paints a detailed picture of Silva's rise to power and the intricate web of vice and corruption that defined his reign.Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves explores the various facets of the gang's criminal activities, including robbery, murder, and extortion. McGrath provides readers with a thorough understanding of the social and economic conditions that allowed such a gang to flourish, highlighting the challenges faced by law enforcement in their efforts to bring Silva and his men to justice.This book is an essential read for fans of true crime, Western history, and anyone fascinated by the complex dynamics of criminal organizations. Tom McGrath's Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's is a captivating and meticulously researched account that sheds light on a dark and often overlooked chapter of American history.Join Tom McGrath in exploring the world of Vicente Silva and his notorious gang, and discover the true stories behind the legends of the Old West. Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves is a thrilling journey into the heart of vice and villainy in a bygone era.

Victory for the Sewing Factory Girls: The BRAND NEW uplifting title in the Sewing Factory Series for Summer 2024

by Posy Lovell

'Inspiring, uplifting and full of heart' - Annie Lyons 1916, Scotland.Five years after leading a strike at the sewing factory, newly pregnant Ellen is rushed off her feet at the Clydebank Clothing exchange, the heart of the community. Ellen is missing her husband James who is away with the Royal Navy, and worried about how to make ends meet. She desperately wants to confide in her best friend Sadie. However, Sadie is hiding a heart-breaking secret of her own which places strain on their friendship.Ignoring concerns from her sister Sadie, seventeen-year-old Rachel has signed up as a munitions worker at the former sewing factory in Clydebank. Together with the other women nicknamed 'the munitionettes' she finds fun and friendship as they start a local football team.When Ellen is forced to return to the factory to earn money for her growing family, she clashes with Sadie, who is angry about the working conditions. Several of the women and their babies are falling ill, despite assurances from management that the factory is safe.As the war rages on, can the women help each other cope through the difficult times ahead?READERS ARE LOVING POSY LOVELL:'If I could give it more than five stars, I would!' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I couldn't put the book down!' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Already waiting for a third book in the series' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A gem of a story' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Gripped me from the first sentence' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A brilliant second book' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam (Global Vietnam: Across Time, Space and Community)

by Dat Bao Phan Le Ha Joel Windle

This open access edited book attempts to break new ground in investigating multiple facets of Vietnamese language, education and change in global contexts, engaging with global Vietnam through complex lenses of language and education. Issues of language, globalization, and global identities have often been framed through the lens of hierarchical/binary power relations, and/or through a dichotomy between hyper-central languages, such as English, and revisualized or marginalized local language and cultures. In this book, this dichotomy is turned on its head by considering how Vietnam and Vietnamese are constructed in and outside Vietnam and enacted in global spaces of classrooms, textbooks, student mobility, community engagement, curriculum, and intercultural contacts. Vietnamese is among the world’s most spoken languages and is ranked in the top 20th in terms the number of speakers. Yet, at the same time, as a ‘peripheral’ or ‘southern’ global language as often seen in the Global North-Global South spectrum, the dynamics of multilingual and multicultural encounters involving Vietnamese generate distinctive dilemmas and tensions, as well as pointing to alternative ways of thinking about global phenomena from a fresh angle. Rather than being outside of the global, Vietnamese - like many other ‘non-central’ global languages - is present in diasporas, commercial, and transnational structures of higher education, schooling, and in the more conventional settings of primary and secondary school, in which visions of culture and language also evoke notions of heritage and tradition as well as bring to the fore deep seated ideological conflicts across time, space, communities, and generations. Relevant to students and scholars researching language, education, identity, multiculturalism, and their intersections, particularly related to Vietnam, but also in Southeast Asia and beyond, this volume is a pioneering investigation into overlooked contexts and languages from a global, southern-oriented perspective."This book presents an eclectic collection of 15 chapters unified by an interest in developing and teaching the Vietnamese language. To my knowledge, there has been no previous attempt to make the national language of Vietnam a focus for as many perspectives as are documented in the book. In this regard, the book makes an original and intriguing contribution to the literature on Vietnamese culture, including the culture of Vietnam’s expanding diaspora. The book is pioneering in the extent to which it draws attention to the many roles played by a national language in a nation’s political, social and cultural development. It also documents the challenges of preserving a national language in settings where it is at risk of being marginalized. It is pleasing that so many of the contributing authors are young Vietnamese scholars who can provide a distinctly Vietnamese perspective on concepts and practices of global significance."- Dr. MartinHayden, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education, Southern Cross University, Australia "Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam brings together an excellent collection of chapters that highlight the diverse and important but under-explored roles Vietnamese language plays in different settings within and outside Vietnam. The fifteen chapters of this much needed book provide unique insights into various aspects and meanings of Vietnamese language. Collectively, the volume contributes to broadening our view about the evolution and transformation of Vietnamese language under the impacts of local, national, regional and global forces. The book invites readers to engage in a reflective and intersectional approach to rethinking and re-examining our understandings of the changes and developments of Vietnamese language over the history of the country."- Dr Ly Tran, Professor, Centre for Research for Educational Impact (REDI), Deakin University, Australia, and Founder: Australia-Vietnam

