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Showing 176 through 200 of 10,785 results

Ecology in Action

by null Fred D. Singer

Providing students with a solid understanding of core ecological concepts while explaining how ecologists raise and answer real-world questions, this second edition weaves together classic and cutting-edge case studies to bring the subject to life. It is fully updated throughout, including two chapters devoted to climate change ecology, along with extensive coverage of disease ecology, and has been designed specifically to equip students with the tools to analyze and interpret real data. Each chapter emphasizes the linkage between observations, ideas, questions, hypotheses, predictions, results, and conclusions. Additional summary sections describe the development and evolution of research programs in each of ecology's core areas, providing students with essential context. Integrated discussion questions, along with end-of-chapter questions, encourage active learning. These are supported by online resources including tutorials that teach students to use the R programming language for statistical analyses of data presented in the text.

Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 29th International Conference, DASFAA 2024, Gifu, Japan, July 2–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14850)

by Makoto Onizuka Jae-Gil Lee Yongxin Tong Chuan Xiao Yoshiharu Ishikawa Sihem Amer-Yahia H. V. Jagadish Kejing Lu

The seven-volume set LNCS 14850-14856 constitutes the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2024, held in Gifu, Japan, in July 2024. The total of 147 full papers, along with 85 short papers, presented together in this seven-volume set was carefully reviewed and selected from 722 submissions. Additionally, 14 industrial papers, 18 demo papers and 6 tutorials are included. The conference presents papers on subjects such as: Part I: Spatial and temporal data; database core technology; federated learning. Part II: Machine learning; text processing. Part III: Recommendation; multi-media. Part IV: Privacy and security; knowledge base and graphs. Part V: Natural language processing; large language model; time series and stream data. Part VI: Graph and network; hardware acceleration. Part VII: Emerging application; industry papers; demo papers.

Musik und Medizin: Chancen für Therapie, Prävention, Rehabilitation und Bildung

by Günther Bernatzky Gunter Kreutz

Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Wirkungen von Musik auf Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Lebensqualität aus der Sicht interdisziplinärer, musikwissenschaftlicher und medizinischer Forschung. Hochrangige Expert*innen aus vielfältigen Fachgebieten stellen die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für medizinische, therapeutische, pädagogische und andere Anwendung vor. Inhaltlich spannt es den Bogen von den psychophysiologischen Grundlagen emotionaler Wirkungen des Musikhörens bis hin zu musikmedizinischen und -therapeutischen Interventionen. Musik erweist sich vielfach als äußerst wirksame, nahezu nebenwirkungsfreie und vergleichsweise kostengünstige unterstützende Strategie für Prävention, Therapie und Rehabilitation in vielen medizinischen Fachbereichen.Ein breites Spektrum musikalischer Aktivitäten einschließlich Musikhören, Laienmusizieren, Chorsingen, Tanzen und verschiedene Formen musiktherapeutischer Strategien steht den Erfordernissen unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen, individuellen Unterschieden, Vorlieben und kulturellen Hintergründen gegenüber. Die Neuauflage wurde aktualisiert und mit Inhalten zu COVID 19 und einer neuen Sektion zu gesundheitlichen Belastungen durch Musik erweitert.Ärzt*innen und medizinisches Personal in Sozial- und Pflegeberufen erhalten profunde Informationen über Chancen und Grenzen musikbezogener Angebote. Die Kapitel eignen sich ebenso als Einstiege für Wissenschaftler*innen zahlreicher Fachrichtungen aus Sozial-, Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft.

Low Energy Photon Detection (Springer Theses)

by Tianyi Guo

This thesis showcases innovative new approaches aimed at advancing the next generation of long wave infrared (LWIR) light detectors and cameras. Detecting LWIR light at room temperature has posed a persistent challenge due to the low energy of photons. The pursuit of an affordable, high-performance LWIR camera capable of room temperature detection has spanned several decades. The two approaches detailed within are designed to offer high detectivity, swift response times, and room temperature operation. The first involves harnessing the Dirac plasmon and the Seebeck effect in graphene to create a photo-thermoelectric detector. The second entails the use of an oscillating circuit integrated with phase change materials and the modulation of frequency induced by infrared illumination to achieve LWIR detection. Finally, the graphene-based detectors are integrated with readout circuits to enable the development of a dense pixel focal plane which has strong potential for commercialization. The journey from novel material to device to functional camera presented here is essential reading for researchers in the field of photon detection.

