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The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2024: Planning Sermons for Every Sunday of the Year

by Charley Reeb

The local pastor’s go-to resource for weekly sermon planning.The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2024 is lectionary-based and follows the calendar year (January - December). It includes special days like Maundy Thursday and Ash Wednesday, and indexes for scriptures and themes, to assist preachers with non-lectionary sermons.Each entry begins with a preacher-to-preacher prayer for preparation, then moves to the key feature: a commentary on one or more texts for the week, exploring themes and storylines, theological reflections, and thoughts about how the text and topic relate to our lives today. Also included are ideas for bringing the text to life--stories, illustrations, ideas for further reading, questions the preacher might pose to the congregation, and suggestions for a ‘call to action’ in response to the message.Finally, for the preacher’s ongoing enrichment, the Annual includes excerpts from new books on preaching and homiletics. This helpful resource is written by every-week preachers who aim to come alongside you, offering a reliable starting point for your sermonic planning, writing, and delivery.

Ability Machines: What Video Games Mean for Disability (Digital Game Studies)

by Sky LaRell Anderson

Video games are both physically and cognitively demanding—so what does that mean for those with a disability or mental illness? Though they may seem at odds, Ability Machines illuminates just how vital video games are to understanding our bodies and abilities.In Ability Machines, Sky LaRell Anderson shows us how video games can help us imagine what our abilities mean and how they engage us physically, behaviorally, and cognitively to envision our agency beyond limitations. On the surface, this can mean games provide power fantasies; more profoundly, games can fundamentally reshape cultural and personal understandings of mental health, illness, disability, and accessibility. Video games are indeed ability machines that produce a reimagined state of agency. Featuring a comparative analysis of key video game titles, including Metal Gear Solid V, Wolfenstein II, Celeste, Devil May Cry 5, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Hades, Nier: Automata, and more, Ability Machines tackles larger questions of ability and how our bodies relate to interactive media.

Abducted by a Prince: A Cinderella Sisterhood Series (Cinderella Sisterhood Series #3)

by Olivia Drake

She's not waiting for her prince. He's not looking for a bride. But sometimes the most unlikely love stories end in ‘happily ever after'…SHE WAS STOLEN AWAYEllie Stratham gave up her childhood dreams of a fairy tale romance long ago. To repay her late father's debts, she's forced to serve her spoiled cousin, Lady Beatrice. But Ellie has devised a secret plan to escape her life as a drudge. A plan that is thrown into jeopardy when she's abducted by a mysterious stranger.BUT CAN HE STEAL HER HEART?A notorious seducer of women—and a scoundrel to boot—Damien Burke has earned his nickname as the Demon Prince. But his plot to kidnap Lady Beatrice to make her brother return a priceless heirloom backfires—and he ends up with their penniless cousin Ellie as his hostage. By the time Damien realizes his mistake, he and his fiery-willed captive are trapped in a remote castle during a wild winter storm. And he soon finds that the true hostage may be his own heart.The Cinderella Sisterhood series is:"Filled with romance [and] breathtaking passion."—Night Owl Reviews"Magical."—Once Upon a Romance"Sensual…engaging...beautiful."—RT Book Reviews (4 stars)

The ABCs of IP Addressing

by Gilbert Held

Our world is rapidly becoming an Internet-based world, with tens of millions of homes, millions of businesses, and within a short period of time, possibly hundreds of millions of mobile professionals accessing the literal mother of all networks. One of the key problems affecting many Internet users, ranging from individual professionals to networki

Abandoned Breaths: Poems

by Alfa

An exhalation of love, loss, and heartbreak, Abandoned Breaths is a poetic work of catharsis. From the acclaimed author of I Find You in the Darkness, Alfa’s writing is at once deeply personal and universal—resulting in an emotive force that stays with you. This new edition of Abandoned Breaths includes an updated introduction and a brand-new chapter of modern poetry. Find respite, resilience, and rejuvenation from the moving poetry of Abandoned Breaths. There are wordsthat need to be said.Buried beneath pride and fear.Rejection has suffocatedtheir tenacity to bloom.So, they stay dormantand fester.Dwelling in the darkestand dusty corners of a crying soul.Unseen, yet felt.Not alive, but not dead.Abandoned breaths.Words that need to be said.-Alfa

