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Lesbian: Politics, Culture, Existence

by Susan Hawthorne

Across almost 50 years of writing, Susan Hawthorne' s essays on lesbian culture and politics take the reader on a journey through the concerns of radical feminists engaged in the Women' s Liberation Movement. Not only does she trace the experiments of lesbians creating a vibrant woman-loving culture, but she also traces the backlash against lesbians and a history of violence perpetrated by the state, corporations and individual men. She begins with a recollection of a rape in her pre-feminist days, followed by a critique of the institution of heterosexuality and the role of lesbian feminism as a strategy. She is soon asking questions about lesbian existence. The essays span reflections on lesbian literature and the development of lesbian culture, including the politics of physical expression in circus. Susan Hawthorne writes about cultural appropriation, depoliticization and the erasure of lesbian inventiveness. She researches violence against lesbians including rape, torture and murder and the way in which this violence is ignored and often distorted by the media. Her investigations include lesbian refugees, lesbian economics, violation of lesbian human rights and the impact of the transgender industrial complex on the existence of lesbians as a political force.

The History of Hip Hop

by Eric Reese

Hip Hop Truth for the Art and Pulse of America! This cultural brilliance of sound presented a voice and mindset detailing life growing up in the streets of America's largest urban populations of color going as far back as the 1920s. Sprung from the spirits of hustle and grime, this culture quickly uncovered an amazing bunch of fresh African American forces of nature eager to express their street accounts and contribute to a spirited new style of soul of black Americana across the globe .Today, Hip Hop has reached the doorsteps of just about everywhere on the planet and played at each venue imaginable. In this book, I provide you with an elementary perspective of the following: Differences between what is Hip-Hop and Rap Hip Hop's earliest influences Explanation of what constitutes Hip Hop and Rap Culture Underground Rap and why it's the core of the genre Myths & Theories Greatest moments in hip hop history Research in Hip Hop's Genres Hip Hop's Global Impact and much more... As this music legacy continues to expand its sway, know for sure it's here to stay. This History of Hip Hop Series give you the very history of the indisputable force of urban artists and their deejays. Hip Hop lives on! Press Buy Now and learn about one of the greatest music legacies of American music today!

Challenges in the Process of China’s Urbanization

by Karen Eggleston, Jean C. Oi, and Wang Yiming

The same institutions that enabled China's massive urbanization and spurred its economic growth now require further reform and innovation. To address the issues facing the next phase of the nation's transformation, the National New Urbanization Plan (2014–20) set ambitious targets for sustainable, human-centered, and environmentally friendly urbanization. This volume explores the key institutional and governance challenges China will face in reaching those goals. Its policy-focused contributions from leading social scientists in the United States and China explore aspects of urbanization ranging from migration and labor markets to agglomeration economies, land finance, affordable housing, and education policy. Subjects covered in the eleven chapters include: Institutional problems leading to fiscal pressures on local governments and unequal provision of social services to migrant families The history of land financing and threats to its sustainability The difficulty of sorting out property rights in rural China How administrative redistricting has allowed the urbanization of geographical administrative places to outpace the urbanization of populations within those areas How the hukou system may not be the sole, or even primary, mechanism restricting migrants from public goods, such as their childrens' education Whether the nation's food security is threatened by its ongoing urbanization The current state of the provision of low-income housing, and future challenges

Dynasty: The Hereditary Succession Politics of North Korea

by Hakjoon Kim

Scholar and senior journalist Kim Hakjoon provides a timely analysis of the rise of the Kim Il Sung family dynasty and the politics of leadership succession in Pyongyang, including Kim Jong Il's death and the advent of his son Kim Jong Un. Drawing on official North Korean statements and leaked confidential documents, journalistic accounts, and defector reports, the book synthesizes virtually all that is known about the secretive family and how it operates within a bizarre governing system. Particularly valuable for a Western audience is the author's extensive use of South Korean studies of the Kim family, many of which have not been translated into English. Dynasty is insightful reading for officials, journalists, scholars, and students interested in the Korean Peninsula and its prospects.

