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Unto the Daughters: The Legacy of an Honor Killing in a Sicilian-American Family

by Karen Tintori

Karen Tintori thought she knew her family tree.Her grandmother Josie had emigrated from Sicily with her parents at the turn of the century. They settled in Detroit, and with Josie's nine siblings, worked to create a home for themselves away from the poverty and servitude of the old country. Their descendants were proud Italian-Americans.But Josie had a sister nobody spoke of. Her name was Frances, and at age sixteen she fell in love with a young barber. Her father wanted her to marry an older don in the neighborhood mafia---a marriage that would give his sons a leg up in the mob. But Frances eloped with her barber, and when she returned home a married woman, her fate was sealed. Even eighty years and two generations later, Frances was not spoken of, and her memory was suppressed.Unto the Daughters is a historical mystery and family story that unwraps the many layers of family, honor, memory, and fear to find an honor killing in turn-of-the-century Detroit. Tracing the history and insular world of Italian immigrants back to the old country, Karen Tintori shows what they came from, what they hoped for, and how the hopes and dreams of America fell far short for her great-aunt Frances."Nearly every family has a skeleton in its closet, an ancestor who "sins" against custom and tradition and pays a double price -- ostracism or worse at the time, and obliteration from the memory of succeeding generations. Few of these transgressors paid a higher price than Frances Costa, who was brutally murdered by her own brothers in a 1919 Sicilian honor killing in Detroit. And fewer yet have had a more tenacious successor than Frances's great-niece, Karen Tintori, who refused to allow the truth to remain forgotten. This is a book for anyone who shares the convinction that all history, in the end, is family history." -Frank Viviano, author of Blood Washes Blood and Dispatches from the Pacific Century"Switching back and forth between rural Sicily and early 20th century Detroit, Unto the Daughters reads like a nonfiction version of the film Godfather II--if it had been told from the point of view of a female Corleone. In exploring her own family's secret history, Karen Tintori gives voice not just to her victimized aunt but to all Italian-American daughters and wives silenced by the power of omerta. Half gripping true-crime story, half moving family memoir, Unto the Daughters is both fascinating and frightening, packed with telling details and obscure folklore that help bring the suffocating world of a Mafia family to life." --Eleni N. Gage, author of North of Ithaka

Write Yourself In: The Definitive Guide to Writing Successful College Admissions Essays

by Eric Tipler

Write authentic, memorable college essays that will help you get into the right school for you with this guidebook from a veteran college admissions expert.Every spring, over one million high school juniors embark on an annual rite of passage: applying to college. And with college admission rates at an all-time low, getting into a competitive school is now tougher than ever. At the top schools, a strong transcript and great test scores will get your application noticed, but it&’s your essays, and the personal story that they highlight, that will get you admitted. But often, students don&’t know where to start. Teens fret over topics because they don&’t know what college admissions officers are looking for. They bend over backwards to write what they think colleges want to read, instead of telling their authentic story—which is what admissions officers actually want—in a way that will resonate with their readers. They also struggle because college essays, which are narrative, first-person, and introspective require a different set of skills from academic, expository writing they&’ve been learning for years in the classroom. Seasoned college admissions expert and educator Eric Tipler has seen this firsthand. Teens and their parents spend countless, anxiety-filled hours crafting and refining essays that are often lackluster. In Write Yourself In, Tipler meets students where they are, and provides comprehensive actionable advice in a warm and conversational tone. He demonstrates how to craft a winning essay, one that is authentic, vulnerable, and demonstrative of qualities like personal growth and emotional maturity. Instead of formulas, Write Yourself In gives students step-by-step processes for brainstorming, outlining, writing, and revising essays. It encourages them to seek out feedback at key points in the process, something Tipler has found to be vital to helping students produce their best writing. Further, the book includes sidebars that teach essential components of good storytelling, a &“secret weapon&” in the admissions process. In addition to the admissions essay, Write Yourself In also covers the most common supplemental essays on topics like community, diversity, openness to others&’ viewpoints, and why their school is a good fit for the student scholarship essays, as well as scholarship essays. Tipler includes sections that address current topics like the widespread use of ChatGPT and the discussion of race in the admissions essay, a facet of the student&’s application that will have newfound importance given the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action. Written with both the parent and teen in mind, Write Yourself In is the go-to handbook for writing a great college essay.

