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Ideias Para a Internet: Formas de fazer parte da comunidade online! (Como faz... #124)

by Owen Jones

Formas de fazer parte da comunidade online e se atualizar com o século 21! Ideias para a Internet Bem-vindo ao "Ideias para a Internet" - um manual para iniciantes, seu guia para dominar o mundo digital com confiança e compreensão. No mundo interconectado de hoje, a Internet tornou-se uma ferramenta essencial para comunicação, aprendizado e entretenimento. Como especialista experiente em tudo o que envolve a internet, estou empolgado por ser seu guia nesta jornada esclarecedora. Este manual foi meticulosamente elaborado para fornecer aos iniciantes uma base sólida para atravessar a vasta paisagem da Internet. Esteja você se conectando pela primeira vez ou buscando aprofundar seus conhecimentos, este guia permitirá que você navegue com facilidade e tome decisões informadas. Tenha a certeza de que cada pedaço de informação apresentado aqui está enraizado na precisão e nas últimas perspectivas. A Internet, embora incrivelmente poderosa, pode ser complexa, mas ao embarcar nesta aventura juntos, você está se preparando para o sucesso. Equipe-se com as habilidades e sabedoria necessárias para aproveitar ao máximo a era digital, mantendo os valores da verdade e da integridade. Vamos começar nossa exploração das possibilidades ilimitadas da Internet! Espero que você ache as informações úteis, proveitosas e lucrativas.

Megan gaat naar de Dierentuin: Een Spirituele Gids, Een Spooktijger en een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! (De paranormale Megan-reeks #16)

by Owen Jones

Megan Gaat naar de Dierentuin Een Spirituele Gids, Een Geesttijger en Een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! Op een uitstap naar de dierentuin leert Megan een paar viervoetige vrienden kennen. Megan Gaat naar de Dierentuin Als een zeldzame traktatie, nemen Megan’s ouders haar mee naar de dierentuin, waar ze al gauw ontdekt dat haar psychische gaven haar een speciale inzicht geven. Grrr raakt bevriend met een paar gekooide tijgers, en Megan denkt dat ze het probleem begrijpt van een enorme, maar triestige nieuwe vriend.

United Futuru Organization

by Junichi Abe

Here the world ends, and a new world begins. Advanced developers have disappeared, leaving behind encrypted data. Information managers track the whereabouts of 'K' while decrypting the data. What is the truth revealed at the end of the information warfare unfolding in the near future managed by AI? Predict and start the SF 'United Future Organization'."

Stella de Akrotiri: Diana

by Linda Rae Sande

Criada como se fosse uma das lendárias princesas amazonas, Diana passa as manhãs treinando com seu pai, Darius, no agōgē, e suas habilidades como guerreira são igualadas apenas por alguns recrutas do exército Deminon. Passa as tardes com Stella enquanto ela aprende a arte da diplomacia e a importância de servir aos outros. Diana nunca se pergunta por que seus pais são tão dedicados um ao outro, ou por que parecem falar do passado como se vivessem nele. Ela se pergunta sobre as estranhas sensações que sente quando está perto deles. Agora ela percebe isso quando está na presença de seu irmão adotivo— aquele que parece envelhecer—e ela começa a questionar suas origens.

Cómo llevarse a una chica sexy a la cama

by Pílula Digital

Si quieres APRENDER a CONQUISTAR y llevarte a la cama a cualquier mujer, estás en el lugar adecuado. Te voy a dar 7 EJERCICIOS MENTALES extremadamente EFECTIVOS para llevarte a CUALQUIER mujer a la cama. Así que quédate conmigo hasta el final de este EBOOK y te garantizo que tu ÉXITO con ellas aumentará, ¡y MUCHO! ¡Feliz lectura!

Exploring Developmental Trauma Disorder Among Offending Populations: In Pursuit of Healing and Justice (SpringerBriefs in Offending Populations & Correctional Psychotherapy)

by Karla Sapp

This brief aims to shed light on the prevalence and effects of developmental trauma among offending populations’ emotional, cognitive, and social development. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies, this brief will explore the complex interplay between developmental trauma and criminal behavior. By understanding the unique challenges faced by individuals with developmental trauma, readers will be able to shape more effective strategies for prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation within the criminal justice system. With a focus on trauma-informed care and evidence-based practices, this brief will offers insights into the urgent need for targeted support and intervention to break the cycle of trauma and offending.

