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The Other Latecomers: How Latin American Firms are Changing the Playbook on Innovation? (Management for Professionals)

by Javier Papa

In recent years, developing countries have seen the emergence of successful and innovative firms, albeit often with state support. Argentina, which faces challenges including industrial decline and macroeconomic turbulence, offers an intriguing context for studying latecomer firms, as few have managed to innovate and compete globally without significant state backing. This book examines why and how latecomer firms facing adverse policies and hostile macroeconomic conditions can nevertheless survive, grow, and catch up with global competitors, while many other firms lag or fall further behind. It presents, on one hand, a theoretical framework that builds on contributions made by Gerschenkron (1962) and Hobday (1995) on latecomer catch-up in economic development theory, and on those by Nelson (1991, 2008) on firm-level differences in evolutionary theory; on the other, it provides a contextual framework for the catching-up experiences of firms from East Asia and Latin America, which ends with a description of Argentina’s main detrimental policy regimes over the past 50 years. Further, the book presents an statistical analysis of manufacturing firms’ performance, along with the corporate characteristics that underlie it, within the context of Argentina’s worst economic crisis to determine which firm characteristics stood out during times of crisis (e.g. innovation and organizational capabilities). To supplement the quantitative analysis and offer additional insights, it introduces two in-depth case studies on iconic latecomer firms, TENARIS and IMPSA, which, bolstered by the examination of over nearly half a million newspaper articles, illustrate their global success amidst numerous challenges. It emphasizes the importance of long-term corporate strategy, a flexible organizational structure, and a coherent set of technological and organizational capabilities, while also addressing policy implications, making it a valuable asset for researchers, policymakers, and corporate managers alike.

Proceedings of Fifth Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence: DoSCI 2024, Volume 3 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1086)

by Abhishek Swaroop Vineet Kansal Giancarlo Fortino Aboul Ella Hassanien

This book features high-quality research papers presented at Fifth Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence (DoSCI 2024), jointly organized by Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow, India, and School of Open Learning, University of Delhi in association with University of Calabria, Italy, on May 10, 2024. This book discusses the topics such as computational intelligence, artificial intelligence, deep learning, evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, fuzzy sets and vague sets, rough set theoretic approaches, quantum-inspired computational intelligence, hybrid computational intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, soft computing, distributed computing, parallel and grid computing, cloud computing, high-performance computing, biomedical computing, and decision support and decision making.

Online-Marketing für die erfolgreiche Apotheke: Website, SEO, Social Media, Werberecht

by Alexandra Köhler Mirko Gründer

Dieses Buch verschafft Ihnen als Apothekerin und Apotheker einen Überblick über die Welt des Online-Marketings und gibt Ihnen konkrete Anleitungen und Tipps für die Umsetzung in Ihrer Apotheke. Was muss ich bei der Website beachten? Wie kann ich mein Ranking in Suchmaschinen erhöhen? Welche besonderen Rechtsvorschriften sind für Apotheken beim Marketing zu beachten? Antworten auf diese Fragen und viele weitere praxisnahe Tipps zum erfolgreichen Online-Marketing finden Sie und Ihr Team in diesem Ratgeber! Aus dem Inhalt: Grundlagen des Marketings und der Pressearbeit; Die Apotheken-Website: Aufbau, Gestaltung, Inhalte und Usability; SEO: Wie funktionieren Suchmaschinen?; Empfehlungsmarketing und Umgang mit Bewertungsportalen; Vorstellung von reichweitenstarken Social-Media-Plattformen; Jede Menge Content-Ideen für Ihre Kanäle; Rechtsvorschriften und juristische Fallstricke im Online-Marketing; IT-Sicherheit in der Apotheke: Virenschutz, Back-ups, Zugriffsrechte & Co.

Der gescheiterte Investorendeal der Bundesliga: Risiken, Chancen und Folgen für den Profisport (essentials)

by Sebastian Friedrich Marc J. Friedrich

Dieses essential analysiert die Ereignisse rund um den Investorendeal der deutschen Fußball-Bundesliga, der Ende 2023 trotz Zustimmung einer knappen Mehrheit der Vereine der 1. und 2. Bundesliga gestoppt wurde. Die Autoren untersuchen die Ursachen und Hintergründe der Fanproteste und beleuchten Chancen und Risiken, die solch ein Deal mit sich gebracht hätte. Dazu vergleichen sie die Situation in der Bundesliga mit Investoren-Deals im europäischen Profifußball und mit Einflüssen von Investoren in anderen Sportarten. Das essential bietet Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern, Sportökonomen, Sporthistorikern und Fußballfans spannende Einblicke in die komplexe Dynamik von Investitionen im Sport. Es zeigt auf, dass wirtschaftliche und sportliche Interessen nicht zwangsläufig im Widerspruch zueinanderstehen müssen.