Going Private in China: The Politics of Corporate Restructuring and System Reform

by Jean C. Oi

As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) set about reforming its centrally planned economy, it faced the thorny policy question of how to reform its state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Should it support a shift from public to private ownership of the means of production? Such a shift would challenge not only the CCP's socialist ideology but also its very legitimacy. Mixing the business of corporate restructuring with the politics of socialism presented nothing short of a policy nightmare. With policy-relevant acuity, the contributors to this wide-ranging volume address the questions about reform programs that have plagued China—and East Asia more broadly—since the 1990s. While China, Japan, and South Korea have all been criticized for implementing reform too slowly or too selectively, this volume delves into the broader contexts underlying certain institutional decisions. The book seeks to show that seemingly different political economies actually share surprising similarities, and problems. While Going Private in China sheds new light on China's corporate restructuring, it also offers new perspectives on how we think about the process of institutional change.

Deer and the Dragon, The: Southeast Asia and China in the 21st Century

by Donald K. Emmerson

Will the nations of Southeast Asia maintain their strategic autonomy, or are they destined to become a subservient periphery of China? This book's expert authors address this pressing question in multiple contexts. What clues to the future lie in the modern history of Sino-Southeast Asian relations? How economically dependent on China has the region already become? What do Southeast Asians think of China? Does Beijing view the region in proprietary terms as its own backyard? How has the relative absence, distance, and indifference of the United States affected the balance of influence between the US and China in Southeast Asia? The book also explores China's moves and Southeast Asia's responses to them. Does China's Maritime Silk Road through Southeast Asia herald a Pax Sinica across the region? How should China's expansionary acts in the South China Sea be understood? How have Southeast Asian states such as Vietnam and the Philippines responded? How does Singapore's China strategy compare with Indonesia's? How relevant is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations? To what extent has China tried to persuade the "overseas Chinese" in Southeast Asia to identify with "'the motherland" and support its aims? How are China's deep involvements in Cambodia and Laos affecting the economies and policies of those countries? "This rich collection," writes renowned author-journalist Nayan Chanda, answers these and other questions while offering "fresh insights" and "new information and analyses" to explain Southeast Asia's relations with China.

Being in North Korea

by Andray Abrahamian

In 2009, while working on a PhD in Seoul, Andray Abrahamian visited North Korea, a country he had studied for years but never seen. He returned determined to find a way to work closely with North Koreans. Ten years and more than thirty visits later, Being in North Korea tells the story of his experiences setting up and running Choson Exchange, a non-profit that teaches North Koreans about entrepreneurship and economic policy. Abrahamian was provided a unique vantage into life in North Korea that belies stereotypes rampant in the media, instead revealing North Koreans as individuals ranging from true believers in the system to cynics wishing the Stalinist experiment would just end; from introverts to bubbly chatterboxes, optimists to pessimists. He sees a North Korea that is changing, invalidating some assumptions held in the West, but perhaps reinforcing others. Amid his stories of coping with the North Korean system, of the foreigners who frequent Pyongyang, and of everyday relationships, Abrahamian explores the challenges of teaching the inherently political subject of economics in a system where everyone must self-regulate their own minds; he looks at the role of women in the North Korean economy, and their exclusion from leadership; and he discusses how information is restricted, propaganda is distributed and internalized, and even how Pyongyang's nominally illicit property market functions. Along with these stories he interweaves the historical events that have led to today's North Korea. Drawing on the breadth of the author's in-country experience, Being in North Korea combines the intellectual rigor of a scholar with a writing style that will appeal to a general audience. Through the personal elements of a memoir that provide insights into North Korean society, readers will come away with a more realistic picture of the country and its people, and a better idea of what the future may hold for the nation.

