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Solving the Giving Pledge Bottleneck: How to Finance Solutions Using Philanthropic Private Equity

by Sean Davis

This book highlights the historic inflection point we are in, both in terms of philanthropy in general, and specifically in financing the solutions to our largest and most urgent social and environmental problems. It covers the two movements that have recently had a dramatic influence on capitalism. First, wealthy millennials have been pressuring their bankers to invest their family portfolios in companies with high social and environmental impact (ESG ratings), triggering a wave where the wealth management industry, and now all public companies, are significantly adapting to the increasing demand for good. Second, The Giving Pledge triggered another wave, changing what success and the accumulation of wealth means. It has even begun to redefine the goal of capitalism as more than 230 billionaires have pledged to give half or more of their wealth away. This book also focuses on the bottleneck problem that The Giving Pledge has created, as it is very hard to give hundreds of billions away with measurable impact to nonprofits lacking detailed long-term plans to scale. Nonprofits have never had the luxury of having all the resources to invest in the planning, management training and systems needed to rapidly expand. Thus taking in very large gifts is very difficult, and almost impossible to justify. Large philanthropy can always be used for traditional capital campaigns and to fund endowments, yet The Giving Pledge signers are often looking for large visible impact beyond these traditional avenues. The result is a bottleneck which has grown as more billionaires pledge their funds away while their wealth continues to skyrocket and giving rates stay very small. Finally, this book covers the emergence of large giving vehicles, modelled after the private equity industry. They have sophisticated third-party managers focused on deploying funds and supporting management teams. It also covers the scaling of nonprofits in a significant way (“Big Bets”) as well as investing large philanthropy through for-profits as Philanthropic Private Equity. This book is of interest specifically to nonprofit and foundation leaders, as well as wealth managers, estate attorneys and other philanthropic advisors. It is also of interest to investors and corporate CEOs as they begin to access these large pools for philanthropic capital to increase their impact. This book is focused on providing those with the ability to make large philanthropic investments a path to scale their impact and increase their fulfillment and that of their family. It provides a step-by-step guide of how these approaches, especially Philanthropic Private Equity, can actually solve the social and environmental challenges that have been seemingly hopeless. The second edition also presents a plan to use these concepts to create a path to solve the housing crisis in America.

Die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung: Aufgaben, Aspekte und Ansätze (Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – Umsetzung in Praxis, Lehre und Entscheidungsprozessen)

by Christa Reicher Silvio Beier Peter Hense Claudia Klümper Stefan Lechtenböhmer

Dieses Buch gibt Einblicke in die Zielsetzungen und zu den Herausforderungen der Nachaltigkeistzielde der UN. Ausgehend von den Blickwinkeln einzelner Fachdisziplinen wird allgemein verständlich die Zelsetzung mit einem Blick auf europäische Verhältnisse erläutert und mit den Anforderungen an andere Fachdisziplinen verknüpft, die notwendig sind, damit ein Erreichen realistisch und zielführend vorangetrieben werden kann.

Machine Learning and Granular Computing: A Synergistic Design Environment (Studies in Big Data #155)

by Witold Pedrycz Shyi-Ming Chen

This volume provides the reader with a comprehensive and up-to-date treatise positioned at the junction of the areas of Machine Learning (ML) and Granular Computing (GrC). ML offers a wealth of architectures and learning methods. Granular Computing addresses useful aspects of abstraction and knowledge representation that are of importance in the advanced design of ML architectures. In unison, ML and GrC support advances of the fundamental learning paradigm. As built upon synergy, this unified environment focuses on a spectrum of methodological and algorithmic issues, discusses implementations and elaborates on applications. The chapters bring forward recent developments showing ways of designing synergistic and coherently structured ML-GrC environment. The book will be of interest to a broad audience including researchers and practitioners active in the area of ML or GrC and interested in following its timely trends and new pursuits.

