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Robert Rosen and Relational System Theory: An Overview (Anticipation Science #8)

by James Bryan Lennox

This book focuses on Robert Rosen’s contributions to relational system theory, which is the science of organization and function. This science was originally developed by Nicolas Rashevsky, and further developed by Rashevsky’s student Robert Rosen, and continues to be developed by Rosen’s student A. H. Louie amongst others. Due to its revolutionary character, it is often misunderstood, and to some, controversial. The formal and conceptual setting for Rosen’s relational system theory is category theory. Rosen was the first to apply category theory to scientific problems, outside of pure mathematics, and the first to think about science from the point of view of category theory. To better understand the work of Rosen, this book provides an overview of his theory of modeling, complexity, anticipation, and organism. It presents the foundations of this science and the philosophical motivations behind it along with conceptual clarification and historical context in order to present Rosen’s ideas to a wider audience.


by Andrew Lennon

Doente e cansado da vida do dia a dia. John se voltou a seus pensamentos e imaginação como um meio de escapar. Um dia, ele conhece Keith. É ensinado que a vida não precisa ser chata. Pode ser divertida. Você pode ir a lugares, fazer coisas, encontrar pessoas. Pela primeira vez em sua vida, John começou a gostar de si mesmo. No entanto, ele logo aprende que Keith não é o parece ser. Ele tem um lado negro. Está fora de controle e está levando John junto com ele.  


by Andrew Lennon

Harto y cansado de la vida diaria, John se vuelve a sus pensamientos e imaginación a manera de escape. Un día conoce a Keith. Aprende que la vida no tiene que ser aburrida. Puede ser divertida. Puedes ir a lugares, hacer cosas, conocer personas. Por primera vez en su vida, John comienza a disfrutar de sí mismo. Sin embargo, pronto descubre que Keith no es como aparenta. Tiene un lado oscuro. Está fuera de control y se está llevando a John con él.

Una Probada de Miedo

by Andrew Lennon

En el menú de hoy, traído a ustedes por Andrew Lennon. Tenemos una colección de historias cortas, cada una hecha a la medida para darle Una Probada de Miedo. Algo pequeño para abrir su apetito. Para comenzar tenemos: Mordida – Un sobreviviente solitario en un apocalipsis zombi. Matando la Navidad – Un hombre que pierde la cabeza por la época festiva. Apartamento 2B – Un taxidermista que decide que es tiempo de hacer de su esposa, su arte. Como platillos principales tenemos: Hambre – Un habitante de un sótano que algo, o alguien de qué alimentarse. Grito Silencioso – Un grupo de campistas que están próximos a ser cazados. Conoce a Victor – Una historia de horror de niños sobre una casa embrujada. Gemelas – Dos hermanas que inventan un juego, y quieren gente con quien jugar. Lago – Dos amantes tratan de escapar, ¿pero pueden? Mal Día – La historia de un hombre que ya tuvo demasiado. Eventualmente explotará. Para el postre tenemos: Historias extras de Georgia Lennon. Muñecas con cabello humano. Mañana por la noche. Yo soy el monstruo en la oscuridad. Esperamos que disfrute su comida y se vaya con Una Probada de Miedo. Por favor, vuelva pronto.

Crowdsourcing in Management Research: A New Tool for Scientific Inquiry (Routledge Open Business and Economics)

by Regina Lenart-Gansiniec

Crowdsourcing in Management Research explores the evolving landscape of academic research in the context of contemporary legal, social, cultural, and technological shifts. The book delves into the intricate processes and challenges associated with managing crowdsourcing initiatives in science. It sheds light on the essential competencies required by those initiating crowdsourcing projects, offering practical insights for effective implementation. Furthermore, the text explores the future directions of crowdsourcing in science, considering the influence of emerging technologies such as blockchain, digital storytelling, gamification, metaverse, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence. As one of the few comprehensive resources available, the book serves as a valuable guide for scholars, researchers, and graduate students interested in crowdsourcing paradigms. It emphasizes accessibility by avoiding unnecessary jargon and caters to non‑specialist readers, including booksellers and librarians. The geographical and temporal relevance of the work is underlined, providing a contemporary perspective on the subject. The inclusion of well‑known and topical case studies enhances the book’s relevance, while groundbreaking content ensures its significance in the rapidly evolving field of management research.

World as Laboratory: Experiments with Mice, Mazes, and Men

by Rebecca Lemov

Deeply researched, World as Laboratory tells a secret history that's not really a secret. The fruits of human engineering are all around us: advertising, polls, focus groups, the ubiquitous habit of "spin" practiced by marketers and politicians. What Rebecca Lemov cleverly traces for the first time is how the absurd, the practical, and the dangerous experiments of the human engineers of the first half of the twentieth century left their laboratories to become our day-to-day reality.

