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The Art of Legal Problem Solving: A Criminal Law Approach

by null Brendon Murphy

The Art of Legal Problem Solving: A Criminal Law Approach is a sophisticated skills book designed to help students develop the problem-solving techniques necessary for their legal careers. This succinct yet comprehensive book provides the perfect mix of general instruction and specific examples to encourage students to think about problems both in depth and broadly. It follows a clear roadmap presented in a logical progression, beginning with the fundamentals, fact finding and statutory interpretation before turning to the advanced areas of analysing and writing answers to problem questions. While written primarily for criminal law students, the skills imparted are generic and can be applied equally in any area of the law and in any jurisdiction. The Art of Legal Problem Solving is an indispensable work for law students who want to not only improve their problem-solving skills but master them.

Words and Silences: Nenets Reindeer Herders and Russian Evangelical Missionaries in the Post-Soviet Arctic

by Laur Vallikivi

Words and Silences tells the story of an extraordinary group of independent Nenets reindeer herders in the northwest Russian Arctic. Under socialism these nomads managed to avoid the Soviet state and its institutions of collectivization, but soon after the atheist regime collapsed, while some staunchly resisted, many of them became fervent fundamentalist Christians. By exploring differing concepts of how traditional and convert Nenets use and define words and of the meanings they ascribe to the withholding of speech, Laur Vallikivi shows how a local form of global Christianity has emerged through intricate negotiations of self, sociality, and cosmology. Moving beyond studies of modernization and globalization that have all-too-predictable outcomes for indigenous peoples, Words and Silences invites us to view not only religious devotees, but words themselves, as agents of a complex and ongoing transformation.

Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology: Veterinary Public Health- Epidemiology-Zoonosis-One Health

by Krishna Gopal Narayan Dharmendra Kumar Sinha Dhirendra Kumar Singh

This book introduces and reviews the essential principles of Veterinary Public Health, Zoonoses, One Health, principles and applications of epidemiology in studying infectious diseases including foodborne infections and intoxications. The initial chapters discuss the concept and principal functions of Veterinary Public Health. The book further covers the impacts of Veterinary Public Health on human Health particularly in management of zoonoses. The following section discusses theapplication of epidemiology in the study of outbreaks, epidemic, pandemics and their prevention and control strategies. It helps understanding the factors associated with disease causation transmission and spread and also investigate the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. The chapter on foodborne illnesses illustrates how the knowledge of epidemiology is applied in the study of diseases in community, spread of causative agents from farm to fork. The definition, cause, symptoms, management, control and prevention of foodborne infection and intoxication are dealt with.The last chapter introduces the concept, objectives, and definition of One Health and discusses the advancements made and challenges in One Health around endemic and emerging zoonotic diseases.

Klimaverantwortung: Gesellschaftsaufgabe und Bildungsauftrag

by Meike Neuhaus

Der Klimawandel ist eine der größten – wenn nicht sogar die größte – Herausforderung unserer Zeit. Bereits heute sind deutliche Auswirkungen auf Ökosysteme, Wirtschaft und soziokulturelle Strukturen spürbar, und es ist zu erwarten, dass diese in Zukunft weiter zunehmen werden. Dass wir Menschen maßgeblich zu diesem Problem beigetragen haben, ist inzwischen überwiegender Konsens. Auch sind sich die meisten Menschen darüber bewusst, dass Maßnahmen ergriffen werden müssen, um dem fortschreitenden Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken. Doch welche konkreten Schritte sind erforderlich? Und wer trägt dafür die Verantwortung? Diesen und anderen Fragen widmen sich die interdisziplinären Beiträge in diesem Buch. Die Diskussion wird ergänzt durch praxisnahe Unterrichtsbeispiele sowie Vorschläge für die Implementierung einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) in der Lehrkräfteausbildung.

