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Flicker: Your Brain On Movies

by Jeffrey Zacks

How is it that a patch of flickering light on a wall can produce experiences that engage our imaginations and can feel totally real? From the vertigo of a skydive to the emotional charge of an unexpected victory or defeat, movies give us some of our most vivid experiences and most lasting memories. They reshape our emotions and worldviews--but why? In Flicker, Jeff Zacks delves into the history of cinema and the latest research to explain what happens between your ears when you sit down in the theatre and the lights go out. Some of the questions Flicker answers: Why do we flinch when Rocky takes a punch in Sylvester Stallone's movies, duck when the jet careens towards the tower in Airplane, and tap our toes to the dance numbers in Chicago or Moulin Rouge? Why do so many of us cry at the movies? What's the difference between remembering what happened in a movie and what happened in real life--and can we always tell the difference? To answer these questions and more, Flicker gives us an engaging, fast-paced look at what happens in your head when you watch a movie.

The Political Development of American Debt Relief

by Emily Zackin Chloe N. Thurston

A political history of the rise and fall of American debt relief. Americans have a long history with debt. They also have a long history of mobilizing for debt relief. Throughout the nineteenth century, indebted citizens demanded government protection from their financial burdens, challenging readings of the Constitution that exalted property rights at the expense of the vulnerable. Their appeals shaped the country’s periodic experiments with state debt relief and federal bankruptcy law, constituting a pre-industrial safety net. Yet, the twentieth century saw the erosion of debtor politics and the eventual retrenchment of bankruptcy protections. The Political Development of American Debt Relief traces how geographic, sectoral, and racial politics shaped debtor activism over time, enhancing our understanding of state-building, constitutionalism, and social policy.

In It Together: How Student, Family, and Community Partnerships Advance Engagement and Achievement in Diverse Classrooms

by Debbie Zacarian Michael A. Silverstone

Harness the power of teacher, student, school, family, and community partnerships to promote student success Teaching effectively in diverse classrooms has become more complex than ever. The authors of this practical, compelling, and inspiring book propose that understanding the spheres of influence that connect students with teachers, peers, family members, and the broader community significantly increases the odds that every student will succeed in school. In clear, practitioner-friendly language with examples from an inspiring range of K-12 educators, the authors explore how tapping into the rich resources of teachers, students, families, the school community and the community-at-large can make the work of learning more successful for all involved. Richly detailed vignettes and concrete, evidence-based strategies help you systematically: Build coalitions of support around learning and engagement Develop positive relationships with students, their families and their communities Foster positive, reciprocal partnerships Promote peer-to-peer relationship building Support students and families from marginalized populations Learn to draw from the rich resources found within your learning community to build bridges to academic success for all learners. This comprehensive book shows you how! "Building meaningful relationships in education can be difficult, particularly when the parties involved are different from one another in identity, experience, and other ways. As a result, although in principle collaborations and partnerships in education are universally lauded, in practice they are often ignored. What we need are examples of partnerships that work. In it Together by Debbie Zacarain and Michael Silverstone suggests productive ways to work with, learn from, and form authentic relationships with diverse communities. Combining their abundant experience in classrooms and schools, and using examples from caring teachers in diverse classrooms, the authors demonstrate what it means to really be "in it together." Teachers, administrators, and everyone who cares about the future of education in a diverse society will benefit from the strategies they suggest." —Sonia Nieto, Professor Emerita University of Massachusetts

In It Together: How Student, Family, and Community Partnerships Advance Engagement and Achievement in Diverse Classrooms

