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Socio-Spatial Dynamics in Mediterranean Europe: Exploring Metropolitan Structural Processes and Short-term Change (Spatial Demography Book Series #3)

by José María Feria-Toribio Ricardo Iglesias-Pascual Federico Benassi

This book analyses the most recent socio-territorial trends that are developing in the Spanish metropolitan space. The first part focuses on the most recent metropolitan dynamics and demographic changes in Southern Europe. The second part discusses the most important processes in metropolitan areas: the problems of increasing social and residential vulnerability and the problems of diversity management. The third part analyses some concrete cases of the main changes and complexity in the spatial dynamics of metropolitan areas in Southern Europe. Finally, the fourth and last part provides an overview on the instruments and the resources put in place by some Southern European cities for the development of governance and citizen participation as an instrument of reaction to the social, economic and COVID crisis. By discussing the main changes and uncertainties derived from the social scenarios after the pandemic, the dynamics of social dualisation of the city, as well as the necessaryinstruments for its analysis and the main challenges in urban governance with special attention of Southern European context, this book provides an interesting read for spatial demographers, human geographers, social scientists and spatial planners.

The ‘Lost Arian History’ in Late Antique and Medieval Historiography

by Joseph J. Reidy

This book explores the writing of church history during the early Byzantine period, reconsidering the evidence for the nature and authorship of a hypothetical 'Arian' source for many surviving medieval histories of the fourth century. It considers surviving ecclesiastical histories written between the fifth and early thirteenth centuries to draw out commonalities apparently owed to this 'lost' source and discusses attempts by modern historians to reconstruct it. In doing so, it convincingly argues that this 'Arian' material likely belongs not to one work, but three: two chronicles and a martyrology. This book therefore provides a vital reassessment of fourth-century Christian historiography, as well as important insights on chronicle writing in the Middle Ages.

Standpoint Phenomenology: Methodologies of Breakdown, Sign, and Wonder

by Katherine Ward

This book introduces a standpoint approach to phenomenology and reconceives the phenomenological project as not an individual but a communal endeavor—one that, importantly, requires insight from across the spectrum of human experience and especially experiences of those who have traditionally been absent from the discipline. To develop this approach, the book draws on the feminist tradition of standpoint epistemology. The book borrows two of standpoint epistemology’s key theses—that of situated knowledge (what we know is shaped and often limited by our social location) and inverted privilege (epistemological advantage can in some contexts be inversely related to one’s social location). In standpoint phenomenology, these develop into the thesis of situated phenomenology and inverted phenomenological privilege respectively. This book presents three specific methodologies that support the standpoint approach to phenomenology: the methodologies of breakdown, sign, and wonder. All have their origins in the classical phenomenological work of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty. Though these methods are used by these phenomenologists, they are not explicitly articulated or explained in any detail. The book lays out how and why these methodologies can be used to reveal the conditions supporting human existence and then highlights the role each might play in a standpoint approach to phenomenology.

Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XVII (Topics in Applied Physics #151)

by Kaoru Yamanouchi Wendell T. Hill III Louis F. DiMauro

This book covers a broad range of interdisciplinary topics, focusing on atoms and molecules in intense laser fields, excitation processes in intense laser fields, photonics and materials, high-order harmonics generation, XFEL, high-power lasers and their applications, and quantum computing. This seventeenth volume features contributions from world-renowned researchers on topics such as applications of attosecond and femtosecond laser pulses, coherence and dynamics in quantum systems, and applications of super-intense laser fields.The PUILS series delivers up-to-date reviews of progress in this emerging interdisciplinary research field, spanning atomic and molecular physics, molecular science, and optical science, which has been stimulated by the recent developments in ultrafast laser technologies. Each volume compiles peer-reviewed articles authored by researchers at the forefront of each of their own subfields of ultrafast intense laser science. Every chapter opens with an overview of the topics to be discussed, so that researchers unfamiliar with the subfield, especially graduate students, can grasp the importance and attractions of the research topic at hand; these are followed by reports of cutting-edge discoveries.

