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Showing 1,926 through 1,950 of 11,004 results

Handbuch Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung

by Ernst-Ulrich Huster Jürgen Boeckh

Das Handbuch präsentiert den „state of the art“ zu den Themen Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung. Beides nimmt in unserer Gesellschaft, in Europa und weltweit zu. Dies betrifft nicht nur die materielle Versorgung und Verteilung, sondern bezieht weitere soziale, ökonomische und politische Aspekte ein. In der mittlerweile 4. Auflage greift das Handbuch diese multifaktoriellen Zusammenhänge auf und fügt zentrale Erkenntnisse von Theorie und sozialer Praxis zusammen. Es zeichnet sich durch einen interdisziplinären Zugang aus, in dem sich eine Vielzahl human-, geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektiven bündeln. So werden u.a. wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge, sozialethische Bewertungsmaßstäbe, juristische und verwaltungsmäßige Bearbeitungsformen, Bewältigung in und durch motopädagogische und ästhetische, bzw. medienpädagogische Praxis, geschichtliche Erfahrungen von und im Umgang mit Armut, soziale Beteiligungsstrukturen und individuelle Problemlösungskapazitäten dargestellt.

Paryavaran Aur Hum class 7 - JCERT: पर्यावरण और हम ७वीं कक्षा - जेसीईआरटी

by Jharkhand Shaikshik Anusandhan Evam Prashikshan Parishad Ranchi

"पर्यावरण और हम" पुस्तक झारखंड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद द्वारा प्रकाशित की गई है। यह सातवीं कक्षा के भूगोल विषय पर आधारित है और छात्रों में पर्यावरण के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ाने के उद्देश्य से लिखी गई है। पुस्तक में प्राकृतिक एवं मानव निर्मित पर्यावरण की जानकारी दी गई है, जिसमें स्थलमंडल, जलमंडल, वायुमंडल, जैवमंडल आदि विषयों का विस्तार से वर्णन किया गया है। प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण में भूमि, जल, वायु, पेड़-पौधे और जीव-जंतु शामिल होते हैं, जबकि मानव निर्मित पर्यावरण में इंसानों द्वारा बनाई गई वस्तुएँ जैसे सड़क, घर, और मशीनें शामिल हैं। पुस्तक में पर्यावरण प्रदूषण के विभिन्न प्रकार जैसे वायु, जल और भूमि प्रदूषण के कारण और उनके निवारण के उपाय भी बताए गए हैं। इसमें जलवायु परिवर्तन और उसके प्रभावों पर भी चर्चा की गई है। पुस्तक का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा यह बताता है कि कैसे हम छोटे-छोटे कदमों से पर्यावरण संरक्षण में योगदान दे सकते हैं। जलवायु परिवर्तन, ग्लोबल वार्मिंग, और प्राकृतिक संसाधनों के उपयोग के प्रति संवेदनशीलता विकसित करने के उद्देश्य से यह पुस्तक विद्यार्थियों के लिए बेहद उपयोगी है। छात्रों को पर्यावरण संरक्षण के प्रति जिम्मेदार और जागरूक नागरिक बनाने के लिए इसमें शिक्षकों के सहयोग और सहभागिता को भी महत्वपूर्ण बताया गया है।

Dahlia class 7 - JCERT

by Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training Ranchi

The book Dahlia: English Textbook for Class VII focuses on building English language skills for learners in a communicative and engaging manner. Designed by the Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training, it includes diverse themes like self, family, friendship, national diversity, world culture, and science. The book features prose, poetry, and various activities meant to develop language proficiency through contextual and interactive learning. Chapters include comprehension exercises, vocabulary building, grammar usage, and creative tasks. It also emphasizes critical thinking and understanding through group discussions, role-playing, and projects related to social, cultural, and educational themes.