Tipler Physik: für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften und Technik

by Paul A. Tipler Gene Mosca

Tipler Physik dient bereits Generationen von Studierenden der Natur- und Ingenieurwissen­schaften als Lern-, Lehr- und Nachschlagewerk. Angehende oder sich bereits im Studium befind­liche Bachelorstudierende mit Physik, Ingenieurwissenschaften oder verwandter Gebiete, egal ob im Haupt- oder Nebenfach profitieren von ausführlichen und leicht nachvollziehbaren Erklä­rungen. Schritt für Schritt werden Beispiele vorgerechnet, zusätzlich oft auch mithilfe der Soft­ware MATLAB®. Zudem werden die physikalischen Inhalte mit wertvollen Tipps und Tricks ver­vollständigt. Alle Gebiete der Physik werden behandelt und zwar genau richtig – nicht zu viel um einen guten Einstieg zu ermöglichen und nicht zu wenig, um einen soliden Überblick zu erhalten. Damit ist Tipler Physik ein treuer Begleiter durch das Studium und auch danach. Gleichzeitig trägt das Buch neuen Entwicklungen Rechnung. Digitale Karteikarten, die in dieser Auflage neu hin­zugekommen sind, ermöglichen das flexible Lernen und Vertiefen überall. Am Ende jedes Kapi­tels findet ein Ein- und Ausblick in die aktuelle Forschung statt.Wer im Studium, Schule oder Beruf sich mit physikalischen Fragestellungen befasst, dem sollte Tipler Physik in Bücherregal nicht fehlen: · didaktisch wertvoll aufbereitet und dargestellt· zahlreiche Beispiel- und Übungsaufgaben mit Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungen bzw. Lösungen· digitale Karteikarten in Form der SN Flashcards· Einführung in MATLAB® anhand konkreter Aufgabenstellungen· bewährte Tipps und Tricks, um nicht in die Fehlerfalle zu geraten· wichtigste Gesetze und Formeln kurz zusammengefasst· übersichtliche und anschauliche Abbildungen· aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge, die in den Kontext zu ihrem Fachgebiet gestellt werden.

Moviemakers' Master Class: Private Lessons from the World's Foremost Directors

by Laurent Tirard

From Scorsese and Lynch to Wenders and Godard, interviews with twenty of the world's greatest directors on how they make films--and whyEach great filmmaker has a secret method to his moviemaking--but each of them is different. In Moviemaker Master Class, Laurent Tirard talks to twenty of today's most important filmmakers to get to the core of each director's approach to film, exploring the filmmaker's vision as well as his technique, while allowing each man to speak in his own voice. Martin Scorsese likes setting up each shot very precisely ahead of time--so that he has the opportunity to change it all if he sees the need. Lars Von Trier, on the other hand, refuses to think about a shot until the actual moment of filming. And Bernardo Bertolucci tries to dream his shots the night before; if that doesn't work, he roams the set alone with a viewfinder, imagining the scene before the actors and crew join him. In these interviews--which originally appeared in the French film magazine Studio and are being published here in English for the first time--enhanced by exceptional photographs of the directors at work, Laurent Tirard has succeeded in finding out what makes each filmmaker--and his films--so extraordinary, shedding light on both the process and the people behind great moviemaking.Among the other filmmakers included are Woody Allen, Tim Burton, Joel and Ethan Coen, and John Woo.

Liver Metabolism and Fatty Liver Disease (Oxidative Stress and Disease #34)

by Oren Tirosh

About 30% of the general population suffers from Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and the incidence of more serious fatty liver disorders increases with obesity. This discusses the current understanding of development of liver disease and the clinical aspects of fatty liver disease by examining the current knowledge regarding the absorption, metabolism of fat in the liver. It summarizes the current knowledge regarding the involvement of oxidative stress, the metabolic effects inflammation, and the effect of nutrition in the disease development and progression.