Physics of Granular Suspensions: Micro-mechanics of Geophysical Flows (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #612)

by Marco Mazzuoli Laurent Lacaze

This book provides graduate students and scientists with fundamental knowledge on the mechanics of granular suspensions as well as on the mathematical and numerical techniques that can be adopted to investigate geophysical flows. To this end, three formidably complex problems (sediment transport, flow-like landslide inception, and gravity currents) are considered. The reader will find a thorough combination of elements of fluid and solid mechanics, rheology, geotechnics, geomorphology, civil, and coastal engineering. The first part of the book introduces the problem of granular suspensions from the mathematical viewpoint, focusing on issues that characterise geophysical flows such as turbulence, the effects of inter-particle contacts, and strong velocity gradients. In the second part, different models that were successfully used to investigate the mechanics of granular suspensions in environmental flows are presented.

A Review of Landfill Leachate: Characterization Leachate Environment Impacts and Sustainable Treatment Methods (Springer Water)

by Salah Souabi Abdelkader Anouzla

Solid waste landfilling and related environmental issues have become global concerns, particularly in developing countries. Accelerating population growth and changing lifestyles have exacerbated health and environmental challenges. This book looks at the global ramifications of leachate characterization and environmental impacts, highlighting the different issues related to landfilling, such as leachate generation and its constituents. When water enters a landfill, it assimilates the dissolved components of the decomposing waste, thus forming a leachate with considerable impacts on the environment. The nature of the landfill and the waste received (household waste alone or mixed with industrial waste) determine whether the leachate produced is hazardous or not. The decomposition of solid waste in landfills goes through several stages, including an initial aerobic phase, an anaerobic acid phase, an initial methanogenic phase and a stable methanogenic phase. Leachates can contain significant concentrations of heavy metals, inorganic salts, ammonia, halogenated hydrocarbons, suspended matter, organic pollutants in significant quantities... Generally, leachate discharges are rich in phenol, highly toxic polluting ammonium. Ecotoxicological assessment of this effluent is essential to determine the impact of its contaminants on the aquatic ecosystem. If pollutants are not disposed of properly, leachate from landfills can potentially enter soils and subsoils, severely contaminating surface and groundwater bodies. Therefore, reducing pollutant levels through leachate treatment has garnered considerable attention in recent decades. This publication is an invaluable resource, providing up-to-date information on the impact and characterization of leachate landfills. It is therefore time to accentuate the training of executives with all the skills to facilitate the waste management through the research efforts of academics, in the field of solid wastelandfill operations.

Aesthetics of Law: From Methodology to Manifestations (Law and Visual Jurisprudence #14)

by Kamil Zeidler Joanna Kamień

The aesthetics of law deals with the relationship between law and beauty by searching for aesthetic values in the law itself (an internal perspective), by finding material related to law in art and culture (an external perspective), and, lastly, by demonstrating the impact of legal norms on what can be broadly understood as beauty (law as a tool of aestheticization). Regarding all these phenomena, the aesthetics of law ultimately allows us to see the law more clearly and more profoundly. What is more, the law does not function, nor has it ever functioned, separately from its means of expression, which are incontrovertibly subject to aesthetic interpretation. If we think about law in this way, perceiving not only the message, but also the manner in which it is conveyed, the whole set of means and tools used, the perfection and beauty of the form, then we will see art in it. After all, the widely known and still applicable ancient maxim ius est ars boni et aequi equates law and art. This alone should be an argument for aesthetic reflection on the law, a field of endeavour that should never have been abandoned. The book’s twenty-three chapters, written by scholars from various countries and three continents, are thematically diverse. In them we present the manifestations of the aesthetics of law from an external perspective. If we accept a definition of the concept of law that is as broad as possible, not only as a synonym of a certain formalized normative system, but also including the process of its creation (legislation), its application and interpretation (jurisprudence), and even teaching on and research into it (doctrine), we can identify a wealth of aesthetic references in the law. A broadly understood aesthetics of law, approached solely from an external perspective, covers such disciplines as law and literature, the aesthetics of legal rhetoric, the trial as performance, the aesthetics ofcourthouse architecture, law in the fine arts, law in film, law and music, pictorial law, symbols of the law and legal symbols, symbols of the state and power, legal archaeology etc. The field of research is, therefore, wide. In addition to topics traditionally and obviously associated with the aesthetics of law, such as law and literature, law in the fine arts, and court rhetoric, there are chapters on e.g. legal ethics and trademarks. All authors share the belief that beauty in law is important, even when it is hidden in a caricature. Further, they argue for restoring the aesthetics of law to its proper place in philosophical and legal discourse, as doing so would yield a host of benefits for the addressees of law.