"Das Kapital“ im Osten: Überlegungen zu Marx

by Achin Chakraborty Anjan Chakrabarti Byasdeb Dasgupta Samita Sen

Dieses Buch verfolgt einen marxistischen Ansatz mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Klasse, um über Marx' Kapital im Kontext des Ostens nachzudenken. Es nimmt eine kritische Neubewertung einiger vertrauter Konzepte im Kapital vor und arbeitet Themen heraus, die an dessen Rand liegen. In verschiedenen Aufsätzen wird dieses Grenzgebiet erkundet, um neueKonzepte und Analysemethoden für Marx' Abhandlung im 21. Jahrhundert zu fördern. Jahrhundert voranzutreiben. Damit stellt es einen Fortschritt in der Marxschen Theorie und Politik dar.Das Buch untersucht das Kapital von Marx aus der Perspektive und dem Blickwinkel des Ostens und konzentriert sich auf viele Themen, die an den "Grenzen" des Kapitals liegen, das sich hauptsächlich mit der Entschlüsselung des entwickelten Kapitalismus befasst. Es werden neue Konzepte eingeführt und in Beziehung zu den von Marx vertretenen gesetzt, um unser Verständnis von Wirtschaft, Kapitalismus, Entwicklung und Politik zu verbessern. In dieser Hinsichtbietet das Buch eine Lesart des Kapitals, die sich von den herkömmlichen Überlegungen in der westlichen Welt unterscheidet.Der Umfang ist groß und deckt einen großen Teil des Gebiets von Marx' Kapital ab, wobei auch einige neue Themen im Zusammenhang mit dem Kapital behandelt werden. Der Inhalt gliedert sich in die folgenden Abschnitte: Rezeption des Kapitals im Osten; Wert, Ware, Mehrwert und Kapitalismus; Bevölkerung und Rente im Kapital; und Fragen jenseits des Kapitals.

Information and Communication Technology in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable and Equal Opportunity: Business Governance and Digitalization of Business Education (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #39)

by Reem Khamis Hamdan Allam Hamdan Bahaaeddin Alareeni Rim El Khoury

This book provides an in-depth analysis of current development concerning ICTs with reference to vocational education and training. It presents the best and innovative ICT-based solutions implemented in education and explores controversial topics such as challenges and opportunities. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have dramatically changed the way we learn and work. They have created new opportunities along with new challenges, putting profound and urgent implications on vocational education and training (VET). Nowadays, we must think broadly and make the right choices about VET using innovation and digitalization to boost the quality of vocational education and training, enable the upskilling and reskilling of adults, and enhance the employability of learners. The potential and the impact of ICTs in vocational education and training have yet to be fully exploited, leading to an emerging direction of research. This book helps readers to understand the idea of business education and education governance in a digital age. It is of interest to practitioners, administrators, researchers, teachers, teacher educators and students.

Current Research in Archaeology of South American Pampas (The Latin American Studies Book Series)

by Gustavo Federico Bonnat María Clara Álvarez Diana Leonis Mazzanti María Paula Barros Mariano Bonomo Verónica Puente

This volume includes a selection of papers derived from the IX Conference of the Pampas region of Argentina, held virtually in 2021 in Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and organized by the National University of Mar del Plata. Located in the southern cone of South America, the Pampas are vast plain grasslands that range across central Argentina and are one of the largest prairies of the world. The early traces of humans date back to ca. 12,200 14C years BP. From the Late Pleistocene up to the Spanish Conquest in the sixteenth century, hunter-gatherer groups occupied the Pampas. Archaeological research in the region has been focused on fascinating topics such as the early peopling, the mobility circuits in the past, the interaction between indigenous and colonial societies, and the perception of this complex past by the modern Pampean society, mainly integrated by European immigrants and indigenous descendants. This book gathers these themes and includes a selection of a conference of one of the keynote speakers and 18 papers that represent diverse topics on the current Pampean research. The book is structured in two main axes: 1) prehispanic studies using different lines of evidence; 2) historical archaeology and cultural heritage.

Hybrid-Powered Brain: Neuron World Empowered by Ketone Bodies

by Takumi Satoh

This book unlocks the secrets of a powerful and sustainable brain, as well as explores the concept of a hybrid-powered brain and the transformative potential of the "Small Ketogenic" system.Supplying the brain with an ample energy substrate is vital for a positive mindset and a fulfilling day. Adequate energy fuels sharp thinking and clear judgement, while an energy-deficient brain leads to a variety of problems. Low blood glucose levels make it difficult to remember and amplify negative emotions. Delve into the brain's often-overlooked energy system to avoid these situations.The human brain functions on two energy systems: glucose from carbohydrates and ketone bodies from fats. These systems complement each other, and activating the hybrid system is surprisingly simple. Adopting the "Small Ketogenic" means extending the intervals between meals and allowing for a slight feeling of hunger within a reasonable range. This approach preserves cognitive function to the maximum.Inspired by the longevity of individuals in certain villages, the hybrid-powered brain enhances mental vitality. These villagers lead vibrant lives fuelled by their powerful minds. Maintaining ketone body concentrations between 0.2-0.5 mM ensures an active and calm brain. By making slight adjustments in eating habits, and adopting the "Small Ketogenic", we can achieve healthy longevity. This sustainable approach boosts the brain and promotes optimal health effects.Embark on a transformative journey of self-improvement and discover the true potential of your brain. This book revolutionises the way you perceive and care for your brain, leading you to a sustainable and fulfilling cognitive existence.

