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A Weberian Perspective on Home, Nature and Sport: Disenchantment and Salvation (ISSN)

by Michael Symonds

This book extends Max Weber’s theory of the value-spheres of modernity into wholly new areas, showing that the addition of home, nature and sport to Weber’s own list of five spheres (economic, scientific/intellectual, political/legal, erotic and aesthetic) yields original insights into these aspects of modernity and modernity itself. It shows how each of these new spheres is able to create its own ‘inner cosmos’ of salvation from rationalised senselessness, just as Weber’s ‘irrational’ spheres offer release from the grim reality of capitalism, the disenchanted universe and the bureaucratic state formed by the more ‘rationalised’ spheres. Drawing on a wide, cross-disciplinary range of sources, the author sheds light on the role of home in creating a sense of our enchanted past, of nature in helping to restore to the world a teleological meaning constructed from innocence and purity and of sport in imposing sense on the world, at least temporarily. A Weberian Perspective on Home, Nature and Sport: Disenchantment and Salvation will appeal to scholars of sociology and social theory with interests in classical sociological theory and the analysis of modernity.

The Wedding of the Year: the heartwarming brand new novel from the No. 1 bestselling author

by Jill Mansell

A SUNDAY TIMES HARDBACK BESTSELLER - PRE-ORDER THE PAPERBACK NOW!The irresistible, romantic, heart-warming new novel from the beloved author of Promise Me. 14 million Jill Mansell books sold worldwide!Love, friendship and secrets revealed as the sun beats down on dazzling blue Cornish seas . . .It's set to be the perfect wedding - till the chauffeur is asked to keep driving the bride round the church. This wedding is not going as planned.Lottie is a guest at the wedding when she sees Max for the first time in fifteen years. No kiss since has matched their last kiss together. They were on the brink of a beautiful love story. Then something shocking happened that tore them apart. Now here he is, handsome as ever, teasing Lottie in the old way - and that tingling electric attraction is back. But Max is out of bounds.Ruby has been the perfect vicar's wife. But when she finds out the truth about her husband Peter, outrage and disbelief drive her to act impulsively, without a thought for the consequences. And nothing will ever be the same again.There will be a wedding of the year - but maybe not yet. When love is in the air, anything can happen . . .The gorgeous new romance from the beloved and bestselling Jill Mansell!Praise for Jill's novels'A real ray of sunshine and - exactly what's needed right now - Jill's books should be on prescription!' Phillipa Ashley'The absolute definition of "reading for pleasure", it will bring hours of happiness' Veronica Henry 'Jill Mansell's brilliance shouts from every page' Milly Johnson

The Wedding of the Year: the heartwarming brand new novel from the No. 1 bestselling author

by Jill Mansell

A SUNDAY TIMES HARDBACK BESTSELLER - PRE-ORDER THE PAPERBACK NOW!The irresistible, romantic, heart-warming new novel from the beloved author of Promise Me. 14 million Jill Mansell books sold worldwide!Love, friendship and secrets revealed as the sun beats down on dazzling blue Cornish seas . . .It's set to be the perfect wedding - till the chauffeur is asked to keep driving the bride round the church. This wedding is not going as planned.Lottie is a guest at the wedding when she sees Max for the first time in fifteen years. No kiss since has matched their last kiss together. They were on the brink of a beautiful love story. Then something shocking happened that tore them apart. Now here he is, handsome as ever, teasing Lottie in the old way - and that tingling electric attraction is back. But Max is out of bounds.Ruby has been the perfect vicar's wife. But when she finds out the truth about her husband Peter, outrage and disbelief drive her to act impulsively, without a thought for the consequences. And nothing will ever be the same again.There will be a wedding of the year - but maybe not yet. When love is in the air, anything can happen . . .The gorgeous new romance from the beloved and bestselling Jill Mansell!Praise for Jill's novels'A real ray of sunshine and - exactly what's needed right now - Jill's books should be on prescription!' Phillipa Ashley'The absolute definition of "reading for pleasure", it will bring hours of happiness' Veronica Henry 'Jill Mansell's brilliance shouts from every page' Milly Johnson

