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Language and the Rise of the Algorithm

by Jeffrey M. Binder

A wide-ranging history of the algorithm. Bringing together the histories of mathematics, computer science, and linguistic thought, Language and the Rise of the Algorithm reveals how recent developments in artificial intelligence are reopening an issue that troubled mathematicians well before the computer age: How do you draw the line between computational rules and the complexities of making systems comprehensible to people? By attending to this question, we come to see that the modern idea of the algorithm is implicated in a long history of attempts to maintain a disciplinary boundary separating technical knowledge from the languages people speak day to day. Here Jeffrey M. Binder offers a compelling tour of four visions of universal computation that addressed this issue in very different ways: G. W. Leibniz’s calculus ratiocinator; a universal algebra scheme Nicolas de Condorcet designed during the French Revolution; George Boole’s nineteenth-century logic system; and the early programming language ALGOL, short for algorithmic language. These episodes show that symbolic computation has repeatedly become entangled in debates about the nature of communication. Machine learning, in its increasing dependence on words, erodes the line between technical and everyday language, revealing the urgent stakes underlying this boundary. The idea of the algorithm is a levee holding back the social complexity of language, and it is about to break. This book is about the flood that inspired its construction.

Language after Heidegger (Studies in Continental Thought)

by Krzysztof Ziarek

Working from newly available texts in Heidegger's Complete Works, Krzysztof Ziarek presents Heidegger at his most radical and demonstrates how the thinker's daring use of language is an integral part of his philosophical expression. Ziarek emphasizes the liberating potential of language as an event that discloses being and amplifies Heidegger's call for a transformative approach to poetry, power, and ultimately, philosophy.

Langston Hughes: Short Stories

by Langston Hughes

The Short Stories of Langston HughesThis collection of forty-seven stories written between 1919 and 1963--the most comprehensive available--showcases Langston Hughes's literary blossoming and the development of his personal and artistic concerns. Many of the stories assembled here have long been out of print, and others never before collected. These poignant, witty, angry, and deeply poetic stories demonstrate Hughes's uncanny gift for elucidating the most vexing questions of American race relations and human nature in general.

Langston Hughes and the Blues

by Steven C. Tracy

The shades and structures of the blues had an immense impact on the poetry of Langston Hughes. Steven C. Tracy provides a cultural context for Hughes’s work while revealing how Hughes mined Black oral and literary traditions to create his poetry. Comparing Hughes’s poems to blues texts, Tracy reveals how Hughes’s experimental forms reflect the poetics, structures, rhythms, and musical techniques of the music. Tracy also offers a discography of recordings by the artists--Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Blind Lemon Jefferson, and others--who most influenced the poet.

Landslides and Climate Change: Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, UK, 21-24 May 2007

by R. McInnes J. Jakeways H. Fairbank E. Mathie

Investigates the relationship between landslides and climate change. Considers proactive approaches to hazard and risk management, combining geohazard modelling and prediction with effective risk management and informed planning policy, as a means of safeguarding the sustainability of communities at risk.

Landslide: Application of Geostatistical and Geospatial Modeling (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research #52)

by Rajib Shaw Uday Chatterjee Subodh Chandra Pal Gopal Krishna Panda Asish Saha

The book illustrates a geospatial and geostatistical approach to data analysis, modeling, risk assessment, and visualization, as well as landslide hazard management in the hilly region. This book investigates cutting-edge methodologies based on open source software and R statistical programming and modeling in current decision-making procedures, with a particular emphasis on recent advances in data mining techniques and robust modeling in torrential rainfall and earthquake induced landslide hazard.