by Debbie Zacarian Michael A. Silverstone

Harness the power of teacher, student, school, family, and community partnerships to promote student success Teaching effectively in diverse classrooms has become more complex than ever. The authors of this practical, compelling, and inspiring book propose that understanding the spheres of influence that connect students with teachers, peers, family members, and the broader community significantly increases the odds that every student will succeed in school. In clear, practitioner-friendly language with examples from an inspiring range of K-12 educators, the authors explore how tapping into the rich resources of teachers, students, families, the school community and the community-at-large can make the work of learning more successful for all involved. Richly detailed vignettes and concrete, evidence-based strategies help you systematically: Build coalitions of support around learning and engagement Develop positive relationships with students, their families and their communities Foster positive, reciprocal partnerships Promote peer-to-peer relationship building Support students and families from marginalized populations Learn to draw from the rich resources found within your learning community to build bridges to academic success for all learners. This comprehensive book shows you how! "Building meaningful relationships in education can be difficult, particularly when the parties involved are different from one another in identity, experience, and other ways. As a result, although in principle collaborations and partnerships in education are universally lauded, in practice they are often ignored. What we need are examples of partnerships that work. In it Together by Debbie Zacarain and Michael Silverstone suggests productive ways to work with, learn from, and form authentic relationships with diverse communities. Combining their abundant experience in classrooms and schools, and using examples from caring teachers in diverse classrooms, the authors demonstrate what it means to really be "in it together." Teachers, administrators, and everyone who cares about the future of education in a diverse society will benefit from the strategies they suggest." —Sonia Nieto, Professor Emerita University of Massachusetts

Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success

by Debbie Zacarian Maria G. Dove Margarita Espino Calderon Diane Staehr Fenner Tonya W. Singer Margo Gottlieb Ivannia Soto Shawn M. Sinclair-Slakk Andrea Honigsfeld

It was a dark and stormy night in Santa Barbara. January 19, 2017. The next day’s inauguration drumroll played on the evening news. Huddled around a table were nine Corwin authors and their publisher, who together have devoted their careers to equity in education. They couldn’t change the weather, they couldn’t heal a fractured country, but they did have the power to put their collective wisdom about EL education upon the page to ensure our multilingual learners reach their highest potential. Proudly, we introduce you now to the fruit of that effort: Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success. In this first-of-a-kind collaboration, teachers and leaders, whether in small towns or large urban centers, finally have both the research and the practical strategies to take those first steps toward excellence in educating our culturally and linguistically diverse children. It’s a book to be celebrated because it means we can throw away the dark glasses of deficit-based approaches and see children who come to school speaking a different home language for what they really are: learners with tremendous assets. The authors’ contributions are arranged in nine chapters that become nine tenets for teachers and administrators to use as calls to actions in their own efforts to realize our English learners’ potential: 1. From Deficit-Based to Asset-Based 2. From Compliance to Excellence 3. From Watering Down to Challenging 4. From Isolation to Collaboration 5. From Silence to Conversation 6. From Language to Language, Literacy, and Content 7. From Assessment of Learning to Assessment for and as Learning 8. From Monolingualism to Multilingualism 9. From Nobody Cares to Everyone/Every Community Cares Read this book; the chapters speak to one another, a melodic echo of expertise, classroom vignettes, and steps to take. To shift the status quo is neither fast nor easy, but there is a clear process, and it’s laid out here in Breaking Down the Wall. To distill it into a single line would go something like this: if we can assume mutual ownership, if we can connect instruction to all children’s personal, social, cultural, and linguistic identities, then all students will achieve.

Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success

by Debbie Zacarian Maria G. Dove Margarita Espino Calderon Diane Staehr Fenner Tonya W. Singer Margo Gottlieb Ivannia Soto Shawn M. Sinclair-Slakk Andrea Honigsfeld