Sahitya saurabha- 5 patrike- 6 Kadambari Vaisakha, Ayda Sannakategalu Mattu Jivanacaritre Ghi Lohiya

by Pradhana sampadakaru: Prophesar. Annamma

ಇದು ಕನ್ನಡ ಕಾದಂಬರಿ: ವೈಶಾಖ, ಆಯ್ದ ಸಣ್ಣಕತೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಜೀವನಚರಿತ್ರೆ ಘಿ: ಲೋಹಿಯಾ ರವರದ್ದು ಮತ್ತು ಬಿ.ಎ. ಐದನೆಯ ಸೆಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ ಸಿ.ಬಿ.ಸಿ.ಎಸ್. ಕನ್ನಡ ಪಠ್ಯ 2018- 19 ನೇ ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ವರ್ಷದಿಂದ ಅನುಷ್ಠಾನಗೊಳಿಸಲು ನಿಗದಿಗೊಳಿಸಿದ ಸಿ.ಬಿ.ಸಿ.ಎಸ್. ಹೊಸಪಠ್ಯಪುಸ್ತಕವಾಗಿದೆ.

Exploring the Effectiveness of International Knowledge Cooperation: An Analysis of Selected Development Knowledge Actors

by Stephan Klingebiel Flora L. Hartmann Elisa Madani Jonas Paintner Rebekka A. Rohe Lisa Trebs Teodor Wolk

In this open access book, we provide evidence to support the conceptual discussion of what constitutes “modalities of knowledge interaction” and suggest an analytical framework for effective knowledge cooperation. In practice, knowledge cooperation is realised through different modalities that serve as a toolbox to co-create, share and communicate knowledge among actors. Effective knowledge cooperation is crucial to addressing global challenges. It is increasingly attracting attention due to the rise of South–South Cooperation, to which it is central. Our empirical cases (Germany, India, Republic of Korea and Rwanda) comprise South-South cooperation and traditional development cooperation actors.

Police and State Crime in the Americas: Southern and Postcolonial Perspectives (Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies)

by Daniel Gascón Sebastián Sclofsky Xavier Perez Jhon Sanabria Analicia Mejia Mesinas

This book advances a much-needed “postcolonial” framework in analyzing the police. It seeks to deepen our understanding of the police role in maintaining Western global domination throughout the American region despite the violent end of colonial rule. Building on Chevigny's (1995) classic study, this book seeks to draw renewed attention to the role of police in perpetrating state violence and serving as the tip of the spear of state power. It seeks to understand the construction of marginality and the multiple and intersecting structures of colonial domination, before shining a light directly on the crimes of the state, in an attempt to hold criminal state organizations to account. It draws on interdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies that center marginalized and colonized experiences and allows for the development of countercolonial knowledge. It speaks to academics and students in criminology, sociology, political science, and law, as well as toethnic and area studies programs, such as Chicano/Latino and Latin American Studies, and to police administrators and policymakers.