Disaster and Climate Risk Education: Insights from Knowledge to Action (Disaster Risk Reduction)

by Ayse Yildiz Rajib Shaw

Education serves as a cornerstone for gaining knowledge and taking initiative. However, despite efforts in disaster and climate risk education (DCRE), a gap often exists between awareness and meaningful action. To bridge this gap and promote a progression from awareness to empowerment, we offer the KIDA (Knowledge Interest Desire Action) framework. The foundation of this framework is a collaboration between schools, communities, and families, which calls for support from educational boards and local governments. Following international tragedies like the Turkey-Syria earthquake of 2023, as well as the ever-changing difficulties posed by climate change, DCRE has to be given priority immediately. Our book proposes a comprehensive strategy that includes governance, capacity building, education in schools and the community, and technology integration. Our insights, analyses, and practical policy suggestions are based on multidisciplinary research and worldwide case studies, with the goal of strengthening resilience and cultivating a generation committed to sustainability. This book provides a comprehensive exploration of DCRE. It aims to prepare individuals and communities to face the challenges of a changing world head-on by improving knowledge and promoting preparedness.

Schüler*innen: Eine Einführung (Module Erziehungswissenschaft #3)

by Hedda Bennewitz Michael Meier-Sternberg

In dieser Einführung werden wichtige theoretische Perspektiven zur Beschreibung von Schüler*innen verständlich vorgestellt und systematisch unter den Schwerpunkten soziale Konstruktion von Schüler*innen, Leistung und Peerkultur diskutiert. Das Buch ist als Übersicht konzipiert und vermittelt ein grundlegendes Wissen über die Lebenswelt und das Handeln von Schüler*innen.

Redeskriptionen horizontaler Geographien: Ein neopragmatistischer Ansatz räumlicher Kontingenzen, Komplexitäten und Relationen (Regionale Geographien | Regional Geographies)

by Olaf Kühne

Räumlichen Synthesen (Landeskunden, Regionalen Geographien etc.), hier als ‚horizontale Geographien‘ bezeichnet, haben in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine sehr ambivalente Entwicklung genommen: Auf der einen Seite ist die Nachfrage in der Öffentlichkeit, aber auch in der Wissenschaft, hoch, auf der anderen Seite wurden ihr – im Vergleich zu geographischen Spezialdisziplinen – theoretische Defizite attestiert. Grundlage der hier vorgenommenen Redeskription ist der philosophische Neopragmatismus, der nie zu einem theoriegeleiteten empirischen raumwissenschaftlichen Forschungsprogramm ausdifferenziert wurde. Der philosophische Neopragmatismus, insbesondere in der Konzeption von Richard Rorty, fokussiert insbesondere auf Kontingenz von Gesellschaft, Selbst und Sprache. Somit werden auch ‚horizontale Geographien‘ als kontingente Vorschläge für eine Neubeschreibung von Räumen verstanden. Diese basieren auf der gerechtfertigten Triangulation von Theorien, Methoden, Quellen, Forschendenperspektiven, Perspektiven von Lai~innen und (ironischen) Darstellungsformen. Hinsichtlich der Triangulationsebenen fungiert der Neopragmatismus als meta-theoretischer Orientierungsrahmen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Komplexität räumlicher Entwicklungen einerseits und zur Operationalisierung des Rortyschen Prinzips der privaten Selbsterschaffung und der öffentlichen Solidarität wird auf das Lebenschancenkonzept von Ralf Dahrendorf zurückgegriffen. Dieses wird in diesem Buch sowohl hinsichtlich der Optionen als auch der Ligaturen weiter differenziert. Damit trägt dieses Buch zur Beseitigung des vielfach attestierten Theoriedefizits bei.