Demographics and Innovation in the Asia-Pacific

by Karen Eggleston, Joon-Shik Park, and Gi-Wook Shin

Demographic transition, along with the economic and geopolitical re-emergence of Asia, are two of the largest forces shaping the twenty-first century, but little is known about the implications for innovation. The countries of East Asia have some of the oldest age structures on the planet: between now and 2050, the population that is age 65 and older will increase to more than one in four Chinese, and to more than one in three Japanese and Koreans. Other economies with younger populations, like India, face the challenge of fully harnessing the "demographic dividend" from large cohorts in the working ages. This book delves into how such demographic changes shape the supply of innovation and the demand for specific kinds of innovation in the Asia-Pacific. Social scientists from Asia and the United States offer multidisciplinary perspectives from economics, demography, political science, sociology, and public policy; topics range from the macroeconomic effects of population age structure, to the microeconomics of technology and the labor force, to the broader implications for human well-being. Contributors analyze how demography shapes productivity and the labor supply of older workers, as well as explore the aging population as consumers of technologies and drivers of innovations to meet their own needs, as well as the political economy of spatial development, agglomeration economies, urban-rural contrasts, and differential geographies of aging.

Drivers of Innovation: Entrepreneurship, Education, and Finance in Asia

by Yong Suk Lee and Fei Yan

Innovation and entrepreneurship rank highly on the strategic agenda of most countries today. As global economic competition intensifies, many national policymakers now recognize the central importance of entrepreneurship education and the building of financial institutions to promote long-term innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. Drivers of Innovation brings together scholars from the United States and Asia to explore those education and finance policies that might be conducive to accelerating innovation and developing a more entrepreneurial workforce in East Asia. Some of the questions covered include: How do universities in China and Singapore experiment with new types of learning in their quest to promote innovation and entrepreneurship? Is there a need to transform the traditional university into an "entrepreneurial university"? What are the recent developments in and outstanding challenges to financing innovation in China and Japan? What is the government's role in promoting innovative entrepreneurship under the shadow of big business in South Korea? What can we learn about the capacity of services to drive innovation-led growth in India? Drivers of Innovation will serve as a valuable reference for scholars and policymakers working to develop human capital for innovation in Asia.

Cradle of Conservation: An Environmental History of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania History)

by Allen Dieterich-Ward

From the origins of “Penn’s Woods” to the controversial practice of fracking, Cradle of Conservation provides the first comprehensive study of Pennsylvania’s environmental history. The story starts with forester Ralph Brock at the dawn of the conservation era and continues through the eras of energy production using coal, oil, natural gas, and other resources. Allen Dieterich-Ward also investigates how the non-human world shapes the history of the commonwealth and examines the impact of pollution. Cradle of Conservation moves across time and place, from the Haudenosaunee people of the Susquehanna Valley, to the iron furnaces of nineteenth-century Pittsburgh, to the diesel trucks on the twentieth-century Pennsylvania Turnpike. In addition, Dieterich-Ward explores the histories of Philadelphia’s Schuylkill River and the state’s anthracite region and traces the environmental movements and crises that have led to public policy changes in the face of climate change. Cradle of Conservation deepens our understanding of how Pennsylvanians have conserved and consumed.

Sélavi, That is Life: A Haitian Story of Hope

by Youme Nguyen Ly

On the streets of Haiti, a homeless child learns the meaning of family, solidarity, and hope.A homeless boy wanders the streets of Haiti, until he finds other children like him. His new friends help the boy pick a name for himself--Sélavi, Kreyol for that is life. All these children had faced tragedy like Sélavi and had no one to care for them. But they share the little food they each manage to scavenge, and they watch out for one another. Together they find the voice to express the needs of Timoun Lari, the children who live in the streets. With a caring community they are able to build a shelter, and from there they create Radyo Timoun, Children's Radio. A station run by and for children--their stories, questions, and suggestions were broadcast for all to hear. Though more obstacles come their way, they've learned that when people band together and form a community, everyone is lifted. "We may be a single drop of water, but together we can be a mighty river."

