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Verhüllung und Entblößung: Vom erzählenden Text:il zur filmischen Haut als Erfahrungsraum affektiver Identitätsentfaltung

by Anke Steinborn

Dieses Buch enthält eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung zum identitätsbildenden Wechselspiel von Text, Textilem und der Haut im und über den Film. Kernthese ist die Überlegung, dass sich im Film über den Wechsel zwischen Textilem und nackter Haut ikonische Verdichtungen zugunsten eines assoziativen Erfahrungsraums entfalten. Dabei weicht der Stoff – der erzählerische gleichermaßen wie der textile – dem Sinnlichen, der Affizierung über die Haut. Die Untersuchung beleuchtet den Zusammenhang zwischen filmischer Rezeption und Selbstreflexion der Zuschauenden, aber auch einer Gesellschaft sowie des Films selbst im jeweils zeitlichen Kontext. Die Filmsehenden erfahren nicht nur das Geschehen und die Protagonist*innen, sondern vor allem auch sich selbst im Spiegel des Anderen – der anderen Figur, der anderen Geschichte, der anderen, filmischen Welt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, unter symbolische Hüllen zu schauen und das Wesentliche darunter zu entdecken. Durch die Interdisziplinarität der Arbeit werden nicht nur Interessierte der Film-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft, sondern auch der Soziologie, der Psychologie, des (Mode-)Designs, der Kunstgeschichte und der Architektur angesprochen. Das Buch regt zu Perspektivwechseln und interdisziplinärem Austausch auf der Basis der für uns alle existenziellen Haut an. Mit diesem Alleinstellungsmerkmal werden Grenzen überwunden und Kollaborationen angeregt.

Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 22nd International Conference, VMCAI 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 17–19, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12597)

by Fritz Henglein Sharon Shoham Yakir Vizel

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, VMCAI 2021, which was held virtually during January 17-19, 2021. The conference was planned to take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, but changed to an online event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 23 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed from 48 submissions. VMCAI provides a forum for researchers working on verification, model checking, and abstract interpretation and facilitates interaction, cross-fertilization, and advancement of hybrid methods that combine these and related areas. The papers presented in this volume were organized in the following topical sections: hyperproperties and infinite-state systems; concurrent and distributed systems; checking; synthesis and repair; applications; and decision procedures.

Verkannt, verfemt, vergessen: Geschichten aus der europäischen Mathematik der Neuzeit

by Heinz Klaus Strick

Sobald Sie sich eingehender mit der Geschichte der Mathematik beschäftigen, werden Sie auch auf Personen stoßen, deren Namen Ihnen bislang unbekannt waren oder von deren Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Mathematik Sie bisher nichts wussten. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen Einblick in das Leben und Wirken von 67 besonderen Persönlichkeiten aus dem europäischen Raum – und geht bei der Betrachtung der Einzelschicksale jeweils auch der Frage nach, warum diese Personen vergleichsweise unbekannt sind, warum sie regelrecht „vergessen“ wurden. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig und meist in den jeweiligen politischen, gesellschaftlichen oder individuellen Lebensumständen zu finden – viele wurden diskriminiert und konnten ihre Fähigkeiten gar nicht erst entfalten, andere waren Ihrer Zeit voraus und blieben lange Zeit unverstanden. Über die historische Einordnung hinaus werden einige der mathematischen Beiträge dieser Personen dargestellt – so ausgewählt, dass sie mit denin der gymnasialen Oberstufe üblicherweise vermittelten Kenntnissen nachvollzogen werden können. Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Darstellungen beginnen mit Persönlichkeiten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert und schließen somit chronologisch an das Buch Geschichten aus der Mathematik desselben Autors an, sind aber unabhängig davon lesbar. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften interessieren und dabei insbesondere ein tieferes Verständnis für die menschlichen Aspekte der Mathematik entwickeln möchten.


by Sky Corgan

Sich in einer neuen Stadt einzuleben, war schwer für Tara Edwards. Zum Glück traf sie Darren Jones, dessen Familie die halbe Stadt gehörte. Er bot ihr Schutz und Freundschaft. Was er im Gegenzug verlangte, war jedoch mehr, als Tara geben wollte. Schlussendlich verlässt Tara ihre Heimatstadt, um ein neues Leben anzufangen. Die Dinge entwickeln sich jedoch anders als üblich und sie stellt schon bald fest, dass man nicht immer das möchte, was man eigentlich braucht. Als tragische Umstände dafür sorgen, dass sie in ihre verhasste Stadt zurückkehren muss, ist es, als würde jeder, den sie je verletzt hat, sie heimsuchen. Gerade, als die Geister der Vergangenheit sie in die Verdammnis zerren wollen, erscheint ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels, in Form ihres alten Freundes. Irgendwie werden sie aber mehr als nur Freunde, was dafür sorgt, dass Tara zwischen zwei Männern steht und zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft festhängt. „Verletzt“ basiert vage auf den im „Wrong or Write“ erwähnten Roman „Behind Her Green Eyes“.

Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Wastes, and Environmental Management

by Rhonda Sherman Clive A. Edwards Norman Q. Arancon

Co-edited by international earthworm expert Clive A. Edwards, Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Wastes, and Environmental Management is the first international, comprehensive, and definitive work on how earthworms and microorganisms interact to break down organic wastes on a commercial basis. Many books cover the importance of composting

Verpflegung | Wohnen | Digitale Teilhabe: Inter- und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven der Alltagsversorgung zur Lebensqualität im Alter

by Jana Rückert-John Christine Küster Stephanie Hagspihl

In diesem Buch zum Thema Lebensqualität im Alter wird ein inter- und trans-disziplinärer Ansatz gewählt, um neue Einsichten zu vermitteln. Der spezielle Fokus in den Beiträgen liegt dabei auf den Themen Verpflegung, Wohnen und digitale Teilhabe, wobei die einzelnen Beiträge jeweils inter- und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven aufzeigen. Der steigende Anteil bzw. die steigende Zahl älterer Menschen und deren lebensnotwendige Alltagsversorgung und Alltagsgestaltung für mehr Lebensqualität betrifft die gesamte Gesellschaft. Die anstehenden Herausforderungen wachsender Disparitäten und wegbrechender Strukturen der Versorgung Älterer für ein „gutes Leben aller“ werden nur inter- und transdisziplinär zu lösen sein.

Very Bad Company: A Novel

by Emma Rosenblum

From the national bestselling author of Bad Summer People • "Another irresistible summer read." ―W Magazine • "A darkly funny mystery." —TIME • "Juicy and hilarious." ―Glamour • "Fun, page-turning." ―People • A high-stakes, high-drama novel that reads like White Lotus meets SuccessionEvery year, executives at the trendy tech startup Aurora gather the company’s top employees for an exclusive retreat in Miami, and this year Caitlin Levy—Aurora’s newest hire—is joining the team as head of events. The benefits are outstanding: a seven-figure salary, stock shares, a discretionary bonus, limitless vacation days—what could possibly go wrong?When a fellow high-level executive vanishes after the first night, the disappearance has the potential to derail the future of the company’s sale and cost everyone on the team millions. Now more than ever, Caitlin and her colleagues must continue the charade—partaking in team-building exercises, group brainstorms, dinners—in order to keep the future of Aurora afloat amid all the fatal speculations.Compulsively readable, Very Bad Company is a slick send-up of corporate culture wrapped in a captivating mystery.

A Very Different War: RAAF Operations in the Korean War

by Owen Zupp

The Korean War lies between the enormity of the Second World War and the controversy of Vietnam. Although it often slips through the cracks of history, it represented a global shift as two opposing ideologies clashed and the Cold War heated up. The fledgling United Nations was called to act, and Australia joined the 21 nations committed to supporting South Korea. Within days of the North Koreans crossing the 38th Parallel, the RAAF was flying missions from its base in Japan. In the ensuing three years, the RAAF gained respect among its peers and the attention of the opposing military powers. When the war reached a crisis point, with UN forces pinned down and threatened with being pushed off the peninsula into the sea, the RAAF was at the epicentre. During the war, the RAAF entered the jet age, and the transition was not without challenges and losses. Ultimately, a generation of RAAF leaders emerged from the ranks of sergeant pilots and junior officers who underwent their baptism of fire on the Korean Peninsula. Using No 77 Squadron operations as a timeline, this concise history of the RAAF involvement in the war examines the roles of the transport unit, nurses, ground crews, prisoners of war and those who still have no known resting place.