Crowdfunding for Environmental Sustainability and the Circular Economy: Empowered Strategies for Sustainable Growth

by Filippo Corsini Marco Frey

This book explores how crowdfunding can effectively promote environmental sustainability and circular economy practices in businesses, emphasizing its role in providing crucial financial resources. The importance of financial resources in businesses represents an essential enabler for implementing and scaling sustainable solutions. The book is composed of six chapters, which analyze some key aspects, such as how crowdfunding has been used to develop circular products, success factors for environmental crowdfunding campaigns, the issue of greenwashing in crowdfunding campaigns. By offering a comprehensive and critical analysis of the main issues at stake, this volume provides valuable insights for scholars and students of sustainable business and green finance. The present work also highlights how crowdfunding can help companies to integrate strategies to improve product environmental performance, engage in environmental marketing, and consider alternative business models. Overall, this book is essential to better understand how innovative funding solutions can overcome financial barriers and foster impactful environmental projects.

Remembering Marielle Franco from a Theological Perspective: A Teaching in Individual and Collective Self-Empowerment (New Approaches to Religion and Power)

by Katharina Merian

In this Open Access book, Katharina Merian discusses memories of Marielle Franco from the perspective of the concept of dangerous memory introduced by the political theologian Johann Baptist Metz. Franco was an Afro-Brazilian human-rights activist and city councilor of Rio de Janeiro who was assassinated on March 14, 2018. Her murder elicited worldwide protest and empathy. Today she is considered an international symbol in the fight for human, women, and LGBTQ+ rights. Based on the memories of people from Franco’s inner circle, the study explores Franco’s life, what it meant to the people around her, and how her image was transformed following her murder. By critically engaging with Metz’s concept of dangerous memory, which concerns memories of suffering and unfulfilled hopes that challenge the present, Merian demonstrates that the memories of Franco represent a decolonial dangerous memory that sparks individual and collective self-empowerment among Black women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and favela residents. This work not only contributes to a critical reappraisal of Franco’s story and the meaning of her memory in the Brazilian and international context but also proposes a differentiated understanding of dangerous memory that highlights the relationship between solidarity and self-empowerment in a moment of existential danger and threat.

Die Bedeutung von Kundenzufriedenheitsstudien im Handel: Eine Analyse von Kundenbefragungen und User Generated Content mithilfe des Topic Modelings (BestMasters)

by Denise Graf

Kundenzufriedenheit ist ein zentrales Konzept im Marketing und ein wesentlicher Faktor für den Unternehmenserfolg. Daher ist es wichtig, die Einflussfaktoren der Kundenzufriedenheit genau zu verstehen. Traditionell nutzen Unternehmen Befragungen, die kosten- und zeitintensiv sind. Mit der zunehmenden Verfügbarkeit von nutzergenerierten Inhalten bieten Online-Bewertungen jedoch eine vielversprechende und kostengünstige Alternative zur Identifikation der Zufriedenheitsfaktoren. Denise Graf untersucht in diesem Buch mit einem Topic-Modell die Ähnlichkeit von Umfragedaten und Online-Bewertungen. Grundlage sind über 10.000 Bewertungen aus zwei Kundenzufriedenheitsstudien eines deutschen Lebensmittelhändlers und über 5.000 Google-Bewertungen. Die Ähnlichkeit wird durch fünf Analysen bewertet, dazu gehören neben der deskriptiven Statistik auch Erkenntnisse aus dem Topic-Modell sowie aus Regressions-, Ähnlichkeits- und Sentimentanalysen. Die Ergebnisse haben wichtige Implikationen für die Managementpraxis. Händler können auf Basis dieser Erkenntnisse entscheiden, ob Online-Bewertungen geeignet sind, die bisherigen Themen der Kundenzufriedenheit abzudecken und ob sie zusätzliche Themen identifizieren können.