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana: Five Sisters, One Remarkable Family, and the Woman Who Risked Everything to Keep Them Safe

by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

The New York Times bestseller, written by a former reporter for ABC News, that People magazine called “a transporting, enlightening book” tells the story of a fearless young entrepreneur who brought hope to the lives of dozens of women in war-torn AfghanistanFormer ABC journalist Gayle Tzemach Lemmon tells the riveting true story of Kamila Sidiqi and other women of Afghanistan in the wake of the Taliban’s fearful rise to power. In what Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, calls “one of the most inspiring books I have ever read,” Lemmon recounts with novelistic vividness the true story of a fearless young woman who not only reinvented herself as an entrepreneur to save her family but, in the face of ferocious opposition, brought hope to the lives of dozens of women in war-torn Kabul.

My Revision Notes: AQA A-level Politics: Political Ideas Second Edition

by Simon Lemieux Adam Tomes

My Revision Notes will engage students with our updated approach to consolidating course content and helping them learn, practise and apply their skills and understanding. Coverage of key content is combined with practical study tips and effective planning strategies to create a guide that students can rely on to build both knowledge and confidence.- Helps students plan and manage their learning independently with our topic-by-topic planner- Encourages students to practise and apply their skills and knowledge with regular 'Now test yourself' sections, refreshed practice questions and answer guidance online- Supports subject-specific exam skills with a new exam skills box at the end of each chapter- Reflects the structure and format of recent exams with refreshed exam-style questions and improved course coverage- Includes content mapped to the specification, streamlined to give students the knowledge they need to help with the exams- Covers content for the Political Ideas component of the AQA specification - Helps students understand key terms with user-friendly definitions and tips throughout, plus a glossary

My Revision Notes: AQA A-level Politics: Political Ideas Second Edition

by Simon Lemieux Adam Tomes

My Revision Notes will engage students with our updated approach to consolidating course content and helping them learn, practise and apply their skills and understanding. Coverage of key content is combined with practical study tips and effective planning strategies to create a guide that students can rely on to build both knowledge and confidence.- Helps students plan and manage their learning independently with our topic-by-topic planner- Encourages students to practise and apply their skills and knowledge with regular 'Now test yourself' sections, refreshed practice questions and answer guidance online- Supports subject-specific exam skills with a new exam skills box at the end of each chapter- Reflects the structure and format of recent exams with refreshed exam-style questions and improved course coverage- Includes content mapped to the specification, streamlined to give students the knowledge they need to help with the exams- Covers content for the Political Ideas component of the AQA specification - Helps students understand key terms with user-friendly definitions and tips throughout, plus a glossary

The Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy

by Robert Leleux

In the Dear John letter Daddy left for Mother and me, on a Saturday afternoon in early June 1996, on the inlaid Florentine table in the front entry of our house, which we found that night upon returning from a day spent in the crème-colored light of Neiman's, Daddy wrote that he was leaving us because Mother was crazy, and because she'd driven me crazy in a way that perfectly suited her own insanity.In a memoir studded with delicious lines and unforgettable set pieces, Robert Leleux describes his East Texas boyhood and coming of age under the tutelage of his eccentric, bewigged, flamboyant, and knowing mother.Left high and dry by Daddy and living on their in-laws' horse ranch in a white-pillared house they can't afford, Robert and Mother find themselves chronically low on cash. Soon they are forced into more modest quarters, and as a teenaged Robert watches with hilarity and horror, Mother begins a desperate regimen of makeovers, extreme plastic surgeries, and finally hairpiece epoxies---all calculated to secure a new, wealthy husband. Mother's strategy takes her, with Robert in tow, from the glamorous environs of the Neiman Marcus beauty salon to questionable surgery offices and finally to a storefront clinic on the wrong side of Houston. Meanwhile, Robert begins his own journey away from Mother and through the local theater's world of miscast hopefuls and thwarted ambitions---and into a romance that surprises absolutely no one but himself. Written with a warmth and a wicked sense of fun that lighten even the most awful circumstances, The Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy is a sparkling debut.

