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The Spirit's Pilgrimage

by Madeleine Slade

“The Spirit's Pilgrimage by Madeleine Slade is a spiritual memoir that chronicles the author's journey from a privileged life in England to a life of service in India. Slade, who was known as Mirabehn, was a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi and played a significant role in India's struggle for independence. The book begins with Slade's childhood in England and her early years as a socialite. However, after reading Gandhi's autobiography, she felt a deep calling to serve the Indian people and left her comfortable life to join him in India. The Spirit's Pilgrimage details Slade's experiences living with Gandhi and his followers, as well as her involvement in the Indian independence movement. She writes about the challenges she faced as a foreigner in India and the sacrifices she made to serve the cause she believed in. Throughout the book, Slade reflects on her spiritual journey and the lessons she learned from Gandhi. She writes about her struggles with ego and attachment, and how she found peace and purpose through her service to others. Overall, The Spirit's Pilgrimage is a moving and inspiring memoir that offers a unique perspective on India's struggle for independence and the power of spiritual transformation.”-Print ed.

Light and Truth Collected From the Bible and Ancient and Modern History: Collected From The Bible And Ancient And Modern History: Containing The Universal History Of The Colored And The Indian Race, From The Creation Of The World To The Present Time

by Robert Benjamin Lewis

"Light and Truth Collected From the Bible and Ancient and Modern History" by Robert Benjamin Lewis is a profound exploration of the intersection between biblical teachings and historical narratives. Published in the 19th century, this work delves into the rich tapestry of human history, drawing connections between the spiritual wisdom of the Bible and the recorded events of ancient and modern civilizations.Lewis meticulously compiles insights from various historical sources, presenting a comprehensive view of humanity's journey through time. He examines the moral and ethical lessons embedded in biblical stories and correlates them with significant occurrences and figures from history. This book is a treasure trove of knowledge for those interested in understanding how religious texts and historical events interplay to shape our world.Through his detailed research and thoughtful analysis, Lewis aims to illuminate the timeless truths and enduring wisdom that transcend cultures and epochs. "Light and Truth" serves as both a historical reference and a spiritual guide, offering readers a deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of faith and history.

Hudson Taylor's Story of his Early Life and The Forming of the China Inland Mission

by J. Hudson Taylor

"Hudson Taylor's Story of His Early Life and the Forming of the China Inland Mission" is an inspiring and deeply moving account of the early years of one of the most influential missionaries in history. This book chronicles the formative experiences and profound spiritual journey of James Hudson Taylor, a pioneering figure whose faith and determination led to the establishment of the China Inland Mission (CIM).The narrative begins with Taylor's humble beginnings in England, exploring the events and influences that shaped his character and ignited his passion for missionary work. From his early struggles and profound religious experiences to his unwavering commitment to evangelism, Taylor's story is one of resilience, faith, and visionary leadership.Taylor's journey to China is recounted with vivid detail, capturing the challenges he faced, including cultural barriers, language difficulties, and personal hardships. Despite these obstacles, his steadfast belief in his mission and his innovative approach to cross-cultural ministry set the stage for his enduring legacy.The book details the founding principles of CIM, emphasizing its commitment to reaching the inland provinces of China with the Christian message. Taylor's innovative methods, including the recruitment and training of missionaries, his focus on self-reliance, and his unwavering faith in divine provision, are explored in depth."Hudson Taylor's Story of His Early Life and the Forming of the China Inland Mission" is more than a biography; it is a powerful testament to the impact of faith-driven determination and cross-cultural engagement. It provides valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs of missionary work in 19th-century China and offers timeless lessons in perseverance, cultural sensitivity, and the transformative power of faith.

Memoirs Of The Rebellion On The Border, 1863

by Wiley Britton

“Wiley Britton wrote memoirs covering the Civil War much like better known and more esteemed soldiers of that war. But what makes Britton’s account stand out is where he fought: the Trans-Mississippi Theater. In Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border, 1863, Britton takes readers west with as a member of the 6th Kansas cavalry. In addition to discussing the movements of the main armies, Britton describes the guerrilla warfare, Native American affairs, and the tension between civilian populations in border states like Missouri and Kansas, which had contributed so greatly to the sectionalism of the 1850s via the debate over whether they should be free states or slave states. He is also objective about his service, noting acts of kindness and destruction perpetrated by Union forces in the region. Britton covers serious events, but he does so with anecdotes and a sprinkling of humor, including lively depictions of what life was like in camp.”-Print ed.