The Welsh Witch

by Jixie Dye

Jamie Trent couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw two tiny people flying on feather dusters! But that was just the beginning of his magical adventure. When Jamie meets Tesni, a real-life witch, on top of Greycott Hill, they become the best of friends. Together, they explore make-believe worlds, ride on flying buses, and search for hidden pirate treasure. But why must Tesni travel from place to place, and why does the Queen of the Witches want Tesni and her mother gone? Join Jamie and Tesni as they uncover the secrets behind Tesni's life and discover the power of friendship and bravery in this enchanting story filled with wonder and excitement. The Welsh Witch is the perfect book for young readers who love magic and adventure!

Wer braucht schon einen Herzog (Schicksalhafte Schurken #5)

by Amanda Mariel

Zwischen all den übereifrigen Kupplungsbemühungen im Viktorianischen England finden sich die auf Wohltätigkeit bedachte Lady Catherine Breckenridge und der charismatische Herzog von Bedford in einer vorgetäuschten Liebesgeschichte wieder, wobei sie ihre Überzeugungen auf einem schmalen Grat zwischen Verstellung und wahrer Leidenschaft zu enträtseln versuchen. Lady Catherine Breckenridge hat sich dem guten Zweck verschrieben und hält die Verlockungen von Liebesdingen und Hochzeiten auf Distanz. Und doch hat ihre Familie andere Pläne. Als Catherines zweiundzwanzigster Geburtstag bevorsteht, werden die Bemühungen ihrer Verwandtschaft um eine baldige Verlobung entschlossener. Unerwartet trifft die Rettung in Form eines berüchtigten Frauenhelden, dem Herzog von Bedford, ein. Charles De Vere, der hinreißende Herzog von Bedford, vereint sowohl Charme als auch ein unverschämt großes Vermögen, das ihn zu einem von Englands am heißesten begehrten Junggesellen macht. Trotz seines wenig rühmlichen Rufs findet er sich zu jedem gesellschaftlichen Anlass inmitten einer Traube eifriger Mütter und deren heiratsfähiger Töchter wieder. Doch für diese Saison hat er sich eine meisterhafte Strategie zurechtgelegt. Als der Herzog Lady Catherine eine heimliche Allianz vorschlägt, erkennt sie mit ihrem Pragmatismus die Gerissenheit seines Plans. Obgleich er sich einen Ruf als Schürzenjäger erarbeitet hat, ist und bleibt er einer der engsten Vertrauten ihres Bruders. Außerdem ist sie fest davon überzeugt, dass sie sich dem Zauber dieses Schurken widersetzen kann. Keiner der beiden hegt Heiratsabsichten, und ihre Herzen sind einander nicht zugeneigt. Der Plan ist scheinbar tadellos – bis das Schicksal eine unerwartete Wendung für sie bereithält. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt der verbotenen Leidenschaft, strategischer Unionen und einer Liebe, die mit sämtlichen Konventionen bricht.

Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Rainer Schwab

Drum prüfe, wer den Werkstoff findet Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung sind für viele Studierende eher Pflicht als Leidenschaft. Rainer Schwab zeigt Ihnen, dass es auch anders geht: Mit Humor und Präzision, mit einfachen Erklärungen und passenden Beispielen erklärt er Ihnen in dieser aktualisierten Auflage die Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung so spannend es nur geht. Von den Grundlagen zieht sich der Bogen über die Prüfmethoden hin zu den wichtigen konkreten Werkstoffen und Wärmebehandlungen. So ist dieses Buch das Rundumwohlfühlpaket für jeden, der sich mit dem Thema beschäftigt. Sie erfahren Was die wichtigen Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe sind Wie Sie Härteprüfungen, Zugversuche und Co. richtig durchführen Warum Eisen und Stahl so vielfältig sind Welche wichtigen Werkstoffe es gibt, die nicht aus Eisen sind