Il volto della follia: Trilogia dello psicopatico II

by José Antonio Jiménez-Barbero

Continua la storia di Ángel Salazar, il giovane psicopatico che, dopo il suo funesto passaggio per il centro minorile, viene ricoverato su richiesta del suo direttore, in un ospedale psichiatrico.Lì conoscerà Marta Savater, un'infermiera giovane ed inesperta, scelta dal capo reparto, il dottor Junqueras, per sorvegliare i movimenti dell'adolescente problematico. Tuttavia, una morte avvenuta in circostanze poco chiare, complicherà tutto... Il racconto ci immerge nella quotidianità di un reparto psichiatrico qualsiasi, offrendoci l'opportunità di conoscere realmente le situazioni che i professionisti della salute mentale devono affrontare in questo tipo di reparti. Inoltre, come nel romanzo che ha dato inizio alla trilogia, il protagonista si troverà in un nuovo caso di omicidio che metterà alla prova le sue straordinarie doti deduttive.

Tierras Ocultas

by Brendan Detzner

A raíz del atentado fallido del Imperio Dragot en la Montaña Skyport, Amber, de 17 años, pareja del comandante invasor y actualmente traidora al Imperio, está huyendo. Sola y perseguida por asesinos Dragot, busca asilo político en las misteriosas Tierras Ocultas, que se encuentran aisladas de los países de la alianza en un recóndito lugar del Mundo. Llevándola al Distrito de las Embajadas, un refugio de delincuentes políticos, espías olvidados y las almas perdidas de todos los rincones de la Tierra. Todo el mundo tiene un propósito y nadie es quien parece ser. Amber debe averiguar en quién confiar rápidamente, o las sombras de su nuevo hogar se la tragarán.

Natalia Ginzburg's Global Legacies (Italian and Italian American Studies)

by Saskia Elizabeth Ziolkowski Stiliana Milkova Rousseva

Offering comparative and interdisciplinary approaches to Natalia Ginzburg, this volume situates Ginzburg’s works within major critical discourses to articulate innovative readings and mobilize further lines of inquiry. The first section, “World Literature and World Making,” uses translation practices, world literature, and transnational studies to theorize the growing popularity of Ginzburg. The second section, “Female Bodies, Voices, and Gazes,” draws on gender and queer studies, speech act theory, intersectional feminism, and media studies to begin to address gaps in Ginzburg scholarship. The last section, “Identity, Topography, and Forms,” approaches Ginzburg through the lenses of trauma studies, topography, novel and essay studies, and Jewish identity. Natalia Ginzburg’s Global Legacies both makes available in English important Italian research and builds on significant international discourses. In bridging Italian and Anglophone scholarship, the volume engages students and scholars of Comparative and Italian literature, world literature, and women’s writing, as well as general readers of Ginzburg.

Evolutionäre Verhaltensökologie und Psychopathie

by Janko Međedović

Dieses Buch beleuchtet das Forschungsgebiet der Psychopathie anhand eines verhaltensökologischen Rahmens. Es besteht aus zwei Teilen. Der erste Teil vermittelt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der menschlichen Verhaltensökologie, einschließlich:Grundlegende Konzepte der EvolutionsbiologieEvolutionäre VerhaltenswissenschaftenEvolutionsökologie der FamilieEvolutionäre KompromisseTheorie der LebensgeschichteVerhaltensökologie der PersönlichkeitPsychopathie und ihre aktuelle Entwicklung.Der zweite Teil des Buches beschreibt die empirische Forschung zur Psychopathie in einem evolutionsökologischen Kontext, der darauf abzielt, Kompromisse zwischen Fruchtbarkeit und Lebenserwartung bei Psychopathie, interagierende Phänotypen bei Psychopathie und elterliche Effekte im Zusammenhang mit Psychopathie zu untersuchen. Dieser Teil enthält die Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie, die auf mehreren theoretischen Konzepten basiert, die im ersten Teil beschrieben wurden.Dieser Band ist ideal für alle Wissenschaftler, die sich mit dem Thema Psychopathie beschäftigen und eine neue und zukunftsorientierte Brücke zwischen den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften bauen wollen.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

