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Showing 1,901 through 1,925 of 11,003 results

The Early Israeli Settler Movement: The Birth Pangs of Gush Emunim (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics)

by Jeffrey Kaplan

This book examines the religious, intellectual and historical roots of the Israeli settlement movement through the lens of various strands of Zionism.The book opens with a discussion of religious Zionism, especially through the lens of the teachings of Rabbi Avraham Isaac Kook and his son Zvi Yehuda Kook. The author notes the remarkable growth of a once marginal movement into a rapidly growing stream of Judaism, highlighting its key role in the settlement project before and after the Six Day War in 1967. This is supplemented by an analysis of the role of political Zionism as embodied by key figures such as Theodor Herzl and David Ben Gurion who adapted it into a governing ethos after Independence in 1948. This section concludes with a consideration of the writings of Ahad Ha’am and the role of cultural Zionism. The book then turns to an oral history of the 1967 war and the beginning of settlement which saw the emergence of key Gush founders. Finally, the book concludes with an extended discussion of Hebron from both Jewish and Palestinian perspectives, first in 1929, and then in 1968.Offering new interpretations of Zionism as it impacts on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the book will appeal to students and researchers interested in Jewish studies, Palestinian history, and Middle Eastern politics.

Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

by James H. Luscombe

Statistical mechanics provides a framework for relating the properties of macroscopic systems (large collections of atoms, such as in a solid) to the microscopic properties of its parts. However, what happens when macroscopic systems are not in thermal equilibrium, where time is not only a relevant variable, but also essential?That is the province of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics – there are many ways for systems to be out of equilibrium! The subject is governed by fewer general principles than equilibrium statistical mechanics and consists of a number of different approaches for describing nonequilibrium systems.Financial markets are analyzed using methods of nonequilibrium statistical physics, such as the Fokker-Planck equation. Any system of sufficient complexity can be analyzed using the methods of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. The Boltzmann equation is used frequently in the analysis of systems out of thermal equilibrium, from electron transport in semiconductors to modeling the early Universe following the Big Bang.This book provides an accessible yet very thorough introduction to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, building on the author's years of teaching experience. Covering a broad range of advanced, extension topics, it can be used to support advanced courses on statistical mechanics, or as a supplementary text for core courses in this field.Key Features: Features a clear, accessible writing style which enables the author to take a sophisticated approach to the subject, but in a way that is suitable for advanced undergraduate students and above Presents foundations of probability theory and stochastic processes and treats principles and basic methods of kinetic theory and time correlation functions Accompanied by separate volumes on thermodynamics and equilibrium statistical mechanics, which can be used in conjunction with this book

Constitutional Law 2: The Constitution of India, 1950

by P. Jaganathan Usha Jaganathan J. P. Arjun

The book on "Constitutional Law 2" primarily covers various aspects of the Indian Constitution, focusing on the division of powers between the Union and States, federalism, and key constitutional provisions. It addresses themes like the legislative, administrative, and financial relationships between different levels of government. Case laws and doctrines such as *pith and substance*, *territorial nexus*, and *colourable legislation* are examined to highlight the interpretation and application of constitutional principles. The book also includes solved problems and past exam questions for law students, making it a valuable resource for understanding the structure and functioning of the Indian legal system.

Labour Law 1: For All Universities

by P. Jaganathan Usha Jaganathan J. P. Arjun A. Kavitha

The document Labour Law 1 provides a comprehensive overview of significant labour laws and industrial relations in India. It covers essential acts such as the Trade Unions Act, 1926, and the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, among others. The text outlines the historical evolution of labour relations, from the master-servant system to modern employer-employee dynamics. Theories like Laissez-Faire and social welfare are discussed in the context of industrial jurisprudence, highlighting the importance of collective bargaining and workers' rights. Additionally, it emphasizes the role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and legislative reforms in ensuring fair wages, worker safety, and social security. The document serves as a valuable resource for law students and legal professionals studying industrial and labour laws​.