Circle of Six: The True Story of New York's Most Notorious Cop Killer and The Cop Who Risked Everything to Catch Him

by Robert Cea Randy Jurgensen

&“The Mosque case of 1972 is the most famous case amongst the rank and file of the NYPD and Circle of Six holds no punches.&” —Joe &“Donnie Brasco&” Pistone, former FBI special agentCircle of Six is the true story of what is perhaps the most notorious case in the history of the New York Police Department. It details Randy Jurgensen&’s determined effort to bring to justice the murderer of Patrolman Phillip Cardillo, who was shot and killed inside Harlem&’s Mosque #7 in 1972, in the midst of an all-out assault on the NYPD from the Black Liberation Army. The New York of this era was a place not unlike the Wild West, in which cops and criminals shot it out on a daily basis. Despite the mayhem on the streets and the Machiavellian corridors of Mayor Lindsay&’s City Hall, Detective Jurgensen single-handedly took on the Black Liberation Army, the Nation of Islam, NYPD brass, and City Hall, capturing Cardillo&’s killer, Lewis 17X Dupree. He broke the case with an unlikely accomplice, Foster 2X Thomas, a member of the Nation of Islam who became Jurgensen&’s witness. The relationship they formed during the time before trial gave each of the two men a greater perspective of the two sides in the street war and changed them forever. In the end, Jurgensen had to settle for a conviction on other charges, and Dupree served a number of years. The murder case is still officially unsolved. In 2006 the NYPD re-opened the case, and it is once again an active investigation with full media attention. The book has received acclaim from former New York City Police Commissioners Ray Kelly and William Bratton.

True Blue

by Connie Bailey

It wasn't the first time Heydn Case had to transfer to a new school, but Acton-Pierce Academy was the prep school of choice for people with a lot more money than he had. As always, the good-natured Texan was hoping to find a friend; his assigned roommate was hoping to be left alone and said so rather bluntly.Heydn had never met anyone quite like Blue Barclay, the campus's resident eccentric loner, but the two young men soon find they have more in common than they might have imagined. Friendship quickly takes on a new dimension of physical intimacy accompanied by bewildering new feelings. However, Blue and Heydn are given little time to explore and understand what is growing between them before they're pulled apart.Heydn is chosen for the track team and befriended by a popular senior. Fearing, rightly, that their relationship would cost him the place he's won at Acton, Heydn turns his back on Blue. He feels he's made the right choice for his future, but when Blue finds a new friend, Heydn realizes he's made a terrible mistake. Is it too late for him to try to win Blue's heart again?

Miles to Go

by Connie Bailey

When British drug lord Gareth "Hairy" Carey stakes out territory in their jurisdiction, openly gay police officer Rick Miles is determined to use the opportunity to prove his worth to prejudiced colleagues. With no backup but his partner Graciela Cruz, Rick goes undercover without official sanction and wins a spot in Carey's gang using his good looks and sheer bravado.Now Rick is in the tank with the sharks, but this isn't his first cruise. He's prepared to deal with the vicious drug traffickers. What he isn't prepared for is Billy Rose, Carey's astonishingly handsome spoiled brat paramour. Billy is sexy and smart, and he delights in seducing dangerous men - men like the one Rick is pretending to be. Thrown together when Carey orders the new soldier to squire Billy around town, Rick finds himself fighting a strong attraction to the sharp-tongued toy boy.Juggling the dangerous distraction and maintaining a credible cover, Rick is thrown off-balance by a sequence of disastrous events, and as he scrambles to keep his footing, the havoc accelerates before he can call in backup. Marooned in a realm of sly deception, immediate reprisal, and sudden violence, he's forced to act against the dictates of his conscience to stay alive when a single misstep could mean death.