Africa Beyond Inventions: Essays in Honour of V.Y. Mudimbe

by Zubairu Wai

​Africa Beyond Inventions is a rich critical engagement with the work of V.Y. Mudimbe. For decades, Mudimbe advanced a distinctive and erudite critical project that contributes to various bodies of knowledge in fields such as philosophy, anthropology, theology, postcolonial studies, decolonial theory, literary criticism, cultural studies, prose fiction, and African studies more broadly. A decade after his retirement and in the expansive spirit of his work, this volume stages a productive engagement with Mudimbe’s remarkable and capacious body of work and the conceptual, epistemic, methodological, and ethical challenges it poses for the modern disciplines, specifically in relation to Africa. It situates Mudimbe in his proper place as a complex and significant thinker whose extraordinary contributions to various bodies of knowledge deserves to be recognised and better apprehended for what it has taught and continues to teach about the discursivity of the modern disciplines and the possibility of decolonising their colonising imprints in a moment that has been characterised as a decolonial turn. Through these engagements, the volume honours the intellectual legacy of one of Africa’s most brilliant minds and make his work accessible to a new generation of readers.

Mastering Knowledge Management Using Microsoft Technologies: Secrets to Leveraging Microsoft 365 and Becoming a Knowledge Management Guru

by Tori Reddy Dodla

For companies and individuals already using Microsoft365 and other Microsoft technologies, this book is designed to reveal how to fully utilize these platforms for effective Knowledge Management without needing to rely on additional third-party tools. It addresses a common issue where organizations find themselves with overlapping technology capabilities for managing knowledge. This situation arises because many companies are not fully aware of the capabilities they already possess within their existing Microsoft tools. Knowledge management firms capitalize on this gap by offering white-labeled, branded applications with user-friendly interfaces, selling them to companies that could achieve the same results with what they already own, if only they knew how to use them properly. By mastering the use of Microsoft technologies for Knowledge Management, organizations can save significant amounts of money that would otherwise be spent on unnecessary external solutions. Whether your objective is to optimize Knowledge Management processes or align these tools with your organization's business processes, this book is designed to serve as a valuable resource, offering practical guidance and strategies to empower your endeavors. By the end of this book, readers will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions regarding the utilization of Microsoft technologies for Knowledge Management and organizational design. What You Will Learn The components of a Microsoft Knowledge Base How PowerPlatfom can support Knowledge Management activities How Microsoft tools fit into the Knowledge Management Landscape How to integrate AI using Microsoft Co-Pilot Who This Book Is For Chief Technology Officers, Chief Information Officers, Chief Knowledge Officers, Chief Digital Officers, Directors of Knowledge Management, Knowledge Managers, SharePoint Administrators, Digital Transformation Consultants

Electromagnetic Processes of Nuclear Excitation: From Direct Photoabsorption to Free Electron and Muon Capture (Springer Theses)

by Simone Gargiulo

For decades, scientists have envisioned the possibility of storing energy in the form of nuclear excitations, resulting in specific nuclear configurations known as isomers. These unique metastable states have the ability to maintain their excited state for periods that range from several years to time spans exceeding the age of the Universe. However, despite numerous research efforts, achieving effective and practical control over isomer activation or depletion continues to be an unresolved challenge. This book delves into the world of isomers, beginning with an accessible overview of their essential properties and significance as long-duration energy storage solutions. Across the chapters, the book delves into diverse electromagnetic mechanisms responsible for nuclear excitation. It presents the ongoing debate surrounding the Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture (NEEC) process, offering a comprehensivehistorical background that ranges from its early proposal to the latest tools employed for its investigation. The subsequent chapter explores the possibilities of using muons, introducing a novel process called Nuclear Excitation by Free Muon Capture (NEμC). The primary aim of these sections is to identify methods that could either increase the likelihood of these nuclear processes or provide real-time external manipulation over them. In the last chapter, the book revisits the process of nuclear photoabsorption in optical laser-generated plasma through experimental efforts, offering a fresh interpretation of existing literature results. Overall, the book delivers a clear and comprehensive overview, aiming to assist newcomers and established scientists in quickly grasping the core aspects of the subjects, possibly guiding their research endeavors. Hopefully, this resource will act as a catalyst for sparking new ideas while providing insights into the intricacies and opportunitiespresented by nuclear excitations within the realm of nuclear physics.