INKlusyon: A Guidebook on Disability-Inclusive Language for Journalists

by Channele Reynaldine Y. Beros Jean Allyson F. Cabigao Jean Paula B. Roque Julia Theresa L. Soriano Shiela Mae M. Talusan Toni Ysbel Dg

"INKlusyon: A Guidebook on Disability-Inclusive Language for Journalists" is a comprehensive resource aimed at fostering sensitivity and respect in media reporting on disability-related issues. Authored by a team of journalism students, the guidebook provides valuable insights into the use of appropriate language when covering stories involving persons with disabilities. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding outdated and offensive terms, while promoting inclusivity in media narratives. The guidebook also explores various disability models and provides journalists with tools to navigate ethical considerations when reporting on the disability sector. Through its detailed chapters, it aims to reshape how disabilities are portrayed in media, ensuring that persons with disabilities are represented with dignity, respect, and accuracy.

Arbeitsatmosphären-Report 2024: Aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme des Schlüsselfaktors Arbeitsatmosphäre in Deutschland (essentials)

by Christian Julmi Anna Eifert Jakob E. Dammert Sebastian Wittwer

Dieses Open Access Essential bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Bedeutung der Arbeitsatmosphäre und ihre Wirkzusammenhänge. Die in dem Buch zusammengefasste repräsentative Studie zeigt, dass kaum ein Faktor so wichtig für die Gewinnung und Bindung von Personal sowie den Erfolg eines Unternehmens ist wie die Arbeitsatmosphäre, bedeutend wichtiger als die Unternehmenskultur. Dabei zeigt die Studie, dass es bei der Arbeitsatmosphäre weniger um Raumgestaltung und Bürodesign geht, sondern vor allem um zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und wertschätzendes Führungsverhalten. Unternehmen, die proaktiv ihre Arbeitsatmosphäre gestalten, profitieren von zufriedeneren Mitarbeitenden, steigern ihre Arbeitgeberattraktivität und erhöhen ihren wirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Zudem erweist sich erfolgreiches Atmosphärenmanagement als Schlüsselkompetenz für soziale Nachhaltigkeit.

Current Methods in Forensic Gunshot Residue Analysis

by A. J. Schwoeble David L. Exline

With the improvements in collection methods and analytical tools that allow more thorough analyses, gunshot residue examination has made a dramatic impact as an area of trace evidence essential to the investigation and prosecution of violent crime. Current Methods in Forensic Gunshot Residue Analysis deals with major areas of gunshot residue analysis, including current and future methods of analysis, collection techniques, interpretation of evidence, expert testimony and report writing. This text is a necessity for forensic scientists conducting this type of analysis and anyone involved in the investigation and prosecution of violent crimes involving firearms.

Forensic Art and Illustration

by Karen T. Taylor

As the number of stranger-on-stranger crimes increases, solving these crimes becomes more challenging. Forensic illustration has become increasingly important as a tool in identifying both perpetrators and victims. Now a leading forensic artist, who has taught this subject at law enforcement academies, schools, and universities internationally, off

Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe (Europa Regional Perspectives)

by Maria Brown

This volume is the first of its kind to discuss social welfare issues using case studies from a broad range of Southern European countries, both large and small, a decade after the financial crisis. It identifies similarities and differences in the ways in which Southern European countries engage with specific welfare issues and examines whether Southern European welfare is distinct from that of the rest of the continent. The book also engages with the impact of COVID-19 on the social welfare issues under investigation. The volume is divided into four sections, each examining in detail issues including employment, education, health, sexuality, globalization, social movements and migration.With its contributions from experts in the field, the volume is recommended for academics, researchers and students of sociology, social policy, economics, education, politics and social movements.

Human Resource Strategy: Formulation, Implementation, and Impact

by Michal Biron Peter A. Bamberger Elaine Farndale Corine Boon

What is Human Resource Strategy? How are human resource strategies formulated and how can we explain the variance between what is espoused and what is actually implemented? What impact – if any – does human resource strategy have on the organization’s “bottom line,” and how can this impact be explained? Is there one best HR strategy for all firms, or is the impact of HR strategy on performance contingent on some set of organizational, technological or environmental factors?Human Resource Strategy, third edition, provides an overview of the academic and practitioner responses to these and other questions. Applying an integrative framework, the authors review over thirty years’ worth of empirical and theoretical research in an attempt to reconcile often-conflicting conceptual models and equivocal empirical findings. The book supports students in applying theory to practice and presents much of the relevant research in the context of the critical strategic decisions that executives are often forced to make with regard to human resource investments and deployments. As a result, often-complex theoretical models and scientific findings are presented such that they are not only understandable but also highly relevant to non-research-oriented practitioners. This new edition includes new chapters on innovations in HR strategies and diversity and introduces more practical examples. This book is an ideal resource for students and practitioners alike.

