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Amour... et liberté (Amour… #4)

by Andrew Grey

Amour…, numéro hors sérieRenié par son père et chassé de chez lui, Stone Hillyard erre en plein hiver dans le Michigan quand il a la chance de trouver refuge dans la ferme équestre que dirigent Geoff Laughton et son partenaire Eli. Les deux hommes l’accueillent, lui offrent un toit et un emploi : s’occuper des chevaux et les aider dans leur programme d’équithérapie « Cheval… sans limite’.Preston Harding est devenu infirme depuis un tragique accident de voiture provoqué par un ivrogne. Il a tout perdu : son amant, son indépendance, son avenir. Toujours en fauteuil roulant après des mois de rééducation acharnée, il devient désespéré. Son thérapeute lui recommande alors le programme de Geoff et Eli. Dès sa première leçon, Preston se montre si odieux et arrogant qu’il manque être expulsé. C’est Stone qui intervient en sa faveur, malgré les insultes reçues. Ce geste inattendu oblige Preston à faire un retour sur lui-même.Stone et Preston se soutiendront mutuellement dans leur affrontement avec leurs familles respectives, malgré la désapprobation et les vieux secrets douloureux. Ils apprendront, parfois à leurs dépens, que l’amour peut représenter la liberté.

Amour… et courage (Amour… #2)

by Andrew Grey

Amour…, numéro hors sérieAu début des années 80, Len Parker perd son emploi pendant la récession et décide de reprendre ses études dans sa ville natale du Michigan, où il renoue des liens avec Ruby, sa meilleure amie durant ses années de lycée. Len est fou de joie en apprenant que Ruby convole en justes noces avec Cliff Laughton mais sera bientôt profondément bouleversé lorsqu’elle décèdera prématurément, laissant derrière elle son mari et son fils de deux ans.Après s’être retrouvé une nouvelle fois sans emploi, Len est embauché dans la ferme cruellement négligée des Laughton. Cliff pleure toujours sa femme et a toutes les peines du monde à élever son fils et n’a que très peu d’enthousiasme et d’énergie à consacrer au travail de la terre. Len remettra rapidement la ferme sur pied, Cliff et son fils avec. En travaillant main dans la main, Len et Cliff se rapprocheront. Mais aimer un autre homme demande énormément de courage. Ensemble, ils devront remettre sur pied une ferme en déliquescence et faire face à une sécheresse menaçante, à des parents indiscrets et aux préjugés des fermiers de cette petite ville du centre des Etats-Unis, pour protéger ce qui pourrait bien être un amour éternel.

Le rancher solitaire (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #4)

by Andrew Grey

Il est prêt à tout dévoiler pour sauver le ranch.Aubrey Klein a de gros ennuis : il a besoin d’argent au plus vite pour sauver le ranch familial. La solution ? Travailler comme strip-teaseur le week-end dans un club de Dallas. Chaque samedi soir, le temps de deux spectacles, il est le Rancher Solitaire. Il est la star.Un jour, il fait une découverte inattendue : à l’issue d’un spectacle, Garrett Lamston, un vieil ami d’enfance, l’aborde alors qu’il est toujours masqué, pour lui proposer de s’amuser… Aubrey n’avait jamais soupçonné que ce garçon était gay. Confrontés à des mères envahissantes qui veulent à tout prix leur trouver des épouses, les deux amis se rapprochent et deviennent de plus en plus intimes.Aubrey sait bien qu’entre le ranch et le club, sa vie n’est qu’un château de cartes. Il espère seulement tenir le coup suffisamment longtemps pour mettre l’exploitation familiale hors de danger, bâtir la vie à laquelle il aspire et trouver l’amour.