A Note in the Margin (A Note in the Margin and Twelve Days #1)

by Isabelle Rowan

John McCann, a man who judges life by the tally of an accounts ledger, has a supreme goal in life: To achieve, live, and enjoy the rarified executive lifestyle. But he's encountered one problem: The migraines are going to continue to get worse unless you make some major changes in your lifestyle. What you need is a 'sea change'… Perhaps buy a nice little business in the country, settle down, something easier to occupy your time…While John knows the doctor is right, he just can't resign from the job he's fought so hard for. He decides the sacrifice of taking a year's leave of absence won't interfere too much with his plans, and so he finds himself running Margins, a cozy little bookstore, with the help of the former owner's son, Jamie. John expects to put in his year, get his stress under control, and then get back to business.What John doesn't expect is how Margins and its denizens draw him in, particularly the quiet, disheveled man who takes refuge in the old leather chair in the second-hand book section. John's plans for an unattached year of simple business crumble when he meets David and is forced to reevaluate life, love and what he really wants from both. John and David are forced to come to terms with their pasts as they struggle to determine what possible future they might build together.

My Heart is Within You (Triquetra Trilogy #1)

by Marguerite Labbe

Book One of the Triquetra Trilogy The power of heart and soul holds the key to the survival of the last of the ancient vampires. Kristair is running out of time. His race has faded away, prey to delusion and deterioration, and his only chance to live long enough to find a cure is to bind his psyche to a human vessel in a long forgotten ritual. Kristair's chosen vessel is Jacob Corvin, a man of passionate stubbornness and fierce loyalty; he has captured Kristair's fantasies so completely that he is both the vampire's greatest strength and most crippling weakness. Drawing upon Jacob's spirit and Kristair's resolve, they each bind a portion of their souls to one other. For as long as Jacob carries Kristair's heart within him, the vampire can continue his quest. Just when they have hope, their mission is threatened by The Syndicate, a group of younger vampires who attempt to force Kristair to teach them his secrets before he disappears like the rest of the ancients. Battling both The Syndicate's attacks and his unexpected need and love for Jacob, Kristair's strength begins to fade, forcing him to make a decision that will change his and Jacob's lives forever.

Haunted by Your Soul (Triquetra Trilogy #2)

by Marguerite Labbe

Sequel to My Heart Is Within YouBook Two of the Triquetra TrilogyHeartbroken by the death of his vampire lover, Jacob Corvin finds himself embroiled in the intricacies of vampire hierarchy. He is consumed with rage after Kristair's torment and death, and when The Syndicate returns he is more than ready to personally destroy every one of the power-hungry vampires.That anger and pain cannot be soothed, because before he disappeared, Kristair transferred all his memories and a piece of his soul to Jacob. So as hard as Jacob tries to move on— he can't. Kristair's heart still beats in his chest, and Kristair's memories whisper to him.As he gets dragged further into a war between the vampires, Jacob starts to believe he's losing his mind. Those whispers and a feeling of Kristair's presence are growing within him, and he starts a desperate struggle to retain his own sense of self and sanity. But Kristair is not so easily silenced when he's determined to return to where he belongs.Rainbow Award for Best Gay Paranormal/Horror - Honorable Mention

Our Sacred Balance: Triquetra Volume 3 (Triquetra Trilogy)

by Marguerite Labbe

Sequel to Haunted by Your SoulBook Three of the Triquetra TrilogyLovers Kristair and Jacob believe they're done with the supernatural and on the road to a new life. But the supernatural isn't done with them. A stalker is targeting vampires, tearing them from their sanctuaries and leaving them to burn in the sun, and when the vampires of Pittsburgh call upon the ancient Kristair, he cannot refuse them aid despite Jacob's objections.While their quest becomes more dangerous, tempers flare when Jacob tries to make Kristair understand the limitations of being human again. As they struggle to reach a balance between them, the other vampires become restless, eager to find the person responsible for the deaths of their own so they can vent their rage.But the enemy is closer than they ever imagined and carries a personal grudge against them. Their mental link gone and spiritual strength halved, Jacob and Kristair must conquer Kristair's newfound helplessness and learn to communicate with each other before their enemy destroys everything they've fought so hard to win.Best Gay Paranormal/Horror - Third Place