Women in Work in Mid-Life: Value, Identity and Perceptions

by Belinda Steffan

Drawing on a unique dataset of real women and their experiences of engaging in paid and unpaid work, Women in Work in Mid-Life explores the specific challenges that women in the UK workforce face, including women’s health, pay inequality, gender bias, and the struggle to balance work and family life.From pay inequality and gender bias to the struggle to balance work and family life, the experience of women in the UK workforce is complex and multifaceted. We live in an economic climate where the population and workforce is ageing, and the over 50s are encouraged by governments to engage more fully in paid work. However, the path to achieve this is unclear. Through interviews with women in work, as well as an examination of policies and initiatives that can help support women’s career development and encourage workplace retention, it points to a future for this demographic in employment.Women in Work in Mid-Life is an invaluable resource for professionals and policy makers seeking to promote gender equality and create a more inclusive workplace culture in the UK, as well as undergraduate and graduate students in psychology and the social sciences.

The Detective's Handbook

by Cliff Roberson John A. Eterno

The Detective‘s Handbook details the vital information law enforcement officers need to know to become better detectives. Since all essential aspects of detective work cannot be covered in a single volume, the editors have selected 20 of the most critical issues detectives face in their day-to-day work and present them in separate chapters.Using a

Die Inner Development Goals in der Talententwicklung: Redesign eines Curriculums im Kontext der sozial-ökologischen Transformation (BestMasters)

by Martin Harz-Vrátil

In Zeiten der sozial-ökologischen Transformation wird der Talentwicklung eine zentrale Rolle zugeschrieben. Konstrukte wie die transformative Literacy oder die Inner Development Goals zeigen Möglichkeiten auf, welche kompetenzbasierte Befähigung stärker auf eine zukunftssichere Gesellschaft ausrichten. Die vorliegende Studie geht der Frage nach, welche Rolle die Talententwicklung haben kann, um sich stärker an den SDG der UN zu orientieren. Hierzu wird das Stipendienprogramm für MINT-Studentinnen der Femtec GmbH analysiert, um den relevanten Veränderungsbearf für das bestehende Curriculum zu bewerten. Hierbei werden Module des Career-Building Programme darauf hin bewertet, welche Aspekte der Inner Development Goals angereichert werden sollten.

Value Engineering in Artificial Intelligence: First International Workshop, VALE 2023, Krakow, Poland, September 30, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14520)

by Nardine Osman Luc Steels

This book constitutes the post-conference proceedings of the First International Workshop on Value Engineering in Artificial Intelligence, VALE 2023, held in Krakow, Poland, on September 30, 2023. The 16 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers have been grouped into four themes, addressing a number of research questions for each: I. Frameworks for norms and values: What are existing or new frameworks for norms and values and how can they be represented in AI systems in order to make these systems norm- and value-aware? II. Detection of moral values: Given an existing AI system, how can we figure out whether its behavior is aligned with human values? III. Learning and engineering of value-aligned policies: How can policies for implementing norms and values be acquired or designed? IV. Implementation of norms: How can norms be implemented in concrete AI applications?

Electron Waves in Solids: Exploring the Foundations of Modern Technology (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #203)

by Navin Khaneja

This book explores the intricate world of electron behavior within solids, revealing them to be waves—a fundamental insight crucial to grasping modern electronics, computing, and solid-state devices. This comprehensive examination elucidates the factors determining material conductivity, distinguishing between conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. Through detailed analysis, the text illuminates the thermal agitation of solids, manifesting as vibrations known as phonons, which impede electron flow and contribute to electrical resistance. Readers gain insight into the production of electronic devices through semiconductor doping, exploring various device types and their functionalities. The book further investigates the temperature-dependent behavior of metal resistance, including the phenomenon of superconductivity, wherein resistance vanishes entirely at low temperatures—a phenomenon comprehensively elucidated within these pages. Moreover, the text unravels the mysteries of magnetism in solids, exploring how certain metals, such as iron, exhibit permanent magnetism. By probing into the underlying causes of magnetism, readers gain a deeper understanding of solid-state physics. Additionally, the book explores imaging techniques such as X-rays, offering insights into how scientists peer inside solids to decipher their internal structures and properties. Geared toward scientists and engineers, the book serves as an indispensable resource for mastering the foundational concepts of solid-state physics—a discipline indispensable to modern technology.