High Entropy Alloys: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview

by Saurabh S. Nene

This book presents the result of an innovative challenge, to create a systematic literature overview driven by machine-generated content. Questions and related keywords were prepared for the machine to query, discover, collate and structure by Artificial Intelligence (AI) clustering. The AI-based approach seemed especially suitable to provide an innovative perspective as the topics are indeed both complex, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, for example, climate, planetary and evolution sciences. Springer Nature has published much on these topics in its journals over the years, so the challenge was for the machine to identify the most relevant content and present it in a structured way that the reader would find useful. The automatically generated literature summaries in this book are intended as a springboard to further discoverability. They are particularly useful to readers with limited time, looking to learn more about the subject quickly and especially if they are new to the topics. Springer Nature seeks to support anyone who needs a fast and effective start in their content discovery journey, from the undergraduate student exploring interdisciplinary content to Master- or PhD-thesis developing research questions, to the practitioner seeking support materials, this book can serve as an inspiration, to name a few examples. It is important to us as a publisher to make the advances in technology easily accessible to our authors and find new ways of AI-based author services that allow human-machine interaction to generate readable, usable, collated, research content.

Abschlussprüfung klipp & klar (WiWi klipp & klar)

by Christopher Almeling Caroline Flick Christoph Scharr

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine verständliche Einführung in die Grundlagen der betriebswirtschaftlichen Prüfung von Jahresabschlüssen und Lageberichten. Inhaltlich orientiert es sich dabei an den Anforderungen der Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Abschlussprüfungen und richtet sich an Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Berufsakademien und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen. Dabei baut es auf Kenntnissen im Bereich der Betriebswirtschaft auf und dient als vertiefende Ergänzung zu Studieninhalten zum Thema Abschlussprüfung. Neben dem Studium eignet es sich ebenso bestens für interessierte Praktiker, insbesondere junge Mitarbeitende von Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften, die sich einen Überblick über die Jahresabschlussprüfung verschaffen oder ihre Kenntnisse auffrischen wollen. Der Lernstoff wird durch übersichtliche Zusammenfassungen und Merksätze ergänzt. Praktische Fallbeispiele und Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen unterstützen das tiefere Verständnis. In der 2. Auflage werden die nunmehr verbindlich anzuwendenden internationalen Prüfungsgrundsätze, die in den sogenannten ISA [DE] umgesetzt sind, dargestellt und mit Anwendungsbeispielen erläutert. Zusätzliche Fragen per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen zu prüfen.

Soil Bacteria: Biofertilization and Soil Health

by Shrivardhan Dheeman M. Tofazzal Islam Dilfuza Egamberdieva Md. Nurealam Siddiqui

This comprehensive exploration delves into the pivotal role of bacteria in soil health, elucidating their mechanisms in organic matter decomposition, metal facilitation, bioremediation of stubborn materials, and nutrient cycling essential for soil fertilization, plant health and conditioning. In an agricultural ecosystem, soil nutrients are the backbone, sourced either externally through fertilizers or internally by the action of soil bacteria. Understanding the intricate concert of soil bacteria within the ecological framework offers three significant advantages: revitalizing soil health and quality (soil reclamation), enhancing soil nutrient availability (biofertilization), and amplifying crop yields in an environmentally sustainable manner (sustainable agriculture). This book caters to a diverse audience including educators, researchers, technocrats, policymakers, agricultural foundations, non-governmental organizations, and particularly research students. It also serves as supplementary material for undergraduate and graduate students across various disciplines such as agriculture, microbiology, biotechnology, forestry, ecology, soil science, and environmental sciences. Additionally, it provides invaluable insights for both national and international agricultural scientists and soil ecologists, enriching their understanding of soil ecosystems and agricultural sustainability.

Proceedings of World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: WCAIAA 2024 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Ashish Kumar Tripathi Darpan Anand Atulya K. Nagar

This book is a collection of outstanding research papers presented at the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications (WCAIAA 2024), organized by Sir Padampat Singhania University, India, and is technically sponsored by Soft Computing Research Society during February 22–23, 2024. The topics covered are agent-based systems, evolutionary algorithms, approximate reasoning, bioinformatics and computational biology, artificial intelligence in modeling and simulation, natural language processing, brain–machine interfaces, collective intelligence, computer vision and speech understanding, data mining, swarm intelligence, machine learning, human–computer interaction, intelligent sensor, devices and applications, and intelligent database systems.