Exploring Science All Around Us: Level 4

by Jill C. Sible

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Mali Under the Night Sky: A Lao Story of Home

by Youme Nguyen Ly

A child finds comfort in the memories of the landscapes and traditions of the beautiful homeland she was forced to leave.Mali Under the Night Sky is the true story of Lao American artist Malichansouk Kouanchao. Due to wars that were not contained by borders, she and her family had to leave their home in Laos. Before the war changed everything, Mali lived an idyllic life in a community where she felt safe and loved. She enjoyed sitting in front of her house and asking everyone who passed by, "Where are you going?" She went everywhere too--climbing on flowering trees, searching for pale bamboo shoots in the dark forest, and catching fish in rice fields. But when she was five years old, her family had to cross the Mekong River into Thailand to be safe. She remembers the journey, as well as the beauty and strength of Lao culture. Through warm and accessible watercolor illustrations, author-illustrator Youme shows readers the joyful memories of home that carried Mali through the heartbreak of leaving it.

House of Purple Cedar

by Tim Tingle

A Choctaw tale of tragedy, good and evil, revenge and ultimately forgiveness, laced with healing Choctaw humor and a little magical realism thrown in."The hour has come to speak of troubled times. It is time we spoke of Skullyville." Thus begins Rose Goode's story of growing up in Indian Territory in pre-statehood Oklahoma. Skullyville, a once-thriving Choctaw community, was destroyed by land-grabbers, culminating in the arson of New Hope Academy for Girls in 1896. Twenty Choctaw girls died, but Rose escaped. She was blessed by the presence of her grandmother Pokoni and her grandfather Amafo, both respected elders who understand the old ways. Soon after the fire, the White sheriff beats Amafo in front of the town's people, humiliating him. Instead of asking the Choctaw community to avenge the beating, her grandfather decides to follow the path of forgiveness. And so unfolds this tale of mystery, Indigenous magical realism, and deep wisdom. It's a world where backwoods spiritualism and Bible-thumping Christianity mix with bad guys; a one-legged woman shop-keeper, her oaf of a husband, herbal potions, and shape-shifting panthers rendering justice. Tim Tingle--a scholar of his nation's language, culture, and spirituality--tells Rose's story of good and evil with a local perspective and even laugh-out-loud Choctaw humor.

Don't Say a Word, Mamá / No digas nada, Mamá

by Joe Hayes

An amusing tale, about sisterly affection and motherly appreciation. You can never have too much love for your family, but you can have too many hot chiles! Un cuento divertido, sobre el cariño entre hermanas y el aprecio maternal. ¡Nunca puedes tener demasiado amor por tu familia, pero puedes tener demasiados chiles picantes!Author Joe Hayes and artist Esau Andrade team up to deliver an affectionate tale about siblings and familial love. Two sisters try to outdo each other with generous gifts. Each new offering from one sister to the other is a secret to everyone except their mother who is tasked with keeping quiet. This fun read aloud will have readers crying out, "Don't say a word, Mama!" Until, of course, she does. El autor Joe Hayes y el artista Esau Andrade se unen para ofrecer una historia afectuosa sobre los hermanos y el amor familiar. Dos hermanas intentan superarse entre sí con generosos regalos. Cada nueva ofrenda de una hermana a la otra es un secreto para todos, excepto para su madre, que tiene la tarea de guardar silencio. Esta divertida lectura en voz alta hará que los lectores griten: "¡No digas una palabra, mamá!" Hasta que, por supuesto, lo hace.