Subhashika Dviteeyo Bhag class 7 - JCERT: सुभाषिका द्वितीयो भागः ७वीं कक्षा - जेसीईआरटी

by Jharkhand Shaikshik Anusandhan Evam Prashikshan Parishad Ranchi

"सुभाषिका" द्वितीयो भाग झारखंड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद द्वारा प्रकाशित संस्कृत की पाठ्यपुस्तक है, जिसका उद्देश्य कक्षा 7 के छात्रों को संस्कृत भाषा का बुनियादी ज्ञान प्रदान करना है। यह पुस्तक विशेष रूप से संस्कृत भाषा की महत्ता और उसकी सांस्कृतिक धरोहर को समझाने पर केंद्रित है। इसमें 16 पाठ शामिल हैं, जिनमें कविताएँ, श्लोक, संवाद, कथाएँ और चित्रकथाएँ सम्मिलित हैं। प्रत्येक पाठ भाषा की सरलता और प्रवाह को ध्यान में रखते हुए तैयार किया गया है, ताकि छात्रों को संस्कृत भाषा से लगाव हो। पुस्तक में "गौरवम् संस्कृतम्" जैसे श्लोकों के माध्यम से संस्कृत भाषा की समृद्धि और गौरव को उजागर किया गया है, जबकि "बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य" जैसे पाठ बुद्धि की महत्ता पर बल देते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, पाठ्यक्रम में झारखंड की सांस्कृतिक विरासत को भी स्थान दिया गया है, जैसे "सरहुल पर्व" और भगवान बिरसा मुण्डा की गाथाएँ। इस पुस्तक का उद्देश्य विद्यार्थियों में संस्कृत भाषा के प्रति रुचि पैदा करना और उनके नैतिक और सांस्कृतिक विकास में योगदान देना है।

Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics, VISIGRAPP 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, February 19–21, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2103)

by Petia Radeva Giovanni Maria Farinella Helen Purchase Christophe Hurter Kadi Bouatouch Alexis Paljic A. Augusto de Sousa Mounia Ziat Thomas Bashford-Rogers

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISIGRAPP 2023, held in Lisbon, Portugal, during February 19–21, 2023. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 395 submissions. VISIGRAPP aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in theoretical advances and applications of computer vision, information visualization, computer graphics and interaction.

Civil Society and the Party-state in Zimbabwe: Democracy, Hegemonies and Polarities

by Zenzo Moyo

The book utilises Gramsci’s concepts of hegemony, counter-hegemony, organic intellectuals, and integral state to interrogate how modes of engagement between the state and civil society have contributed to a polarised polity in Zimbabwe, and in turn how this has impacted democratisation processes. This was achieved by analysing intra-civil society interactions and state-civil society relations, which established deep polarised relationships that can be traced back to the liberation struggle. It also interrogates ideologies that drive these polarised relations, and how, together with material benefits from donors and the party-state, these relations impact ordinary people’s modes of existence. One of the arguments that emerge from the book is that political polarisation in Zimbabwe has now morphed into an established political culture that has played a huge role in the retardation of democratic struggles. It uses ideas of entangled modernities and travelling theory to cast doubt on the belief that civil society is the ‘missing key’ in the democratisation of developing countries.

Positivity in Arakelov Geometry over Adelic Curves: Hilbert-Samuel Formula and Equidistribution Theorem (Progress in Mathematics #355)

by Huayi Chen Atsushi Moriwaki

This monograph presents new research on Arakelov geometry over adelic curves, a novel theory of arithmetic geometry developed by the authors. It explores positivity conditions and establishes the Hilbert-Samuel formula and the equidistribution theorem in the context of adelic curves. Connections with several classical topics in Arakelov geometry and Diophantine geometry are highlighted, such as the arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel formula, positivity of line bundles, equidistribution of small subvarieties, and theorems resembling the Bogomolov conjecture. Detailed proofs and explanations are provided to ensure the text is accessible to both graduate students and experienced researchers.

The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers

by Brett A. Geier

This handbook presents a durable, comprehensive, and up-to-date resource covering the seminal thinkers in education of past and present. Each entry will capture the professional background of a legendary thinker and presents their key insights, new thinking, and major legacies to the field of education. Carefully brought together to present a balance of gender and geographical contexts as well as areas of thought and work in the broad field of education, this handbook provides a unique history and overview of figures who have shaped education and educational thinking throughout the world.