The Villain Edit: A Novel

by Laurie Devore

Emily Henry meets Fleabag...and The Bachelor! An irresistibly sharp and sexy dramedy about a cynical romance novelist who goes on a Bachelor-like reality show to revive her flagging career, only to discover that while she may have just met the love of her life, the producers have turned her into the show’s villain."This book is here for all the right reasons: drama, romance, and one of the most interesting looks at reality TV we've seen yet." —Cosmopolitan Good villains make good TV.Romance novelist Jacqueline Matthis’s big career has gone bust and she’s ditched the bright lights of New York City for her more affordable South Carolina hometown. Desperate, Jac dreams up a comeback plan—she is going to be a contestant on the 1, the most obsessively watched reality dating show in the world.After all Jac is a romance writer—she knows how to pull off a meet-cute and create a spicy plotline.On set, Jac quickly establishes herself as a front-runner for bachelor Marcus’s heart, but she’s shocked to discover who’s actually pulling the strings. How was she to know that Henry Foster, her last one-night stand before the show, was actually a longtime producer on the 1? Henry is just as horrified…but they can’t seem to keep their hands off each other.As Jac plays the game and the show unfurls, she slowly discovers that she’s getting the villain edit. They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but as Jac’s secret plan begins crumbling around her, she’s not so sure. What happens if Marcus chooses her? Worse, what happens if her affair with Henry comes to light? What if, in trying to save her career, Jac has ruined her life?Heartbreaking, smart, and sexy, this novel is for anyone who has ever secretly rooted for—or felt like—the villain.“THE VILLAIN EDIT is perfect for people who, like me, love mess. I devoured it in one sitting and was left with a total book hangover—it’s the ideal combination of propulsive psychological thrill and delicious romantic tension.”--Olivie Blake, New York Times bestselling author of The Atlas Six

Villains Academy (Villains Academy #1)

by Ryan Hammond

In the spirit of The Bad Guys and Amelia Fang, this first adventurous romp in the illustrated middle grade Villains Academy series follows a young werewolf who realizes he&’s a nice guy at heart while attending a villainous school for monsters.Villains Academy is the most prestigious of villain schools where being bad feels so good and the classes are guaranteed to make students leave as fully formed villains…or in pieces! On werewolf Bram&’s first day at Villains Academy, he doesn&’t feel like a villain at all. The other monsters seem way scarier and more diabolical than he could ever be. When it&’s announced the coveted Villain of the Week trophy is up for grabs, Bram decides to prove himself by claiming the prize—but he&’ll have to dig deep to connect with his inner villain. With the help of new friends Mona the elf-witch, Bryan the lion, Shelia the ghost, and Tony the skeleton, can Bram become the big bad he&’s always dreamed of being?