Education, Development and Intervention: Toward Participatory and Integrated Solutions (Integrated Science #23)

by Stamatios Papadakis Michail Kalogiannakis

This book explores integrated education and learning, with a focus on new approaches such as artificial intelligence and ChatGPT. It provides insight into educational techniques that promote critical thinking and enhance learning skills. It covers various mechanisms that influence this link, including meta-cognitive capacity, memory, cognitive style, conceptual approaches, digitization, teaching approaches, echoing, and questioning. This discussion spans all levels, from early childhood to higher education. Additionally, it provides pedagogical tips on creating a learning environment that encourages pupils' creativity and critical thinking, both online and in the classroom. It demonstrates how an integrated approach to education can create high-quality minds and promote modern values to meet current and future challenges. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, early childhood teachers and educators, as well as academic faculty can benefit from its contents as it presents valuable perspectives, both practical and theoretical, that enrich the current STEM, robotics, and mobile apps education agenda.

Modern Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 2024: Tools, Techniques and Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1166)

by Abdellah Idrissi

This book, through its various chapters presenting recent advances in Modern Artificial Intelligence and Data Science as well as their applications, aims to set up lasting and real applications necessary for both academics and professionals. By its proposals of new ideas, it serves as a real guide both to informed readers and to beginners in these specialized fields. It also covers applications that discuss how they can support societal challenges such as education, health, agriculture, clean energy, business, environment, and security. Readers will find here the fruit of many research ideas covering a wide range of application areas that can be explored for the advancement of their research or the development of their business. These ideas present new techniques and trends projected in various areas of daily life. This book is therefore intended for Designers, Developers, Decision-Makers, Consultants, Engineers, and of course Master's/Doctorate Students, Researchers, and Universities.

Fahrzeugdynamik: Theorie und Anwendung

by Reza N. Jazar

Dieses Lehrbuch für Fortgeschrittene eignet sich für Studenten in Kursen zur Fahrzeugdynamik, die sich im letzten Jahr ihres Grundstudiums oder im ersten Jahr ihres Graduiertenstudiums befinden. Es ist auch für Maschinenbauingenieure, Automobilingenieure und Forscher auf dem Gebiet der Fahrzeugdynamik zur Weiterbildung oder als Nachschlagewerk geeignet. Es behandelt grundlegende und fortgeschrittene Themen, wobei Grundkenntnisse in Kinematik und Dynamik sowie in numerischen Methoden vorausgesetzt werden.Der Inhalt ist auf einem theoretisch-praktischen Niveau gehalten, wobei ein starker Schwerpunkt auf der Anwendung liegt. Diese dritte Auflage wurde um 25 % gekürzt, so dass der Stoff in einem Semester abgedeckt werden kann, im Gegensatz zur vorherigen Auflage, die zwei Semester für die Abdeckung benötigte. Das Lehrbuch ist in vier Teile gegliedert:Fahrzeugbewegung: behandelt die Reifendynamik, die Vorwärtsdynamik des Fahrzeugs und die Dynamik desAntriebsstrangsFahrzeugkinematik: behandelt angewandte Kinematik, angewandte Mechanismen, Lenkungsdynamik und AufhängungsmechanismenFahrzeugdynamik: umfasst angewandte Dynamik, Fahrzeugdynamik in der Ebene und FahrzeugrolldynamikFahrzeugschwingungen: behandelt angewandte Schwingungen, Fahrzeugschwingungen und AufhängungsoptimierungDie Konzepte der Fahrzeugdynamik werden detailliert behandelt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf ihren praktischen Einsatz gelegt wird. Außerdem werden verwandte Theoreme und formale Beweise zusammen mit Fallbeispielen bereitgestellt. Die Leser schätzen die benutzerfreundliche Darstellung der wissenschaftlichen und technischen Aspekte der Fahrzeugmechanik und lernen, wie sie das Fahrverhalten von Fahrzeugen analysieren und optimieren können.