Feu et glace (Les flics de Carlisle #2)

by Andrew Grey

Les flics de Carlisle, tome 2Carter Schunk est un agent de police dévoué avec un passé difficile et un grand cœur. Lorsqu’il est appelé pour une dispute conjugale, il trouve une femme mortellement blessée et un enfant, Alex, qui a désespérément besoin de soin. Les services sociaux sont appelés, et le dernier homme sur terre que Carter voulait voir passe la porte. Carter avait eu une aventure avec Donald un an auparavant et l’avait découvert aussi froid que la glace depuis que c’était fini.Donald (le Glaçon) Ickle a eu une vie difficile qu’il ne partage avec personne, et il a fermé son cœur à tout le monde. C’est en partie pour se préserver lui-même d’être blessé et en partie la manière dont il gère son travail auquel il excelle, parce qu’il fait ce qui doit être fait sans être émotionnellement impliqué. Lorsqu’il rencontre à nouveau Carter, il maintient son habituelle distance, mais Carter arrive à se frayer un chemin sous sa peau, et contre son meilleur jugement, Donald laisse Carter le convaincre de prendre Alex quand il n’y a pas d’autre foyer d’accueil disponible. Carter propose même son aide pour s’occuper de l’enfant.Donald a un passé dont il ne veut parler avec personne, surtout pas avec Carter qui a également le sien et qu’il garde aussi pour lui. Mais c’est le secret d’Alex qui pourrait les attirer ensemble ou les séparer, des secrets que le garçon n’est pas capable de leur dire et qui pourtant pourraient être la clé de leur bonheur à tous.

A Troubled Range (Stories from the Range #2)

by Andrew Grey

Stories from the Range: Book TwoThe neighboring Holden and Jessup ranches are anything but neighborly—Jefferson Holden and Kent Jessup loathe each other. But despite his father’s long-held grudge, Haven Jessup just can’t bring himself to hate, especially after Dakota Holden takes him in during a violent storm and Haven meets Dakota’s friend, Phillip Reardon.Phillip accepts Haven for who he is, seeing through the mask Haven uses to hide his attraction to men, but their tentative and secret relationship will be under a huge amount of stress. Sabotaged fences, injured animals, unsavory plans, and Jessup family secrets will threaten Haven’s newfound happiness and his hopes of a future with Phillip.

Late Bloomer

by Bru Baker

If not for his family and his Christmas tree farm, David Rochester would be a recluse. And Erik Shriver wouldn’t know a quiet moment if it smacked him in the face. But now David’s farm has brought them together. When Erik’s flurry of bad jokes and frenetic energy sets David off kilter, his family notices and begins conspiring. They push David and a very willing Erik together again and again until David stops denying his attraction. But an almost-hermit and a soon-to-be-former club boy each bring baggage into a relationship. They’ll have to take things slowly to find the middle ground between David's taciturn silence and Eric's boundless chatter.

An Isolated Range (Stories from the Range #5)

by Andrew Grey

Stories from the Range: Book FiveMarty Green has two loves in life: horses and basketball. But suffering a stroke during his first college game throws a wrench in his plans. After months spent in the hospital, recuperating under the zealous care of his overprotective parents, Marty realizes he needs to be on his own, so when he’s offered a job at a ranch owned by his doctor's good friend, he takes it.When veterinary assistant Quinn Knepper sees Marty for the first time, his heart nearly stops. He's smitten, and Marty appears interested though shy. There are just two problems: Quinn's father wants him to hide his sexuality from the world, and Marty’s Wyoming Senator father is a homophobe with no idea his son is gay—which Quinn learns when the senator proposes an amendment banning gay marriage.Dealing with two unsupportive families is a heavy burden, but Quinn vows to make it work. Unfortunately, that may mean putting his life on hold while Marty overcomes his emotional isolation—unless, of course, Marty sacrifices his happiness to his father’s political ambition and ends the relationship before it gets started.Nominee: Best Book of 2012 and Best Western/Cowboys Book