The Incarnation of the Son of God

by Charles Gore

"The Incarnation of the Son of God" by Charles Gore is a profound and scholarly exploration of one of the central doctrines of Christianity: the incarnation. Charles Gore, a renowned Anglican theologian and bishop, presents a comprehensive and deeply insightful study of the theological, historical, and spiritual significance of the belief that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man.In this seminal work, Gore meticulously examines the scriptural foundations of the incarnation, tracing its development through the Old and New Testaments. He offers a thorough analysis of key biblical texts and their interpretations, providing readers with a solid theological grounding. Gore also engages with the early church fathers and ecumenical councils, highlighting how the doctrine of the incarnation was articulated and defended against various heresies.Gore's writing is characterized by its clarity and depth, making complex theological concepts accessible to both scholars and lay readers. He delves into the mystery of the incarnation, exploring its implications for understanding the nature of God, the person of Christ, and the salvation of humanity. Gore addresses questions about the union of divine and human natures in Christ, the role of the Virgin Birth, and the significance of the incarnation for Christian faith and practice.Gore explores how the incarnation informs Christian ethics, worship, and spirituality, urging readers to live out the implications of this profound truth in their daily lives."The Incarnation of the Son of God" is a landmark work that remains relevant and influential in contemporary theological discussions. It is an essential resource for theologians, pastors, students of theology, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. Charles Gore's erudition and pastoral sensitivity make this book a timeless classic, offering readers a rich and inspiring reflection on the mystery and majesty of the incarnation.

Ephesus, and the Temple of Diana

by Edward Falkener

"Ephesus, and the Temple of Diana" is a captivating exploration of one of the ancient world's most magnificent cities and its renowned temple. Written by Edward Falkener, this detailed historical and archaeological study delves into the grandeur and significance of Ephesus, a prominent city of antiquity located in what is now modern-day Turkey. The book provides an in-depth examination of the Temple of Diana (Artemis), one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.Falkener meticulously documents the history, architecture, and cultural importance of the Temple of Diana, presenting a comprehensive narrative that brings the ancient city to life. The author combines historical texts, archaeological findings, and his own insightful analysis to offer readers a vivid picture of Ephesus and its monumental temple. Rich with illustrations, diagrams, and detailed descriptions, this book serves as an invaluable resource for historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts of ancient history.Through Falkener's scholarly yet accessible writing, readers will gain a profound understanding of the religious, social, and architectural achievements of Ephesus and its iconic temple. This book is an essential addition to the library of anyone interested in the wonders of the ancient world and the legacy of classical civilizations.

Black Soil

by Professor Josephine Donovan

“Black Soil is a novel written by Josephine Donovan, which tells the story of a young woman named Ella Mae Turner, who is forced to confront the harsh realities of racism and discrimination in the American South during the 1930s. Ella Mae is a strong-willed and determined character, who is determined to make a better life for herself and her family, despite the many obstacles that stand in her way. The novel is set in the fictional town of Cottondale, Georgia, where Ella Mae and her family live and work on a small farm. The Turners are a hardworking and close-knit family, but they are also poor and struggling to make ends meet. Ella Mae dreams of a better life, and she is determined to make it happen, even if it means leaving her family behind. As the story unfolds, Ella Mae faces many challenges and obstacles, including racism, poverty, and violence. She is forced to confront the harsh realities of life in the South, where black people are treated as second-class citizens and are often subjected to violence and discrimination. Despite these challenges, Ella Mae remains determined to succeed, and she eventually leaves Cottondale to pursue her dreams. Along the way, she meets many other characters who are also struggling to survive in a world that is often cruel and unfair. Black Soil is a powerful and moving novel that explores the themes of race, class, and identity in the American South. It is a story of resilience, courage, and hope, and it offers a powerful commentary on the enduring legacy of racism and discrimination in America.”-Print ed.