Scandinavia After Napoleon: The Genesis of Scandinavianism (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850)

by Rasmus Glenthøj Morten Nordhagen Ottosen

This book explores the intellectual grounds of Scandinavianist ideology and its political development into a national unification movement. Denmark, Norway and Sweden were nearly annihilated during the Napoleonic Wars. The lesson learned was that survival was a matter of size. Whereas their union of 1814 offered Sweden-Norway geostrategic security tempered by fear of Russia, Denmark was the biggest territorial loser of the Napoleonic Wars and faced separatism connected to German nationalism in the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. This evolved into a national conflict that threatened Denmark’s survival as a nation. Meanwhile, a new generation of Danes, Swedes and Norwegians had come to regard kindred language, culture and religion as a case for Scandinavian union that could offer protection against Russia and Germany. When the European revolutions of 1848 unleashed the First Schleswig War, the influence of Scandinavianism was such that it nearly turned into a Scandinavian war of unification.

Happy Road Trip to You: Chantal and Louis in the U.S.A.

by Sophie Rouzier

Ever dreamed of receiving a trip as a birthday present? If you were to ask French people what their dream destination for such a gift would be, without hesitation, their answer would be the United States. With one exception: Louis. This strapping young man with the vocabulary of a lord of the manor, but a geek on the edges, preferring numbers and his apartment to his fellow human beings, is certainly happy about the trip, but manages to restrain his excitement. His girlfriend, Chantal, of Nepalese origin, is organized, yet shy, and always in the shadows. She’s convinced she'll make him happy by planning their vacation. The highlights? Silicon Valley, then San Diego, and a very special event: Comic-Con. If every religious believer has their place of pilgrimage, then superhero fans also have theirs. It’s here at Comic-Con where the stars of action movies and series meet their costumed fans from all around the world. Well, that's the plan anyway. Unfortunately, a tiny mistake has been made with the reservations. Right Chantal? Forced to change their plans, our lovebirds will visit all the iconic places in the American West, while at the same time find themselves far outside their comfort zone. Due to some unexpected and surprising encounters, our heroes will discover a whole new section of American culture, and, in so doing, will break some clichés and confirm many others. Two things are certain: 1) during this trip Chantal and Louis will make good use of their superhero costumes, and 2) they’ll never go on a road trip again. We won’t force them to either! Too much adventure kills a sense of adventure.

In the Kingdom of the Pure: [None]

by Peter Boehm

A fascinating description by German journalist Peter Boehm of his experiences while teaching English in Saudi Arabia.

Ideas de Internet: ¡Formas de convertirse en parte de la comunidad en línea! (Cómo... #124)

by Owen Jones

Bienvenido a "Ideas de Internet " – un manual de principiantes, tu guía para dominar el ámbito digital con confianza y comprensión. . Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para comunicación, aprendizaje y entretenimiento. Como experto en todo lo relacionado con Internet, estoy encantado de ser tu guía en este aleccionador viaje. Este manual se creó meticulosamente elaborado para proveer a los principiantes con bases sólidas para recorrer el vasto entorno de Internet. Bien sea que te estás conectando por primera vez, o buscas profundizar tu conocimiento, esta guía te fortalecerá para navegar con facilidad y tomar decisiones con fundamento. Ten la seguridad de que toda la información que aquí se presenta es exacta y está basada en los conocimientos más recientes. El Internet, aunque increíblemente poderoso, puede ser complejo, pero al embarcarse juntos en esta aventura, te estás preparando para el éxito. Adquiere las habilidades y la sabiduría que necesitas para sacar el máximo partido de la era digital, manteniendo los valores de la verdad y la integridad. ¡Comencemos a explorar las infinitas posibilidades de Internet! Espero que la información te resulte útil, provechosa y redituable.