Short-Stories Masterpieces, Vol. 1 French Authors: French (classic Reprint) (CLASSICS TO GO)

by J. Berg Esenwein

J. Berg Esenwein's Short-Stories Masterpieces, Vol. 1 (French) is a timeless collection that delves into the human condition through the lens of French literature. This anthology features works from celebrated French authors, presenting a rich tapestry of themes such as love, morality, existentialism, and social justice. These stories, while rooted in their historical context, offer profound insights that resonate with today's societal issues.One of the central themes of the anthology is the exploration of existential questions and the human experience. Characters grapple with identity, purpose, and the meaning of life, reflecting contemporary concerns about mental health and personal fulfillment. In today's fast-paced world, where individuals often seek deeper meaning beyond material success, these stories provide a reflective mirror.Another significant theme is social justice and the critique of societal structures. Many stories in the collection address issues of inequality, corruption, and the struggle for justice. These narratives echo current global movements advocating for social change, such as Black Lives Matter and climate justice activism. They emphasize the timeless fight against oppression and the pursuit of a more equitable society.Love, in its various forms, is also a recurring theme. The collection examines romantic love, familial bonds, and friendships, portraying the complexities and beauty of human relationships. In an era where digital communication often overshadows genuine human connection, these stories remind us of the importance of empathy, understanding, and emotional intimacy.The anthology's relevance extends to its stylistic and narrative innovations, which continue to influence modern storytelling. The use of stream-of-consciousness, unreliable narrators, and fragmented narratives in these stories can be seen in contemporary literature and media, underscoring the enduring legacy of French literary techniques.In summary, Short-Stories Masterpieces, Vol. 1 (French) by J. Berg Esenwein offers modern readers a profound exploration of themes that are as pertinent today as they were when the stories were first penned. By addressing existentialism, social justice, and the multifaceted nature of love, this collection not only entertains but also provokes thought and reflection, making it an invaluable addition to contemporary literary discourse.

Amour... sans limite (Amour… #3)

by Andrew Grey

Amour…, numéro hors sérieJoey Sutherland a trouvé un foyer chez Geoff Laughton et Eli, son partenaire. Il vit et travaille désormais à la ferme, devenue son refuge après un grave accident de moto. Le visage marqué de cicatrices, Joey a du mal à accepter le regard des autres. Quand la tante de Geoff, Mari, leur demande un service : héberger un jeune musicien de l’Orchestre National des Jeunes, Joey se charge à contrecœur d’aller récupérer le jeune homme. Il imagine déjà le dégoût qu’inspirera son visage couturé.Tout au contraire, Robert Edward Jameson se montre ouvert et amical. Une fois à la ferme, il est prêt à toutes les expériences. De plus, il est aveugle, ce qui, bien entendu, aide beaucoup Joey à se détendre en sa présence.Très vite, Joey et Robbie deviennent inséparables et ils tombent également amoureux l’un de l’autre. Malheureusement, l’été touche à sa fin et Robbie doit retourner chez lui, dans le Mississippi, où sa famille possède une plantation et du personnel chargé de veiller sur le jeune aveugle. Joey espère obtenir de Robbie qu’il échappe à son confortable cocon pour vivre avec lui, mais acceptera-t-il de repousser ses limites par amour ?

Amour… sans honte (Amour… #1)

by Andrew Grey

Amour…, numéro hors sérieGeoff vit en ville, profitant pleinement la vie libre d'un jeune homme gay, lorsque la mort de son père le convainc de retourner dans la ferme familiale. Découvrant un jeune amish endormi dans sa grange, Geoff apprend qu'Eli passe une année loin de sa communauté avant de demander le 'Baptême' et vivre selon les traditions de son église. En dépit de leur attraction mutuelle, Geoff est déterminé à ne pas s'impliquer avec lui, mais Eli découvre que Geoff partage ses sentiments et il commence à le courtiser, capturant tout d'abord son attention, puis son cœur.Leur relation naissante est menacée par des parents médisants et étroits d'esprit, ainsi que par la société en général. Un nouveau monde s'ouvre à Eli et il doit décider s'il doit retourner dans sa communauté, sa famille, le monde et futur qu'il connaît, ou rester avec Geoff et avoir foi en la puissance de l'amour