Machine Learning and Mixed Reality for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage: The Monastery of Saints Severino and Sossio Case Study

by Maurizio Perticarini

This book addresses the role of modern surveying and representation technologies in preserving and disseminating cultural heritage. A workflow is illustrated, describing the Former Monastery of Ss Severino and Sossio case study, currently the headquarters of the State Archives of Naples, Italy. After offering a historical overview, the work examines the spaces and structure of the building. A methodology for three-dimensional restitution is presented, using low-cost image-based and professional range-based surveying, concluding with recent AI technologies such as NeRF. The research continues with the virtual and augmented restitution of parts of the building that have been modified, lost over the centuries, or are no longer accessible. The Atrio dei Marmi, the Atrio del Platano, and the Sala del Capitolo and Sala del Refettorio are some of the places where the research has focused, creating a BIM model, using AR for precise interventions, and developing an immersive applied game to understand the third level of the monastery, rich in works of art and today also serving as a museum. In the final chapters, a particular focus is placed on the future of representation: new techniques, ongoing developments in AI supporting surveying, and the new possibilities offered by virtual spaces.

Contemporary Challenges for Caribbean Economies: Crucial Problems and Practical Solutions

by Terence M. Yhip Brian Alagheband

The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare economic weaknesses throughout the Caribbean region, and humane standards of living are at risk. This book highlights the retooling that must be done to promote economic stability in this important area of the world. It contributes to ongoing discourse regarding Caribbean economies and highlights the long-term economic challenges that must be addressed to move forward. In this book, economists Terence M. Yhip and Brian Alagheband offer ideas and proposals to reinvigorate economic growth through the adoption of technology and investment in human capital. The book explains how to diversify economies by increasing the complexity of exports. With a shift in priorities, nations will need to raise total factor productivity and potential output. The book offers strategies to diversify the production and export of complex goods and services. The authors note that the necessary capabilities can take nations decades to build. Such investment will require trade-offs and sacrifice. Progress cannot and will not be immediate, but such modifications will produce meaningful economic returns. Contemporary Challenges for Caribbean Economies includes a chapter on the oil future for Guyana, a rising economic “superstar” due to the nation’s oil riches that portend either blessing or curse. It also includes a chapter written by Tawfik Ramtoolah about the impressive dynamism of the Mauritius economy, which transformed from sugar-cane monoculture to industrial and financial services diversification.

Psychological Science: The Consequences of Choosing Soft (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Charles Locurto

This book examines questions of experimental design, in social science principally concerning what happens if shortcuts are allowed in the design, analysis, and interpretation of psychological research. The author argues that shortcuts lead to experimental results that are of low power and lack the precision that should be afforded experimental work. Consequently, it should not be surprising that psychological science has difficulty replicating its findings. A more specialized focus is the lack of success of self-esteem training techniques despite their widespread usage. The failure of self-esteem training is contrasted with the success of work that involves the use of standardized testing procedures and scores, such as IQ. From this perspective, while self-esteem and IQ testing have been each proposed as Hole Grails, meaning that they constitute comprehensive influences on many aspects of behavior, only IQ can function in this manner. It is also argued that some areas of social science, particularly unconscious bias, have not been subjected to sufficient critical scrutiny, and therefore are associated with rather weak empirical profiles that do not justify the popularity of the procedures. Throughout the book, the work habits of modern scientists are contrasted with those of one of science’s most successful practitioners, Charles Darwin, and to a lesser extent, Sigmund Freud. Contrasts between the historically-validated work of Darwin on the one hand, and modern psychological science, suggest avenues of methodological improvement in the practice of modern psychological science.