Landschaften und Lebensräume: Vom Watzmann bis zum Wattenmeer

by Bruno P. Kremer

In allen seinen Teilgebieten weist Mitteleuropa eine beachtliche natur- und kulturlandschaftliche Vielfalt auf, die unser Erleben draußen enorm bereichert. Vom Hochgebirge bis zur Küste laden äußerst unterschiedliche Lebensraum-Ensembles zur aktiven Erkundung ein. Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch u.a. · wie die zurückliegenden Eiszeiten Gletschertore geschaffen und die Landschaft im Voralpenland modelliert haben · wo in Norddeutschland noch vor etwa 10000 Jahren die Vereisungsgrenzen verliefen · was entlang von Fließgewässern vom kleinen Gebirgsbach bis zum großen Strom zu beobachten ist · weshalb auch die Stillgewässer nicht nur der großen Seenplatten äußerst erlebniswerte Lebensräume darstellen · warum auch vom Menschen geschaffene Ersatzstandorte wie Ackersäume und Wiesen wertvolle Biotope darstellen · was in den Nationalparkgebieten an der Nordseeküste Erlebniswertes auf Sie wartet Dieses Buch bietet mit seinen sorgsam ausgewählten Fallbeispielen zwar keine enzyklopädische Komplettübersicht, aber doch eine animativ-themenreiche Anregung zum aktiveren Erleben und Wahrnehmen der besonderen Facetten unseres heimischen Ambientes.

Landscapes for Future – Landschaften und sozial-ökologische Transformationen (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Ludger Gailing Markus Leibenath Alena Birnbaum

Weltweite Krisenphänomene wie der Klimawandel, der rapide Schwund von Tier- und Pflanzenarten sowie der Verlust wertvoller Böden verdeutlichen, dass sozial-ökologische Transformationen nötig sind – insbesondere in wohlhabenden Staaten wie Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Bei diesen tiefgreifenden Veränderungen können Landschaften eine wichtige Rolle spielen, weil sie sowohl Grundlage als auch Ergebnis unserer Wirtschafts- und Lebensweise sind.Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Landschaftsdenken und sozial-ökologischem Wandel und beantwortet Fragen wie:Welche Vorstellungen von einem transformativen Landschaftswandel gibt es? Wie arbeiten wir mit ihnen in der Praxis?Wie initiiert man Prozesse der Reflexion und Kommunikation über nachhaltige Landschaften?Welche Rolle können Planer:innen und andere Akteur:innen im Landschaftswandel hin zu größerer Nachhaltigkeitspielen?Welche Governance-Ansätze können genutzt werden, um landschaftsbezogene Transformationsprozesse zu gestalten? Welche Bedeutung haben z.B. Großschutzgebiete - also etwa Biosphärenreservate - oder Regionalparks in diesem Zusammenhang?Welche Widerstände und Konflikte gibt es und wie kann mit ihnen umgegangen werden?Welche Beispiele gibt es, in denen Landschaften als Experimentierräume oder Reallabore für sozial-ökologische Transformationen genutzt werden?

Lands of Likeness: For a Poetics of Contemplation

by Kevin Hart

An original and profound exploration of contemplation from philosopher, theologian, and poet Kevin Hart. In Lands of Likeness, Kevin Hart develops a new hermeneutics of contemplation through a meditation on Christian thought and secular philosophy. Drawing on Kant, Schopenhauer, Coleridge, and Husserl, Hart first charts the emergence of contemplation in and beyond the Romantic era. Next, Hart shows this hermeneutic at work in poetry by Gerard Manley Hopkins, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, and others. Delivered in its original form as the prestigious Gifford Lectures, Lands of Likeness is a revelatory meditation on contemplation for the modern world.

Land Rights, Ethno-nationality and Sovereignty in History (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)

by Stanley L. Engerman Jacob Metzer

The complex relationships between ethno-nationality, rights to land, and territorial sovereignty have long fed disputes over territorial control and landed rights between different nations, ethnicities, and religions. These disputes raise a number of interesting issues related to the nature of land regimes and to their economic and political implications.The studies drawn together in this key volume explore these and related issues for a broad variety of countries and times. They illuminate the diverse causes of ethno-national land disputes, and the different forms of adjustment and accommodation to the power differences between the contesting groups. This is done within a framework outlined by the editors in their analytical overview, which offers contours for comparative examinations of such disputes, past and present.Providing conceptual and factual analyses of comparative nature and wealth of empirical material (both historical and contemporary), this book will appeal to economic historians, economists, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists and all scholars interested in issues concerning ethno-nationality and land rights in historical perspective.

Land Policies for Resilient and Equitable Growth in Africa

by Klaus Deininger Aparajita Goyal

"African countries’ ability to create productive jobs and to effectively confront the challenges of climate change will depend on land policies that promote investment, market participation, and taxation of private land to be able to provide essential public goods and services. However, high cost of land registration together with unrealistic land use regulations and opaque public land management impede land and financial market functioning in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, undermining trust in the state, capacity for own source revenue generation, and agricultural intensification. This report discusses how African countries can take advantage of digital interoperability, remote sensing, and connectivity to reduce urban informality and improve the functioning of land and mortgage markets. This will strengthen the social contract, and provide growth-enhancing public services; recognize, demarcate, and register (digital) use rights to customary land to improve the functioning of rural factor markets; and sustainably manage public land in a way that is competitive and ensures continued provision of public goods to future generations."