Western Corporations and Covert Operations in the early Cold War: Re-examining the Vogeler/Sanders Case

by Margaret Murányi Manchester

This book examines the Vogeler/Sanders espionage case that ruptured ties between the US and UK and Hungary in 1949, and analyses this as an example of Western covert operations in the early Cold War. The work focuses on the 1949 case of ITT in Hungary, where two of its executives, the American Robert A. Vogeler and the Briton Edgar Sanders, were arrested by the secret police, tortured, forced to confess, put on a public show trial, and found guilty of espionage. This happened at a time that the US and the UK were cooperating in numerous operations to undermine the credibility of the communist regime and to encourage local resistance by “all means short of war.” Using the case as a lens to examine the dynamics of the early Cold War, the book integrates business history, diplomatic history and intelligence history, and thereby traces the impact of the case on Anglo-Hungarian, American-Hungarian, and Anglo-American relations during the critical period of 1949-1956. Vogeler’s case had a strong impact on the growing criticism of the Truman Administration’s containment policies and contributed to the demand for a more activist policy of ‘liberation of captive peoples’. His experiences also rallied the business community, especially trade associations such as the National Foreign Trade Council, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Manufacturers, to support the anti-communist crusade both abroad and at home. Vogeler’s wife also waged a personal campaign to secure her husband’s release and exemplifies the activism of conservative and Catholic women who waged their own anti-communist crusade. The book thus tells the “rest of the story” often omitted in traditional works.This book will be of much interest to students of Cold War history, intelligence studies and European political history.

What Are Museums For? (What Is It For?)

by Jon Sleigh

The days when museums were dusty, stuffy institutions displaying their wealth and wisdom to a reverential public are over. Museums today are a cultural battleground. Who should decide what is put on display and how it is presented? Who gets to set the narrative? In this passionately argued book, Jon Sleigh maintains that museums must be for all people and inclusion must be at the heart of everything they do. But what does good inclusion look like in practice? Cleverly structured like a museum tour, Sleigh uses seven illustrative museum objects from seven very different museums to explore such wide-ranging issues as trust-building, representation, digital access, conflicting narratives, removal from display and restitution.

What Cannot Be Said (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery #19)

by C. S. Harris

A seemingly idyllic summer picnic ends in a macabre murder that echoes a pair of slayings fourteen years earlier in this riveting new historical mystery from the USA Today bestselling author of Who Cries for the Lost.July 1815: The Prince Regent&’s grandiose plans to celebrate Napoléon&’s recent defeat at Waterloo are thrown into turmoil when Lady McInnis and her daughter Emma are found brutally murdered in Richmond Park, their bodies posed in a chilling imitation of the stone effigies once found atop medieval tombs. Bow Street magistrate Sir Henry Lovejoy immediately turns to his friend Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, for help with the investigation. For as Devlin discovers, Lovejoy&’s own wife and daughter were also murdered in Richmond Park, their bodies posed in the same bizarre postures. A traumatized ex-soldier was hanged for their killings. So is London now confronting a malicious copyist? Or did Lovejoy help send an innocent man to the gallows?Aided by his wife, Hero, who knew Lady McInnis from her work with poor orphans, Devlin finds himself exploring a host of unsavory characters from a vicious chimney sweep to a smiling but decidedly lethal baby farmer. Also coming under increasing scrutiny is Sir Ivo McInnis himself, along with a wounded Waterloo veteran—who may or may not have been Laura McInnis&’s lover—and a charismatic young violinist who moonlights as a fencing master and may have formed a dangerous relationship with Emma. But when Sebastian&’s investigation turns toward man about town Basil Rhodes, he quickly draws the fury of the Palace, for Rhodes is well known as the Regent&’s favorite illegitimate son.Then Lady McInnis&’s young niece and nephew are targeted by the killer, and two more women are discovered murdered and arranged in similar postures. With his own life increasingly in danger, Sebastian finds himself drawn inexorably toward a conclusion far darker and more horrific than anything he could have imagined.