The Humanistic Person-centered Company (Issues in Business Ethics #55)

by Domènec Melé

Humanism in business is not only an alternative to economism but a way to human excellence. Humanism presented here revolves around the rich notion of “human person”, keystone of modern personalist philosophy and Catholic Social Teaching. From this perspective this book is offered to everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike. The person-centered humanism considers the human-wholeness, individual and relational, with subjectivity, self-determination, openness to transcendence, and with capacity not only to possess but also to give. It also highlights the uniqueness of each person, endowed with a high constitutive dignity and in continuous process of flourishing toward human plenitude. An attitude of respect and good will is due to non-personal beings, while persons deserve to be treated with justice and even with love of benevolence. The book is prepared in dialogue with mainstream of thought in business and business ethics and focused on exploring ways to improve some conventional views. It includes some proposals such as a person-based ethics, ethics understood as intrinsic to business activity, the consideration of the company as an organized community of persons, and the purpose of the company oriented toward the common good through a double mission, internal and external. It is also suggested substituting the notion of “stakeholder” for the richer one of “relationholder.”

Michael Balz: Schalen und Visionen

by John Chilton

Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über das Werk des Architekten Michael Balz, dem Pionier der Betonschalenarchitektur. Es behandelt seine realisierten und nicht realisierten Projekte, von denen viele in Zusammenarbeit mit dem renommierten Schweizer Ingenieur Heinz Isler entworfen wurden.Michael Balz. Schalen und Visionen ist reichlich mit Originalzeichnungen und Fotos illustriert: Schalen und Visionen trägt dem zunehmenden Interesse am Entwurf und der Konstruktion von Stahlbeton-Freiformschalen Rechnung, das mit dem Aufkommen von 3D-Modellierungs- und Formfindungssoftware einhergeht. Das Buch beschreibt architektonische Entwürfe und praktische Konstruktionsfragen, um zeitgenössische Schalendesigner zu motivieren.Balz' Erfahrung im Umgang mit Schwierigkeiten wie der Unvereinbarkeit mit nicht-strukturellen Merkmalen und dem Einbau von Fenstern in Schalen sowie der Bewertung der langfristigen Leistungsfähigkeit von Gebäuden ermöglicht es den Lesern, leichterzu lernen, wie sie mit solchen Problemen bei ihrer eigenen Arbeit umgehen können.Das Buch stellt Michael Balz vor, seine frühe Arbeit mit anderen Architekten, einschließlich seiner Arbeit an pneumatischen Formen mit Frei Otto, und seine Entwicklung zu einem Vertreter der organischen Architektur. Anschließend werden realisierte Projekte besprochen, darunter das Theater unter den Kuppeln (1976), der Ballettsaal (1979) und das Haus Balz (1981). Wettbewerbe, an denen Balz teilgenommen hat, und nicht realisierte Rohbauprojekte finden ebenfalls Beachtung, ebenso wie seine Arbeiten im städtischen Maßstab, wobei die konzeptionellen Entwürfe für Megastädte im Mittelpunkt stehen. Seine visionären Megastrukturen ermutigen Architekten, angesichts der zunehmenden Urbanisierung innovative Lösungen für den Stadtraum zu finden. Michael Balz: Schalen und Visionen wird für Studenten und Fachleute aus den Bereichen Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Bauwesen und Stadtplanung vonInteresse sein. Die Überlegungen zu den kulturellen und kontextuellen Aspekten von Balz' Werk werden dem Architekturhistoriker helfen, seine langfristige Bedeutung zu schätzen.