Defining and Assessing Lexical Proficiency (Routledge Studies in Applied Linguistics)

by Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska

This comprehensive account of performance-based assessment of L2 lexical proficiency analyzes and compares two of the primary methods of evaluation used in the field and unpacks the ways in which they tap into different dimensions of one model of lexical competence and proficiency.This book builds on the latest research on performance-based assessment, which has most recently pointed to the application of more quantitative measures to L2 data, to systematically explore the qualitative method of using human raters in assessment exercises and the quantitative method of using automatic computation of statistical measures of lexis and phraseology. Supported by an up-to-date review of the existing literature, both approaches’ unique features are highlighted but also compared to one another to provide a holistic overview of performance-based assessment as it stands today at both the theoretical and empirical level. These findings are exemplified in a concluding chapter, which summarizes results from an empirical study looking at a range of lexical and phraseological features and human raters’ scores of over 150 essays written by both L2 learners of English and native speakers. Taken together, the volume challenges existing tendencies within the field which attempt to use one method to validate one another by demonstrating their capacity to indicate very different elements of lexical proficiency, thereby offering a means by which to better conceptualize performance-based assessment of L2 vocabulary in the future.This book will be of interest to students and researchers working in second language acquisition and applied linguistics research, particularly those interested in issues around assessment, vocabulary acquisition, and language proficiency.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a CC BY NC ND 4.0 license.

Choral Society: A Novel

by Prue Leith

When Lucy and Rebecca agree to help the shy Joanna overcome stagefright during their choral class, an unlikely friendship develops among the three. And soon enough, the lessons turn to matters of the heart. Lucy has been recently widowed and now faces the loss of her "old-fashioned" food column. Rebecca is a flighty single mother with a voracious sexual appetite, and Joanna is a hard charging businesswoman, who comes home nightly to an empty house. From acclaimed writer Prue Leith comes a delightful novel that proves it's never too late for a lesson in life and love.

Leah Marie and Her Down Right Perfect Path to Math

by Marylin Leinenbach Anne Raymond

This is a story of a little girl, Leah Marie, who has Down syndrome. As she spends a week with her Gram, she shares with the reader fun ways that she and her Gram recognize and write numbers during the week. Leah Marie also takes the reader on an exciting journey as she shares mathematical shapes that she sees in her world. Leah Marie's message to all the readers is that math can be fun for everyone.

Bauwirtschaft: Grundlagen und Methoden

by Egon Leimböck Andreas Iding Heiko Meinen

Das Fachbuch Bauwirtschaft gibt einen Überblick über alle bauwirtschaftlichen bzw. baubetriebswirtschaftlichen Themen, die im Bau- und Bauhauptgewerbe von Belang sind. Dazu gehört eine Einordnung in den volkswirtschaftlichen Kontext genauso wie ein Einblick in betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte wie Organisation und Management, Preisfindung, Rechnungswesen, Controlling oder Marketing. Dabei werden auch die Schnittstellen zu angrenzenden Branchen (Finanz- und Immobilienwirtschaft) in angemessenem Umfang berücksichtigt. Besondere Beachtung findet der Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit im Kapitel "Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften im Bauunternehmen", das vollständig überarbeitet und erweitert wurde. Zudem sieht sich die Bauwirtschaft der Notwendigkeit einer zunehmenden Digitalisierung gegenüber, um in Zeiten des Fachkräftemangels dringend nötige Produktivitätsreserven zu heben. Ein neues Kapitel widmet sich daher der Frage, wie und wo Digitalisierung sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. Besondersdem Praktiker soll ein schnelles Nachlesen von Themen ermöglicht werden, um konkrete Problemstellungen durch einen theoretischen Bezug besser lösen zu können. Studierenden dient dieses Buch als Grundlage bei der Vermittlung von Studieninhalten im Bereich der Betriebswirtschaft im Bauwesen.

Deaf People and Society: Psychological, Sociological, and Educational Perspectives

by Irene W. Leigh Jean F. Andrews Cara A. Miller Ju-Lee A. Wolsey

Deaf People and Society is an authoritative text that emphasizes the complexities of being D/deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf-Disabled, or hard of hearing, drawing on perspectives from psychology, education, and sociology. This book also explores how the lives of these individuals are impacted by decisions made by professionals in clinics, schools, or other settings. This new edition offers insights on areas critical to Deaf Studies and Disability Studies, with particular emphasis on multiculturalism and multilingualism, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion. Accessibly written, the chapters include objectives and suggested further reading that provides valuable leads and context. Additionally, these chapters have been thoroughly revised and incorporate a range of relevant topics including etiologies of deafness; cognition and communication; bilingual, bimodal, and monolingual approaches to language learning; childhood psychological issues; psychological and sociological viewpoints of deaf adults; the criminal justice system and deaf people; psychodynamics of interaction between deaf and hearing people; and future trends. The book also includes case studies covering hearing children of deaf adults, a young deaf adult with mental illness, and more.Written by a seasoned D/deaf/hard of hearing and hearing bilingual team, this unique text continues to be the go-to resource for students and future professionals interested in working with D/deaf, DeafBlind, and hard-of-hearing persons. Its contents will resonate with anyone interested in serving and enhancing their knowledge of their lived experiences of D/deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf-Disabled, and hard-of-hearing people and communities.