Digital Natives zwischen Emanzipation und Konformität: Individuation im digital-medial geprägten Möglichkeitsraum der Adoleszenz (Adoleszenzforschung #14)

by Micha Schlichting

In dieser Studie geht es um junge Menschen, die zur ersten Generation gehören, die in eine hochgradig digitalisierte und mediatisierte Welt hinein sozialisiert wird. Es geht darum zu erforschen, wie die Nutzung digitaler Medien mit den ihnen inhärenten Strukturen sich auf adoleszente Individuation auswirkt. Digitale Medien bieten den Jugendlichen mittels Präsenz und Form sowohl neuartige Möglichkeiten der Individuierung als auch Herausforderungen und Hemmnisse. Man könnte also sagen, sie bieten Adoleszenten einen medial erweiterten Möglichkeitsraum, der mit dem analogen psychosozialen Möglichkeitsraum der Adoleszenz auf je individuelle Weise verschwimmt und dessen mediale Form einerseits auf produktive und andererseits auch auf kontraproduktive Weise in den Prozess der adoleszenten Individuierung eingreifen kann. Digitale Medien können somit zur „Entstehung des Neuen in der Adoleszenz“ beitragen. Es werden typische Aneignungsweisen digitaler Medien im Prozess adoleszenter Individuierung rekonstruiert. Dabei wird den Fragen nachgegangen, inwieweit emanzipierende Potenziale für die Bewältigung adoleszenter Entwicklungsaufgaben entstehen können und ob auch ein Zusammenhang mit einer den Jugendlichen immer wieder zugeschriebenen Konformität bestehen kann.

Führungskompetenz im Zeitalter der Digitalen Transformation (BestMasters)

by Vanessa Krieg

Die Digitalisierung hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das Arbeitsleben und verändert die Art und Weise, wie Menschen miteinander interagieren. Dabei spielt Führung eine zentrale Rolle in der Arbeitsorganisation. Die aktuellen Veränderungen machen Führung nicht obsolet, sondern werden ihre Rolle innerhalb der Organisation verändern. Zukünftig wird Führung weniger von fachlicher Expertise abhängig sein und eine eigene, neu definierte Rolle einnehmen, bei der sich Aufgaben und Anforderungen ändern. Dies erfordert ein überarbeitetes Kompetenzprofil, welches zusätzliche Fähigkeiten umfasst. Dieses Buch zielt darauf ab, das Spannungsfeld der Führung zu erfassen, Einflussgrößen und das Hauptkompetenzprofil für erfolgreiche Führung zu identifizieren und ein mögliches Werkzeug für die Kompetenzbewertung anzubieten. Vanessa Krieg entwirft den Mockup eines Bewertungstools, um einen Abgleich von externen Erwartungen und Selbstbewertung herzustellen. Dies soll Abweichungen aufzeigen und Empfehlungen für weitere Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten bieten. Die Fallstudien zeigen, dass diese Methodik dazu beiträgt, persönliche Lücken und Kompetenzmuster auf Organisationsebene zu identifizieren, aber auch einen angemessenen Rahmen im Unternehmen erfordert, da der richtige Mindset zur Führung und der Wille zum lebenslangen Lernen notwendig sind.

Einsatz digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie im Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht: (Fach)didaktische Zugänge und qualitative Befunde aus Sicht von Lehrkräften

by Andreas Raab

Digitalisierungsprozesse und Anliegen einer digitalen Bildung prägen aktuell das Schulwesen. Dies wurde durch die Covid-19-Pandemie zusätzlich verstärkt. Gleichzeitig wird digitale Technologie im Freizeit- und Leistungssport umfassend genutzt und ist allgegenwärtiger Bestandteil der Bewegungs-, Spiel- und Sportkultur. Daher ist die Einbindung digitaler Technologie auch als Thema für den Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht relevant. Zentrale Akteur*innen der Umsetzung curricularer Neuerungen und didaktischer Innovationen sind die Lehrkräfte. Ziel dieses Buches ist, den Beitrag, den der Einsatz von digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) zu einem zeitgemäßen und zielorientierten Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht gegenwärtig und perspektivisch leisten kann, herauszuarbeiten. Den theoretischen Rahmen bildet die Verknüpfung der bildungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion zur fortschreitenden Digitalisierung in Schule und Unterricht mit pädagogischen, didaktischen und curricularen Ansprüchen an das Fach Bewegung und Sport. Im empirischen Teil werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit Bewegungs- und Sportlehrkräften zur Einbindung digitaler Technologie dargestellt und diskutiert. Zusammenfassend werden Empfehlungen für die qualitätsvollen Einsatz von IKT im Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht abgeleitet.

