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Reproducing Citizens: family, state and civil society

by Sasha Roseneil, Isabel Crowhurst, Ana Cristina Santos and Mariya Stoilova

Whilst the politics of reproduction have been at the heart of feminist struggles for over a century and a half, their analysis has not yet come to occupy a central place in the interdisciplinary study of citizenship. This volume takes up the challenge posed by Bryan Turner, when he noted "the absence of any systematic thinking about familial relations, reproduction and citizenship" (2008), and offers the first major global collection of work exploring this nexus of practices and political contestations. The book brings together citizenship scholars from across Europe, the Americas, and Australia to develop feminist and queer analyses of the relationship between citizenship and reproduction, and to explore the ways in which citizenship is reproduced. Extending the foundational work of feminist political theorists and sociologists who have interrogated the public/private dichotomy on which traditional civic republican and liberal understandings of citizenship rest, the contributors examine the biological, sexual, and technological realities of natality, and the social realities of the intimate intergenerational material and affective labour that are generative of citizens, and that serve to reproduce membership of, and belonging to, states, nations, societies, and thus of "citizenship" itself. This book was published as a special issue of Citizenship Studies.

Supervision in Social Work: Contemporary Issues

by Liz Beddoe Jane Maidment

Supervision is currently a "hot topic" in social work. The editors of this volume, both social work educators and researchers, believe that good supervision is fundamental to the development and maintenance of effective practice in social work. Supervision is seen as a key vehicle for continuing development of professional skills, the safeguarding of competent and ethical practice and oversight of the wellbeing of the practitioner. As a consequence the demand for trained and competent supervisors has increased and a perceived gap in availability can create a call for innovation and development in supervision. This book offers a collection of chapters which contribute new insights to the field. Authors from Australia and New Zealand, where supervision inquiry is strong, offer research-informed ideas and critical commentary with a dual focus on supervision of practitioners and students. Topics include external and interprofessional supervision, retention of practitioners, practitioner resilience and innovation in student supervision. This book will be of interest to supervisors of both practitioners and students and highly relevant to social work academics. This book was originally published as a special issue of Australian Social Work.

Mediated Citizenship

by Karin Wahl-Jorgensen

Previously published as a special issue of Social Semiotics, this book grapples with such questions as: What does it mean to be a citizen in contemporary societies? What role do mass media play in the making of citizenship? Drawing on ground-breaking work from scholars around the world known for their contributions to the study of media and politics, this volume covers a range of practices of mediated citizenship, with chapters studying the mourning after the deaths of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands and notions of authenticity in letters written to British Conservative politician Boris Johnson. The authors explore discourses of nationalism in the English and Scottish Press, and examine struggles over definitions of the public in Australian public service broadcasting and the US Medicare debate. Emerging possibilities for mediated citizenship are assessed in three studies of online activism and participation in the US and China. The book builds on conventional understandings of citizenship and the public sphere, calling attention to the need for understanding affective attachments to politics. Finally, it demonstrates that we cannot fully understand citizenship without looking at the concrete workings of power in and through mediated discourse.

Dealing with Failed States: Crossing Analytic Boundaries

by Harvey Starr

With the ever-increasing interdependence across individuals, groups, international organizations, and nation-states an increasingly significant policy concern in the contemporary turbulent world of globalization is the question of state failure. There has been a growing academic interest in the determinants of state failure and an acute awareness across the international community of the need for dealing with issues of instability in states. The contributors to this volume represent the most recent cutting edge approaches to state failure—looking at both conditions of conflict and economic development, dealing with the conceptualization, causes, and consequences of state failure, as well as policy-oriented analyses as to how state failure can be contained, reversed, or prevented. In order to deal fully with the phenomenon of state failure, investigators must be involved in a number of boundary-crossing activities. The contributors to this volume have addressed failed states through: multiple levels of analysis, assessing domestic and cross-border phenomena, internal and external conflict, domestic and international political economy; multiple disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches representing political science, sociology, and economics; various methodological approaches, including large-N empirical analyses, case studies, and simulations; and through both basic and applied research, drawing on the work of academics, IGOs, NGOs, and national governments. This book was originally published as a special issue of Conflict Management and Peace Science.