Die Elemente des Verhandelns: Strukturiert und effektiv zum Verhandlungserfolg

by Renker K. Weiss Jelka Lavrih Sztajnbok

Dieses Buch erläutert mit Klarheit und Struktur die wichtigsten Elemente einer erfolgreichen Verhandlung. Diese sind oft geprägt von verschiedenen Sichtweisen, Zielen und Methodiken. Das „Periodensystem der VerHANDlung“ hilft Ihnen dabei, bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Sie finden den richtigen Mix für Ihre persönliche Vorbereitung, perfekt abgestimmt auf Ihren Stil und die Anforderungen der jeweiligen Situation. Alle Abschnitte des Buches können unabhängig voneinander genutzt werden, ohne das Gesamtwerk von A-Z durcharbeiten zu müssen. Ein Buch für alle, die sich erstmals mit Verhandlungen im Detail beschäftigen und alle, die ihr Wissen erweitern oder auffrischen wollen. Mit vielen Tipps aus der Praxis, Erfolgs- und Misserfolgsbeispielen, Hintergrundwissen sowie fundierten Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaft.

Anti-Vaccination and the Media: Historical Perspectives

by Allison Cavanagh

This book explores narratives of vaccine hesitancy using samples from the UK press, and looks at the ways these have changed between the 1950s and the present. The work draws on a variety of research instruments including semantic network analysis and analysis of metaphor to provide a rich description of anti-vaccine narratives in different historical periods. The work considers the ways that concerns about and resistance to inoculation were informed by cultural and social pressures in two case studies, firstly that of polio in the 1950s and secondly the so called ‘pertussis crisis’ of the 1970s, wherein a period of social activism and newspaper campaigning led UK and US governments to offer compensation schemes for vaccine damaged children. The studies chosen provide a detailed comparison of the politics of childhood inoculation over two eras in the UK. Chapters also cover the use of metaphor and representational analysis in health communication, comparing ways in which the work of Moscovici, Sontag and other theorists can be used to provide complementary insights, and the affordances and concerns around the use of ‘big data’ analyses in historical work. The work also features discussion of the implications of the findings for approaches to more recent vaccination crisis points. This book argues that anti-vaccination narratives, far from showing a stable and coherent set of concerns, are highly mutable. The work compares anti-vaccination and conspiracy theory narratives, drawing out areas of continuity and schism.

Student Resistance to Dictatorship in Chile, 1973-1990: 'Security to Study, Freedom to Live!' (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements)

by Richard G. Smith

This book documents and analyses Chilean university and school students’ opposition to the Pinochet regime during the latter years of the 1970s and the 1980s. The book focuses on key episodes such as the establishment of cultural groups within the militarily controlled universities that enabled students to congregate and exchange ideas for the first time since the 1973 coup; how university and secondary school students created their own democratic institutions to challenge the regime-appointed bodies; and how these eventually led to the restoration of the national federations that had been banned by the military government. The author explores the key relationship between the vertically organised, underground political parties, and the horizontally organised, broad, non-partisan organisations created by the students, arguing that this structure brought advantages to the movement. The students’ contribution to the national protests in the 1980s ensured that opposition to the regime was highly visible in the city centre, resulting in a socially broadened opposition with a focus on youth, rather than disenfranchisement and poverty. Offering a detailed account of different forms of student activism, this book evaluates the role of school and university students within the broader anti-dictatorship opposition in Chile.

Responsible Corporate Leadership Towards Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Management)

by Sonali Bhattacharya V. G. Venkatesh Samir Ranjan Chatterjee

This book looks into “responsible leadership” as leader’s proactive actions towards attainment of sustainable development goals and overall wellbeing of organization and society. The book covers both theoretical and practical approaches towards responsible leadership in the first module. The second module consists of chapters linking responsible leadership with various aspects of sustainable business practices such as sustainable supply chain management, green marketing, green HRM, green finance and sustainable education through digitization. The third module covers challenges to responsible leadership in various sectors such as education, agriculture, services, renewable energy and urban and rural development under a dynamic business environment. The fourth section discusses leadership roles in strategizing and implementing sustainable practices within the organization. Finally the concluding module contains critical reviews and interpretations of the perspectives on harnessing powerof HR transformation for long term sustainability and well-being.