Datenmanagement und Datenanalyse: Konzepte, Technologien und Methoden für die Organisation und Aufbereitung von Daten in Unternehmen

by Peter Gluchowski

Derzeit wird kaum noch ernsthaft bestritten, dass die Daten eines Unternehmens ein wichtiges Wirtschaftsgut darstellen und in erheblicher Weise zum Erfolg beitragen können. Allerdings gilt es, nicht nur den Wert der Daten zu erkennen, sondern diese auch in den zugehörigen Geschäftsprozessen gewinnbringend einzusetzen. Als zwingende Voraussetzung erweist sich dabei, eine organisatorische und technische Basis zu etablieren, die nachhaltig darauf ausgerichtet ist, die fachlichen Ausgabenstellungen bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Unter dem Oberbegriff Datenmanagement werden dazu diejenigen Führungs- und Durchführungstätigkeiten diskutiert, die einen tragfähigen Rahmen für den Umgang mit Daten in der Organisation aufspannen. Daneben erweisen sich vor allem die Verfahren zur Auswertung und Analyse der verfügbaren Datenbestände als leistungsfähige Instrumente, um langfristige Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erlangen. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmet sich das vorliegende Buch den stetig an Bedeutung gewinnenden Themenfeldern Datenmanagement und Datenanalyse, denen insbesondere im Rahmen der digitalen Transformation eine große Bedeutung zukommt.

Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2024 Workshops: Hanoi, Vietnam, July 1–4, 2024, Proceedings, Part VII (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14821)

by Osvaldo Gervasi Beniamino Murgante Ana Maria A. C. Rocha David Taniar Chiara Garau Maria Noelia Faginas Lago

This eleven-volume set LNCS 14815 – 14825 constitutes the refereed workshop proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2024, held at Hanoi, Vietnam, during July 1–4, 2024. The 281 full papers, 17 short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 450 submissions. In addition, the conference consisted of 55 workshops, focusing on very topical issues of importance to science, technology and society: from new mathematical approaches for solving complex computational systems, to information and knowledge in the Internet of Things, new statistical and optimization methods, several Artificial Intelligence approaches, sustainability issues, smart cities and related technologies.

Grey Forecasting: Mechanism, Models and Applications (Series on Grey System)

by Naiming Xie Baolei Wei

This book aims to present an overview of grey system models for time series modelling and forecasting. It is about modelling and forecasting time series with ordinary differential equations, especially when the available samples are extremely limited. Grey system models (GSM) develop sequence operators to nonparametrically identify the underlying dynamics from the limited observations. This book concerns about two important modelling themes, small sample and poor information. The former focuses on the mechanism and methodology of GSMs for small-sample real-number time series, and the latter on the uncertainty quantification of grey number together with its small-sample modelling principles. In this book, a broad entry point to applied data science for students majoring in economic, management science, and engineering is applied, covering a wide range of topics from basic introductory material up to research-level techniques.

Landfill Leachate Treatment Techniques (Springer Water)

by Salah Souabi Abdelkader Anouzla

This book is a ready reckoner of recent information regarding the impact of leachate landfills, leachate treatment, and heavy metals on a single platform. The amount of waste is constantly growing due to population growth and the evolution of socioeconomic activities. Burying this waste produces leachate, a contaminated effluent created during the decomposition of organic waste and containing harmful substances like heavy metals, polyphenols, volatile organic compounds, and microorganisms. These effluents emit unpleasant odors associated with ammonium ions. These discharges significantly impact the environment. As a result, the master's and doctoral academics, researchers, and students will be able to comprehend the most recent developments in municipal solid waste landfill operations, supporting their research. This book inspires readers on how to deal with environmental pollution problems due to leachate contamination in freshwater and agricultural soils using a variety of technologies.

Researching and Teaching the Chinese Language: Voices from Canada (Multilingual Education #47)

by Wei Cai

This book offers an in-depth exploration of the unique landscape of Chinese language learning and teaching in Canada. It is the first to highlight the distinctive features of Chinese language education in the country and to introduce the Canadian approach to teaching and researching Chinese language, termed the "Canadian school of Chinese education." This approach, largely unfamiliar to the global academic community, is illuminated in this book, filling a critical gap in the literature and providing a platform for Canadian voices and perspectives in the field. The book delves into original and under-investigated areas, addressing important issues in Chinese teaching and learning that require more sophisticated research approaches due to advancements in our understanding and the discovery of complex Chinese learner populations. Structured into four sections, the book offers an overview of Chinese language education in Canada, examines comparisons of learning conditions, explores interactive dynamics and communication strategies, and delves into social and cultural dimensions. This book will be invaluable to researchers, instructors, advanced-level undergraduate students, and graduate students in the field of Chinese language learning and teaching.