The Politics of Violence, Truth and Reconciliation in the Arab Middle East

by Sune Haugbolle and Anders Hastrup

In the last five to ten years, pressure for political liberalisation, and the growth of civil society and independent media, inside Arab countries have prompted the debate about violent events in the postcolonial period. This book features studies of six Arab countries in which legacies of political violence have been challenged through various initiatives to promote "truth-telling" and transitional justice. The analysis departs from a liberal, teleological understanding of truth and reconciliation as a linear process from trauma through memory to national healing. Instead, the articles highlight how the interplay between state-orchestrated initiatives (such as Truth and Reconciliation committees and ministerial committees); civil society actors (including former political prisoners, investigative journalists and NGOs); and external actors (such as transnational NGOs, state sponsored dialogue initiatives, the UN and the EU) is creating a new political field. The book examines the extent to which this field challenges the Arab nation-state’s monopoly on history and violence, and asks whether public narratives of violence, memory and justice consolidate or challenge political legitimacy of current regimes. This book was published as a special issue of Mediterranean Politics.

Youth and Social Change in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union

by Charles Walker Svetlana Stephenson

Two decades have now passed since the revolutions of 1989 swept through Eastern Europe and precipitated the collapse of state socialism across the region, engendering a period of massive social, economic and political transformation. This book explores the ways in which young people growing up in post-socialist Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union negotiate a range of identities and transitions in their personal lives against a backdrop of thoroughgoing transformation in their societies. Drawing upon original empirical research in a range of countries, the book's contributors explore the various freedoms and insecurities that have accompanied neo-liberal transformation in post-socialist countries - in spheres as diverse as consumption, migration, political participation, volunteering, employment and family formation - and examine the ways in which they have begun to re-shape different aspects of young people's lives. In addition, while 'social change' is a central theme of the issue, all of the chapters in the collection indicate that the new opportunities and risks faced by young people continue both to underpin and to be shaped by familiar social and spatial divisions, not only within and between the countries addressed, but also between 'East' and 'West'. This book was originally published as a special issue of Journal of Youth Studies.

Cricket in Colonial India, 1780–1947 (Sport In The Global Society Ser.)

by Boria Majumdar

This is an exacting social history of Indian cricket between 1780 and 1947. It considers cricket as a derivative sport, creatively adapted to suit modern Indian socio-cultural needs, fulfil political imperatives and satisfy economic aspirations. Majumdar argues that cricket was a means to cross class barriers and had a healthy following even outside the aristocracy and upper middle classes well over a century ago. Indeed, in some ways, the democratization of the sport anticipated the democratization of the Indian polity itself. Boria Majumdar reveals the appropriation, assimilation and subversion of cricketing ideals in colonial and post-colonial India for nationalist ends. He exposes a sport rooted in the contingencies of the colonial and post-colonial context of nineteenth- and twentieth-century India. Cricket, to put it simply, is much more than a ‘game’ for Indians. This study describes how the genealogy of their intense engagement with cricket stretches back over a century. It is concerned not only with the game but also with the end of cricket as a mere sport, with Indian cricket’s commercial revolution in the 1930s, with ideals and idealism and their relative unimportance, with the decline of morality for reasons of realpolitik, and with the denunciation, once and for all, of the view that sport and politics do not mix. This book was previously published as a special issue of the International Journal of the History of Sport

Education for Sustainable Development: Papers In Honour Of The United Nations Decade Of Education For Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

by Brian Chalkley Martin Haigh David Higgitt

In 2005, The United Nations launched its Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which recognises that education, including Higher Education is the key to the change in social attitudes that will be needed to protect the welfare of future generations. This involves helping learners to live as though the future matters and to achieve ecoliteracy. This includes the understanding that personal lifestyle decisions may have consequences, ranging from climate change, through loss of biodiversity, to pollution and resource depletion that may permit environmental degradation on a planetary scale. It also involves helping them to develop the skills needed to cope with such challenges. This international collection of research papers and position statements from special issues of the Journal of Geography in Higher Education and Applied Environmental Education and Communication, written by many of the leading practitioners in the field, aims to provide resources and practical guidance for all seeking to promote and engage in education for a sustainable future. Rabindranath Tagore encouraged each learner to make their actions demonstrate a harmonious union between education and environment. David Orr argued that the world needs people who live well in their places to make the world both habitable and humane and that the main challenge for education is to help learners make their minds fit for life on Earth. This book tries to chart a practical route towards these objectives. This book was previously published as special issues of the Journal of Geography in Higher Education and Applied Environmental Education and Communication