Die digitale Transformation der Automobilindustrie: Treiber - Roadmap - Praxis

by Uwe Winkelhake

Dieses Buch gibt umfassende und pragmatische Handlungsempfehlungen für die sich gerade in den letzten Jahren immer rasanter verändernde Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie. China hat sich zum Leitmarkt für E-Mobilität und für die Nutzung von autonom fahrenden Robtaxis, KI und Daten entwickelt. Die etablierten Hersteller müssen sich auf Basis klarer Zielsetzungen noch viel schneller verändern, um nicht den Anschluss zu verlieren und um die Pariser Klimaziele noch erreichen zu können. Die Industrie wandelt sich umfassend von einem fahrzeugfokussierten hin zu einem mobilitätsorientierten Geschäftsmodell. Mehr und mehr Prozesse, sogar ganze Geschäftsfelder werden KI-basiert automatisch ablaufen und mit neuen Technologien verändern sich Vertriebs- und Aftersales-Strukturen. Es entstehen immer mehr Daten, die auch neue, profitable Produkte ermöglichen. Die Umstellung auf E-Fahrzeuge mit entsprechendem Lade-Umfeld, die Nutzung von Mobilitätsservices anstelle Autobesitz, klimaneutralen Produktion und auch die Kreislaufwirtschaft sind beschleunigt anzugehen. Zu den weiterhin zwingend erforderlichen digitalen Transformationen und unter Beachtung der neuesten Entwicklungen gibt das Buch in der nun dritten vollständig überarbeiteten Auflage umfassende und pragmatische Antworten auf aktuelle Fragen: Wie sind neue Technologien strukturiert einzusetzen und wo wird KI zu erheblichen Änderungen führen? Wie ist die Transformation mit welchen Schwerpunktthemen anzugehen? Der Ausblick über das Jahr 2040 hinaus am Ende des Buches wurde erweitert und es werden die zu erwartenden Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt, gerade unter KI-Aspekten, betrachtet.

Functional and Logic Programming: 17th International Symposium, FLOPS 2024, Kumamoto, Japan, May 15–17, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14659)

by Jeremy Gibbons Dale Miller

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS 2024, held in Kumamoto, Japan, in May 2024. The 15 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 28 submissions. The scope includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory, applications, implementations, and teaching of declarative programming. FLOPS speci cally aims to promote cross-fertilization between theory and practice and among di erent styles of declarative programming.

William Blake's Visions: Art, Hallucinations, Synaesthesia (Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine)

by David Worrall

This book is an inquiry into whether what Blake called his ‘visions’ can be attributed to recognizable perceptual phenomena. The conditions identified include visual hallucinations (some derived from migraine aura), and auditory and visual hallucinations derived from several types of synaesthesia. Over a long period of time, Blake has been celebrated as a ‘visionary,’ yet his ‘visions’ have not been discussed. Worrall draws on an understanding of neuroscience to examine both Blake’s visual art and writings, and discusses the lack of evidence pointing towards psychosis or pathological ill-health, thus questioning the rumours pertaining to Blake’s insanity.

Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 28th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2024, Cambridge, MA, USA, April 29–May 2, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14758)

by Jian Ma

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, RECOMB 2024, held in Cambridge, MA, USA, during April 29–May 2, 2024. The 57 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 352 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: theoretical and foundational algorithm contributions and more applied directions that engage with new technologies and intriguing biological questions.

Koordination des Produktionsanlaufs in globalen Produktionsnetzwerken: Kontextfaktoren, Probleme und Instrumente (mir-Edition)