Land Law and Policy in Israel: A Prism of Identity (Perspectives on Israel Studies)

by Haim Sandberg

As one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world, the State of Israel faces serious land policy challenges and has a national identity laced with enormous internal contradictions. In Land Law and Policy in Israel,Haim Sandberg contends that if you really want to know the identity of a state, learn its land law and land policies.Sandberg argues that Israel's identity can best be understood by deciphering the code that lies in the Hebrew secret of Israeli dry land law. According to Sandberg, by examining the complex facets of property law and land policy, one finds a unique prism for comprehending Israel's most pronounced identity problems.Land Law and Policy in Israel explores how Israel's modern land system tries to bridge the gaps between past heritage and present needs, nationalization and privatization, bureaucracy and innovation, Jewish majority and non-Jewish minority, legislative creativity and judicial activism. The regulation of property and the determination of land usage have been the consequences of explicit choices made in the context of competing and evolving concepts of national identity. Land Law and Policy in Israel will prove to be a must-read not only for anyone interested in Israel but also for anyone who wants to understand the importance of land law in a nation's life.

Land Carbon Cycle Modeling: Matrix Approach, Data Assimilation, Ecological Forecasting, and Machine Learning

by Yiqi Luo

Carbon moves through the atmosphere, through the oceans, onto land, and into ecosystems. This cycling has a large effect on climate – changing geographic patterns of rainfall and the frequency of extreme weather – and is altered as the use of fossil fuels adds carbon to the cycle. The dynamics of this global carbon cycling are largely predicted over broad spatial scales and long periods of time by Earth system models. This book addresses the crucial question of how to assess, evaluate, and estimate the potential impact of the additional carbon to the land carbon cycle. The contributors describe a set of new approaches to land carbon cycle modeling for better exploring ecological questions regarding changes in carbon cycling; employing data assimilation techniques for model improvement; doing real- or near-time ecological forecasting for decision support; and combining newly available machine learning techniques with process-based models to improve prediction of the land carbon cycle under climate change. This new edition includes seven new chapters: machine learning and its applications to carbon cycle research (five chapters); principles underlying carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere, contemporary active research and management issues (one chapter); and community infrastructure for ecological forecasting (one chapter).Key Features Helps readers understand, implement, and criticize land carbon cycle models Offers a new theoretical framework to understand transient dynamics of the land carbon cycle Describes a suite of modeling skills – matrix approach to represent land carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles; data assimilation and machine learning to improve parameterization; and workflow systems to facilitate ecological forecasting Introduces a new set of techniques, such as semi-analytic spin-up (SASU), unified diagnostic system with a 1-3-5 scheme, traceability analysis, and benchmark analysis, and PROcess-guided machine learning and DAta-driven modeling (PRODA) for model evaluation and improvement Reorganized from the first edition with seven new chapters added Strives to balance theoretical considerations, technical details, and applications of ecosystem modeling for research, assessment, and crucial decision-making

Land Beyond the River: The Untold Story of Central Asia

by Monica Whitlock

Along the banks of the river once called Oxus lie the heartlands of Central Asia: Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Catapulted into the news by events in Afghanistan, just across the water, these strategically important, intriguing and beautiful countries remain almost completely unknown to the outside world. In this book, Monica Whitlock goes far beyond the headlines. Using eyewitness accounts, unpublished letters and firsthand reporting, she enters into the lives of the Central Asians and reveals a dramatic and moving human story unfolding over three generations.There is Muhammadjan, called 'Hindustani', a diligent seminary student in the holy city of Bukhara until the 1917 revolution tore up the old order. Exiled to Siberia as a shepherd and then conscripted into the Red Army, he survived to become the inspiration for a new generation of clerics. Henrika was one of tens of thousands of Poles who walked and rode through Central Asia on their way to a new life in Iran, where she lives to this day. Then there were the proud Pioneer children who grew up in the certainty that the Soviet Union would last forever, only to find themselves in a new world that they had never imagined. In Central Asia, the extraordinary is commonplace and there is not a family without a remarkable story to tell.Land Beyond the River is both a chronicle of a century and a clear-eyed, authoritative view of contemporary events.