It was a dark and stormy night in Santa Barbara. January 19, 2017. The next day’s inauguration drumroll played on the evening news. Huddled around a table were nine Corwin authors and their publisher, who together have devoted their careers to equity in education. They couldn’t change the weather, they couldn’t heal a fractured country, but they did have the power to put their collective wisdom about EL education upon the page to ensure our multilingual learners reach their highest potential. Proudly, we introduce you now to the fruit of that effort: Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success. In this first-of-a-kind collaboration, teachers and leaders, whether in small towns or large urban centers, finally have both the research and the practical strategies to take those first steps toward excellence in educating our culturally and linguistically diverse children. It’s a book to be celebrated because it means we can throw away the dark glasses of deficit-based approaches and see children who come to school speaking a different home language for what they really are: learners with tremendous assets. The authors’ contributions are arranged in nine chapters that become nine tenets for teachers and administrators to use as calls to actions in their own efforts to realize our English learners’ potential: 1. From Deficit-Based to Asset-Based 2. From Compliance to Excellence 3. From Watering Down to Challenging 4. From Isolation to Collaboration 5. From Silence to Conversation 6. From Language to Language, Literacy, and Content 7. From Assessment of Learning to Assessment for and as Learning 8. From Monolingualism to Multilingualism 9. From Nobody Cares to Everyone/Every Community Cares Read this book; the chapters speak to one another, a melodic echo of expertise, classroom vignettes, and steps to take. To shift the status quo is neither fast nor easy, but there is a clear process, and it’s laid out here in Breaking Down the Wall. To distill it into a single line would go something like this: if we can assume mutual ownership, if we can connect instruction to all children’s personal, social, cultural, and linguistic identities, then all students will achieve.

Beyond Crises: Overcoming Linguistic and Cultural Inequities in Communities, Schools, and Classrooms

by Debbie Zacarian Margarita Espino Calderon Margo Gottlieb

What are some lessons learned from the pandemic? We learned that, in times of crises, the humanitarian needs of students, families, and ourselves must be a top priority. We learned that forming effective partnerships with families and communities is essential to the health and well-being of our children. We were offered a blunt reminder that a system designed to serve the interests of a privileged few was destined to fail our historically underserved students, especially our millions of multilingual learners. Above all, we learned that the "normal" many of us have yearned for was never good enough—that we must envision a "better world," where we build on our multilingual students’ unique assets and cultivate their inner brilliance. Only then will we deliver on their promise. It’s this "better world," a world in which communities, schools, and classrooms work together as a "whole-child ecosystem," Beyond Crises: Overcoming Linguistic and Cultural Inequities in Communities, Schools, and Classrooms sets out to create. Taking a look from the outside in, Debbie Zacarian, Margarita Calderón, and Margo Gottlieb address three critical arenas: 1. Imagining Communities describes how to design and enact strengths-based family and community partnerships, including the critical importance of identifying, valuing, and acknowledging each member’s assets and competencies, and the ways recent crises have amplified their struggles. 2. Imagining Schools takes an up-close look at policies, structures, and now irrelevant ways of schooling that call for change and how we might reconfigure professional development to ensure every teacher and administrator is dedicated to the well-being and success of our multilingual learners. 3. Imagining Classrooms demonstrates how to optimize learning opportunities—both virtual and face-to-face—so our diverse students grow cognitively, linguistically, and social-emotionally, and accentuate their talents in knowing and using multiple languages in linguistically and culturally sustainable environments. "Student and family, classroom, school, and local community are not silos unto themselves," Debbie, Margarita, and Margo insist. "They are part of a larger whole that is interrelated and interconnected and, even, interdependent on each other. By forming stronger alliances, we can realize the power of truly working, socializing, and flourishing together." Beyond Crises is the first critical step forward.

Beyond Crises: Overcoming Linguistic and Cultural Inequities in Communities, Schools, and Classrooms