Assassinio di un prete

by Agnès Ruiz

La detective Rachel Toury è in vacanza in Francia. Quindi, approfitta dell’occasione per conoscere il suo omologo francese, Roger Chanteclerc. Ma il suo amico è sotto shock : il giorno prima suo fratello è stato ucciso. Riuscirà Rachel ad aiutare Roger a risolvere il caso? Agnès Ruiz è autrice di vari best seller con oltre 370.000 copie vendute. Con il suo primo romanzo «Ma vie assassinée» ha ottenuto un successo folgorante. Scrive sia per gli adulti che per i ragazzi. Le sue novelle sulle inchieste della detective Rachel Toury hanno riscosso un grande successo sia in Europa che al di là dell’Atlantico. Molti dei suoi titoli sono stati tradotti in varie lingue. È originaria della Normandia (Francia) e ha vissuto per quasi 20 anni in Canada. È sposata e ha tre figli.

Biologia Celular e Molecular: Um guia introdutório para aprendizagem de Biologia Celular e Molecular

by Bolakale Aremu

Este livro foi elaborado para estudantes que desejam aprender e apreciar tópicos biológicos básicos enquanto estudam as menores unidades da biologia: moléculas e células. A biologia molecular e celular é uma disciplina dinâmica. Existem milhares de oportunidades nas áreas médica, farmacêutica, agrícola e industrial. Além de prepará-lo para uma diversidade de planos de carreira, a compreensão da biologia molecular e celular o ajudará a tomar decisões acertadas que podem beneficiar sua dieta e saúde. Nossos escritores, colaboradores e editores são altamente qualificados em ciências e humanidades, com ampla experiência em ensino e pesquisa em sala de aula. Eles são especialistas na preparação de alunos para testes padronizados, bem como em treinamento de admissão em graduação e pós-graduação. Dê uma olhada no índice: Capítulo 1. Por que estudar biologia celular e molecular? Capítulo 2: O Estudo da Evolução Capítulo 3: O que é Biologia Celular? Capítulo 4: Genética e nossos projetos genéticos Capítulo 5: Conhecendo os Átomos Capítulo 6. Como as ligações químicas combinam átomos Capítulo 7: Água, Soluções e Misturas Capítulo 8 : Quais elementos estão nas células? Capítulo 9: Macromoléculas são as “grandes” moléculas dos seres vivos Capítulo 10: Termodinâmica em Coisas Vivas Capítulo 11: ATP como “Combustível” Capítulo 12: Metabolismo e Enzimas na Célula Capítulo 13: A diferença entre células procarióticas e eucarióticas Capítulo 14: A Estrutura de uma Célula Eucariótica Capítulo 15: A Membrana Plasmática: O Guardião da Célula Capítulo 16: Difusão e Osmose Capítulo 17: Transporte Passivo e Ativo Capítulo 18: Transporte em massa de moléculas através de uma membrana Capítulo 19: Sinalização Celular Capítulo 20: Oxi

Klinisches Handbuch des Fiebers bei Kindern

by James Carroll Nigel Klein

In diesem Buch werden die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse im Zusammenhang mit Fieber erörtert und die Grundsätze der klinischen Praxis vorgestellt, wobei verschiedene Arten von Fieber und mögliche Komplikationen behandelt werden. Das Buch verfolgt einen klar definierten, praktischen und effektiven Ansatz für die Behandlung von Fieber und hilft dem Kliniker, die Versorgung des fiebernden Kindes zu verbessern. Der Leser lernt die Leitlinien zu Antipyretika und deren Nebenwirkungen und Differentialdiagnosen kennen, mit Problemstellung und -lösung in Form einer Falldarstellung. Das Buch, eine automatisierte Übersetzung der zweiten Auflage, enthält spannende neue Informationen zur Pathogenese des Fiebers einschließlich der Funktionen von Interleukin und der neuesten Leitlinien von NICE und Cochrane Library, sowie alle aktuellen Informationen und Handlungsanweisungen zu Fieberkrämpfen. Dieses Nachschlagewerk zu den Wärmeregulationsstörungen bei Kindern deckt das gesamte Themenspektrum rund um Fieber ab. Es gibt einen Überblick über die besten Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Mit einer Kernaussage zu Beginn jedes Kapitels und einem leserfreundlichen Format dient das Buch als unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für Kinder- und Jugendärztinnen und -ärzte, hausärztlich Tätige und andere Fachpersonen, die regelmäßig wegen fiebernder Kinder konsultiert werden. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