The Southern Plantation: A Study in the Development and the Accuracy of a Tradition

by Francis Pendleton Gaines

"The Southern Plantation: A Study in the Development and the Accuracy of a Tradition" by Francis Pendleton Gaines is a scholarly exploration of the southern plantation system, examining its evolution, cultural significance, and the myths that have shaped its historical legacy. Originally published in 1924, this book provides a nuanced analysis of one of the most iconic and controversial institutions in American history.Francis Pendleton Gaines, a distinguished historian and academic, delves deeply into the origins and development of the plantation system in the Southern United States. Gaines' study is characterized by a critical examination of the romanticized image of the plantation that has permeated American culture. He scrutinizes the accuracy of popular traditions and narratives, contrasting them with historical records and evidence. Through this approach, Gaines seeks to separate fact from fiction, offering a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of plantation life.The book covers various aspects of plantation society, including the daily lives of planters, the roles and experiences of enslaved people, and the complex relationships that defined the plantation community. Gaines provides insights into the economic operations of plantations, including agricultural practices, labor management, and market dynamics. He also addresses the cultural and social dimensions, such as family structures, social hierarchies, and the influence of plantation life on Southern identity."The Southern Plantation: A Study in the Development and the Accuracy of a Tradition" is an essential resource for historians, students, and anyone interested in the history of the American South. Through this book, readers gain valuable insights into the realities of plantation life and the enduring myths that continue to influence our understanding of the past.

The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us

by A. J. Gordon

"A. J. Gordon's The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us" is an illuminating and deeply spiritual examination of the dual aspects of Christ's redemptive work in the life of a believer. A. J. Gordon, a highly respected 19th-century pastor and theologian, masterfully articulates the profound theological truths of Christ's external and internal work in this enduring classic.In "The Twofold Life," Gordon explores the complementary and inseparable aspects of Christ's work. He begins by delving into "Christ's Work For Us," emphasizing the foundational truths of the gospel: Christ's atoning sacrifice, justification, and the believer's position in Christ. Gordon provides a rich and detailed exposition of the significance of Christ's death and resurrection, underscoring the believer's assurance of salvation and the transformative power of Christ's finished work on the cross.Transitioning to "Christ's Work in Us," Gordon addresses the internal, sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. He explains how Christ's life, character, and power are manifested within the believer, leading to spiritual growth and maturity. Gordon discusses the process of sanctification, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and the believer's ongoing transformation into Christlikeness.Throughout the book, Gordon employs a pastoral and accessible writing style, making profound theological concepts understandable and applicable to everyday Christian living.This book is an invaluable resource for theologians, pastors, and laypeople seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. "The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us" remains a timeless and inspirational work that continues to encourage and edify believers, guiding them towards a richer and more vibrant relationship with their Savior.

Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844, 1845, and 1846 Vol. II (Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844, 1845, and 1846 #2)

by Évariste Régis Huc

"Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844, 1845, and 1846" by Evariste Huc is an enthralling travel memoir that chronicles the author's remarkable expedition across some of the most remote and fascinating regions of Asia. Evariste Huc, a French missionary, provides an extraordinary firsthand account of his adventures and observations as he traversed the vast landscapes of Tartary (Central Asia), Tibet, and China during the mid-19th century.Huc's narrative is rich with vivid descriptions of the diverse cultures, peoples, and landscapes he encountered on his journey. From the vast steppes of Tartary to the majestic heights of the Tibetan plateau, and the intricate social fabric of imperial China, Huc's keen eye for detail and deep curiosity bring these distant lands to life. His encounters with nomadic tribes, Buddhist monks, and Chinese officials offer readers a rare glimpse into the lives and customs of these regions during a time of limited Western influence."Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China" is more than just a travelogue; it is a valuable historical document that captures a pivotal moment in the cultural and political landscapes of Asia. Huc's reflections on the religious practices, political structures, and daily life of the people he met provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of these regions.Evariste Huc's eloquent and engaging writing style, combined with his perceptive insights and adventurous spirit, makes this book a timeless classic in the genre of travel literature. It is an essential read for historians, geographers, and anyone with an interest in the rich tapestry of Asian cultures and the history of exploration. Through Huc's eyes, readers are transported to a bygone era, experiencing the wonders and challenges of a journey through some of the most remote and mystical parts of the world.

Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States

by Dorothea Lynde Dix

"Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States" by Dorothea Lynde Dix is a groundbreaking and influential work that highlights the dire conditions and urgent need for reform in American prisons during the 19th century.In this meticulously researched and compellingly written treatise, Dix draws on her extensive investigations and firsthand observations of prisons across the United States. She exposes the inhumane conditions, overcrowding, inadequate medical care, and brutal treatment that prisoners endure. Her work is a scathing critique of the existing penal system and a powerful argument for the necessity of comprehensive reform.Dix's "Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States" not only details the failures of the prison system but also offers practical recommendations for improvement. She advocates for better living conditions, proper medical care, education, and vocational training for inmates. Dix emphasizes the importance of treating prisoners with dignity and respect, promoting rehabilitation over punishment, and recognizing the potential for redemption and reintegration into society.Her advocacy had a profound impact on prison reform movements in the United States and helped lay the groundwork for modern approaches to corrections and mental health care within the penal system. Dix's work remains a seminal contribution to the fields of social justice and criminal justice reform.This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of prison reform, social justice, and the ongoing struggle to create a more humane and effective correctional system. Dorothea Lynde Dix's "Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States" continues to inspire and inform efforts to address the challenges and injustices within the criminal justice system.

Elusive Refuge: Chinese Migrants in the Cold War

by Laura Madokoro

The 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution is a subject of inexhaustible historical interest, but the plight of millions of Chinese who fled China during this tumultuous period has been largely forgotten. Elusive Refuge recovers the history of China’s twentieth-century refugees. Focusing on humanitarian efforts to find new homes for Chinese displaced by civil strife, Laura Madokoro points out a constellation of factors—entrenched bigotry in countries originally settled by white Europeans, the spread of human rights ideals, and the geopolitical pressures of the Cold War—which coalesced to shape domestic and international refugee policies that still hold sway today.Although the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa were home to sizeable Asian communities, Chinese migrants were a perpetual target of legislation designed to exclude them. In the wake of the 1949 Revolution, government officials and the broader public of these countries questioned whether Chinese refugees were true victims of persecution or opportunistic economic migrants undeserving of entry. It fell to NGOs such as the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches to publicize the quandary of the vast community of Chinese who had become stranded in Hong Kong.These humanitarian organizations achieved some key victories in convincing Western governments to admit Chinese refugees. Anticommunist sentiment also played a role in easing restrictions. But only the plight of Southeast Asians fleeing the Vietnam War finally convinced the United States and other countries to adopt a policy of granting permanent residence to significant numbers of refugees from Asia.

Stormcrow: The brand new 2024 historical blockbuster about Vikings, bloodshed and battles

by Ben Kane

On the east coast of Ireland thirteen-year old Finn finds the sword of a slain Norseman, and with Odin's raven watching, is given the name Stormcrow. When Finn's family is torn apart by a random act of violence, and the sword lost, he embarks on a quest for revenge with his oldest friend, the shaman Vekel.It is a path that will lead to the court of the High King of Ireland, Máel Sechnaill, and to the Norse city of Dyflin, ruled by Sigtrygg Silkbeard. Crewing on a longship, Stormcrow raids up and down the Irish coastline, seeking not just riches but vengeance for his murdered father. Against a backdrop of political alliances made and broken, battles won and lost, Stormcrow's life as a Norse raider seems certain until he meets Sigtrygg's new wife.In the eye of the storm, Stormcrow dices with death yet again.Only the gods know if he will survive.

Welcome to Beach Town: A Novel

by Susan Wiggs

Beloved New York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs returns with a compulsively readable tale of an idyllic California beach town forced to reckon with scandal when a high school valedictorian’s speech reveals secrets that shake the town to its core."Readers will savor sunny skies and perfect surf in this stunning new novel, but one thing is for sure: In this Beach Town, there is always more happening than meets the eye. Don’t miss this expansive beauty of a summer book!" --Kristy Woodson Harvey, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Summer of SongbirdsEvery town has its secrets...In idyllic Alara Cove, a California beach town known for its sunny charm and chill surfer vibe, it’s graduation day at the elite Thornton Academy. At Thornton, the students are the worldly and overindulged children who live in gated enclaves with spectacular views. But the class valedictorian is Nikki Graziola, a surfer’s daughter who is there on scholarship. To the shock of everyone in the audience, Nikki veers off script while giving her commencement address and reveals a secret that breaks open the whole community. As her truth explodes into the light, Alara Cove will face a reckoning.Nikki Graziola’s accusation shakes the foundation of Alara Cove, pitting her against the wealthy family whose money runs the town. Her new notoriety sends Nikki into exile for years, where she finds fame—but not fortune—overseas as a competition surfer...until a personal tragedy compels her to return to Alara Cove. As Nikki struggles to rebuild her future, she finds that the people of the town have not forgotten her. But time has changed Alara Cove, and old friendships, rivalries, and an unexpected romance draw her back into the life of the beach town she’s never quite forgotten, and where joy and redemption may be possible after all.