The Veselka Cookbook: Recipes and Stories from the Landmark Restaurant in New York's East Village

by Natalie Danford Tom Birchard

For more than fifty years, customers have crowded into Veselka, a cozy Ukrainian coffee shop in New York City's East Village, to enjoy pierogi, borscht, goulash, and many other unpretentious favorites. Veselka (rainbow in Ukrainian) has grown from a simple newsstand serving soup and sandwiches into a twenty-four-hour gathering place, without ever leaving its original location on the corner of East Ninth Street and Second Avenue. Veselka is, quite simply, an institution.The Veselka Cookbook contains more than 150 recipes, covering everything from Ukrainian classics (potato pierogi, five kinds of borscht, grilled kielbasa, and poppy seed cake) to dozens of different sandwiches, to breakfast fare (including Veselka's renowned pancakes), to the many elements of a traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve feast.Veselka owner Tom Birchard shares stories about Veselka's celebrity customers, the local artists who have adopted it as a second home, and the restaurant's other lesser-known, but no less important, longtime fans, and he offers a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to serve five thousand gallons of borscht a year and to craft three thousand pierogi daily---all by hand.The Veselka Cookbook will delight anyone with an interest in Ukrainian culture, New York City's vibrant downtown, and the pleasures of simple, good food.

Vetada de nuevo: Viviendo en un rancho, las dos jóvenes intentan sacar adelante su matrimonio. (Vetted #4)

by K'Anne Meinel

Fiona Herriot y su mujer, Allyssa, siguen cultivando y haciendo crecer la clínica de grandes animales que Fiona estableció en su rancho. Después de un accidente, casi mortal hasta un sueño hecho realidad, han superado todas las pruebas y tribulaciones que se les han presentado, apoyándose mutuamente en cada paso del camino. Pero cuando uno de sus sueños fracasa y casi hace descarrilar su matrimonio, ¿sobrevivirán a las consecuencias? Perros, gatos, caballos, gallinas e incluso llamas intervienen en esta encantadora historia. Únete a Fiona y Allyssa en la saga continua de dos mujeres, un rancho y la próspera práctica veterinaria que están construyendo con amor en las altas planicies de Oregón.

Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, The 6th Edition of Lumb and Jones

by Lydia Love Sheilah Robertson Carrie Schroeder Leigh Lamont Kurt Grimm

VETERINARY ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA A thoroughly updated new edition of the foundational reference on veterinary anesthesia and analgesia Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia: The Sixth Edition of Lumb and Jones is a fully updated revision to this comprehensive, authoritative reference to all aspects of veterinary anesthesia and pain management. Encompassing both scientific principles and clinical applications, the new edition adds new knowledge, techniques, and discussion of emerging issues throughout. Fourteen new chapters significantly expand the coverage of patient monitoring modalities and nociception and pain, while presenting new information on safety culture, infection prevention and control, biomedical engineering, and point-of-care ultrasound. Logically organized into sections, information on basic principles, pharmacology, specific body systems, and specific species is easy to access. Comparative anesthetic considerations for dogs and cats, horses, ruminants, swine, laboratory animals, free-ranging terrestrial mammals, marine mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds are discussed. Chapters are devoted to anesthesia and pain management of common domestic species and patient populations, including updated chapters on local and regional anesthetic and analgesic techniques. A companion website offers video clips of point-of-care ultrasound techniques and pain assessment and scoring. Readers of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia: The Sixth Edition of Lumb and Jones will also find: Significantly expanded coverage of patient monitoring, including new chapters devoted to anesthetic depth and electroencephalography, electrocardiography, blood pressure, ventilation, oxygenation, and anesthetic gas monitoring. More in-depth coverage of respiratory physiology and pathophysiology, with new sections covering oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, anesthetic management considerations for bronchoscopy, intrathoracic procedures, including one-lung ventilation, and patients with respiratory disease. Expanded coverage of pain physiology and pathophysiology, recognition and quantification of pain, and clinical pain management, including both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic modalities. A companion website incorporating video clips and example pain scoring sheets to complement the more than 500 images in the text itself. With its unparalleled multidisciplinary approach, Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia is a must-own volume for veterinary anesthesia specialists and researchers; specialists in other disciplines, including both small and large animal surgeons; practitioners; and students.