EU Lobbying (Journal Of European Public Policy Ser.)

by David Coen

EU Lobbying: Empirical and Theoretical studies offers an analysis of large empirical studies of interest group politics and Lobbying in Europe. Recognising the continued European economic integration, globalisation and the changing role of the state, it observs significant adaptations in interest mobilisation and strategic behavour. This book assesses the logic of collective and direct action, the logic of access and influence, the logic of venue-shopping and alliance building. It addresses specific issues such as: the emergence of elite pluralism in EU institutions, the pump priming of political action by EU institutions, and the growing political sophistication of private and public interests in Brussels. Through these issues the book explores how interest groups lobby different European institutions along the policy process and how the nature of policy dictates the style and level of lobbying. This book was previously published as a special issue of Jounal of European Public Policy

Climate Change Mitigation Actions in Five Developing Countries

by Harald Winkler with the assistance of Kim Coetzee

Five case studies on mitigation actions (MAs) in developing countries illustrate the rich diversity of climate action. Researchers from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and South Africa reflect on what is possible in their countries. Case studies reflect the sheer diversity of NAMAs: from a ‘Pronami’ on efficient lighting in Peru, to longer-term challenges of rising energy emissions in Brazil, and much else. The book compares the similarities and differences across eight elements that could assist in developing and implementing mitigation. The comparative analysis highlights both how challenging implementation can be in the context of development, but also points to factors that might enable ambitious mitigation. The comparison suggests that choice of Mas may be linked to institutional capacity, the resources a country is endowed with and hence its emissions profile. International support can be an important global enabler. The authors find that addressing both development and climate objectives is key. This book fills an important gap in the literature from developing country authors about mitigation actions in their own countries. This book was published as a special issue of Climate and Development.

New Orleans and the Design Moment

by Jacob A. Wagner Michael Frisch

Following the disaster of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, people began to discuss and visualize the ways in which the urban structure of the city could be reorganized. Rather than defining the disaster recovery process as simply a matter of rebuilding the existing city, these voices called for a more radical rethinking of the city’s physical, social and environmental systems. This idea of disaster as an opportunity for urban restructuring is a hallmark of a "design moment." Design moments are different from the incremental process of urban growth and development. Instead of gradual growth and change, design moments present the opportunity for a significant restructuring of urban form that can shape the city for decades to come. As such, a design moment presents a critical juncture in the historical growth and development of a city. In this book we explore the question: what does urban design have to do with a disaster like Hurricane Katrina? Focused on New Orleans, the authors explore different dimensions of the post-disaster design moment, including the politics of physical redevelopment, the city’s history and identity, justice and the image of the city, demolition and housing development, and the environmental aspects of the recovery process. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Urban Design.

Affective Economies, Neoliberalism, and Governmentality

by Anne-Marie D’Aoust

Advanced capitalism is characterized by a level of symbolic production that not only results in a dematerialization of labor, but also increasingly relies on highly emotional components, ranging from consumption desire to workforce management. Feelings as varied as love, anger, and desire are integral to neoliberal processes, though not in unproblematic and monolithic ways. Whereas some accounts decry capitalism’s hold on the emotional realm, as the commodified search for soul mates through online dating sites or Starbucks’ promotion of fair-trade coffee suggest, others counter that emotions represent a privileged site of resistance to market rationality. Relying on different case studies ranging from drone strikes, the 2008 economic crisis in Ireland, and marriage migration management, this volume builds on this productive tension between subjection and resistance through the lenses of the concept of governmentality. Developed by Michel Foucault, governmentality sheds light on the ways in which economic and political life are now being managed through logics of security and economic calculations. This volume explores how individuals might become emotionally attached to regimes of power that are detrimental to them, how neoliberal processes are concomitant with the valorization of certain emotional dispositions, and how affective economies might provide a site of resistance. This book was published as a special issue of Global Society.