Towards Ulam Type Multi Stability Analysis: A Novel Approach for Fuzzy Dynamical Systems (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #523)

by Reza Saadati Tofigh Allahviranloo Safoura Rezaei Aderyani Chenkuan Li

The main target of this book is to present a new concept of Ulam-type stability, i.e., multi-stability, through the classical, well-known special functions and to obtain the best approximation error estimates by a different concept of perturbation stability including fuzzy approaches for uncertainty considerations. This stability allows us to obtain diverse approximations depending on various special functions that are initially chosen and to evaluate maximal stability and minimal error which enable us to obtain a unique optimal solution of functional equations, inequalities, and fractional equations. Stability analysis in the sense of the Ulam and its different kinds has received considerable attention from the researchers. However, how to effectively generalize the Ulam stability problems and to evaluate optimized controllability and stability are new issues. The multi-stability not only covers the previous concepts but also considers the optimization of the problem and provides a comprehensive discussion of optimizing the different types of the Ulam stabilities of mathematical models used in the natural sciences and engineering disciplines with fuzzy attitudes. Besides, this book also deals with nonlinear differential equations with various boundary conditions or initial value problems, based on the matrix Mittag-Leffler function, fixed point theory, as well as Babenko's approach to study uniqueness and existence of solutions. In general, the benefits for the readers can be concluded as follows: 1. Evaluates maximal stability with minimal error to get a unique optimal solution. 2. Discusses an optimal method of the alternative to study existence, uniqueness, and different types of Ulam stabilities under special consideration of the fuzzy approaches. 3. Delves into the new study of boundary value problems of fractional integro-differential equations with integral boundary conditions and variable coefficients.

Advances in Computational Intelligence Systems: Contributions Presented at the 21st UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, September 7-9, 2022, Sheffield, UK (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1454)

by George Panoutsos Mahdi Mahfouf Lyudmila S Mihaylova

The scope of this book is to present the papers included at the 21st UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI 2022), hosted by The University of Sheffield, between 7 and 9 September 2022, Sheffield, UK. This marks the first fully in-person UKCI conference, following the pandemic, a testament to the success and resilience of the UKCI community, as well as to the importance of computational intelligence (CI) research. The papers in this book are divided into five sections: fuzzy logic systems, machine learning, hybrid methods and network systems, deep learning and neural networks, and optimization and search.

Trends and Technological Challenges in Green Energy: Selected Papers from ICGET 2023 (Green Energy and Technology)

by Zhijun Peng

Trends and Technological Challenges in Green Energy: Selected Papers from ICGET 2023 offers readers selected and expanded papers from the 2023 8th International Conference on Green Energy Technologies held at the University of the Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany. It features innovative work by academics, researchers, and industry experts highlighting the latest renewable energy developments. The book covers fundamental and practical applications for green energy resources, including security, energy consumption, localization, energy access, environment-friendly energy systems, sustainable energy development, energy-saving technologies, and conservation. It is a valuable interdisciplinary reference for young researchers, postgraduate students, professionals, and industry practitioners working with green energy technology and applications.

Contributions of Chemical Engineering to Sustainability

by Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernández Nelly Ramírez-Corona Valentina Aristizábal-Marulanda

This book discusses the recent advancements in chemical engineering and their role in achieving the United Nations' 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Addressing these goals involves tackling intricate and interdisciplinary challenges.Chemical engineers have been diligently addressing a diverse array of issues across academia, society, and industry, with the aim of positively impacting these goals.The book offers essential insights and detailed analyses for each SDG. It explores the challenges encountered within various applications and proposes solutions based on foundational engineering principles. The book's content is tailored to professionals, students, and researchers across diverse fields, including engineering, environmental science, and biotechnology.