Artificial Intelligence in Prescriptive Analytics: Innovations in Decision Analysis, Intelligent Optimization, and Data-Driven Decisions (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #260)

by Witold Pedrycz Eduardo Fernández Gilberto Rivera Gustavo Javier Meschino

Considering the advances of the different approaches and applications in the last years, and even in the last months, this is a particular moment in history to transform every data-driven decision-making process with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This book reveals, through concrete case studies and original application ideas, how cutting-edge AI techniques are revolutionizing industries such as finance, health care, and manufacturing. It invites us to discover how machine learning, decision analysis, and intelligent optimization are changing, directly or indirectly, almost all aspects of our daily lives. This comprehensive book offers practical insights and real-world applications for professionals, researchers, and students alike. It helps to learn how to apply AI for smarter, data-driven decisions in areas like supply chain management, risk assessment, and even personalized medicine. Be inspired by the chapters of this book and unlock the full potential of AI in your field!

Labor Market Institutions in China

by Xinxin Ma

This book examines labor market policy and institutional reforms and their impact on outcomes in the Chinese labor market, utilizing both institutional and empirical study perspectives. It furnishes readers with academic evidence essential for comprehending the transformation of labor policies and institutions within the Chinese context—an emerging market economy housing one of the largest workforces globally. The main content of this book is divided into two parts: (i) Social institutions and labor market policies, encompassing topics such as trade unions and union wage premiums, minimum wage regulations and wage distributions, labor contracts, employment security and the high education expansion policy. (ii) Wage and employment institutions in the workplace, including areas such as seniority wages, mandatory retirement systems, the wage-experience profile, the dual labor market phenomenon, discrimination against women and minority ethnic workers, work hours, work-family conflict, job satisfaction, and the influences of Communist Party of China membership on managerial promotions. This book presents academic evidence on these issues, grounded in institutional transition background, economic theories, and empirical studies. It draws upon various Chinese nationwide representative survey datasets. This book is highly recommended for readers interested in institutional transitions, seeking up-to-date and in-depth empirical studies on the associations between labor policies/institutions and labor market outcomes. It particularly appeals to those with an interest in the Chinese economy, labor policymakers, scholars with a background in econometric analysis, and managers in companies.

Doing Kita in Randzeiten: Eine Ethnografie zu Handlungsvollzügen und Positionierungen von Kitakindern (Methodologisch-Methodische Perspektiven auf Kindheit(en))

by Dana Harring

In dieser Studie werden soziale Praktiken rekonstruiert, die der Herstellung, der Aufrechterhaltung und der Beendigung eines Beziehungsgefüges in den Randzeiten institutioneller Kindertagesbetreuung dienen. Dabei werden mit einem ethnografischen Zugang insbesondere die Handlungsvollzüge und Positionierungen von jungen Kindern in Kindertageseinrichtungen in den Blick genommen. Mit einer sozialkonstruktivistisch-praxistheoretischen Perspektive sowie in Bezug auf theoretische Konzepte der Kindheitsforschung wird nachgezeichnet, wie Kinder in Auseinandersetzung mit Räumen, Materialien und pädagogischen Fachkräften Randzeiten als soziale Form herstellen. Weiterhin werden die Selbst- und Fremdpositionierungen von Kindern als Kitakinder, „Doing Kitakind“, in Relation zu generationalen Ordnungsprozessen rekonstruiert. „Doing Kita in Randzeiten“ stellt eine konzeptuelle Weiterentwicklung dar, die insbesondere die relationale Handlungsmacht von Kindern in Kindertageseinrichtungen als machtvolle Insider betont.