The Vindication of the World: Essays Engaging with Stephen Phillips (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy)

by Matthew R. Dasti Malcolm Keating

Stephen Phillips has devoted his career to excavating some of the most valuable gems of Indian philosophy and bringing them into conversation with contemporary thought. This volume honors him and follows his lead by continuing his lifelong project: faithfully interpreting Sanskrit texts to think along with their authors about ideas that still perplex us today.It features ten new essays focusing on epistemology, logic, and metaphysics from outstanding philosophers and scholars of Sanskrit philosophy, with contributions varying in methodology: both historical and cross-cultural. Further, in addition to essays on Nyāya and Advaita Vedānta, it engages with Navya-Nyāya (“new Nyāya”), an important but understudied part of Indian philosophy. Through these investigations, in conversation with Phillips's groundbreaking work, the contributors show the value of cross-cultural engagement for philosophical progress.The Vindication of the World will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in Indian philosophy, comparative philosophy, and, more generally, epistemology, logic, and metaphysics.

The Violence of Reading: Literature and Philosophy at the Threshold of Pain

by Dominik Zechner

The Violence of Reading: Literature and Philosophy at the Threshold of Pain expounds the scene of reading as one that produces an overwhelmed body exposed to uncontainable forms of violence. The book argues that the act of reading induces a representational instability that causes the referential function of language to collapse. This breakdown releases a type of “linguistic pain” (Scarry; Butler; Hamacher) that indicates a constitutive wounding of the reading body. The wound of language marks a rupture between linguistic reality and the phenomenal world. Exploring this rupture in various ways, the book brings together texts and genres from diverse traditions and offers close examinations of the rhetoric of masochism (Sacher-Masoch; Deleuze), the relation between reading and abuse (Nietzsche; Proust; Jelinek), the sublime experience of reading (Kant; Kafka; de Man), the “novel of the institution” (Musil; Campe), and literary suicide (Bachmann; Berryman; Okkervil River).

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 16th International Conference, VAMR 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29 – July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14706)

by Gino Fragomeni Jessie Y. C. Chen

This three-volume set LNCS 14706-14708 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, VAMR 2024, held as part of the 26th International Conference, HCI International 2024, in Washington, DC, USA, during June 29 – July 4, 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2024 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The VAMR 2024 proceedings were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: : Perception, Interaction and Design; User Experience and Evaluation. Part II: Immersive Collaboration and Environment Design; Sensory, Tangible and Embodied Interaction in VAMR. Part III: Immersive Education and Learning; VAMR Applications and Development.

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 16th International Conference, VAMR 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29 – July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14708)

by Gino Fragomeni Jessie Y. C. Chen

This three-volume set LNCS 14706-14708 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, VAMR 2024, held as part of the 26th International Conference, HCI International 2024, in Washington, DC, USA, during June 29 – July 4, 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2024 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The VAMR 2024 proceedings were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: : Perception, Interaction and Design; User Experience and Evaluation. Part II: Immersive Collaboration and Environment Design; Sensory, Tangible and Embodied Interaction in VAMR. Part III: Immersive Education and Learning; VAMR Applications and Development.

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 16th International Conference, VAMR 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29 – July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14707)

by Gino Fragomeni Jessie Y. C. Chen

This three-volume set LNCS 14706-14708 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, VAMR 2024, held as part of the 26th International Conference, HCI International 2024, in Washington, DC, USA, during June 29 – July 4, 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2024 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The VAMR 2024 proceedings were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: : Perception, Interaction and Design; User Experience and Evaluation. Part II: Immersive Collaboration and Environment Design; Sensory, Tangible and Embodied Interaction in VAMR. Part III: Immersive Education and Learning; VAMR Applications and Development.