by Debbie Zacarian Margarita Espino Calderon Margo Gottlieb

What are some lessons learned from the pandemic? We learned that, in times of crises, the humanitarian needs of students, families, and ourselves must be a top priority. We learned that forming effective partnerships with families and communities is essential to the health and well-being of our children. We were offered a blunt reminder that a system designed to serve the interests of a privileged few was destined to fail our historically underserved students, especially our millions of multilingual learners. Above all, we learned that the "normal" many of us have yearned for was never good enough—that we must envision a "better world," where we build on our multilingual students’ unique assets and cultivate their inner brilliance. Only then will we deliver on their promise. It’s this "better world," a world in which communities, schools, and classrooms work together as a "whole-child ecosystem," Beyond Crises: Overcoming Linguistic and Cultural Inequities in Communities, Schools, and Classrooms sets out to create. Taking a look from the outside in, Debbie Zacarian, Margarita Calderón, and Margo Gottlieb address three critical arenas: 1. Imagining Communities describes how to design and enact strengths-based family and community partnerships, including the critical importance of identifying, valuing, and acknowledging each member’s assets and competencies, and the ways recent crises have amplified their struggles. 2. Imagining Schools takes an up-close look at policies, structures, and now irrelevant ways of schooling that call for change and how we might reconfigure professional development to ensure every teacher and administrator is dedicated to the well-being and success of our multilingual learners. 3. Imagining Classrooms demonstrates how to optimize learning opportunities—both virtual and face-to-face—so our diverse students grow cognitively, linguistically, and social-emotionally, and accentuate their talents in knowing and using multiple languages in linguistically and culturally sustainable environments. "Student and family, classroom, school, and local community are not silos unto themselves," Debbie, Margarita, and Margo insist. "They are part of a larger whole that is interrelated and interconnected and, even, interdependent on each other. By forming stronger alliances, we can realize the power of truly working, socializing, and flourishing together." Beyond Crises is the first critical step forward.

Sustainable Business in the Era of Digital Transformation: Strategic and Entrepreneurial Perspectives (ISSN)

by Vesna Zabkar Marek Ćwiklicki Mariusz Sołtysik Magdalena Wojnarowska Maria Urbaniec Erica Varese

Sustainable development is a complex issue and despite many studies and publications in recent years, it remains poorly recognised on best practices in core business areas. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development depends on research and innovation. Therefore, the transition to sustainable development requires investment in technology, new business models, and social and environmental innovations that contribute to shaping new business and promoting sustainable business practices.This book seeks to understand how sustainability affects core business areas, with a focus on strategic and entrepreneurial activities. Given these considerations, the main purpose of this book is twofold: (1) to contribute to a better understanding of important and current trends in the field of sustainable transformation in core business areas; and (2) to provide a comprehensive overview of quantitative and qualitative studies in the field. The book ultimately seeks to shed light on how companies are implementing sustainable transformation in the core areas of product and marketing, entrepreneurship, and innovation, which is supported by appropriate project management strategies.The book provides researchers and upper-level students in economics, business, and other social sciences with an overview of interdisciplinary theoretical and conceptual perspectives and frameworks for successful business transformation. It will be of particular value to those researching sustainable development and strategic management.

The Generals' War: Operational Level Command on the Western Front in 1918 (Twentieth-Century Battles)

by Major General David T. Zabecki

Known as the War to End all Wars and the Great War, World War I introduced new forms of mass destruction and modern technological warfare. When the Bolsheviks pulled Russia out of the war in late 1917, the Germans turned their offensive efforts to the Western Front in an attempt to win the war in 1918. But as fresh American troops entered Europe, the strategic scales tipped against Germany.Much of how World War I played out turned on the plans and decisions of the senior-most German and Allied commanders. The Generals' War explores the military strategies of those generals during the last year of the Great War. These six very different men included Germany's Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and General Erich Ludendorff; France's Marshals Ferdinand Foch and Philippe Pétain; Great Britain's Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig; and the United States' General John Pershing. Although history remembers none of them as great captains, these six officers determined for better or worse how World War I was fought on the battlefields of the Western Front between November 1917 and November 1918.The Generals' War is a landmark exploration of the generalship that shaped the very framework of modern warfare as we know it today and provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis on the senior commanders of the Great War.

Towards Digital and Sustainable Organisations: People, Platforms, and Ecosystems (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #65)

by Stefano Za Alessandra Lazazzara Rocco Reina

This book presents a collection of research papers that explore how ICT experts, managers, and policymakers can address sustainability issues in digital transformation (DT) by considering people practices, organizational processes, and platform design issues. Each chapter offers insights into how to create sustainable digital solutions that benefit both society and the environment. The diversity of views presented makes this book particularly relevant for scholars, companies, and public sector organizations. The content is based on revised versions of selected papers (original double-blind peer-reviewed contributions) presented at the annual conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, which took place in Catanzaro, Italy, in October 2022.