Democratic Defence as Normal Politics: Everyday Opposition to Populist Parties in Multilevel Europe

by Angela K. Bourne

Populist parties in Europe attract many more votes than they did just a few decades ago and are now much more likely to govern. They have also become key players in the international sphere. At the same time, the relationship between democracy and populism is subject to substantial scholarly and public debate. This raises questions about opposition to this controversial set of political actors: do opponents favour the use of rights-restricting and exclusionary repertoires typical of ‘militant democracy’ responses to anti- democratic or extremist parties? Or do opponents favour the ordinary, persuasive and sometimes inclusive strategies more typical of the daily conduct of liberal democratic politics? To what extent is opposition conceived of as democratic defence? How do strategies vary among countries and in relation to different types of populist parties? How do international and transnational actors respond? Addressing these questions, the book presents new research mapping opposition to the Hungarian Civic Alliance (Fidesz), Law and Justice in Poland, Alternative for Germany, League and Five Start Movement in Italy, Podemos and Vox in Spain, the Sweden Democrats and the Danish People’s Party. It argues that opposition to populist parties in contemporary Europe is, in most cases, best conceived of as democratic defence as normal politics. That is, while there is no direct link between populism and a decline in democratic quality, critical claims justifying acts of opposition often problematise populist parties as threats to liberal democratic principles and values. At the same time, opponents are more likely to respond to populist parties using the repertoires of normal politics – or strategies typically employed against less controversial groupings – than the exceptional, rights-restricting instruments typically used against extremists. The case of Alternative for Germany, in which exceptional politics continues to guide much opposition, remains a case apart.

The Between

by Ryan Leslie

While landscaping his backyard, ever-conscientious Paul Prentice discovers an iron door buried in the soil. His childhood friend and perpetual source of mischief, Jay Lightsey, pushes them to explore what's beneath. When the door slams shut above them, Paul and Jay are trapped in a between-worlds place of Escher-like rooms and horror story monsters, all with a mysterious connection to a command-line, dungeon explorer computer game from the early '80s called The Between. Paul and Jay find themselves filling roles in a story that seems to play out over and over again. But in this world, where their roles warp their minds, the biggest threat to survival may not be the Koŝmaro, risen from the Between's depths to hunt them; the biggest danger may be each other. "I found The Between dark, super creepy, and pushing the limits of my limited amounts of courage to explore-but I couldn't stop myself from coming back for more because it's propulsive, addictive, and scary good fun." - Sean Gibson, author of The Stuff About the Dragon Was (Mostly) True " incredibly intricate novel that skillfully blends aspects of horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and cyberpunk." - Nicole Willson, author of Tidepool. "While in the first third of this book, I mentioned that the atmosphere reminded me of one of my favorite horror novels, SL Grey's The Mall. There's a surreal, not-right quality to that book that touched off a nerve in me that I just adored....I don't at all mean this as an insult, as that's a damn fun book- and so is this one! ....It's almost like a grown up, more gory and violent horror version of Heir Apparent." - Alexandra, Goodreads "This debut novel by author Ryan Leslie combines elements of science fiction and horror that at times reminded me of The Hike by Drew Magary and Off To Be The Wizard by Scott Meyer, all while being something distinctly different." - Matt, Goodreads "It was a great mix of horror, sci-fi and adventure gaming!" - Stephanie, Goodreads

Adventures of Don Quixote (Dover Children's Thrift Classics)

by Argentina Palacios

"Once, there was a man who went crazy from too much reading. He only read books about knighthood; that was the problem." So begins this charming retelling of Don Quixote de la Mancha, one of the most entertaining books ever written. Young people will delight in the hilarious adventures of the idealistic would-be knight and his "squire," Sancho Panza, as they set out to right the wrongs of the world. Ms. Palacios, a talented storyteller, captures all the flavor and irony of the original as the two heroes ride forth to conquer evil. Along the way the well-meaning but addled knight-errand mistakes a miserable inn and its keeper for a castle and its lord; imagines an ordinary peasant girl to be the noble lady Dulcinea, perceives windmills as giants to be overcome, and gets enmeshed in other cases of mistaken identity. These, and many more incidents and adventures are retold here in a beguiling, easy-to-read version, enhanced by six new black-and-white illustrations by Thea Kliros. This edition is sure to delight today's youngsters, just as the original has enchanted countless readers since its publication nearly 400 years ago.