A Lamb to the Slaughter (A Tinhorn Western #2)

by William W. Johnstone J.A. Johnstone

The second installment in a bold, new, action-packed series set in Texas from legendary national bestselling Western authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone. Johnstone Country. Where Life Is A Gamble. The national bestselling authors of violent, bullet-riddled Old West yarns return to the Texas frontier town where Sheriff Buck Jackson and Deputy Flint Moran are quickly learning that enforcing the law means being fastest on the draw—or being killed by someone quicker . . . Welcome to Tinhorn, Texas. Now Go Home. Two drifters, flush with cash and looking to buy cattle, arrive in town—one nursing a bullet wound he claims he received accidently when his friend was cleaning his gun. Jackson and Moran are suspiciouss but have no reason to challenge their story—until four more drifters show up looking for the first two. Moran may not be lightning quick when it comes to numbers, but reports say the Wells Fargo office was held up by six men . . . But Moran is going to need more bullets. He&’s been called upon to go after Abel Crowe and his three sons on a murder and kidnapping charge. And with Jesse Slocum breaking out of prison to wreak vengeance on Sheriff Jackson, who killed Slocum&’s brother, the young deputy is going to make his name one bullet at a time—or die trying . . .

Lamarckism and the Emergence of 'Scientific' Social Sciences in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France (History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences #36)

by Snait B. Gissis

The book presents an original synthesizing framework on the relations between ‘the biological’ and ‘the social’. Within these relations, the late nineteenth-century emergence of social sciences aspiring to be constituted as autonomous, as 'scientific' disciplines, is described, analyzed and explained. Through this framework, the author points to conceptual and constructive commonalities conjoining significant founding figures – Lamarck, Spencer, Hughlings Jackson, Ribot, Durkheim, Freud – who were not grouped nor analyzed in this manner before. Thus, the book offers a rather unique synthesis of the interactions of the social, the mental, and the evolutionary biological – Spencerian Lamarckism and/or Neo-Lamarckism – crystallizing into novel fields. It adds substantially to the understanding of the complexities of evolutionary debates during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. It will attract the attention of a wide spectrum of specialists, academics, and postgraduates in European history of the nineteenth century, history and philosophy of science, and history of biology and of the social sciences, including psychology.

Lake Isle (The Henri Castang Mysteries)

by Nicolas Freeling

In France, a police detective hunts for an elusive killer in this novel by an award-winning author who &“writes like no one else&” (Los Angeles Times). In the tiny French town of Soulay, Inspector Henri Castang is dealing with a brutal robbery, a drugged teenager, and the sad delusions of a nervous old lady. But when a violent death suggests a mysterious connection to recent events in Paris Castang must untangle a mix of spiteful small-town gossip and big-city crime.This lively mystery comes from a winner of the Edgar and Gold Dagger Awards—&“the most eccentric, the most idiosyncratic and the most European of crime writers&” (Anita Brookner).

The Lagoon: Encounters with the Whales of San Ignacio

by James Michael Dorsey

A voyage to a magical marine haven, the San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, Mexico, where the connection between man and beast is like no other on Earth. Once a killing ground for whalers hunting a leviathan they called the “devilfish,” the San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, Mexico, is now an environmental and spiritual sanctuary—the only place in the world where animals in their natural aquatic environment routinely seek out human contact. A nursery for the gray whale since before recorded history, the lagoon and its stories, told here by resident naturalist James Michael Dorsey, illuminate the magic of human connection to animals, and what those bonds teach us about ourselves and our purpose on this shared planet. Weaving two decades of San Ignacio adventures in the company of his wife Irene with the fascinating history of the lagoon, Dorsey vividly captures the lively people of Baja, like the mystical godfather of whale-watching, Pachico Mayoral, as well as the whales he’s bonded with over the years, like Slackjaw, Patch, and Dervish—their individual personalities, their epic migration to and from the Pacific Northwest, and the science behind their behavior. Looming over his journeys are the many dangers to the area, from the Mitsubishi Corporation’s attempts to build salt works to plans for resort development on the Baja coast, to pollution and climate change, and even to the orcas who hunt the gray whales. The future of this refuge has never looked more threatened. A tale of wondrous bonds between the intelligent, spirited gray whales and the men, women, and children from around the world who come to this place to touch, kiss, and play with them—The Lagoon is a testament to the importance of preserving these animals and their natural habitats.