by Simon Dreher

Mit der netzwerkmäßigen Internationalisierung von Produktionsaktivitäten werden zwar Voraussetzungen für eine effektive und effiziente Produktion im globalen Wettbewerb geschaffen. Globale Produktionsnetzwerke erweisen sich allerdings bei kürzer werdenden Produktlebenszyklen und einer damit steigenden Bedeutung des Faktors Zeit als zunächst einmal kritisch hinsichtlich einer schnellen Markteinführung neuer Produkte. Denn gegenüber einer zentral angelegten Produktion sorgen sie je nach Konfiguration für einen gestiegenen und dabei zeitintensiveren Koordinationsbedarf. Das trifft insbesondere auf die Phase des Produktionsanlaufs neuer Produkte zu: In dieser zeitkritischen Phase ist nicht nur die typische Herausforderung einer Abstimmung zwischen dem Entwicklungs- und Produktionsbereich zu bewältigen; vielmehr gilt es eine zeitliche, qualitäts-, quantitäts- sowie kostenbezogene Abstimmung zwischen den international gestreuten und interdependenten Produktionsstandorten im Netzwerk herbeizuführen. Dieser zeitintensive Koordinationsbedarf steht jedoch in starkem Konflikt mit dem zunehmenden Zeitdruck aufgrund verkürzter Produktlebenszyklen. Eine zielgerichtete Koordination der am Anlauf beteiligten Unternehmensstandorte, -funktionen und -mitarbeiter mittels geeigneter Instrumente kann daher als Kernherausforderung des Managements globaler Produktionsnetzwerke bezeichnet werden; wird sie nicht bewältigt, ist nicht nur eine erfolgreiche Produkteinführung, sondern auch die vollständige Realisierung der Produktionsnetzwerken an sich innewohnenden Potenziale gefährdet. Bisherige Untersuchungen fokussieren überwiegend einzelne Koordinationsaspekte, wie technische Änderungen seitens der Entwicklung, oder Probleme der Lieferantenintegration aus interorganisationaler Perspektive. Dabei wird vernachlässigt, dass es sich bei Anläufen heutzutage nicht mehr um rein nationale Projekte handelt, sondern diese sich zu standortübergreifenden, internationalen Prozessen entwickelt haben. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, spezifisch das Einwirken der „internationalen Dimension“ globaler Produktionsnetzwerke auf die Koordination der Anlaufphase zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurde basierend auf dem Kontingenzansatz, einschlägiger Literatur und einer empirisch-basierten Vorstudie ein konzeptioneller Bezugsrahmen entwickelt, der im Wesentlichen aus drei Elementen besteht: (1) Kontextfaktoren des anlaufbezogenen Koordinationsbedarfs, (2) spezifische Koordinationsprobleme bei globalen Anläufen und (3) unterschiedliche Koordinationsinstrumente, von denen ein Beitrag zur Bewältigung der Probleme zu erwarten ist. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde in einem zweiten Schritt eine empirische Untersuchung durchgeführt. Mittels einer Mehrfachfallstudie konnten detaillierte Einblicke in die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Elementen des Bezugsrahmen gewonnen werden. Genauer wurde den Fragen nachgegangen, inwieweit sich in verschiedenen Netzwerkkonfigurationen Unterschiede in der Bedeutung einzelner Koordinationsprobleme und dem Einsatz von Koordinationsinstrumenten identifizieren lassen. Ausgehend davon wurden praktische Gestaltungsempfehlungen hinsichtlich der instrumentellen Handhabung von Koordinationsproblemen abgeleitet.

Religionspolitik und politische Religion in Japan und Europa: Debatten um Polytheismus, Nationalismus und Kolonialismus (Studien zu Literatur und Religion / Studies on Literature and Religion #8)

by Michael Mandelartz David Weiß

In der neueren Debatte um das Wechselverhältnis von Religion und Politik hat Japan bislang keine Rolle gespielt; zu Unrecht, wie der vorliegende Band zeigt. Japan dürfte das einzige Land mit polytheistisch geprägter Kultur sein, das dem Imperialismus erfolgreich Widerstand entgegensetzte. Mit dem Aufstieg zur Kolonialmacht und der Erhebung des Shintoismus zur Staatsreligion stellte es die Denkmuster europäischer Überlegenheit infrage. Die polytheistische Religion sollte in diesem Transformationsprozess die historische Kontinuität des neuen Staates verbürgen. Dabei stimmen die rhetorischen Strategien überraschend genau mit dem Rückgriff der deutschen Romantik auf vermeintliche ‚Ursprünge‘ überein. Religiöse Symbolsprachen sind interpretationsoffen gegenüber politischen Deutungen, auch quer zur Unterscheidung von poly- und monotheistischen Religionen. Dies zeigt der Band in fünf Fallstudien von Germanisten und Japanologen.

European Radio Documentary: A History of the Format and Its Festivals

by Tereza Reková

This book studies the history and significance of radio documentaries in Europe, and the institutions that are specialized on this genre. Focused on the 50-year history of the International Feature Conference (an annual gathering of radio documentarians from around the world), the book discusses the Prix Europa, Prix Italia, the Third Coast International Audio Festival, and the HearSay Audio Arts Festival. The book tells the story of people who chose sound as their lifestyle and who spread their passion worldwide.

Introduction to Social Cognition: The Essential Questions and Ideas

by Gordon B. Moskowitz

Why are first impressions so powerful? How do we &“know&” what others are like when we cannot read their minds? How can scientists measure biases that people do not want to admit--or do not know they have? This engaging text delves into social cognition by exploring major questions in the field through an everyday lens. Students are introduced to core concepts and processes pertaining to how people come to know themselves and understand the behavior of others. Classic and contemporary findings and experimental methods are explained. The text connects the research to pressing contemporary problems--the roots of political polarization, why even rational people fall prey to misinformation, and the best ways to reduce prejudice. Boxed definitions of key terms are included throughout.