Four Fairies Tell Tales: Don't let the world confine you by defining who you should be

by Samson Yung-Abu

“Disability has nothing on ability when ingenuity and agility is shield with a strong belief to achieve and a strong support to try.” In Four Fairies Tell Tales, classic fairy tales are reimagined with a fresh, inclusive twist for the modern age. Three beloved stories are retold, while one original tale makes its debut, each featuring a main character with a common mental or physical challenge. These characters embody bravery, strength, and mental agility, proving that having a ‘disability’ is not a drawback or weakness. Through their unique perspectives and ingenious problem-solving, the characters in these stories tackle challenges head-on, demonstrating that obstacles can be overcome regardless of one’s abilities. By representing and supporting the diverse culture of our modern age, Four Fairies Tell Tales aims to create a more inclusive society for all. This collection of stories celebrates the power of determination and resilience, reminding readers that a disability should never hold one back from achieving their goals and living life to the fullest.

Miles Davis, Miles Smiles, and the Invention of Post Bop

by Jeremy Yudkin

Focusing on one of the legendary musicians in jazz, this book examines Miles Davis's often overlooked music of the mid-1960s with a close examination of the evolution of a new style: post bop. Jeremy Yudkin traces Davis's life and work during a period when the trumpeter was struggling with personal and musical challenges only to emerge once again as the artistic leader of his generation.A major force in post-war American jazz, Miles Davis was a pioneer of cool jazz, hard bop, and modal jazz in a variety of small group formats. The formation in the mid-1960s of the Second Quintet with Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, and Tony Williams was vital to the invention of the new post bop style. Yudkin illustrates and precisely defines this style with an analysis of the 1966 classic Miles Smiles.

Ear Diseases and CT

by Zilong Yu

This book consisted of 12 chapters, 280 color figures and 200 white & black figures; each figure was followed by a detail annotation.In the first part, the anatomy and surgical mark of the following structures were described respectively in detail: five portions of the temporal bone, external-media-internal ear, facial nerve in temporal bone, cerebellopontine angle and petrous apex. This is the basics of understanding the anatomic marks of normal radiological imaging and pathological-radiological imaging.In the second part, two-dimension CT imaging of temporal bone and the corresponding sectional anatomy of the same temporal bone were compared one by one on axial, coronal and sagittal view. Surgical and radiologic anatomic structures were marked in each section, their clinical significances were also explained in the meantime.In the third part, it covers 10 kinds of ear diseases using CT imaging in each part. It includes congenital malformation, trauma, inflammation, cholesteatoma. tumor and neighbor disease which affected the temporal bone, were described in detail respectively, some diseases attached MRI imaging and surgical findings. This may help for understanding radiological imaging and planning preoperative design.This book is useful for Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, Radiology doctors and related teaching personals.

The Angsana Tree Mystery (Su Lin Series #8)

by Ovidia Yu

'One of Singapore's finest living authors' South China Morning Post 'Simply glorious. Every nook and cranny of 1930s Singapore is brought richly to life' CATRIONA MCPHERSON 'Charming' RHYS BOWEN 'One of the most likeable heroines in modern literature' SCOTSMAN ________________ The next book in the Mystery Tree series, exploring Singapore after the Japanese retreat and in the aftermath of WWII.Singapore 1949When all the angsana trees on the island bloom at the same time it's a glorious fragrant display that lasts only one day... and the next morning Su Lin comes across an old friend laughing hysterically while holding her dead lover on the thick carpet of yellow flowers by the quarry pool that was their childhood haunt. She instantly realises her friend could not be the killer as she could not have sliced so cleanly through the man's throat with no weapon in sight.As she tries to help her friend, Su Lin has to figure out where her own loyalties lie. Angsana blossoms aren't the only things disappearing overnight in post-war Singapore as the newly returned British-increasingly on edge because of anti-colonial uprisings in nearby Indonesia-rush to change laws and revoke permits and positions. But more pressingly, Su Lin has to prove her friend's innocence and stop a calculating killer from murdering again... ________________ Praise for Ovidia Yu: 'Chen Su Lin is a true gem. Her slyly witty voice and her admirable, sometimes heartbreaking, practicality make her the most beguiling narrator heroine I've met in a long while' Catriona McPherson 'Charming and fascinating with great authentic feel. Ovidia Yu's teenage Chinese sleuth gives us an insight into a very different culture and time. This book is exactly why I love historical novels' Rhys Bowen 'A wonderful detective novel . . . a book that introduces one of the most likeable heroines in modern literature and should be on everyone's Must Read list' Scotsman 'Unassuming, brilliantly observant' SCMP 'Ovidia Yu's writing helped me peel back the layers to understand Singapore. The story and Chen Su Lin's initiative and tenacity, set against a backdrop of wartime Singapore, intrigued both the historian and the mystery lover in me' Kara Owens CMG CVO, British High Commissioner to Singapore