A Chaotic Range (Stories from the Range #7)

by Andrew Grey

Stories from the Range: Book Seven Most of the time ranchhand David rescues stray cattle, but this time he and his fellow cowboys Wally and Haven save a stranded motorist. David is surprised to find his former high school classmate nearly frozen in his car. After learning that Brian Applewright's boss fired him from his ranch for being gay, they invite him back to theirs to take a job.David and Brian moved in different social circles at school, but working together brings them closer. However, David has a rocky history on the ranch. The foreman is his ex, and he only recently returned after a heartbreakingly unsuccessful attempt to find greener pastures. He can't risk his heart getting close to anyone.But on a ranch, nature has a way of forcing an issue. When a snowstorm threatens, David and Brian head out to mend a fence and round up some stray cattle. David gets injured, and they must survive in the snow, cold, and wind. It might be the start of a relationship... or the end of their lives.

Physik: Eine Einführung für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler

by Ulrich Harten

Die Grundlagen der Physik - kurzweilig, anschaulich und präzise.Über 400 Abbildungen und zahlreiche Beispiele aus dem Alltag fördern das Verständnis für physikalische Zusammenhänge. Die im Dialog mit Studenten erarbeitete Didaktik wird durch das ansprechende zweifarbige Layout unterstützt und erleichtert das Lernen. Über 300 Verständnisfragen und Übungsaufgaben mit Antworten im Anhang regen zu selbständiger Beschäftigung mit der Thematik an. Das Werk ist nicht nur für die Prüfungsvorbereitung hervorragend geeignet. Aufgrund des ausführlichen Sachverzeichnisses ist es auch als Nachschlagewerk zu empfehlen.Auf seiner Internetseite bietet der Autor interessante Links, Animationen und ergänzend zu den einzelnen Buchkapiteln Verständnisfragen mit kommentierten Lösungen zum Download an.In der 9. Auflage wurde das Buch aktualisiert und überarbeitet. Zudem wurden zahlreiche Videos in das Buch eingebracht.„Ein trockenes Fach" das Urteil der meisten Studenten über die Physik. Mit umso mehr Vergnügen werden Sie dieses Lehrbuch zur Hand nehmen.

Economic Growth and Development: A Dynamic Dual Economy Approach (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Alex Mourmouras Peter Rangazas Sibabrata Das

Revised and updated for the third edition, this text is an introduction to the newer features of growth theory that are particularly useful in examining the issues of economic development. Growth theory provides a rich and versatile analytical framework through which fundamental questions about economic development can be examined. Structural transformation, in which developing countries transition from traditional production in largely rural areas to modern production in largely urban areas, is an important causal force in creating early economic growth, and as such, is made central in this approach. Towards this end, the authors augment the Solow model to include endogenous theories of saving, fertility, human capital, institutional arrangements, and policy formation, creating a single two-sector model of structural transformation. Based on applied research and practical experiences in macroeconomic development, the model in this book presents a more rigorous, quantifiable, andexplicitly dynamic dual economy approach to development. Common microeconomic foundations and notation are used throughout, with each chapter building on the previous material in a continuous flow. The updated third edition includes two completely new chapters on government debt and growth slowdowns, topics that will be useful for undergraduate and graduate students studying development economics and macroeconomics.

Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems and Real-Time Implementation (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Talbi Mourad

This book discusses photovoltaics and details the modelling of photovoltaics systems. The author demonstrates this modelling using Matlab/Simulink and also Proteus (ISIS). The author first shows the employment of Matlab/Simulink for modelling of a photovoltaic (PV) module. He then presents a Matlab/Simulink and experimental studies of shading effect on a photovoltaic array. He goes on to show modelling of novel architecture of PV generator based on a-Si: H/c-Si materials and using solar tracker for partial shading. Finally, he details the real-time of a PV system using an Arduino Uno Card.