Veterinary Care of Farm Rabbits: A Complete Practice Guide to Rabbit Medicine and Production

by João Simões José M. Monteiro

This holistic guide brings rabbit production science and medicine together. It considers the full spectrum of commercial rabbit husbandry, including intensive, semi-intensive, and organic systems for meat, fur and leather. Drawn from an international authorship, the book addresses practical and fundamental topics. In comprehensive sections, readers will find easy-to-read chapters on:• rabbit breeds, anatomy essentials and lagomorph physiology• rabbit production with details on animal facilities and farm design, international trading, rabbit meat processing and biosafety, including a vivid appendix on meat inspection• rabbit herd and health management, considering latest findings in welfare and behavior, preventive medicine, antimicrobial resistance and demedication to necropsy and specimen collection• significant rabbit diseases, covering encephalitozoonosis cuniculi, rabbit enteropathies, and many more• complete veterinary treatment, supplemented by reference ranges and interpretation of hematological and biochemical valuesBesides an increasing keeping of pet rabbits, the animals are gaining interest for sustainable food production, leading to a rise in farming in various parts of the world. In this context, the present guide provides valuable contributions for consulting veterinarians and students, industry professionals, breeders and technicians, as well as for experts from the small and companion animal sector.The relevance of rabbit farming from the viewpoints of greenhouse gas reduction and sustainable use of ecological resources (use of local feed) also creates useful links for readers interested in the sustainable development goals SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

The Vet's Caribbean Fling

by Ann McIntosh

In Ann McIntosh&’s latest Harlequin Medical Romance novel, join two vets on an idyllic Caribbean island as the chemistry between them skyrockets! SPARKS ARE FLYING IN PARADISE… Vet Mellie loves being in the Caribbean, where she can forget her ex&’s betrayal and focus on work. But when her boss falls ill, she has to contend with the return of his estranged son, vet Delano. Though they initially clash, Mellie can&’t ignore their chemistry. And since Delano doesn&’t plan to stay long-term—this island holds too many bad memories—a fling might be just the answer! If they can keep their connection strictly surface level…From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.

The Vibrant Life: Eat Well, Be Well

by Amanda Haas

For the millions of women who want to enter or live their midlife with grace and good health comes this straight-talking and gorgeously photographed book packed with advice, resources, and practices that promote wellness, beauty, and longevity, alongside more than 70 delicious recipes. From the authority behind The Anti-Inflammation Cookbook and a line of Vibrant Life–branded food products at Whole Foods, these recipes are bookended by lifestyle primers—including information on holistic practices, hormones, and how to eat, all contributed or vetted by experts. Combining form and function, this book is both a resource and an inspiration. Fresh, approachable recipes for all occasions—including drinks, of course—deliver a number of benefits that boost immunity, strengthen memory, lift moods, support digestive health, and more!

Vibrations of Elastic Systems: With Multiphysics Applications (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #184)

by Edward B. Magrab

This book presents new topics such as Inerters in spring-mass models and attached to beams; fluid loading on beams, plates, and shells; bio-inspired vibration isolation and absorption; coupled bending and torsion of beams; beams with functionally graded materials; as well as a new chapter on the Mindlin/Timoshenko plate theory: rectangular and circular. New applications and enhancements to the previous edition include moving mass on beams; thin beams with attached pendulum; transient response of beams with in-span attachments; and shells to model blood flow in arteries.

Vic and Matt Omnibus

by J. M. Snyder

Vic Braunson is a city bus driver who falls in love with Matt diLorenzo, a swimmer he meets at the gym. When they finally hook up, there’s no denying the energy between them.Something about Matt brings out the best in Vic -- literally. Every time they have sex, Vic gains new superhuman powers from his lover. Can they learn to live with these abilities without losing each other?This box set contains all Vic and Matt stories published to date in one box set! The stories included are:The Powers of Love, Foot Fetish, Matching Tats, The Positions of Love series (13 stories), Parking Lot Hero, Leatherman and Sexy Boy, The Bonds of Love, With This Ring, Seventh Inning Stretch, Outage, An Evening with the Rush Hour Hero, Take It Outside, Turn the Tables, V series (6 stories), Worst. Power. Ever., Santa Vic, No Place Like Home, and Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder.If you've ever wanted to pick up this series and didn't know the order or didn't want to spend so much money on all the Vic and Matt stories, this is the collection for you!