Medical Visualization and Applications of Technology ‒ Volume 2 (Biomedical Visualization #5)

by Jenny Clancy Matthieu Poyade

This edited volume encompasses chapters on novel and innovative research in the applications of leading digital technologies in an accessible and engaging way. By utilising cutting edge and ever progressive technology in visualization, it will enhance our understanding and application in our everyday lives. This volume shows how we can use Extended Reality, 3D animations and serious games to benefit the learner, educator, clinician, patient, parent and carer. Visualization techniques like Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality and show how they can be utilised to improve training and understanding of anatomy, surgery, and clinical assessment. This is covered specifically for emergency practitioners in enhancing their understanding of ECG’s for potential myocardial infarction by using augmented reality. From a translational medicine perspective and pre-operative pediatric surgical planning, the benefits of augmented reality are examined as to what might be found intra-operatively from imaging techniques. Educational applications of digital technologies using serious games and Extended Reality are examined. We show how Mixed Reality can aid understanding in cellular anatomy for our learners and researchers alike. We also show how serious games can have applications in diverse areas like parasite infections and neuroanatomy education and training. Finally, from a clinical perspective, the use of 3D animations and their applications is discussed for vertebral fractures and increasing parent/carer awareness through interactive applications. Also, the use of 3D animations in cerebral magnetic resonance angiography for global education highlights the great benefits of these tools and technologies. There is something for the researcher, clinician, educator, patient, and carer as we explore novel technologies. These are applied locally, nationally and globally as we advance our understanding of the world changing influence that digital technologies have on our day-to-day life.

Emotionen begeistert leben: Wie Spitzensportler und andere Top Performer erfolgreich handeln (Fit for Future)

by Christian Momm

Das Buch zeigt anhand vieler praktischer Beispiele wie Emotionen im Sport und Business begeistert positiv eingesetzt werden können, um Ziele zu erreichen und erfolgreicher zu werden. Es stellt auf anschauliche Weise dar, wie man durch den richtigen Umgang mit Emotionen viele Dinge erreichen kann. Das Buch richtet sich an Sportler, Führungskräfte sowie Coaches und therapeutische Fachkräfte, die zielorientiert mit Emotionen arbeiten wollen. Eine effiziente und effektive Emotionsregulation bildet die Grundlage eines gesunden und erfolgreichen Lebens, weshalb sie auch eine zentrale Rolle im Buch einnimmt.

Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)

by Anita Tabacco Paolo Boggiatto Elena Cordero Maurice De Gosson Hans G. Feichtinger Fabio Nicola Alessandro Oliaro

The chapters in this volume are based on talks given at the inaugural Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis conference held in Turin, Italy from July 5-7, 2017, which brought together experts in harmonic analysis and its applications. New connections between different but related areas were presented in the context of time-frequency analysis, encouraging future research and collaborations. Some of the topics covered include:Abstract harmonic analysis,Numerical harmonic analysis,Sampling theory,Compressed sensing,Mathematical signal processing,Pseudodifferential operators, andApplications of harmonic analysis to quantum mechanics.Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis will be of particular interest to researchers and advanced students working in time-frequency analysis and other related areas of harmonic analysis.

The Bio-inspired X-Structure/Mechanism Approach for Exploring Nonlinear Benefits in Engineering: Part II-Nonlinear Inertia and Multi-direction Vibration Isolation