Towards a Hybrid, Flexible and Socially Engaged Higher Education: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2023), Volume 4 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #911)

by Michael E. Auer Uriel R. Cukierman Eduardo Vendrell Vidal Edmundo Tovar Caro

We are currently witnessing a significant transformation in the development of education on all levels and especially in post-secondary education. To face these challenges, higher education must find innovative and effective ways to respond in a proper way. The pandemic period left us with profound changes in the way we teach and learn, including the massive use of new means of communication, such as videoconferencing and other technological tools. Moreover, the current explosion of artificial intelligence tools, mainly used by students, is challenging teaching practices maintained for centuries. Scientifically based statements as well as excellent best practice examples are absolutely necessary.The 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2023), which will take place in Madrid, Spain, between 26th and 30th September 2023, will be the perfect place where to present and discuss current trends in Higher Education.Since its beginning in 1998 this conference is devoted to new approaches in learning with a focus on collaborative learning in Higher Education. Nowadays the ICL conferences are a forum of the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences in Learning and Engineering Pedagogy. In this way we try to bridge the gap between ‘pure’ scientific research and the everyday work of educators.

Character Merchandising: Protection Under IP Laws

by Vandana Mahalwar

This book addresses the key issues, challenges and implications arising out of unauthorised acts of character merchandising. It offers deep insights into the philosophical justifications for the protection of persona. The book examines what qualifies as a character and its legal rights, namely property rights, personality rights and publicity rights. In the absence of any explicit statutory protection of characters, this work provides new insights into how intellectual property laws can be used to prevent unauthorized character merchandising. It critically evaluates various tests introduced by courts to determine the copyrightability of characters. It also analyses the dicta of the different courts justifying the effective protection of the rights of publicity. Since there is no uniform standard for the recognition and protection of image rights, this book presents a global perspective and developments on the subject with the help of judicial decisions. Drawing on the diverse judicial treatments, it explores whether an exclusive legal approach is required to address the concerns that emerge from unauthorised character merchandising. The book is of immense interest for researchers, academicians, policy makers and practitioners who work in this area. For researchers and academicians, the book offers new insights on how IP laws can be used to prevent unauthorized exploitation of persona. For practitioners, it provides an effective and more consistent approach to the interpretation of international intellectual property instruments. For policymakers, the objectives of protecting the legal rights of characters, is of specific interest. The book will further be of interest to governmental organizations and NGOs who want to advance their lawful merchandising agendas.

Principles and Practice of Emergency Research Response

by Nicole Lurie Peter G. Smith Elizabeth S. Higgs Mosoka P. Fallah Laura A. McNay

Unlocking the Future of Infectious Disease Research ResponseIn a world where emerging infectious diseases constantly threaten humanity, advances in science and technology promise defense against future pathogens before they cause pandemics. The field of emergency research response and preparedness remains in its infancy, however. Not until the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak was accelerated research broadly recognized as a crucial component of emergency response. Many outbreaks and one global pandemic later, it is clear the world must be prepared to launch accelerated research responses to prevent or mitigate infectious disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics. Yet this nascent field is rife with critical scientific, ethical, and policy questions. How can local, national, and global systems collaborate across disciplines and political boundaries to protect health security? How can we conduct rigorous research in fragile or failed nation-states? What is needed for equitable distribution of vaccines and therapeutic medicines in short supply? How can we accelerate trials of vaccines and therapeutics during an emergency without compromising scientific rigor or ethical standards? How do we integrate communities and stakeholders into research preparedness and response? The editors bring decades of experience to their collaboration with renowned research scientists and health policy experts. Together they have crafted a compendium that proposes normative standards and offers practical guidance for preparedness and rapid research response. This pioneering, open access textbook presents principles and practices forged from experience in health emergencies – insights that illuminate a path forward for research response and preparedness. The goal is to stop outbreaks from becoming avoidable pandemics, and to mitigate illness, death, and social disruption if they cannot be stopped. Principles and Practice of Emergency Research Response merges historical understanding with insights into possible futures. It will serve as an indispensable compass for curtailing infectious disease threats through research, global health policy changes, and research capacity improvements where they are most needed. The editors hope that this book will be an ongoing reference for governments, health organizations, development agencies, researchers, policy experts, ethicists, and social scientists. To facilitate focused and enhanced learning, it incorporates pedagogical tools such as abstracts, learning objectives, discussion questions, real-life examples, and learning tracks. Robust global health security requires effective preparation for and response to emerging and re-emerging pathogens. This volume should help guide us towards a more resilient future.