A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Murder (A Countess of Harleigh Mystery #3)

by Dianne Freeman

In Dianne Freeman&’s charming Victorian-era mystery series, Frances Wynn, the American-born Countess of Harleigh, finds her sister&’s wedding threatened by a vow of vengeance. London is known for its bustle and intrigues, but the sedate English countryside can host—or hide—any number of secrets. Frances, the widowed Countess of Harleigh, needs a venue for her sister Lily&’s imminent wedding, away from prying eyes. Risings, George Hazleton&’s family estate in Hampshire, is a perfect choice, and soon Frances, her beloved George, and other guests have gathered to enjoy the usual country pursuits—shooting, horse riding, and romantic interludes in secluded gardens. But the bucolic setting harbors a menace, and it&’s not simply the arrival of Frances&’s socially ambitious mother. Above and below stairs, mysterious accidents befall guests and staff alike. Before long, Frances suspects these &“accidents&” are deliberate, and fears that the intended victim is Lily&’s fiancé, Leo. Frances&’s mother is unimpressed by Lily&’s groom-to-be and would much prefer that Lily find an aristocratic husband, just as Frances did. But now that Frances has found happiness with George—a man who loves her for much more than her dowry—she heartily approves of Lily&’s choice. If she can just keep the couple safe from villains and meddling mamas. &“The action builds to a strong denouement.&” —Publishers Weekly

The Lady with the Borzoi: Blanche Knopf, Literary Tastemaker Extraordinaire

by Laura Claridge

The untold story of Blanche Knopf, the singular woman who helped define American literatureLeft off her company’s fifth anniversary tribute but described by Thomas Mann as “the soul of the firm,” Blanche Knopf began her career when she founded Alfred A. Knopf with her husband in 1915. With her finger on the pulse of a rapidly changing culture, Blanche quickly became a driving force behind the firm. A conduit to the literature of Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Blanche also legitimized the hard-boiled detective fiction of writers such as Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain, and Raymond Chandler; signed and nurtured literary authors like Willa Cather, Elizabeth Bowen, and Muriel Spark; acquired momentous works of journalism by John Hersey and William Shirer; and introduced American readers to Albert Camus, André Gide, and Simone de Beauvoir, giving these French writers the benefit of her consummate editorial taste. As Knopf celebrates its centennial, Laura Claridge looks back at the firm’s beginnings and the dynamic woman who helped to define American letters for the twentieth century. Drawing on a vast cache of papers, Claridge also captures Blanche’s “witty, loyal, and amusing” personality, and her charged yet oddly loving relationship with her husband. An intimate and often surprising biography, The Lady with the Borzoi is the story of an ambitious, seductive, and impossibly hardworking woman who was determined not to be overlooked or easily categorized.

Lady Scandal (Scandal at the Savoy)

by Laura Lee Guhrke

From a New York Times bestselling author comes a dazzling Victorian romance featuring a haughty businessman and the headstrong event planner who steals his heart—perfect for fans of Bridgerton, Evie Dunmore, and Amalie Howard! Delia Stratham is an unconventional woman. While other ladies learned proper decorum at finishing school, she composed naughty limericks and admired the gardener&’s muscular legs. So naturally when she&’s widowed for the third time, she does the unthinkable: she gets a job. Planning events for the Savoy Hotel is perfect for someone with her skills. But her dream career turns into a nightmare when she&’s forced to work with the most annoying—and gorgeous—man she&’s ever met. Hotel magnate Simon Hayden knows something fishy is going on at the Savoy: the hotel is constantly busy, yet the books say it&’s in the red. He&’s determined to root out the fraud and its perpetrators, and that means spending time with one of the most likely suspects: the delectable, infuriating Lady Stratham. She&’s definitely getting in his way and under his skin and he can&’t decide whether to fire her or kiss her until she stops arguing. But when the sparks between them flare into flame, Simon must choose between his love for Delia and his duty to the hotel. Will his choice bring them together or tear them apart?