Aufwachsen fernab der Eltern: Anvertrauung in Burkina Faso (Migrationsgesellschaften)

by Hannah Niedenführ

In Burkina Faso stellt Migration den gesellschaftlichen Normalfall dar. Auch Kinder migrieren im Rahmen ihrer Anvertrauung, einer sozialen Praxis, bei der Kinder bei anderen als ihren leiblichen Eltern aufwachsen. In diesem Buch wird untersucht, warum und auf welche Weise die Anvertrauung praktiziert wird. Vergleichend werden dabei zwei Formen der Anvertrauung gegenübergestellt: die traditionelle Anvertrauung an Verwandte und Bekannte und die religiöse Anvertrauung an Koranlehrer. Unter Beachtung einer insgesamt hohen gesellschaftlichen Vulnerabilität werden die Funktionen der beiden Formen der Anvertrauung für die beteiligten Personen und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes untersucht. Ebenso wird analysiert, welche institutionellen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteure im Rahmen der Prozesse des gesellschaftlichen Aushandelns der Anvertrauung in welcher Weise zur Beibehaltung, Änderung oder Bekämpfung dieser sozialen Praxis beitragen und welche Positionierungen, Handlungen und Prozesse ineinandergreifen, die sich bedingen, parallel oder auch konträr zueinander verlaufen.

Soft Computing: Proceedings of SoCTA 2023, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #971)

by Ajit Kumar Verma Rajesh Kumar Om Prakash Verma Tanu Wadehra

​This book focuses on soft computing and how it can be applied to solve real-world problems arising in various domains, ranging from medicine and healthcare, to supply chain management, image processing, and cryptanalysis. It gathers high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA 2023), held at Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Una, Himachal Pradesh, India, during 21–23 December 2023. The book offers valuable insights into soft computing for teachers and researchers alike; the book inspires further research in this dynamic field.

Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Philipp Reimer

Verwaltung ist vielfältig, aber ihr Recht lässt sich anhand allgemeiner Grundsätze verständlich machen. Dieses Buch schlägt Schneisen durch das Vorschriftengeflecht und präsentiert das Allgemeine Verwaltungsrecht systematisch anhand der beteiligten Rechtsträger, der zu erwerbenden Rechtspositionen und der vorkommenden Rechtsakte. Zahlreiche Beispiele machen die Bedeutung der einzelnen Rechtsinstitute anschaulich. Durchgehend findet auch die Falllösungsperspektive Berücksichtigung. Das Buch ist somit sowohl für den Einstieg ins Verwaltungsrecht als auch zur Vertiefung geeignet.

Failure in Aircraft Materials (Sustainable Aviation)

by Selim Gürgen

Material reliability is a critical factor in flight safety. For this reason, engineers and materials scientists continuously work to enhance the strength of materials to cope with the harsh conditions and potential material failures encountered during flight. This book combines theoretical knowledge and case studies to examine the fundamental and most frequent failure modes in aircraft alloys and the root causes of failures. Key topics covered include wear deformation, fracture characteristics, fatigue failure, stress corrosion cracking and creep failure. Insightful case studies explore a range of practical applications. Failure in Aircraft Materials appeals to a broad readership in the aviation and aerospace industry, including students, engineers, scientists, and researchers. It serves as an indispensable reference source for material science and modern production techniques.

Japanische Thomas Mann-Übersetzung zwischen Kulturheteronomie und Emanzipation: Tonio Kröger-Retranslations im digitalen Topic Modeling (Digitale Literaturwissenschaft)

by Nicole Marion Mueller

In diesem Open Access Buch nähert sich Nicole Marion Mueller mithilfe innovativer digitaler Methoden dem japanischen Übersetzungspluralismus im 20. Jahrhundert und seinen historischen Rahmenbedingungen an. Dabei bezieht sie sich auf Thomas Mann, der Japans Intellektuelle wie kaum ein anderer deutscher Autor geprägt hat. Manns Erzählwerke wie insbesondere Tonio Kröger wurden nicht nur im alten japanischen Bildungssystem intensiv rezipiert, sondern in der Folge auch in zweistelliger Anzahl ins Japanische übersetzt. Diese bisher kaum wissenschaftlich aufgearbeitete Übersetzungsvielfalt, einschließlich der zuvor verborgenen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Texten sowie der Zusammenhänge mit historischen Kontextfaktoren, wird durch Implementierung eines auf digitalen Themenmodellen basierenden Mixed Methods-Ansatzes erstmalig erschlossen.