Il cuore di Lachlan: Secondo libro della Saga dei MacCullough (Saga dei MacCullough #2)

by Suzan Tisdale

La saga dei MacCullough continua... Lachlan MacCullough non vuole essere un laird. Non lo ha mai fatto. Ma quando suo cugino, Black Richard, gli chiede di governare i possedimenti di Randall Chisolm, conquistati di recente, fino a quando il primogenito di Black Richard non sarà abbastanza grande per farlo, non può rifiutare la richiesta. Anche se questo lo allontanerà dall'unica donna che desidera... Keevah. Keevah non può sfuggire al suo passato. Conosciuta come la vecchia prostituta, nemmeno la sua amicizia con la moglie di Black Richard, Aeschene, le risparmierà le dicerie e gli insulti che la perseguitano da anni. Ma ci sono cose peggiori dell'essere evitati. Quando Keevah riceve la notizia che una vecchia e cara amica sta morendo, deve tornare a Inverness per darle addio e mantenere una vecchia promessa. Questo scherzo del destino la fa incontrare ancora una volta con Lachlan, l’uomo che ama ma di cui si sente disperatamente indegna. La mette anche sulla strada di un assassino squilibrato intenzionato a liberare il mondo dalle prostitute. Troverà la sicurezza e la felicità tra le braccia di Lachlan, o pagherà con il prezzo più alto i peccati del suo passato?

McKennas Ehre

by Suzan Tisdale

Dunkle Zeiten sind über Schottland hereingebrochen. König David II. ist ein Gefangener Englands. Angus McKenna, verehrtes Oberhaupt des Clan MacDougall, und sein Schwiegersohn Duncan McEwan sitzen in einem Kerker in Edinburgh, angeklagt wegen Verbrechen gegen ihren König und ihrem Land. Ihre Ehefrauen sind verschwunden. Können Hingabe, Ehre und Treue ein Licht in der Dunkelheit entzünden? Nial McKee, der Schwiegersohn von Angus McKenna, beruft sich auf den Bund der sieben Clans und macht sich auf, die Wahrheit hinter den Anschuldigungen herauszufinden. Während er die Hilfe seiner guten Freunde Caelen McDunnah und Rowan Graham in Anspruch nimmt, bittet seine schöne Frau Bree ihre eigenen Freunde um eine ganz andere Art von Unterstützung. Doch Angus und Duncan läuft die Zeit davon. Freundschaft und Familienliebe allein reichen vielleicht nicht aus, um McKennas Ehre zu retten.

Edenfrost #3 (Edenfrost #3)

by Amit Tishler

As the Russian Civil War escalates, the Ukrainian landscape becomes increasingly hostile. Trapped by the enemy that ravaged their village and killed their parents, Alex and Yuli will have to use the unpredictable powers of the Golem to defend themselves despite hesitation about its true intentions.

Edenfrost #4 (Edenfrost #4)

by Amit Tishler

As the Russian Civil War spreads across two continents, the siblings, Yuli and Alex, find themselves in an explosive run-in with the soldiers who killed their parents. In a moment of desperation, Yuli makes a blood pact with the Golem and unleashes a violent assault against the attackers. While struggling to survive the bloody conflict, Alex desperately tries to save his sister from her uncontrollable rage before it consumes her whole.

Swikriti (Kahani Atmglani ki): स्वीकृति (कहानी आत्मग्लानि की)

by Dimple Titra

यूँ तो प्रेम ज़िंदगी का सबसे खूबसूरत एहसास है। मगर वही प्रेम जब धोखे और झूठ की बली चढ़ जाए तो उस से भयानक किसी अनुभव का अनुमान इंसान लगा ही नहीं सकता। हर इंसान अलग है। हर इंसान की ज़िंदगी और रिश्तो को लेकर सोच अलग है। क्या हो जब कोई किसी ऐसे से प्रेम कर बैठे जिसके लिए वो रिश्ता महज़ एक वक़्त बिताने का ज़रिया हो ? क्या हो जब एक साथी के लिए रिश्ते को निभाने से ज़्यादा अहम जीवन की मौज-मस्ती हो ? क्या हो जब हम किसी ऐसे से प्रेम कर बैठे जिसे कोई भी चीज़ या व्यक्ति कुछ वक़्त बाद बोर कर जाता हो? ये कुछ वही लोग होते है जो सच्चे प्रेम कर रहे लोगो के सीने में जख्म का कारण बन जाते है। इस कहानी के पात्रों का जीवन कई इसी तरह की घटनाओं के इर्द-गिर्द घूमता है। जिसमे झूठ , धोखा , दर्द और आत्मग्लानि सभी भावनाओं का सटीक मिश्रण देखने को मिलता है। कहानी में कई उतार-चढ़ाव आते है जो पढ़ने वाले को खुद से बांधे रखने में सक्षम है। आज के इस आधुनिक युग में जहाँ आज का युवा रिश्तो की गंभीरता समझ ही नहीं पाता वहाँ ये कहानी कई लोगों की आप-बीती हो सकती है।