Take All of Us

by Natalie Leif

A YA unbury-your-gays horror in which an undead teen must find the boy he loves before he loses his mind and body.Five years ago, a parasite poisoned the water of Ian&’s West Virginia hometown, turning dozens of locals into dark-eyed, oil-dripping shells of their former selves. With chronic migraines and seizures limiting his physical abilities, Ian relies on his best friend and secret love Eric to mercy-kill any infected people they come across.Until a new health report about the contamination triggers a mandatory government evacuation, and Ian cracks his head in the rush. Used to hospitals and health scares, Ian always thought he'd die young... but he wasn&’t planning on coming back. Much less face the slow, painful realization that Eric left him behind to die.Desperate to find Eric and the truth before the parasite takes over him, Ian along with two others left behind—his old childhood rival Monica and the jaded prepper Angel—journey to track down Eric. What they don't know is that Eric is also looking for Ian, and he's determined to mercy-kill him.

Essential Statistical Analysis "In Focus": Alternate Guides for R, SAS, and Stata for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

by Yu Lei Kristin L. Sotak Gregory J. Privitera

Essentials of Statistical Analysis "In Focus" supports users of Gregory J. Privitera’s Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition who work with a statistical program other than SPSS® or Excel®. Three standalone parts, each dedicated to R, SAS®, and Stata®, serve as step-by-step guides for completing the "In Focus" exercises in Privitera’s core text. A conversational writing style along with "To The Student" introductions allow students to familiarize themselves and become more comfortable with each program prior to making computations. Additionally, General Instruction Guidebook (GIG) sections for R, SAS®, and Stata® provide standardized how-to instructions for using each program, making the book a valuable reference for students beyond their studies.

Essential Statistical Analysis "In Focus": Alternate Guides for R, SAS, and Stata for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

by Yu Lei Kristin L. Sotak Gregory J. Privitera

Essentials of Statistical Analysis "In Focus" supports users of Gregory J. Privitera’s Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition who work with a statistical program other than SPSS® or Excel®. Three standalone parts, each dedicated to R, SAS®, and Stata®, serve as step-by-step guides for completing the "In Focus" exercises in Privitera’s core text. A conversational writing style along with "To The Student" introductions allow students to familiarize themselves and become more comfortable with each program prior to making computations. Additionally, General Instruction Guidebook (GIG) sections for R, SAS®, and Stata® provide standardized how-to instructions for using each program, making the book a valuable reference for students beyond their studies.

Statistics of Medical Imaging (Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics)

by Tianhu Lei

Statistical investigation into technology not only provides a better understanding of the intrinsic features of the technology (analysis), but also leads to an improved design of the technology (synthesis). Physical principles and mathematical procedures of medical imaging technologies have been extensively studied during past decades. However, les

Neither Donkey nor Horse: Medicine in the Struggle over China's Modernity

by Sean Hsiang-lin Lei

Neither Donkey nor Horse tells the story of how Chinese medicine was transformed from the antithesis of modernity in the early twentieth century into a potent symbol of and vehicle for China’s exploration of its own modernity half a century later. Instead of viewing this transition as derivative of the political history of modern China, Sean Hsiang-lin Lei argues that China’s medical history had a life of its own, one that at times directly influenced the ideological struggle over the meaning of China’s modernity and the Chinese state. Far from being a remnant of China’s premodern past, Chinese medicine in the twentieth century coevolved with Western medicine and the Nationalist state, undergoing a profound transformation—institutionally, epistemologically, and materially—that resulted in the creation of a modern Chinese medicine. This new medicine was derided as “neither donkey nor horse” because it necessarily betrayed both of the parental traditions and therefore was doomed to fail. Yet this hybrid medicine survived, through self-innovation and negotiation, thus challenging the conception of modernity that rejected the possibility of productive crossbreeding between the modern and the traditional. By exploring the production of modern Chinese medicine and China’s modernity in tandem, Lei offers both a political history of medicine and a medical history of the Chinese state.