Textile Industry and the SDGs: Exploring Synergies for a Better Future (SDGs and Textiles)

by José Fernando Gallego-Nicholls Agustín Carrilero-Castillo

This book offers an exploration of the textile industry and their relationship to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), catering specifically to academic researchers and providing a roadmap for aligning aligning textile research with the SDGs. It covers a wide range of topics, starting with an overview of the SDGs and their relevance to the textile industry. It examines the environmental footprint of textiles, including issues related to raw material sourcing, manufacturing processes, and waste management. Additionally, it explores the social and economic aspects of textiles, such as labor conditions, fair trade, and responsible consumption. One of the main focuses of this book is the role of innovation and technology in advancing sustainable textiles. It discusses emerging materials and technologies that promote circularity, reduce environmental harm, and enhance social well-being. Furthermore, it explores the potential of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and data analytics in optimizing textile production, distribution, and consumption patterns. This book also addresses the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable textile supply chains. It analyzes the complexities of global value chains, the need for transparency and traceability, and the importance of collaboration among stakeholders. Furthermore, it highlights strategies for promoting sustainable fashion, encouraging responsible consumption, and fostering circular business models. By delving into these topics, this book aims to solve several key problems faced by academic researchers in the field of textiles and sustainability. It provides a holistic understanding of the SDGs and their integration into textile research, helping researchers align their work with broader sustainability objectives. It offers insights into the latest innovations and technologies, enabling researchers to explore cutting-edge solutions for sustainable textiles. Additionally, it presents case studies and best practices from industry leaders, inspiring researchers to undertake impactful research and contribute to positive change. This book is intended for academic researchers, as well as practitioners, specializing in textiles, sustainability, and related fields. It serves as a valuable resource for professors, postgraduate students, and professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of the interplay between textiles and the SDGs. It encourages critical thinking, fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, and equips researchers with the tools and insights necessary to drive sustainable transformations within the textile industry and beyond.

Introduction to Analysis: Theorems and Examples (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)

by Hidefumi Katsuura

This book focuses on the theoretical aspects of calculus. The book begins with a chapter on set theory before thoroughly discussing real numbers, then moves onto sequences, series, and their convergence. The author explains why an understanding of real numbers is essential in order to create a foundation for studying analysis. Since the Cantor set is elusive to many, a section is devoted to binary/ternary numbers and the Cantor set. The book then moves on to continuous functions, differentiations, integrations, and uniform convergence of sequences of functions. An example of a nontrivial uniformly Cauchy sequence of functions is given. The author defines each topic, identifies important theorems, and includes many examples throughout each chapter. The book also provides introductory instruction on proof writing, with an emphasis on how to execute a precise writing style.

3D-Druck und allgegenwärtige Fertigung

by Tin-Chih Toly Chen

Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Anwendungen von 3D-Drucktechnologien in der allgegenwärtigen Fertigung (Ubiquitous Manufacturing, UM). UM selbst stellt eine Anwendung des Ubiquitären Computings im Fertigungssektor dar, und dieses Buch zeigt, wie es bequemen, bedarfsgerechten Netzwerkzugang zu einem gemeinsamen Pool konfigurierbarer Fertigungsressourcen, einschließlich Software-Tools, Ausrüstung und Fähigkeiten, bietet. Aufgrund seines Umfangs wird das Buch für Forscher in den Bereichen Fertigung, Maschinenbau, Betriebsmanagement, Produktionssteuerung, Ubiquitäres Computing und Sensortechnologien sowie für praktizierende Manager und Ingenieure von großem Interesse sein.

Weltanschauungskämpfe, Klimasolidarität und Rettungsstrategien: Handlungsorientierungen in Zeiten zivilisationsbedrohender Herausforderungen

by Brüne Schloen

Dieses Buch beschreibt epochal bedeutsame Weltanschauungskämpfe bis in unsere Gegenwart hinein. Dieses aus Sicht einer fortwährenden Auseinandersetzung zwischen lichten und finsteren Kräften. Dabei werden einerseits Zerstörungsprozesse deutlich, die unsere Zivilisation bedrohen, andererseits aber auch Rettungsstrategien aufgezeigt, welche den Hauptverursachungen dieser Bedrohungen entgegenzuwirken vermögen. Dazu gilt es zunächst, Fehlentwicklungsgefahren der stets voranschreitenden Individualisierung durch Materialismus und Bildungsmängel zu erkennen. Darauf aufbauend sollen menschenwürdige Handlungsorientierungen für potenzielle Initiatoren mit Bereitschaft zu innerer Haltung verdeutlicht werden. Das Buch skizziert somit Möglichkeiten eines Paradigmenwechsels, der durch ein klimasolidarisches Grundeinkommen, Reformen des Geldwesens und eine Neukonstituierung des Internets eingeleitet werden könnte. Einen weiteren Baustein bildet eine nachhaltige Adressierung des Klimaprotests als hoffnungsstiftendes Narrativ. Der Autor fordert mit diesem Buch insgesamt zu gesellschaftsverantwortlicher Reflexion und mehr Aktivismus innerhalb unserer Zivilgesellschaft auf.