by Xingjian Jing

This book presents a unique approach to the design and analysis of beneficial nonlinearity, which can take an important and critical role in engineering systems and thus cannot be simply ignored in structural design, dynamic response analysis, and parameter selection. A key issue in the area is thus systematically addressed about how to analyze and design potential nonlinearities introduced to or inherent in a system of under study, which is a must-do task in many practical applications involving vibration control, energy harvesting, sensor systems and robots, etc. This book, therefore, presents an up-to-date summary on the most recent development of a cutting-edge method for nonlinearity manipulation and employment developed in recent several years, named as the X-shaped structure or mechanism approach. The method is inspired from animal leg/limb skeletons and can provide passive low-cost high-efficiency adjustable and beneficial nonlinear stiffness (high static and ultra-low dynamic), nonlinear damping (dependent on resonant frequency and vibration excitation amplitude) and nonlinear inertia (low static and high dynamic) individually or simultaneously. The X-shaped structure or mechanism is a generic structure or mechanism representing a class of beneficial geometric nonlinearity with realizable and flexible linkage mechanism or structural design of different variants or forms (quadrilateral, diamond, polygon, K/Z/S/V-shape, or others) which all share similar geometric nonlinearity and thus similar nonlinear stiffness/damping properties, flexible in design, and easy to implement. This book systematically reviews the research background, motivation, essential bio-inspired ideas, advantages of this novel method, beneficial nonlinear properties in stiffness, damping and inertia, and potential applications, which have been developed ever since 2010. This book reveals important nonlinear properties and dynamic characteristics of nonlinear inertia that can be provided through the X-structure/mechanism and also presents advantageous features of X-structure/mechanism methods in multi-direction vibration control.

2nd International Conference on Engineering Manufacture 2024: Selected Contributions of EM 2024 (Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics)

by Lucas F. M. da Silva Marion Merklein Maria de Fátima Reis Vaz Ricardo J. C. Carbas

This book gathers selected papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Manufacture, held in Porto, Portugal, May 9–10, 2024. The focus is on engineering manufacture and includes works on additive manufacturing, heat treatment, rolling, joining and fatigue. The book provides the state-of-the-art of engineering manufacture and also serves as a reference volume for researchers and graduate students working in the field of technological processes.

Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures: 18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation (18WCSI) - Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #412)

by Cem Yenidogan Ani Natali Sigaher Fatih Sutcu

This book gathers proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation (18WCSI), held in Antalya, Türkiye on November 6-10, 2023. Organized by the Turkish Association for Seismic Isolation (TASI) and endorsed by the Anti-Seismic Systems International Society (ASSISi), the conference discussed state-of-the-art information, as well as emerging concepts and innovative applications related to seismic isolation, energy dissipation, and active vibration control of structures, and resilience and sustainability. The volume covers highly diverse topics centered around energy dissipation devices. Chapters have been dedicated to the design and testing of energy dissipation devices, and the use of these devices in the design of structures, and retrofit of existing structures and cultural heritage. The contributions, which are published after a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists.

Immunomodulators and Biologics in Dermatologic Treatment: Turning Theory into Practice

by Neal Bhatia

This title provides a practically applicable guide to the use of immunomodulators and biologics to treat cutaneous diseases. Chapters cover the mechanisms, applications and safety concerns pertaining to the latest systemic therapies. Extensive guidance is provided on how to design lab monitoring schedules, manage patient follow-up visits, develop tapering plans and assess adverse outcomes. The book also reviews how to initiate off-label applications and establish methods of matching mechanisms for a range of diseases to the mechanisms of the available therapies. The latest updates in the development and utility of systemic immunomodulators, biologics and JAK Inhibitors from clinical trials and updated guidelines are also discussed. Immunomodulators and Biologics in Dermatologic Treatment comprehensively describes the use of a range of systemic therapies for immunomodulation in dermatology and how best to incorporate these into practice. It therefore represents a valuable resource for novice readers and experienced dermatologists involved in the management of these patients.

The Sustainability of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Quality Assurance Perspectives (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Peter Neema-Abooki

This book delves into the role of higher education as a means of sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Contributions from across the region examine the strategies and technological advances available to enable students to deal with an uncertain future and are organised under two key themes: Curriculum and Teaching and Higher Education and Innovations. The volume brings together theoretical and practical perspectives, relating them to international benchmarks while maintaining the specificities of the African context. It will be of interest to students and scholars as well as practitioners whose work interrogates higher education, quality assurance, and sustainable development goals.