A Day of Fire: A Novel of Pompeii

by Eliza Knight Ben Kane Kate Quinn Stephanie Dray Sophie Perinot Vicky Alvear

From six bestselling authors, including New York Times bestseller Kate Quinn, comes a vividly imagined novel following the lives of those in ancient Pompeii on the fateful day Mount Vesuvius erupts.Pompeii was a lively resort flourishing in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius at the height of the Roman Empire. When Vesuvius erupted in an explosion of flame and ash, the entire town would be destroyed. Some of its citizens died in the chaos, some escaped the mountain’s wrath . . . and these are their stories:A boy loses his innocence in Pompeii’s flourishing streets.An heiress dreads her wedding day, not knowing it will be swallowed by fire.An ex-legionary stakes his entire future on a gladiator bout destined never to be finished.A crippled senator welcomes death, until a tomboy on horseback comes to his rescue.A young mother faces an impossible choice for her unborn child as the ash falls.A priestess and a prostitute seek redemption and resurrection as the town is buried.Six authors bring to life overlapping stories of patricians and slaves, warriors and politicians, villains and heroes who cross each other’s paths during Pompeii’s fiery end. But who will escape, and who will be buried for eternity?

Ink Blood Sister Scribe: A Novel

by Emma Törzs

NAMED A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR & ONE OF THE BEST FANTASY NOVELS OF THE YEAR “Astonishing and pristine, the kind of debut I love to be devastated by, already so assured and sophisticated that it’s difficult to imagine where the author can go from here. . . . It’s simply a delight from start to finish.” – AMAL EL-MOHTAR, New York Times Book Review “Follow where this novel leads and you will be lost in a bewitching spell, a book of magic about books of magic . . . extraordinary.” – MARLON JAMESIn this spellbinding debut novel, two estranged half-sisters tasked with guarding their family’s library of magical books must work together to unravel a deadly secret at the heart of their collection—a tale of familial loyalty and betrayal, and the pursuit of magic and power.For generations, the Kalotay family has guarded a collection of ancient and rare books. Books that let a person walk through walls or manipulate the elements—books of magic that half-sisters Joanna and Esther have been raised to revere and protect.All magic comes with a price, though, and for years the sisters have been separated. Esther has fled to a remote base in Antarctica to escape the fate that killed her own mother, and Joanna’s isolated herself in their family home in Vermont, devoting her life to the study of these cherished volumes. But after their father dies suddenly while reading a book Joanna has never seen before, the sisters must reunite to preserve their family legacy. In the process, they’ll uncover a world of magic far bigger and more dangerous than they ever imagined, and all the secrets their parents kept hidden; secrets that span centuries, continents, and even other libraries . . .In the great tradition of Ninth House, The Magicians, and Practical Magic, this is a suspenseful and richly atmospheric novel that draws readers into a vast world filled with mystery and magic, romance, and intrigue—and marks the debut of an extraordinary new voice in speculative fiction."Ink Blood Sister Scribe is so many things at once: an adventure, a puzzle, a twisty thriller, and a tender romance. . . . I adored it.” – ALIX E. HARROW"If, like me, you’re a fan of Holly Black and Leigh Bardugo, pick up this book at once.” — KELLY LINK

Omnibus 3 - Tot die dood ons skei - Altyd die verkeerde man - Melktert en Kaviaar

by Elsa Hamersma Malene Breytenbach Annelize Morgan

Melodie: vir jonk, vir oud, vir altyd; Daar is nie 'n groter vreugd as die wete dat jou liefde vir iemand beantwoord word nie.