What Do Corporations Want?: Communicative Capitalism, Corporate Purpose, and a New Theory of the Firm

by Timothy Kuhn

'Corporate purpose' has become a battleground for stakeholders’ competing desires. Some argue that corporations must simply generate profit; others suggest that we must make them create social change.Leading organization studies scholar Timothy Kuhn argues that this 'either/or' thinking dramatically oversimplifies matters: today’s corporations must be many things, all at once.Kuhn offers a bold new Communicative Theory of the Firm to highlight the authority that creates corporations’ identities and activities. The theory provides a roadmap for navigating that battleground of competing desires to produce more responsive corporations.Drawing on communicative and new materialist theorizing, along with three insightful case studies, this book thoroughly redefines our understandings of what corporations are 'for'.

What Does Israel Fear from Palestine?

by Raja Shehadeh

When the state of Israel was formed in 1948, it precipitated the Nakba or 'disaster': the displacement of the Palestine nation, creating fracture-lines which continue to erupt in violent and tragic ways today.In the years that followed, while the Berlin Wall crumbled and South Africa abolished apartheid, the Israeli government rejected every opportunity for reconciliation with Palestine. But Raja Shehadeh, human rights lawyer and Palestine's greatest living writer, suggests that this does not mean the two nations cannot work together aspartners on the road to peace, not genocide.In graceful, devastatingly observed prose, this is a fresh perspective for a time of great need.Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a registered charity in the UK with charity no. 1045315.A portion of the proceeds* received by Profile Books from this audiobook will be given to the charity for their work for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. This donation has been made possible by the author Raja Shehadeh, Refaat Alareer, Khalid Abdalla and Profile Books.*Proceeds means the cash-price or cash-equivalent price less sales taxes.

What Does Israel Fear From Palestine?

by Raja Shehadeh

A poignant, incisive meditation on Israel&’s longstanding rejection of peace, and what the war on Gaza means for Palestinian and Israeli futures.When apartheid in South Africa ended in 1994, dismantled by internal activism and global pressure, why did Israel continue to pursue its own apartheid policies against Palestinians? In keeping with a history of antagonism, the Israeli state accelerated the establishment of settlements in the Occupied Territories as extreme right-wing voices gained prominence in government, with comparatively little international backlash.Condensing this complex history into a lucid essay, Raja Shehadeh examines the many lost opportunities to promote a lasting peace and equality between Israelis and Palestinians. Since the creation of Israel in 1948, known to Palestinians as the Nakba, or catastrophe, each side&’s perception of events has strongly diverged. What can this discrepancy tell us about Israel&’s undermining of a two-state solution? And will the current genocide in Gaza finally mark a shift in the world&’s response? With graceful, haunting prose, Shehadeh offers insights into a defining conflict that could yet be resolved.

What Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Skin and Hair: How the hormones on your inside affect you on the outside

by Dr Mandy Leonhardt

The appearance of our skin and hair has a huge impact on our psychological wellbeing and confidence. Women feel pressure to have glowing, blemish-free skin, and thick, luscious hair at all times - in reality, our skin is a dynamic living organ which reacts to hormonal changes across the lifecycle, from puberty to the menopause. When our skin does not look healthy, and when our hair is thin or falling out, we want to understand why, and what we can do about it. We can spend large amounts on different creams and beauty products, or cover the problem with makeup, but ultimately the question most asked by women, and unanswered by skincare regimes, is 'could this be hormonal?'The answer is, of course, 'yes' - and if you read this book, you'll know exactly how and why. By giving you a better understanding of the relationship between your hormones, and common skin and hair problems, Dr Mandy Leonhardt will help you find lasting solutions whatever your issue. Whether you suffer with outbreaks, dry skin, sensitive skin, pigmentation or are concerned about the way your skin is aging in midlife, What Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Skin and Hair will provide you with the tools to find more holistic and effective solutions which don't just scratch (or moisturise) the surface, but which look at the root cause of the problem. Drawing on both the latest research and on her years of experience as a GP and specialist in women's health, Dr Leonhardt offers scientifically proven and practical advice to both understand and better manage the condition of your skin, hair and nails. She will explain which skincare principles (and types of product) are worthwhile, and which aren't; and how you can effectively connect the dots between your skin health and factors like nutrition and lifestyle. She gives clear advice on which non-medical treatments are worth pursuing (and, again, which aren't), and plenty of additional resources to help you find a cost-effective regime which takes both your hormonal stage in life and your bank balance into account.

What Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Skin and Hair: How the hormones on your inside affect you on the outside

by Dr Mandy Leonhardt

The appearance of our skin and hair has a huge impact on our psychological wellbeing and confidence. Women feel pressure to have glowing, blemish-free skin, and thick, luscious hair at all times - in reality, our skin is a dynamic living organ which reacts to hormonal changes across the lifecycle, from puberty to the menopause. When our skin does not look healthy, and when our hair is thin or falling out, we want to understand why, and what we can do about it. We can spend large amounts on different creams and beauty products, or cover the problem with makeup, but ultimately the question most asked by women, and unanswered by skincare regimes, is 'could this be hormonal?'The answer is, of course, 'yes' - and if you read this book, you'll know exactly how and why. By giving you a better understanding of the relationship between your hormones, and common skin and hair problems, Dr Mandy Leonhardt will help you find lasting solutions whatever your issue. Whether you suffer with outbreaks, dry skin, sensitive skin, pigmentation or are concerned about the way your skin is aging in midlife, What Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Skin and Hair will provide you with the tools to find more holistic and effective solutions which don't just scratch (or moisturise) the surface, but which look at the root cause of the problem. Drawing on both the latest research and on her years of experience as a GP and specialist in women's health, Dr Leonhardt offers scientifically proven and practical advice to both understand and better manage the condition of your skin, hair and nails. She will explain which skincare principles (and types of product) are worthwhile, and which aren't; and how you can effectively connect the dots between your skin health and factors like nutrition and lifestyle. She gives clear advice on which non-medical treatments are worth pursuing (and, again, which aren't), and plenty of additional resources to help you find a cost-effective regime which takes both your hormonal stage in life and your bank balance into account.

What He Desired

by Eva Hore

Michael and Sarah are a normal married couple. Or are they? What happens when fantasy and reality cross?This couple finds out that pleasing each other with different scenarios might not be what they are really yearning for. Michael puts pen to paper and gets more than he bargained for when Sarah finds his hidden manuscript ...

What If My Snot Glowed in the Dark?

by John Bottomley

Everybody pees, poos and pukes, and everyone has icky skin and smells horrible. But have you ever wondered what would happen if your burps could power a hot air balloon? You could burp your way across the country! Or what if your farts smelled like roses? Well, you could grow a fart garden, or start a range of perfumes inspired by your farts. Or what if you never, EVER showered again? (Please, do make sure you shower regularly!) With plenty hilarious, yucky facts to discover about the gross stuff that comes out of you, budding young scientists - and comedians! - can learn all about why their bodies do icky, sticky things. What if My Snot was Glow in the Dark? really puts the FUN in bodily functions.

What Is Critique?: & The Culture of the Self

by Michel Foucault

Newly published lectures by Foucault on critique, Enlightenment, and the care of the self. On May 27, 1978, Michel Foucault gave a lecture to the French Society of Philosophy where he redefined his entire philosophical project in light of Immanuel Kant’s 1784 text “What Is Enlightenment?” Foucault strikingly characterizes critique as the political and moral attitude consisting in the “art of not being governed like this,” one that performs the function of destabilizing power relations and creating the space for a new formation of the self within the “politics of truth.” This volume presents the first critical edition of this crucial lecture alongside a previously unpublished lecture about the culture of the self and three public debates with Foucault at the University of California, Berkeley, in April 1983. There, for the first time, Foucault establishes a direct connection between his reflections on the Enlightenment and his analyses of Greco-Roman antiquity. However, far from suggesting a return to the ancient culture of the self, Foucault invites his audience to build a “new ethics” that bypasses the traditional references to religion, law, and science.