Digital Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of ICDTA'24, Benguerir, Morocco, Volume 3 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1100)

by Saad Motahhir Badre Bossoufi

This book presents volume 3 of selected research papers presented at the fourth International Conference on Digital Technologies and Applications (ICDTA’24). Highlighting the latest innovations in digital technologies as: artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, embedded systems, chatbot, network technology, digital transformation and their applications in several areas as Industry 4.0, sustainability, energy transition, and healthcare, the book encourages and inspires researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers to put these methods into practice.

Contemporary Heritage Lexicon: Volume 1 (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)

by Cristiana Bartolomei Alfonso Ippolito Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli

This book presents themes related to contemporary architecture as the results of diverse cultural influences and architectural legacies, manifested in a rich variety of styles, materials, and spatial perceptions. It consists of 24 chapters written by authors from various continents and contains the result of research highlighting contemporary architecture in relation to multiple aspects that are distinguished by their eclectic nature, characterized by the integration of diverse cultural and architectural influences. The book examines aspects involving material aspects, technologies, design, history, salvage, technologies, and digitization. The aspects covered are always filtered through research, which objectively integrates traditional and innovative approaches. Thus, the focus is to explore the contemporary lexicon not only in the field of architecture and engineering, but in all those areas where this theme can be read with a meaningful vision. Contemporary architecture is constantly evolving, reflecting the changing needs of society and anticipating the challenges of the future.

Inflammatory and Neoplastic Diseases of Craniofacial Bones

by Yue He

This book covers the full scope of fundamental oral and maxillofacial surgery, while supporting readers to focus on the essential information and disorders which are the most common, or have significant implications for modern clinical practice. It presents an overview of the most common clinical presentations, physical examination findings, diagnostic tools, complications, treatments, and discussions of differential diagnosis and related issues. Detailed illustrations including clinical photographs, radiological images and pathological slides provide a visual guide to conditions, techniques, diagnoses and key concepts. The most current clinical information also cover the minor and major complications which may occur in all facets of oral maxillofacial surgery. Readers can focus on the prompt recognition of each diagnosis, and consider differential diagnosis as well as precise management strategies in preventing complication and relapse. Case-based approach discussion can actively engage and raise the reader interest and retention of the information. Overall, the book provides a uniquely contemporary approach, reflecting the exciting developments of technique and instrumentation within this surgical field, built on technical innovation and state-of-art clinical practice. It is a readable resource, identifying commonalities and shedding light on controversies through reasoned discussion and balanced presentation of the evidence.

Face Recognition Across the Imaging Spectrum

by Thirimachos Bourlai

Embark on a journey through the recent groundbreaking developments in face recognition (FR) systems with our second edition. Initially designed for controlled conditions, FR systems have evolved to conquer real-world challenges, adapting to low-light scenarios and extended distances. Our book delves into the transformation brought about by advancements in imaging sensors and cost-effective infrared (IR) cameras, exploring intensified near-infrared (NIR), shortwave IR (SWIR), middle-wave IR (MWIR), and long-wave IR (LWIR) imagery. This edition caters to the burgeoning interest in FR technologies, aligning with recent strides in computer vision, pattern recognition, and biometric analysis. Tailored for biometrics researchers, practitioners, and students, it addresses the critical need for FR algorithms in operational environments. Our book encompasses three comprehensive sections: (a) Face Recognition and Biometric Systems: Dive into topics such as face profile, facial attractiveness, periocular and binocular recognition, and quality training for face-based examinations. (b) Biometric System Security and Attacks: Explore adversarial attacks, domain transformers, demographic fairness, ocular pathologies, and distance-based classification of biometric images. (c) Biometric Image Synthesis and Technology Enhancements:Uncover the secrets of face image synthesis, thermal band head pose estimation, facial image analysis in forensic examination, and optimal computer monitor configurations. With 13 meticulously crafted chapters, this edition provides updated insights, experimental findings, and a roadmap for the future. Each chapter delivers a rich exploration of its specific topic, weaving together background information, literature reviews, methodologies, experiments, and concluding with challenges and future directions. Elevate your understanding of evolving face recognition technologies – the future awaits!