Polymer Composites: Fundamentals and Applications (Engineering Materials)

by Santosh K. Tiwari Srikanta Moharana Bibhuti B. Sahu Arpan Kumar Nayak

This book highlights the fundamentals and recent advances for developing novel polymer composites for various applications, including 3D printing, automotive, textiles, agriculture, nanogenerators, energy storage and biomedical engineering. It presents various facile processing techniques to prepare polymeric composites with attractive properties like mechanical strength, flexibility, thermal & electrical performances for end used applications from bench to field. This in-sight of properties, performances and utility will lead to technological applications of polymer composites. It provides a platform for evolving and expanding technological solutions for challenges in the contemporary world, and presents a concrete path for advancement in this domain of polymer composite for professionals, researchers, material scientists, and students.

Thinking with Sound: A New Program in the Sciences and Humanities around 1900

by Viktoria Tkaczyk

Thinking with Sound traces the formation of auditory knowledge in the sciences and humanities in the decades around 1900. When the outside world is silent, all sorts of sounds often come to mind: inner voices, snippets of past conversations, imaginary debates, beloved and unloved melodies. What should we make of such sonic companions? Thinking with Sound investigates a period when these and other newly perceived aural phenomena prompted a far-reaching debate. Through case studies from Paris, Vienna, and Berlin, Viktoria Tkaczyk shows that the identification of the auditory cortex in late nineteenth-century neuroanatomy affected numerous academic disciplines across the sciences and humanities. “Thinking with sound” allowed scholars and scientists to bridge the gaps between theoretical and practical knowledge, and between academia and the social, aesthetic, and industrial domains. As new recording technologies prompted new scientific questions, new auditory knowledge found application in industry and the broad aesthetic realm. Through these conjunctions, Thinking with Sound offers a deeper understanding of today’s second “acoustic turn” in science and scholarship.

A Human-Centered Perspective of Intelligent Personalized Environments and Systems (Human–Computer Interaction Series)

by Marko Tkalčič Panagiotis Germanakos Bruce Ferwerda Mark Graus

This book investigates the potential of combining the more quantitative - data-driven techniques with the more qualitative - theory-driven approaches towards the design of user-centred intelligent systems. It seeks to explore the potential of incorporating factors grounded in psychological theory into adaptive/intelligent routines, mechanisms, technologies and innovations. It highlights models, methods and tools that are emerging from their convergence along with challenges and lessons learned. Special emphasis is placed on promoting original insights and paradigms with respect to latest technologies, current research trends, and innovation directions, e.g., incorporating variables derived from psychological theory and individual differences in adaptive intelligent systems so as to increase explainability, fairness, and transparency, and decrease bias during interactions while the control remains with the user.

Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era—Opportunities and Challenges: Proceeding of 2022 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in the Digital World (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Ahmed Tlili Saida Affouneh Soheil Salha Sameer Abu-Eisheh

This book offers authors’ practices, initiatives, and experiences in sustaining their education during the pandemic from different countries, contexts, and political situations. It provides a future prediction for the education system in the world due to the transformation that happened in the post-COVID-19 era. Each chapter of the book is expected to shed light on different countries describing their education system in the past, present, and future. The readers of the book will be able to learn, compare, and analyze the differences and similarities between the educations offered to learners around the world.The book also presents a new model of e-learning that will help learners, teachers, and educational systems to participate in achieving sustainable development goals. The book introduces several scenarios of types of learning and how to plan, design, and implement them in F2F and online environments.

Settle the Score: the brand-new gripping and action-packed gangland thriller for 2024 (Manchester Underworld series)