Burnt Out to Lit Up: How to Reignite the Joy of Leading People

by Daisy Auger-Dominguez

A timely and incisive resource for business leaders and people managers struggling with complacency and burnout in this rapidly evolving world of work Facing the challenges of global cultural, commercial, political, and technological shifts, managers are in dire need of strategies to move from survival to revival. Burnt Out to Lit Up: How to Reignite the Joy of Leading People by Daisy Auger-Domínguez illuminates the often overlooked and difficult aspects of management and offers a lifeline for managers struggling to adapt and thrive. Crafted by a seasoned executive with experience at companies like Disney, Google, and VICE Media, this book delivers a rich blend of inspiration and practical tools for today's managers. Through a compelling mix of personal anecdotes, research-backed insights, and actionable strategies, Auger-Domínguez walks business leaders and people managers down a path designed to reignite the passion and drive necessary for effective leadership. This book is for you if your work life leaves you seeking: Rest, inspiration, and a renewed enthusiasm for your work Techniques to help managers understand themselves, each other, and the members of their teams Strategies for dealing with, and helping your teams deal with, unexpected and dramatic workplace upheavals - be they layoffs, organizational shifts, financial restructurings, global health crises, and more Tactics to reignite your own passion for your role and share your enthusiasm with your teams in an approach that motivates and uplifts Whether you're leading a small team or an entire organization, this book is the roadmap you need to overcome obstacles, re-energize your leadership, and achieve new levels of success. Discover how to transform your approach to management and create a more engaged, motivated, and thriving workplace with Burnt Out to Lit Up.

The Witcher and Philosophy: Toss a Coin to Your Philosopher (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by Kevin S. Decker Matthew Brake

Embark on a revealing philosophical journey through the universe of The Witcher “If I'm to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all,” growls the mutant “witcher,” Geralt of Rivia. Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher books lay bare the adventures of monster hunters like Geralt, who seek to avoid humanity's conflicts and live only for the next kill and the coin that comes with it. But Geralt's destiny is complicated by his relationship with a powerful sorceress, Yennefer of Vengerberg. When he connects with a displaced princess, Ciri, Geralt lands right in the middle of the political conflicts of the Continent, which is endangered by Nilfgaard, a domineering southern kingdom that threatens to conquer the world. Part of the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, The Witcher and Philosophy brings on twenty-seven philosophers to test their mettle against werewolves, the bruxa, strigas, vodyanoi, and kikimora; their work addresses the phenomenally popular books, three standalone Witcher video games, and the hit Netflix streaming show. These authors pass on their fascination with all manner of horror and sorcery: the mutations that make Geralt and others witchers, the commonalities between the Continent and post-apocalyptic settings, the intricacies of political power and scandal in the world of The Witcher, and reflections of our own world's changing views on race and gender that might offer hope—or portend a grim future. Engaging and accessible, The Witcher and Philosophy considers key themes and questions such as: Who is human, and who is a monster? Can Geralt afford to stay neutral? What kind of politics do sorceresses engage in? How many universes converge on the Continent? If we stare long enough into the abyss, does it stare back into us? Silver or steel? “Destiny is just the embodiment of the soul's desire to grow,” says Jaskier the bard, proving himself to be a natural philosopher. The tales of The Witcher remind us that our lives are a play written by both choice and destiny. And it is your destiny to read and be inspired by The Witcher and Philosophy.

Horizons unfolding' (Bregdan Chronicles #12)

by Ginny Die

Horizons Unfolding is the 12th in the best-selling Bregdan historical fiction series. Is reconstruction healing America or is it really covering for a new war? America continues the struggle to become a country for everyone. Carrie steps into a new love, but needs to leave the plantation to fulfill her dream. She is challenged when Frances makes friends that reveal a new hidden horror. And then there are the new conflicts facing Rose and Moses. Last of all Thomas and Abbey create an unexpected but beautiful miracle. A really nice read.

Handbook of Medical Aspects of Disability and Rehabilitation for Life Care Planning

by Richard Bowman Steven Barna Virgil Robert May III

This textbook is an essential resource for life care planners in understanding and assessing a range of medical disabilities, life care planning as a health care service delivery practice, certification under the International Commission on Health Care Certification, and the path to rehabilitation for mild to catastrophic injuries.Written by a team composed of expert physicians and doctoral-level practitioners, the book covers the key areas of traumatic injury and resultant disability that life care planners so often face. From acquired brain injury and spinal disorders to amputation, chronic pain, posttraumatic debilitating headaches, and plastic reconstructive surgery, the book provides a road map not only to the treatment options available but also the strategies that can lead to rehabilitation and a possible return to work. Each chapter also discusses possible complications, allowing a holistic perspective on each issue.Also including chapters on medical cost projection analysis and functional capacity evaluation, this is the complete text for both professionals in the fields of rehabilitation services and life care planning, as well as students training to qualify.

Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning: Examples from Europe (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Sandie Mourão Carolyn Leslie

Recognising the urgent need for further progress in teacher education and preparation for the success of early language learning, this volume presents research on the education and professional development of teachers, exploring how they can foster multilingual spaces in the early years of formal education.Investigating a range of European contexts, the book examines the effectiveness of teacher education for early language learning, covering contexts of multilingualism and English as a foreign language (EFL) with children under the age of 12. Split into three parts examining research into teacher practices, education, and curricula, chapters cover emerging topics such as teacher education and local linguistic encounters; global citizenship and transcultural education; linguistic landscapes and visual narratives; mixed-age classrooms and literacy skills; pre-service and in-service teacher education; and teacher and teacher educator competencies and beliefs.Offering a unique combination of foci on teachers, teacher education and classroom practice, this book will be of great interest to researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of early language education, multilingualism, EFL and teacher education more broadly. Student teachers and teachers working in early language learning contexts may also find the volume of interest.Introduction, Chapters 7, 11, 12 and 13 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Translating Home in the Global South: Migration, Belonging, and Language Justice (ISSN)

by Isabel C. Gómez Marlene Hansen Esplin

This collection explores the relationships between acts of translation and the movement of peoples across linguistic, cultural, and physical borders, centering the voices of migrant writers and translators in literatures and language cultures of the Global South.To offer a counterpoint to existing scholarship, this book examines translation practices as forms of both home-building and un-homing for communities in migration. Drawing on scholarship from translation studies as well as eco-criticism, decolonial thought, and gender studies, the book’s three parts critically reflect on different dimensions of the intersection of translation and migration in a diverse range of literary genres and media. Part I looks at self-translation, collaboration, and cocreation as modes of expression born out of displacement and exile. Part II considers radical strategies of literary translation and the threats and opportunities they bring in situations of detention and border policing. Part III looks ahead to the ways in which translation can act as a powerful means of fostering responsibility, solidarity, and community in building an inclusive, multilingual public sphere even in the face of climate crisis.This dynamic volume will be of particular interest to students and scholars in translation studies, migration and mobility studies, postcolonial studies, and comparative literature.

Chief Diversity Officers in Higher Education Today: Narratives of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

by Carol E. Henderson

In this edited volume, diversity practitioners in the field of higher education speak about the transformative journeys that led them to become Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs).Not always an easy path, chapter authors lay bare the challenges and successes of doing this important work in a society that is becoming increasingly hostile to their efforts. The narratives in this intriguing volume unpack the various pathways for DEI practitioners to practice their craft, step into the CDO role, and maintain a sense of self and wholeness while doing so. Full of wisdom and practical insights, this volume helps CDOs understand how to focus on educational priorities that champion access and affordability, equity and social mobility, belonging, and the promise of education, while building bridges across differences. Chapters conclude with key insights to reiterate major lessons from each author’s journey, along with guiding questions for reflection.Chief Diversity Officers in Higher Education Today is written for practitioners at all levels of higher education, but especially aspiring diversity, equity, and inclusion leaders. It’s also an important resource for current CDOs in their efforts to support institutions seeking to fulfill their educational mission and strengthen the enrichment of undergraduate, graduate, and professional level scholars.

The Poems of Browning: 1841-1846 (Longman Annotated English Poets)

by John Woolford Daniel Karlin

The Poems of Browning is the first collected edition to be based on the earliest printed texts, and to present these texts in order of their composition.Together, volumes I and II provide an authoritative and accessible tribute to this great poet. Volume II, 1841-1846 includes Pippa Passes and many of the poems for which Browning is best known and loved: My Last Duchess, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Home-Thoughts from Abroad, and The Lost Reader.