Cybersecurity for Reconfigurable Hardware Based Critical Infrastructures

by Krishnendu Guha Jyoti Prakash Singh Amlan Chakrabarti

The book commences with an introductory section on reconfigurable computing and thereafter delves into its applications in critical infrastructures. This book analyzes how such systems may be affected due to vulnerabilities and also discusses how these can be attacked by adversaries or cybercriminals. This book also discusses protection mechanisms related to such threats. It initially starts with an introduction to the various industrial revolutions and the changes in security needs, followed by a basic description of reconfigurable hardware based critical infrastructures. Further, the book contains discussion on security administration and planning, auditing, monitoring and analysis, risk-response and recovery, control and countermeasures highlighting their need in reconfigurable hardware-based platforms. In addition to these, new concepts are introduced such as AI/ML for cybersecurity, digital forensics related to reconfigurable hardware based critical infrastructures. Finally, a hands on learning experience is presented to provide the readers with a practical flavour. The book will be useful to students (graduate and undergraduate), researchers, academicians and industry professionals.

A Guide for Developing a Culture of Caring Through Nursing Peer Mentorship Programs: Fostering Success and Resilience

by Deborah Kramer

This book describes in detail how to develop successful programs of nursing mentorship, utilizing concepts of caring that yields a strong, caring body of nurses who will be “nurse thrivers” as they find fulfilment and meaning in their professional commitment and will train others to do the same. The mentorship program is the ticket to success that many students need to complete their degree program, prevent burnout, pass the nursing NCLEX examination, and remain in the workforce after graduation. The current attrition rate in baccalaureate nursing programs is 25-50%, as is the attrition rate in the first 2 years of employment of new RN's entering the workforce. Burnout is due to a lack of care and support for helping the students navigate the rigor and demands of the nursing program. Creating a community of learners with caring and support creates an environment that fosters academic engagement and success. The unique aspect of this book is its focus on creating a caring environment to support the students; helping them develop caring skills, empathy, resilience and their own self-care; developing the skills for success beyond their educational process into the workforce. This book integrates all patterns of knowing - personal, aesthetic, empiric and ethical - and provides the missing link of peer mentorship necessary to the development of resilient, emancipated nursing students and graduates capable of working in community with others to establish cultures of care in health care. This is a must have resource for transformation of nursing education in the next century! Foreword by Dr. Margaret McClure.

Computational Science – ICCS 2024: 24th International Conference, Malaga, Spain, July 2–4, 2024, Proceedings, Part VI (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14837)

by Leonardo Franco Clélia De Mulatier Maciej Paszynski Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya Jack J. Dongarra Peter M. A. Sloot

The 7-volume set LNCS 14832 – 14838 constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2024, which took place in Malaga, Spain, during July 2–4, 2024. The 155 full papers and 70 short papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 430 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: ICCS 2024 Main Track Full Papers; Part II: ICCS 2024 Main Track Full Papers; Part III: ICCS 2024 Main Track Short Papers; Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences: Numerical Methods, Frameworks and Applications; Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing for Advanced Simulations; Part IV: Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science; Computational Health; Part V: Computational Optimization, Modelling, and Simulation; Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in Advancing Computational Medicine; Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems; Multiscale Modelling and Simulation; Part VI: Network Models and Analysis: From Foundations to Artificial Intelligence; Numerical Algorithms and Computer Arithmetic for Computational Science; Quantum Computing; Part VII: Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation; Smart Systems: Bringing Together Computer Vision, Sensor Networks, and Artificial Intelligence; Solving Problems with Uncertainties; Teaching Computational Science

Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 20th International Symposium, ISBRA 2024, Kunming, China, July 19–21, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14954)

by Wei Peng Zhipeng Cai Pavel Skums

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, ISBRA 2024, held in Kunming, China, in July 19–21, 2024. The 93 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 236 submissions. The symposium provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and results among researchers, developers, and practitioners working on all aspects of bioinformatics and computational biology and their applications.

Temporary Labor

by Lou Dellaguzzo

Down and out Haley needs a job to get on his feet again. Up and coming Greg needs a temporary laborer to buggy-lug heavy Christmas decor in the department store where he manages the displays. Haley shows up for the job interview disheveled and disorganized. He even confesses to sleeping rough in a park. At first, Greg wants to cut the interview short. Yet something about the burly, naively honest guy makes him take a chance. A few months in and all is going well. Greg even spends time after work teaching eager-to-learn Haley about display technique. Their time together fuels a deep mutual attraction each guy doesn’t act on for different reasons: Haley feels inferior, and Greg fears possibly exploiting his managerial status.Greg’s set to offer Haley a permanent job with his display crew, but when Haley’s vindictive ex-lover Roy gets caught shoplifting in the store, he implicates Haley in the crime. Will the accusation end Haley’s career before it begins? Can Greg finally admit his feelings for Haley before it’s too late?