What Is Cultural Criticism?

by Stefan Collini Francis Mulhern

Two leading critics grapple with problems of literature, politics and intellectual practiceIn What Is Cultural Criticism?, two leading critics grapple with problems of literature, politics and intellectual practice. The debate opens with Francis Mulhern&’s account of what he terms &‘metacultural discourse&’. This embraces two opposing critical traditions, the elite pessimism of Kulturkritik and the populist enthusiasms of Cultural Studies. Each in its own way dissolves politics into culture, Mulhern argues. Collini, on the other hand, protests that cultural criticism provides resources for genuine critical engagement with contemporary society. Tension between culture and politics there may be, but it works productively in both directions.This widely noticed encounter is that rare thing, a sustained debate in which, as Collini remarks, the protagonists not only exchange shots but also ideas. It concludes with Mulhern&’s engagement with Collini&’s writing on the subordination of universities to metrics and bureaucracy, and a companion rejoinder from Collini on Mulhern&’s study of the &‘condition of culture novel&’ and his essays on questions of nationality and the politics of intellectuals.

What is Health?

by Ruth Cross

What is health? What does health mean to people? How do we make sense of health and experience it? There are no simple answers to these questions. Health is complex, subjective and varied. Drawing on theory, research and contemporary debates, Ruth Cross explores the nature of health in depth and challenges our thinking about it. Moving beyond taken-for-granted assumptions, she gives the meaning of ‘health’ its due attention, exploring everyday perspectives as well as ‘expert’ medical, academic and policy understandings and approaches. In doing so, the book brings together different knowledge and expertise on health, also considering the inextricable links between human and planetary health. This book is important for all those working in the health field, or training to do so, seeking a broad understanding about health and all its complexity.

What Is Veganism For? (What Is It For?)

by Catherine Oliver

Across the world, an increasing number of people are turning to veganism, changing not just their diets, but completely removing animal products from their lives. For some, this is prompted by concerns over animal ethics; for others, it’s a response to the part played by animal agriculture in the climate crisis or an attempt to improve their own health. Catherine Oliver shows why the veganism movement has become a powerful social, political and environmental force, taking an honest look at how we live and eat. She discusses the health and environmental benefits of veganism, explores the practical and social impacts of the shift to eating plants, and explains why veganism is not just a diet, but a way of life.

What It Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World

by Prentis Hemphill

NATIONAL BESTBELLER • From one of the most prominent voices in the trauma conversation comes a groundbreaking new way to heal on a personal and a collective level.&“I love this book.&”—Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score &“In a time when so many of us are being trained in cynicism, this book stands in necessary defiance.&”—Cole Arthur Riley, author of Black Liturgies and This Here FleshAs we emerge from the past few years of collective upheaval, are we ready to face the complexities of our time with joy, authenticity, and connection? Now more than ever, we must learn to heal ourselves, connect with one another, and embody our values. In this revolutionary book, Prentis Hemphill shows us how.What It Takes to Heal asserts that the principles of embodiment—the recognition of our body&’s sensations and habits, and the beliefs that inform them—are critical to lasting healing and change. Hemphill, an expert embodiment practitioner, therapist, and activist who has partnered with Brené Brown, Tarana Burke, and Esther Perel, among others, shows us that we don't have to carry our emotional burdens alone. Hemphill demonstrates a future in which healing is done in community, weaving together stories from their own experience as a trauma survivor with clinical accounts and lessons learned from their time as a social movement architect. They ask, &“What would it do to movements, to our society and culture, to have the principles of healing at the very center? And what does it do to have healing at the center of every structure and everything we create?&”In this life-affirming framework for the way forward, Hemphill shows us how to heal our bodies, minds, and souls—to develop the interpersonal skills necessary to break down the doors of disconnection and take the necessary risks to reshape our world toward justice.