Northern Ontario in Historical Statistics, 1871–2021: Expansion, Growth, and Decline in a Hinterland-Colonial Region (Canadian Studies #10)

by Professor David Leadbeater

Based on original historical tables, Northern Ontario in Historical Statistics, 1871–2021 offers an overview of major long-term population, social composition, employment, and urban concentration trends over 150 years in the region now called “Northern Ontario” (or “Nord de l’Ontario”). David Leadbeater and his collaborators compare Northern Ontario relative to Southern Ontario, as well as detail changes at the district and local levels. They also examine the employment population rate, unemployment, economic dependency, and income distribution, particularly over recent decades of decline since the 1970s.Although deeply experienced by Indigenous peoples, the settler-colonial structure of Northern Ontario’s development plays little explicit analytical role in official government discussions and policy.Northern Ontario in Historical Statistics, 1871–2021, therefore, aims to provide context for the long-standing hinterland colonial question: How do ownership, control, and use of the land and its resources benefit the people who live there?Leadbeater and his collaborators pay special attention to foundational conditions in Northern Ontario’s hinterland-colonial development including Indigenous relative to settler populations, treaty and reserve areas, and provincially controlled “unorganized territories.” Colonial biases in Canadian censuses are discussed critically as a contribution towards decolonizing changes in official statistics.

Microsoft Power BI Cookbook: Convert raw data into business insights with updated techniques, use cases, and best practices

by Brett Powell Greg Deckler

Now in color, this edition helps you unlock the full potential of Power BI with new recipes and comprehensive techniques on advanced data tools and AIKey FeaturesDive into Microsoft Data Fabric for deeper insights and robust data strategiesImplement Hybrid tables, create comprehensive scorecards, and establish shared cloud connections effortlesslyUncover new and updated data visualization tools that turn complex data into clear, actionable charts and reportsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF formatBook DescriptionSince its first edition the Power BI Cookbook has been a best-selling resource for BI developers and data analysts to produce impactful, quality BI solutions. This new and updated edition retains the rigorous details and concepts readers of prior editions have enjoyed while also demonstrating powerful new capabilities and updated guidance aligned to the current state of the platform. In this book, with step-by-step instructions, you will learn to navigate the complexities of data integration and visualization in Power BI. From creating robust data models to implementing sophisticated reporting techniques, this Power BI book empowers you to make informed decisions based on actionable insights. It also introduces you to new capabilities such as Hybrid tables and scorecards, enhancing your ability to communicate and analyze business performance. It also expands and improvises on the core of the previous edition like parameterizing Power BI solutions, authoring reports, data intelligence, and integrating advanced analytics. This edition not only updates you on the latest features but also prepares you for future innovations with a preview of upcoming AI enhancements in Power BI. Whether you're refining your skills or aspiring to become an expert, this book is an invaluable resource for leveraging Power BI to its fullest potentialWhat you will learnAnalyze and integrate business data using Microsoft Data FabricCreate impactful visualizations and manage Hybrid tablesDevelop shared cloud connections and advanced scorecardsEnhance report accuracy and dynamics using real-time data processingImplement efficient data governance and security measures within Power BIWho this book is forThis book is designed for data analysts, business intelligence professionals, and anyone involved in data processing or analytics who seeks to enhance their skills with Power BI’s latest features and prepare for future advancements in the field

Python Machine Learning By Example: Unlock machine learning best practices with real-world use cases

by Yuxi (Hayden) Liu

Author Yuxi (Hayden) Liu teaches machine learning from the fundamentals to building NLP transformers and multimodal models with best practice tips and real-world examples using PyTorch, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, and pandasKey FeaturesDiscover new and updated content on NLP transformers, PyTorch, and computer vision modelingIncludes a dedicated chapter on best practices and additional best practice tips throughout the book to improve your ML solutionsImplement ML models, such as neural networks and linear and logistic regression, from scratchPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF copyBook DescriptionThe fourth edition of Python Machine Learning By Example is a comprehensive guide for beginners and experienced machine learning practitioners who want to learn more advanced techniques, such as multimodal modeling. Written by experienced machine learning author and ex-Google machine learning engineer Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, this edition emphasizes best practices, providing invaluable insights for machine learning engineers, data scientists, and analysts. Explore advanced techniques, including two new chapters on natural language processing transformers with BERT and GPT, and multimodal computer vision models with PyTorch and Hugging Face. You’ll learn key modeling techniques using practical examples, such as predicting stock prices and creating an image search engine. This hands-on machine learning book navigates through complex challenges, bridging the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application. Elevate your machine learning and deep learning expertise, tackle intricate problems, and unlock the potential of advanced techniques in machine learning with this authoritative guide.What you will learnFollow machine learning best practices throughout data preparation and model developmentBuild and improve image classifiers using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transfer learningDevelop and fine-tune neural networks using TensorFlow and PyTorchAnalyze sequence data and make predictions using recurrent neural networks (RNNs), transformers, and CLIPBuild classifiers using support vector machines (SVMs) and boost performance with PCAAvoid overfitting using regularization, feature selection, and moreWho this book is forThis expanded fourth edition is ideal for data scientists, ML engineers, analysts, and students with Python programming knowledge. The real-world examples, best practices, and code prepare anyone undertaking their first serious ML project.