by Sam Tobin

'Packs a mighty punch! . . . Fast paced and full of twists . . . If you like gangster thrillers, this is one for you' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Malton's in prison. Keisha's back in town. Dean's out on his own. And it's all about to come crashing down . . .Craig Malton, the man who solves crime for criminals in Manchester's underworld, is banged up in prison - for a murder he didn't commit.Journalist Ruth Porter is hungry for a story. Young men are turning up brutally murdered and one name keeps cropping up - Craig Malton.As Ruth investigates she soon discovers a truth far darker than she could ever have imagined. There's a sadistic killer hiding in plain sight and he's already chosen his next victim . . .A riveting, action-packed gangland thriller for fans of Kimberley Chambers, Mandasue Heller and Jessie Keane, with an ending you'll never see coming!READERS LOVE SETTLE THE SCORE:'Another cracking read. Full of grit and twists . . . an amazing story' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Gritty action-packed . . . There is plenty going on to keep you captivated and twists and turns along the way. . . highly recommended' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Another fantastic read from Sam Tobin. These stories are so good, can't put the book down' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐PRAISE FOR SAM TOBIN:'A deliciously dark new voice in crime fiction. I loved it!' M.J. Arlidge'A thrilling killer read that left me wanting more. Full of character, heart and underworld brutality! You'll never look at Manchester the same way again' Kevin Erlis, co-creator of Ackley Bridge'A chilling, fast-paced journey through Manchester's brutal underworld. Once you pick this book up, you won't want to put it down' Bestselling author Roberta Kray'Grabs you by the throat. Scary, compulsive and very, very readable. I already want more' J.J. Connolly

Settle the Score: the brand-new gripping and action-packed gangland thriller for 2024 (Manchester Underworld series)

by Sam Tobin

'Packs a mighty punch! . . . Fast paced and full of twists . . . If you like gangster thrillers, this is one for you' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Malton's in prison. Keisha's back in town. Dean's out on his own. And it's all about to come crashing down . . .Craig Malton, the man who solves crime for criminals in Manchester's underworld, is banged up in prison - for a murder he didn't commit.Journalist Ruth Porter is hungry for a story. Young men are turning up brutally murdered and one name keeps cropping up - Craig Malton.As Ruth investigates she soon discovers a truth far darker than she could ever have imagined. There's a sadistic killer hiding in plain sight and he's already chosen his next victim . . .A riveting, action-packed gangland thriller for fans of Kimberley Chambers, Mandasue Heller and Jessie Keane, with an ending you'll never see coming!READERS LOVE SETTLE THE SCORE:'Another cracking read. Full of grit and twists . . . an amazing story' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Gritty action-packed . . . There is plenty going on to keep you captivated and twists and turns along the way. . . highly recommended' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Another fantastic read from Sam Tobin. These stories are so good, can't put the book down' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐PRAISE FOR SAM TOBIN:'A deliciously dark new voice in crime fiction. I loved it!' M.J. Arlidge'A thrilling killer read that left me wanting more. Full of character, heart and underworld brutality! You'll never look at Manchester the same way again' Kevin Erlis, co-creator of Ackley Bridge'A chilling, fast-paced journey through Manchester's brutal underworld. Once you pick this book up, you won't want to put it down' Bestselling author Roberta Kray'Grabs you by the throat. Scary, compulsive and very, very readable. I already want more' J.J. Connolly

Settle the Score: the brand-new gripping and action-packed gangland thriller for 2024 (Manchester Underworld series)

by Sam Tobin

'Packs a mighty punch! . . . Fast paced and full of twists . . . If you like gangster thrillers, this is one for you' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Malton's in prison. Keisha's back in town. Dean's out on his own. And it's all about to come crashing down . . .Craig Malton, the man who solves crime for criminals in Manchester's underworld, is banged up in prison - for a murder he didn't commit.Journalist Ruth Porter is hungry for a story. Young men are turning up brutally murdered and one name keeps cropping up - Craig Malton.As Ruth investigates she soon discovers a truth far darker than she could ever have imagined. There's a sadistic killer hiding in plain sight and he's already chosen his next victim . . .A riveting, action-packed gangland thriller for fans of Kimberley Chambers, Mandasue Heller and Jessie Keane, with an ending you'll never see coming!READERS LOVE SETTLE THE SCORE:'Another cracking read. Full of grit and twists . . . an amazing story' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Gritty action-packed . . . There is plenty going on to keep you captivated and twists and turns along the way. . . highly recommended' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Another fantastic read from Sam Tobin. These stories are so good, can't put the book down' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐PRAISE FOR SAM TOBIN:'A deliciously dark new voice in crime fiction. I loved it!' M.J. Arlidge'A thrilling killer read that left me wanting more. Full of character, heart and underworld brutality! You'll never look at Manchester the same way again' Kevin Erlis, co-creator of Ackley Bridge'A chilling, fast-paced journey through Manchester's brutal underworld. Once you pick this book up, you won't want to put it down' Bestselling author Roberta Kray'Grabs you by the throat. Scary, compulsive and very, very readable. I already want more' J.J. Connolly