An A-Z of Animal Symbolism: Your complete guide to over 150 animal symbols

by Aurore Pramil

Learn to interpret the messages the animal world has for you!A bird knocks insistently on your window, your cat brings you a lizard, you find yourself face to face with a spider or you dream of an elephant ... what if each animal had a message for you? Animals have always been a source of fascination for humans - we love to watch them, learn about them and keep them as pets. But what if animals could actually communicate with us? In this complete guide, you'll find everything you need to know about the symbolism and signs of more than 150 animals, whether they appear to you in a dream or 'happen' to cross your path. You'll learn their individual characteristics as well as the elements and seasons they're associated with. You'll also discover what these encounters mean for different aspects of your life including love, career, family and health. Messages from the animal world are always filled with compassion but animals aren't there to flatter your ego. Rather, they aim to help you advance in consciousness in your life's journey. Sometimes you'll receive an encouraging sign that confirms you're on the right path or guidance to help you move forward. Other times, an animal will deliver a deeper lesson for you to explore, because that's how we learn. More than anything, their messages can open avenues of questioning and help to make your way forward clearer. The animals wish you well; they want you to hear their messages. Let them become your guides!

À quand l'Afrique?: Entretien Avec René Holenstein

by Joseph Ki-Zerbo

A quand l'Afrique ? Voilà bien une question que nous préférons éviter, tant l'Afrique semble sans avenir. Mais Joseph Ki-Zerbo, historien et homme d'action burkinabé, ne peut et ne veut occulter cette question. Alors, au cours de ce long entretien qui, par certains côtés, retrace le parcours d'une vie, il dresse un portrait vivant, saisissant, de l'Afrique au temps de la mondialisation. Joseph Ki-Zerbo a largement contribué à doter l'Afrique d'une histoire propre, une histoire qui soit autre que celle écrite par le colonisateur. Pour lui, l'Afrique doit conquérir son identité, fière de sa contribution à l'aventure humaine. « Sans identité, dit-il, nous sommes un objet de l'histoire, un instrument utilisé par les autres. Un ustensile. » Un livre passionnant, nourri d'une Afrique vécue et étudiée pendant des décennies, riche de réflexions profondes d'un historien sur le rôle de son métier pour l'action concrète des hommes. Un livre engagé : N'an lara, an sara. (Si nous nous couchons, nous sommes morts.)

A la deriva

by Cornelie

El día después de Navidad, en vísperas de su octavo cumpleaños, la vida de Marielle da un vuelco tras la desaparición de su madre. No dejó ninguna explicación, ni siquiera una carta, para justificar este incomprensible acto. Sólo el padre despreocupado mantendrá esta desaparición en secreto. La danza, su pasión, aporta a Marielle comodidad y equilibrio. Criada por su padre, toma su destino en sus propias manos y encuentra el amor en los reconfortantes brazos de su novio Léo, un mecánico fracasado y ladrón diez años mayor que ella. Pero su padre, ferozmente contrario a esta relación privilegiada, sigue advirtiéndole, hasta que un triste día de diciembre, todo lo que había hecho para vivir esta relación a plena luz del día se derrumbó. Obligada a construir sola su futuro, nunca pierde la esperanza de encontrar a Léo. ¿Qué habría hecho su madre en su lugar? Con valentía, sigue creyendo en el amor incondicional que sienten el uno por el otro desde hace años, a pesar de evidencias recientes que podrían poner en duda la solidez de su relación. Pero un acontecimiento cambiará la vida cotidiana de Marielle.

9th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference: Proceedings of EMBEC 2024, June 9-13, 2024, Portorož, Slovenia, Volume 2 (IFMBE Proceedings #113)

by Samo Mahnič-Kalamiza Tomaž Jarm Rok Šmerc

This book informs on new trends, challenges, and solutions, in the multidisciplinary field of biomedical engineering. It covers traditional topics in biomechanics and biomedical signal processing, as well as recent trends relating to the applications of artificial intelligence and IoT in healthcare, wearable devices for patient monitoring, monitoring of medical devices, machine learning applications in medical data, among others. Gathering the second volume of the proceedings of the 9th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC 2024), held on June 9-13, 2024, in Portorož, Slovenia, this book bridges fundamental and clinically-oriented research, emphasizing the role of translational research in biomedical engineering. It aims at inspiring and fostering communication and collaboration between engineers, physicists, biologists, physicians and other professionals dealing with cutting-edge themes in and advanced technologies serving the broad field of biology and healthcare.