Erik Satie: Der skeptische Klassiker

by Oliver Vogel

Erik Satie (1866-1925) gilt allgemein als eine Ikone der Moderne. Nach mehreren Jahrzehnten erscheint nun erstmals wieder eine deutschsprachige Gesamtdarstellung seines Lebens und Schaffens. Der auf dem Montmartre sozialisierte Musikpionier war ein Fragender. In skeptischer Absicht schärfte er seinen Humor, um auch seine Zeitgenossen nach sokratischer Manier zu prüfen. Unbefangen stellte er sich nach Art eines Amateurs immer wieder neuen Voraussetzungen. Von den autoritären Zügen der musikalischen Tradition dagegen nahm er Abstand, ohne doch den Anspruch aufzugeben, gelegentlich – in Resonanz mit den anderen Künsten – klassische Modelle vorzulegen. Vom Symbolismus bis zum Dadaismus wirkte er inmitten der Besten, weswegen diese neue Biographie zugleich auch in die Mitte des Pariser Künstlerkosmos eintaucht. Aus dem reichen Journalismus des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts fördert Oliver Vogel eine Vielzahl unbekannter Anekdoten zutage und verdichtet die Stimmen derer, die dabei waren, zu einem lebendigen Konzert.

Notfallkommando - Kommunikation im Notfall (Top im Gesundheitsjob)

by Uwe Hecker Julia Weißgerber

Im Notfall klar und gut kommunizieren! Dieses Buch richtet sich an Pflegende, Ärzte, Rettungssanitäter und weitere Gesundheitsfachberufe, die in Notfallsituationen miteinander arbeiten und als Team schnelle und lebenswichtige Informationen austauschen müssen.

Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling in the Digital Era: ICDM3DE-2023, Gandhigram, India, March 23–25 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #458)

by P. Balasubramaniam P. Raveendran G. Mahadevan K. Ratnavelu

This book features carefully selected research papers presented during the 9th International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling in the Digital Era (ICDMMMDE-2023). The conference, organised at the Department of Mathematics, The Gandhigram Rural Institute in Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, India, took place from 23–25 March 2023. Serving as a dynamic platform, the event attracted emerging researchers, mathematicians, industrialists, scientists, and engineers from across the globe, fostering discussions on pertinent research topics. This volume showcases noteworthy contributions from esteemed researchers within the realm of discrete mathematics and mathematical modeling, meticulously subjected to a rigorous peer-review process for publication. The included papers delve into diverse subjects, including controllability, image processing, topology, graph theory, fuzzy delay differential equations, analysis, queuing theory, and applications in networks and biology. Theculmination of these contributions forms a comprehensive and authoritative resource for scholars and professionals alike.

Religionsanalyse und Theorieentwicklung: Beiträge zur 25. Jahrestagung der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Heidemarie Winkel Kornelia Sammet Alexander Yendell Annette Schnabel

Religion ist ein gesellschaftliches Feld, das starken Dynamiken unterworfen ist: Religion und Religiosität reagieren sensibel auf sozialen Wandel, treiben ihn mit ihren Eigendynamiken voran oder blockieren ihn. Der vorliegende Band entstand im Anschluss an eine Tagung anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Die Beiträge spiegeln die lebendige soziologische Forschung zu der engen Koppelung von Religion(en) und Gesellschaft und haben eine explizit feld-historische Perspektive: Sie thematisieren sowohl Veränderungen dieser Verzahnungen als auch die theoretischen und empirischen Erforschungsperspektiven und bilden die damit verbundenen aktuellen Diskurse innerhalb der deutschen Religionssoziologie ab.