Dynamics and Aerodynamics of Cables: ISDAC 2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #399)

by Vincenzo Gattulli Marco Lepidi Luca Martinelli

This volume gathers the latest advances, innovations and applications in the field of cable dynamics and aerodynamics, as presented by leading researchers and engineers at the 3rd International Symposium on Dynamics and Aerodynamics of Cables (ISDAC), held in Rome, Italy on June 15-17, 2023. The contributions encompass topics such as nonlinear cable dynamics, cable structures and moving cables, cable aging, fatigue, degradation and failure mechanisms, laboratory testing of cable dynamics and aerodynamics, computational models for cable dynamics and fluid-structure interaction, cable vibration control, cable driven parallel manipulators, monitoring of cable performance, environmental and anthropic loads on cable structures. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.

Pollen Chemistry & Biotechnology

by Nesrin Ecem Bayram Aleksandar Ž. Kostic Yusuf Can Gercek

Pollen is made up of many chemical constituents such as proteins, sugars, lipids, minerals and phytochemicals. These components make pollen products an excellent source of nutrients and antioxidants for consumers. However, mycotoxigenic fungi are also common in pollen, creating contamination from generated mycotoxins. With adequate monitoring, sampling, processing and storage of pollen the development of mycotoxins can be significantly prevented. Since pollen grain has strong membranes which can limit the bioavailability of some nutrients and phytochemicals, novel methods and pretreatments are required with special emphasis on microbiological pretreatment methodologies. Pollen Chemistry & Biotechnology summarizes current knowledge of the chemical composition of pollen, its importance as a functional food ingredient and its health promoting properties. As Introduction part a short elaborate about botanical characteristics and data, including morphology and anatomy of pollen and bee preferences, is given. Important factors such as the botanical and geographical origin, best practices for preservation of nutritional composition, bioactivity and safety of pollen are covered in full. The nutritional profile of pollen based on data for minerals, lipids and nutrients is presented. A detailed phytochemical profile of pollen based on data for phenolics, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins, bioactive compounds is also covered. Areas for the improvement of the bioavailability of different nutrients and bioactive compounds of pollen via applied pretreatments are presented, as are best practices for adequate pollen collection, procession and storage in order to obtain safe products. At the end, an overview about pollen bioactivity as reason to use it as source of pharmaceuticals is made.

Lokale Wissensregime der Migration: Akteur*innen, Praktiken, Ordnungen (Migrationsgesellschaften)

by Jan Lange Manuel Liebig Charlotte Räuchle

Der Band mit neun empirisch fundierten Beiträgen bietet erstmalig eine systematische Annäherung an lokale Wissensregime der Migration in verschiedenen Kommunen in Deutschland und weiteren europäischen Ländern. Die Beiträge eröffnen neue Perspektiven auf Migrationsregime: Sie zeigen anhand unterschiedlicher Fallbeispiele die Kontextgebundenheit und damit auch die Fluidität von lokalen Wissensregimen der Migration in zeitlicher und räumlicher Hinsicht auf. Dabei stellen sie heraus, dass Wissen eine zentrale Funktion in der Steuerung durch lokale Politik und Verwaltung einnimmt und legen offen, wer wie an der Aushandlung lokaler Migrations- und Integrationspolitiken beteiligt ist. Damit setzen die Autor*innen den Zusammenhang von Wissen und Macht in den Mittelpunkt ihres Interesses. Dieser Fokus entspringt der analytischen Motivation, (gegen-)hegemoniale Wissenspraktiken als Wegweiser zum Umgang mit Migration und städtischen Wirklichkeiten zu dekonstruieren.Die ZielgruppeZielgruppe des Sammelbands ist eine wissenschaftlich interessierte Leser*innenschaft, die sich in der interdisziplinären Migrationsforschung verortet.Besonders relevant ist der Band für die Leser*innen, die sich mit der Schnittstelle von Migration und Wissen auf lokaler Ebene in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit beschäftigen.