Maximilian & the Mystery of the Guardian Angel: A Bilingual Lucha Libre Thriller (Max's Lucha Libre Adventures #1)

by Xavier Garza

Pura Belpré Author Award Honor - American Library Association (ALA)A Pura Belpré Author Honor Award winner Una Pura Belpré Premio de Autor Infantil (Libro de Honor) Maximillian's summer vacation resembles one of his beloved lucha libre movies: grudge matches, fantastic villains and the Guardian Angel. Las vacaciones de verano de Maximillian se parece a una de sus queridas películas de lucha libre: partidos de rencor, villanos fantásticos y el Ángel Guardián.Maximillian is just another 11-year-old lucha libre fan. He goes to the matches, watches the movies and collects the masks of his favorite wrestlers, especially the Guardian Angel. But when he tumbles over the railing at a lucha libre match in San Antonio, Max makes a connection to the world of Mexican wrestling that will ultimately link him--maybe by blood! --to the greatest hero of all time: The Guardian Angel. What was shaping up to be one boring summer before 6th grade now seems like a story straight out of Max's beloved lucha libre movies! *** Un cuento bilingüe, ganador de Pura Belpré. Maximillian es solo otro fan de lucha libre de 11 años. Él va a los partidos, mira las películas y colecciona las máscaras de sus luchadores favoritos, especialmente el Ángel Guardian. Pero cuando cae por la barandilla en un combate de lucha libre en San Antonio, Max hace una conexión con el mundo de la lucha mexicana, que finalmente lo vinculará, ¡tal vez por sangre! --Al héroe más grande de todos los tiempos: El Ángel Guardian.

Count Me In!: A Parade of Mexican Folk Art Numbers in English and Spanish (First Concepts in Mexican Folk Art)

by Cynthia Weill

Handcrafted clay figures from Oaxaca, Mexico, invite children to join a parade as they count from one to ten in English and Spanish. Figuras de barro hechas a mano en Oaxaca, México, invitan a los niños a unirse a un desfile mientras cuentan del uno al diez en inglés y español.Here comes the parade! Young readers practice number words and counting in English and Spanish as musicians, dancers, "giants," and more march by. One/Uno band leader carries a big white balloon. Two/dos men bring fireworks. Three/tres musicians play their instruments. All the way to ten/diez more onlookers who join the Guelaguetza parade. Guelaguetza is a cultural event that takes place every July in Oaxaca, Mexico. This lively celebration is joyously depicted in this book by a simple storyline and a parade of fun, colorful, handcrafted clay figures for children to enjoy and count. ¡Aquí viene el desfile! Los lectores jóvenes practican palabras numéricas y cuentan en inglés y español mientras músicos, bailarines, "gigantes" y más marchan. El líder de la banda uno/one lleva un gran globo blanco. Dos/two hombres traen fuegos artificiales. Tres/three músicos tocan sus instrumentos. Todo el camino a diez/ten más espectadores que se suman al desfile de la Guelaguetza. La Guelaguetza es un evento cultural que se lleva a cabo cada mes de julio en Oaxaca, México. Esta animada celebración está alegremente representada por una historia simple y un desfile de figuras de arcilla hechas a mano, coloridas y divertidas para que los niños disfruten y cuenten.

My Pet Rattlesnake

by Joe Hayes

Joe Hayes is back with another unbelievable, astounding, and totally true tall tale, straight from his own childhood in the Arizona desert.One day little Joe sees a rattlesnake in trouble and saves the snake's life. Things start to get weird when the rattler follows Joe home. It's only a rattlesnake, nothing new for a desert boy like Joe, so he keeps him as a pet. His dad is annoyed and the neighbors are terrified, but soon the friendly snake slithers his way into their hearts. The snake cuddles at the foot of Joe's bed, plays in the yard, and even scares away a burglar and alarms the police--what a charmer! Is there really such a thing as cold-blooded love?

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