Swedish Folk Tales (Folk Tales)

by Anna Maria

Humorous tales, cautionary tales, tall tales, fairy tales, heroic tales – the depths of Swedish folklore hold all of the above and more besides. From cunning folk and helpful Tomtar, to sinister Näcken and the Stallos of Sami legend (and with plenty of romance and derring-do in-between) this book covers centuries-worth of Sweden’s folk tales, telling stories that have never been translated into English as well several oral tales published in writing for the first time.

Boys' Night at the Cabin

by Justin James

Hudson has been in a bit of a dry spell lately, spending more time with video games and fantasy novels than searching for love. Unfortunately, when his best friends invite him out to the club, he runs into his rival Tyne, who acts like the snooty king of the gayborhood and always ignores Hudson when their paths cross.Hudson insists he isn’t jealous, just annoyed by Tyne’s arrogance, though his friends might dispute that claim. So when the night goes south, Hudson decides to get out of the city. His friends rent a cabin in the woods to reconnect with nature.The weekend gets off to a perfect start. A luxurious cabin with a steamy hot tub could not be further from roughing it. Then Tyne shows up unexpectedly and, to Hudson’s surprise, Tyne’s attention stirs something up in him. Is Tyne actually boyfriend material?When Hudson receives cryptic messages from someone named GloryHole85, who invites him to a glowing glory hole that will transport him to his deepest fantasies. Will Hudson slip into the port-hole, or swallow his pride and find a way to test the waters with Tyne?

Halloween Folklore and Ghost Stories

by Brice Stratford

HALLOWEEN. The night when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. When ghosts walk and corpses writhe, and innocent souls had best beware.Let acclaimed storyteller Brice Stratford take you on a wild and witchy ride, fascinating and unnerving in equal measure, through the twists and turns of Allhallowstide, and the forgotten history of Halloween and the wider Hallowmas season.With ghost stories, ancestor worship, bone fires, otherworld pixies, Pagan belief and archaic, Christian mythology along the way, Stratford shares for the first time the deeper tales and stranger lore that lurk beneath the tricks and treats we know so well, and the ancient flame that keeps the Jack o’Lantern lit. Light the candles, lock the doors, and prepare to be unsettled.Are you sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin.

Squirrel in Hiding

by Holly Day

Every squirrel worth his name knows when it’s time to run.Raaz Olen has been on the run for a year, ever since a wolf pack took out everyone in his family but him. When the stupid wolves almost have him cornered, a stranger helps him and sends him to the grumpiest vampire in the history of grumpy vampires, who offers him a job in his thrift shop.Farris Randal has given up on finding his mate. He’s a big wolf shifter people cross the street to avoid. It’s a lonely life, but at least he can escape into his books. One day, when he’s browsing the local thrift shop, he scents his mate. But before he has a chance to reach him, he is wrestled to the ground by a vampire, and his mate runs away.There is no way Raaz can ever be mated to a wolf. The pack will kill him. He has to hide. Farris doesn’t care what species his mate is, finding him is a miracle he won’t walk away from. When wolves from another pack descend on the town, Farris fears for Raaz's safety, but how can he keep Raaz safe when he is hiding from him?

Roman Spectacle on the Rio Grande: Borderland Animal Fights at the Turn of the Century (The\history Press Ser.)

by Bradley Folsom

How the gladiatorial games of ancient Rome appeared on the Texas frontier. From 1895 to 1913, promoters on the Texas-Mexico border imported a variety of large mammals from around the world to pit them against one another in interspecies combat. Lions fought bears, an elephant took on a bull, and one promoter released a tiger, a bull, and a bear into the same cage at the same time. Human combatants occasionally entered the fray, from a rodeo pioneer who squared off against an elk to a bullfighter who took on a buffalo. Vaudeville showmen supplied livestock, sensationalistic newspapers drove ticket sales, and Progressive Era animal rights groups lobbied to shut down the spectacle. Bradley Folsom gives an account of the epic border battles, both in and out of the cage, which tell the story of a time when Texas was a rising economic power and Mexico verged on revolution.

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