Democracy in America

by Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-59) came to America in 1831 to see what a great republic was like. What struck him most was the country's equality of conditions, its democracy. The book he wrote on his return to France, Democracy in America, is both the best ever written on democracy and the best ever written on America. It remains the most often quoted book about the United States, not only because it has something to interest and please everyone, but also because it has something to teach everyone. When it was published in 2000, Harvey Mansfield and Delba Winthrop's new translation of Democracy in America—only the third since the original two-volume work was published in 1835 and 1840—was lauded in all quarters as the finest and most definitive edition of Tocqueville's classic thus far. Mansfield and Winthrop have restored the nuances of Tocqueville's language, with the expressed goal "to convey Tocqueville's thought as he held it rather than to restate it in comparable terms of today." The result is a translation with minimal interpretation, but with impeccable annotations of unfamiliar references and a masterful introduction placing the work and its author in the broader contexts of political philosophy and statesmanship.

Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex

by Michael Todd

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A candid, inspiring guide to finding lasting love and sustaining a healthy relationship by getting real about your goals—based on the viral, multi-million-view sermon series about dating, marriage, and sex&“No matter where you are and no matter what stage of life you are in, Relationship Goals will be a game changer.&”—Levi LuskoNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY COSMOPOLITANYou scroll through photo after photo of happy couples and think, I want a relationship like that! The thing is, those intimate relationships are a mirage—the closer you get to them, the more you realize they aren&’t real at all. So what does a real relationship look like? And how do you get there?In Relationship Goals, Pastor Michael Todd digs deep to give you good news and real-life ideas for making the most of your most important relationships. Take a look at• what it means to choose intentional dating over recreational dating• how to move on from mistakes you&’ve made in the past • why love gets stronger after marriage• what the Bible has to say about sex (hot take: it&’s more sizzling than you think)• why the best friendships have God at the centerWhether you are married, single, or it&’s complicated, aiming for the right targets will make all the difference in finding true satisfaction. As it turns out, God&’s got the best relationship goals of all for your life. Why settle for less?

The Calculus: A Genetic Approach

by Otto Toeplitz

When first published posthumously in 1963, this bookpresented a radically different approach to the teaching of calculus. In sharp contrast to the methods of his time, Otto Toeplitz did not teach calculus as a static system of techniques and facts to be memorized. Instead, he drew on his knowledge of the history of mathematics and presented calculus as an organic evolution of ideas beginning with the discoveries of Greek scholars, such as Archimedes, Pythagoras, and Euclid, and developing through the centuries in the work of Kepler, Galileo, Fermat, Newton, and Leibniz. Through this unique approach, Toeplitz summarized and elucidated the major mathematical advances that contributed to modern calculus. Reissued for the first time since 1981 and updated with a new foreword, this classic text in the field of mathematics is experiencing a resurgence of interest among students and educators of calculus today.

Improving Equity in Data Science: Re-Imagining the Teaching and Learning of Data in K-16 Classrooms

by Colby Tofel-Grehl Emmanuel Schanzer

Improving Equity in Data Science offers a comprehensive look at the ways in which data science can be conceptualized and engaged more equitably within the K-16 classroom setting, moving beyond merely broadening participation in educational opportunities. This book makes the case for field wide definitions, literacies and practices for data science teaching and learning that can be commonly discussed and used, and provides examples from research of these practices and literacies in action. Authors share stories and examples of research wherein data science advances equity and empowerment through the critical examination of social, educational, and political topics. In the first half of the book, readers will learn how data science can deliberately be embedded within K-12 spaces to empower students to use it to identify and address inequity. The latter half will focus on equity of access to data science learning opportunities in higher education, with a final synthesis of lessons learned and presentation of a 360-degree framework that links access, curriculum, and pedagogy as multiple facets collectively essential to comprehensive data science equity work.Practitioners and teacher educators will be able to answer the question, “how can data science serve to move equity efforts in computing beyond basic inclusion to empowerment?” whether the goal is to simply improve definitions and approaches to research on data science or support teachers of data science in creating more equitable and inclusive environments within their classrooms.