Vicarious (Vicarious Ser. #1)

by Paula Stokes

Winter Kim and her sister, Rose, have always been inseparable. Together the two of them survived growing up in a Korean orphanage and being trafficked into the United States. But they've escaped the past and started over in a new place where no one knows who they used to be.Now they work as digital stunt girls for Rose's ex-boyfriend, Gideon, engaging in dangerous and enticing activities while recording their neural impulses for his Vicarious Sensory Experiences, or ViSEs. Whether it's bungee jumping, shark diving, or grinding up against celebrities in the city's hottest dance clubs, Gideon can make it happen for you--for a price.When Rose disappears and a ViSE recording of her murder is delivered to Gideon, Winter is devastated. She won't rest until she finds her sister's killer. But when the clues she uncovers conflict with the digital recordings her sister made, Winter isn't sure what to believe. To find out what happened to Rose, she'll have to untangle what's real from what only seems real, risking her own life in the process.Paula Stokes weaves together a series of mysteries and the story of an unbreakable bond between sisters in this unforgettable high-tech thrill ride.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Vicarious Liability in the Sports Industry (Ethics and Sport)

by James Brown

This timely book is the first to critically examine the doctrine of vicarious liability in the context of the sports industry.Drawing on theoretical, empirical and interdisciplinary research, the book focuses on the close connection test at stage two of vicarious liability, highlighting how vicarious liability could be used to hold sports employers strictly liable for a wide range of on-the-field and off-the-field harms committed by their athletes. It considers the extent to which vicarious liability might be applied to clubs and sporting organisations for personal injuries and racial abuse suffered by participants during competition, and examines whether employers in the sports industry ought to be held vicariously liable for the sexual assault of young athletes and women away from the field.This book is important reading for any student, researcher or practitioner interested in sports law, tort law, private law theory, socio-legal studies, jurisprudence, gender studies and sports ethics.

Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's

by Tom McGrath

Uncover the riveting tale of one of the most notorious criminal gangs of the late 19th century with Tom McGrath's Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's. This gripping account delves into the dark underworld of Vicente Silva and his gang, offering a vivid portrayal of their criminal exploits and the turbulent times in which they operated.Tom McGrath, an accomplished historian and storyteller, brings to life the shadowy figure of Vicente Silva, a cunning and ruthless leader whose gang, known as the Forty Thieves, terrorized the American Southwest during the 1880s and 1890s. Through meticulous research and compelling narrative, McGrath paints a detailed picture of Silva's rise to power and the intricate web of vice and corruption that defined his reign.Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves explores the various facets of the gang's criminal activities, including robbery, murder, and extortion. McGrath provides readers with a thorough understanding of the social and economic conditions that allowed such a gang to flourish, highlighting the challenges faced by law enforcement in their efforts to bring Silva and his men to justice.This book is an essential read for fans of true crime, Western history, and anyone fascinated by the complex dynamics of criminal organizations. Tom McGrath's Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's is a captivating and meticulously researched account that sheds light on a dark and often overlooked chapter of American history.Join Tom McGrath in exploring the world of Vicente Silva and his notorious gang, and discover the true stories behind the legends of the Old West. Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves is a thrilling journey into the heart of vice and villainy in a bygone era.

Vichara Sanchaya - 3: ವಿಚಾರ ಸಂಚಯ - 3

by Dr Annamma T. S Kantarajyya

ವಿಚಾರ ಸಂಚಯ - 3 CBCS ಹೊಸ ಪಠ್ಯಕ್ರಮ B.A./ B.S.W./ B.F.A./ B.V.A. ಮೂರನೇ ಸೆಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ ಕನ್ನಡ ಭಾಷಾ ಪಠ್ಯಕ್ರಮ 2017-18 ಅನ್ನು ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ವರ್ಷದಿಂದ ಅನುಷ್ಠಾನಕ್ಕೆ ಸಿದ್ಧಪಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.

Victims and Memory After Terrorism (Victims, Culture and Society)

by Ana Milošević

This book contributes to the study of collective memory and the sociology of terrorism by analysing the role of memorialization in relation to terrorism, its victims, and the broader society. While various social scientists have extensively theorized and analysed how trauma and memory interact, grow apart, and reinforce each other, this book puts the rights and needs of the victims centre-stage.Departing from the prescriptive, legal blueprints of memory, this book introduces the concept of ‘memorial needs’ to challenge and complement existing victimological frameworks. It critically assesses the efficacy of public memorialization and its success in assisting those affected by violence by exploring how victims engage with memory and memorialization. It investigates personal and collective responses to urban terrorism in Europe that have taken a wide range of forms including media coverage, spontaneous memorials and public mobilizations, literary and artistic works, trials, and controversial counter-terrorism measures. Making a case against the fetishization of memory as an overarching answer to curing visible and invisible wounds provoked by violence, Victims and Memory After Terrorism sends out a practical invitation to the field to 'repair symbolic reparations' in a way that memorialisation is not just an expression of potential, an aspiration for a more moral and just society and a promise of healing for the victimised.An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of victimology, criminology, sociology, politics and those interested in the relationship between collective memory and terrorism.