Proceedings of the 13th National Technical Seminar on Unmanned System Technology 2023—Volume 1: NUSYS’23 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1183)

by Huiping Li Zainah Md. Zain Rama Rao Karri Zool Hilmi Ismail Xianbo Xiang

This book comprises the proceedings of the 13th National Technical Symposium on Unmanned System Technology 2023 (NUSYS’23) held on October 2–3, 2023. It covers a number of topics, including intelligent robotics, novel sensor technology, control algorithms, acoustics signal processing, imaging techniques, biomimetic robots, green energy sources, and underwater communication backbones and protocols, and it appeals to researchers developing marine technology solutions and policy-makers interested in technologies to facilitate the exploration of coastal and oceanic regions. This book is part of a 2-volume series of these conference proceedings, it represents Volume 1 in the series.

Digitale transformatie bij een zorginstelling: Aan de slag met kennis en leiderschap

by Rob Poels

Dit boek legt uit hoe digitalisering kan helpen de uitdagingen in de zorg  op te lossen. Bijvoorbeeld in het terugdringen van personeelstekorten of de zorgkosten. Daarom besteedt dit boek veel aandacht aan strategie en praktische vraagstukken, en de complexe context waarin een zorginstelling zich bevindt: Een krachtenveld van toezichthouders, financiers, vaak verschillende regionale indelingen en soms dominante commerciële partijen. Digitale transformatie bij een zorginstelling – aan de slag met kennis en leiderschap helpt de toegevoegde waarde van digitalisering in de zorg te vergroten. Het biedt technische en organisatorische instrumenten waarmee bestuurders, managers en professionals in de zorg het verschil kunnen maken. Het is ook waardevol voor toezichthouders, en voor IT’ers die nieuw zijn in de zorg en het complexe speelveld nog niet overzien. Tot slot bespreekt de auteur hoe we de digitale transformatie het best kunnen organiseren, en welke leiderschap daarvoor nodig is. Alle hoofdstukken zijn afzonderlijk leesbaar.

Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: 15th TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 28 – September 1, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14247)

by Meikel Poess Raghunath Nambiar

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings from the 15th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, TPCTC 2023, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, during August 28 – September 1, 2023. The 9 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 submissions. These papers focus on various novel ideas and methodologies for Performance evaluation and Benchmarking in emerging technology areas.

Solving the Giving Pledge Bottleneck: How to Finance Solutions Using Philanthropic Private Equity

by Sean Davis

This book highlights the historic inflection point we are in, both in terms of philanthropy in general, and specifically in financing the solutions to our largest and most urgent social and environmental problems. It covers the two movements that have recently had a dramatic influence on capitalism. First, wealthy millennials have been pressuring their bankers to invest their family portfolios in companies with high social and environmental impact (ESG ratings), triggering a wave where the wealth management industry, and now all public companies, are significantly adapting to the increasing demand for good. Second, The Giving Pledge triggered another wave, changing what success and the accumulation of wealth means. It has even begun to redefine the goal of capitalism as more than 230 billionaires have pledged to give half or more of their wealth away. This book also focuses on the bottleneck problem that The Giving Pledge has created, as it is very hard to give hundreds of billions away with measurable impact to nonprofits lacking detailed long-term plans to scale. Nonprofits have never had the luxury of having all the resources to invest in the planning, management training and systems needed to rapidly expand. Thus taking in very large gifts is very difficult, and almost impossible to justify. Large philanthropy can always be used for traditional capital campaigns and to fund endowments, yet The Giving Pledge signers are often looking for large visible impact beyond these traditional avenues. The result is a bottleneck which has grown as more billionaires pledge their funds away while their wealth continues to skyrocket and giving rates stay very small. Finally, this book covers the emergence of large giving vehicles, modelled after the private equity industry. They have sophisticated third-party managers focused on deploying funds and supporting management teams. It also covers the scaling of nonprofits in a significant way (“Big Bets”) as well as investing large philanthropy through for-profits as Philanthropic Private Equity. This book is of interest specifically to nonprofit and foundation leaders, as well as wealth managers, estate attorneys and other philanthropic advisors. It is also of interest to investors and corporate CEOs as they begin to access these large pools for philanthropic capital to increase their impact. This book is focused on providing those with the ability to make large philanthropic investments a path to scale their impact and increase their fulfillment and that of their family. It provides a step-by-step guide of how these approaches, especially Philanthropic Private Equity, can actually solve the social and environmental challenges that have been seemingly hopeless. The second edition also presents a plan to use these concepts to create a path to solve the housing crisis in America.

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