Commercial Astronauts: The Next Generation of Spacefarers (Springer Praxis Books)

by Erik Seedhouse

The beginning of the 2020’s witnessed dozens of commercial astronauts fly to space on a variety of vehicles. These spacecraft included SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, which supported the Inspiration4 and Axiom Space missions, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo, which supported several suborbital science flights, and Blue Origin’s New Shepard spacecraft, which not only flew celebrities but also its fair share of commercial astronauts. The story of this new breed of spacefarer has only just begun. As evidenced by these missions, commercial spaceflight has grown beyond passengers simply traveling to space just for the ride. With orbital flights involving commercial astronauts staying in space for several days and weeks, companies such as Sierra Space, Axiom Space and Blue Origin are preparing for the next steps in commercial space travel which include the construction of orbiting habitats. But how will the opportunities for commercial astronauts develop, how will they be trained, and will this new group of astronauts evolve? This book describes how the commercial spaceflight industry is evolving, how it will continue to evolve as barriers to entry are reduced, competition grows, and costs are lowered, and how, because of these efforts, opportunities for commercial astronauts will increase.

Role of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1094)

by Ajith Abraham Loveleen Gaur

The technological boom has provided consumers with endless choices, removing the hindrance of time and place. Understanding the dynamic and competitive business environment, marketers know they need to reinforce indestructible customer experience with the support of algorithmic configurations to minimize human intrusion. World Wide Web (WWW) and online marketing have changed the way of conducting business; with artificial intelligence (AI), business houses can furnish a customized experience to fulfil the perceived expectation of the customer.Artificial intelligence bridges the gap between business and prospective clients, provides enormous amounts of information, prompts grievance redressal system, and further complements the client’s preference. The opportunities online marketing offers with the blend of artificial intelligence tools like chatbots, recommenders, virtual assistance, and interactive voice recognition create improved brand awareness, better customer relationshipmarketing, and personalized product modification.Explainable AI provides the subsequent arena of human–machine collaboration, which will complement and support marketers and people so that they can make better, faster, and more accurate decisions. According to PwC’s report on Explainable AI(XAI), AI will have $15.7 trillion of opportunity by 2030. However, as AI tools become more advanced, more computations are done in a “black box” that humans can hardly comprehend. But the rise of AI in business for actionable insights also poses the following questions: How can marketers know and trust the reasoning behind why an AI system is making recommendations for action? What are the root causes and steering factors? Thus, transparency, trust, and a good understanding of expected business outcomes are increasingly demanded.

Pascal's God and the Fragments of the World

by Martin Nemoianu

In Pascal's God and the Fragments of the World, Martin Nemoianu offers a new interpretation of the thought of Blaise Pascal, drawn from the Pensées and beyond. The book takes Pascal's central theme to be the distinction - Infini rien - between the transcendent God and the created world, which, without God, would be nothing. Nemoianu identifies the distinction in Pascal, articulates it, and works through the difficulties attending the distinction's disclosure. He then considers the implications of the distinction for the nature of nature and the nature of the human being, culminating in the ideal of martyrdom. The book closes with treatment of a closely related theme: the relation between human freedom and divine grace, in the context of the vexed question of Pascal's Jansenism.

Komorbidität: Symptome, Zustände, Verhalten und Behandlungen

by Einar Thorsteinsson Rhonda Brown

Dieses Buch stellt eine neue Theorie über die erhebliche Komorbidität vor, die zwischen vielen Krankheiten und Störungen und gleichzeitigen Symptomen wie Schmerzen, Schlafstörungen und Müdigkeit besteht. Zu den besprochenen Krankheiten und Störungen gehören Adipositas, Diabetes mellitus Typ II, medizinische Erkrankungen wie Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Schlafstörungen, Essstörungen sowie affektive Störungen (Angst und Depression). Das Buch geht davon aus, dass die Komorbiditäten das Ergebnis eines komplexen bio-psycho-behavioralen Mechanismus sind, der eine Störung des zirkadianen Rhythmus einschließt. Es untersucht methodische (z. B. Mess-) Probleme, die das Verständnis der Komorbidität erschweren können, und erforscht ein breites Spektrum neuer, bestehender und neu entwickelter Therapieansätze, die bei der Behandlung komorbider Störungen von Nutzen sein könnten.