The Angsana Tree Mystery (Su Lin Series #8)

by Ovidia Yu

'One of Singapore's finest living authors' South China Morning Post 'Simply glorious. Every nook and cranny of 1930s Singapore is brought richly to life' CATRIONA MCPHERSON 'Charming' RHYS BOWEN 'One of the most likeable heroines in modern literature' SCOTSMAN ________________ The next book in the Mystery Tree series, exploring Singapore after the Japanese retreat and in the aftermath of WWII.Singapore 1949When all the angsana trees on the island bloom at the same time it's a glorious fragrant display that lasts only one day... and the next morning Su Lin comes across an old friend laughing hysterically while holding her dead lover on the thick carpet of yellow flowers by the quarry pool that was their childhood haunt. She instantly realises her friend could not be the killer as she could not have sliced so cleanly through the man's throat with no weapon in sight.As she tries to help her friend, Su Lin has to figure out where her own loyalties lie. Angsana blossoms aren't the only things disappearing overnight in post-war Singapore as the newly returned British-increasingly on edge because of anti-colonial uprisings in nearby Indonesia-rush to change laws and revoke permits and positions. But more pressingly, Su Lin has to prove her friend's innocence and stop a calculating killer from murdering again... ________________ Praise for Ovidia Yu: 'Chen Su Lin is a true gem. Her slyly witty voice and her admirable, sometimes heartbreaking, practicality make her the most beguiling narrator heroine I've met in a long while' Catriona McPherson 'Charming and fascinating with great authentic feel. Ovidia Yu's teenage Chinese sleuth gives us an insight into a very different culture and time. This book is exactly why I love historical novels' Rhys Bowen 'A wonderful detective novel . . . a book that introduces one of the most likeable heroines in modern literature and should be on everyone's Must Read list' Scotsman 'Unassuming, brilliantly observant' SCMP 'Ovidia Yu's writing helped me peel back the layers to understand Singapore. The story and Chen Su Lin's initiative and tenacity, set against a backdrop of wartime Singapore, intrigued both the historian and the mystery lover in me' Kara Owens CMG CVO, British High Commissioner to Singapore

Intrapreneurship Management: Concepts, Methods, and Software for Managing Technological Innovation in Organizations (IEEE Press Series on Technology Management, Innovation, and Leadership)

by Oliver Yu Rainer Hasenauer

Develop and deploy industry-leading ideas with this groundbreaking management toolkit The universal modern image of an innovator is a technological entrepreneur, who conceives and develops their groundbreaking ideas outside an existing institution and only subsequently builds infrastructure around it. In reality, however, the bulk of technological innovation comes through Intrapreneurship: innovation that takes place inside an existing organization, taking advantage of the institutional support and economies of scale provided by continuing enterprises. Intrapreneurship Management is an approach that cultivates these internal innovations and the knowledge workers who produce them. Intrapreneurship Management: Concepts, Methods, and Software for Managing Technological Innovation in Organizations offers a guide to this approach, its challenges, and its rewards. Beginning with a simple yet flexible definition of innovation—an idea implemented with impact—it analyzes the processes and organizational tools by which novel ideas can be fostered, supported, and applied, producing industry-leading firms that maximize their internal talent. It also provides access and tools for using IntrapreneurshipREADINESSNavigator (IRN), a unique software already deployed successfully in over 150 innovation projects. Intrapreneurship Management readers will also find: Case studies of technological innovations within a range of organizations A look forward to future challenges facing innovative organizations in the 21st century Detailed treatment of subjects including innovation marketing, systematic creativity, and developing innovative organizational culture Intrapreneurship Management is ideal for intrapreneurs, their managers, and any professionals working in industries driven by technological innovation, as well as researchers and students of management.