Effective School Interventions: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes

by Matthew K. Burns T. Chris Riley-Tillman Natalie Rathvon

This indispensable course text and practitioner resource, now fully revised, has helped tens of thousands of readers implement evidence-based interventions to improve students' academic achievement and behavior in PreK–12. The volume presents best-practice guidelines and step-by-step procedures for 83 interventions that can easily be implemented by teachers and other school-based professionals. It is a go-to book for those working in a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) or response-to-intervention (RTI) framework. User-friendly features include recommended print and online resources and 10 reproducible forms. Purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition: *Updated throughout to reflect current research-based best practices. *20 new interventions. *Chapter on important skills for intervention success. *The intensity of each intervention (classwide, small-group, and/or individual) is now specified. *Behavior chapter has been reorganized for easier use. *Downloadable reproducible tools.

Odes: With Carmen Saeculare

by Horace

Horace's Odes enjoys a long tradition of translation into English, most famously in versions that seek to replicate the quantitative rhythms of the Latin verse in rhymed quatrains. Stanley Lombardo, one of our preeminent translators of classical literature, now gives us a Horace for our own day that focuses on the dynamics, sense, and tone of the Odes, while still respecting its architectonic qualities.In addition to notes on each of the odes, Anthony Corbeill offers an Introduction that sketches the poet's tumultuous political and literary careers, highlights the Odes' intricate construction and thematic breadth, and identifies some qualities of this work that shed light on a disputed question in its reception: Are these poems or lyrics?This dual-language edition will prove a boon to students of classical civilization, Roman literature, and lovers of one of the great masters of Latin verse. The Amazon Kindle and other flowing-text eBook editions include the text of the Latin originals at the end of the book and the line numbers are enclosed in square brackets and embedded at the end of lines.

The Wanderer's Havamal

by Jackson Crawford

The Wanderer&’s Hávamál features Jackson Crawford&’s complete, carefully revised English translation of the Old Norse poem Hávamál, newly annotated for this volume, together with the original Old Norse text sourced directly from the Codex Regius manuscript. Crawford&’s classic Cowboy Hávamál, and translations of other related texts central to understanding the character, wisdom, and mysteries of Óðinn (Odin), round out the volume. Portable and reader-friendly, it makes an ideal companion for both lovers of Old Norse mythology and those new to the wisdom of this central Eddic poem wherever they may find themselves.

ICT: Proceedings of ICTCS 2023, Volume 4 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #878)

by M. Shamim Kaiser Juanying Xie Vijay Singh Rathore

This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2023: Eighth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference will be held in Jaipur, India during 8 – 9 December 2023. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics and IT security. The work is presented in five volumes.

Image Analysis and Recognition: 14th International Conference, ICIAR 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5–7, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10317)

by Fakhri Karray Aurélio Campilho Farida Cheriet

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2017, held in Montreal, QC, Canada, in July 2017. The 73 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 133 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: machine learning in image recognition; machine learning for medical image computing; image enhancement and reconstruction; image segmentation; motion and tracking; 3D computer vision; feature extraction; detection and classification; biomedical image analysis; image analysis in ophthalmology; remote sensing; applications.

Entrepreneurship, Technological Change and Circular Economy for a Green Transition: Research Contributions for a More Productive Environment (Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics)

by Conceição Rego Maria Raquel Lucas María Isabel Sánchez-Hernández Luísa Cagica Carvalho Adriana Backx Noronha

This book is a comprehensive and timely publication that aims to be an essential reference source, building on contemporary research in the fields of circular economy and green transition in relation to entrepreneurship and technological change. This book aims to address a range of approaches including, but not limited to, the conceptual, theoretical, and case studies related to the topics of the book. The topical focus is on how circular economy contributions, energy infrastructure, green transition, and digital transformation are contributing to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The expert contributions in the book particularly help us learn more about the answers to the current challenges of the green transition as well as how the necessary technological change will impact, mainly, the enterprises and the field of agriculture production and agribusiness. The book is mainly intended to support an academic audience (academics, university teachers, researchers, and post-graduate students – both Master's and Doctorate levels). In addition, this book will be of benefit to institutional experts, developers, and researchers in the fields of Entrepreneurship and technological change in circular economy and green transition.

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