$9 Therapy: Semi-Capitalist Solutions to Your Emotional Problems

by Megan Reid Nick Greene

A tongue-in-cheek collection of the tips, tricks, and recipes that will fix your life without busting your budget.$9 Therapy proves that it’s possible to take self-care seriously without taking yourself too seriously. Self-professed lifestyle gurus Nick Greene and Megan Reid know that sometimes it takes as little as spending nine dollars on an act of self-care to turn your day around. While working their first, low-paying jobs out of school, Nick and Meg learned to spend wisely—and fabulously—and firmly came to believe in the radical potential of simple pleasures. In $9 Therapy, they use their hard-won wisdom to show how small, inexpensive treats can elevate your adulting game: whether it’s mindfully repotting a plant to finally drinking from a decent wine glass (even if you can afford only one), to recipes you’ll actually want to cook, to design tips to make even the tiniest spaces look like Instagram-bait.With enthusiasm and sass, (and featuring 30 colorful illustrations), $9 Therapy brings together the lifehacks and mini-upgrades that encourage you to make your life a little bit easier, a little bit less stressful, a little bit better, a little more loving toward yourself and the humans around you.

8ed Der Beobachter der Genesis: Die Wissenschaft hinter der Schöpfungsgeschichte

by Alberto Canen

Die Genesis ist seit Tausenden von Jahren ein Rätsel. Niemand war in der Lage zu verstehen, wovon der Text sprach, ob er nur ein einleitendes Gedicht zur Heiligen Schrift war oder ob er tatsächlich Informationen über die Schöpfung enthielt. Der Text der Genesis spaltet bis heute die Gemüter von Kreationisten und Wissenschaftlern. Mit diesem Buch hoffe ich, diese Trennung zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Kreationisten aufzuweichen, denn ich habe den Schlüssel entdeckt, der beide Welten vereint. Ich denke, der Schlüssel zum Geheimnis der Genesis liegt darin, zu verstehen, dass sie von jemandem erzählt wird. Einem Erzähler der Genesis. Jemand, der die Vision, die Gott ihm gibt, beobachtet und von dort aus erzählt, was er beobachtet, und er beobachtet es von seinem menschlichen und irdischen Standort aus. Dieser irdische und genaue Standort ist der Schlüssel zum Verständnis der Genesis.

The 8 Laws Of Customer-Focused Leadership: New Rules for Building A Business Around Today’s Customer

by Blake Morgan

A leadership playbook for making customer experience a core aspect of your business.In a rapidly changing world filled with uncertainties, one thing remains crystal clear: customers are increasingly fickle and no longer care about loyalty to any particular company. In addition, many well-intentioned companies are falling short of customer expectations, despite every organization&’s potential for excellence. The truth is customer experience is not what it used to be. New technologies, values, generational expectations, economic instability, - and the rapid pace of change all must be considered as you forge ahead. How do you put the customer first in the face of all these emerging trends?Using cutting-edge research and interviewing top leaders across industries, customer experience futurist Blake Morgan has pulled together eight new laws that the best companies follow in terms of building and maintaining a focus on the customer. Customer experience is a decision leaders must make every day, and this book shows you how:C.reate a customer experience mindset.eX.ceed longterm profit expectations by focusing on both short term and long term profits.L.ay out your customer experience strategy creation and stick to it.E.mbark on your 90 day get started plan.A.nticipate the future by being a customer experience futurist.D.on&’t forget that employees are customers too.E.valuate success and measure what can be measured.R.eaffirm the priority - keep CX front and center.Learn the laws, see how the best companies apply them, and build them into your organization to become a transformational customer experience leader!

8 Essentials for a Life of Significance (Student Leadership University Study Guide)

by Ron Luce Jay Strack

For over 20 years, Dr. Jay Strack has been working with young Christian leaders throughout the U.S. and teaching them have a better understanding of God's Word and His calling in their lives. The topics chosen for the Student Leadership University Study Guide Series represent part of the teaching model that Dr. Strack has developed over the years and address tough questions that young people are asking today. In this study guide, Dr. Strack and Ron Luce will take the student on a journey through the lives of teens such as David, Joseph, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Timothy, Mary, and others to discover what it takes to really make a difference in the world around you. They will teach students the importance of: having a powerful personal devotion time with God / keeping your mind protected and fortified / defending your faith / having accountability / honoring your parents / finding your purpose and living it out fearlessly

72 Hours

by Bella Jewel

A red-hot, pulse-pounding thrill ride by USA Today bestselling author Bella Jewel! It’s all part of his sick game. A game he’s been planning for an entire decade. Now everything is perfect: One woman and one man have been selected. They used to be a couple—and they can no longer stand one another. They are the perfect victims. He doesn’t intend for the game to be easy. He wants to push them to the brink of insanity, to make his hunt real. . .Lara and Noah have been captured and dumped into a massive wooded area. There’s only one rule in this fatal game: They will have 72 hours to find a way out before a sadistic serial killer begins his hunt . . .But what he never could have expected was the explosive passion that ignites between the two ex-lovers—one that makes them strong. Fierce. And determined to do whatever it takes to escape—and to survive. 72 Hours by Bella Jewel is a sexy, page-turning thrill ride!