Design of CMOS Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Integrated Circuits with Metamaterials

by Hao Yu Yang Shang

This book shows that with the use of metamaterials, one can have coherent THz signal generation, amplification, transmission, and detection for phase-arrayed CMOS transistors with significantly improved performance. Offering detailed coverage from device to system, the book describes the design and application of metamaterials in actual CMOS integrated circuits, includes real circuit examples and chip demonstrations with measurement results, and also evaluates system performance after CMOS-based system-on-chip integration. The book reflects the latest research progress and provides a state-of-the-art reference on CMOS-based metamaterial devices and mm-wave and THz systems.

Break, Blow, Burn, and Make: A Writer's Thoughts on Creation

by E. Lily Yu

From the award-winning author of On Fragile Waves comes an inspirational, surprising guide to creation and creativity, and how both bring us closer to God. Centuries ago, sound theology and good fiction were friends and not strangers. Decades ago, authors strove not for self-expression and self-disclosure but for a mastery of craft and language and books that transformed the reader with wisdom and love. In more recent years, the old ideals have been exchanged for lesser ones. Few guides to writing, which tend to focus on mechanics, point of view, and plot, address the more important matters of meaning, depth, and heart. But it is the latter qualities that make a book a blessing and gift to both writer and reader. Like Christ&’s invitation to follow, they demand a risk and sacrifice of the self and all it holds dear. Writers from George MacDonald to James Baldwin understood this, but in recent years this understanding has been lost. Making old things new, this book proposes an ethics of reading, writing, and living based on truth and love. Break, Blow, Burn, & Make returns the literary conversation to the practices of co-creation with God. Part bugle call, part compass for writing and for life, and part love song to the books that set us on fire, it offers those who are willing to receive it the courage to live, read, and write more deeply and honestly.

Saving Christianity?: The Danger In Undermining Our Faith -- And What You Can Do About It

by Michael Youssef

A clear and frank exploration of the future of Christianity and whether it needs to be saved. We live in confusing times. Our society has shifted on its moral axis, and many are asking whether Christianity needs to be reinvented—or even reimagined—in order to save it.  With Newsweek declaring “The Decline and Fall of Christian America” on its cover and The Daily Beast questioning “Does Christianity Have a Future?” bloggers and Christian commentators are discussing whether we need a “new of kind of Christianity.”In Saving Christianity? Dr. Michael Youssef explores this train of thought and its pitfalls. He describes how similar discussions in Christianity’s recent past explored the very same question. Saving Christianity? will help you discern what is going on within the church while it reviews the essentials of the Christian faith as described in the Bible. We dare not abandon this “mere faith,” as Dr. Youssef describes it, because it is the light for all humanity—and especially for those of us living in today’s chaotic times. After reading Saving Christianity? you’ll have a renewed confidence in the future of the church and the central place it will occupy for generations to come. 

Value Engineering: Analysis And Methodology

by Del Younker

This invaluable reference teaches effective and practical techniques to improve the overall performance and outcome of design projects in various industries. Value Engineering highlights the application of value methodology to streamline current day operations, strategic planning in company or business segments, and everyday business decisions in the private sector. The book shows how to maximize budgets, reduce life cycle costs, improve project understanding, and create better working relationships. It explains how to gather information for the creation, evaluation, development, and presentation of new project ideas and shows how to design an appropriate task agenda and timeline.