Technical Landfills and Waste Management: Volume 2: Municipal Solid Waste Management (Springer Water)

by Salah Souabi Abdelkader Anouzla

This book examines the issue of solid waste generation and management as a worldwide phenomenon, focusing on strategies that facilitate the disposal and utilization of waste while ensuring environmental integrity and meeting the needs of future generations. The process of urbanization, particularly in densely populated cities, has resulted in a notable increase in the production of solid waste. Unfortunately, the current management system employed by the government, as well as the available resources and technical capabilities, is insufficient in effectively addressing this issue. As a result, the accumulation of solid waste in the environment continues to rise, causing adverse impacts on both the natural surroundings and human well-being. The contamination of the air, soil, and water directly stems from this mounting waste. To confront this global challenge, determined efforts are being made to manage and diminish the volume of solid waste, with the ultimate goal of safeguarding the environment and preserving the welfare of future generations. Furthermore, the book delves into various sustainable development approaches, such as Gasification and Ash Melting, Anaerobic Digestion, and Composition. Additionally, it highlights the recent advancements in these techniques by scientists, which contribute to promoting sustainable solid waste management.

Strategic Management: Fundamental Concepts for Decision Making and Strategy Execution (Classroom Companion: Business)

by Arão Sapiro

This book provides students with the fundamental concepts and stages of strategic management and planning in organizations with essential tools to make decisions in order to remain competitive in the business world of today. It offers an introduction to the key topics and themes of organizational and competitive strategies and provides a panoramic view of the changing corporate environment. The author draws on insights from various typical functional courses, such as marketing, finance, and accounting, to help students understand how top executives and managers make the strategic decisions that drive successful businesses. Students learn how to conduct a case analysis, measure organizational performance, and conduct external and internal analyses. The book features learning objectives, glossaries, and real cases related to the content of each chapter. The book also features discussions on the execution and evaluation of organizational performance; environment,social, and governance (ESG); and decision and risk analysis. This book is useful for upper undergraduate and graduate level courses in strategic planning and management, business administration, decision making, and business strategy.

Migration and Cities: Conceptual and Policy Advances (IMISCOE Research Series)

by Melissa Kelly Anna Triandafyllidou Zeynep Şahin-Mencütek Amin Moghadam

This open access book brings together different perspectives on migration and the city that are usually discussed separately, to show the special character of the urban context as a territorial and political space where people coexist, whether by choice or necessity. Drawing on heterogeneous situations in cities in different world regions (including Europe, North America, the Middle East, South, Southeast and East Asia and the Asia Pacific) contributions to this volume examine how migration and the urban context interact in the twenty-first century. The book is structured in four parts. The first looks at cities as hubs of cultural creativity, exploring the many dimensions of cultural diversity and identity as they are negotiated in the urban context. The second focuses on what lies outside the large urban centres of today, notably suburbs, while the third part engages with migration and diversity in small and mid-sized cities, many of which have adopted strategies to welcome growing numbers of migrants. Last but not least, the fourth part looks at the challenges and opportunities that asylum-seeking and irregular migration flows bring to cities. By providing a variety of empirical cases based on various world regions, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, students and policy makers.

ELECTRIMACS 2022: Selected Papers – Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1164)

by Serge Pierfederici Jean-Philippe Martin

This book collects a selection of papers presented at ELECTRIMACS, 2022 the14th international conference of the IMACS TC1 Committee, held in Nancy, France, on 17st-21rd May 2022. The conference papers deal with modelling, simulation, analysis, control, power management, design optimization, identification and diagnostics in electrical power engineering. The main application fields include electric machines and electromagnetic devices, power electronics, transportation systems, smart grids, electric and hybrid vehicles, renewable energy systems, energy storage, batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells, and wireless power transfer. The contributions included in Volume 2 are particularly focused on methodological aspects, modelling, and applied mathematics in the field of electrical engineering.