70 Easy Card Tricks: A beginner's guide to magic

by Peter Arnold

Learn 70 tricks that are easy to master and hundreds of techniques that are essential for every budding magician.Easy Card Tricks includes mathematical dupes, sleights of hand,'mind-reading' stunts, expert shuffles, and card predictions that will seem impossible to an observer. Some of these tricks need no special skills at all, some need simple equipment such as a pen and paper, and some need simple conjuring skills to make the false shuffles, double lifts and glides look effortless. But all of the tricks are impressive and, with a little repetition in private, you will soon be a master of illusion.

70 Easy Card Tricks: A beginner's guide to magic

by Peter Arnold

Learn 70 tricks that are easy to master and hundreds of techniques that are essential for every budding magician.Easy Card Tricks includes mathematical dupes, sleights of hand,'mind-reading' stunts, expert shuffles, and card predictions that will seem impossible to an observer. Some of these tricks need no special skills at all, some need simple equipment such as a pen and paper, and some need simple conjuring skills to make the false shuffles, double lifts and glides look effortless. But all of the tricks are impressive and, with a little repetition in private, you will soon be a master of illusion.

6th EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing: BDCC 2023 (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Anandakumar Haldorai Arulmurugan Ramu Sudha Mohanram

This book features the proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing (BDCC 2023). The papers feature detail on cognitive computing and its self-learning systems that use data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing (NLP) to mirror the way the human brain works. This international conference focuses on technologies from knowledge representation techniques and natural language processing algorithms to dynamic learning approaches. Topics covered include Data Science for Cognitive Analysis, Real-Time Ubiquitous Data Science, Platform for Privacy Preserving Data Science, and Internet-Based Cognitive Platform.

60-Second Cocktails: Amazing Drinks to Make at Home in a Minute

by Joel Harrison Neil Ridley

60 great cocktails that you can put together in the time it takes to open and pour a bottle of wine, from award-winning drinks writers and TV presenters Joe Harrison and Neil Ridley.Award-winning and internationally known drink writers Joe Harrison and Neil Ridley show you why making and mixing at-home cocktails doesn't have to be time consuming. Featuring sixty simple and delicious cocktail recipes across spirits—including tequila, gin, rum, whiskey, vodka, and more—60-Second Cocktails is divided into three chapters:• No Shake, Sherlock: the easiest to make, using standard spirits and mixers. Includes a Simple Paloma, Sloe Gin & Soda, Douro Spritz, and the Berliner, made with wheat beer.• Shaker Maker: slightly more complex drinks requiring a quick shake or a stir. Includes a Bellini, a Firecracker Margarita, Wonder Mint Julep, and a new Classic Sour.• Dress to Impress: special cocktails requiring a little more prep or an unusual ingredient here and there. Includes the Best Ever Piña Colada, an Elderflower Gimlet, and the Sazerac.

The 6: A Thriller (6:20 Man #1)

by David Baldacci

A cryptic murder pulls a former soldier turned financial analyst deep into the corruption and menace that prowl beneath the opulent world of finance, in this #1 New York Times bestselling thriller from David Baldacci. Every day without fail, Travis Devine puts on a cheap suit, grabs his faux-leather briefcase, and boards the 6:20 commuter train to Manhattan, where he works as an entry-level analyst at the city&’s most prestigious investment firm. In the mornings, he gazes out the train window at the lavish homes of the uberwealthy, dreaming about joining their ranks. In the evenings, he listens to the fiscal news on his phone, already preparing for the next grueling day in the cutthroat realm of finance. Then one morning Devine&’s tedious routine is shattered by an anonymous email: She is dead. Sara Ewes, Devine&’s coworker and former girlfriend, has been found hanging in a storage room of his office building—presumably a suicide, at least for now—prompting the NYPD to come calling on him. If that wasn&’t enough, before the day is out, Devine receives another ominous visit, a confrontation that threatens to dredge up grim secrets from his past in the army unless he participates in a clandestine investigation into his firm. This treacherous role will take him from the impossibly glittering lives he once saw only through a train window, to the darkest corners of the country&’s economic halls of power . . . where something rotten lurks. And apart from this high-stakes conspiracy, there&’s a killer out there with their own agenda, and Devine is the bull&’s-eye.