Meet Me in Tahiti

by Georgia Toffolo

&“I fell in love with Finn and Zoe. I didn&’t want it to end. Each book in this series has gotten better and better.&” —Sherryl Woods, New York Times bestselling authorZoe Tayler has spent her life doing battle: first fighting her parents for independence and then, after a car accident at eighteen, adjusting to the fact she would not walk again. She remained strong until the day Finn Doherty, the one person she thought she could trust, broke her heart. Now a successful travel writer, Zoe is excited to be reviewing a new luxury hotel for her blog in the beautiful South Pacific—until she meets its owner.Finn was never good enough for Zoe. He knew it. Zoe&’s family knew it. The village of Hawkes Cove made sure he knew it. And then he proved everyone right when he let her down in the worst way possible. Becoming a successful businessman has convinced Finn his past is behind him—until a journalist turns up to review his new resort.Meeting again stirs up all the old feelings, and all the painful memories that pulled them apart, too. As Finn shows Zoe the exotic wonders of the islands, both face the fact their shared past might just be the beginning of a future. But only if Zoe can win the biggest battle of her life—facing up to her heart&’s desire.Read about Zoe's friends in the rest of the Meet Me series by Georgia Toffolo: Meet Me in London Meet Me at the Wedding Meet Me in Tahiti

The Palgrave Handbook of Social Sustainability in Business Education

by Soo Min Toh Aušrinė Šilenskytė Miguel Cordova Marina A. Schmitz

This book provides a holistic conceptualization of social sustainability, going beyond the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and showcases how the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasizing social sustainability can be integrated into business studies’ curricula in different parts of the world. A unique collection of literature comprising educational principles, content, activities, and cases will guide educators, managers of business study programs, and higher education leaders in developing engaging, high-impact educational experiences that enable students to solve grand societal challenges and grow as ethical, inclusive leaders. This handbook features a wide-range of tested teaching innovations. These cover education models addressing newest trends, such as utilizing artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies in education about-and-for socially sustainable business or skill development for enabling circular economy and sustainable production and consumption patterns. The classical, impactful yet underutilized in business studies instructional techniques such as storytelling and theatre are also discussed comprehensively. The cross-disciplinary approach of the handbook speaks to scholars aiming to research and implement business education, which connects social, environmental, and economic dimensions in quality education that promotes sustainable development.

The Blackwater Lightship: A Novel

by Colm Toibin

From the author of The Master and Brooklyn, Colm Tóibín weaves together the lives of three generations of estranged women as they reunite to witness and mourn the death of a brother, a son, and a grandson.It is Ireland in the early 1990s. Helen, her mother, Lily, and her grandmother, Dora, have come together to tend to Helen's brother, Declan, who is dying of AIDS. With Declan's two friends, the six of them are forced to plumb the shoals of their own histories and to come to terms with each other.​ Shortlisted for the Booker Prize, The Blackwater Lightship is a deeply resonant story about three generations of an estranged family reuniting to mourn an untimely death. In spare, luminous prose, Colm Tóibín explores the nature of love and the complex emotions inside a family at war with itself. Hailed as "a genuine work of art" (Chicago Tribune), this is a novel about the capacity of stories to heal the deepest wounds.

Long Island: A Novel

by Colm Toibin

OPRAH&’S BOOK CLUB PICK * Named a Most Anticipated Book by The Globe and Mail, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, Good Housekeeping, and more.From the beloved, critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling author comes a spectacularly moving and intense novel of secrecy, misunderstanding, and love, the story of Eilis Lacey, the complex and enigmatic heroine of Brooklyn, Tóibín&’s most popular work twenty years later.Eilis Lacey is Irish, married to Tony Fiorello, a plumber and one of four Italian American brothers, all of whom live in neighboring houses on a cul-de-sac in Lindenhurst, Long Island, with their wives and children and Tony&’s parents, a huge extended family that lives and works, eats and plays together. It is the spring of 1976 and Eilis, now in her forties with two teenage children, has no one to rely on in this still-new country. Though her ties to Ireland remain stronger than those that hold her to her new land and home, she has not returned in decades. One day, when Tony is at his job and Eilis is in her home office doing her accounting, an Irishman comes to the door asking for her by name. He tells her that his wife is pregnant with Tony&’s child and that when the baby is born, he will not raise it but instead deposit it on Eilis&’s doorstep. It is what Eilis does—and what she refuses to do—in response to this stunning news that makes Tóibín&’s novel so riveting.Long Island is about longings unfulfilled, even unrecognized. The silences in Eilis&’ life are thunderous and dangerous, and there&’s no one more deft than Tóibín at giving them language. This is a gorgeous story of a woman alone in a marriage and the deepest bonds she rekindles on her return to the place and people she left behind, to ways of living and loving she thought she&’d lost.

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