Economics as a Social Science: Civil Society and Its Money (Springer Studies in Alternative Economics)

by Raimund Dietz

This book explores the separation of economics from the social sciences. Raimund Dietz attributes this development to the adoption of a too narrow, instrumentalist perspective and demonstrates how close the mainstream is to the idea of a socialist planned economy, despite all its liberal phraseology. The book attempts to comprehensively reconstruct economics as catallactics, explicitly including and assigning a central role to liberal forms of socialization, such as exchange and money – an approach that, it argues, is the only way to overcome the methodological deficits of the mainstream. It allows monetary theory to be integrated into economic theory. Further, the book shows that modern societies have no choice but to organize themselves as capitalist market economies. For good economic reasons, money has lost its physical value over the course of time and is now merely symbolic. As a result, the importance of the state has also grown. The author proposes that the power to create money should be consistently placed in the hands of the central bank. The book offers a transformative perspective that addresses the urgent need for sustainable resource management worldwide. It invites social scientists, policymakers, and especially economists to rethink economics and pursue a holistic approach to a more sustainable future.

Millet Rhizosphere (Rhizosphere Biology)

by Ramesh Namdeo Pudake Maya Kumari Deepak Rameshwar Sapkal Anil Kumar Sharma

This edited volume is the first book that explicitly explains the link between the extraordinarily small-scale microbial processes and the growth and yield attributes of millet crops. This book includes chapters emphasizing on the effects of rhizosphere biology on long-term millet crop management. Millets are a collection of small-grained cereal grasses that are grown for human carbohydrate needs. They are among the oldest crops, mainly divided into two groups: major and small millets based on seed size. Major millets are composed of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum); while small millets are composed of six species that includes finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.)), little millet (Panicum sumatrense), kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum (L.)), foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.)), barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea (L.)), and proso millet (Panicum miliaceum (L.). These crops are earlier considered as orphan crops, but recently due to their nutritional values it is gaining the importance. Various reports are published based on role of rhizosphere on growth and health of these crops. The rhizosphere being a dynamic interface among the plant roots and soil microbes provides a number of advantages to the millets too. The soil properties in rhizospheric region are also different as compared to the bulk soil. This book discovers the functional attributes of rhizosphere in promoting the healthy growth of millet crop and achieving higher yield during the changing climatic condition. This book is of interest to university teachers, scientists working in the millets, and policymakers in agricultural departments. Also, the book serves as additional reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of agriculture, biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, and soil science.

Values and value change in the post-migrant society

by Astrid Wonneberger Sabina Stelzig Katja Weidtmann Diana Lölsdorf

This anthology deals with changes in values, norms, and attitudes in our society, which is increasingly characterized by cultural diversity. Embedded in the current debate about a "post-migrant society", the contributions present findings that have emerged within the framework of various research projects of the BMBF funding line "Migration and Social Change". They deal with differences and similarities regarding the values and norms of people with and without a migratory background, the connections between values and integration mechanisms, and many more. The contributions focus on values and norms concerning family, gender relations, education, and religion. The English translation of this book, originally in German, was facilitated by artificial intelligence. The content was later revised by the authors for accuracy.

Different Forms of Microcredit and Social Business: Microfinance in Global History from the Late Medieval to the Modern (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance)

by Paola Avallone Donatella Strangio

This edited collection discusses the evolution of microfinance and social business from the late medieval period to the modern era. The book fills a gap in financial history by exploring lesser-known, informal forms of credit granted to the poorest people, which have often not been recorded in writing. The book highlights the particularly innovative forms of credit developed in Italy, but also includes global contributions on the presence of microfinance and social business across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. This book illuminates for different countries and periods forms of financial assistance available for those not deemed as creditworthy – whether through the institution of the Monti di Pietà, an Italian credit instrument of the late Middle Ages, loans granted by shopkeepers, pawnbroking, or mutual aid distributed by lottery or religious institutions. The geographical diversity of the chapters enables comparative analyses to be drawn between different forms of credit and financial systems as they developed over a long period. The research presented offers new perspectives for contemporary microfinance, as well as reconstructing the experience of those living in poverty in a range of social, economic and religious contexts. The book will be of interest to a broad readership, including those working in financial, economic and social history.

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