5S Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing and Sustaining Your 5S Program

by David Visco

For decades, 5S practitioners have struggled with exactly how to implement and sustain a 5S program in their workplaces

5G NR Modelling in MATLAB: Network Architecture, Protocols, and Physical Layer

by Zoran S. Bojkovic Dragorad A. Milovanovic Tulsi Pawan Fowdur Madhavsingh Indoonundon

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology and NR stands for a new radio interface and radio access technology for cellular networks i.e. a physical connection method for radio-based communication. It is a powerful platform that supports a wide range of services that includes enhanced mobile broadband, massive machine-type communication and ultra-reliability, and low latency covering several vertical industries such as e-health, transportation, energy, media and factories automation.This book provides a detailed description of the fundamental aspects of 5G. It gives an in-depth coverage of the network architecture of 5G by considering both the network reference point architecture and the service-based architecture. It also describes all the user and control plane protocols including the standalone and non-standalone architecture options. The radio access technologies such as the waveforms used in 5G, the multi-access and duplexing techniques as well as the resource allocation schemes are treated in details. Additionally, the physical layer signal processing blocks of 5G-NR are covered in depth with elaborate numerical examples to illustrate the functioning of each block in the 5G downlink transmitter and receiver chain.The main originality of this book is the detailed illustration of the 5G NR pre-processing steps as well as Matlab simulation models with explanation on the codes to allow for a seamless understanding of the principles. In general this book is meant for anyone with a basic engineering background who would be interested to acquire a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts of 5G NR.

The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

by Robin Sharma

Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity. Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness. Through an enchanting—and often amusing—story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:How great geniuses, business titans and the world’s wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievementsA little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each dayA step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growthA neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed“Insider-only” tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the worldPart manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

52 Things to Do While You Poo: The Turd Edition

by Hugh Jassburn

Turds tell us a lot about who we are (not just what we’ve eaten). And these steaming symbols of our common humanity deserve to be celebrated, especially in the moment of their creation. Renowned poo-fessor of scatology Hugh Jassburn has therefore compiled this fresh collection of polished puzzles and fascinating trivia. Discover what merde is made of, or where there’s a museum dedicated to dumps. Solve stool-themed word searches and mind-boggling sudokus. Embrace the absurd and pay tribute to the turd.

52 Random Weekend Projects: For Budding Inventors and Backyard Builders

by The King of Random

From one of the most popular project channels on YouTube comes a how-to book on building things that go boom. Grant Thompson, "The King of Random," has created one of the most popular project channels on YouTube, featuring awesome videos such as How to Make a Laser Assisted Blowgun and Assassin’s Micro Crossbow. He currently has almost 10 million subscribers, posts 5 times a week, and averages over 40 million views a month.Partnering with Grant is Ted Slampyak, the artist behind the #1 New York Times bestseller 100 Deadly Skills.52 Random Weekend Projects: For Budding Inventors and Backyard Builders is a guide that enables ordinary folks to build an impressive arsenal of projects. These crafts combine some of Grant’s most popular projects—Matchbox Rockets, Pocket Slingshot Super Shooters, Proto-Putty, Ninja Balls, Mini Matchstick Guns, The Clothespin Pocket Pistol—with many new ones, providing clear instructions on how to build them step-by-step.Broken down into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced sections, 52 Random Weekend Projects is loaded with truly amazing projects, including:- Mousetrap Handgun- Mini Solar Scorcher- Air Vortex Canon- Air Mounted Skewer Shooter- Paracord Bullwhip- Bottle Cap Party Whistle- Ninja Stress Balls- Tablecloth Parachute- Skyblaster SlingshotAnd many more!

The 50 Year Seduction: How Television Manipulated College Football, from the Birth of the Modern NCAA to the Creation of the BCS

by Keith Dunnavant

In The Fifty-Year Seduction, Keith Dunnavant shows how television helped shape the modern sport--on and off the field. For more than a half century, television has played a primary role in securing college football's place as one of America's most popular spectator sports. But it has also been the common denominator in the sport's rise as a big business. Television, which multiplied the number of people who cared about the game, simultaneously increased the stakes.The colleges, who once feared television's ability to create free tickets, gradually became addicted to its charms. Through the years, the medium manufactured money, greed, dependence, and envy; altered the recruiting process, eventually forcing the colleges to compete with the irresistible force of National Football League riches; aided the National Collegiate Athletic Association's explosion from impotent union to massive bureaucracy; manipulated the rise and fall of the College Football Association; fomented the realignment of conferences; and seized control of the post-season bowl games, including the formation of the lucrative and controversial Bowl Championship Series.In painstaking detail, the author chronicles five decades of tension and conflict, from the 1951 television dispute that empowered the modern NCAA to the inevitable backlash, culminating with the landmark Supreme Court decision that set the stage for the conference-swapping machinations of the 1990s and beyond.

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