Building Engineering Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century: Holistic Study from the Perspectives of Materials, Construction, Energy and Sustainability (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #345)

by David Bienvenido-Huertas Joaquín Durán-Álvarez

Building engineering is a complex and constantly evolving branch. The needs of the XXI century society cause a constant change in construction industry due to the need to achieve sustainable and ecological buildings. This affects all levels and phases of this engineering. Given this circumstance, numerous researchers turn their efforts to find optimal solutions for building engineering. For this reason, in this book a holistic analysis of building engineering is carried out from the perspectives that have a greater weight for sustainability objectives. The book is divided into 6 sections: (i) Building materials, which deals with research related to the most innovative and sustainable building materials; (ii) Design and construction, which deals with existing methodologies and advances in design and construction in construction sector; (iii) Building repair and maintenance, which deals with building repair, maintenance and upkeep techniques; (iv) Energy efficiency, which analyses the latest research on the energy efficiency of buildings and their behaviour in the face of climate change; (v) Sustainability, which analyses the establishment of measures to achieve a more sustainable built environment; and (vi) construction management, which compiles the latest studies in the field of Project manager. The 38 chapters of the book together constitute an advance for the topic of building engineering. The aspects covered in the book are of great interest to various sectors, such as researchers, engineers, architects, legislators and interested parties.

Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung großer Unternehmen: Eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Konzepts der New Corporate Governance (BestMasters)

by Julia Reimer

Die ökologische und soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen ist schon seit Jahrzehnten Thema der Weltpolitik. Die EU stärkte 2023 mit dem Inkrafttreten der Corporate Social Reporting Directive die Bedeutung der nicht-finanziellen Berichterstattung. Auch am Kapitalmarkt steigt das Interesse an nachhaltigen Unternehmen. Die ökonomische, ökologische und die soziale Dimension der unternehmerischen Nachhaltigkeit können jedoch nicht immer in Einklang gebracht werden. Die unternehmerische Realität ist durch Zielkonflikte zwischen den drei Dimensionen geprägt. Die Forschung konnte bisher kaum praktikable Lösungsansätze zum Umgang mit Zielkonflikten in der Praxis entwickeln. Das Konzept der New Corporate Governance könnte eine neue Perspektive bieten. Indem die Zielfunktion der Unternehmen um die sozialen Präferenzen der Shareholder und die externen Auswirkungen der Geschäftstätigkeit erweitert wird, entsteht ein neues Optimierungskalkül für Unternehmensleitung und Aktionäre. Um dabei fundierte Entscheidungen treffen zu können, müssen jedoch Informationen publiziert werden. Die Untersuchung ergründet, inwieweit die aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattungspraxis in Deutschland kompatibel mit den Informationsanforderungen ist, die im Rahmen der New Corporate Governance entstehen.

AI Methods and Applications in 3D Technologies: Proceedings of 3DWCAI 2023 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #388)

by Srikanta Patnaik Roumen Kountchev Wenfeng Wang Roumiana Kountcheva

This book features a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers presented at Second 'World Conference on Intelligent and 3D Technologies' (WCI3DT 2023), held in China during 26–28 May 2023. The book provides an opportunity to researchers and academia as well as practitioners from industry to publish their ideas and recent research development work on all aspects of 3D imaging technologies and artificial intelligence, their applications, and other related areas. The book presents ideas and the works of scientists, engineers, educators, and students from all over the world from institutions and industries.

Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes and Photon Counting Systems: From Phototransduction to Circuit Architecture

by Marc Dandin Nicole McFarlane Md Sakibur Sajal Fahimeh Dehghandehnavi Babak Nouri

This book covers the latest trends in the design of single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), which are the front-end sensors in modern photon counting systems. The authors describe the fundamental physics that enable photon counting in these devices. They also discuss systems that are made from these detectors, specifically describing circuit architectures that may be used to achieve high-fidelity photon counting. Coverage features example devices and systems designed in the authors’ research groups as well as different approaches undertaken by other experts in the field. The authors take a unique, modular approach that covers every aspect of the design stack, with stand-alone chapters, allowing readers to focus on specific aspects of the technology stack. Coverage includes the device-physics aspects of the detectors, their integration in modern electronics fabrication technologies like CMOS, and application-specific systems that utilize these detectors.

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