Policies for Research and Innovation: Proceedings of NERC 2022

by Sukanya Sharma Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri Vipul Dutta Abhishek Kashyap

The book aims to incorporate key findings pertaining to Northeastern India. The papers selected will highlight policies that are critical for fostering research and innovation in critical areas of scientific, social sciences, humanities and associated research paradigms relevant for the North-east.

CdTe and CdZnTe Materials: Material Properties and Applications

by Kris Iniewski

This book provides readers with a good overview of some of most recent advances in the field of CdTe and CdZnTe detector technology for medical imaging, industrial testing and security scanning, especially as it pertains to new applications. There will be a good mixture of general chapters in both technology and applications inthe X-ray testing. The book will have an in-depth review of the research topics from leading world specialists in the field. The conversion of the X-ray and gamma-ray signal into analogue/digital value will be covered in some chapters. Some would also provide a review of CMOS chips for CdTe and CdZnTe image sensors. This book serves as an excellent reference for people already working in the field as well as for people wishing to enter it.

Digital Transformation: Exploring the Impact of Digital Transformation on Organizational Processes (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #257)

by Florin Gheorghe Filip Larisa Ivascu Lucian-Ionel Cioca Banciu Doina

The book offers aspects related to the health and process safety field, complex approaches to artificial intelligence, the role of accounting and auditing in the digital age, DT in agriculture, artificial intelligence in the maritime domain, education, management, sustainability and mobile technologies in learning. Digitization, digitalization and digital transformation (DT) are important for public organizations and private organizations. Despite their importance, these steps are approached differently in organizations. Public organizations emphasize the importance of digital transformation, while public organizations make efforts to align themselves with citizens' demands from a digitalization perspective. Incorporating technologies into organizational processes has become a priority for all industries to lead to important changes. All these activities are covered by the digital transformation that can lead to increased efficiency, agility, innovation and the unlocking of organizational values. Through this complex approach, the book contributes to the completion of knowledge in the field of digital transformation, develops and anticipates new research directions. It is addressed to professionals, practitioners, researchers, students and other interested parties.

RF, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies (Signals and Communication Technology)

by E. S. Gopi Hemant Kumar

This book provides in-depth exposure to emerging technologies and recent advancements in RF, Microwave, and Millimetre Wave Technologies. The book covers the basic concepts along with the recent advancements in designing and developing antennas and circuits for the latest technologies. The concepts of mode compression, Full Duplex communication, massive MIMO, frequency selective surfaces, reflectarrays, and metasurfaces have been discussed in detail. Various types of antennas, such as electrically small antennas, textile antennas, dielectric resonator antennas, etc., to be used for the latest wireless devices, RFID applications are also thoroughly explored. The concept of machine learning to develop data-driven models for antenna design is also discussed briefly to provide readers with an introduction to the ML algorithms. The readers will be able to understand the theoretical concepts and practical design aspects of various antennas, high-frequency circuits, and device modeling. The target audience includes but is not limited to undergraduates, post-graduates, research scholars, academicians, scientists, and professionals who are interested in getting the latest knowledge in the field of RF, Microwave, and Millimetre Wave Technologies.

Handbuch Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung

by Ernst-Ulrich Huster Jürgen Boeckh

Das Handbuch präsentiert den „state of the art“ zu den Themen Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung. Beides nimmt in unserer Gesellschaft, in Europa und weltweit zu. Dies betrifft nicht nur die materielle Versorgung und Verteilung, sondern bezieht weitere soziale, ökonomische und politische Aspekte ein. In der mittlerweile 4. Auflage greift das Handbuch diese multifaktoriellen Zusammenhänge auf und fügt zentrale Erkenntnisse von Theorie und sozialer Praxis zusammen. Es zeichnet sich durch einen interdisziplinären Zugang aus, in dem sich eine Vielzahl human-, geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektiven bündeln. So werden u.a. wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge, sozialethische Bewertungsmaßstäbe, juristische und verwaltungsmäßige Bearbeitungsformen, Bewältigung in und durch motopädagogische und ästhetische, bzw. medienpädagogische Praxis, geschichtliche Erfahrungen von und im Umgang mit Armut, soziale Beteiligungsstrukturen und individuelle Problemlösungskapazitäten dargestellt.

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Showing 1,901 through 1,925 of 11,003 results