Boats on the Marne: Jean Renoir's Critique of Modernity

by Prakash Younger

Boats on the Marne offers an original interpretation of Jean Renoir's celebrated films of the 1930s, treating them as a coherent narrative of philosophical response to the social and political crises of the times. Grounded in a reinterpretation of the foundational film-philosopher André Bazin, and drawing on work from a range of disciplines (film studies, art history, comparative literature, political and cultural history), the book's coordinated consideration of Renoir's films, writings, and interviews demonstrates his obsession with the concept of romanticism. Renoir saw romanticism to be a defining feature of modernity, a hydra-headed malady which intimately shapes our personal lives, culture, and politics, blinding us and locking us into agonistic relationships and conflict. While mapping the popular manifestations of romanticism that Renoir engaged with at the time, this study restores the philosophic weight of his critique by tracing the phenomenon back to its roots in the work and influence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who first articulated conceptions of human desire, identity, community, and history that remain pervasive today. Prakash Younger argues that Renoir's films of the 1930s articulate a multi-stranded narrative through which the director thinks about various aspects of romanticism and explores the liberating possibilities of an alternative paradigm illuminated by the thought of Plato, Montaigne, and the early Enlightenment. When placed in the context of the long and complex dialogue Renoir had with his audience over the course of the decade, masterpieces such as La Grande Illusion and La Règle du Jeu reveal his profound engagement with issues of political philosophy that are still very much with us today.

Translation and the Borders of Contemporary Japanese Literature: Inciting Difference (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)

by Victoria Young

This book examines contemporary debates on such concepts as national literature, world literature, and the relationship each of these to translation, from the perspective of modern Japanese fiction.By reading between the gaps and revealing tensions and blind spots in the image that Japanese literature presents to the world, the author brings together a series of essays and works of fiction that are normally kept separate in distinct subgenres, such as Okinawan literature, zainichi literature written by ethnic Koreans, and other “trans-border” works. The act of translation is reimagined in figurative, expanded, and even disruptive ways with a focus on marginal spaces and trans-border movements. The result decentres the common image of Japanese literature while creating connections to wider questions of multilingualism, decolonisation, historical revisionism, and trauma that are so central to contemporary literary studies.This book will be of interest to all those who study modern Japan and Japanese literature, as well as those working in the wider field of translation studies, as it subjects the concept of world literature to searching analysis.

Social Equity and Public Management Theory: A Global Outlook (ISSN)

by Sarah Young Denita Cepiku Kimberly Wiley

Social equity is a pillar of public service. Thus, social equity should be a central concern in public management in practice and scholarship. However, widespread incorporation and reflection of social equity practices in government and the anticipated public benefits still seem like an elusive goal. The ability to analytically assess social equity is the first step toward prescribing social equity reforms. Public affairs graduate programs, like a master’s in public administration or public policy, often teach public management separately from social equity. This book empirically and theoretically bridges social equity and public management for use in the public affairs graduate classroom. The book highlights international research that leverages public management theory to build reasonable social equity measures and applications. The research highlighted in the text includes studies from across countries in North and South America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia. This is the first book specifically designed for global public affairs classrooms that connects public management theory and practice with social equity reforms.

Jesus Listens: A Jesus Calling Prayer Book for Young Readers

by Sarah Young

Jesus Listens, the bestselling 365 daily prayer devotional from Sarah Young, is now available for children. This book invites your children (and you) into an ongoing conversation with God, growing a meaningful prayer life and closer relationship with Him.In this inspiring 365-day book of prayers, Sarah Young, author of Jesus Calling, helps children talk to God every day. Kids will learn how to pray honest prayers and know that Jesus is always listening to them. This book will equip parents who want toteach their kids how to pray and talk to Godreassure their children that God is always with themhelp their kids to read Bible verses every dayChildren will learn the daily practice of reading God's Word and talking to Him. They willknow that they can talk to Jesus about anything and come to Him when they are afraid, anxious, or worriedlearn how to thank and praise God and take Him their requestsdevelop the habit of prayerThis inspirational book for kids ages 8 to 12 makes a perfect gift forChristmasbirthdaysgraduation celebrations and back-to-schoolbaptisms, Sunday school awards, or first communionsJesus Listens: 365 Prayers for Kids is a wonderful tool to help your children read Scripture and pray every day of the year.

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