Reflective Assessment for Deep Learning and Knowledge Building: An Empirical Case in China

by Chunlin Lei

Knowledge building aims to transform schools into learning communities and bring knowledge creation into schools. The book therefore elaborates on how learning, technology, and assessment can be aligned both online and offline to facilitate such a process.Adopting a quasi-experimental design and drawing on rich data from forum discussions, questionnaires, interviews, learning outcomes, and classroom presentations, this book shows that the knowledge building environment, augmented by reflective assessment and principles, helped Chinese students to develop a deeper approach to learning, improved academic performance, and promoted collective knowledge advances. The book also discusses the potentials and challenges of designing technology-supported, assessment- and principle-based learning environments in tertiary contexts, especially when deep learning and knowledge building capacity are greatly emphasised in the knowledge era.The book will be of interest to scholars and educators working in learning sciences and computer-supported collaborative learning.

Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics for Engineers (Human Factors and Ergonomics)

by Mark R. Lehto Steven J. Landry

With a practical, applied orientation, this book presents and integrates in a single source important methods and tools used in the fields of industrial engineering, human factors and ergonomics to design and improve jobs, tasks and products. The author covers such topics as the human system, motion analysis, predicting human performance, simulation in ergonomic design, product quality and usability, macroergonomics, and occupational safety and health. Each chapter offers challenging problems and examples to illustrate concepts. The new second edition features two new chapters that address human error causation and reduction and human computer interaction. It also includes updated figures.

Chicken in Space

by Adam Lehrhaupt

Zoey is not like the other chickens. She has dreams. She has plans. And she has a best friend, Sam the pig, who will join her on her wild adventures...if only he gets to eat some pie along the way. Will Zoey and Sam find a slice of pie in outer space And how will they get up there in the first place One thing is certain: Zoey always finds a way.

What Did the Romans Know?: An Inquiry into Science and Worldmaking

by Daryn Lehoux

What did the Romans know about their world? Quite a lot, as Daryn Lehoux makes clear in this fascinating and much-needed contribution to the history and philosophy of ancient science. Lehoux contends that even though many of the Romans’ views about the natural world have no place in modern science—the umbrella-footed monsters and dog-headed people that roamed the earth and the stars that foretold human destinies—their claims turn out not to be so radically different from our own. Lehoux draws upon a wide range of sources from what is unquestionably the most prolific period of ancient science, from the first century BC to the second century AD. He begins with Cicero’s theologico-philosophical trilogy On the Nature of the Gods, On Divination, and On Fate, illustrating how Cicero’s engagement with nature is closely related to his concerns in politics, religion, and law. Lehoux then guides readers through highly technical works by Galen and Ptolemy, as well as the more philosophically oriented physics and cosmologies of Lucretius, Plutarch, and Seneca, all the while exploring the complex interrelationships between the objects of scientific inquiry and the norms, processes, and structures of that inquiry. This includes not only the tools and methods the Romans used to investigate nature, but also the Romans’ cultural, intellectual, political, and religious perspectives. Lehoux concludes by sketching a methodology that uses the historical material he has carefully explained to directly engage the philosophical questions of incommensurability, realism, and relativism. By situating Roman arguments about the natural world in their larger philosophical, political, and rhetorical contexts, What Did the Romans Know? demonstrates that the Romans had sophisticated and novel approaches to nature, approaches that were empirically rigorous, philosophically rich, and epistemologically complex.

Die „Gränze“ des Unterrichts: Deutungen des Universitätsseminars zwischen Idee und Empirie (Rekonstruktive Bildungsforschung #48)

by Helen Lehndorf

Das Buch beschreibt das geisteswissenschaftliche Universitätsseminar als eine besondere Form der unterrichtlichen Ordnung, welche sich in ihren Wertgrundlagen, institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen und Interaktionspraktiken von anderen Unterrichtsordnungen unterscheidet. Es werden unterschiedliche Einschätzungen zum Status des Universitätsseminars als unterrichtliche Ordnung auf Basis bisheriger theoretischer und empirischer Arbeiten nachgezeichnet. Auf diesem Weg wird die Grundlage für eine Rekonstruktion fachlicher Lehr-Lern-Interaktionen im literaturwissenschaftlichen Universitätsseminar gelegt. Dazu wird eine theoretische Deutung des Universitätsseminars als Sozialisationsraum vorgenommen und mit bislang erfolgten empirischen Beschreibungen von Lehr-Lern-Interaktionen im Rahmen der Universität konfrontiert. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der methodischen Reflexion der jeweiligen Bestimmungen des Universitätsseminars und insbesondere auf der Frage nach dem Verhältnis von „Idee“ und „Empirie“.

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