Human Flourishing, Spiritual Awakening and Cultural Renewal: Personal and Communal Challenges

by Francisco Díaz Estrada Catalina Elena Dobre Rafael García Pavón

This book seeks to generate a theoretical and a reflective framework to re-connect people with culture and spirituality. It seeks to recreate important links between these domains to provide interpretative, foundational, and ethical perspectives. It is distinctive in that it focusses on the challenges that humanity is facing at a cultural, social, moral, and spiritual level. It provides a philosophical understanding of humanity from a humanistic and multidisciplinary perspective (encompassing ethics, language, art/cinema, political, cultural and gender approaches) and offers a variety of ways of how we can rethink our culture and our society for the future.

Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Among Older Adults

by Rajesh R. Tampi Deena J. Tampi

This timely book provides detailed information regarding the latest treatment for psychiatric disorders among the growing population of older adults. The World Health Organization reports that between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world's older adults (≥ 60 years) will double from about 12% to almost 22% of the total population, and it is estimated that approximately 20% of older adults have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder. Many of these older adults are prescribed psychotropic medications, but these treatments can result in significant functional decline, cognitive decline, cerebrovascular adverse events, and death. The editors, in collaboration with fellow experts in geriatric psychiatry, provide the scientific background regarding the treatment of a range of psychiatric disorders among older adults. The volume features a comprehensive table of contents covering a range of psychiatry subtopics, such as neurocognitive disorders, depressive disorders, substance use disorders, and anxiety disorders. Each chapter adheres to the same easy-to-follow format, and amongst other information, includes evidence-based assessments, non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies, potential side-effects and their treatments, and evidence-based treatment algorithms for each disorder. Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Among Older Adults will be a valuable resource for psychiatrists, geriatricians, students, neurologists, advance practice nurses, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and dieticians who care for older adults with mental health disorders.

From Internet of Things to Internet of Intelligence (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

by Marcel Ohanga Odhiambo Weston Mwashita

The book focuses on the open challenges associated with the convergence of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, as accommodated in 6G architecture. The authors discuss how in many fields, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), interactive computer games, robotics, and multiuser virtual environments, this convergence is likely to have enormously benefits, from artificial intelligence mimicking human intelligence, attempting to simulate human intelligence, and producing a new intelligent machine capable of processing information with human consciousness, behaviour, and thinking integrated with appropriate algorithms. The book provides users with the fundamentals of IoT architecture, AI technology, and the architecture of AI and IoT converged networks. Furthermore, to provide hands-on experience with the technology, some proposed systems are discussed, along with their applications in various sectors such as healthcare, transportation, smart homes, production, manufacturing, renewable energy and agriculture. The book will discuss new technological advances, current research trends, and industry requirements. Discussed open challenges in the field will motivate researchers and stakeholders in industry to provide solutions, with some presented in the book to help spark ideas.

Theatre and Global Development: Performing Partnerships

by Bobby Smith

How do theatre and development partnerships operate? What issues impede collaborations between various institutions and individuals? Why do relations between global North and South partners often fail to reflect important values such as equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit? This is the first book to examine theatre and global development partnerships. It focusses on the UK and East African countries of Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, presenting the author’s own experiences, case study analyses and perspectives from practitioners and scholars involved in theatre and development. It argues that simplistic binaries pervade partnerships, whereby the global North is regarded as ‘modern’ and ‘developed’ versus the ‘under-developed’ global South. This results in unequal power relations between collaborators, less effective projects with communities, and a lack of reciprocity and mutual benefit. Consequently, this book revitalises how we conceptualise partnerships. Issues such as widening inequalities, conflict, health and the climate crisis impact all countries. How, then, can we work across borders to support interconnected learning and action on these challenges? In this regard, principles of solidarity and mutual responsibility, as well as critical openness, enable us to reflect honestly about the failures of the partnerships we participate in and move beyond simplistic binaries of global North and South. The book is of importance to applied and socially engaged performance scholars and practitioners, and to development workers interested in arts and social change.

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