Learn Clip Studio Paint: A beginner's guide to creating compelling art in manga, comics, and animation

by Liz Staley Inko Ai Takita

This beginner-friendly colored-guide to Clip Studio Paint equips you with all the essential tools to tell your own manga story and develop your digital drawing skills.Key FeaturesAn illustrated guide by an award-winning artist for creating manga art and comic books digitallyExplore essential drawing, inking, and coloring techniques to create captivating characters and stories that pop off the pageTake your first steps into animation with Clip Studio Paint to add movement to your artworkBook DescriptionEver dreamed of creating your own manga art or comic books? Learn Clip Studio Paint, Fourth Edition is your roadmap to becoming a digital artist! This beginner-friendly guide takes you on a step-by-step journey of digital illustration. You’ll get to grips with one of the essential features of digital illustration, layering, as you go through the process of penciling and inking your art. If you’re interested in creating a webtoon graphic novel or web comic, you’ll be happy to learn about comic-making essentials such as panels, sound effects, and speech bubbles In this edition, you’ll learn artistic techniques alongside Clip Studio Paint features, including a new focus on how to bring your artwork to life with proportions and perspective. You’ll learn how to draw characters with various brushes and brush customizations, as well as exploring coloring methods and rulers to make your stories pop. The edition also dives into exciting new features like using 3D models to draw poses and the basics of creating animations Packed with clear instructions and illustrated examples, this book is your one-stop shop for learning Clip Studio Paint. If you dream of creating your own manga art or comics, this guide equips you with skills to achieve your goals! What you will learnOrganize layers to make your artwork easy to editCustomize tools and brushes to draw compelling charactersImplement inking and coloring techniques in your artCraft engaging comic panel layoutsEmploy layer masks and screentones for professional resultsUse 3D models to learn poses for your charactersExplore animation basics to bring your artwork to lifeLeverage Clip Studio Paint's vast library of assetsExport your creations for various platforms, including print and webWho this book is forIf you're just starting out as a digital artist or want to switch to Clip Studio Paint from a different graphics software package, then this book is for you. While this book is designed for those with no prior knowledge of digital art, intermediate-level users looking to explore the unique features of Clip Studio Paint will also find this book useful.

The Proper Order of Things: Language, Power, and Law in Ottoman Administrative Discourses

by Heather L. Ferguson

The "natural order of the state" was an early modern mania for the Ottoman Empire. In a time of profound and pervasive imperial transformation, the ideals of stability, proper order, and social harmony were integral to the legitimization of Ottoman power. And as Ottoman territory grew, so too did its network of written texts: a web of sultanic edicts, aimed at defining and supplementing imperial authority in the empire's disparate provinces. With this book, Heather L. Ferguson studies how this textual empire created a unique vision of Ottoman legal and social order, and how the Ottoman ruling elite, via sword and pen, articulated a claim to universal sovereignty that subverted internal challengers and external rivals. The Proper Order of Things offers the story of an empire, at once familiar and strange, told through the shifting written vocabularies of power deployed by the Ottomans in their quest to thrive within a competitive early modern environment. Ferguson transcends the question of what these documents said, revealing instead how their formulation of the "proper order of things" configured the state itself. Through this textual authority, she argues, Ottoman writers ensured the durability of their empire, creating the principles of organization on which Ottoman statecraft and authority came to rest.

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