Lady Ranelagh: The Incomparable Life of Robert Boyle's Sister (Synthesis)

by Michelle DiMeo

For centuries, historians have speculated about the life of Katherine Jones, Lady Ranelagh. Dominant depictions show her either as a maternal figure to her younger brother Robert Boyle, one of the most significant scientists of his day, or as a patroness of the European correspondence network now known as the Hartlib circle—but neither portrait captures the depth of her intellect or the range of her knowledge and influence. Philosophers, mathematicians, politicians, and religious authorities sought her opinion on everything from decimalizing the currency to producing Hebrew grammars. She practiced medicine alongside distinguished male physicians, treating some of the most elite patients in London. Her medical recipes, political commentaries, and testimony concerning the philosophers’ stone gained international circulation. She was an important influence on Boyle and a formidable thinker in her own right. Drawing from a wealth of new archival sources, Michelle DiMeo fills out Lady Ranelagh’s legacy in the context of a historically sensitive and nuanced interpretation of gender, science, and religion. The book re-creates the intellectual life of one of the most respected and influential women in seventeenth-century Europe, revealing how she managed to gain the admiration of diverse contemporaries, effect social change, and shape contemporary science.

Lady of Steel and Straw

by Erica Ivy Rodgers

Star-crossed lovers grapple with forbidden attraction and a growing army of ghostly dead in this swashbuckling YA fantasy debut.After ten years of exile, following regicide in the House of Tristain, an alarming royal edict is delivered to the immortal scarecrow Guardians who once defended the crown: surrender themselves to the church of the Silent Gods, or stand accused of further treason. But with a puppet prince set to take the throne and vengeful wraiths appearing with alarming frequency, something foul and sinister is at work in the kingdom of Niveaux.Lady Charlotte Sand was born to calm the restless dead. A headstrong heroine, she refuses to relinquish her family&’s lavender Guardian to the Cardinal&’s Watch—a rash misstep that costs her brother his life and sets her on a path for revenge.For pious and handsome Captain Luc de Montaigne, it&’s an excruciating predicament. His long-lost, childhood love has triggered a faction war that could tear the realm asunder. Now Charlotte and Luc must choose between killing one another and stepping closer to victory—or yielding to the electricity between them.Heartily inspired by The Three Musketeers, this multiple-perspective narrative features a unique system of bone and herbal magic, sultry banter, and a feisty cast of well-rounded supporting characters. This rousing first entry in the Waking Hearts fantasy duology is a gorgeous read and an excellent pick for fans of Rin Chupeco and Margaret Rogerson.

Lady Macbeth (The Henri Castang Mysteries)

by Nicolas Freeling

Renowned French Detective Castang investigates a missing wife and her suspicious husband in this mystery from an Edgar award–winning British crime writer.Guy and Sibille Lebfevre had what most people would call a normal marriage—until they have an argument while on a road trip through the Vosges mountains. Enraged, Sibille gets out of the car, disappearing on the otherwise deserted road, never to be heard from again.Six months later, Guy has not even bothered to look for his wife. When Inspector Castang questions him, Guy claims his wife is too proud to come home. This does not sit right with Castang or anyone close to Sibille, as they all suspect her husband of murdering her. But as Castang soon realizes, no one really knows what happens—or doesn’t happen—between a husband and wife. . . . Praise for Nicolas Freeling:“In depth of characterization, command of language and breadth of thought, Mr. Freeling has few peers when it comes to the international policier.” —The New York Times“Nicolas Freeling . . . liberated the detective story from page-turning puzzler into a critique of society and an investigation of character.” —The Daily Telegraph“Freeling rewards with his oblique, subtly comic style.” —Publishers Weekly“Freeling writes like no one. . . . He is one of the most literate and idiosyncratic of crime writers.” —Los Angeles Times

Lady Disaster

by Amanda Mariel

Il Marchese di Gulliver, Seth Mowbray, non ha una famiglia tutta sua. Quando non è in compagnia dei suoi cari amici, il Duca e la Duchessa di Selkirk, annega la sua solitudine indulgendo alle cose più malvagie che la vita ha da offrire. Lady Constantine Hartley non sembra voler seguire le regole della società. La pressione e le aspettative le hanno guastato tutto il divertimento, perché allora preoccuparsi? Durante quest’ultima Stagione ha deciso di ignorare le regole e divertirsi. Dopo un incontro casuale, Seth si ritrova affascinato dall’infernale Lady Constantine. Allo stesso modo, Constantine si ritrova affascinata dal Marchese. Due paria della società possono sfidare la sorte e conquistare il vero amore?

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