Victory for the Sewing Factory Girls: The BRAND NEW uplifting title in the Sewing Factory Series for Summer 2024

by Posy Lovell

'Inspiring, uplifting and full of heart' - Annie Lyons 1916, Scotland.Five years after leading a strike at the sewing factory, newly pregnant Ellen is rushed off her feet at the Clydebank Clothing exchange, the heart of the community. Ellen is missing her husband James who is away with the Royal Navy, and worried about how to make ends meet. She desperately wants to confide in her best friend Sadie. However, Sadie is hiding a heart-breaking secret of her own which places strain on their friendship.Ignoring concerns from her sister Sadie, seventeen-year-old Rachel has signed up as a munitions worker at the former sewing factory in Clydebank. Together with the other women nicknamed 'the munitionettes' she finds fun and friendship as they start a local football team.When Ellen is forced to return to the factory to earn money for her growing family, she clashes with Sadie, who is angry about the working conditions. Several of the women and their babies are falling ill, despite assurances from management that the factory is safe.As the war rages on, can the women help each other cope through the difficult times ahead?READERS ARE LOVING POSY LOVELL:'If I could give it more than five stars, I would!' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I couldn't put the book down!' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Already waiting for a third book in the series' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A gem of a story' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Gripped me from the first sentence' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A brilliant second book' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Victus Study Skills System Level 3 Teacher Edition

by Susan Ison

The Victus Study Skills system teaches core studying skills that can be applied to any subject or topic: instruction in organization and time management, motivation and goal setting, note taking and test taking, reading with better comprehension and efficiency and other areas related to improving study habits and increasing learning. Students will learn to study smarter, not harder! Ten lessons feature informative readings, short answers, and writing exercises to help students learn about their own learning strengths and motivations, sample assignment schedules, and more.

Video-Based Action Research: A Guide to Incorporating Video Analysis Into Reflective Practice for Teacher Development

by Kimberly Lebak

This book introduces the use of video analysis into the popular educational research model of action research. Video analysis has become increasingly common in teacher development for reflective practice, as well as within the teacher certification process as an assessment tool. Kimberly Lebak builds on this use of video with a model that integrates the opportunities afforded by action research and video analysis for meaningful teacher development. Her "how-to" guide brings the theoretical and practical together to show teachers how video can be a concrete artifact for unpacking and reflecting on the complexities inherent in educational contexts.Chapter content helps readers bridge the gap between research and practice. Examples of tools that can be used for getting started with video-based action research are embedded in the chapters, including planning tools to help pinpoint opportunities for using video to identify a meaningful research topic and develop a data collection plan and action plan; and reflective tools for viewing the videos from multiple perspectives. Teacher vignettes further cement the applicability of the video-based action research model.This book is ideal for use by teachers at all stages of their careers, including pre-service teachers just embarking on their careers and in-service teachers looking to examine and improve their practices along with the learning of their students. It will have an additional benefit in teacher education programs as well as in undergraduate- or graduate-level action research courses by academic researchers and teacher educators.

Video Games Have Always Been Queer (Postmillennial Pop #16)

by Bonnie Ruberg

Argues for the queer potential of video gamesWhile popular discussions about queerness in video games often focus on big-name, mainstream games that feature LGBTQ characters, like Mass Effect or Dragon Age, Bonnie Ruberg pushes the concept of queerness in games beyond a matter of representation, exploring how video games can be played, interpreted, and designed queerly, whether or not they include overtly LGBTQ content. Video Games Have Always Been Queer argues that the medium of video games itself can—and should—be read queerly.In the first book dedicated to bridging game studies and queer theory, Ruberg resists the common, reductive narrative that games are only now becoming more diverse. Revealing what reading D. A. Miller can bring to the popular 2007 video game Portal, or what Eve Sedgwick offers Pong, Ruberg models the ways game worlds offer players the opportunity to explore queer experience, affect, and desire. As players attempt to 'pass' in Octodad or explore the pleasure of failure in Burnout: Revenge, Ruberg asserts that, even within a dominant gaming culture that has proved to be openly hostile to those perceived as different, queer people have always belonged in video games—because video games have, in fact, always been queer.

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