What Really Went Wrong: The West and the Failure of Democracy in the Middle East

by Fawaz A. Gerges

An ambitious revisionist history of the modern Middle East What Really Went Wrong offers a fresh and incisive assessment of American foreign policy&’s impact on the history and politics of the modern Middle East. Looking at flashpoints in Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, and Lebanese history, Fawaz A. Gerges shows how postwar U.S. leaders made a devil&’s pact with potentates, autocrats, and strongmen around the world. Washington sought to tame assertive nationalists and to protect repressive Middle Eastern regimes in return for compliance with American hegemonic designs and uninterrupted flows of cheap oil. The book takes a counterfactual approach, asking readers to consider how the political trajectories of these countries and, by extension, the entire region may have differed had U.S. foreign policy privileged the nationalist aspirations of patriotic and independent Middle Eastern leaders and people. Gerges argues that rather than focusing on rolling back communism, extracting oil, and pursuing interventionist and imperial policies in Iran, Egypt, and beyond, postwar U.S. leaders should have allowed the Middle East greater autonomy in charting its own political and economic development. In so doing, the contemporary Middle East may have had better prospects for stability, prosperity, peace, and democracy.

What Went Wrong with Capitalism

by Ruchir Sharma

A century of expanding government has distorted financial markets, stoked massive inequality, and soaked America in debt.Capitalism didn&’t fail, it was ruined... What went wrong with capitalism? Ruchir Sharma&’s account is not like any you will have heard before. He says progressives are right, in part, when they mock modern capitalism as &“socialism for the rich.&” For a century, governments have expanded in just about every measurable dimension, from spending to regulation and the scale of financial rescues when the economy wobbles. The result is expensive state guarantees for everyone—bailouts for the rich, entitlements for the middle class, welfare for the poor. Taking you back to the 19th century, Sharma shows how completely the reflexes of government have changed: from hands-off to hands-on, from doing too little to help anyone in hard times to today trying to prevent anyone suffering any economic pain, ever. Trading sins of omission and indifference for excesses of spending and meddling, governments from the United States to Europe and Japan have pumped so much money into their economies that financial markets can no longer invest all that capital efficiently. Inadvertently, they have fueled the rise of monopolies, &“zombie&” firms, and billionaires. They have made capitalism less fair and less efficient, which is slowing economic growth and fueling popular anger. The first step to a cure is a correct diagnose of the problem. Capitalism has been badly distorted by constant government intervention and the relentless spread of a bailout culture. Building an even bigger state will only double down on what ruined capitalism in the first place.

What Would Dave Grohl Do?: Uplifting advice from the nicest guy in rock & roll

by Pop Press

‘I love being the guy headlining rock festivals with grey hair and wrinkles.’Besides being the Foo Fighters’ frontman and the drummer in Nirvana, Dave Grohl is perhaps best known as the nicest guy in rock and roll.From rocking out with musical heroes like Kurt Cobain and Paul McCartney to selling out the biggest arenas on the planet despite performing with a broken leg, Dave approaches everything he does with passion and infectious energy.In ‘Times Like These’ we can all rely on Dave Grohl to remind us of the power of friendship, creativity and good, old-fashioned rock and roll.

What Would Ozzy Do?: Outrageous affirmations and advice from the prince of darkness

by Pop Press

'The taste of bats is very salty.'Godfather of heavy metal, star of the iconic and record-breaking MTV reality show and Birmingham's favourite son, Ozzy Osbourne is the master of embracing every reality.As a multi-platinum record holder and loving family man with survival in his very DNA, Ozzy has plenty of wit and humble wisdom to share.Get on board the crazy train and get inspired with compelling insights on family, friends, music, philosophy and more from one of the most pioneering musicians of all time.

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