How to Build a Human Brain

by Lynne Barker

How to Build a Human Brain takes a developmental approach to understanding brain structure and function. It guides readers through the evolution of the human brain, from its cellular building blocks, up to hind brain structures and functions, and through to neocortex and associated functions. In doing so, it enables students to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the relationship between brain networks and functions, neural underpinnings of functional problems seen after neuropathology, and neuroanatomy.Written in an engaging style, each chapter follows a blueprint format with subsections on issues like 'damage and repair' and 'faulty wiring' as the brain is ‘built’ across the course of the book. The author includes illustrative case studies and entertaining fast fact boxes to highlight the real-word relevance of each brain structure being examined. This textbook offers an accessible reference for students of neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology,and biological psychology.

Contest for Citizenship and Collective Violence During China’s Cultural Revolution (IPP Studies in the Frontiers of China’s Public Policy)

by Yang Lijun

This book has been groundbreaking for scholars of the Cultural Revolution, but hitherto was only available in Japanese and Chinese. This edition allows English-language readers to access the work for the first time. The author explains how political struggles within the state, competing sectarian interests, and other complex factors intertwined to produce various forms of collective violence that had a major impact on the political, economic, and social order of the time.

Ihr perfekter Gauner (Des Gauners Kuss #1)

by Amanda Mariel

Als Julia Honeyfield in ein Bordell geschickt wird, läuft sie davon... Julia Honeyfield und ihre Mutter befinden sich in einer ernsten Notlage, nachdem Julias Vater sie verlassen hat. In Geldnot und krank kann Julias Mutter nur an eine einzige Möglichkeit denken, um ihre Tochter zu retten. Sie schickt Julia in ein Londoner Bordell. Als Julia die Wahrheit herausfindet, versucht sie zu fliehen, nur um sich in den Armen von Charles, dem Herzog von Selkirk, wiederzufinden. Kann sie es wagen, sich seinem Schutz anzuvertrauen... Charles hat keine Ahnung, was er mit dem verstörten Mädchen anfangen soll, aber er weiß, dass er ihr nicht den Rücken kehren kann. Etwas an Julia weckt sein Interesse und, ohne die Konsequenzen zu berücksichtigen, nimmt er sie mit auf seinen Landsitz. Dort angekommen, gibt er ihr eine Anstellung als Gesellschaftsdame seiner Schwester und beauftragt seine Mutter, die Herzoginwitwe von Selkirk, aus Julia eine Lady zu machen. Aber eine Nacht verändert alles ... Als Charles eines Nachts auf Julia stößt, wie sie allein im Ballsaal tanzt, nimmt er sie in seine Arme. Überwältigt von dem Verlangen, dass Julia und Charles füreinander empfinden, geben sie ihrer Leidenschaft nach. Jetzt ist alles, was ihnen lieb und teuer ist in Gefahr - vor allem ihre Herzen.

Le motard et la mariée

by Jan Springer

Enveloppée dans une soif de vengeance, Avery complote pour assassiner l'homme responsable de la mort de son fils. Ses plans sont anéantis lorsque son ex-mari s'incruste à son mariage et l'emmène sur sa moto jusqu'à la cabane rustique du Canada où ils ont passé leur lune de miel. Mason, inspecteur de police, se bat pour l'amour d'Avery avec tout ce qu'il a. Armé de crème fouettée, de menottes et de son indéfectible dévouement, Mason jure qu'il fera aimer Avery à nouveau. Mais ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que l'homme qu'elle avait prévu de tuer ne les traque...

Mi dulce novia Vietnamita

by Felipe Corvo

A decir verdad, los grandes tesoros subjetivos de una vida sólo pueden ser bien guardados si es dentro de un buen y “fiel corazón”. Esto ocurre porque, la mayoría de las veces, no tenemos tanta certeza de que, compartirlos con otros, aumentará o disminuirá el valor que ellos representan para nosotros. En este caso, puede suceder que estos mismos tesoros queden guardados en el corazón durante bastante tiempo, — polvorientos durante vidas enteras hasta que, bueno, hasta que no soportamos más y, con un poquito de coraje, comenzamos a compartirlos para ver si por lo menos así, logramos recibir el apoyo necesario para poder transformarlos en realidad.

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