The Virtues of Captain America: Modern-Day Lessons on Character from a World War II Superhero

by Mark D. White

Learn how Captain America's timeless ethical code is just as relevant in the twenty-first century as it was during the 1940s Captain America, or simply “Cap,” provides an example of the virtues that define personal excellence, as well as the ideals and principles upon which the United States of America was founded. In The Virtues of Captain America, philosopher and long-time comics fan Mark D. White shows us that this fictional superhero's “old-fashioned” moral code is exactly what we need today to restore kindness and respect in our personal and civic lives. Presenting Captain America's personal morality within a virtue ethics framework, the book opens with an introduction to basic concepts in moral and political philosophy and addresses issues surrounding the use of fictional characters as role models. The following chapters examine Captain America in detail, exploring the individual virtues that Cap exemplifies, the qualities that describe his moral character, his particular brand of patriotism, his ongoing battle with fascism, his personal vision of the “American Dream,” his moral integrity and sense of honor, and much more. Now in its second edition, The Virtues of Captain America is updated to include all the new developments in Captain America's saga, including new examples from the last ten years of Captain America's appearances in Marvel Comics. New coverage of the recent “Secret Empire” storyline, in which Captain America was brainwashed by the fascist organization Hydra, features new sections examining the nature of fascism and how Captain America's character and virtues were affected by the change. This edition also offers new material on Sam Wilson—formerly Captain America's partner the Falcon who recently became Captain America himself—and how his interpretation of the role compares to Steve Rogers'. Showing how we can be better people if we pay attention to the choices made by the Sentinel of Liberty, The Virtues of Captain America: Examines the moral and political philosophy behind 80 years of Captain America comics and movies in a light-hearted, often humorous tone Demonstrates that the core principles and judgment exhibited by Captain America in the 1940s remain relevant in the twenty-first century Describes the basic themes of Captain America's ethics, such as courage, humility, perseverance, honesty, and loyalty Illustrates how Captain America stands for the basic ideals of America, not its politics or government Requiring no background in philosophy or familiarity with the source material, the second edition of The Virtues of Captain America: Modern-Day Lessons on Character from a World War II Superhero remains a must-read for everyone wanting to make ethical decisions in complex real-world situations and tackle the personal and political issues of today with integrity and respect.

Vision: A Memoir of Blindness and Justice

by David S. Tatel

The "moving, thoughtful, and inspiring memoir" (Bryan Stevenson, author of Just Mercy) by one of America&’s most accomplished public servants and legal thinkers—who spent years denying and working around his blindness, before finally embracing it as an essential part of his identity. David Tatel has served nearly 30 years on America&’s second highest court, the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where many of our most crucial cases are resolved—or teed up for the Supreme Court. He has championed equal justice for his entire adult life; decided landmark environmental and voting cases; and embodied the ideal of what a great judge should be. Yet he has been blind for the past 50 of his 80-plus years. Initially, he depended upon aides to read texts to him, and more recently, a suite of hi-tech solutions has allowed him to listen to reams of documents at high speeds. At first, he tried to hide his deteriorating vision, and for years, he denied that it had any impact on his career. Only recently, partly thanks to his first-ever guide dog, Vixen, has he come to fully accept his blindness and the role it's played in his personal and professional lives. His story of fighting for justice over many decades, with and without eyesight, is an inspiration to us all.

Vision and Resilience: A Story of Remarkable Growth and Transformation at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

by Joseph M. Beilein Jr.

Vision and Resilience recounts the remarkable turnaround of a satellite campus that became one of the brightest spots in the Penn State University system: Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. Covering the period from 1980 to 2010, this story serves as a blueprint for administrators who aspire to grow their institutions in challenging times.Joseph M. Beilein Jr. writes about how, at a time when tensions were high between faculty and the administration, students and the administration, students and the police, and even among the students themselves, The Behrend College saw an unprecedented increase in enrollment, endowments, land acquisition, building, and curricular opportunities. He describes how administrators John Lilley and Jack Burke worked with local leaders, faculty, and other officials to transform The Behrend College into a research institution—and how they worked with faculty, coaches, and even students to convince young people that Behrend was, in fact, a destination campus. All of these efforts resulted in a college that bucked trends in higher education, demography, and economics to become the leading college in northwestern Pennsylvania.Fascinating and instructive, Vision and Resilience tells an encouraging story of college success against the odds. It will be of interest to university administrators, faculty, and anyone with a personal connection to the Penn State campus farthest from University Park.