by Rudie Van Rensburg

KASSIE SE VYANDE IS TOT DIE TANDE GEWAPEN … Wanneer Kassie Kasselman die saak van ’n vermiste oudkollega begin ondersoek, is dit duidelik hier skuil meer as net ’n dwelmverwante verdwyning. Hoe lyk dit dan vir Kassie of dit verband hou met twee ander sake − ’n ontvoering én ’n moord − op sy lessenaar? Van die Kaapse ganglands tot die Krugerwildtuin met sy renosterstropers; tussen ’n verslonsde Bolandse hoewe met ’n grieselige visdam en die glansen- skanswêreld van diplomasie moet Kassie sy pad voel-voel vind – of Rooi Els se vrou is visvoer.


by Rudie Van Rensburg

Opsomming ’n Berugte reeksmoordenaar jag by stormweer onder die Kaap se vroue, en dis Rooi en Kassie wat hom moet vastrek. Maar hoe spoor jy ’n miljoenêr-ontsnappeling op wat die polisie al jare lank ontglip, geen digitale spoor los nie, nie eens ’n selfoon besit nie en hope vals ID’s het? En boonop sy slagoffers se harte steel deur hulle net een kyk te gee? Die Hartedief kom met moord weg, en dan is Kassie se volle aandag ook nie eintlik by die saak nie, want hy is smoorverlief op ’n aanvallige mede-seëlversamelaar. Om vlerk te sleep is nie vir sissies nie, en sy eie hart is in gevaar. Om sake vir hom en Rooi te vererger word hul baas by die Spesiale Spookeenheid daarvan verdink dat sy hul ondersoek doelbewus in die wiele ry. Kassie weet hy moet haar onskuld bewys. Intussen word nóg Kaapse vroue wreedaardig vermoor wanneer daar onweer broei.


by Johann De Lange

Op die verste einder lig die son soos die koperhingsel van 'n hek + kom stadig uit sy slome los, 'n swerm duiwe stuif op uit 'n bos soos skraal boekrûe. Pen op papier teken ek als op, skrywende tot + met.

Mridang class 2 - NCERT - 23

by National Council of Educational Research and Training

"Mridang" is a Class 2 English textbook published by NCERT, the textbook introduces basic English vocabulary and grammar concepts through simple stories, poems, and activities. Students learn alphabets, basic words, and simple sentence structures. Short stories and passages are provided to improve reading comprehension skills. The textbook includes poems and rhymes that help develop language rhythm, intonation, and vocabulary.

Santoor class 3 - NCERT - 23

by National Council of Educational Research and Training

"Santoor" is an engaging and educational children's book designed to align with the National Syllabus and Teaching Learning Material Committee (NSTC) guidelines. It features a variety of thematic units and chapters that blend learning with fun, aiming to nurture young minds through stories, activities, and visual stimuli. Each unit is complemented by interactive picture reading sessions, hands-on activities, and engaging stories that not only entertain but also educate, making "Santoor" a comprehensive and enjoyable learning resource for young children.

Mridang class 1 - NCERT - 23

by National Council of Educational Research and Training

"Mridang" is a Class 1 English textbook published by NCERT, the textbook introduces basic English vocabulary and grammar concepts through simple stories, poems, and activities. Students learn alphabets, basic words, and simple sentence structures. Short stories and passages are provided to improve reading comprehension skills. The textbook includes poems and rhymes that help develop language rhythm, intonation, and vocabulary.

When i was in class 10th

by Ruchika

Ruchika, an introvert who finds solace in writing, began expressing her innermost thoughts through poetry at the age of fourteen. Her diary, once her sanctuary, now unfolds its secrets to the world in this captivating collection. A dedicated educator since 2003, Ruchika holds a Master's degree in Child Care and Education from Alagappa University and a Bachelor's in Elementary Education from JMC, Delhi. Her passion for teaching brings joy to her students, and she feels blessed to nurture young minds. With heartfelt gratitude to Shrija Publishers for bringing her youthful musings to life, Ruchika invites readers to explore the intimate realm of her poetic journey.

Marigold class 3 - NCERT - 23

by National Council of Educational Research and Training

"Marigold" is a Class 3 English textbook published by NCERT, designed to enhance language skills and foster a love for reading among students. The book comprises a diverse range of engaging stories, poems, and activities that cater to the developmental needs of fourth-grade learners. Through its well-crafted content, "Marigold" aims to nurture language proficiency, comprehension, and creative expression. The stories cover a variety of themes, introducing young readers to different cultures, values, and moral lessons. The inclusion of poems adds an element of rhythm and expression to the curriculum, fostering an appreciation for poetic language.

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