Data Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICDSA 2023, Volume 3 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #820)

by Satyasai Jagannath Nanda Rajendra Prasad Yadav Amir H. Gandomi Mukesh Saraswat

This book gathers outstanding papers presented at the International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2023), organized by Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS) and Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India, from 14 to 15 July 2023. The book is divided into four volumes, and it covers theoretical and empirical developments in various areas of big data analytics, big data technologies, decision tree learning, wireless communication, wireless sensor networking, bioinformatics and systems, artificial neural networks, deep learning, genetic algorithms, data mining, fuzzy logic, optimization algorithms, image processing, computational intelligence in civil engineering, and creative computing.

New Developments and Environmental Applications of Drones: Proceedings of FinDrones 2023

by Tomi Westerlund Jorge Peña Queralta

This volume presents the conference proceedings from FinDrones 2023. The book highlights recent drone technology developments by experts and academicians for applications in agriculture, forestry, and other industries. This iteration of FinDrones presents research using autonomous drones in various fields from environmental monitoring to farm robotics and from photogrammetry to search and rescue missions. Emphasis is placed on contextualizing the conference presentations and content to Finland and the unique challenges typical to the region. The work will interest academicians, entrepreneurs, and professionals involved in remote sensing applications of unmanned aerial vehicles and enthusiasts of drone technological developments.

Disorder-Specific Psychodrama Therapy in Theory and Practice (Psychodrama in Counselling, Coaching and Education #4)

by Reinhard T. Krüger

The open access book explains the practical approach in psychodrama with the help of multidisciplinary theories of self-development, mentalization, play, and psychosomatic resonance. These theories help to structure the therapeutic experiences of Moreno and other psychodramatists and to compare them with experiences and theories of other psychotherapy methods. Against this background, the author develops models of a disorder-specific psychodrama therapy for people with personality disorders, borderline organization, trauma disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression, grief reactions, suicidal crises, masochism, psychoses, addiction disorders, eating disorders, and behavioral addictions. The therapy models convey a deep understanding of these disorders and sometimes open up new ways of treatment. They can be used both in individual and in group therapy. The methods are explained with the help of more than 120 case examples. The theoretical explanation makes the psychodramatic action methods accessible and applicable to therapists from other schools of therapy as well as in counseling and coaching. This makes the practical work therapeutically more effective and creative.This is an open access book.

The Professional Development of Teacher Educators

by Tony Bates Anja Swennen Ken Jones

This book makes a significant contribution to a hitherto much neglected area. The book brings together a wide range of papers on a scale rarely seen with a geographic spread that enhances our understanding of the complex journey undertaken by those who aspire to become teachers of teachers. The authors, from more than ten countries, use a variety of approaches including narrative/life history, self-study and empirical research to demonstrate the complexity of the transformative search by individuals to establish their professional identity as teacher educators. The book offers fundamental and thoughtful critiques of current policy, practice and examples of established structures specifically supporting the professional development of teacher educators that may well have a wider applicability. Many of the authors are active and leading persons in the international fields of teacher education and of professional development. The book considers: Becoming a teacher is recognised as a transformative search by individuals for their teaching identities. Becoming a teacher educator often involves a more complex and longer journey but, according to the many travel stories told here, one that can be a deeply satisfying experience. This book was published as a special issue of Professional Development in Education.

The Applied Economics of Transport

by Mark P. Taylor

This book provides an introduction and overview to nine applied financial studies on the theme of transport. The studies cover a wide range of topics, from value based trading of real assets in shipping, to the determinants of efficiency and productivity in European railways, to the market for used cars. The studies employ a variety of applied techniques across a range of countries, analysing a range of different modes of transport. This book was originally published as a special issue of Applied Economics.

Sport in Australian National Identity: Kicking Goals (Sport In The Global Society - Contemporary Perspectives Ser.)

by Tony Ward

For many Australians, there are two great passions: sport and ‘taking the piss’. This book is about national identity – and especially about Australia’s image as a sporting country. Whether reverent or not, any successful national image has to reflect something about the reality of the country. But it is also influenced by the reasons that people have for encouraging particular images – and by the conflicts between differing views of national identity, and of sport. Buffeted by these elements, both the extent of Australian sports madness and the level of stirring have varied considerably over time. While many refer to long-lasting factors, such as the amount of sunshine, this book argues that the ebb and flow of sporting images are strongly linked to current views of national identity. Starting from Archer’s win in the first Melbourne Cup in 1861, it traces the importance of trade unions in the formation of Australian Rules, the success of a small rural town in holding one of the world’s foremost running races, and the win-from-behind of a fat arsed wombat knocking off the official mascots of Sydney 2000. This book was based on a special issue of Soccer and Society.