Visual Analytics for Dashboards: A Step-by-Step Guide to Principles and Practical Techniques

by Arshad Khan

This book covers the key principles, best practices, and practical techniques for designing and implementing visually compelling dashboards. It explores the various stages of the dashboard development process, from understanding user needs and defining goals, to selecting appropriate visual encodings, designing effective layouts, and employing interactive elements. It also addresses the critical aspect of data storytelling, examining how narratives and context can be woven into dashboards to deliver impactful insights and engage audiences. Visual Analytics for Dashboards is designed to cater to a wide range of readers, from beginners looking to grasp the fundamentals of visual analytics, to seasoned professionals seeking to enhance their dashboard design skills. For different types of readers, such as a data analyst, BI professional, data scientist, or simply someone interested in data visualization, this book aims to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to create impactful dashboards. What you’ll learn The principles of data visualization How to create effective dashboards Meet all the requirements for visual analytics/data visualization/dashboard courses Deepen understanding of data presentation and analysis How to use different kinds of tools for data analysis, such as scorecards and key performance indicators Who This Book Is For Business analysts, data analysts, BI professionals, end-users, executives, developers, as well as students in dashboards, data visualizations, and visual analytics courses.

Visual Methods for Digital Research: An Introduction

by Sabine Niederer Gabriele Colombo

Over the last decade, images have become a key feature of digital culture; at the same time, they have made a mark on a wide range of research practices.Visual Methods for Digital Research is the first textbook to bring the fields of visual methods and digital research together. Presenting visual methods for digital and participatory research, the book covers both the application of existing digital methods for image research and new visual methodologies developed specifically for digital research. It encompasses various approaches to studying digital images, including the distant reading of image collections, the close reading of visual vernaculars of social media platforms, and participatory research with visual materials. Offering a theoretical framework illustrated with hands-on techniques, Sabine Niederer and Gabriele Colombo provide compelling examples for studying online images through visual and digital means, and discuss critical data practices such as data feminism and digital methods for social and cultural research.This textbook is an accessible and invaluable guide for students and researchers of digital humanities, social sciences, information and communication design, critical data visualization and digital visual culture.

Visual Methods in Marketing and Consumer Research (Routledge Studies in Marketing)

by Fatema Kawaf

Despite the rising popularity of visual research methods, from images and collages to videos and animations, there is an imminent need for a book that can be a point of reference for learning about visual methods in the field of marketing and consumer research. This book offers a comprehensive outlook of visual research methods in the field, highlighting their value and offering a practical guide for researchers. Building on the experiences and discussions of both experienced and aspiring visual researchers, the editors present this book as a ‘go‑to’ guide for doing visual research in marketing and consumer research.This book encompasses nine chapters guiding the readers through the ABCs of visual research from philosophy to data collection and analysis, with a dedicated chapter on research dissemination. You can expect detailed discussions on the ontological and epistemological stance of visual research as well as an elaborate yet simple to follow guide of all aspects of data collection for various forms of visuals, be it static images, memes, collages, videos, animations and so on.The purpose of this book is not only to highlight the value of visual methods in consumer research but also to move this work on and offer a ‘go-to hands-on guide’ for novice visual researchers and PhD candidates who wish to conduct rigorous visual research. It will be a valuable resource not only for those particularly across marketing disciplines, including consumer research and behaviour, but also for visual researchers in fields such as sociology and anthropology.

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