The External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs: A Different Security Agenda For The European Union? (Journal Of European Integration Special Issues Ser.)

by Sarah Wolff, Nicole Wichmann and Gregory Mounier

This book proposes to cast some theoretical and empirical light upon the external dimension of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) which has become a priority in the European Union (EU)’s external relations. Counter-terrorism, visa policy, drug trafficking, organized crime or border controls have indeed become daily business in EU’s relations with the rest of the world. The external dimension of JHA is a persistent policy objective of the EU and its member states, as the 1999 Tampere summit conclusions, the 2000 Coreper report, the 2005 Strategy for the External Dimension of JHA, and the integration of JHA chapters under the European Neighbourhood Policy testify. With an interdisciplinary ambition in mind, this book reflects an attempt to draw together theoretical and empirical insights on the external dimension written by academic scholars that take an interest in questions of JHA and European Foreign Policy (EFP). It does so from an issue-oriented perspective (civilian crisis management, the European Neighbourhood Policy, counter-terrorism policy, visa policy, passenger name record) but also from a geographical perspective with in-depth analysis of the situation in the Western Balkans, Georgia, transatlantic relations and of the Mediterranean neighbourhood. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of European Integration.

The European Union as a Global Regulator? (Journal Of European Public Policy Ser.)

by Alasdair Young

The European Union is often depicted as a dominant global regulator. The purpose of this volume is to move beyond establishing that the EU influences global regulation to being to identify under what conditions it exerts that influence. Toward that end, it focuses on the EU's active efforts, both bilateral and multilateral, to shape regulations beyond its borders. The empirical chapters in this volume are explicitly comparative, among foreign partners, across international contexts, over time, and across issues. The more conceptual contributions posit an explanation for the EU’s choice of regulatory cooperation strategy and take stock of Market Power Europe as a dynamic conceptual framework for understanding and researching the EU as a power. Collectively, this volume advances three arguments: the utility of the EU’s regulatory power resources is context specific; debates about what kind of power the EU is, at least as currently conceived, are unproductive; and that the EU’s engagement in the world is better explained through general theories of international political economy. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.

Heritage and Community Engagement: Collaboration Or Contestation?

by Emma Waterton Steve Watson

This book is about the way that professionals in archaeology and in other sectors of heritage interact with a range of stakeholder groups, communities and the wider public. Whilst these issues have been researched and discussed over many years and in many geographical contexts, the debate seems to have settled into a comfortable stasis wherein it is assumed that all that can be done by way of engagement has been done and there is little left to achieve. In some cases, such engagement is built on legislation or codes of ethics and there can be little doubt that it is an important and significant aspect of heritage policy. This book is different, however, because it questions not so much the motivations of heritage professionals but the nature of the engagement itself, the extent to which this is collaborative or contested and the implications this has for the communities concerned. Furthermore, in exploring these issues in a variety of contexts around the world, it recognises that heritage provides a source of engagement within communities that is separate from professional discourse and can thus enable them to find voices of their own in the political processes that concern them and affect their development, identity and well-being. This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Heritage Studies.

Executive Leadership and Legislative Assemblies (Library Of Legislative Studies)

by Nicholas D. J. Baldwin

The relationship between a head of government (head of the executive branch) and a nation's parliament or legislative assembly (the legislative branch) has long been the focus for comment and analysis - for example, has the prime minister in the United Kingdom come to a position of dominance at the expense of the power of parliament? Does the American president stand head and shoulders above Congress? Is a French president master of the system? Need the Russian president pay attention to the Duma? What of the position in other parliamentary and presidential systems?In this book, Baldwin seeks to provide answers, and does so by drawing upon the knowledge and expertise of an international group of scholars whose essays advance our knowledge of the subject.This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Legislative Studies.

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